Intestinal infections of a viral nature. Intestinal flu - symptoms and treatment, drugs, prevention

Intestinal flu 20-30 years ago was not isolated at all as a separate disease. It was a simple intestinal infection, one of many. However, in the 70s of the twentieth century, rotavirus, the causative agent of intestinal flu, was discovered, after which the disease got its name.

What is it? Intestinal flu is a simplified name for gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection caused by rotavirus. Its reproduction leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. In this article, we will talk about when the "intestinal flu" is diagnosed, the symptoms and treatment of this unpleasant disease, and also talk about how the disease is dangerous for adults and children.

Why do children get sick more often than adults?

The fact that intestinal flu in children manifests itself much more often than in adults is a consequence of the peculiarities of the child's body, which consists in a low level of acidity of gastric juice. The body of adults is somewhat protected from rotaviruses due to higher acidity, as well as sufficient production of IgA immunoglobulin.

  • The habit of children to take toys and other objects into their mouths also plays a certain role.

Antiviral agents are powerless against rotavirus. Intestinal flu in children can be very dangerous. The appearance of diarrhea and frequent vomiting should be the reason for an immediate appeal to the pediatrician. An important point in protecting babies from infection is prevention.

How can you get infected?

Why does the stomach flu occur, and what is it? The causative agent of the disease is rotavirus. For the first time, the causative agent of the disease was discovered in 1973 in a biopsy of the small intestine in children with gastroenteritis. The main source of infection is a sick person or virus carrier. Microbes, entering the human body, multiply in the cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and are excreted into the environment along with feces. Isolation of the virus occurs immediately after infection.

The main route of infection is when eating food that is infected with the virus, not well processed during cooking, and when elementary rules of personal hygiene are ignored. This is also a "disease of dirty hands", like most intestinal diseases. A good environment for the development of rotavirus infection is water, dairy products.

Most often, intestinal flu affects children from six months to 3 years. Older children do not get sick often, they develop a relatively stable immunity.

Symptoms of the intestinal flu

In the case of intestinal flu in adults, the symptoms can be roughly divided into two groups. The first group includes those signs that are characteristic of a common cold or flu. The second group contains symptoms associated with disorders of the stomach and intestines.

The main signs of intestinal flu in adults are:

  • nausea, vomiting without blood and mucus;
  • weakness, body aches, muscle pain;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • redness, perspiration and;
  • subfebrile or high temperature;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal cramps, with frequent light
  • foamy stools with an unpleasant odor;
  • with severe development of the disease, signs of dehydration are noticeable.

Incubation period with intestinal flu ranges from several hours to five days. It is during the specified time that the infection that has entered the body reaches the gastrointestinal tract and begins to actively multiply there. How quickly the infection takes over the body depends on the amount of the pathogen in it. The severity of gastroenteritis also depends on this factor. The most difficult to tolerate the disease are children and the elderly.

The duration of the disease in adults is on average a week, but full recovery occurs only 5-7 days after the acute stage of the disease. However, a person can still be a carrier of the disease, so it's a good idea to practice strict personal hygiene, especially in public places.


Sometimes with intestinal flu, due to a large loss of fluid, dehydration of the body may occur, which requires special attention and careful selection of drugs. Sunken eyes, dizziness, thirst, sticky mouth, dry skin may indicate dehydration.

Dehydration of the body can be relieved by offering the patient a warm drink and some dietary food containing bananas, rice, apple juice, crackers. This is an anti-inflammatory diet.

How to treat intestinal flu?

Antibiotics are not used due to inefficiency. In the case of intestinal flu, treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and has specific goals:

  • elimination of dehydration;
  • raising the immune forces of the body;
  • restoration of water and electrolyte balance;
  • normalization of bowel function;
  • replenishment of the lack of enzymes.

To achieve the objectives, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • enterosorbents;
  • astringent preparations of plant origin;
  • enzymatic drugs;
  • drugs that normalize the microflora (pro-, pre- and eubiotics);
  • antipyretic;
  • vitamin complexes.

Treatment regimen

There is currently no specific treatment for intestinal flu in adults. Therapy at home aimed at reducing intoxication, normalizing water-salt metabolism, which is disturbed by diarrhea and vomiting. That is, the treatment is mainly symptomatic, aimed at reducing the negative impact of the virus on the body.

General principles for the treatment of rotavirus infection:

  1. First of all, it is necessary rehydration therapy, for which 1 sachet is dissolved in a liter of boiled water and drunk during the day every half an hour. Adults, regardless of the severity of the condition after vomiting or stool, drink 200 ml. solution, since fluid losses should be replenished in the first 6 hours. Hospitalization is indicated for children with frequent vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Appointment of sorbents (
  3. Semi-bed rest and isolation of the patient from healthy people are shown.
  4. After the acute phase of the flu, you need to restore the intestinal microflora. For this -, Bifiform, Hilak forte, etc.
  5. If the symptoms are pronounced, hospitalization is indicated.

Since there is no etiotropic treatment for this disease, the prevention of intestinal flu is of great importance. Preventive measures include the whole complex used for intestinal infections: regular hand washing, cleaning of premises with disinfectant and antiseptic solutions, processing dishes and products, and the maximum possible isolation of patients from healthy ones. By following these rules, the spread of the disease can be stopped.


A diet for intestinal flu is mandatory: the patient should not eat spicy and fried foods throughout the entire course of treatment, should eat more vegetable soups, drink jelly and compote.

With diarrhea and vomiting, the body becomes dehydrated, so you need to drink more fluids. In order for gases not to accumulate in the intestines, you need to eat sour-milk products, croutons and crackers.

Intestinal flu is one of the names of rotavirus infection and gastroenteritis. This disease develops rapidly after the penetration of pathogens into the body of a child or adult. Most often they are rotaviruses, adenoviruses or noroviruses. In the course of their vital activity, they produce toxic compounds that cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Babies are especially affected by gastrointestinal infection, as it takes much longer and more severe in children than in adults. Before treating a dangerous intestinal flu, gastroenterologists conduct a complete examination of the patient to assess the general state of health and identify the type of pathogenic infectious agent.

The right approach to treatment

Intestinal flu is dangerous with a high probability of infecting family members. Therefore, at the beginning of treatment, all safety measures should be taken to completely eliminate the transmission of viruses. A kid or an adult needs to allocate separate dishes, a towel, washing accessories. Relatives need to take care of the sick in medical masks, and then treat their faces and hands with disinfectant solutions.

The treatment of an infectious disease is complex, aimed both at eliminating pathogenic pathogens and at reducing the severity of symptoms - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. Full recovery occurs after a week, if the patient complies with all medical recommendations. In the process of treating intestinal influenza, pharmacological preparations are used for the following purposes:

  • restoration of the supply of mineral compounds and biologically active substances that are excreted from the body along with vomiting and diarrhea;
  • increasing the resistance of a child or an adult to pathogens of viral infections;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of peristalsis.

Treatment of intestinal flu at home without medical intervention is impractical, and for young children it is also very dangerous. The infection provokes dehydration a day after the opening of vomiting and diarrhea. The loss of only 10% of fluid in the body of a newborn can cause death. This is due to the rapidly developing deficiency of trace elements (potassium, sodium, magnesium), without which the normal functioning of all vital systems is impossible.

Separately, it is worth noting the uselessness of antibiotics in the treatment of intestinal flu. Preparations with antibacterial activity do not have any effect on rotaviruses or noroviruses. The use of such drugs will lead to a sharp decrease in immunity and the death of beneficial microflora in the intestine. This will significantly complicate the patient's condition, and delay recovery for a long time.

Therapy of infectious diseases

When staphylococci or streptococci become the causative agent of an intestinal infection, after determining their sensitivity, antibiotic therapy is carried out, which quickly eliminates harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, effective drugs for the destruction of viruses do not yet exist. Modern antiviral drugs show a more immunomodulatory effect, often without any evidence base. Therefore, gastroenterologists use drugs in therapy that reduce the severity of symptoms and relieve the body of the consequences of the negative effects of pathogens.

Replenishment of water and electrolyte balance

Treatment of intestinal flu is always accompanied by the intake of large amounts of fluid. Gastroenterologists prescribe rehydration drugs, which include mineral salts of potassium and sodium, as well as dextrose to restore the body's energy reserves. The most effective are:

  • Hydrovit,
  • Regidron.

The drugs are available in the form of powders. To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to dilute the contents of one package in a liter of warm boiled water, which should be drunk during the day. The difficulty of taking the drugs is the complete lack of appetite due to nausea and bouts of vomiting. But it is necessary to drink the sick person, otherwise dehydration will inevitably occur. In this case, a person is given a dilution of just a tablespoon, but often every 15–20 minutes.

If a child or an adult has vomiting or diarrhea, and there is no opportunity to purchase rehydration drugs yet, you can get by with temporarily improvised means. To do this, you should prepare an isotonic solution yourself - you need to dilute 9 g (a little less than a teaspoon) of ordinary table salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water. As an additional drink suitable:

  • chamomile tea;
  • rosehip infusion or rosehip syrup diluted with water;
  • table mineral waters - Essentuki No. 2 or No. 4, Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Narzan;
  • green or black strong tea;
  • water with a slice of lemon;
  • fruit compotes;
  • berry fruit drinks.

Drinking plenty of water not only replenishes the supply of mineral compounds, but also flushes out pathogenic pathogens, as well as harmful products of their vital activity, from the body. If the child does not have vomiting and diarrhea, but his temperature is elevated, then additional fluid intake is also necessary.

Polyphepan is used in the treatment of intestinal flu to remove toxins from the body.

The use of enterosorbents

Intestinal flu in children and adults often occurs against the background of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and disorders of peristalsis. A person suffers from symptoms of flatulence - increased gas formation, bloating, nausea, belching, diarrhea. To eliminate these negative signs, gastroenterologists prescribe sorbents:

  • activated carbon,
  • Enterosgel,
  • Filtrum-sti,
  • Polysorb,
  • Polyphepan.

These drugs absorb harmful substances on their surface, contribute to a fairly rapid removal of toxins, pathogenic bacteria, and viruses from the body. Due to their natural origin, these remedies are very well tolerated by both young children and adults. One of the advantages of sorbents is the absence of metabolism. After the binding of viruses and toxic compounds, they are immediately excreted from the body in an unchanged state.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

The penetration of viruses into the human gastrointestinal tract causes the death of beneficial bacteria. Without these microorganisms, digestion is gradually disturbed, peristalsis is upset. Treatment of dysbacteriosis begins after the acute stage of intestinal flu has passed. The drugs containing bifidus and lactobacilli have proven themselves most effectively in the treatment of this infectious pathology:

  • Acipol,
  • Linex,
  • hilak forte,
  • Bifidumbacterin,
  • Lactobacterin.

After taking eubiotics, beneficial bacteria begin to multiply in the intestines, releasing substances that create an acidic environment. Such conditions are extremely unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms, so they stop growing and die. Restoration of intestinal microflora helps to increase the immunity of adults and children.

With intestinal flu, Linex restores beneficial intestinal microflora

Decrease in body temperature

Almost all intestinal infections are accompanied by hyperthermia. Viruses provoke general intoxication of the body, the symptoms of which include fever. In this way, the immune system tries to destroy the pathogens of gastroenteritis. If the body temperature has risen no higher than subfebrile values ​​\u200b\u200b(38 ° C), then it cannot be knocked down.

With intestinal flu, such indicators are an effective tool for getting rid of pathogenic pathogens. But with a significant rise in body temperature, one cannot do without taking antipyretic drugs:

  • Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol),
  • Ibuprofen (Ibufen, Nurofen),
  • Nimesulide (Nimesil).

These drugs have an antipyretic and analgesic effect, which is important for often occurring aching joints. People with chronic stomach problems should take anti-inflammatory drugs with caution. To prevent damage to the mucous membranes, Nimesulide and Ibuprofen should be used in conjunction with proton pump inhibitors - Omeprazole, Ultop, Nolpaza.

Pediatricians and gastroenterologists advise parents to focus on the general condition of the baby. If the child feels tolerably with hyperthermia with values ​​​​of 38.5–38.7 ° C, then it is better to delay taking antipyretics - this will only accelerate the destruction of rotaviruses. Some children do not tolerate even subfebrile body temperature. In this case, you should immediately give the child a sweet syrup.

Improving digestion

Intestinal flu in adults and children occurs against the background of a complete lack of appetite. The reason for this is the high temperature, disorder of peristalsis and indigestion. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract dramatically reduce the production of biologically active compounds necessary for the proper metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. To facilitate the digestion and assimilation of food, you should take drugs with digestive enzymes:

  • Mezim forte,
  • Panzinorm forte,
  • Festal,
  • Enzistal,
  • Creon 10000 or 25000 units.

The dosage and duration of administration is determined by the attending physician, assessing the general health of the patient, his age, and the presence of a history of diseases.

Digestive enzymes play an important role in the treatment of intestinal flu.

Normalization of peristalsis

Diarrhea is one of the main symptoms that allows you to quickly diagnose intestinal flu. Widely advertised drugs for the rapid elimination of diarrhea in this case will cause irreparable harm to human health, especially a child. With the help of diarrhea, the body tries to get rid of pathogens. After taking Imodium or its structural analogue Loperamide, the frequency of bowel movements is significantly reduced. All viruses remain in the gastrointestinal tract and begin to multiply intensively.

Drugs with bacteriostatic, and in high doses and bactericidal action will help:

  • Enterofuril,
  • Ercefuril,
  • Stopdiar.

The main active ingredient of these drugs is Nifuroxazide. It inhibits the production of exotoxins by pathogenic viruses, which leads to less irritation of epithelial cells. It also reduces the release of fluid into the intestinal lumen. In addition, Nifuroxazide increases phagocytic activity and increases the body's resistance to viral infections.

Relief of bouts of vomiting

Vomiting is the same protective reaction of the immune system as diarrhea. Gastroenterologists resort to the help of antiemetics only in extreme cases, when the negative symptom of intestinal flu threatens the general state of health, causing a long-term lack of appetite. For the relief of vomiting attacks, two structural analogues are used:

  • Cerucal,
  • Metoclopramide.

These medications, without the appointment of the attending gastroenterologist, cannot be used. They have a significant number of side effects and contraindications. Exceeding the dose can cause complications and slow recovery. A small child with frequent vomiting is subject to urgent hospitalization for therapy in a hospital setting.

The use of enveloping agents

Despite the short duration of the intestinal flu with proper treatment, the viruses have time to severely damage the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent the development of events in such a negative scenario, gastroenterologists prescribe the following drugs:

  • De-Nol,
  • Novobismol.

The active substance of medicines is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. The chemical compound creates a protective shell on the inner wall of the stomach, which helps to avoid the negative effects of viral exotoxins. Enveloping preparations also contribute to the rapid regeneration of epithelial cells, the healing of ulcerative lesions.

The use of Enterofuril allows you to quickly stop the diarrhea that often occurs with intestinal flu

Diet food

It is necessary to treat the stomach flu only if you follow a strict diet, otherwise the recovery will be greatly delayed. On the first day of therapy, patients are shown complete fasting, which is not difficult due to constant nausea and vomiting. In the next few days, you need to exclude from the daily menu:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • all vegetable crops;
  • rich soups;
  • any pastries;
  • chocolate.

The use of such foods increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract, slows down digestion, and increases excess gas formation. Therefore, the patient's diet should include:

  • low-fat broths;
  • liquid rice porridge;
  • white bread crackers;
  • puree soups;
  • cracker.

During therapy, you can drink tea sweetened with honey, low-fat kefir. In the first days of treatment, you can not eat fruits and berries. Deficiency of vitamins and mineral compounds should be eliminated by taking Vitrum, Alphabet, Centrum, Selmevit, Complivit.

How to treat intestinal flu, only doctors of a narrow specialization - gastroenterologists - know.

Of no small importance in the preparation of an effective therapeutic regimen are laboratory and instrumental studies. Timely treatment to a hospital will avoid the occurrence of dangerous complications and will significantly speed up a full recovery.

Rotavirus infection (intestinal or stomach flu)- an infectious disease caused by rotaviruses, characterized by a combination of intestinal and respiratory syndromes.


Pathogens are the cause of the disease rotaviruses- viruses of the Reoviridae family, similar to each other in antigenic structure. Under an electron microscope, they look like wheels with a wide hub, short spokes and a clearly defined rim, they have two protein shells. The systematic study of these viruses began in 1973, when they were found in a biopsy specimen from the mucous membrane of the small intestine of children with gastroenteritis.

rotaviruses under the microscope

Source of infection

The source of infection is a sick person. At a young age, the source of infection of a child is a mother infected with rotavirus, at an older age and in adults - children from the team where the child or adults are. Infection can also occur from carriers of the virus, who themselves do not get sick, but infect others. The most dangerous in terms of transmission of the virus is the sick person in the first 3-5 days from the onset of clinically pronounced symptoms of the disease, at which time the concentration of viruses in the excreted feces is the highest. Methods of transmission from animals have not been identified.

Transfer mechanism

The main transmission mechanism of the virus is fecal-oral or as it is also called “disease of unwashed hands”. The virus can be transmitted massively through food and water (including holy water, in which the virus feels great), isolated cases are noted through the contact-household spread - through viruses located on objects. The spread of the virus through dairy products is especially often observed, which is associated with the peculiarities of milk processing and the cycle of the virus itself.

The virus feels great in a cold environment, in the same refrigerator, where it can persist for a long time and cause disease in humans.

Propagation time

The virus has a characteristic time of its spread - autumn-winter period, approximately from November to April inclusive. The rest of the time, isolated cases of the disease can be observed. Since the spread and characteristic symptoms of rotavirus infection usually precede an influenza epidemic, the combination of factors has given the disease the capacious name of intestinal flu.


Once in the human body, the virus penetrates the cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the small intestine, which leads to the destruction of predominantly intestinal villi. And the intestinal villi are involved in the synthesis of digestive enzymes that break down incoming food. Since food cannot be digested normally, plus disaccharides accumulate in the intestinal lumen, this leads to the entry of a large amount of water and electrolytes (saline solutions) into the intestinal lumen, and characteristic symptoms are formed in the form of severe diarrhea (diarrhea) and dehydration of the body.


The intestinal flu has cyclic flow. That is, the disease goes through the gradual stages of its development stage by stage. The first stage is the incubation period - lasting 1-2 days, the second - the acute period (from 3 to 7 days, with a severe course of the disease it can take more than 7 days), the third period - recovery (from 4 to 5 days)

The disease usually begins acutely, but a prodromal period (lasting up to 2 days) can also be observed during this period: malaise, general weakness, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, discomfort and rumbling in the abdomen. There may also be moderate manifestations of the disease from the upper respiratory tract: nasal congestion, sore throat, mild cough.

In the clinical picture of the disease, there is a combination of gastroenteritis syndrome, intoxication and damage to the upper respiratory tract, secondary lactase deficiency (intolerance to milk and dairy products) may be noted.

Gastroenteritis syndrome is characterized by loud rumbling in the abdomen, pains that are localized at the top of the abdomen, but may also be diffuse (over the entire surface of the abdomen), nausea, and vomiting. The main symptom that determines, among other things, the severity of the development of the disease is diarrhea. Stool with rotavirus infection is watery, frothy, yellow or greenish-yellow in color, with a mild form of the disease it can be mushy. The intensity of diarrhea (the number of “effective” trips to the toilet is considered) determines the degree of dehydration and intoxication of the body.

Intoxication of the body is manifested by increased fatigue, weakness, headache. In severe cases of the disease, dizziness, fainting may occur.

An increase in temperature with intestinal flu, especially in adults, is not always observed. Sometimes there is chills without fever. At the same time, at the height of the disease, the temperature can rise significantly to 38-39 degrees, both in children and adults.

Of the symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract, it is worth noting a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough. There may be hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall, palatine arches and uvula.

Complications and lethality

In a severe form of the disease, cardiovascular insufficiency can develop, up to a fatal outcome. According to statistics, mortality from rotavirus is 2.5-3% of cases, especially for people with poor health. In other cases, recovery occurs without health consequences. After a disease, relative immunity is developed, so adults who have had this disease in childhood get sick less often or in a mild form, sometimes they do not even notice their illness. Over time, immunity can weaken and repeated cases of the disease can be observed, that is, it is produced more than once for a lifetime, and therefore relative.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection, especially isolated cases, is difficult, since symptoms, especially in a blurred form, can also be characteristic of a number of other intestinal infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Currently, in connection with the development of diagnostic systems and laboratory tests for the detection of rotaviruses, there is an increase in statistically registered cases of rotavirus infection, but this is nothing more than an improvement in the quality of diagnosis and detection of this infection, and not some kind of epidemic, as the media like to escalate the situation.

A reliable diagnosis of rotavirus infection can only be made if rotaviruses are detected in humans, and this can now be done using a large number of laboratory diagnostic methods, such as polymerase chain reaction, passive hemagglutination reaction, complement fixation reaction, immunofluorescence and many other laboratory methods. It is worth noting their high cost even at this stage in the development of medicine, so you should not run these tests with every disorder.

Of the available diagnostic tools available in the arsenal, a general blood test can be noted, in which, during the acute phase of the development of the disease, leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes) with a neutrophilic shift to the left, and an increase in ESR are detected. During the recovery period, the blood picture is normalized. In the general analysis of urine, changes can also be noted in the form of: protein-, leukocyte- and erythrocyturia; the presence of hyaline casts in a small amount is rarely noted. Changes in the urine also disappear with recovery.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults and children

Currently, there are no specific anti-rotavirus drugs to combat rotavirus. Therefore, all treatment is aimed at combating the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

The disease manifests itself most clearly in children, so we will analyze the treatment using the example of therapy in a child.

First of all, it is necessary to isolate the child from healthy peers in order to prevent the spread of the disease in the team.

The second thing to deal with is dehydration. This is a dangerous symptom that can be fatal. Since with diarrhea a lot of water and salts (electrolytes) are lost. It should be noted that drinking a child with a solution of salts in this disease has a number of features:

  1. do not give the child a large amount of liquid to drink - this can lead to vomiting and the effect of such treatment will be negative
  2. for drinking it is better to use a special solution of salts, for example, a pharmacy sells rehydron, a powder in sachets, contains all the necessary salts (potassium, sodium, etc.) that the body loses with severe diarrhea. Dissolves according to the instructions (1 sachet per 1 liter of cold boiled water) and drink in small doses of 50 ml every half an hour until the water runs out
  3. If there is no rehydron, you can use saline (a solution of water with the addition of salt). At home, it is prepared by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water (but this is not a solution for injection, but for drinking the patient). It is drunk according to the rehydron scheme (50 ml every half an hour)
The fight against temperature must also be justified, as with. If the child's temperature is 38 and below, then it is not worth knocking it down with chemicals. Rotavirus dies at high body temperature, plus the production of interferons is activated, which also remove the virus from the body. It is possible to shoot down at a temperature above 38.5, it is possible below if its poor tolerance is noted. To reduce the temperature, you can use both physical methods to reduce the temperature (rubbing the body with vodka) and chemical ones (taking paracetamol and other specific drugs, it is preferable to use candles in children).

In the acute period, it is necessary to prescribe enzyme preparations (festal, mezim), since their own enzymes for digesting food in the body are not enough due to the death of the intestinal villi that produce enzymes.

It is also necessary to take adsorbing and astringent agents (activated carbon, polysorb, smecta).

For pain in the abdomen, it is forbidden to take painkillers, in this case, call an ambulance that will provide the necessary assistance.

It is also necessary to monitor the child and with a progressive deterioration in the condition, prolonged diarrhea, the appearance of new symptoms, it is necessary to call a doctor to refer the sick person to the hospital.

Adults do not need treatment for stomach flu. In the case of the development of symptoms of the disease, treatment is similar to that in children.

Features of nutrition (diet) in the intestinal form of influenza

The first thing you need to give up in nutrition when symptoms of intestinal flu appear is milk and dairy products, including sour-milk. In addition to increasing diarrhea due to secondary lactase deficiency, which I have already mentioned, milk is also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so do not aggravate

If a person can eat, you can feed him thin chicken broth or rice porridge boiled in water without adding oil. But you need to feed in small portions with interruptions, so as not to cause an attack of vomiting.

It is also worth limiting the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates.

Intestinal flu during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should refrain from visiting places and contact with people with intestinal flu, even if they are her own children. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

It is worth noting the difficulty of diagnosing rotavirus infection in pregnant women due to the possible masking of symptoms under toxicosis of pregnant women and other conditions.

In general, therapy does not differ from the standard above. More liquid inside to compensate for excreted from the body (it is necessary to monitor edema), consultation of an intelligent therapist for pregnant women in order to exclude possible severe pathology, which will be hidden under the guise of intestinal flu, dietary restrictions, intake of adsorbent and lactose-containing drugs.

Some doctors and seen on forums advise drinking Enterofuril, but it only helps against bacteria, which can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, it is useless against rotavirus.


Two vaccines are currently available for specific prophylaxis of rotavirus infection, but they are used only in Europe and the USA. In our country they are not used.

For prevention, a standard set of sanitary procedures is used to prevent infection from entering the body (isolation of the sick, washing hands regularly throughout the day and especially before meals, eating proven and high-quality products, especially dairy products that have not expired, using high-quality drinking water , better boiled, thorough washing of vegetables and fruits used for food, it is even possible to soak in a 3% solution of acetic acid for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing in running water if the epidemiological situation for rotavirus in the region is unfavorable). Sanitary control by regulatory authorities over the state of catering points and products in stores and markets is a matter of course.

Here is a detailed study of the intestinal flu, I conducted in this article. If you missed something or have questions, you can always consult by leaving a comment below.

Viral diseases affect a person more than once during a lifetime. The principle of their origin, course and acquisition may differ. Also, each case has its own symptoms. The intestinal virus is especially difficult to tolerate. If a common respiratory disease can be left to chance, allowing the immune system to cope with the pathology, then the infection of the digestive tract must be treated. Otherwise, dangerous complications may arise. Such pathologies cause a strong blow to the immune system, digestion and general well-being.

intestinal infection virus

The disease is recognized as serious and dangerous. Note that adults are easier to tolerate its symptoms. Some patients are not even aware that they are ill. The intestinal virus is especially dangerous for children, pregnant women and the elderly. A person may not get sick himself, but be contagious.

The disease proceeds in three stages. First comes the incubation period. Its period is no more than three days from the moment of infection. These days, a person does not yet know about his disease and feels pretty good. However, it can already infect other people. The second stage is called the acute period. It lasts from several hours to a week. At this time, the infected person feels all the "charms" of the disease. The intestinal virus completes its work with the stage of recovery. It lasts up to five days. At this time, a person daily feels improvements and finally returns to normal. Complete occurs 2-4 weeks after the end of the acute period.

Intestinal virus: symptoms

The manifestation of the disease can be different for each person. But almost always the main symptom of pathology is diarrhea. The urge to defecate in the acute period is frequent. The stool becomes yellowish-green with mucus and foam interspersed. Sometimes there is an admixture of blood. Remember that bloody stools should be a reason for urgent medical attention. How else is the intestinal virus manifested? Symptoms may be as follows:

  • (occurs immediately after eating or drinking, when a person refuses food or water);
  • high temperature (with an intestinal virus, the thermometer level can reach 39 degrees, chills occur);
  • runny nose and cough (this symptomatology is similar to the usual flu, an inflamed red throat may be detected);
  • headache;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • flatulence;
  • pain (occurs in the upper part of the peritoneum and spreads throughout the abdomen);
  • lack of appetite.

The stomach flu may have only a few symptoms or all of the symptoms. Much depends on the individual characteristics of human health and its immunity. In any case, the intestinal virus must be treated. How to do it right?

See a doctor

Viruses of the gastrointestinal tract are different. It is possible to determine the causative agent of the disease only by laboratory methods. However, these studies are quite expensive. Therefore, they are almost never appointed. In addition, the picture of appointments from the results obtained does not change in any way.

If an intestinal virus has struck a child, an elderly person or a pregnant woman, then you should definitely seek help from doctors. Remember that your wrong actions can lead to serious complications. Most adults heal on their own. But for this you need to know all the necessary drugs and choose them correctly. Consider the main treatment regimens.

Cleansing activities

The gastrointestinal virus always causes intoxication. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply, come into contact with normal cells, releasing toxic substances. It is for this reason that a person's body temperature may rise. Sorbents are used to remove toxins. These drugs are safe and affordable. They have different release forms and names. You can take them even without a doctor's recommendation. A contraindication to the use of sorbents is individual intolerance to the components, gastric ulcer and intestinal atony.

The most common medications of this kind are: Polysorb, Activated charcoal, Smekta, Enterosgel. A feature of the use of sorbents is that they must be used separately from other drugs. The active substances remove not only toxins from the body, but also useful components.

Rehabilitation Therapy

The intestinal virus in children can cause dehydration. This complication is considered one of the most dangerous. Therefore, with diarrhea and vomiting, it is necessary to restore the water-salt balance. This can be done with the help of drugs "Regidron" or "Hydrovit". Formulations are not used only in case of impaired renal function.

A feature of the use of such funds is that they need to be diluted in warm water. The fluid must be at the patient's body temperature. Only in this situation it will be assimilated as quickly as possible. This is very important when vomiting.

How to stop diarrhea?

An intestinal virus in adults and children is always accompanied by diarrhea. It occurs as a result of damage to the small intestine by pathogenic microorganisms. The work of the villi is disrupted, an inflammatory process occurs. The absorption of nutrients slows down or stops altogether. There is pressure in the intestines.

Imodium and Loperamide drugs will help you reduce peristalsis and stop diarrhea. They act within a few minutes after taking. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that these tablets are forbidden to be given to children under 6 years of age. The use of medications in pregnant women is possible only when comparing the risks and unpleasant consequences. To stop diarrhea, Smekta is also used. This tool, as you already know, is safe and can be used even in newborns.

Effective antiviral therapy

The E. coli virus is transmitted very quickly. It can be obtained through dirty hands, stale meat, food, water, and personal hygiene items. Prevention of the disease lies in the observance of hygiene rules and the processing of food. If you are still infected, then it makes sense to use antiviral compounds. These include "Cycloferon", "Ergoferon", "Kipferon" and so on. They are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is permissible to use some of the medicines only from 4-7 years. Pay attention to this information when treating a child.

Many have immunomodulatory activity. They cause the body to produce antibodies against the pathogen. This creates immunity. It is worth noting that after the illness, re-infection is very easy (in some cases, unnoticed).

Intestinal antiseptics: a list of drugs

Many patients are skeptical about the use of antibiotics for the disease described. Indeed, the intestinal virus in adults and children is not treated with such drugs. The causative agent is not a bacterium. Therefore, antibiotics are more likely to worsen your condition. They are prescribed only for complications or bacterial lesions of the intestine.

Despite this, it is advisable to use antiseptics with an intestinal virus. These are intestinal antibiotics that are not absorbed into the blood and do not affect the functioning of other systems and organs. These drugs include: "Stopdiar", "Ersefuril", "Enterofuril". Medicines will prevent bacterial complications and eliminate the pathogenic flora. Available in tablets and liquid form. The latter option is preferred for younger children.

Feel-good drugs

If you are struck by an intestinal virus, treatment should be comprehensive. In addition to the use of the described means, the following preparations are also necessary.

  • Antipyretic. Accepted at a temperature of more than 38.5 degrees. You can use "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Nimulid", "Analgin". The drugs will not only reduce the temperature, but also anesthetize. Alternate medications as needed to avoid overdosing.
  • Antispasmodics. If you have spastic abdominal pain, then it is advisable to use such remedies as Papaverin, Drotaverin, Duspatalin and so on.
  • With nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops "Nazivin", "Vibrocil" can be used. In order to eliminate a sore throat, use Strepsils, Tantum Verde, Ingalipt.
  • If the disease is accompanied by a cough, then appropriate medications can be taken. It is important to understand what kind of cough you have: wet or dry. Many patients find it difficult to understand this issue without a doctor.


During an intestinal infection, it is imperative to adhere to a diet. This will help you quickly restore your strength and return to your usual activities. Completely exclude dairy and sour-milk products from the diet. In this environment, bacteria multiply at an unthinkable rate. In addition, viruses can provoke and this will only aggravate your condition. You need to give up sweets, fruits and vegetables. Don't eat fast carbs. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are contraindicated.

In the early days, you need to eat only rice and rice water. These foods will help you stop diarrhea and have a soothing effect on your stomach. If there is no vomiting, then you can eat chicken broth. With increased appetite, add a few crackers to it. It is allowed to drink strong black tea without sugar. When you are sick, it is important to drink more fluids. Replenish its deficiency resulting from vomiting and diarrhea. During the recovery period, it is permissible to eat cheese, eggs, bananas. All foods you are familiar with should be introduced gradually.


A complex of beneficial bacteria will help you recover from an illness. There are a great many of them on the pharmacological market now: Linex, Acipol, Imoflora, Bifiform, and so on. Of course, when choosing a drug, it is better to consult a doctor, but the principle of operation of all these drugs is approximately the same. Therefore, feel free to choose a probiotic that is more convenient for you to use. You can also find prebiotics for sale. These are substances that feed on beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Prebiotics increase colonies of beneficial bacteria. It is advisable to take them only after a course of probiotics.

The average duration of taking such drugs is one month. During this time, you will be able to fully establish bowel function and return to normal nutrition.

Hospital treatment

If the patient has an admixture of blood in the feces and vomit, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. Dehydration is also a reason to seek help. It is manifested by lack of urine, dry lips, crying without tears, and other symptoms. In all these situations, the patient is shown inpatient treatment.

In a hospital setting, doctors conduct intravenous rehydration therapy, and additional funds are also prescribed. Be sure that in a medical institution you will be provided with really correct assistance. The patient is discharged after feeling better. The doctor gives individual recommendations for recovery, which you will perform at home.


The article presented you with options for how the intestinal virus proceeds. How to treat the disease, you also now know. Often, intestinal flu is confused with poisoning. At the same time, the first days of the disease are missed, in which it is so important to carry out therapy. The sooner you start treatment, the easier and faster the disease will pass. Future mothers should be especially attentive to such manifestations. You should not write off the malaise for toxicosis. After all, the symptoms of an intestinal virus are similar to it. If you feel unwell, diarrhea and vomiting appear, then you need to contact the doctors as soon as possible.

Self-treatment of the intestinal virus by doctors is not welcome. Despite this, many patients practice this approach. Listen to the recommendations of experts and do not get sick!

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that people often confuse it with an intestinal infection and do not take the necessary first aid measures. In adults with strong immune systems, this form of influenza may be asymptomatic, but is still contagious.

The reasons

How is the stomach flu transmitted?

There are 3 ways:

  • food . The cause of the disease can be the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits, unboiled tap water, as well as non-compliance with hygiene rules (dirty hands, using someone else's dishes, etc.).
  • Airborne . Viruses are spread in the air when a sick person sneezes, coughs, and even talks normally. When you are close to him, infection occurs.
  • Contact household . The virus is transmitted through the use of common items with a sick person: pencils, computers, doorknobs, etc. This method of transmission is typical for crowded places - schools, offices, shops.

People with reduced immunity are more susceptible to intestinal flu: those with chronic diseases, children, pregnant women, the elderly. The causative agent of this infection has a very high viability, it is not destroyed when exposed to ordinary soap, it can withstand freezing and heating up to 60 ° C. It dies when boiled, treated with disinfectants with chlorine.

What happens in the body when infected?

When infected, the virus enters the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. The incubation period of intestinal flu begins, which lasts up to 5 days. How quickly the disease develops and how hard it will proceed depends on the concentration of the pathogen and the state of immunity.

30-40 minutes after infection, the virus is already in the mucous membrane of the small intestine and destroys its structure. As a result, the secretion of digestive enzymes that break down complex carbohydrates is reduced. These compounds accumulate, attract fluid, and diarrhea develops.

After 20 hours, the infected cells die and are shed. Then they leave the digestive tract along with feces, becoming an external source of infection.


Gastrointestinal influenza begins acutely, symptoms appear after the end of the incubation period, on average after 2-3 days. Characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, the development of fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Feces can be of various colors, sometimes with blood streaks.

The acute period of the intestinal form of influenza lasts about 7 days, the following symptoms are observed:

  • spastic abdominal pain of varying intensity;
  • nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing;
  • pain or sore throat;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weakness.

Often, intestinal flu precedes the usual one, and then the symptoms of the associated disease gradually increase: muscle pain, chills, a second wave of temperature rise.

If the infection was severe, then by the time of recovery, there is an exhaustion of the body, a sharpening of facial features, a decrease in blood pressure, mild anemia with dizziness and pallor of the skin.


Intestinal flu in adults with stable immunity manifests itself smoothly, in other categories of the population it is often similar to food poisoning, dysbacteriosis and other diseases of the digestive tract.

Therefore, the diagnosis of rotavirus infection requires laboratory tests:

  • general blood test to determine the level of leukocytes, ESR;
  • general urinalysis to detect erythrocyturia, leukocyturia;
  • passive hemagglutination;
  • RIF - immunofluorescence reaction or Koons method;
  • RSK - complement fixation reaction.

The list of diagnostic procedures may be less or more, depending on the clinical picture of the disease. The last 4 analyzes are most often performed on a paid basis.

First aid for intestinal flu

If an adult is suspected of having intestinal flu, measures should be taken to prevent dehydration before visiting a doctor and starting treatment. Diarrhea and vomiting lead to rapid fluid loss.

What to drink with intestinal flu? Tea, compote or just water is best. Nutrition should consist mainly of natural grated dishes: cereals, mashed potatoes, soups.

If a child is sick, then you can not leave him alone. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not choke on vomit. To do this, during sleep, you need to raise the upper end of the bed, turn your head to one side. With a sharp increase in temperature, you can give an antipyretic drug (Paracetamol, Nurofen).

Treatment Methods

Treatment for intestinal flu is always complex. The first step is to eliminate dehydration. With a large loss of fluid, infusion therapy is carried out: drugs are administered intravenously to restore the water-electrolyte balance and normalize metabolic processes (Rehydron, Oralit, colloidal solutions).

If dehydration is not severe, then drinking is enough. The amount of fluid to be taken is calculated by the doctor based on the patient's body weight and the severity of symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea. It is necessary to drink in small portions every 10-15 minutes.

There is no specific cure for stomach flu. The treatment is aimed at reducing the intoxication of the body and normalizing the water-salt metabolism.

For this, they are assigned:
  • Enterosorbents are drugs that bind toxins in the intestines and help to remove them (Activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta).
  • Antidiarrheal, antimicrobial drugs (Enterofuril, Stopdiar, etc.);
  • Enzymatic preparations (Furazolidone).
  • Probiotics (Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Lineks).

Antibiotics for intestinal flu are not prescribed, since their action is aimed at eliminating bacteria, not viruses. In addition, drugs in this group lead to dysbacteriosis - an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which only exacerbates symptoms such as diarrhea, flatulence.

How to treat intestinal flu in an adult, the doctor must decide. Sometimes others join this disease, and then the list of drugs will be wider.

stomach flu during pregnancy

Intestinal flu often develops during pregnancy, as at this time there is a natural decrease in immunity. The difficulty in identifying the disease lies in the fact that often a woman takes his symptoms for toxicosis: nausea, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea.

The virus itself does not pose a threat to the fetus, it develops only in the intestines of a woman. But the danger is dehydration, general weakness of the body, anemia, low blood pressure. All this leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the unborn child.

There is fetal hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation, and in severe cases - miscarriage, premature birth. Therefore, it is extremely important for expectant mothers to monitor their condition and consult a doctor at the first suspicion of an infection.

Complications of the intestinal flu

If you start fighting dehydration in time and taking pills, suspensions and powders , the prognosis for intestinal flu is favorable. When the disease is severe, hypotension, anemia, and cardiovascular insufficiency may develop. In the absence of medical care, a fatal outcome is not ruled out. According to statistics, about 2.5% of cases of rotavirus infection end in death.

Having been ill with the intestinal flu once, a person becomes less susceptible to the virus. If there is a re-development of the disease, then the symptoms are much less pronounced or completely absent.


There is a specific prevention of intestinal flu vaccination. The rotavirus vaccine is called Rotarix. It is a drop for introduction into the oral cavity. To develop immunity, it is necessary to use the drug in 2 stages, with a break of at least 4 weeks.

Nonspecific prophylaxis of intestinal flu is as follows:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, frequent and thorough washing of hands, the use of individual dishes, towels, brushes;
  • drinking only purified and treated water;
  • careful selection of products, washing fruits and vegetables, compliance with expiration dates and storage rules;
  • when bathing, avoid accidental ingestion of water.

Prevention of intestinal flu after communication with the patient is to increase the body's resistance to infectious agents. It is recommended to start taking immunostimulants, restore sleep and nutrition, avoid physical and mental overload. But the effectiveness of emergency measures is lower than those carried out in advance.

Features of nutrition during and after the disease

The diet for intestinal flu in adults and children involves a sparing and soft diet. From the daily diet, you need to exclude all foods that irritate the intestines: spicy, sour, seasoned, fatty, smoked, as well as hot and cold. You will also have to give up milk and dishes from it, fresh fruits and vegetables, confectionery and sweets.

What can you eat with the stomach flu? The best option is slimy cereals on the water, stewed and mashed vegetables, mashed soups, rice water, jelly, dry bread. In order not to overload the digestive system, you need to eat in small portions and often.

Diet after the intestinal flu is based on the same principles. It is worth switching to the usual diet gradually, over 3-4 weeks.

Influenza is an infectious disease that affects the digestive tract, mainly the small intestine. Manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

Due to the similarity with other diseases of the digestive tract, laboratory diagnostic data are necessary for an accurate diagnosis: a general blood and urine test, PCR, etc. Treatment is based on the elimination of symptoms, dehydration. Prevention can be specific (vaccination) and non-specific (prevention of infection).

Useful video about the treatment of intestinal flu

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