Left-handers and right-handers: interesting facts and differences. Who are right-handers and left-handers

Test for children, left-handed or right-handed

Our brain consists of two hemispheres, to each of which there are nerve pathways from the sense organs and from all organs that have sensitivity. In this case, the right hemisphere is responsible for the left half of the body, the left - for the right.
Speech centers are located in the left hemisphere and all information is processed with the help of verbal-sign systems. The left hemisphere, as it were, splits the picture of the world into parts, into details and analyzes them, building cause-and-effect relationships, chains. Thus, the left hemisphere can be called analytical, classifying, abstract, consistent. The left hemisphere is characterized by rational-logical thinking. The right hemisphere corresponds to such characteristics as holistic, synthetic, concrete. It is called emotional, intuitive. He is characterized by spatial-figurative thinking.

So our hemispheres are not equal. And among people there are those who prefer to “use” the left hemisphere more (these are, as a rule, people with well-developed logical thinking), others prefer the right hemisphere (these are, as a rule, people with well-developed figurative, creative thinking).

There are three types of people with a preference for one or another hemisphere:

The first type is right-handed . These are people in whom, as a rule, the left hemisphere dominates;

The second type is left-handers . In such people, as a rule, the right hemisphere dominates;

The third type is ambidexters. These are people who do not have a preference for any hand. They can use both left and right equally well.

The leading hemisphere can be determined not only with the help of complex medical studies, there are also simple tests.

We offer you a very simplepsychological test, which determines the type of personality by the leading eye and hand. Perform four simple manipulations:

1. Interlace your fingers. Which finger was on top: right or left hand? Record the result - L or R.

2. Make a small hole in a piece of paper and look through it with both eyes at an object. Alternately close one eye, then the other. Does the object move if you close your right eye or your left? Record the result.

3. Stand in the "Napoleon pose" with your arms crossed over your chest. Which hand was on top: write down the result.

4. Try to imitate thunderous applause. Which palm is on top. Record the result.

Now let's see what you got:
PPPP - conservative, prefers generally accepted norms of behavior.
PPPL - temperament is weak, indecision prevails.
PPLP - the character is strong, energetic, artistic (when communicating with such a person, decisiveness and a sense of humor will not interfere).
PPLL - the character is close to the previous type, but softer, more contact, slower getting used to the new environment.
PLPP - analytical mindset, the main feature is gentleness, caution; avoids conflicts, is tolerant and prudent, prefers distance in relationships.
PLPL is a weak type, found, as a rule, among women; characterized by susceptibility to various influences, defenselessness, but at the same time the ability to go into conflict.
PLLP - artistry, some inconstancy, a penchant for new experiences; in communication he is bold, knows how to avoid conflicts and switch to a new type of behavior (among women it occurs about twice as often as among men).

PLLL - this type, on the contrary, is more typical for men; distinguished by independence, inconstancy and an analytical mindset.
LPPP is one of the most common types; emotional, easy to contact with almost everyone; however, it is not persistent enough, subject to someone else's influence.
LPPL - similar to the previous type, but even less persistent, soft and naive; requires special care.
LPLP is the strongest type of character: persistent, energetic, hard to convince; somewhat conservative due to the fact that he often neglects the opinions of others.
LPLL - a strong character, but not intrusive; internal aggressiveness is covered with external softness; capable of rapid interaction, but mutual understanding lags behind.
LLPP - characterized by friendliness, simplicity, some dispersion of interests.

LLPL - innocence, gentleness, gullibility; very rare type, almost never found among men.
LLLP - energetic, emotionality combined with determination leads to rash actions.
LLLL - has the ability to take a fresh look at things; pronounced emotionality is combined with individualism, perseverance and some isolation.

As you can see, LLLL corresponds to the “artistic” type, and PPPP is inherent in “thinkers”. But since these types are rare in their pure form, the remaining combinations to some extent reflect the existing diversity.

When should a child's dominant hand be determined?

Research in this area shows that in children under two years old, the right hand, then the left hand, can be the main one. And in the next two years, both are usually equally active.
The preference for one hand over the other is finally formed at the age of 4-5 years. During this period, a lot of parental involvement is needed. Parents should find out exactly which hand the child prefers. This is especially important when the baby begins to write and when entering school.
If your child is already 4 years old, and you note his preference for the left hand, and even more so among relatives there are left-handers, then most likely your child is left-handed. This is his very important individual feature. Don't try to retrain it. Retraining a left-hander is an intervention in the complex process of a child's development. This can lead to clumsiness and awkwardness in the child. It can also affect the child's cognitive abilities. With severe retraining, you can get a neurotic child. Talk to your child's teachers about this and express your position.

How can you determine the dominant hand in a child?

To do this, you can ask the child to make simple movements:
- clap your hands (leading hand on top);
- pet a toy animal, holding it in your hand (the leading hand strokes);
- open (unscrew) the stopper on the vial;
- do "forty-forty" (drag the finger of one hand in the palm of the other).

When conducting these tests, you must adhere to certain rules: show yourself as little as possible, you can do tests in a playful way.
During the test, you can not ask: "Show me with which hand you stroke the cat." You should say: "Show how you stroke the cat."
In each test, one hand plays a passive role, the other - an active one.
To determine the leading hemisphere in a child, it is necessary to determine the leading ear and eye.

Determination of the dominant eye.
The child is given a sheet of paper with a small hole. He is asked to hold the sheet with outstretched arms and look with both eyes at the bridge of the nose of an adult standing a few meters in front of him. In this case, an adult usually sees either the right or left eye of the child.

Definition of the leading ear.
The child is asked to listen to the clock ticking. A small watch should lie or hang in front of him strictly in the center. With which ear the baby will listen, the leading ear.
Right-handed with the leading right eye and right ear - Left hemispheres ("thinkers").
Right-handed with a leading left eye and left ear - Right-hemispheric ("artists").
Right-handed with the leading left eye and right ear - Mixed type.
Right-handed with the leading right eye and left ear - Mixed type.
Left-handed - Bright right hemispheres ("artists").

In general, do not really get hung up on which hand he is trying to work with, with age, the main thing is not to miss the moment, to which the child has a great predisposition. The most important moment from 5 years to 10 years. Look closely at him, listen to what he does more, what he wants more. And then he will go on the right path. Good luck!

The debate about who is better, left-handed or right-handed, continues to this day. We are so different that sometimes we cannot understand each other. Comparing the capabilities of left-handers and right-handers not only on the physical, but also on the energy levels, you can see exactly your strengths.

Historical facts show that earlier people had a more developed right hemisphere and almost everyone was left-handed. Such thinking was based more on instincts and allowed to survive, guided by instinct. Later, people began to use both hands equally, and then the right hand became even more developed.

Physical Plan Differences

Everyone already knows the fact that at the physiological level, the only striking difference is the dominant use of the hand. Some use their right hand more, while others use their left. Accordingly, right-handers and left-handers have different hemispheres of the brain.

However, not everyone knows that there are differences in biochemical composition. In the body of right-handed people, more iron accumulates, and in left-handed people, zinc predominates in the body. Such a biochemical composition affects a person's mental data in a certain way. It turns out that left-handers have more developed figurative thinking, and right-handers are more logical in their actions.

Psychological differences

Any left-handed person has a highly developed creative imagination. As a rule, they are more emotional and dependent on their feelings and experiences. Such people have a better connection with their unconscious, which contributes to the development of intuition and extrasensory abilities. The well-known basic functions are performed by the left hand. And the development of imaginative thinking helps left-handers find a non-standard way out of the current situation.

People who are used to doing everything with their right hand are more logical and reasonable. They are better able to control their emotions and act according to the intended scheme.

Energy Plan Differences

From the outside, there is a certain distrust of such people in this regard, since since ancient times left-handedness was considered a sign of evil spirits or the influence of demons. Not without reason, in order not to jinx it, they spit on the devil precisely over the left shoulder.

In fact, you can argue for a long time about who is better and which hand is more important, but each person is free to choose which hand to use more, because the second hand can be properly developed if desired. In such people, the energy becomes more powerful, and the ability to extrasensory perception increases. It is also useful for brain activity. Many methods of spiritual, energetic and intellectual development recommend sometimes changing hands and using something unusual in business. Who knows, just eating dinner with a fork in your left hand may help you eventually develop a sixth sense.

No wonder they say: "Everything is in our hands." It doesn't matter who you are, left-handed or right-handed: we are all one part of a vast Universe. Love each other, trust yourself and the world and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2015 01:00

To grow above yourself and become more successful, sometimes you need to do only a few simple actions. Enough...

We build our own future, but many believe that everything depends only on our actions. ...

All of humanity can be divided into many groups using different criteria: nation, religion, skin color, gender, tea or coffee drinkers, and so on. Another significant difference that has divided the entire human race into two camps is the dominant activity of the right or left hand. How is left handed different from right handed? Let's try to figure it out.

Famous Lefties

Left-handers were such outstanding personalities as Julius Caesar, A. Macedonian, W. Churchill, both Bushes, B. Obama, L. da Vinci, A. Einstein, N. Tesla, I. Newton, P. Picasso, many movie actors.

A few facts about lefties from history

Simply put, some people are left-handed, while others are right-handed. How a left-hander differs from a right-hander is obvious from the terms themselves. However, in addition to visual differences, there are also those that are not visible to the naked eye. For example, left-handed people have a more developed brain, which is responsible for memory.

Indeed, many creative people are left-handed. In ancient times, much attention was paid to how the left-hander differs from the right-hander.

By the way, over the centuries, some nations have respected such people, while others, on the contrary, have discredited them in every possible way. So, in ancient Greece, they were held in high esteem, since they were credited with no more and no less - kinship with the gods, and it was believed that such people bring good luck. Similar beliefs prevailed in India and China.

Medieval Europe was not very tolerant, so left-handers were suspected of conspiring with the devil, accused of all mortal sins and subjected to terrible torture. Those who survived developed amazing agility and adaptability, traits that began to be passed down and made left-handers stronger.

The fate of lefties in the 20th century

At the beginning and middle of the 20th century, such radical methods were abandoned and from an early age the child was simply retrained, that is, they developed the habit of using the right hand more. A similar example is well described in the novel The Thorn Birds, where the main character, little Maggie, was subjected to a similar practice.

There was a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Almost all agricultural and military equipment was assembled under right-handers. It would simply be difficult for left-handed people to adapt to them at a later age.

Later, psychologists proved that the imposition of skills contrary to their nature on left-handed people negatively affects their psychological and physical well-being. According to other authoritative researchers, in the process of suppressing their natural nature, they also lose their unique abilities.

Differences between lefties and righties

What is the difference between left-handers and right-handers - it becomes clear from an early age. More than half of left-handers have a faster rate of development than their right-handed peers. The percentage of people with the makings of a genius among lefties is much higher.

It has long been proven that this quality is inherited, starting from the second and further generations. The same parents can have different children.

Left-handed and right-handed: differences

An interesting fact based on research: one left-handed person is born in a thousand right-handed people. There are other interesting observations:

  • Not everyone will openly admit it, but an anonymous survey found that almost 68 percent of right-handed people out of 1,000 polled left-handed people are not credible, and they have no desire to start a closer relationship with them.
  • In former times, on the territory of some countries, left-handed people preferred to enter into marriage alliances with their own kind, so that their descendants also had this feature. This was due to a fairy tale theory that said that left-handedness means that a person has divine genes.
  • Left-handers quickly master and adapt all the technical devices they need.

Some facts about lefties

There are several points about how the left-handed person differs from the right-handed person, what is the difference between them:

  1. Left-handed people have more developed right. Right-handed people, respectively, vice versa. In the first case, this is creativity, emotionality, impressionability, a sharp change in mood, developed intuition; in the second - logical thinking, ability to mathematics and other exact sciences. Both hemispheres control the movements of the body, but they do it crosswise.
  2. Many athletes are left-handed. This applies to various martial arts, boxing, fencing, where they work out tactics that are convenient for them and problematic for an opponent.
  3. Every fifth prominent person is left-handed. Conducted research: "left" and "right" offered to solve the same problem. Left-handers got through faster and almost always found more solutions.
  4. In difficult circumstances, right-handers act more quickly, but left-handers find original ways out of the situation.
  5. Retrained left-handed people, when returning to their natural data, can also return their ""divine gift"".
  6. There is also a downside. Many mentally ill, well-known serial killers, maniacs and rapists were left-handed or showed hidden "left-handedness".

Tests: how to determine the left-handedness in a child

There are several ways to determine whether a newborn belongs to a particular group. If, during the first weeks of life, the baby, lying on his back, raises his left hand up, tightly pressing his right hand to himself, he is left-handed. In the first three days after birth, the child mainly tilts his head to the right - he is right-handed, to the left - left-handed.

For older children, it is enough to observe their daily activities: which hand holds a comb, cutlery, which hand reaches out to take something. The conclusion is very easy.

Left handed children

It is worth mentioning that there is a third kind of people, which is called ambidexters. These are people who equally own both the right and the left hand. This is a very rare phenomenon, which is owned by less than 1 percent of humanity.

What distinguishes a left-hander from a right-hander at a young age is stubbornness and well-developed fine motor skills. Do not be surprised if a left-handed child at the age of three draws better than you did in high school, sings more melodicly than a nightingale, and shows interest in playing musical instruments.

Credulity, one might even say naivety, is what distinguishes left-handers from right-handers. It happens that such children begin to talk later and have difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds.

Psychologists say that in order to form a full and healthy development in left-handed children, it is necessary to create an environment of love and understanding for them. Do not point out the sloppiness that at first appears in them, and also do not compare with other children. The child should not feel like an outcast because of his innate features. The task of parents is to instill self-respect in such children and help them master things around them at their own pace.

The ability to persevere through hardship is what distinguishes a left-hander from a right-hander. Perhaps this character trait was inherited by them from their ancestors, who were subjected to various kinds of discrimination.

The Consequences of Mistraining Lefties

Of course, not everything is so simple and obvious. It is not necessary to immediately hang labels on people based on what kind of hand they have. Almost all specialists in the field of education and personal development unanimously declare the dangers of retraining left-handed people. Indeed, in the future, this can lead to disruption of sleep and wakefulness, cause digestive disorders, frequent migraines, pain in the right hand, and many other deviations from the norm.

How are lefties different from righties? This list is big. But we should not forget that the ability to write with one hand or another is far from the most important quality of a person.

The difference between left-handers and right-handers is quite multifaceted, but in general, their behavior can carry a lot in common.

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