Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs. Nvp (nvs) - what is it? list of drugs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: a list of NSAIDs for the treatment of joints


It is difficult to find a person who does not have a toothache, does not have a fever, and how many patients suffer from diseases of the joints, pain in the spine ... Doctors in such cases prescribe anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. Medicines of this group reduce pain, lower the temperature, relieve inflammation. They are used in many areas of medicine: therapy, orthopedics, gynecology. Among them are familiar to all "Analgin" and "Aspirin". Let's look at what non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are and how they affect the body.

Mechanism of action of NSAIDs

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs) are used in the treatment of: colds, spinal hernia, arthritis and arthrosis. The mechanism of action is based on the fact that their constituent components:

  • inhibit any inflammatory processes;
  • reduce puffiness;
  • reduce pain in any disease;
  • are antipyretic;
  • thin the blood.

It should be noted that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have many contraindications. They strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, causing bleeding, ulcers. In addition, they help thin the blood. Therefore, they are not recommended to take:

  • with diseases of the stomach, duodenum;
  • in case of poor blood clotting;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with allergies to the components of the drug.
  • during an exacerbation of hypertension;
  • with diseases of the kidneys, liver.

Classification of drugs

When getting acquainted with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs), it is important to know:

  1. By the strength of pain relief, they are similar to narcotic drugs, but are not addictive.
  2. They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, but are not hormonal (steroid) drugs and do not lead to diseases associated with their use.
  3. According to the effect on the body, they are divided into two groups: selective, non-selective. Both are widely used in medicine, but require the use strictly prescribed by a doctor.


Selective NSAIDs differ in that they have a local selective effect on the inflamed area. They do not irritate and do not destroy the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, they are produced in different forms. These drugs include:

  • "Nise". Tablets, ampoules, gel. Used for inflammation of the ligaments, after operations in gynecology, with toothache in dentistry.
  • Movalis. Injections, tablets, suppositories for the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis.
  • "Celecoxib". Capsules for inflammation of the joints, bones.
  • "Paracetamol". Tablets, as an antipyretic for colds, fever.


The peculiarity of non-selective NSAIDs is that they inhibit inflammatory processes, while affecting the gastric and duodenal mucosa. They are among the most powerful drugs in the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, their dosage and use must be agreed with the doctor. Among these drugs:

  • "Diclofenac" in the form of tablets, ointments, injections.
  • "Ibuprofen". Recommended for use by pregnant women.
  • "Indomethacin". It works effectively, but affects the gastric mucosa.
  • "Ketoprofen". Several times stronger than ibuprofen, has contraindications.

Main Effects

What are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? These are medical drugs that greatly facilitate the life of a patient with diseases of the joints and spine. Help with colds, fever, lowering the temperature. They improve the condition after operations, change the quality of life in arthritis, arthrosis. The action is based on the fact that the substances in their composition have a pronounced analgesic effect. Most importantly, NSAIDs actively inhibit inflammatory processes anywhere in the body. In addition, they are antipyretic and blood thinners.


The use of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs has become widespread in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Here osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of connective tissues, radiculitis. In the acute form, treatment begins with injections, then tablets are prescribed, and anti-inflammatory ointments and gels are used externally. Assign "Diclofenac" (trade name "Voltaren", "Ortofen"), "Viprosal", "Bystrumgel". The main point in the use of funds is the presence of a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.


Who has not taken Aspirin at elevated temperature? Together with Ibuprofen, Nise, Paracetamol, this is a group of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs with an antipyretic effect. They have proven themselves in the treatment of colds, fevers. Gives good results to reduce the temperature of "Diclofenac", "Ketanov", "Analgin". In case of influenza, they are prescribed together with the antiviral drug Aziltomirin. To alleviate the patient's condition, they are often taken in the form of tablets or suppositories.


Severe back pain, migraine, neuralgia, often do not give the patient rest day or night. Difficulty sleeping when teeth hurt or an acute attack of gout occurs. Renal colic, conditions after surgery, lumbago, sciatica, trauma - all require the use of NSAIDs for pain relief. They are used in the form of injections, tablets and ointments. Excellent performance in drugs such as "Nise", "Naproxen", "Ketonal", "Ketanov". They help with headache, toothache, joint pain.

Indications for use

Groups of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for all kinds of diseases. It is difficult to imagine a field of medicine where they are not used. It is important not to self-medicate, but to use them only as directed by a doctor. In this case, you must follow the rules for admission:

  • read the instructions;
  • Take tablets, capsules with plenty of water.
  • exclude the use of alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • do not lie down after taking the capsule for better passage;
  • do not take several NSAIDs at the same time.

Orthopedists, traumatologists use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs along with chondroprotectors to treat joints. They relieve swelling, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, allow you to move, improve the quality of life. First, injections are prescribed, then tablets and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments. "Indomethacin", "Flexen", "Nimesulide" showed themselves well in the treatment of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • coxarthrosis of the hip joints;
  • hernia of the spine;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout.

In gynecology, these drugs are used to reduce monthly menstrual pain, alleviate the condition after surgery, and reduce fever in case of complications. In obstetrics, the use of a drug such as "Indomethacin" helps to relax the muscles of the uterus. Drugs are used as painkillers in procedures for removing the intrauterine device, endometrial biopsy. They help with diseases of the uterus, genital organs. It is important to remember that their use poses a danger to the intestines, causing ulcers, bleeding, and do not self-medicate.

Prescribe drugs for colds with fever, neuralgia, dental inflammation, pain. Sports injuries, renal colic - all are indications for the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Due to the property of NSAIDs to thin the blood, they are used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, as antithrombotic drugs that reduce the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels. In ophthalmology, drugs are used for inflammation of the choroid, and as an antiallergic for conjunctivitis.

For adults

Adult patients should not self-medicate. It is necessary to undergo an examination so that the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes the necessary funds. It is important to take into account the age of the patient, allergic reactions to drugs. Many drugs have a huge number of contraindications for diseases. Pregnant women and the elderly should be wary of the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not take multiple medications at the same time. Only a doctor will prescribe the right remedy and give a scheme for its use.

When treating adults with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it must be taken into account that each of the drugs has its own duration of action. Depending on your disease, condition, you will be prescribed the use of medicines three times a day or one. There are 3 duration groups:

  1. A short. It lasts from two to eight hours. Preparations: "Ibuprofen", "Voltaren", "Ortofen".
  2. Average. Valid from ten to twenty hours. Medications: Naproxen, Sulindak.
  3. Long. Duration of the day. The drug "Celecoxib".

For kids

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be used with caution in children. Many drugs have unequivocal strict contraindications. Some drugs are age-restricted. For example, Aspirin is not prescribed until the age of 16. Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are considered completely safe for a child. Pediatricians prescribe them even to infants from 3 months. Apply at a time when children have a cold, fever, teething. Since it is difficult for a small child to drink medicine, it is prescribed in the form of candles.

List of new generation non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are not recommended for long-term use due to numerous side effects. Modern pharmacology has developed a group of drugs that are safe when taken continuously. NSAIDs of the new generation do not cause complications, do not have dangerous contraindications. They act gently and selectively. These drugs include:

  1. "Nimesulide". Reduces fever, treats back pain.
  2. "Celecoxib". Helps with osteochondrosis, arthrosis.
  3. Movalis. Assign against inflammation, with pain in the spine, joints.
  4. "Xephocam". Strong pain reliever, non-addictive.

The peculiarity of the action of new generation non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is that they do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, do not cause bleeding, ulcers. They act only on the inflamed, sore spot. In addition, they do not destroy cartilage tissue. These funds are used for outpatient treatment, in a hospital setting. Side effects include:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • increase in pressure;
  • shortness of breath
  • fatigue;
  • indigestion;
  • allergy.

Side effects

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are used in many areas of medicine, but you need to be very careful about their use. This should be done only on the recommendation of the doctor who examined you, because there are side effects:

  1. The occurrence of ulcers and bleeding in the stomach, duodenum.
  2. Impaired kidney function.
  3. Problems with blood clotting.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. The appearance of tissue necrosis during injections.
  6. Liver damage.
  7. Hearing and vision problems.
  8. Dizziness, fainting.
  9. Destruction of intra-articular cartilage.

Video about diseases in which NSAIDs are used

Watch the video and you will learn how to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You will clearly see how they act on the inflamed area. You will learn how to avoid serious complications from the use of these drugs. Why it is strictly forbidden to drink them with carbonated drinks, and what food should be excluded from the diet during treatment.

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Only in isolated cases, diseases are not accompanied by inflammation - a widespread pathological process, a kind of reaction of the human body, the occurrence of which is aimed at identifying, destroying or removing a pathogenic agent. Inflammation is the result of damage to tissue cells by toxins, microflora, physical or chemical agents. So how to deal with the foci of inflammation that occur as the disease progresses? How to restore a person's health and well-being? The optimal solution for diseases accompanied by inflammation are anti-inflammatory drugs.

Their medicinal action is aimed at suppressing the proliferative and exudative phases of inflammation, which is carried out by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. Anti-inflammatory drugs contribute to the inhibition of cyclooxygenase activity, inhibition of the production of mediators, lowering the levels of histamine, serotonin and bradykinin, as well as stabilizing cell membranes and increasing the perception threshold of pain receptors.

Anti-inflammatory effect have drugs that belong to different pharmacological groups. They find application in therapeutic practice in a wide range of inflammatory diseases and reactions. To date, there are two main groups of anti-inflammatory drugs: glucocorticoids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Glucocorticoids - what is it?

are steroid hormones that are synthesized by the adrenal cortex. They, like their synthetic counterparts, are used not only for the treatment of diseases accompanied by inflammation, but also for adrenal insufficiency. Glucocorticoids inhibit the release of platelet activating factor from cell membranes and arachidonic acid, causing protein anabolism in the liver as well as catabolism in other tissues. This group of drugs promotes the redistribution of subcutaneous fat. When taking these medications, fat begins to accumulate mainly in the abdomen, face and shoulder girdle.

One of the important functions of glucocorticoids, for which this group of drugs has become widespread in medicine, is their unique ability to suppress inflammation. The implementation of this action is carried out by inhibiting the enzyme A2 phosphorylase, as well as due to the suppression of the synthesis of leukotrienes and prostaglandins. Another ability of such medicines is to curb the development of allergic reactions. This effect is due to a decrease in the number of circulating basophils and a decrease in the concentration of inflammatory mediators.

Among the most prominent representatives of this group of medicines, the following medicines can be distinguished: Lemod, Decadron, Akortin, Metipred, Kenakort and others.

Indications and contraindications for the use of glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids can be used as replacement therapy for adrenal insufficiency. Doctors recommend their use in situations such as:

  • shock conditions;
  • asthma attacks;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dermatoses, etc.

Please note that glucocorticoids, like any medication, have contraindications for use. In no case should you take this group of drugs if you have tuberculosis, are susceptible to viral or fungal infections. Moreover, refuse treatment with glucocorticoids in case of individual intolerance to these medicines or their components.

If you misuse these anti-inflammatory drugs, you may experience the following side effects:

  1. arterial hypertension;
  2. pain in the spine;
  3. puffiness;
  4. arrhythmia;
  5. ulcers of the duodenum and stomach;
  6. mental disorders;
  7. weight changes.

If these anti-inflammatory drugs are applied topically over a long period of time, then at the points of their application, susceptibility to infections increases significantly. In other words, inhaled glucocorticoids in some cases entail fungal diseases of the nose and mouth.

How to take glucocorticoids correctly?

Doctors recommend taking glucocorticoids in pill form. Intravenous administration of these hormonal drugs is allowed only in emergency situations. Intramuscular administration of glucocorticoids is prescribed very rarely, as it causes the development of atrophy of adipose tissue and muscles at the injection site.

Hormonal anti-inflammatory pills are used for a short period of time when it comes to emergency conditions: shock, systemic allergic manifestations, etc. In this case, glucocorticoids are administered once and in maximum doses. With prolonged use of this group of drugs, it is necessary to adapt to the physiological daily rhythm of their synthesis. The daily dosage is divided into three doses, two of which should be done in the morning, and the rest in the evening. As a rule, initially glucocorticoids are prescribed in an average dosage, and then the doctor, analyzing the reaction of the patient's body, adjusts the treatment regimen.

Very important! Long-term use of hormones of the adrenal cortex is accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of its own hormones, which, in the event of a sudden withdrawal of these drugs, can provoke adrenal insufficiency. The correct cancellation of such drugs is based on a gradual decrease in dosage by 2.5 - 5 mg. in Week. It is believed that the longer the therapy with glucocorticoids was carried out, the slower they should be canceled.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a group of the most popular drugs that are widely used in pharmaceutical practice. According to statistics, about 30 million people in the world take this group of medicines every year. These anti-inflammatory drugs gained popularity due to their unique properties: eliminating inflammation, reducing pain and providing an antipyretic effect. Paracetamol, Citramon, Ketanov, Voltaren, Aspirin, Indomethacin are the most famous representatives of NSAIDs.

The action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is to block certain enzymes that contribute to the formation of biologically active substances responsible for the inflammatory response. This group of medicines is used to eliminate elevated body temperature, reduce inflammation and pain. As a rule, doctors prescribe it for:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • colds;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • renal and hepatic colic.

Remember that anti-inflammatory drugs also have contraindications for use. You can not take them with stomach ulcers, during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Moreover, this group of medicines is forbidden to be used by people with hypersensitivity to these drugs.

Anti-inflammatory children should be given in diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes, fever, inflammation of the lymph nodes, swelling, pain and other similar phenomena. Anti-inflammatory drugs for children are prescribed exclusively by a medical specialist, depending on the type of disease and the individual characteristics of the child's body. At the same time, it is very important that parents do not show excessive independence during treatment, but strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. Improper use of such medicines can cause visual and hearing impairment, allergic manifestations, stomach irritation, internal bleeding and other dangerous phenomena in a child.

Typically, doctors prescribe the following anti-inflammatory drugs for children: Aspirin, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, and Mefenamic acid.

Below is a list of popular anti-inflammatory drugs, instructions for which are available on our website. Just follow the link in the list for instructions and recommendations for the use of this drug.

The inflammatory process is, in general, the body's natural response to an attempt to introduce foreign microorganisms into it. Thus, the lesion is limited and the infectious agent is destroyed. But the body is not always able to cope with the disease. In order not to lead to significant damage to organs and tissues, when their functions may even be impaired, anti-inflammatory drugs are often used. Without them, you can do with the effectiveness of etiotropic treatment. If we are talking about the chronic course of a systemic inflammatory disease of the connective tissue, and there is a danger of the patient becoming disabled, then the use of anti-inflammatory drugs as early as possible is simply necessary.

All anti-inflammatory pills are divided into three main categories: steroid, non-steroid and slow-acting.


These include Initially, these were: cortisone and hydrocortisone, obtained from the adrenal glands. Now a number of these drugs have been replenished with synthetic drugs: prednisolone, methylprednisolone, fluorinated derivatives - dexamethasone, triamcinolone, flumethasone, betamethasone. Steroids actively inhibit phospholipase A2, which is why they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Indications for the use of steroids are all forms of active rheumatism. Treatment is long, up to 2 months, often combined with non-steroidal drugs.

Means of slow action

These anti-inflammatory tablets are used to treat systemic lesions of rheumatoid arthritis. These are basic treatment drugs with a slow effect that manifests itself within a few months. These include hingamin (delagil, chloroquine), penicillinamine, cytostatics, etc.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

This group is the most common. tablets also have antipyretic and analgesic effects. A wide range of action and high efficiency provided them with great popularity. More than 30 million people around the world take drugs of this group every day, almost half of them are over the age of 60 years. Many people buy drugs from pharmacies without a prescription.

NSAIDs are divided into groups depending on the chemical structure and nature of action. The first includes anti-inflammatory pills of high efficiency. These are salicylates (among them the well-known aspirin), pyrazolidines (phenylbutazone), derivatives of indolacetic (indomethacin, sulindac) and phenylacetic (diclofenac) acids, oxicam (piroxicam, etc.), derivatives (ibuprofen, ketaprofen, naproxen, etc.) . This group also includes some non-acid derivatives, for example, alkanones (namubetone), sulfonamide derivatives (nimesulide, rofecoxib).

The drugs of the second group have a weak anti-inflammatory activity. By the way, the popular paracetamol belongs to them.

The action of NSAIDs is based on the inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) - an enzyme involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins. The latter are modulators of the inflammatory process, produce the onset of pain and sudden temperature jumps (fever).

NSAIDs have many side effects, but recently new generation drugs (meloxicam, tenoxicam, nabumeton, solpaflex) have begun to appear that selectively inhibit prostaglandins, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of unpleasant complications. Knowing the many severe side effects that many antibiotics have, anti-inflammatory drugs are often preferred when given the choice.

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Inflammatory reactions- these are universal protective and adaptive reactions to the impact of various exogenous and endogenous damaging factors (microorganisms, chemical agents, physical effects, etc.), which play an important role in the pathogenesis of most diseases of the maxillofacial region (periodontitis, alveolitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis, acute herpetic gingivostomatitis, etc.). This process is initiated and maintained by endogenous biologically active substances (prostaglandins, thromboxane, prostacyclin, leukotrienes, histamine, interleukins (IL), NO, kinins), which are produced in the focus of inflammation.

Despite the fact that inflammation is a protective reaction, the excessive severity of this process can disrupt the functions of organs and tissues, which requires appropriate treatment. The specificity of the pharmacological regulation of this process depends on the characteristics of the etiology, pathogenesis and severity of individual phases of inflammation in a given patient, the presence of concomitant pathology.

In dental practice, anti-inflammatory drugs of local and resorptive action are used (astringents, enzymes, vitamins, steroids and NSAIDs, dimexide, calcium salts, heparin ointment, etc.), which differ significantly in the mechanism of action, chemical structure, physicochemical properties, pharmacokinetics. , pharmacodynamics, as well as the effect on certain phases of inflammatory reactions. Despite the presence in the arsenal of a dentist of a large number of drugs of various directions of action, the main drugs used to obtain anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are NSAIDs, the effect of which is manifested not only with a resorptive action, but also with topical application.

The use of enzymes in medicine (enzyme therapy) is based on their selective effect on certain tissues. Enzyme preparations cause hydrolysis of proteins, polynucleotides and mucopolysaccharides, resulting in liquefaction of pus, mucus and other products of inflammatory origin. In dental practice, proteases, nucleases and lyases are most commonly used.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and non-narcotic analgesics

Index of drug descriptions

Acetylsalicylic acid
Metamizole sodium

INN is missing
  • Holisal
The widespread use of NSAIDs in dentistry is due to the spectrum of their pharmacological activity, which includes anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, and antiplatelet effects. This allows the use of NSAIDs in the complex therapy of inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial area, for drug preparation of patients before performing traumatic interventions, as well as to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation after they are performed. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of NSAIDs has been proven in numerous controlled trials that meet the standards of "evidence-based medicine".

The range of NSAIDs currently used in medical practice is extremely wide: from traditional groups of salicylic acid derivatives (acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and pyrazolone (phenylbutazone (butadione)) to modern drugs derived from a number of organic acids: anthranilic acid - mefenamic acid and flufenamic acid; indolacetic - indomethacin (methindol), phenylacetic - diclofenac (ortofen, voltaren, etc.), phenylpropionic - ibuprofen (brufen), propionic - ketoprofen (artrosilene, OKI, ketonal), naproxen (naprosin), heteroaryl acetic - ketorolac (ketalgin, ketanov, ketorol) and oxicam derivatives (piroxicam (pyroxifer, hotemin), lornoxicam (xefocam), meloxicam (movalis).

NSAIDs have the same type of effects, but their severity in drugs of different groups varies significantly. So, paracetamol has a central analgesic and antipyretic effect, and its anti-inflammatory effect is not pronounced. In recent years, drugs with powerful analgesic potential have appeared, comparable in activity to tramadol (tramal), such as ketorolac, ketoprofen and lornoxicam. Their high efficiency in severe pain syndrome of various localization allows wider use of NSAIDs in the preoperative preparation of patients.

NSAIDs have also been created for topical use (based on ketoprofen, choline salicylate and phenylbutazone). Since the anti-inflammatory effect is associated with the blockade of cyclooxygenase (COX) COX-2, and many side effects are associated with the blockade of COX-1, NSAIDs have been created that predominantly block COX-2 (meloxicam, nimesulide, celecoxib, etc.), which are better tolerated, especially risk group patients with a history of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma, kidney damage, blood clotting disorders.

Mechanism of action and pharmacological effects

NSAIDs inhibit COX, a key enzyme in the metabolism of arachidonic acid, which regulates its conversion to prostaglandins (PG), prostacyclin (PGI2) and thromboxane TxA2. PGs are involved in the processes of pain, inflammation and fever. By inhibiting their synthesis, NSAIDs reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors to bradykinin, reduce tissue swelling in the focus of inflammation, thereby weakening the mechanical pressure on nociceptors.

In recent years, it has been shown that the prevention of activation of immunocompetent cells in the early stages of inflammation is important in the anti-inflammatory effect of these drugs. NSAIDs increase the content of intracellular Ca2+ in T-lymphocytes, which contributes to their proliferation, the synthesis of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and the suppression of neutrophil activation. A relationship was established between the severity of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the maxillofacial region and changes in the content of arachidonic acid, PG, especially PGE2 and PGF2a, lipid peroxidation products, IL-1β and cyclic nucleotides. The use of NSAIDs under these conditions reduces the severity of hyperergic inflammation, swelling, pain, and the degree of tissue destruction. NSAIDs act primarily on two phases of inflammation: the exudation phase and the proliferation phase.

The analgesic effect of NSAIDs is especially pronounced in inflammatory pain, which is due to a decrease in exudation, prevention of the development of hyperalgesia, and a decrease in the sensitivity of pain receptors to pain mediators. Analgesic activity is higher in NSAIDs, solutions of which have a neutral pH. They accumulate less in the focus of inflammation, penetrate the BBB faster, affect the thalamic centers of pain sensitivity, suppressing COX in the central nervous system. NSAIDs reduce the level of PG in the brain structures involved in the conduction of pain impulses, but do not affect the mental component of pain and its assessment.

The antipyretic effect of NSAIDs is mainly associated with an increase in heat transfer and manifests itself only at elevated temperatures. This is due to inhibition of PGE1 synthesis in the CNS and inhibition of their activating effect on the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus.

The inhibition of platelet aggregation is due to the blockade of COX and inhibition of the synthesis of thromboxane A2. With prolonged use of NSAIDs, a desensitizing effect develops, which is due to a decrease in the formation of PGE2 in the focus of inflammation and leukocytes, inhibition of blast transformation of lymphocytes, a decrease in the chemotactic activity of monocytes, T-lymphocytes, eosinophils, and polymorphonuclear neutrophils. PGs are involved not only in the implementation of inflammatory reactions. They are necessary for the normal course of physiological processes, perform a gastroprotective function, regulate renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, and platelet aggregation.

There are two isoforms of COX. COX-1 is an enzyme that is constantly present in most cells and is necessary for the formation of PG involved in the regulation of homeostasis and affecting trophism and functional activity of cells, and COX-2 is an enzyme that is normally found only in some organs (brain, kidneys, bones, female reproductive system). The process of inflammation induces the production of COX-2. The blockade of COX-2 determines the presence of anti-inflammatory activity in drugs, and most of the side effects of NSAIDs are associated with the suppression of COX-1 activity.


Most NSAIDs are weak organic acids with a low pH. When taken orally, they have a high degree of absorption and bioavailability. NSAIDs bind well to plasma proteins (80-99%). With hypoalbuminemia, the concentration of free fractions of NSAIDs in the blood plasma increases, as a result of which the activity and toxicity of drugs increase.

NSAIDs have approximately the same volume of distribution. They are metabolized in the liver with the formation of inactive metabolites (with the exception of phenylbutazone), and are eliminated by the kidneys. NSAIDs are more rapidly excreted in alkaline urine. Some NSAIDs (indomethacin, ibuprofen, naproxen) are excreted by 10-20% unchanged, and therefore, with kidney disease, their concentration in the blood may change. T1 / 2 in different drugs in this group varies significantly. To drugs with a short T1 / 2 (1-6 hours) include acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, etc., to drugs with a long T1 / 2 (more than 6 hours) - naproxen, piroxicam, phenylbutazone, etc. The pharmacokinetics of NSAIDs may be affected by liver and kidney function, as well as the age of the patient.

Place in therapy

In dental practice, NSAIDs are widely used for inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region and oral mucosa, inflammatory edema after trauma, surgery, pain syndrome, arthrosis and arthritis of the temporomandibular joint, myofascial pain syndrome of the maxillofacial region, neuritis, neuralgia, postoperative pain, fever.

Tolerability and side effects

NSAIDs are widely and uncontrolledly used as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drugs, while their potential toxicity is not always taken into account, especially in patients at risk with a history of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, bronchial asthma and predisposed to allergic reactions.

When using NSAIDs, especially coursework, complications from many systems and organs are possible.

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, epigastric pain, constipation, diarrhea, ulcerogenic effect, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastroesophageal reflux, cholestasis, hepatitis, jaundice.
  • From the side of the central nervous system and sensory organs: headache, dizziness, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, tinnitus, hearing loss, impaired sensitivity, hallucinations, convulsions, retinopathy, keratopathy, optic neuritis.
  • Hematological reactions: leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis.
  • From the urinary system: interstitial nephropathy,
  • swelling.
  • Allergic reactions: bronchospasm, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), allergic purpura, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.
  • From the skin and subcutaneous fat: rash, bullous eruptions, erythema multiforme, erythroderma (exfoliative dermatitis), alopecia, photosensitivity, toxicoderma.
The most common complications associated with COX-1 inhibition (gastrointestinal lesions, impaired renal function and platelet aggregation, effects on the circulatory system).


  • Hypersensitivity to drugs of this group.
  • Course therapy of NSAIDs is contraindicated:
- with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- with leukopenia;
- with severe damage to the kidneys and liver;
- in the first trimester of pregnancy;
- during lactation;
- children under 6 years old (meloxicam - up to 15 years old, ketorolac - up to 16 years old).


NSAIDs should be used with caution in patients with bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension and heart failure. Elderly patients are advised to prescribe low doses and short courses of NSAIDs.


When taken together with anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and fibrinolytics, the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding increases. When combined with β-blockers or angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, the antihypertensive effect may decrease. NSAIDs increase the side effects of corticosteroids and estrogens. Deterioration of kidney function can be observed when NSAIDs are combined with potassium-sparing diuretics (triamterene), ACE inhibitors, cyclosporine. The combination of paracetamol with barbiturates, anticonvulsants and ethyl alcohol increases the risk of a hepatotoxic state. The use of paracetamol in conjunction with ethanol contributes to the development of acute pancreatitis.

Examples of TN NSAIDs and non-narcotic analgesics registered in the Russian Federation


Acetylsalicylic acid


tantum verde


Voltaren, Diclobene, Naklofen, Ortofen


Brufen, Nurofen




Artrosilene, Ketonal, OKI


Ketalgin, Ketanov, Ketorol




Metamizole sodium



Aulin, Nise, Nimesil, Novolid, Flolid









G.M. Barer, E.V. Zoryan

Anti-inflammatory for colds are used if the disease has developed, and traditional remedies no longer help. What exactly are the drugs, read on.


"Nurofen" refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs.

The action of the drug is to block the formation of substances that support inflammatory reactions in the body. Able to influence the immune system, increase the level of protection of the body. It is one of the best anti-inflammatory drugs.

The drug has such an effect due to ibuprofen, which reduces vascular permeability, improves microcirculation, reduces the release of inflammatory mediators from cells, and suppresses the energy supply of inflammatory processes.

Nurofen is taken orally. It is recommended to use a short period and small doses. The duration of use is determined by the attending physician.

"Nurofen" should not be given to children who do not tolerate ibuprofen, as well as other excipients that are part of the drug. It is not recommended to prescribe to patients who have stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as to patients with problems with the heart, liver and kidneys.


"Aspirin" is a non-steroidal agent that is used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic for colds when the temperature is elevated. Also to relieve pain in muscles and joints.

The active substance in Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. When this substance comes into contact with inflammation, they are neutralized.

"Aspirin" drink in tablets. For anti-inflammatory action, the dose of application is prescribed more. All dosages of the drug are prescribed by the attending physician. The tool can not be used for erosive and ulcerative exacerbations, bronchial asthma.


"Analgin" is a drug that is widely used for the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases. Rapidly absorbed into the blood. It has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

The active substance in the product is metamizole sodium.

The agent is used orally in tablets, intravenously and intramuscularly in the form of a solution or rectally in the form of capsules. Doses for intravenous or intramuscular use are prescribed by the attending physician. For rectal use, there are separate suppositories for adults and children. The dosage of the medicine depends on the nature of the disease.

Contraindicated if the patient has hypersensitivity, aspirin asthma, impaired kidney and liver function, as well as hematopoiesis.


"Paracetamol" is a drug that has an antiseptic and slight anti-inflammatory effect. Affects the centers of pain and thermoregulation.

The tool is available in tablets, capsules, soluble tablets, in the form of syrup and rectal suppositories. It is applied with plenty of water 1-2 hours after eating. Adults drink 4 times a day. The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 4 g. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. In patients with impaired liver and kidney function, the dose of the drug should be reduced.

Do not use in patients who are sensitive to paracetamol. It is forbidden to give to patients suffering from hepatic and renal insufficiency. It is contraindicated to use the suppository rectally if the patient has inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.


"Amiksin" - a drug that has an antiviral effect, effectively destroys the bacteria and viruses that caused the common cold. Stimulates the growth of stem cells. Surpasses other means on safety and the received effect.

The drug is used after a meal. The duration of drug treatment depends on the nature and complexity of the disease.

The remedy is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children under 7 years of age, patients who have hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.


"Kagocel" is an antiviral drug that has an immunostimulating effect. Most often, the remedy is used to treat influenza. Stimulates the production of its own proteins in the body, which have a strong antiviral effect.

"Kagocel" is taken orally, swallowed with plenty of liquid. Tablets are recommended not to be chewed, not crushed.

Do not use in patients with hypersensitivity to the drug, hereditary intolerance to galactose. Patients with malabsorption of glucose-galactose. Contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation. Do not give to children under 6 years of age.


"Cycloferon" is an antiviral, immunostimulating agent. Effective against acute respiratory diseases.

Active substances suppress pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

"Cycloferon" is taken 1 time per day half an hour before meals with water. The tablet is not chewed or crushed. For taking the drug, patients with hepatitis or HIV use other dosages and schedules. The number of tablets that are taken at a time is specified by the attending physician.

"Cycloferon" should not be taken by patients who have an allergic reaction to this drug. Also contraindicated in patients with cirrhosis of the liver and women during pregnancy and lactation.


"Amizon" refers to non-steroidal, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs. Has an immunomodulatory effect. "Amizon" normalizes metabolism in the focus of inflammation and weakens vascular reactions. Strengthens the body's immunity, which allows you to better fight colds. It is prescribed to fight the flu, other colds. It is also used in the treatment of infectious and diseases that patients have been suffering from for a long period.

The drug is used after meals, without chewing. Treatment lasts an average of 5 to 7 days. Dosages are determined by the attending physician.

Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to iodine, children under 6 years of age and women in the first trimester of pregnancy.


"Arbidol" is an antiviral drug that increases the body's resistance to viruses, strengthening the immune system. It is used to treat flu and colds in mild forms. Reduces the risk of complications of viral infections and exacerbation of chronic bacterial diseases. When applied, it reduces intoxication and the duration of the disease.

The drug is produced in tablets and capsules.

Must be taken orally before meals. The dosage varies depending on age, weight and disease.

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