Beautiful wiring. Installation of electrical wiring in the apartment. Stage # 4 - installation of mounting boxes

It begins at the stage of repair or construction, when there is nothing but draft walls and ceilings yet. This is the best option - no need to make strobes, and then cover them with plaster. The thickness of the plaster layer that will cover the cable should be at least 6–7 mm in this case. In this case, the plaster will cover the wire without any difficulty. However, this thickness depends on the wall.

If the surface is even and the layer of plaster does not exceed 3–4 mm, then this option will not work. Nobody needs extra expense: by increasing the thickness of the plaster layer by 3-4 mm, you will make the material consumption for the apartment very significant. It is easier to first plaster the wall, and then ditch the partition along it to the desired depth.

Attention! Before mounting cables and wires, it is imperative to check them for integrity using an indicator or a probe lamp. The same procedure is repeated after installation.

In any case, the lines along which the cable will pass are initially drawn. From the ceiling or floor, the distance at which the wires will stand is measured. However, it should be taken into account that this value can be reduced depending on subsequent work, for example laying the floor or installing a false ceiling.

It is good to draw lines with the help of a long building level - it will turn out not only evenly, but also straight. A distance of 15 cm should be measured taking into account subsequent changes, otherwise it may then turn out that the desired wire will be behind the ceiling or floor. Then points are placed along the lines at which the cable will be attached to the wall. Depending on the type of wire (with a flexible core or monolithic), fasteners can be at a distance of 40 cm (for flexible) or 20–30 cm (for monolithic).

Step one: before starting work on the installation of hidden electrical wiring, it is necessary to draw the location of the boxes and gates directly on the wall

Step five: the laid electrical cable and installation boxes are covered with plaster

It is necessary to say a few words about fasteners. Ideal for concrete and brick walls is a dowel-clamp, or, colloquially, a uveshka (UW). To install a cable with a cross section of 3 x 1.5 or 3 x 2.5, fasteners marked 5/10 are used. For this size of the uvashka, a drill with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 60 mm or more is required. After that, you need to drill holes at the attachment points with a puncher. It is necessary to clasp the cable with a dowel and simply insert it into the hole you have made to the desired depth. The plastic antennae of the fastener will jam, and the wire will be securely tacked to the wall in one motion. This is much easier than using other types of fasteners.

When making a 90° turn, remember that it must be smooth and not less than what is specified in the cable specification. Basically, in home types of wiring, they make a bend equal to 6 cable diameters. Before pressing the conductor with a uvashka, it is necessary to wind it from a coil of 10 m. Then straighten it by hand so that the cable is without twists and bends - this will greatly simplify installation. Having brought the cable to the electrical point, leave a tail 15–20 cm long. After the cable is fixed with pegs, you can start plastering the walls and further repairs.

wall chasing

If the situation is such that the cable cannot be laid on bare draft walls or the plaster layer is too thin, then the walls will have to be ditched. A groove or a rectangular recess in the wall for a cable is called a strobe. It is simple to make, but often very laborious.

You should start with markup. After that, a tool is selected for this work: a grinder, a puncher or a wall chaser. Due to the high cost, not everyone uses an electric wall chaser, although it is very convenient. A grinder or a puncher is used much more often. Protective goggles and clothing must be worn when working with these tools. The raised dust can be so thick that you can't see anything at arm's length. If there is no power tool, you will have to chisel with a chisel and a hammer. This is very laborious, besides, the recess will turn out to be uneven, and there is a danger that part of the plaster will fall off.

The depth of the strobe should be sufficient for the cable to hide in it with a margin. Please note that in this case the socket box is usually installed in the wall. It is more accurate and easier to work with a grinder, especially if there are several wires in the strobe. For cutting plaster or brick, replaceable discs for stone are used, for solid reinforced concrete, diamond nozzles are used. Along the entire length of the cable, 2 parallel lines are cut to a sufficient depth to hide the wire, and a couple more millimeters are taken in reserve (you still need to hide the fasteners).

The width of the strobe depends on the number of wires. It must be remembered that they should be located at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other. Having cut through these 2 lines, using a conventional chisel or puncher, knock down the jumper between them - and the strobe is ready. Now you can mount the cable in it. The wire is fastened with the same uvashki. Now the strobe can be covered with plaster. Before doing this, it is necessary to check once again whether everything is in place and whether the ends of the wires are extended to a sufficient length.

Before plastering, you need to clean the dust from the strobe with a brush and cover the recess with a primer. After that, dilute the required amount of the plaster mixture and apply it with a spatula, pressing the strobes inside. Then, with a wide spatula, you need to remove excess plaster and leave the mixture to dry for about a day. In places where branching boxes will be located, the wires remain hanging in bundles.

The boxes are mounted after the strobe is closed, since it is not always clear at what depth to install them.

Concealed wiring in pipes

Plastic pipes, corrugated or PVC are used for especially reliable cable routing. This method of laying is used quite rarely - in rooms with high humidity and sudden changes in temperature. For example, in household unheated buildings, basements, baths, etc. Pipes in strobes are laid in almost the same way as a cable.

If one of the cables is enclosed in a plastic pipe, then the overlap of the conductors is allowed. The only difference is that the width and depth of the strobe will be much larger. Plastic pipes are fastened with uves or metal brackets if their diameter exceeds 40 mm.

You can fix the pipes in the strobe and with the help of quickly hardening gypsum. This method of laying is more laborious, but significantly increases the reliability and durability of the conductors. In addition, in case of replacement or repair of the cable, you can easily remove it from the pipe, which is fixed in the wall, and carry out all the necessary work.

Concealed cabling in partitions, floors and ceilings

If the room provides for a false ceiling made of plasterboard with a metal frame, then cable installation is greatly simplified. It is not required to ditch the walls in a horizontal direction, all the wires are hidden under the drywall, brought to the walls and dropped vertically down under the necessary electrical points.

You can avoid drilling holes for junction boxes by placing them in the same place. The only "but" - in this case, plastic hatches will have to be inserted in front of the boxes in drywall. Having installed such a hatch, you can at any time gain access to electrical equipment located behind a partition or false ceiling. Lighting wires can be attached to the ceiling with clamps or uveshki.

A good option is when the wiring is enclosed in plastic pipes attached to the ceiling with clips. This increases the fire safety of the drywall construction. If desired, the cable can be laid in the floor. Wood floors and gypsum fiber boards are well suited for this installation method.

In the first case, holes are cut or drilled in the logs, into which plastic pipes are pushed, and a cable passes inside them. In the second case, the pipes are simply laid on the floor, attached with brackets to it and covered with expanded clay or other filler, on top of which the floor covering is laid.

There is an option when the wiring is hidden in pipes and filled with cement mortar - it is placed under the screed. However, this is not recommended, especially if the solution layer above the pipe is thin enough.

Attention! If the wiring is hidden in partitions, behind the cladding or in the floor, then wires cannot be connected in these places. This can only be done in boxes, outside the hidden wiring.

Installation of electrical wiring in a concrete screed

Wires are often hidden in partitions or behind plasterboard structures. The most common mistake is their installation without protective shells. Holes are simply punched in metal profiles.

Before sewing drywall, the wires are pulled through them. This is a gross violation of all rules. The edges of the profile can damage the insulation of the wiring, and the current will go to the metal parts of the structure. In addition, it is almost impossible to pull out such a wire for replacement or repair. It will get entangled in the burrs of the profiles and the sharp edges of the hangers.

There is a simple solution to this issue - the cables are enclosed in plastic pipes or boxes, and those, in turn, are pushed into the profile holes. When laying lighting wires, voids in ceiling tiles are often used. They have been there since the production of the floor.

Hiding the wires in them is a great idea because no chasing is required and the wires are well protected. Two holes are punched in the ceiling: one - near the wall, the second - in the place where the lamp will be located. Using a hard wire probe, the wire is pulled through a channel in the slab.

In a modern apartment there is a large number of various electronics and household appliances. At the same time, the power consumption of individual electrical equipment varies significantly. The state of the power grid is unsatisfactory not only in houses of old construction, but also in more modern ones, since it does not have time to fully cope with the influx of new electrical appliances. You should always have a power supply scheme at hand in each room of the apartment, and with a new purchase of household appliances, you should evaluate the change in load. The laying is combined with the repair, since construction work is required here.

Laying electrical wiring in the apartment during the repair


High-quality electrical wiring can be done if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to create a new power supply project for a house or apartment. There should be a wiring diagram and a list of the necessary materials. The places for entering the supply wire from the network, installing the shield, sockets, switches, lamps, electrical appliances are determined. After that, it will be possible to make load calculations and select the cross-sections of the conductors.
  2. The wiring is mainly carried out with a cable with copper conductors. The cheapest is VVG, with a non-combustible shell VVNng, with reduced gas and smoke emission - VVGng-LS. The following are used indoors: VVGng (LS) -3x6 (3 cores with a cross section of 6 mm 2) - for wiring in cable channels; VVGng-3x2.5 - hidden wiring for and sockets; VVGng-3x1.5 - wiring to switches and lamps; PVS-3x2.5 - flexible wire for connecting electrical appliances. Each product has its own standards that reflect the technical characteristics.

Types of cables for electrical wiring in the apartment

  1. Automatic switches: 25 A - for powerful electrical appliances, 20 A - for sockets, 16 A - lighting switching.
  2. Separate lines should be laid to the following equipment: stationary powerful consumers (stove, washing and dishwasher, titanium), lines for sockets, lines to lighting.
  3. The main electrical panel is installed near the input of the network cable, in an accessible and convenient place for maintenance.
  4. The switches are located at a height of 0.8 to 1.5 m near the doors, which should not overlap or touch them. from 0.3 to 1 m, for reasons of ease of connection, in accordance with the interior and security requirements. The norm is one outlet per 6 m 2. Their number in the room depends on its type (the maximum number in the kitchen is 5 or more). Electrical fittings are placed taking into account the future location of furniture and electrical appliances.
  5. Sockets are located at a distance of at least 50 cm from metal products: pipes, radiators, sinks.
  6. In the bathroom, the installation of a socket is allowed, but with certain conditions. Connection is possible only through a separate RCD with a tripping current of not more than 30 mA or an isolation transformer (possible together). It is recommended to make it hidden, with connection through the ground contact and without a junction box. In addition, all conductive elements of the bathroom are grounded, and the socket is installed at a distance of at least 60 cm from them and at a height of at least 130 cm.
  7. Wiring is carried out strictly in vertical or horizontal boxes or closed channels. In the screed along the attic and interfloor ceiling ceilings, cables can be laid over the shortest distances.
  8. The wiring should fit snugly against the base of the groove to make it easier to plaster. A single wire is attached after 0.9 m, and a bundle of wires - after 0.5 m. The distance of horizontal cable routes from the ceiling and floor is 15-20 cm. The distance from openings and corners should be at least 10 cm.
  9. Crossing wires should be avoided. If this fails, a distance of at least 3 mm is maintained between them.
  10. Hidden wiring is recommended to be laid in pipes or so that it can be replaced if necessary.
  11. Branching is done through junction boxes. Switching the ends of the wires is carried out in the following ways: soldering, crimping, through lugs or terminals. The insulation of connections in terms of reliability should be no worse than that of whole cable cores.

The connection of copper and aluminum wires is done through a special terminal block.

  1. During work with wiring, the electricity in the room is turned off.

Preparation of materials

The required number of cables, wires, pipes and cable channels, switches, sockets, distribution and mounting boxes, fasteners is selected. As the main tools, you will need a puncher and crowns for cutting sockets for fittings, a screwdriver and a set of tools for installation.

Ways of laying electrical wiring

There are only two ways to lay electrical wiring in a room: open and closed. When choosing them, you need to know the features of each, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

When the laying of hidden wiring is completed, there is no access to it afterwards. It can be under a layer of plaster or any other wall and ceiling finishing materials, most often under plasterboard sheets. Its main advantage is that it is invisible and does not spoil the interior. The disadvantage is the impossibility of access, as well as the complexity of preparation and installation.

Open wiring can be laid on the surface of the wall and ceiling. There is always access to it. Usually it is in plastic boxes that do not support combustion. Here the advantages are as follows: the possibility of repair and replacement, there is no need for wall chasing and their subsequent sealing. The figure below shows open wiring in a wooden house, where the cables are laid in pipes coming out of the switchboard.

Open wiring in a wooden house

The inconvenience of repairing hidden wiring can be neglected if it is properly selected and installed, after which it can serve for decades. In addition, there are niches in the concrete walls for laying it, through which they can be made if they are not clogged with debris.


The laying method is dirty and laborious due to the need to cut strobes in the walls and ceiling, as well as to dismantle the floor covering. Therefore, it is combined with a major overhaul. If at the same time it is necessary to use old channels, they also need to be freed from plaster.

With any laying methods, a wiring diagram is drawn up.

Open wiring is done when there is no other possibility. Its laying is done in cable channels or mounted on walls or ceilings with clips. In most cases, the wiring looks unaesthetic.

The plinth with a built-in cable channel is popular. The wires can be hidden without harming the interior, but their number is limited due to the small size of the plinth. Now skirting boards have begun to appear, allowing you to accommodate more wires and cables.

With high-quality manufacturing, retro wiring looks spectacular in the form of twisted bundles attached to insulators. The method can be applied in any room, including wood.

Laying instructions

The sequence of cabling around the apartment is as follows:

  • drawing up a diagram, calculating the cross-sections of the cores depending on the power of the loads and the amount of materials, the choice of protective devices;
  • marking walls and recesses for junction boxes, sockets and switches;
  • installation of an electrical panel, laying cables from the shield to the loads;
  • installation of electrical fittings, installation of electrical devices in the shield.


The scheme is made on the plan of the apartment, where the placement of wiring and electrical equipment is noted.

Wiring diagram in a two-room apartment

The scheme is required for the following reasons:

  • wiring changes or improves with any repair, if it is done with high quality;
  • if everything is not done according to the scheme, it is difficult to change anything in the future;
  • effective renovation is associated with a change in the interior, where electricity plays an important role.

The main indicator of proper wiring is the absence of carriers and power adapters on the floor.

The correct placement of sockets and switches in the room depends on the arrangement of furniture. Access should be provided to them and they should be placed at different ends of the room. The exception is the kitchen, where up to four sockets are concentrated near the desktop, and the office, where electronic equipment must be connected in one place. A double socket is needed near the TV so that you can connect various set-top boxes.

In the presented diagram, only 2 sockets are shown in the kitchen. Here they need at least five. The figure below shows a socket block with switches for a kitchen desktop.

Socket block in the kitchen

The more carefully the work is done to improve the wiring diagram, the less problems there will be in the future.

It has already been mentioned before. The examples given refer to a typical apartment. Therefore, more accurate cores and wires for the actual conditions of their operation will not interfere. You just need to leave a margin of power in case you purchase new electrical appliances in the future.

Site preparation

The depth and width of the channel for the cables must be sufficient so that the wiring is placed under them and still covered with a layer of plaster with a thickness of at least 10 mm.

Under sockets, switches and junction boxes, you need to make recesses up to 50 mm in selected places with a perforator and a crown.

Horizontal grooves in load-bearing walls are prohibited, as this reduces their strength.

It is advisable to use the following spaces for cables in house structures:

  1. Longitudinal voids in floor slabs. It is especially convenient to use the free space for laying lighting.
  2. Laying wiring in the floor screed or under the floor covering. Here a corrugated sleeve is needed for each cable or wire.
  3. On walls made of combustible material, wiring can be laid in corrugations, but it is better to do this in steel grounded pipes under sheathing of drywall sheets (GKL), plywood, LSU or GVL.
  4. For complex cabling under ceilings, the possibilities of a suspended ceiling (stretch, from GKL or combined) are often used. It reliably hides all highways.
  5. Free space between the boards of a wooden ceiling or floor. There is usually a heater there, but there is enough space for wiring in the pipe.
  6. Free spaces of hollow partitions and structures. They are sheets of sheathing fixed to a metal or wooden frame. The wiring is fixed on the crate.

Cable routing

The wiring is fixed in hollowed-out strobes with plastic clamps. The fittings are inserted into the recesses and fixed with alabaster solution. If there is an external gasket, cable channels are installed for it. The ends of the wires are connected according to the scheme.

The switchboard must provide wiring from the network throughout the apartment, protect it from short circuits and overloads, and people from electric shock. The figure below shows an apartment panel with a meter on top and circuit breakers on the bottom.

Switchboard in the apartment

It is better to choose a built-in shield design and place it in a convenient niche with a suitable size. Its dimensions must first be estimated by the amount of equipment to be accommodated, leaving a margin for the following connections.

The external cable is connected by electric service specialists, and the electric meter is connected by representatives of the power supply company.

Socket boxes and junction boxes are installed on the mortar in prepared recesses and holes. Then the ends of the cable cores are removed from them and connected to the sockets, which are then put in place and fastened with the help of spacers or threaded connections.

Installation of sockets in the socket

Lighting in each room is distributed evenly. It is especially important to do this when using spotlights. They are used for a false ceiling, behind which you can hide all the wiring.

The chandelier in the room is hung in the middle. Now it needs a ground wire.

Wiring laying. Video

This video tells about the features of the work of an electrician in terms of laying apartment wiring.

Any repair will be of poor quality if it does not include work to improve the wiring. You can do the work yourself if you follow all the rules for installing electrical wiring - from drawing up a diagram to the final connection.

Completing renovations in a home or office, as well as carefully disguising existing wires, should not relax owners. Mounting a new TV on the wall, replacing a computer, installing a burglar alarm or additional wiring to power electrical appliances leads to a new connection. All this carries additional risks for children, animals and the appearance of the interior. What are the most effective masking methods? How to hide the wires in the apartment in compliance with the safety rules and preserve the design? Let's consider these points in more detail.

Internal disguise

The best option is to hide the cables even at the stage of overhaul. There are several ways here.

Disguise the wires in the wall. This technology can be used before or after wallpapering. To begin with, the paper is cut with a sharp knife, after which the edges are moved apart and fixed with needles. Next, using a perforator or manually, a strobe is made for masking. After completing this work, a cable is laid in the prepared recess , and the groove is closed with alabaster or plasticine. The final stage involves applying glue to the wallpaper and fixing them in place.

How to hide the wires under the wallpaper is shown here:

Hide the wires in the floor. There are several options here.

  • Disguise the wires in the floor plinth, where there is a cell for wires. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the design of the product, in the central part of which there should be a special recess. That's where the wires run. This method is characterized by versatility and ease of execution.
  • Hide the wiring in a strobe. Here the principle is the same as in the case of wall mounting. With the help of a perforator, a recess is made where the excess commutation fits. After that, the strobe is poured with cement and leveled to the level with the floor.
  • Fill with cement. If the quality of the flooring in the room leaves much to be desired, you can make a new screed by hiding the wires in it. The latter should be in the corrugation.

Remove wiring from the ceiling. Option two:

  • Hide the wires in a drywall niche installed around the perimeter.
  • Hide the wires in the gap between the stretch fabric and the main ceiling. In the latter case, it is worth notifying the masters in advance of your decision, otherwise you will have to apply other options.

outdoor camouflage

If the methods discussed above are not available for implementation, do not despair. To beautifully and cleverly hide numerous cords, you can use the opposite method, which involves external disguise. If you approach the issue wisely, numerous wires will in no way spoil the interior, but, on the contrary, will give it exclusivity and an unusual appearance.

Consider how to hide the wires from the outside. The options are:

  • Simulate a tree branch. A computer or television wire can be easily decorated by creating a small branch with it, decorated with homemade flowers, leaves or birds. Such a solution will transform the interior, give it uniqueness and brightness.
  • Make a tree. If the wire has a length of one and a half meters or more, you do not need to cut it - it will make a nice "tree". To fix the cord, special fasteners are used, with the help of which the necessary outlines are set.
  • Power station. Fans of the original design can imitate the supports on which the wires will be attached. This method allows you to solve two problems - to make the wires invisible to the eye and create a base for teaching your children.
  • Complex drawings. If you have free time and imagination, you can hide the wires on the wall by creating an original landscape. Here the main emphasis is on the contrast between the shade of the wallpaper (paint) and the cable. Separately, it is worth considering the elements that allow you to highlight the wiring.
  • Fence. One of the best options is to mount the wires at the top of the baseboard. But in order to hide them from the eyes, it is worth making wooden blanks in the form of a fence, and then fix them on double-sided tape. This method is suitable for a corridor or a child's bedroom. For greater originality, each element of the "fence" can be decorated with a different color.
  • Car track. This option is the most labor-intensive, because it takes time to implement. To create a road, cardboard is used, from which the necessary object is cut out. Next, the paper is painted in a color suitable for the interior.
  • Other ways. In addition to the options listed above, the wires can be removed under the door frames, behind indoor plants, under the carpet or behind the furniture.

Remember that it is better to develop a wire masking plan in advance, and then strictly adhere to it.

A lot of creative options for masking wires are shown in this video:

Hiding cords from the computer

Despite the popularity and availability of wireless technologies, many devices still need to be connected using wires. One of them is a computer, after installation of which a whole “web” of cords is assembled connecting the system unit with a monitor, a mains supply, a printer and other devices.

How to remove all the cables from under your feet, and at the same time not violate the overall design of the room. There are several options:

  • Hide the wires and extension cord in a special box. To implement the plan, it is enough to find a box of a suitable size, make several holes in it, and then mask all the switching in it. As an example, the use of a Plug Hub box made of special plastic is allowed. Its peculiarity lies in the absence of a bottom and holes provided in the upper part. Such a "box" can be attached to the floor or to the wall.
  • Fixing cables under the tabletop. The simplest options include masking the switching under the table, which will require binders and short screws. Make sure that the length of the latter is 20-30 percent shorter than the thickness of the top of the table. First, an extension cord is attached under the tabletop, after which the wires are assembled into a bundle and clamped with binders fixed with screws. There are other options - fastening power cables with a construction stapler (special clamps are used) or conventional ties. In the latter case, the wires are pulled together into a common bundle and fixed to the table leg. The part of the connection that comes from the baseboard can be covered with plastic, matched to the color of the flooring. The filter socket should be hidden under the tabletop, fastening it with a wide Velcro (the latter is fastened with screws). To prevent wires from dangling, switching is laid in small cable channels, which are fixed with an insulating tape or a simple plaster.
  • Creativity. As discussed above, the cable does not have to be hidden somewhere. One of the options is to fix it to the wall with the help of clamps, followed by “fixing” the bird cut out of the magazine. If there are free funds, ugly chargers should be replaced with products in a more original design.

Fixing wires under the table with binders is shown in this video:

and one more option:

Properly hidden wires are a chance to improve interior design, eliminate the risk of electric shock to children and pets, and also get rid of the “web” from under your feet. But, in addition to the secrets already considered, it is worth considering a number of recommendations:

  • Multiple cords are important to store properly. To do this, all switching from set-top boxes, phones, computers and other equipment is put into a special box. To avoid confusion in the future, the purpose of each cable is signed. Use cable ties to avoid tangled wires.
  • If the wire is needed regularly, you can fix it around the perimeter of the table from the underside of the tabletop. With this attachment, the cord is easy to get at any time and connect to the device.
  • In the process of masking, it is important to mark each cable on one side and the other. Such foresight avoids confusion in the future, when the purpose of each of the switching elements is already forgotten.
  • In the hardware stores there is a wide range of special boxes, made in different styles and able to complete the task. You can easily hide wires in them and not worry about interior design.
  • When using braided fabric, it is important to ensure that it does not sag. Otherwise, the risk of ignition increases, and the appearance of such a product leaves much to be desired.
  • The power cable should be as short as possible. In this case, the risks of injury from electric shock are reduced, and the masking process is simplified. If small children live in an apartment (house), it is worth remembering the danger posed by power cords. That is why it is desirable to hide the wires immediately after installing the equipment.
  • Cables that perform different functions must be separated from each other. So, the wires for powering a computer, printer, music center and other devices are connected separately from the power cords through which voltage is supplied. Thanks to this forethought, it is possible to minimize the pickup, which is the cause of noise and interference.


It is not difficult to tidy up the interior and protect your loved ones by masking the wires, because there are many effective ways to do this. The main thing is to decide on a suitable option, think over the wiring diagram in advance, purchase the necessary materials and follow the advice given in the article.

In a modern house, there is no way without electronics, and therefore without wires. Endless extension cords, chargers, internet cables and the like - all this spoils the interior and creates a feeling of disorder. The first thing that comes to mind is to get them out of sight. But the creativity in people does not sleep, and this solution turned out to be not the only one: the wires can be made part of the interior.

Quartblog has already explored the topic of the electronic jungle and reviewed useful devices that allow you to hide wires in the desktop area or decorate and play with them.

Let's look at the topic more broadly and deal with all the wires in the house. And let's also think about whether it is really necessary to hide and transform them in a modern interior, or is technical progress closely related to interior fashion?

We hide the wires

You can hide cables without special devices, especially if you like to do something with your own hands. For example, wires that are constantly used in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe table can be fixed under the table top and even run inside the legs, if the design allows, so there will be nothing superfluous under your feet.

Hang a textile pocket for an extension cord to the side of the table, and you don’t have to crawl under the table to plug in another device, and there will be more order at the desktop.

You can make a box for charging with your own hands from a shoe box by decorating it with wrapping paper or using the decoupage technique. You can immediately buy a gift box that matches the interior, and simply make the necessary holes in it.

If the wire from the lamp or from something else that stably occupies the same place spoils the look of the room, it can be painted in the color of the wall - the wire will become visually less noticeable. It is better to hang such electrical appliances near a door or window: a cord hanging close to another vertical line, especially a protruding one, is less conspicuous.

Tables and bedside tables with a back wall hide wires from table and bedside lamps, a computer, a printer and other equipment well. If you are just furnishing a room, opt for them.

It will be most reliable to hide the cable from the Internet or TV right in the wall. It is clear that it is difficult to do this except during repairs, especially in a city apartment. Wall panels (wooden are great) will give you more flexibility for these maneuvers.

An extension cord with chargers constantly gets in the way on the table or under your feet, collects a lot of dust, and it looks unaesthetic. Dealing with this problem is very simple: take a nice box, make a few holes in it and hide all the wires and cables there.

There are also ready-made solutions, such as Plug Hub from Quirky. This is a box made of hard plastic with a rubberized bottom. There are three holes on the top for cables, and inside there are three fasteners, on which you can wrap extra long cords. Plug Hub can be placed on the floor or mounted on the wall.

2. Fix the wires under the tabletop

To fix the wires and extension cord under the table, you will need binders and screws (they must be at least a quarter less than the thickness of the table top in length, otherwise they will go through and the table will be damaged). First of all, fix the extension under the table top, preferably in the middle of the table or closer to the wall. Then fix the binders in the right places with screws. Connect everything you need to the extension cord and assemble the wires with clamps. Visually, the table has become much cleaner and neater.

There is a simpler option if you do not need to hide a large number of wires. This will require a construction stapler. To prevent the long wire from the lamp from dangling under your feet, carefully fasten it with paper clips at the table leg. A small extension can also be fixed with paper clips. For thicker wires, it is better to use special clamps (for example, these).

Do you like stapler staples? Regular zip ties will do. Secure the cable to the table leg with cable ties. The wires that run along the floor can be covered with plastic or a plank to match the color of the floor. The extension can be fastened under the tabletop using a wide Velcro: fix it with screws on the back of the tabletop, and then attach the extension. To keep the wires from dangling under the table, run them through cable ducts - these can be purchased at any hardware store. You can fix the channels themselves with electrical tape or a regular plaster.

3. Organize cable storage

Getting rid of the confusion in the wires will help their proper organization. To get started, collect cords from phones, a player, a game console, and tablets around the house. Then take the boxes (preferably prettier), place cardboard dividers inside them, sign the place for each cable (so as not to get confused later) and lay everything out neatly. To avoid tangling the wires themselves, use ordinary ties.

If you don't feel like messing around with boxes, buy a basket and stock up on toilet paper rolls.

If the wires do not bother you, you can simply attach a label to each to make it easier to distinguish between them. For example, like this:

4. Keep all the necessary wires close at hand

Not all cables we can hide in a box: we need some of them almost constantly. The solution is simple: fasten them to the edge of your desktop so that you can reach out and connect the device to the right wire if necessary. Sugru will help us with this - plasticine-rubber and one of the most indispensable things in the household. Don't believe? Then look.

Roll the Sugru into small balls and place on a table support. Then, with a clerical knife, remove some plasticine (carefully, try not to deform the balls much). Life hack: to prevent plasticine from sticking to the blade, pre-rinse it with soapy water. Then adjust the shape a little with a sushi stick or a toothpick to get neat hollows (they should be slightly wider than your wires). Everything is ready, you can fix the cables.

Every person who loves order tries to improve his home, making it as comfortable as possible for living and aesthetically beautiful. For many of us, our own apartment is not just a roof over our heads, but something more, it is our fortress and our nest. Home improvement is a very broad and interesting topic.

Today we decided to touch on a topic that is quite sore for many - the problem of wires, or rather a large number of them. Despite the fact that scientific and technological progress has allowed us to transfer many devices to a wireless connection, nevertheless, the problem of a large number of wires is very relevant for many of us.

How to hide wires on the wall, on the ceiling and on the floor?

If you have a cable running along the ceiling or wall, then it can be hidden in a decorative plastic box. The box, depending on the type of wall or ceiling, is mounted on self-tapping screws or on dowels, a cable is laid in the niche of the box and closed from above with a fixing bar. This method is simple and the most commonly used. But, nevertheless, instead of a cable, you will get a plastic box, which, of course, is better than a passing cable, but not an ideal solution at the same time.

So that your wires do not pass from the outside of the wall, floor and ceiling, we recommend that you initially hide them inward.

How to hide wires in the wall. When making repairs, there is nothing difficult to hide the wire in the wall, having a grinder and a puncher. With a grinder, you make grooves along the entire line of laying the wire, and knock out the central part with a puncher, after which the strobes are ready. Laying the cable should also not be difficult, since the laid cable is immediately fixed with alabaster, which instantly hardens. After laying the wire using a cement mixture, you can close the strobes with the laid cable. That's the whole procedure.

How to hide wires on the ceiling. You can also hide the wire in the ceiling, and it's even easier to do it than in the wall. To do this, you can design a decorative figured niche of drywall, around the perimeter of the entire ceiling. In this niche, you can seamlessly lay all the wires by pulling them with plastic ties into one line. In addition, for the aesthetic transformation of the ceiling, we recommend organizing lighting in this niche, it will greatly transform the room at night, creating beautiful relaxing lighting.

You can also hide the wire in the false ceiling niche, this option is even more practical, since the wires do not need to be laid along the walls, they can be laid as you like, even diagonally.

How to hide wires on the floor. A great option to hide the wire running along the floor is the baseboard. For this, there are special options for skirting boards with a niche for laying cables in the central part. You take out the central part of the plinth, lay the cable in this niche and then return the central part back - the most practical way.

If you want to hide the wire in the floor during repairs, then there are several ways to do this. The first way is to knock out a groove in the floor with a puncher for laying the wire. Then thread the wire in the corrugation and lay it in these grooves. After that, the grooves with the wire are filled with cement, and the issue is resolved.

It is much easier to lay the wire in the floor if you are planning with a cement screed. To do this, you need to lay the wire stretched in the corrugation on the floor surface, after which the cement mixture is applied to the floor, thereby hiding the stretched wire underneath.

How to hide the wires from the TV?

The best way to hide the wires coming from the TV is, as mentioned above, to put them through a special plastic decorative box. You can hang the TV on the wall, and in the place where the TV is mounted on the wall, bring out all the necessary wires, so the wires will not be visible at all. Very often, the television cable is hidden in the baseboard or in the floor, we have discussed these methods above.

How and where to hide the wires from the computer?

Well, the last, more global problem: where to hide the wires from the computer!? The wires connecting and powering devices are a problem for many computer users. A string of wires does not fit into the interior in any way, and besides, it gets under your feet. How and where to hide the wires?

First you need to turn to wireless technology. By installing a Wi-Fi router in the apartment and connecting Wi-Fi modules to devices, you can easily remove a couple of wires that went from the router to devices that consume the Internet. Install a Wi-Fi access device in the corridor so that the Internet provider's cable is not pulled throughout the apartment. For devices that received the Internet by wire: a computer, a receiver, a TV - you can buy Wi-Fi modules (if there are none) and by setting up a wireless connection, you additionally get rid of several wires stretching throughout the apartment. In the future, try to buy Wi-Fi enabled devices.

So that the wires do not lie on the floor, and there are no turns of them - buy the wires of the required length, in which case they will be stretched, thus they will not lie on the floor in turns. The wires that lie under the table can be run along the bottom of the tabletop by attaching them with tape. Excess wires can be hidden in special decorative wire boxes. These boxes have a fun design and will harmoniously fit into any interior, and there is a wide selection of them on the Internet.

As in the other cases listed, all wires from the computer that go to remote devices can be pulled through the plinth. A more complex solution is the construction of a raised floor for laying wires. To do this, raise the space on which the computer is located by a few centimeters with the help of a built niche in which all the wires will be hidden.

How to hide cables and wires in the apartment

When I have to do mundane things like wall-mounting a TV, laying out a computer network, installing a Hi-Fi, installing a satellite dish, or laying the cable for an additional landline phone, I go through it again and again. How to hide wires?

The contemplation of wires is not very pleasant for the eyes and in some cases can even cause mental disturbance - not to mention the safety of the residents of the house. So what to do? Hide them if you can.

So, here are a few general tips to help you hide wires, including placing them in the wall and floor, using additional materials, and moving to wireless connections.

Walls and floors.

One of the best methods available for hiding wires in a home is to run them in the wall or under the flooring. To be fair, there is a risk of injuring your wife, who may freak out when she sees you armed with a high-speed drill aimed at her beautiful parquet. And, let's face it, if you don't have experience with this kind of work, it can be a little more difficult than it first appears. If you follow this path, first of all, talk first with experienced people, even better - with a specialist.

Other Solutions

If you're hesitant about choosing a method for running cables inside walls or floors (or if you want to avoid these extreme jobs that bring dust, noise, and subsequent repairs), remember that hope dies last. There are also outdoor ways to hide the wires. These tricks are aimed at laying cables as neatly as possible in more modest ways.

  • Disguise classic. Consider hiding the wires without much effort. Houseplants in front of cables hanging from wall-mounted TVs are good enough for the job. Tall monsters, dracaena, ivy weaving along a special rack ... Just be careful when watering them. Another option is a bunch of beautiful tall dry bamboo, which is not difficult to find in stores today - and you don’t need to water it.

  • Tricks with furniture. Strategically placed armchairs, sofas, couches, and chairs can help hide unsightly wires connecting home theater components, computer networks, and other cables. This works especially well with furniture with low clearance, that is, with a small clearance from the floor.

  • We go around the doors. To make the cables less visible, run them around the doors and along the architraves. Also see how the shadows fall in these places in your room and take advantage of the lighting features. In general, this method works well if you need to hide one cable. But this can also be easily vetoed by the mistress of the house.

  • Under carpet. Carpeting can hide wires, but be careful to run the wires around the outer perimeter to avoid creases and unexpected trips over them.

  • Special solutions. Of course, the world has already thought of everything and trade has long been ready to provide you with everything you need. You just need to know what to look for. Pipes, channels, cable ducts are designed to save men and contribute to their mission around the house. When used correctly, these solutions allow you to route cables in a way that looks smart and professional, while keeping cables well organized, safe and out of sight. These fixtures are often available in an assortment of colors, sizes and, if you try, you can find the perfect option in accordance with the overall design of the room. This also includes special skirting boards with a chute for cable routing.

A few extra tips to give a special aura of success to any wiring project.

  • Marking both ends of each cable will help you find the right cable long after installation. You can come up with something at hand, but there are such little things on sale.

  • Wherever possible, keep data cables and signal cables (computer network, audio cables, video cables, etc.) away from AC power cables. This will keep noise (speaker noise, picture ripples, data glitches) to a minimum.

  • For an audio and video cable, length is a critical parameter: the shorter the length of an audio and video cable, the less signal loss and less interference from external fields on the signal. For HDMI cables too: the shorter the better. The longer the AV cable, the higher the quality should be. The length of the optical cable, within reasonable limits, does not play a role and only affects its cost, but its poor flexibility and high fragility must be taken into account.

  • For a twisted pair computer network cable, the length is not so important, so it is better to make a small margin (one or two meters).

  • An excessively long power cable (power cable) runs the risk of being crushed by the leg of a chair, table, heel, or broken. The insulation can be damaged by the teeth of a pet or even a child. All this creates a risk of electric shock and a potential source of fire. Optimally, the power cable should not be open all the way to the outlet.

  • Avoid cables with an outer sheath in the form of a fabric braid. It looks very decorative, but quickly loses its neat appearance.

  • Keep computer network cables away from fluorescent lighting.

  • Be careful where the cable is bent. The inner sheath of the cable may break, you will hardly notice it, but this will create problems, the cause of which will be difficult to determine.

Switching to a wireless network for maximum effect.

To make cabling work as easy as possible, wireless solutions have been developed and are commercially available. If we are talking about a computer network, then there are Wi-Fi routers and a data transmission system over a household electrical network, which uses already hidden power wires in the house. There is a wireless "extender" for a landline phone and similar systems for a home theater. These are just a few examples of the use of wireless signaling and data technologies that can reduce the amount of wires in your home.

As for the power supply network of household equipment, there has also been a significant shift in this direction in recent years. Operating models of wireless stands for TV and audio equipment, TVs that can be powered wirelessly have already been demonstrated. Mobile phone models have been introduced that can charge batteries without a charger using the same principles of wireless power transmission. Perhaps by the time you read this article, such models will already be in the distribution network. But even with such a solution to the problem of hiding wires, the wire will still have to be laid - most likely, along the perimeter of each room. It is from this perimeter that energy will be emitted for all electrical equipment inside the room.

If you, after reading articles on the Internet regarding the harm of wireless (Wi-Fi) technologies, are worried about your health and the health of your loved ones, take into account also the fact that ordinary AC wires that surround you along all the walls up and down are not at all as harmless as it might seem. In addition, whether you install wireless equipment in your home or not, the volume of your living environment is already saturated with a dense stream of electromagnetic fields from the cellular network, satellite systems, navigation systems, security systems, radio, television, microwave ovens of neighbors, etc. .d. etc.

1. Plinth for laying the wire

2. Color boxes

3. Plinth with cable

4. Installing the baseboard

7. Cable management on the table

8. Spiral tube for organizing cables

9. Hanger for extension

Unfortunately, wireless technology has not yet become commonplace in offices and homes. So, in the near future, a bunch of annoying wires on the table will not go anywhere. Here are some tips to help you get rid of the mess and hide the cables from prying eyes.

In contact with


1. Hide the power strip with chargers in the box
  • An extension cord with chargers constantly gets in the way on the table or under your feet, collects a lot of dust, and it looks unaesthetic. Dealing with this problem is very simple: take a nice box, make a few holes in it and hide all the wires and cables there.

  • There are also ready-made solutions, such as Plug Hub from Quirky. This is a box made of hard plastic with a rubberized bottom. There are three holes on the top for cables, and inside there are three fasteners, on which you can wrap extra long cords. Plug Hub can be placed on the floor or mounted on the wall.

2. Fix the wires under the tabletop
  • To fix the wires and extension cord under the table, you will need binders and screws (they must be at least a quarter less than the thickness of the table top in length, otherwise they will go through and the table will be damaged). First of all, fix the extension under the table top, preferably in the middle of the table or closer to the wall.

  • Then fix the binders in the right places with screws. Connect everything you need to the extension cord and assemble the wires with clamps. Visually, the table has become much cleaner and neater.

  • There is a simpler option if you do not need to hide a large number of wires. This will require a construction stapler. To prevent the long wire from the lamp from dangling under your feet, carefully fasten it with paper clips at the table leg.

A small extension can also be fixed with paper clips. For thicker wires, it is better to use special clamps (for example, these).
  • Do you like stapler staples? Regular zip ties will do. Secure the cable to the table leg with cable ties. The wires that run along the floor can be covered with plastic or a plank to match the color of the floor.

  • The extension can be fastened under the tabletop using a wide Velcro: fix it with screws on the back of the tabletop, and then attach the extension. To keep the wires from dangling under the table, run them through cable ducts - these can be purchased at any hardware store. You can fix the channels themselves with electrical tape or a regular plaster.
3. Organize cable storage
  • Getting rid of the confusion in the wires will help their proper organization.

To get started, collect cords from phones, a player, a game console, and tablets around the house.

Then take the boxes (preferably prettier), place cardboard dividers inside them, sign the place for each cable (so as not to get confused later) and lay everything out neatly.

To avoid tangling the wires themselves, use ordinary ties.

4. Keep all the necessary wires close at hand
Not all cables we can hide in a box: we need some of them almost constantly.

The solution is simple: mount them on the edge of your desktop so that you can reach out and connect the device to the right wire if necessary. Sugru will help us with this - plasticine-rubber and one of the most indispensable things in the household.
Roll the Sugru into small balls and place on a table support. Then, with a clerical knife, remove some plasticine (carefully, try not to deform the balls much).

Life hack: to prevent plasticine from sticking to the blade, pre-rinse it with soapy water.

Then adjust the shape a little with a sushi stick or a toothpick to get neat hollows (they should be slightly wider than your wires).

Everything is ready, you can fix the cables.
  • There is an option for those who know how to work with wood. A small block with holes will help organize all the wires on the desktop.

  • The simplest solution is to pass the wires through the binders attached to the tabletop.

5. Don't hide wires
Seriously, if you get creative, cables can be an interesting piece of decor. For example, you can fix the wire on the wall using special clips. Why hide the wire when you can attach a bird to it?

Is there a mess under the desk in the office? There is a solution! You just need to call me and I'll fix everything.

Are you tired of the wires for which everyone stumbles? Constantly something does not work due to the fact that someone accidentally pulled it out. And the worst thing is that this horror has already lasted, as clients told me, for 3 years.

It's time to stop this, all you need to do is call the master, that is, here's my number

+79221642071 Nicholas

Okay, do you have a few questions anyway, how do you hide the wires under the table? Yes, everything is very simple, you just need to stock up on electrical tape, plastic ties (clamps), if there is a hammer in the house or something heavy and hard, even a stone, then you can also buy small clips with carnations.

And in a creative way, only my advice is to turn off the computer or whatever you have or ask to save more often. And then all the same, when unraveling the wires, you will have to turn something off.

Here in the photo, of course, a more complicated process of hiding wires in an aluminum nut, but take note.

This is what the wires look like for each user of a personal computer

And so, after my arrival.

Well, I'll tell you how to do it, everything is simple, firstly, start the whole process from the top, from the monitor and with the help of electrical tape or ties, just start collecting everything in a bundle.

Leave a supply of wire under the mouse and keyboard for a moment, otherwise you won’t be able to move or move it later. And so we slowly go down to the bottom to the system unit, here I still nailed the wires with brackets to the table, they are in any fastener store.

If you have an extra length of any wire left, fold it in a bundle and wrap or tie up your existing pigtail. And here in the photo it turned out chic, I fixed the surge protector with screws to the table, and tied the wires in the way we already knew. In my opinion, I hid these wires from the computer well, I like it myself, and most importantly, nothing dangles under my feet and collects dust and food debris.

Well, I think I explained to you intelligibly what exactly needs to be done with the wires under the table? And even more so the price of such a question is a penny. Here's what the pieces you'll need look like.

Insulating tape

Plastic ties or clamps

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