Spotting discharge the day before menstruation. Normal discharge before menstruation. Monthly passed, daub began: what could it be

For many women, menstruation is accompanied by not very pleasant sensations: pain in the abdomen and lower back, slight dizziness and general malaise, rashes on the face, oily skin, swelling, etc. In addition, some are faced with such a phenomenon as daub.

Spotting is a scanty, spotty discharge from the vagina that can be seen 4 to 7 days before your period. In some cases, they occur right before menstruation.

Unfortunately, most girls believe that daubing is a natural process, and therefore there is no need to see a doctor. In fact, these secretions signal that not everything is in order in the body.

Why smears before menstruation

Women often go to the doctor if there is a malfunction in the menstrual cycle: menstruation is delayed or started ahead of time, lasts longer than usual, there are severe pains in the abdomen. However, few people complain that the discharge appeared out of time, and their color is not quite the same as it should be.

A daub before menstruation is safe only if it appears in 1-2 days and there is no burning and itching, the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and is not abundant. Why?

The fact is that before critical days, the uterine mucosa is especially vulnerable to infections. Excretions prevent infection.

The following are considered normal:

  • abundant transparent, protein-like eggs - before ovulation;
  • meager jelly-like - they are natural in the second half of the cycle;
  • intensifying jelly-like - 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation;
  • scarlet, ever-increasing daub - on the first day of menstruation.

You should consult a doctor if:

Daubing before menstruation is not a disease or pathology, but signals the likelihood of gynecological diseases.

So, for example, if white mucous discharge goes on for 4–5 days, then it is likely that the woman has erosion or inflammation of the cervix.

Causes of discharge 4 or more days before menstruation:

  • thrush;
  • endocervicitis and cervicitis;
  • pathological processes in the uterus, oncological diseases;
  • development of infection in the body.

Also, a daub during menstruation is observed in women taking oral contraceptives or if pregnancy has occurred (first month).

We determine the disease by the color of the discharge

In case of any disturbances in the body of a woman, blood discharge may appear a week before menstruation. They go for 1-2 days and do not always cause discomfort, but this does not mean at all that you can ignore them.

Depending on how many days it smears and what color the daub is, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis and send it for testing.

5 days before menstruation begins, a woman may experience white (curd-like), black, pink, brown and yellow-green discharge.

The reasons for this are as follows:

Since the discharge before menstruation is the body's signal about the problem, timely consultation with a specialist makes it possible to detect it in time, and, therefore, heal faster.

Daubing during pregnancy

Daubing 3-4 days before menstruation in most cases is a consequence of diseases of the reproductive system, which are subject to treatment and do not pose a clear threat to health. However, if pregnancy has occurred (especially in the first trimester), then vaginal discharge is an occasion to urgently contact a antenatal clinic.

Daubing in girls "in position" quite often signals problems due to which the pregnancy can be terminated.

A harmless cause of discharge a week before menstruation may be a change in hormonal levels. Such leucorrhea with a small amount of blood can accompany the entire pregnancy (they are also called "periodic pregnancy") and do not cause discomfort in the girl. True, doctors advise on such days not to overexert much, eat well and be less upset.

Brown daub in the early stages may be the result of placental abruption. Many women have experienced this, but it is still necessary to see a doctor - a significant detachment of the chorion leads to the death of the fetus.

At week 5, a girl may face a miscarriage (fetal fading), and therefore it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the body. If brown spots suddenly appear on your underwear this week, then this indicates that the pregnancy is most likely interrupted.

Spotting at week 5 may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. This can also be understood by a sharp cutting pain in the region of the appendages, severe pain in the back of the pelvis. With such symptoms, it is urgent to call an ambulance and do an operation, any delay threatens the life of a woman! At the same time, pregnancy cannot be saved.

At a period of 5 weeks, the threat of termination of pregnancy is very high, and therefore enhanced control is necessary.

Pregnancy can also be terminated at 7 and 8 weeks. Symptoms of a miscarriage: spotting, watery discharge, pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar region. Only leucorrhoea is considered natural at these times.

Infectious diseases, cervical erosion, low placentation can also provoke a daub in the first trimester of pregnancy. These diagnoses are not fatal in case of timely treatment. The child is mostly born before the due date.

Daubing before menstruation is serious, and ignoring it always leads to undesirable consequences.

Vaginal discharge is the norm for any woman. They can have different shades and textures. Often before menstruation, the so-called brown daub may appear. Having discovered it, you need to know how to regard this phenomenon - as a norm or pathology, and also whether menstruation can begin with a brown daub.

Under daub in gynecology, it is customary to understand scanty vaginal discharge of a smearing consistency. The color of such a secret depends on the reasons for its appearance. It can have a light shade or be dark, almost black, in color. Brown daub before menstruation is noted during the development of:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • intermenstrual bleeding

The daub acquires a brown color as a result of the ingestion of the remnants of the epithelium and blood. In most cases, this indicates the approach of the menstrual cycle. Allocations can begin three days before menstruation and are an absolutely normal symptom. Daubing before menstruation is considered the norm if other unpleasant phenomena do not bother a woman.

When the menstruation is over, the presence of blood in the secret can be observed for another one, maximum two days, and is the remnants of vaginal discharge.

In addition, the causes of the appearance of brown daub may be:

  • consequences of sexual contact;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • intrauterine device;
  • pregnancy

In each of these cases, the reasons for its appearance are different.

Consequences of sexual contact

If there is erosion or other neoplasms on the cervix, scanty brown discharge may be observed after sexual contact. Sometimes this indicates the development of oncology.

Taking oral contraceptives

Taking birth control pills can cause brown discharge, especially in the first months. This is not a violation, as it indicates a restructuring of the body and a change in hormonal levels. In this case, the allocation may end at least a month later.

Intrauterine device

It is a foreign object for the body, so the uterus tries to "get rid" of it. As a result, the work of the uterine muscles is activated, which before menstruation leads to the formation of characteristic secretions. In the future, they may appear due to inflammation of the uterus and appendages.


One of the common causes of brown spotting. Often a woman is not aware of her interesting position, so she can become his first symptom. Daubing can begin as early as three days after conception.

Among other reasons, one can name the peculiarities of menstruation in virgins and in mature women. In the former, menstruation usually begins with spotting; in adulthood, this refers to the characteristic signs of approaching menopause. In this case, menstruation begins and ends with a brown daub.

Less common factors may be tissue remnants after abortive cleansing, the consequences of injuries to the external and internal genital organs, a change in habitual living conditions, stress and strong emotions.

Very rarely, light brown spotting indicates non-compliance with personal hygiene. More frequent washing and the use of special products with a neutral pH level will help get rid of them.

Now it is clear that the causes of brown daub require careful consideration. For their exact determination, an additional consultation of an infectious disease specialist, an immunologist, a nutritionist may be recommended.

Undesirable causes of daubing

In some cases, a brownish daub with an unpleasant specific odor is a sign of the development of a serious pathology, gynecological diseases, hormonal failure and other problems with women's health. If such a symptom is observed monthly on the eve of menstruation, ends after 5 or more days, the likelihood of health problems is not excluded. Under such circumstances, doctors recommend undergoing a detailed examination and finding out their reliable cause.

The most undesirable causes are the development of infection in the body and damage to the mucous membranes of the reproductive organs. On the eve of menstruation, the uterine mucosa is most vulnerable to the effects of microorganisms. This is due to the open neck. Thus, the uterus is preparing to get rid of unnecessary epithelium, and the menstrual cycle becomes a “favorable” period for the penetration of pathogens of various diseases into it.

If vaginal discharge is accompanied by pain, fever and general weakness, this certainly confirms the presence of inflammatory processes. In relatively rare cases, these and other symptoms may indicate the development in the body:

  • endometritis;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • tumors;
  • adnexitis;
  • hyperplasia, endometrium;
  • fibromas;
  • polycystic;
  • polyps;
  • adenomyosis

Such diseases require timely detection, effective treatment and prevention.

How to react to discharge

In the event of the appearance of brown discharge, it is worth taking them seriously. Each organism is unique, so the causes may vary significantly.

In the case of the regular nature of the daub, it becomes necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in the form of the following procedures:

  • gynecological examination and taking smears;
  • laboratory tests and bakposev;
  • ultrasound examination

After a thorough examination, injuries or any pathological changes can be detected. After passing laboratory tests, it will be possible to verify the presence or absence of harmful microorganisms. Ultrasound examination is necessary to clarify the complete picture and diagnosis of diseases of the internal reproductive organs.

Women's health requires the most careful attention. Timely ways to identify possible violations help to avoid problems in the future. The stable state of the reproductive system is largely favored by:

  • minimizing negative destructive emotions;
  • balanced diet;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • regular sex life;
  • a balanced regimen of physical activity and rest;
  • passing scheduled medical examinations and visiting a gynecologist 2 times a year

In the event of violations, it is necessary to exclude self-diagnosis and self-treatment, the best solution would be to contact a competent specialist.

In some cases, women have a daub before menstruation. Then it is better to consult a gynecologist, undergo the necessary tests. This phenomenon may not always be harmless. Of great importance is the color and time of such secretions. Sometimes they indicate serious problems with women's health.

Cause for alarm

Spotting before menstruation is considered normal if they are short-term, not accompanied by itching, burning, not plentiful, and do not have an unpleasant odor.

These include:

  • mucous clear discharge before ovulation;
  • viscous colorless smears before the onset of menstruation;
  • bright red daub, which is increasingly intensified and passes into menstrual flow.

You should be alarmed if it smears:

  • before every menstruation;
  • a week or earlier before menstruation;
  • abundant mucus with curdled lumps;
  • highlighting a characteristic color;
  • colored daub during menstruation;
  • within a week after menstruation.

Do not worry if it smears two days before menstruation. In this case, the old endometrium comes out. When it smears before the onset of menstruation, but they do not occur after the discharge or are very scarce, this may indicate the development of diseases of the female organs as a result of a sharp change in the hormonal background. For example, this happens with polycystic ovaries.

If the daub appears long before the onset of menstruation, diseases of the female reproductive organs are likely. Don't wait until next time. The situation can only get worse. It's best to get tested right away. Daubing may continue for some time after menstruation. In such cases, the probable causes of these processes are infection with candidiasis, infection, and diseases such as endocervitis, cervitis, or the formation of a malignant tumor are also possible.

Possible colored daub during menstruation. This is usually not dangerous. Mostly so smears in women who take oral contraceptives.

Dangerous harbingers

Depending on the color, the causes of discharge may be as follows:

  1. It smears white with curdled inclusions - thrush is likely. Especially when there is a sharp sour smell, the genitals are very reddened and itchy.
  2. It smears pink - cervical erosion, polyps, endometritis, endoceritis, endometriosis, tumors.
  3. Foamy plentiful smears with pus - trichomandal colpitis. The discharge is liquid, has an unpleasant putrefactive odor.
  4. It smears yellow-green - a sexually transmitted disease, chronic diseases of the uterus or fallopian tubes.
  5. Green discharge with a yellowish tint, copious, mucous -.
  6. Brown daub five days before the onset of menstruation - hormonal failure due to the use of oral contraceptives; in girls - before the first menstruation, in women with menopause - hormonal disorders. In addition, brown discharge may indicate endometriosis, endothermitis, hyperplasia, polyps. In harmless cases - for non-compliance with personal hygiene.
  7. It smears black - such discharge is likely after childbirth until the menstrual cycle is restored.
  8. Abundant scarlet discharge - inflammation of the uterine mucosa, fibroids, ovarian dysfunction, ectopic pregnancy, serious hormonal failure.

Daubing instead of menstruation

It also happens that real periods do not go. Instead, the daub continues for some time. Such a picture is likely after childbirth before menstruation. During this period, the woman's body is rebuilt. It is likely that at first, instead of normal bleeding during menstruation, the pad is simply smeared with brown, mild discharge.

Brown smears instead of menstruation may be evidence of a recent abortion or any other surgical intervention in the treatment of female reproductive organs.

When a woman becomes pregnant, she may smear a pad in the first month. The discharge, although bloody, is very scanty. If a woman is sexually active and feels healthy, you should not be afraid. But still, to be safe, you should take a blood test for hCG. In cases where the fact of pregnancy is confirmed, and bleeding is plentiful, it is worth seeking advice from the attending gynecologist. It is likely that the pregnancy is ectopic. If such discharges occur during uterine pregnancy, a spontaneous miscarriage or a miscarriage is quite likely. To make sure, it is worth conducting an ultrasound examination of the small pelvis, taking an analysis for hCG.

It smears instead of menstruation in women who use hormonal contraceptives (oral drugs, Ron's Ring and the like). The amount of spotting they have can only increase when they switched from pills with a small amount of hormones to drugs with a higher content of them. But such a transition is highly undesirable, as it can be harmful to health.

Whatever the manifestations, if a daub is found, you should consult with the attending gynecologist.

He will prescribe the appropriate tests, on the basis of the examination and the studies carried out, he will confirm or refute the probable disease.

Menstruation is an integral part of the life of a sexually mature woman, starting from the moment of the first menstruation and ending with the onset of menopause. In each individual case, this process takes place with its own nuances, which are explained by the physiological characteristics of the organism.

Often, especially during the formation of the cycle, unpleasant symptoms are observed:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • heaviness and increased sensitivity of the breast;
  • mood swings, irritability or apathy;
  • frequent headaches;
  • nausea, in rare cases accompanied by vomiting, especially in the morning.

Sometimes such a phenomenon as a daub before menstruation joins - mild vaginal discharge that occurs a few days (4-7) before menstruation. In some cases, daubing may be observed for several days after.

Why do discharges occur before menstruation should begin, and does such a phenomenon always indicate pathological processes occurring in the body?

An appeal to a gynecologist, as a rule, follows after the menstrual cycle has given a serious failure: irregularity, premature menstruation or delay. But the daub is often perceived as a common phenomenon, indicating that menstruation will begin in a few days.

It smears before menstruation because this process is protective, since the uterine lining becomes too vulnerable to infections. Allocations do not allow the pathogenic flora to multiply in a favorable environment.

Spotting before menstruation is considered normal if they:

  • transparent and quite plentiful, resembling egg white in consistency - occur before ovulation;
  • reminiscent of light jelly - characteristic of the second half of the cycle;
  • jelly-like, intensifying - they begin to smear 3-4 days before menstruation;
  • pink discharge before menstruation, which gradually turns into scarlet and becomes abundant - the beginning of critical days.

Such discharge indicates the normal functioning of the reproductive system and is not a pathology. But such manifestations may not be - it all depends on the characteristics of the woman's body.

But there are cases when you should certainly seek advice:

  • Smearing begins before each menstruation, and this phenomenon is repeated from month to month for six months or more.
  • Discharge begins a week or more over a long period (3-4 months).
  • The daub is plentiful, and has an unpleasant specific smell.
  • The discharge is thick, white, reminiscent of kefir or liquid cottage cheese.
  • The color varies from pale pink to greenish yellow.
  • During the menstrual cycle, daub is observed several times.
  • After menstruation, the discharge continues for more than a week.

Daubing a week before menstruation is not a pathology, but the causes can be different, up to the occurrence of neoplasms. To exclude possible gynecological diseases, you need to see a doctor in time. An experienced specialist, even by the color of the daub, will be able to determine the presence of a problem.

What color can tell

If the discharge appeared about a week before menstruation, and this phenomenon has been observed for several months in a row, pay attention to their color to tell your doctor.

What conclusion can be drawn from the color of the daub:

  • White curdled discharge is observed with thrush. They have an unpleasant sour smell, and are accompanied by severe itching, burning and other painful sensations in the external genitalia.
  • Pink discharge before menstruation may indicate inflammation of the endometrium, cervical erosion, as well as polyps, benign or malignant tumors. Pink discharge with a delay in menstruation can occur during pregnancy, especially at the beginning, but can accompany the entire pregnancy. Such a daub is also called "menstruation of a pregnant woman", which is an individual feature of a woman's body. If the discharge does not cause concern, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is normal. But be sure to tell the doctor who is leading your pregnancy about this.

  • Abundant foamy discharge with pus and an unpleasant sweetish odor occurs with trichomonas colpitis.
  • Yellow-green discharge can be in women who suffer from chronic diseases of the uterus and ovaries, and also indicate sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Brown daub is the most common, and has a lot of reasons. The most commonplace and not dangerous is the use of hormonal contraceptives, hormonal changes in the body during puberty and the onset of menopause. Brown daub can also be due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. But often it is evidence of endometritis, endometriosis, uterine hyperplasia or the presence of polyps in its cavity. Pregnancy can also cause brown spotting, but in this case, you should urgently consult a doctor, as this can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage, miscarriage, or fetal fading.
  • Black daub is considered the most harmless, since it occurs only after childbirth, like the first menstruation, and accompanies the formation of the cycle. It can also be observed in lactating women for some time.

Causes of daub

Among the causes of spotting before menstruation are the following:

  • In virgins, the first menstruation should already be, but they do not begin. The presence of a brown daub may indicate the beginning of the process of hormonal formation. Full menstruation will begin only after a couple of cycles (sometimes it takes about six months).
  • In women who have entered the menopause, the presence of daubing before (and after) menstruation may indicate the imminent onset of menopause.

  • In women of childbearing age, discharge may occur due to hormonal failure, caused both by the use of hormonal contraceptives and other factors. The most important thing is not to miss the moment when a pink daub before menstruation can turn into bleeding.
  • Brown discharge before menstruation may indicate non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Perhaps hygiene procedures should be carried out more often or not so carefully so as not to wash out the beneficial microflora from the vagina.

Abundant brown daub before menstruation may indicate the presence of quite serious pathologies of the genitourinary system, up to oncological diseases. It could be:

  • endometriosis, endometritis;
  • endocervicitis, purulent cervicitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy, if accompanied by sharp severe pain in the appendages - immediately consult a doctor. Delay can lead to death;
  • uterine myoma.

It can be smeared with brown during pregnancy - this often indicates a threat of miscarriage, pregnancy fading, fetal pathology.

The appearance of discharge after sex

Pink discharge before menstruation is a natural phenomenon. After all, the mucous membrane begins to be rejected, and the ajar cervix makes it possible for the first “swallows” of the upcoming menstruation to freely exit.

Spotting after intercourse can also occur, but for several other reasons. The most common, which can cause a brown or brown daub, is rough sex, which provoked significant injury to the vaginal mucosa.

Such discharge cannot be called a pathology or a norm. They can be caused both by physiological processes in the body of a woman, and by the presence of certain diseases.

  • Light brown discharge may indicate the development of inflammatory processes, cervicitis, vaginitis.
  • Brown daub is a symptom of infectious diseases or a polyp.
  • Pink - erosion of the cervix.

The most important thing is that the discharge is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, or fever.

Women's health is a guarantee of the health of future generations, because the birth of a new life depends on it.

Daubing before menstruation is a fairly common occurrence among the fair sex. The problem can occur both seven to ten days before the menstrual period, and two to three days before it. It can be physiological and pathological. In the case when the daub is observed directly during menstruation, the girl may not be worried, as this is a normal phenomenon. However, if it appeared long before the start of the regulation, it is worth visiting a gynecologist.

Sometimes girls do not even imagine why such a picture may arise, and they begin to panic ahead of time. From a medical point of view, the appearance of spotting spotting indicates that the body is currently undergoing a global cleansing of the reproductive system. Despite this, there are pathological causes of their occurrence.

natural causes

As mentioned above, this phenomenon can be a physiological norm if it is observed directly during menstruation. But at the same time, its premature appearance is not always a sign of any physiological disorders. Doctors say that most of the fair sex met with brown discharge at least once a week before menstruation. So what could be the root causes of such a phenomenon? First, consider the cases when a brown daub before menstruation is considered a physiological norm:

  • and translucent;
  • , have a jelly-like consistency;
  • Increasing jelly-like discharge;
  • Gradually increasing bright red spotting.

It is not so difficult to determine whether the daub is normal or if it is one of the symptoms of the disease. Even on your own, you can suspect something is wrong. Spotting is a natural phenomenon when it is painless and does not have a specific smell.

There are several physiological processes for which they are characteristic. Among them, the process is considered the most common. For the first time, daubing begins precisely at puberty, when the girl's puberty occurs. The appearance of spotting spotting indicates the final stage in the development of the genital organs. Experts note that during this period the daub has a brown or chestnut color.

The main reason for the appearance of discharge in this case is, which completes its formation six to seven months after the first daub. However, if the red secretion is rejected much longer than the prescribed period, then the development of pathologies in the organs of the reproductive system is not excluded. In this case, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor.

In addition, few people know that the use of oral contraceptives can lead to changes in the intensity of the flow and the cyclicity of menstruation. Experts say that a scanty brown daub is quite acceptable in the first 2 or 3 months after a woman starts taking the drug. In the same turn, if the discharge has a dark brown tint and is observed monthly, then, most likely, contraceptives are not chosen correctly. In this case, you need to urgently stop taking the medication and consult a gynecologist.

Brownish discharge also takes place at. Mature women often face a similar phenomenon. In this case, daubing is considered a physiological norm. Symptoms can be relieved with hormone therapy.

Also, daub can be diagnosed in women who have an intrauterine device. Brown spotting is one of the side effects of this contraceptive. The spiral affects the female hormonal background. In addition, during the installation of this tool, the endometrium is injured. Doctors warn that if such symptoms do not stop for more than three months, then the spiral must be urgently dismantled.

Concludes a list of natural factors that affect the appearance of daubing, the postpartum period. Both natural childbirth and delivery by caesarean section serve as a signal to start recovery processes. Most often, changes affect the genitals. Experts say that it is being formed anew, which may cause brown discharge a couple of days before the regular.


Spotting before menstruation in certain cases may indicate the presence of pathologies in the girl's body. There is a certain list of symptoms, in the presence of which it is necessary to consult a doctor. Among them it is worth noting the following:

  • The daub is released monthly before menstruation;
  • May start smearing four or more days before menstruation;
  • and thick curd consistency;
  • The daub lasts up to five to seven days;
  • Spotting discharge has a specific smell;
  • The discharge is colored brown, yellow-green or pink;
  • Throughout the cycle, the daub manifests itself several times.

It is also worth noting that the spotting themselves are not any pathology, but only signal possible gynecological diseases. For example, a white daub lasting 4-5 days can be observed with endometritis. There are other reasons due to which the discharge may begin a few days before the regulation. In most cases, premature daubing is one of the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • Cervititis and endocervititis;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Thrush.

Also, the presence of pathological processes in the body of a girl with a daub may indicate unusual, unpleasant sensations:

  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • Irritability of the genitals;
  • Unpleasant burning sensation when urinating;
  • From time to time, brownish clots appear between periods;
  • Spotting discharge is rejected for more than five days;
  • Pain in the lumbar region.

If a woman observes the manifestation of one or more of the above-induced symptoms, then there are grounds for consulting a doctor. In this case, there is no need to panic, but simply gather your thoughts and listen to the opinion of a specialist. He will not only tell you how further treatment will take place, but also inform the patient about preventive measures to prevent deterioration of the condition.

If a lady has black or dark brown spotting, then the possibility of developing cervical erosion is not ruled out. This pathology is also characterized by the formation of small ulcers or scarring neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the cervix. Experts note that with this disease, the symptoms are rather sluggish and girls may not notice it. In this case, you need to focus on the color and consistency of the discharge.

If after a certain time after intercourse a brown daub appears, then you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. This symptom often indicates the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases. If we are talking specifically about STDs, the discharge appears already a week before menstruation. In most cases, the symptoms are aggravated by pain during intercourse, as well as a sharp unpleasant smell of daub. In addition, you may experience a burning sensation during urination.

An ectopic pregnancy can also be accompanied by discharge of a similar nature. Initially, the daub is not abundant and hardly noticeable, but over time the volume will gradually increase. It is urgent to contact a specialist so as not to worsen the state of one's own reproductive health. Otherwise, this condition is fraught with serious complications.

Another of the most common pathological causes of the appearance of brown daub in front of the regulation is a cyst on the ovaries. With this disease, a change in the nature and color of the discharge can be observed. In the early stages of the development of the disease, daubing may be short-lived and pass quickly, but if the problem is ignored for a long time, then prolonged hemorrhages may occur.

Rejection of brown mucous secretion in the period before the onset of menstruation can also be one of the symptoms of endometriosis - a pathological growth of the endometrium. In this case, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. Symptoms of the disease are quite pronounced. With a timely visit to the doctor, the cause can be completely eliminated at an early stage.

Hormonal imbalance in some cases can cause brown discharge before the regulation. Even small changes in indicators can adversely affect the reproductive function of the female body. There can be several reasons for the imbalance of hormones:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stress;
  • Acclimatization;
  • hormone therapy.

What does the color of the discharge say

Depending on the color of the discharge, the possible causes of their appearance may vary. The most common are light brown and dark brown daub.

Light color may be due to bacterial vaginosis, and other sexually transmitted infections, as well as microtrauma of the cervix. Dark brown discharge, in turn, indicates the presence of clotted blood in it.

Reason to see a doctor

Many women often wonder if they need to see a doctor if they smear before menstruation. In fact, a visit to a gynecologist will never be superfluous. There are certain criteria that determine the type of discharge (normal or pathological). First of all, you need to pay attention to their color. Brown spotting can be symptoms of diseases in such cases:

  • Allocations are accompanied by fever, pain or itching;
  • Daubing appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The duration is three days or more;
  • Daubing appears after each sexual intercourse;
  • Spotting discharge that appears after a delay most often indicates pregnancy.

Thus, if you notice that the discharge has changed its color, consistency, or is accompanied by discomfort, then you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests, diagnose and prescribe the appropriate method of therapy.


In addition to consulting with a specialist, the girl will have to be tested for pathogenic microflora, AK, and the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. One of the mandatory procedures in diagnosing the causes of daubing is ultrasound of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity. All these diagnostic measures will help to understand the structural features of the pelvic organs, and determine the presence of polyps, cysts and other formations.


The method of therapy primarily depends on the root causes of the appearance of daubing. Spotting discharge a week before menstruation is usually treated with anti-inflammatory and hormonal preparations. Based on the complexity of the situation, injections, tablets or suppositories can be prescribed.

In addition, folk remedies, in particular herbs, can be used for therapy. The most effective are decoctions of chamomile, sage and calendula. You can also use herbal preparations, using them for douching or for making teas. For example, chamomile decoction will help relieve the inflammatory process.

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