What blood clots look like in the leg: symptoms and treatment of a dangerous disease. Signs and symptoms of a blood clot in the leg Signs and symptoms of vascular disease

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities causes an arterial or venous thrombus in the leg; symptoms of thrombosis of the legs: pain while walking, pain in the calves, swelling, varicose veins. More often, deep vein thrombosis occurs in people who have suffered bruises, bone fractures and who use hormonal contraception. What is dangerous thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities?

A blood clot (otherwise a thrombus) can form in an arterial and venous vessel. In both cases, the presence of thrombosis leads to partial or complete closure (occlusion) of the vessel and disruption of blood flow in it. Blood clots in the legs form platelets, which accumulate in the affected vessel (platelet aggregation) and concentrate around them clotting factors (eg, fibrinogen) that contribute to the formation of fibrin. For the formation of a blood clot, there must be appropriate conditions that relate to the so-called Virchow's Triad:

  • damage to the vessel wall (at the site of the endothelial defect, it reaches the exposure of collagen, which promotes platelet aggregation);
  • increased blood clotting - the predominance of coagulation factors, for example, thrombophilia;
  • disorder of blood flow in the vessel, for example, as a result of prolonged immobilization of the limb.

What can happen if a blood clot breaks off in a vessel? The separation of a blood clot in the deep veins of the lower extremities and its movement with the blood stream leads to pulmonary embolism, which is a life-threatening condition.

It is possible to dissolve blood clots in the legs using the process of thrombolysis.

The occurrence of thrombosis within the entire venous system is facilitated by appropriate situations, which include:

  • surgical procedures, mainly in the lower extremities, pelvis and abdominal cavity;
  • malignant tumors contribute to the occurrence of venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of superficial veins (this may be the first manifestation, for example, of colon cancer or pancreatic cancer);
  • prolonged immobilization of the limb. This occurs after an injury (fracture), during a long trip (for example, on an airplane), or is accompanied by neurological diseases (for example, damage to the limbs);
  • pregnancy, postpartum period - during this period there is a high concentration of the corresponding hormones that have a thrombotic effect on the vessels;
  • oral contraception, hormone replacement therapy, especially in combination with smoking, very often leads to dangerous thrombosis and thrombotic complications;
  • increased blood clotting - this includes disorders that contribute to the formation of blood clots in the vessels (i.e. congenital or acquired thrombophilia, thrombocythemia, polycythemia);
  • severe heart failure;
  • previous venous disease with thrombosis is a high risk of another venous thrombosis.

Factors that can cause blood clots in the legs are: varicose veins of the lower extremities, smoking, the presence of a catheter in a vein, dehydration, obesity, kidney disease (nephrotic syndrome), sepsis, and age over 40 years.

Some of the situations listed above require ongoing therapy to prevent blood clots, such as paralysis of the lower extremities.

Signs of thrombotic inflammation of the superficial veins are quite characteristic. Most often, within the dilated vessel (varicose veins), there is stagnation of venous blood, the development of inflammation and the formation of blood clots. In this place, signs of thrombosis appear - limited, painful swelling with reddening of the skin. The doctor, examining the patient by palpation, can feel a nodular solid ball under the skin in the vessel. Thrombophlebitis most often affects the subcutaneous veins and passes to the tissues surrounding its skin, nerves and lymphatic vessels.

The most common symptoms of a venous thrombus in the leg are:

  • pain in the limb;
  • pain and cramps located in the calf area;
  • swelling and an increase in the circumference of the limb;
  • Homans symptom - pain in the legs with dorsiflexion of the legs;
  • increased temperature of the limb;
  • high body temperature;
  • a noticeable expansion of the veins on the surface of the limb.

Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis may be mild. The first symptoms may be signs of a pulmonary embolism. That is why early diagnosis and prevention is so important.

The most common is distal thrombosis. It touches the veins of the lower leg and, as a rule, proceeds without symptoms. A blood clot in the leg is associated with a small risk of developing pulmonary embolism. Thrombosis can spread to veins located more proximally, which threatens with a greater risk of developing venous thromboembolism.

Proximal thrombosis affects the popliteal vein and all veins located above (veins of the thigh and inferior vena cava). In this case, severe symptoms occur. There is a high risk of pulmonary embolism.

Phlegmasia (lat.) (Phlegmasia dolens) is a rare but very dangerous form of thrombosis. There is an acute thrombosis of most of the veins of the limb, leading to pain and massive swelling. There are two types of phlegmasia: white phlegmasia, when thrombosis is caused by the closure of small arterioles, which leads to blanching of the limb, and blue phlegmasia - it is much more dangerous, it can lead to loss of a limb and even death. In this case, the growing edema causes a violation of blood flow in the arteries of the limb, ischemia and tissue necrosis. Fortunately, this is a very rare occurrence.

Diagnosis of the disease

In the event of the above symptoms, confirmation of the diagnosis by a doctor is necessary. Only he, on the basis of a physical examination and an interview with the patient, can make a preliminary diagnosis and plan treatment. In case of doubt or an ambiguous clinical picture, an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is performed, which will help to accurately determine on the image what a blood clot looks like on the leg. Ultrasound, first of all, is required in case of suspected thrombosis of the mouth of the saphenous vein. This location can lead to serious complications, since it is an important risk factor for the spread of the process into the deep vein system.

The diagnosis of "deep vein thrombosis" is also made on the basis of a clinical study, according to the so-called Wells scale, as well as additional studies: laboratory studies - blood coagulation analysis.

Wells scale includes 8 main clinical symptoms of deep vein thrombosis. It:

  • malignant tumor;
  • paralysis, paresis or recent immobilization of the lower limb with a plaster cast;
  • immobilization of the patient in bed for more than 3 days;
  • pain in the deep veins of the lower limb;
  • swelling of the entire lower limb;
  • pale swelling.

1 point is awarded for each of the symptoms listed above. Based on the result obtained, the probability of deep vein thrombosis is estimated.

Further diagnostic steps depend on the result obtained on the Wells scale. If the probability is low, a study is carried out to determine the concentration of D-dimers, it allows one to judge the intensity of the processes of formation and destruction of fibrin clots. Their absence makes it possible to exclude deep vein thrombosis with a high probability. If the result is high, an ultrasound examination should be performed.

If the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis is high, you can skip the step of determining dimers and perform only ultrasound and laboratory tests: blood clotting test, creatinine.

Treatment tactics

The goal of treatment is to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, prevent complications and relapses. If there are potential causes that can cause inflammation with thrombosis, it is necessary to strive to eliminate them (for example, a catheter in a vein). The method of treatment depends on:

  • places;
  • the presence of varicose veins;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • the number of such thromboses.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the treatment, either topically or in the form of oral therapy, which have an analgesic effect. With conservative treatment, compression bandages are used using an elastic bandage. Immobilization of the affected limb is not required.

Once deep vein thrombosis is confirmed, further treatment should be initiated.

In the case of proximal thrombosis, i.e. a thrombus in the lower, iliac, femoral, popliteal vessels, as well as early thrombosis of the upper limb, local fibrinolytic treatment should be considered. It consists in the introduction of a catheter into the vessels, through which a drug that dissolves a blood clot is supplied, thrombectomy is possible, i.e., the surgical removal of a blood clot from a vein. After thrombolysis/thrombectomy, anticoagulant treatment is applied according to the rules described below.

In the event that thrombosis of the distal sections occurs, anticoagulant treatment is used: heparin, together with oral anticoagulants (acenocoumarol or warfarin).

After suffering deep vein thrombosis, the patient undergoes a course of treatment with anticoagulants for at least 3 months. It aims to prevent the next venous thromboembolism.

Prevention measures

What to do if you are predisposed to leg thrombosis? Preventive action is needed to prevent vascular thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis should be undertaken in all patients with risk factors. It includes:

  • exclusion of risk factors;
  • preventive actions during many hours of air travel (consumption of a large amount of liquid, tension of the muscles of the lower leg, the use of special stockings, an injection of a prophylactic dose of heparin is possible);
  • the use of anticoagulants by patients undergoing vascular surgery;
  • the use of heparin in pregnant women with additional risk factors for thrombosis.

You should do therapeutic exercises. If there is a predisposition to varicose veins, wear compression stockings, socks, stockings. When the first symptoms of a blood clot in the leg occur, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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Good afternoon Dear readers of the site. An article on the topic of a blood clot in the leg, symptoms and treatment, a photo on the leg. What to do at home, how to recognize folk methods of treatment, what to do with it.

Thrombus in the leg - what is it

Thinking about how to check the vessels of the legs, you should first of all pay attention to the duplex scanning method. This technique allows you to assess the state of blood vessels and veins, as well as the quality of hemolymph movement by exposure to ultrasonic waves.

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How I overcame the problem with the figure and got rid of varicose veins on my legs! My method is tried and true. My history on MY BLOG HERE!

Thanks to the use of unique modern technologies, in the process of duplex scanning, a specialist can see a clear picture of the vascular system against the background of a dark spot of surrounding tissues, which makes it possible to detect even minor thrombotic formations.

Treatment in a hospital

It should be noted that the operation is one of the radical methods to eliminate clots. Provided there is no threat to the patient's health, therapy without surgery is predominantly practiced, that is, in a hospital setting.

In this case, various drugs are used to help cleanse the cavity of the vessels, increase the elasticity of the walls and stimulate blood flow, such as ointment, injections, droppers, and others.

Mostly in the process of treatment, drugs such as:

  • ichthyol ointment;
  • heparin;
  • clexane;
  • warfarin;
  • dicoumarin;
  • fragmin.

How long it takes to dissolve in the leg and how long the blood liquefies depends on the methods of therapy used. It should be noted that the most effective therapy involves a complex combination of several methods, for example, the use of funds for internal and external use, physiotherapy and others.

Below the knee: photo

What to do if broke off

Why is thrombosis dangerous? As the main danger of this disease, it is necessary to name the situation when a blood clot breaks off and there is a risk not only to health, but also to the life of the patient. In such situations, the patient needs immediate help.

It is possible to use methods such as surgical intervention or intravenous administration of the maximum amount of heparin. Whether the clot can resolve in this case depends solely on its size and the area of ​​​​localization of the pathogenic mass.

On the arm: photo

Proper nutrition and diet: how to thin the blood

Not only the use of certain medications, but also a balanced diet and a sparing diet can contribute to the removal of pathogenic formations. How much the mass resolves, subject to the use of this method, depends on the correct use of diet therapy.

To improve the patient's condition, it is necessary to pay attention to the following rules of a healthy diet:

  • to stimulate the processes of metabolism and blood circulation, it is recommended to follow the fractional nutrition scheme, that is, to eat a little, but often enough and at the same time;
  • you should increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and lean meat in the diet;
  • it is necessary to categorically refuse to eat junk food;
  • to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.

In addition, you should drink as much liquid as possible. It is best to stop drinking coffee and tea, and drink herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, homemade compotes and plain clean water.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are among the most common diseases, which are most often diagnosed in the elderly, women during pregnancy, as well as those engaged in heavy physical labor. External signs of this pathology are as follows: swollen veins, pronounced spider veins, swelling in the lower extremities.

The prolonged presence of the disease against the background of the lack of adequate treatment can lead to thickening of the blood, the formation of thrombic masses in the cavity of vessels and veins, disruption of circulatory processes, and in the most severe cases, tissue necrosis.

To eliminate the pathology, various methods are used, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of the individual clinical picture.

The accumulation of clots in the cavity of the vessels, followed by blockage of the vascular lumens, often leads to the development of such a disease,. This pathology is characterized by a violation of circulatory processes, the appearance of pain in the affected area, as well as a change in the structure and color of tissues.

Treatment is based on the use of various methods, including, for example, medication, surgery, physiotherapy methods. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the use of alternative treatment methods is permissible. In addition, in the process of applying therapy, the patient is often prescribed a sparing diet.


The consequences of the appearance of masses in the artery, vessels can vary significantly depending on the location of the clot, its size, as well as the time when the patient received first aid. The most dangerous consequences include:

  1. Complete occlusion of the lumen of a vessel or artery, followed by damage to nearby tissues.
  2. Violation of the functioning of an organ or a certain limb.
  3. Myocardial or cerebral infarction.
  4. tissue necrosis.
  5. Separation.

In the most severe cases, the patient may be shown amputation of the affected limb. It should be remembered that the presence of a diagnosis of thromboembolism against the background of the development of such symptoms as, for example, tissue numbness, severe swelling, severe pain, is a direct indication of an immediate visit to a doctor.

The lack of timely medical care can lead to more than serious consequences, including, among other things, the onset of a fatal outcome.

In the hip, in the head and in the heart

As mentioned above, the degree of danger of pathology, possible consequences and methods of treatment are associated with the location of pathogenic masses. Among the ailments of this kind, diagnosed most often, include:

  • in the thigh area. Most often, the occurrence of characteristic clots in this situation occurs due to varicose veins. Damage to both superficial and deep veins is possible. In the early stages of the onset of pathology, the symptoms of thrombosis are almost completely absent, in the future, its manifestations such as pain, tissue necrosis, impaired sensitivity, and the appearance of heat in the affected limb are possible.
  • in my head. In the vast majority of cases, their presence in the head area is due to the deposition of cholesterol masses. This type of pathology is one of the most dangerous, due to the absence of characteristic symptoms. The appearance of clots leads to a violation of cerebral circulation, the lack of a sufficient supply of nutrients to the brain tissues.
  • in the heart. The occurrence of pathogenic masses in the region of the heart is the main reason for the deterioration of the general well-being of the patient, the appearance of pain in the chest, shortness of breath, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms. The separation of a blood clot, in the absence of timely assistance, can lead to a fatal outcome.

Regardless of the area of ​​localization, the patient needs timely assistance, otherwise it is almost impossible to avoid the negative consequences of this pathology.

Is it possible to play sports

Among the prevailing factors contributing to the formation of thrombotic masses is a sedentary lifestyle. Provided there are no contraindications, which the attending physician will help to identify, moderate physical activity stimulates blood circulation and improves the supply of nutrients to organs and tissues.

It should be remembered that sport is indicated for thrombosis only if there is no threat of detachment of the pathogenic mass, as well as the onset of other negative consequences. In addition, the loads should be moderate, their intensity is determined exclusively by a specialist.

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The cumulative combination of methods of conservative therapy, physical activity and proper nutrition will eliminate the problem, improve blood flow, and also eliminate the likelihood of negative consequences of this disease as much as possible.

On the same subject


Knowing the first signs of a blood clot in the body can prevent a potentially fatal situation.

A blood clot usually forms in the veins of the legs and leads to deep vein thrombosis. The danger of a blood clot is that it often goes unnoticed, but can suddenly come off and lead to death.

A blood clot is a blood clot that has changed from a liquid state to a thick or semi-solid state.

In general, you need to understand that blood clotting is a necessary process that prevents a large loss of blood in certain situations, for example, when you are injured or cut.

When a blood clot forms in one of the veins, it does not always dissolve, which can later lead to a dangerous and even fatal situation.

An immobile clot is usually not a threat, but if it breaks off and travels through the veins to important organs such as the heart or lungs, it can be fatal.

Here are a few signs that a dangerous blood clot has formed in your body.

The first signs of a blood clot

1. Unexplained fatigue

Sudden fatigue often indicates various health problems, including the formation of a blood clot. When our body is forced to work harder than usual, it has negative consequences for the body.

If the feeling of fatigue does not go away for a long time, there is reason to think that a blood clot in the arm, leg, brain or chest may be to blame.

2. Swelling in the limbs

Swelling or swelling may appear at the site of the formation of a blood clot. If the clot is in an arm or leg, the limb may become completely swollen due to poor blood circulation.

In this case, the affected area may change color, turn red or blue, become warm or itch. This situation is very dangerous, since a blood clot can break off and get into a vital organ at any moment. So, for example, if it ends up in the lungs, it will lead to a pulmonary embolism.

3. Difficulty breathing

This symptom can be quite frightening as it may mean that a blood clot has traveled to the lungs. According to experts, if breathing difficulties are accompanied by a persistent cough, this may be the first sign of a pulmonary embolism - a blockage in one of the arteries in the lungs.

This situation should be taken very seriously and call an ambulance as soon as possible.

4. Chest pain or pain when breathing

As mentioned above, pulmonary embolism is a potentially fatal condition. It occurs when a blood clot formed in the lower extremities enters and blocks one of the vessels of the lungs. One of the main symptoms of this is chest pain and general breathing discomfort, which can make it difficult for you to take a deep breath.

It is also important to remember that pain in the heart can also indicate that a blood clot is located in the region of the heart, and this can lead to a heart attack.

5. Fever and sweating

This symptom very often appears with renal thrombosis.

The main danger is that a clot can prevent your body from getting rid of waste products, leading to high blood pressure and even kidney failure. In this case, often a blood clot in the kidneys leads to fever or increased sweating.

Thrombus symptoms

6. Dizziness or fainting

The combination of chest pain and difficulty breathing can make you feel dizzy and lead to fainting.

7. Rapid heartbeat

If your heart rate has increased, this could be a dangerous symptom of a pulmonary embolism. When the clot reaches the lungs, there is a lack of oxygen, and your heart tries to compensate by increasing the heart rate. This is a warning sign that should not be ignored.

8. Unexplained cough

If you have coughing fits along with a feeling of shortness of breath and an accelerated heartbeat, this may indicate that a blood clot has formed in your body. Coughing may be accompanied by blood, and this is a serious reason to see a doctor.

The cause of such a cough may be a blood clot in the lungs, which leads to congestion of the airways and manifests itself in the form of a cough.

9. Severe headache

Many people suffer from chronic headaches, but the pain is often worse than usual. Such unbearable pain can completely disable you, making you unable to focus on anything.

However, conventional headache medications may not relieve symptoms. In this case, consult a doctor immediately, as this may indicate the presence of a blood clot in the brain, which can lead to a stroke.

10. Pain or tenderness in a limb

It is very difficult to know that you have a blood clot without medical knowledge, but one of the most common symptoms of this problem is pain in your arm or leg.

If it is not associated with trauma, pain may warn of deep vein thrombosis. In this case, pain may be observed when pressing or touching the affected area. To distinguish it from muscle cramps, pay attention to whether the pain gets worse when you walk or bend your leg. If so, there is a possibility of a blood clot.

Even if a blood clot is present in one leg, you may feel pain in both legs. This happens because you are trying to relieve discomfort in one leg and put more strain on the other leg, which can lead to tension and pain.

Thrombus in a vein

11. Warm to the touch skin

With thrombosis, the temperature of the skin may change, especially in the place where the blood clot is present. You will feel that this area is warmer to the touch.

This sensation occurs due to impaired blood flow and may also be accompanied by throbbing and itching.

12. Red streaks in the veins

Blood clots can lead to red streaks that run the length of the veins and are often warm to the touch. When you touch them, they are warmer than the skin around them and are quite noticeable. You may mistake them for a skin rash or bruising, but if they are warm to the touch, you should consult your doctor.

13. Pain in the calves of the legs

When a blood clot forms in the legs, one common symptom is calf pain. Pain is often confused with muscle spasm or cramps, and for this reason, a dangerous symptom is often ignored.

However, unlike a cramp, which comes on suddenly and lasts for a few minutes, calf pain from a blood clot comes on gradually and can stay for days or weeks.

14. Change in skin color

Redness is one of the most common symptoms associated with the presence of a blood clot, and it usually appears at the site where the blood clot is present. However, any other change in skin color should also alert you. For example, the area where a clot has formed may turn pale due to reduced blood flow.

As the condition worsens, the skin may become bluish and colder to the touch. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

15. No symptoms

One of the reasons why thrombosis is so dangerous is the fact that there are often no symptoms that precede it. At least there are no obvious signs that require a prompt visit to the doctor, and before we have time to learn about them, the irreparable happens.

For this reason, it is important to take preventive measures to prevent this from happening. Avoid sitting in one place for a long time, engage in physical activity, regulate your weight and watch your diet so that you never know what thrombosis is.

For many people, one of the threatening problems is thrombosis, which occurs due to blockage of the veins. It is very important to prevent the formation of a thrombus in a timely manner, because in the absence of competent treatment, the patient may be threatened with thromboembolism (a fatal disease).

A thrombus is characterized by blood clots that occur in the vessels, thus, the blood circulation process is disturbed. A complication of the disease is that a blood clot can come off or form of such a size that the venous lumen will be blocked. As a result, the process of tissue death occurs and the thrombus enters the heart or pulmonary artery. Among the most dangerous consequences of this pathology, stroke, heart attack and the mentioned thromboembolism are distinguished (in most cases they end with disability, paralysis, or death of the patient).

As a result of a violation of blood clotting, thrombosis begins to develop. In places of damage to the vascular walls, small blood clots accumulate. A similar process occurs in areas of atherosclerotic plaques. After that, microinflammation is activated, followed by the appearance of fibrin threads. This is what causes a thrombus.

As the thrombotic formations are layered, the clot increases. After the separation of the thrombus formation, the blood flow immediately stops, which can lead to death.

Thrombus occurs as a result of the following factors:

  1. Pathological effect on the vascular walls.
  2. A significant decrease in the speed of blood flow.
  3. Increased blood clotting.
  4. Poor mobility of the patient over a long period of time (consequences of paralysis, sedentary work).
  5. Failure of the hormonal balance (a consequence of taking a hormonal drug, abortion).
  6. Trauma, surgery.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Heredity.

Types of blood emboli

The first thing you should pay attention to is that blood clots are of a different nature, which is determined by the etiology of the disease.

  1. Thrombosis of congestive character.
  2. Thrombosis of an inflammatory nature.
  3. Thrombosis, which occurs due to impaired hematopoiesis.

According to the relationship between the walls of blood vessels and clot formations, there are such forms of thrombosis:

  1. floating thrombosis.
  2. Parietal blood clot formations.
  3. Type of neoplasms of a mixed nature.
  4. Occlusive embolism.

Signs of illness

Pathology occurs in both deep and more superficial veins. In deep veins, clot formations cannot initially form. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms occur:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • there is severe swelling;
  • the lower limbs turn blue;
  • the patient suffers from bursting pain in the legs;
  • a feverish state occurs;
  • noticeable inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • on palpation, a seal is felt in the diseased area.

In the absence of therapy, the disease progresses rapidly and passes into a new stage, which is defined as thrombophlebitis. This pathology involves, in addition to damage to the veins, an inflammatory process. One of the characteristic signs of thrombophlebitis is high temperature. It is possible that serious complications can occur without competent assistance.

Signs of a pathological process in the superficial veins are the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • hyperemia of the affected area of ​​the leg;
  • a bright manifestation of the venous pattern;
  • the density of the formation in the affected area;
  • soreness of movements;
  • convulsions.

Attention! If a pathological process is observed in the form of a blood clot in the leg, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist and not apply self-treatment.

You can learn about what a thrombus and thrombosis are from the video.

Video - What is a thrombus and thrombosis

What is the danger of a blood clot?

The formation of this pathology leads to complex consequences, so therapy should be mandatory. There are cases when occlusive pathology causes gangrenous tissue damage.

Consequential complications

white phlegmasiaThe root cause of the complication is a spasm of the arteries, which are located next to the thrombotic pathology.
blue phlegmasiaThere is a blockage of the outflow of blood. There is a risk of gangrene
Melting of a thrombus of a purulent natureWhen a blood clot in the leg turns into an acute form of thrombophlebitis, then, if left untreated, an abscess may occur.
ThromboembolismBasically, the pathology begins to develop in the pulmonary artery, and leads to problems with the respiratory process and blood circulation. If the small ones are damaged, hemorrhagic pulmonary infarction is not excluded.

Confirmation of the diagnosis

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient must go through a series of examinations, which include:

  • Ultrasound (dopplerography);
  • Ultrasound (duplex angioscanning). One of the most reliable methods for the study of blood clots today;
  • blood analysis;
  • rheovasography.

Together, all research data help to recreate a complete picture of a blood clot in the leg. Based on this, a further course of treatment is determined.

The specialist will tell you how the pathology is diagnosed.

Video - Deep vein thrombosis

Treatment Methods

After establishing the severity of the disease, the location of the inflammatory process, as well as the main indicators of the veins, the doctor begins to select therapy. Two vectors of direction of treatment were determined - conservative and surgical.

Medical treatment includes:

  1. Minimally invasive procedures.
  2. The use of medicines.
  3. Methods of traditional medicine (phytotherapy).
  4. Individual diet.
  5. The correct mode of the day, normalized sleep.

For positive results on the path to recovery, experts recommend the use of complex therapy. However, if a serious condition of the patient is noted, then an operative solution to the problem is shown.

As for drug therapy, it is based on the use of anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs, thrombolytics.

Details about drugs

  1. Anticoagulants (Heparin). Thanks to the use of this drug, it is possible to reduce the level of blood clotting, which blocks the formation of blood clots or its further formation. For example, new generation drugs are excellent help - Fragmin and Clexane.
  2. Indirect anticoagulants. The main function is to suppress the formation of blood clots. This group of drugs can be used for a long period of time (Dicoumarin, Warfarin).
  3. Thrombolytics. If the thrombus is small, then drugs can be used to remove it. (Urokinase). Acting on the fibrin fiber, the active substance completely dissolves the thrombus.
  4. Hemorheological preparations. They are used to normalize blood circulation, thus reducing its viscosity. (Refortan).
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs. To combat pain and inflammation that occurs against the background of the formation of a blood clot, appoint Diclofenac.
  6. Minimally invasive therapy consists in puncturing the vessel.

It is important! If a floating type of thrombus is observed (it is able to move through the vessel), then the use of cava filters is recommended. Thanks to such traps, a blood clot is blocked and it is prevented from entering the heart or lung.

A highly qualified doctor will tell you about the consequences of thrombosis in the leg, in the absence of proper treatment.

Video - Consequences of thrombosis

Procedures to eliminate blood clots

  • thrombectomy - surgical manipulation, which helps to remove using a special tube;
  • stenting;
  • surgical treatment with the Troyanov-Trendelenburg operation - the action is aimed at clamping the saphenous vein.

If the specialist has established complications of thrombosis, then the removal of a fragment of the diseased vein is indicated. This operation requires the use of general anesthesia. Despite the chosen method of treatment, the patient is shown a special diet and bed rest.

Recommendations! In order to improve the blood circulation process during thrombosis, it is necessary to lie on your back and throw your legs on an elevated surface. It is best to use a special roller. In the future, the doctor may advise the use of an elastic bandage to rewind the diseased area.

It is very important to review the diet and start a diet that excludes salty foods, fried foods. It is best to pay attention to seafood, which contains a sufficient amount of Omega-3.

Blockage of blood vessels by a blood clot reduces the speed of blood flow, which is manifested by ischemia (arterial thrombosis), venous congestion. The most common consequences of thrombosis include chronic occlusion of the vessels of the extremities, angina pectoris, transient attacks of cerebral ischemia, ischemic colitis. With an acute stoppage of tissue nutrition, infarcts of organs, gangrene of the extremities occur.

Read in this article

What is a thrombus

A thrombus is a blood clot that forms when the wall of a vein or artery is damaged. In some cases, it can also form inside the heart, as well as in a healthy vessel. It consists of blood cells (mainly platelets) and fibrin threads.

If the thrombus is large, then it becomes an obstacle to the movement of blood - its inflow through the arteries or outflow through the venous system is disturbed. In the first case, the cells lack nutrition and oxygen, which leads to their death. This is how heart attacks of internal organs (myocardium, lungs, kidneys, intestines) and brain (stroke) occur.

Venous thrombosis causes swelling and pain in the extremities, but the most dangerous is a detached blood clot. It moves with the blood stream and enters the pulmonary artery system. There is a blockage of the branch - pulmonary thromboembolism, which can end in the death of the patient.

What substance is involved in the formation of a blood clot

The main substance that is involved in the formation of a blood clot is fibrin threads. They are formed from a blood protein called fibrinogen. For this transformation, it is necessary that the thrombin enzyme “cut off the extra” parts. Fibrinogen is synthesized in the liver cells and enters the bloodstream from them.

With a deficiency, increased bleeding occurs, and with an excess amount, the risk of thrombosis increases. To study the content of fibrinogen, a blood test is prescribed - a coagulogram. The norm is an indicator in the range from 1.8 to 3.5 g / l.

Where do blood clots form - in the veins or arteries?

Blood clots form in the veins or arteries, as well as in other parts of the circulatory system, where there is blood. It can be:

  • capillaries;
  • small branches of blood vessels: venules and arterioles (microcirculatory link);
  • cavity of the heart.

For the formation of arterial thrombosis, the main factor is tissue injury (the inner lining of a vessel or heart). With venous, thickening of the blood and its slow movement are important. In the case of blockage of small vessels, plasma composition, intravascular coagulation and low blood flow velocity are of decisive importance.

Thrombus formation scheme

The formation of a thrombus can be simplified as follows:

  1. Vessel damage.
  2. Adhesion and adhesion of platelets.
  3. Activation of coagulation factors and its result - the formation of fibrin threads.

Two groups of factors are important for vessel damage:

  • destruction of the shell - trauma, infection, immune complex, increased content of glucose molecules;
  • functional - a decrease in the protective properties of the natural anticoagulant system, which happens with stress, atherosclerosis, burns, radiation.

For pathological thrombosis, the presence of 2 groups of signs is mandatory. Normally, when the protective mechanisms work well, with active blood movement, there are no conditions for the formation of a large blood clot.

If the process is already running, then another condition is important to maintain it - high blood clotting activity. It's called thrombophilia. Occurs with an increase in the number and rapid activation of platelets, thickening of the blood (dehydration, high cholesterol, glucose).

Stages of thrombus formation

There are several successive stages of thrombosis:

  1. Injury to the inner lining of the vessel.
  2. Release of tissue coagulation factors.
  3. Fixation of platelets at the site of injury.
  4. The release of platelet substances that trigger a chain of successive reactions to form fibrin filaments.
  5. A mesh of fibrin threads traps blood cells.
  6. A clot forms.
  7. The thrombus shrinks with the release of plasma, thickens.

Causes of thrombus formation

Thrombogenic risk factors include:

The first signs of a blood clot

The early stages of vascular thrombosis are manifested by symptoms of poor blood supply and impaired outflow from the affected area. They occur during exercise, disappear or decrease after rest, periods of deterioration alternate with a fairly long normalization of well-being. It should be noted that it is the initial signs that are reversible and respond well to treatment, since at this time irreversible changes in the organs have not yet had time to develop.

Thrombosis can be suspected by the following symptoms of the lesion:

Place of localization Symptoms
Limb arteries coldness of the hands or feet, easy fatigue, poor exercise tolerance, intermittent claudication after a long walk
Veins in the arms or legs swelling at the end of the day, heaviness, a feeling of fullness, tingling, the appearance of a network of dilated vessels on the skin
coronary arteries after physical or emotional stress of high intensity, there is discomfort or pressing pain in the heart, weakness, difficulty breathing
Vessels of the brain tinnitus, episodic dizziness, blurred vision, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, reduced ability to coordinate movements, slight or intermittent unsteady gait
Intestinal arteries pain in the abdomen without a clear localization and connection with food intake, aggravated after physical exertion, bloating, alternating diarrhea and constipation

All these signs are not specific to thrombosis, they occur in other diseases, so it is important to get tested as early as possible. To detect blockage of the vessel and determine the cause, you need to contact a surgeon (pain and swelling of the limbs), a cardiologist, a neuropathologist with symptoms from the heart, brain, or a gastroenterologist in case of digestive disorders.

Diagnosis is carried out using angiographic studies, and often with stress tests.

How to recognize a blood clot

A thrombus can be recognized if it disrupts blood circulation, symptoms of thrombosis appear:

Type of thrombosis


Deep veins of the leg

Fullness, pain, it becomes stronger when probing in the area of ​​the affected vessel, swelling, redness or bluish color of the skin, an increase in its temperature, a pronounced venous network, congested veins.

pulmonary artery

Sudden onset of shortness of breath, blue skin with a gray tint, pressure drop, chest pain, heart rhythm disturbances, neck vein bulging, fainting, cough, wheezing, pinkish sputum, fever, pain in the right hypochondrium.

Coronary arteries of the heart

Pain behind the sternum, radiating to the back, neck, occurs during stress, physical exertion, accompanied by shortness of breath, heart palpitations.

Arterial network of legs

Chilliness, numbness of the feet, burning, pain when walking, ceasing at a stop, the skin becomes pale, and then the fingers turn blue.

cerebral arteries

Dizziness, unsteadiness, various visual disturbances, slurred speech, decreased muscle strength and sensitivity in the arm and leg, memory loss.

The main signs of education and symptoms

The formation of a blood clot in the veins or arteries becomes an obstacle to blood circulation. At the stage of pronounced clinical manifestations, patients develop an ischemic syndrome of varying degrees of intensity or venous congestion.

Thrombosis of the veins of the extremities

The presence of a blood clot in the venous network of the upper or lower extremities (more common) may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • puffiness;
  • heaviness in the legs or arms;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decrease in load tolerance;
  • soreness along the vein;
  • redness of the skin;
  • expansion of subcutaneous vessels (mesh pattern);
  • an increase in local temperature.

At first, these signs appear only during exertion, and after a night's rest they disappear. As they progress, they also occur at rest.

Arterial thrombosis in the arm or leg

Symptoms are associated not only with blockage of blood vessels, but also with spasm of the walls of the arteries. The main manifestations of ischemia of the tissues of the extremities:

  • pallor and coldness of the skin;
  • chilliness of the feet or hands;
  • pain of varying intensity, changing with movement;
  • weakening of the pulsation of the arteries below the blockage;
  • limb numbness, tingling.

In the heart

The occurrence of pain behind the sternum during physical or emotional stress is the main sign of thrombosis of the coronary vessels. It is in the vast majority of cases associated with atherosclerosis of the arteries. Attacks are short-term, and the pain is tolerable or prolonged, unbearable with fear of death.

In addition to the region of the heart, pain also extends to the left half of the body, shoulder blade, or may be atypical (stomach, right limbs). Relief occurs at rest, after taking Nitroglycerin.

Thrombosis of the coronary vessels

in my head

Thrombosis headache

Thrombosis headache occurs when the arteries, veins and sinuses of the brain are blocked. Typical signs:

Type of thrombosis


Arterial (ischemic stroke)

Elderly patients, the condition gradually worsens, speech, movement and sensitivity of the limbs (paralysis) are disturbed, visual fields fall out. Headache is more common in the occipital or temporal region.


It begins with a severe headache with nausea and vomiting, consciousness is impaired, movements of the arms and legs on half of the body, convulsions are possible, a change in symptoms is characteristic as it progresses.

Venous sinuses

It occurs as a complication of otitis, sinusitis, there is a constant increasing headache, painkillers do not work on it, it increases with physical exertion, in the supine position, fever, vomiting are noted.

Thrombus pain

Pain with a thrombus can appear in different parts of the body, the symptoms depend on the site of blockage, the type and caliber of the vessel, and the presence of bypass circulation paths. The following signs are possible:

  • deep veins of the lower leg - bursting in the leg, soreness along the affected vein, increases with probing, there is swelling, redness of the skin, a distinct venous pattern;
  • coronary arteries - attacks of angina pectoris (retrosternal pain), aggravated by movement, subsiding at rest, removed by Nitroglycerin, possibly spreading to the left half of the body, neck, a prolonged attack means the development of a heart attack;
  • cerebral vessels - focal signs of destruction of brain tissue (muscle weakness, sensitivity disorders), speech disorders, swallowing, unsteadiness when walking, visual impairment;
  • pulmonary arteries - sudden chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, fever, blue skin;
  • renal - pain in the lower back, similar to renal colic, blood in the urine.

intestinal ischemia

Pain in the abdomen becomes almost constant, the stool becomes more frequent, an admixture of mucus and blood streaks appear in it, and then blood in the feces is almost always found. Pain is exacerbated by food intake and physical activity. The duration of the attack can be from 0.5 to 5 hours. There is a violation of appetite, emaciation, nausea and occasional vomiting.

How to find out if there are blood clots in the body

To find out if there are blood clots in the body, you must first contact a phlebologist who examines the limbs and conducts a march test - applies an elastic bandage to the entire leg from the toes to the groin. After that, the patient needs to walk until pain appears. If it occurs after a few minutes, and the superficial veins have not disappeared, then there is a high probability of blockage. To confirm the diagnosis appoint:

  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities with dopplerography;
  • phlebography;
  • rheovasography;
  • radionuclide scanning (if indicated).

To identify arterial thrombosis, clinical manifestations are taken into account:

  • pain in the heart during physical and emotional stress, angina attacks;
  • intermittent claudication - when walking, you need to make stops due to severe pain;
  • dizziness, headaches, memory impairment, fatigue during mental work.

In the first case, further examination is carried out by a cardiologist with the help of:

  • medical examination - detection of edema, changes in skin color, measurement of pressure, listening to heart sounds;
  • ECG, EchoCG, if necessary, with stress tests;
  • a blood test for coagulability and cholesterol (coagulogram and lipidogram), glucose level;
  • complete blood count with platelet count.

Example of a blood test with platelet count

If there are signs of thrombus formation, then coronary angiography is required to resolve the issue of surgical treatment. In case of blockage of the vessels of the lower extremities with attacks of pain in the legs when walking, the patency of the arteries is assessed by a vascular surgeon during:

  • inspection;
  • pressure measurements on the legs and arms;
  • probing the pulse;
  • Ultrasound with duplex scanning;
  • angiography (injection of a contrast agent) and evaluation of its distribution using x-rays or tomography.

The study of the state of the cerebral arteries is carried out by a neuropathologist. It determines reflexes and changes in sensitivity, movements. For visualization of blood vessels used:

  • rheoencephalography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Doppler ultrasound;

MRI of cerebral vessels

How to check blood vessels for plaques and blood clots

In order to check the vessels for the presence of plaques and blood clots, Doppler ultrasound is performed. With this method, you can evaluate:

  • the presence of an obstacle to the movement of blood;
  • the total diameter of the vessel and its permeability;
  • blood flow rate;
  • thrombus density;
  • its danger (mobility).

Dopplerography of vessels

If the data obtained is not enough to choose a method of treatment, then angiography is used. It involves the introduction of a contrast agent. Most often it is prescribed before surgery. One of the methods for searching for a thrombus is the introduction of fibrinogen labeled with radioisotopes. He will point to hidden blood clots, but will not be able to establish their structure, size and risk of separation.

A thrombus (floating clots, or floating) breaks off if its attachment to the vessel wall is fragile. A sharp jump in pressure, physical stress is enough for him to begin to move through the venous or arterial network. There is a blockage of the branches of the pulmonary artery, carrying venous blood, if it was in the veins or arteries of the internal organs during formation in the arterial network, the left atrium.

Signs of a detached blood clot

A detached blood clot moves through the vessels until it causes blockage, the symptoms appear depending on the size and location:

  • sudden death (with damage to a large pulmonary artery) for several minutes;
  • increased pressure in the vessels of the lungs (medium-sized branches are blocked) - shortness of breath, cough, asthma attacks, blue skin;
  • focal destruction of lung tissue (heart attack-pneumonia) - chest pain, aggravated by coughing and breathing, hemoptysis, high fever.

The separation of an intracardiac thrombus, which was previously located in the left atrium, leads to the circulation of blood clots through the arterial network. They can get into the brain and internal organs. This leads to the following symptoms:

Consequence of a detached blood clot



Asymmetry of the face, noticeable when trying to smile, impaired speech, immobility of half of the body, partial loss of visual fields.

myocardial infarction

An attack of retrosternal pain lasting more than 15-20 minutes with cold sweat, redness of the upper half of the body, severe weakness, fear of death.

Kidney infarction

Sharp lower back pain, high blood pressure, blood in the urine, fever, nausea.

Intestinal infarction

Cramping pains, diarrhea, vomiting, soreness may disappear, which is a bad sign, as it may mean perforation of the intestinal wall.

Gangrene of the limb

Paleness and then blackening of the skin, lack of pulse, skin sensitivity, wrinkling of tissues or their decay with a fetid odor.

Why does a blood clot come off in a person, the main reasons

When a blood clot breaks away from the wall of blood vessels, the cause is:

  • its free location in the vessel (washed with blood from three sides);
  • small attachment area;
  • unstable fixation in the place of increased blood flow (for example, a large vein of the lower extremities);
  • accession of an infection (purulent fusion);
  • increased body temperature (hot bath, sauna, fever);
  • weight lifting, sudden physical effort;
  • straining with constipation;
  • changes in blood pressure - hypertensive crisis, strong fluctuations;
  • change in body position after a long period of bed rest.

Such factors are typical for the most common form of thrombosis - the veins of the lower extremities. In 10% of cases, a blood clot breaks off, which has formed in the cavity of the heart. A provoking condition is an attack of severe coughing, as well as restoration of the heart rhythm after atrial fibrillation.

What will indicate a detached blood clot

A blood clot can be tightly attached to the vessel wall, in which case it causes a gradual progression of circulatory disorders. The most dangerous variant of the development of the disease is the separation of a blood clot and acute blockage of the veins or arteries. The provoking factors are:

  • intense physical stress;
  • acute stress;
  • acceleration of blood movement under the influence of high body temperature or the environment (overheating on the beach, in the sauna);
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • alcohol intake.

Sudden vascular thrombosis is considered an acute condition requiring emergency medical care, since it can be fatal.

Blockage of the arteries of the extremities

The consequences of acute occlusion of the vessels of the arms or legs are:

  • numbness and stabbing sensations;
  • loss of sensation to touch (paresthesia);
  • decreased ability to active movements (paresis) or their complete impossibility (paralysis);
  • lack of pulsation of the arteries;
  • cold, pale, then bluish skin.

If the blood flow is not restored in time, then gangrene of the limb begins. Tissues die with the typical black color due to the breakdown of hemoglobin. Initially, there is a strong pain syndrome, as the nerve fibers are destroyed, the pain stops, and signs of intoxication increase. Treatment requires amputation of the limb or part of it.

Watch the video about the first symptoms of varicose veins:

Venous thrombosis

Local symptoms - a feeling of fullness of the leg or arm, intense pain along the vein, an increase in edema, hot and red skin, overflowing and tense vessels that appear above the level of the skin. The most dangerous condition for thrombi in the venous network is the migration of a blood clot into. Its occurrence is evidenced by:

  • acute and intense chest pain;
  • shortness of breath, turning into an asthma attack;
  • blue skin of the neck and face;
  • a drop in blood pressure up to or a state of shock;
  • palpitations, pulmonary thrombosis


    Acute blockage of a cerebral vessel leads to the cessation of nutrition of a part of the brain tissue. This manifests itself:

    • sudden weakness in the limbs, followed by loss of movement and sensation;
    • decreased speech clarity, up to complete aphasia;
    • severe headache, nausea, vomiting;
    • impaired consciousness;
    • skewed face, eye aversion to the side;
    • hearing, vision, swallowing disorders.
    Acute blockage of a cerebral vessel leads to the cessation of nutrition of a part of the brain tissue

    myocardial infarction

    Thrombosis of the coronary vessels leads to a complete blockage of blood flow in part of the heart muscle. In a typical course, there is intense pain in the heart or behind the sternum, passing to the left shoulder, arm, back, lower half of the neck, teeth. The nature of the pain is burning, sharp, pressing or squeezing.

    The larger the zone of destruction of the myocardium, the stronger the pain. The attack lasts from half an hour to a day, the use of nitrates is not removed, it is accompanied by agitation, severe weakness, rhythm disturbance, changes in blood pressure, shortness of breath and fear of death.

    Intestinal infarction

    A significant deterioration in the patient's condition may indicate the cessation of blood flow to a part of the intestinal wall:

    • dry and pale skin;
    • reduction of pain and its disappearance (the ghost of complete destruction of the intestine);
    • bloating, but it remains soft for a long time (until inflammation of the peritoneum increases);
    • nausea, frequent vomiting.

    With the progression of intestinal necrosis, patients become apathetic, plunge into a coma, at this stage, death occurs in most cases.

    Watch the video about bowel infarction:

    Broken blood clot in the heart - instant death?

    If a blood clot breaks off in the heart, then instant death does not occur in all cases. This will depend on the size of the clot and where it travels. If a large clot was in the right half of the heart, then the risk of an unfavorable outcome is high, since it enters the pulmonary artery system. When its large branch is blocked, then death can be sudden.

    When a thrombus is localized in the left half of the heart, its movements can lead to blockage of the arteries of the brain (stroke), heart (heart attack), kidneys, intestines, and lower extremities. In these cases, the severity of the condition and prognosis will be determined by the caliber of the occluded vessel and the timeliness of initiation of treatment.

    Another difficult option is blocking the valve hole. It is caused by mobile thrombi, which, at the time of contraction of the ventricle, fall between the valve leaflets. In this case, cardiac arrest is possible, immediate resuscitation is required.

    What to do if a blood clot breaks off

    If a blood clot breaks off, then immediate hospitalization is needed. This needs to be done even when it is detected, especially a mobile, floating species. Assign complete rest and urgent treatment:

    • installation of a trap - cava filter;
    • flashing of a vessel (vein);
    • the introduction of drugs for resorption - enzymes (Streptokinase), low molecular weight heparins (Fraxiparin).

    The formation of a blood clot in the vessels occurs with circulatory disorders, stagnant processes, atherosclerosis, changes in the rheological properties of blood, its coagulation ability. In a chronic course, blood clots disrupt blood flow with the development of an ischemic syndrome. Acute blockage when a blood clot breaks off leads to heart attacks and gangrene.

    Venous thrombosis is accompanied by edema and overflow of veins with the expansion of the visible vascular network, impaired outflow. A complication of the movement of a thrombus from the extremities may be pulmonary embolism.

    Useful video

    Watch the video on how blood clots kill people:

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