How to put mustard plasters for adults. Alternative use of burning powder. Instructions for use

Mustard plasters are one of the cheapest and easiest cough remedies. Many of us have felt the healing power of these patches since childhood. Over a huge amount of time they have proven themselves well and for many have become one of the main remedies for respiratory disorders.

But we all have also encountered the unpleasant side of this remedy, sometimes having a light, and in some cases a more complex manifestation. If you do not know how to put mustard plasters, you can earn unbearable pain from the fact that they start to bake. To avoid this, we advise you to read the recommendations for their use and learn how to put mustard plasters when coughing.

You can use this compress for any cough. The exception is respiratory attacks caused by an allergic reaction and tuberculosis. In other cases, this tool will be effective, as it increases blood flow to the problem area and thereby activates cellular immunity.

Mustard plasters are put with different forms of coughing:

  • When dry. Improved circulation promotes productive coughing, and the wet form of this respiratory disorder is much easier to deal with than the dry form.
  • When wet. With a wet cough, the procedure significantly accelerates the removal of sputum from the body and contributes to the speedy improvement of well-being.

When coughing, there are certain places where a compress should be applied. This not only helps to increase the effectiveness of treatment, but also helps to get rid of unpleasant feelings. Among the places for compress when coughing use:

  • The chest is the standard place to use this remedy for coughs. The main thing is to avoid especially sensitive areas.
  • Back - when applying patches, it is necessary to choose the most relevant zones for the diagnosis. Most often this place is under the shoulder blades and along the spine.
  • The shins are an auxiliary zone for warming up when coughing.
  • The feet - as well as the shins - are a secondary place for the mustard compress.

Regardless of the place of application, make sure that the skin is dry, without any wounds and irritations. This is very important for the use of this tool.

How to put mustard plasters when coughing

If you are convinced that this remedy is necessary for you in treatment, we will figure out how to put mustard plasters correctly when coughing:

Like any remedy, these compresses need certain precautions when applied:

It is best when all funds are prescribed by a doctor, only in this way can various unpleasant symptoms be avoided.

How to use mustard plasters when coughing?

For a long time, with respiratory diseases, many have resorted to traditional medicine. Mustard plasters are especially popular when coughing. Even our mothers and grandmothers used this method for the slightest cold. Mustard plasters are not only effective, but also an affordable remedy for both dry and wet coughs, so they are often preferred over many expensive medicines.

Properties and types

Mustard patches are used for headaches, bronchitis, pneumonia and sciatica. The main reason for the use of this type of therapy are diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

There are two main types of mustard plasters:

  1. Small rectangular paper sheets, one side of which is coated with mustard powder.
  2. Flat packs filled with mustard.

When buying mustard plasters, you should pay attention to their appearance. Mustard should not spill from sheets or bags. Also, smell matters. That's right, if it is sharp and persistent, like the smell of mustard. Otherwise, you run the risk of purchasing an expired product that will not bring any benefit.

Mustard plasters can be made by hand. To do this, you need dry mustard and flour. It is necessary to mix them in proportions from 1:1 to 1:3, depending on the age of the patient or on his pain threshold. The resulting mixture must be diluted with warm water and applied to thick paper or cloth.

Contraindications for use

Mustard plasters cause a warming effect, so they should not be used at high body temperature. This can cause complications, since an already weakened body will be subjected to additional stress.

The use of mustard plasters is contraindicated in skin diseases, tuberculosis, heart disease, individual intolerance and acute respiratory infections.

Mustard plasters are contraindicated for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that during the period of bearing a child, a woman is prohibited from any thermal exposure. You can harm your own health and the baby in the womb. In addition, you can not use mustard applications during lactation.

Application methods

The mechanism and mode of action for all types of mustard plasters is the same. All that needs to be done is to place them in water heated to no more than 40 degrees for 5-10 seconds. After that, mustard plasters are ready for use.

In order for this remedy to help, you need to know where to put mustard plasters when coughing. The main areas of the body for overlays when coughing are the back (the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, the cervical region) and the chest. We carefully put the prepared mustard plasters on these places, excluding the region of the heart, spine, bone protrusions and birthmarks. It is also necessary to avoid the area of ​​the kidneys and mammary glands in women.

We distribute applications evenly. It is advisable to use the chest and back at the same time, but you can take turns. We close the places with mustard plasters with a towel and cover the whole body with a blanket. Every 2-3 minutes it is necessary to check the skin under the applications. With excessive redness, burning sensation, mustard must be removed. The duration of the procedure for each individual, but should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Next, remove the remaining mustard powder from the skin areas and lubricate them with cream or oil. It is advisable to warm up with mustard plasters before going to bed. The number of procedures - no more than 1 time per day.

For the imposition of mustard plasters, feet and calves are often used. For calves, the procedure is the same as for the back: we moisten mustard plasters with warm water and apply evenly. Then we cover with a thick cloth and wrap it with a bandage so that the mustard plasters stay in place. We hold the compress for no more than 20 minutes, then remove and clean the caviar from mustard residues.

Mustard plasters are applied dry on the feet and also wrapped with a bandage. After that, the patient should put on warm socks and leave the compress for an hour. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove the lining, wash off the remnants of mustard and use the cream.

If there is no improvement after the first mustard compress, the procedure should no longer be applied. In case of a positive effect, treatment with mustard plasters should not last more than 4 days. Later it becomes meaningless.

How to put a compress on children

There are many opinions about the treatment of children's coughs with mustard powder. Some believe that this is strictly prohibited, others allow the use of a mustard compress from infancy. There is no definite answer, but still, if the child does not suffer from individual intolerance, mustard plasters can be used.

At present, mustard plasters have appeared with the addition of useful herbs and emollient essential oils. For children, it is desirable to use just such compresses.

There are some differences in the use of a compress for adults and children:

  1. Place of application. During the day, children can apply mustard plasters only on one side of the body, for example, on the back or chest. In this case, the sections can be alternated. Adults are allowed to make a compress on both sides.
  2. Compress duration. In children, the skin is much softer than that of an adult, so the holding time of the compress should be reduced to 10 minutes. If the child experiences discomfort, you can remove the mustard plasters even earlier.
  3. When applying mustard plasters to a child, a layer of gauze moistened with warm water must be placed between the skin area and the compress. It is also associated with the tenderness of children's skin. If the baby is less than a year old, then the gauze layer should be folded in half.
  4. With positive results, the procedure with mustard plasters can be extended up to 10 days.

After removing the compress, remove the remaining mustard powder with a damp cloth and after 30-40 minutes treat the overlays with baby cream or oil.

It is advisable to put mustard applications on a child 2 hours before bedtime, since a warming procedure can cause an outflow of mucus from the lungs and the baby will begin to cough intensively. The coughing fit should pass within an hour. At this time, you can take tea with raspberry jam, which will allow you to clear your throat faster.

Mustard plasters can be alternated with other procedures: for example, on the first day, use mustard applications, on the second - put jars, on the third - mustard plasters again.

Children do not have to be treated with mustard powder in the form of mustard plasters. The main thing is to correctly use the warming property of mustard. Cough baths with mustard before bed help very well. To do this, pour warm water into the basin, about 45 degrees. Next, mustard powder is poured at the rate of 50 grams per 10 liters. In such a bath, the child should keep the legs for about 15 minutes. After that, it is worth wiping your feet dry and putting on woolen socks for the night.

Older children can put mustard plasters with honey - the so-called cakes. They are prepared from 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed, rolled into sheets, applied to the chest or back of the child and covered with a cloth. Such mustard plasters should be worn for 2 hours, after which it is necessary to clean the skin.

When applying applications, the child should categorically avoid the lumbar region, spine, heart.

When the body temperature rises above 37 degrees, the procedure with mustard plasters should be stopped.

In any case, before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor. He will consider all individual indicators and recommend how to put mustard plasters correctly. In some cases, a specialist may allow the use of mustard applications during pregnancy, but you should not self-medicate.

Rules for the use and setting of mustard plasters when coughing

Mustard plasters are a cheap and effective cough suppressant. Many people have often experienced the power of these patches. Over the past decades, they have proven themselves from the very best side. But at the same time, not a small number of patients became aware of their "burning", "sharp" and "biting" nature. In this regard, mustard plasters should not be used when coughing if a person has an elevated body temperature. Before this, the heat must be brought down to at least 37.3 degrees, otherwise the body will experience a heavy load.

Features of use

Mustard plasters are not recommended to be placed regularly. A maximum of them can be applied when coughing for 4 days in a row. At the same time, it is desirable to use them every day, once without interruption. In the event that the child or adult does not feel better after such treatment, it is better to stop these procedures. Maybe the patient's body is not sensitive to such therapy, or the existing disease has grown into something more.

If mustard plasters are repeatedly put on a child or an adult (every day several times for a long time), this can lead to the formation of severe allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

Listen to what Dr. Komarovsky says about this, maybe you will change your mind about putting them on.


A remedy such as mustard plasters is allowed for use only with a wet or dry cough, especially if this deviation is protracted and severe. They are also actively used as an anti-inflammatory external drug in the event of many other diseases (neuralgia, pneumonia, myositis, bronchitis, headache, laryngotracheitis, etc.).

In rare cases, such an effective remedy is used for angina pectoris. However, it is recommended to do this, depending on the severity of coronary heart disease.


Mustard must not be used for coughing if such a disease is accompanied by acute respiratory infections that have begun to actively manifest themselves (for example, body temperature has risen, weakness has appeared, and chills have appeared).

The following deviations are contraindications to the use of such "burning" patches:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the agent;
  • any skin diseases, in particular pustular, at the point of contact with the cards;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • asthma;
  • weeping eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • tumor diseases.

Staging rules

For greater effectiveness, mustard plasters should be placed correctly when coughing. And where to apply them, so that the result of the treatment is not long in coming, we will consider a little lower.

In order to correctly place medical cards, first you need to prepare all the required attributes. To do this, you should take the mustard plasters themselves, a shallow bowl of warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 43 ° C, a terry towel, a fat body cream or ordinary vegetable oil, as well as a blanket or a thick blanket.

Before placing mustard plasters on the patient's body, it is advisable to completely dip them in a bowl of water and hold there for no more than 5-8 seconds. After that, the impregnated cards must be immediately applied to the skin. On top of them, be sure to place a terry towel, and wrap the patient well in a blanket or thick blanket.

The time that mustard patches should be on the body of an unhealthy person is individual. However, there are some recommendations. If the cards are installed correctly, then it is advisable to keep them for about 5-15 minutes (with a dry and strong cough for at least 9-10 minutes), but not more than a quarter of an hour. If the patient cannot tolerate the "burning" and "biting" effect of this remedy, then it can be removed after 5-7 minutes.

At the same time, it is extremely important not to confuse the proper effect of mustard cards with a strong allergic reaction or individual intolerance. If there is no allergy, but the burning sensation is unbearable after 2 or 3 minutes, then to reduce it, it is allowed to put a single layer of gauze or a thin napkin between the burning remedy and the body.

At the end of the procedure, the used product must be removed from the patient, and then gently and carefully wipe the skin with a clean towel, lubricate it with oil and wrap the child or adult in a warm blanket again, providing him with complete peace. At this moment, freshly brewed tea with milk or raspberry juice with linden honey will be especially effective.


In no case should mustard patches be placed on sensitive areas of the body or on those places where there is any damage to the skin.

So, where can they be placed for effective impact? Most often, such a cough remedy is placed on the chest, upper back, between and under the shoulder blades.

Also, these burning cards are applied to the feet of both legs or to the calves (you can do both there and there at the same time). On top of the applied remedy, it is recommended to wear warm and thick woolen socks. Unofficially, this technique is called "mustard boots."

In rare cases, mustard patches are also applied to the surface of the palms under the thumb. According to experts, this zone corresponds to the lungs.

Can children use

Such a remedy is allowed to be used to treat a child if he is strong in spirit. However, it is desirable to reduce the time of this procedure to 4-6 minutes.

Mustard cards for children can be replaced with an appropriate wrap. To do this, you need to prepare dry mustard (1.5 large spoons) and a small film. The product should be poured with warm water, covered with a lid and infused for 20 minutes. After that, it is required to pour 1 liter of non-cool boiling water into the mixture with a pungent odor. In the resulting liquid, it is necessary to moisten the film, and then wrap the baby's chest with it and wrap it well. Further, the procedure is similar to the same one that was presented just above.

The use of mustard plasters for heating is less and less prescribed by doctors. Instead, modern doctors prescribe a variety of syrups, drops and tablets. However, you should not forget about such an old and proven tool forever. This article will tell you about how much to keep the mustard plaster in different situations. You will learn about the features of its use and contraindications for use.

How long to keep mustard plaster?

The use of this tool was widespread a few decades ago. People treated cough, pain, inflammation and other pathologies with this medicine. At the same time, consumers did not particularly think about how long mustard plasters should be kept. Sheets with a burning coating were removed when it was already unbearable to endure burning. It is not right.

In modern packages with mustard plasters, you can always find instructions for use. All restrictions and duration of the procedure are clearly and clearly described there. If you make a mustard plaster with your own hands, then the situation changes. After all, a lot depends on the volume of the powder and its type. The average duration of warming up can be from three minutes to a day. Consider separately each situation with warming up and find out how long to keep mustard plasters in one case or another.

Treatment of respiratory diseases

As you know, most often mustard plasters are used for coughing. However, it can be caused by viruses or bacteria. With an allergic form of pathology, it is better not to use this remedy. Often, with colds, the patient's body temperature rises. In this situation, the mustard plaster cannot be kept for a single minute. Putting it is simply contraindicated, since with your manipulations you can only aggravate the patient's well-being.

If a person has a dry cough without fever, then the use of mustard plasters will help expand the bronchi and thin the sputum. At the stage of recovery (with a wet cough), the remedy will accelerate the regeneration of the bronchi. How much to keep mustard plaster in these cases? The warm-up time will be approximately 5-15 minutes. If after a shorter amount of time you feel a strong burning sensation, then it is better to interrupt the manipulation ahead of schedule in order to avoid burns.

Warming up the legs

At the first sign of a viral infection or a cold, it is very effective to apply mustard packets to the feet. Such a manipulation can be done with banal hypothermia. Exposure to heat on the feet will help you avoid illness and warm the tissues well. How long to keep the mustard plaster in such a situation? It is advisable to leave the bag in socks worn on your feet all night. If this is not possible, then limit yourself to five hours.

Warming up the feet can also be done with a mustard bath. To do this, pour water into the basin at a temperature of up to forty degrees. Place a few mustard plasters on the bottom there. Place your feet on paper bags and hold for up to twenty minutes. If it is necessary to warm up the calf area, then a bucket can be prepared for manipulation. It is not recommended to walk after the procedure. It is advisable to wear warm socks and wrap yourself in a blanket.

How long to keep mustard plasters for children?

Often the described remedy is used in pediatrics. In this case, the appointment is not made by the doctor, but by the parent himself. Such an approach is considered irresponsible. It is worth recalling that the use of mustard plasters in children of the first year of life is categorically contraindicated. For older babies, the drug is applied through a thin barrier - a diaper. In this case, you can protect the delicate skin of the child from burns.

The medicine should be kept for 3 to 5 minutes. At the same time, carefully monitor the reaction of the child. As soon as the baby complains of a strong burning sensation, the bags must be removed. Don't ask your child to be patient. This often ends in burns, which may not be as harmless as they seem. After manipulation, be sure to wipe the baby's skin with a damp warm towel. This is necessary to remove the mustard powder residue. In case of severe redness, lubricate the heated area with a cream with a softening effect.

A little summary

We remembered the old and proven remedy for the treatment of many ailments - mustard plasters. Now these bags are rarely prescribed, they are considered, rather, a means of traditional medicine. Also, modern drug manufacturers produce a lot of drugs with a similar effect, but much safer consequences. These compositions include creams "Doctor Mom", "Vicks" and others. An alternative to mustard plaster can be badger fat or ointments made on its basis. Before using sachets with burning powder, you should definitely consult a doctor, especially when it comes to treating a child. Good health and good health to you!

Many young parents have a problem with how to properly put mustard plasters on their child. It seems that it can be difficult here, but this is only until it comes to practice. In fact, there are a lot of nuances that are best known if you decide to treat a child with mustard plasters. In this article I will try to answer the most exciting questions.

To begin with, let's understand whether it is possible to put mustard plasters on your child and at what age can they be used for children?

There are no age restrictions, you can also put babies. If there is no allergy to mustard, various skin rashes and body temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C, then you can safely use them. After all, mustard plasters only dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Mustard powder comes into contact with water and begins to irritate the skin. Due to this, the above actions occur.

How to put mustard plasters correctly?

After dipping the mustard plaster in hot water for a couple of seconds, attach it to the body with the “working” side. Cover the top with a towel and wrap the baby in a blanket. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed. Since in order to consolidate the warming effect, it is necessary to be warm under the covers for at least an hour after completion.

Where do children put mustard plasters?

Mustard plasters are applied to different parts of the body - depending on the disease.

  • for headaches, mustard plasters can be applied to the neck;
  • mustard plasters for children with bronchitis are placed on the upper chest, avoiding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands and the heart, and on the back - under and between the shoulder blades;
  • with a dry cough - in front of the chest;
  • with a runny nose, mustard plasters are placed on the heels of children, then wrapped with cling film (you can use ordinary bags) and socks are put on top;
  • to relieve intestinal colic - on the stomach above or next to the navel;
  • with renal colic - on the lower back.

How long to keep mustard plasters for children?

For babies up to a year, 2-3 minutes will be enough, and for those who are older - from 5 to 15 minutes. The older the child, the longer. But you have to be there and control the process. Periodically turn away the edge of the mustard plaster and check the condition of the skin. If there is a strong reddening, then it is necessary to remove the mustard application.

After removing mustard plasters, wipe the child with a damp towel, removing mustard residue from the skin. Lubricate the application site with baby cream or sunflower oil. Putting on dry pajamas, send the patient under the covers.

These procedures are carried out every day. And as a rule, 4-5 sessions are enough for a cold to pass.

The quality of mustard plasters

The plates should be dry and smell a little mustard. If powder falls off them, or they are wet, you can safely throw them away. They won't do any good. And be sure, even at the pharmacy, check the expiration date (it usually ranges from 8 to 11 months) and the integrity of the package.

Mustard plasters for children up to a year

As you know, the skin of young children is very thin and delicate, therefore, in order not to burn it with mustard powder, you can put mustard plasters with the active side up. Or put a thin layer of cotton fabric under it. And the smallest ones can be completely wrapped in a diaper soaked in mustard infusion, after covering the groin area. Since soon a burning sensation will appear under the mustard plaster, the baby's mother will have to try very hard to distract the child. Try to dance something - usually kids enjoy watching the movements of adults. Prepare toys that can interest the child in advance.

We make mustard plasters on our own

It happens that it is far from home to the pharmacy, but you can’t leave the child. In this case, I suggest you make mustard plasters yourself. Mix one part mustard with three parts flour. Dilute everything with warm water and mix until a mushy state. Apply a thin layer on a piece of tissue paper or cloth, cover with gauze. Everything - the mustard plaster is ready. Only when applying homemade mustard plaster, be careful, as it may be stronger than the purchased one. In this case, simply remove the mustard application earlier than usual and lubricate the skin well with cream.

That's all the tricks on how to put mustard plasters on a child. You just have to figure out how to persuade your child to be patient.

The use of mustard plasters is one of the most effective means in the complex of measures for the treatment of colds, sore throats, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections, especially at the initial stage of the disease. Despite the simplicity of this treatment, in order to obtain a result, they must be used correctly, in accordance with the recommendations of doctors.

Therefore, every adult should know how to put mustard plasters for coughing, sore throat, whether they can be put at a temperature.

This method of treatment is suitable not only for adults, but also for children, to cure in a fairly short time.

  1. Packet containing mustard powder.
  2. A sheet completely filled with a layer of mustard powder.

What diseases are put mustard plasters

Mustard plasters are placed for any kind of cough: wet, dry, with or without abscesses. Most often they are prescribed for colds, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and SARS.

Before using mustard plasters for the treatment of cough, you need to know that they help best with:


Despite the simplicity of the composition, mustard plasters have many useful properties used to treat diseases.


  • have a warming effect;
  • relieve inflammation of the lungs;
  • eliminate cough;
  • relieve local pain;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • reduce pain with bruises and muscle strain, rupture of ligaments.

They help in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, laryngitis, sinusitis, sciatica.

How the remedy works

For the treatment of cough and respiratory infections, warming procedures are used, including mustard plasters.

They irritate the receptors of the skin, due to which blood vessels dilate, blood flow improves, and substances begin to be produced that help the body resist infection.

Mustard plasters also relieve pain, accelerate the process of relieving inflammation during coughing, tracheitis, colds and bronchitis.

The warming property of mustard plasters has a positive effect on the body:

  • When the skin is heated, the human immunity is activated.
  • At the site of inflammation, blood circulation improves, which leads to a speedy recovery.
  • Mustard plasters increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. With the blood flow, more oxygen and essential components enter the sore spot, which help fight the disease. When mustard powder is mixed with warm water, essential oils are released that help the patient breathe more easily.

According to doctors, mustard plasters are one of the most inexpensive and effective means in the fight against cough.

Which mustard plasters to choose for adults and children

Pharmacies sell mustard plasters of 2 types:

  • thick paper bags with mustard powder inside. They are assembled in blocks for greater convenience;
  • leaflets that are covered with dried mustard on one side.

They are used both for the treatment of childhood and adult diseases, but in the first case a number of precautions are observed.

You can also make mustard plasters at home by steaming mustard and applying it to one side of thick paper. Doctors recommend using them only for the treatment of an adult.

How to put mustard plasters correctly - instructions

In order to properly put a mustard plaster, several conditions must be met:

  1. First, the mustard plaster is dipped in heated water with a temperature of about 35-40 degrees. At a water temperature of more than 40 degrees, mustard plasters lose their properties.
  2. The wet mustard leaf is then pressed with the smeared side against the patient's body. If the skin is very sensitive, then you can put porous paper or gauze under the mustard plaster.
  3. Then you need to wrap the patient in a warm towel and put under the covers.
  4. In the same way, mustard plasters are put on their feet. Dry mustard leaves should be put in woolen socks and put on before going to bed.

It is impossible to achieve a good result if you do not know the technique for performing the procedure for bronchitis, myositis, headaches and similar symptoms of diseases.

With migraine, they are placed on the back of the head, with neuralgic diseases - on the sore spot. These methods are used not only for the treatment of adults, but also for the treatment of children.

Doctors insist that it is necessary to act according to the instructions and not to exceed the prescribed duration of treatment. Otherwise, complications may begin or a skin burn may occur.

When coughing for adults

The presented method of treatment is used for prolonged cough or in the first stages of the disease to prevent the development of the disease:

  1. Mustard plasters are placed on the back and chest. If the patient has problems with the heart muscle or is at risk of developing heart disease, then the patch is placed only on the back.
  2. From above, the part of the body to be heated is wrapped in a soft towel or covered with a warm blanket.
  3. The mustard strips are removed with great care so that the paper does not tear and the mustard powder does not get on exposed areas of the body.
  4. The skin is treated with a greasy cream, and the patient must remain in bed for several hours.

With a cold in adults

With a prolonged runny nose, the patch is applied to the feet - in adults they can be placed both over the entire surface of the leg and on the heel. But doctors do not recommend sticking a plaster on the nose.

So, how to put mustard plasters with a stuffy nose:

  1. A strip of mustard powder is dipped in water for 15 seconds, and then shaken to remove excess moisture.
  2. Slowly attach the mustard plaster to the foot (heel) and wrap it with cling film in several layers.
  3. Put on terry socks and wrap yourself in a blanket for several hours. If the skin on the stupas is quite hard, then the plaster can be kept on the leg all night.

If the feet are completely covered with rough skin and the procedure does not bring a positive result, doctors allow mustard plasters to be applied to the back.

When coughing in children

Mustard plasters can be used for dry and wet coughs. The main thing is to make sure that the product does not cause an allergic reaction.

For the treatment of wet cough, it is enough to carry out one procedure so that the bronchi and lungs are cleared of sputum.

With a dry cough, mustard plasters need to be used a little longer, but a positive result will not take long - the patient will feel better on the third day, it will become easier to breathe and pain will decrease.

Home treatment rules include the following steps:

  1. Mustard plasters stay in warm water for 5-10 seconds.
  2. The plaster with a wet cough lies between the shoulder blades, and with a dry one - on the back or calves. In any case, the patient must be wrapped in a blanket.
  3. The time of the procedure directly depends on the age of the small patient. For example, children under 3 years old will be able to withstand mustard plasters for no more than 3 minutes. Babies from 4 to 7 years old are recommended to carry out the procedure for no longer than 5 minutes. And for children under 12 years old - no more than 10 minutes.
  4. After removing the mustard plasters, wipe the skin with a towel, and a thin ball of petroleum jelly is applied on top and rubbed in with smooth movements.
  5. At the end, the baby is again covered with a blanket or dressed in warm clothes, at the same time giving warm tea with raspberries.

With a cold in children

When a child is tormented by a runny nose, a mustard patch is applied to the feet, observing some safety rules:

  1. The mustard plaster is lowered into the water for 5 minutes and applied to the leg with the back side.
  2. Another option is to moisten a napkin with vegetable oil, wrap the skin with it, and apply a strip of mustard on top with gentle movements.
  3. After the mustard plasters are removed from the skin, the feet are wiped with a towel, treated with a hypoallergenic cream and kept warm.

Mustard plaster on the neck and sternum area with tracheitis

With tracheitis, a mustard patch is applied to the lower part of the neck and lasts no more than 10 minutes.

After the procedure, a soothing cream is applied to the reddened area, and a turtleneck is put on top or a scarf is tied.

It is possible to “install” mustard plasters in the sternum (without touching the heart) or on the back.

How to put on your back

Before putting mustard plasters when coughing on your back, you must:

  1. Lay the patient in a comfortable position so that the arms lie along the body, and the head is at the level of the body.
  2. Mustard plasters soaked in warm water are placed on the upper back or between and under the shoulder blades. They need to be smoothed out with your hands so that the mustard spreads evenly over the skin.
  3. The compress should not be placed on the spine and kept for more than 15 minutes.
  4. Be sure to cover the patient with a towel or blanket during the procedure, and then lubricate his body with vegetable oil, petroleum jelly or cream.

How to put on the chest

A mustard patch is applied to the chest for diseases of the respiratory organs. This is not difficult if:

  1. Soak the mustard plaster in water before use and put it in place of the diaphragm.
  2. At a time, from top to bottom, experts recommend using 2 or 3 patches, which will evenly warm up the internal organs.
  3. It is necessary to avoid getting mustard powder on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart muscle, as this will provoke its excessive work.
  4. After the home procedure, keep the chest warm and do not get out of bed once again.

Mustard plasters for caviar

With colds, doctors often advise their patients to make a compress on the calf muscles. This has the following reasons:

  • so the effect of treatment comes faster;
  • it is easy to apply such a bandage without outside help;
  • the skin on the legs of adults is not as sensitive and the risk of burns is reduced.

Basic rules for such a home procedure:

  1. When coughing, mustard plasters are placed on the calves with the mustard layer down and gently pressed against the skin.
  2. A piece of fabric is applied on top, and then the patch is wrapped to the leg with a bandage. This makes it possible, in case of urgent need, to get out of bed or bend your legs.
  3. Wrap up for 10 minutes. in a blanket, then remove the bandage and pour over the surface to be treated with slightly lukewarm water.

Mustard plasters on the legs, on the heels

Mustard plasters can also be used for baths during a cold. For this you need:

  1. Heat water to no more than 40 degrees and pour it into a bowl.
  2. Put 2 mustard plasters on the bottom or, in extreme cases, dissolve 3 large spoons of mustard powder in warm water.
  3. Lower your feet into a basin, and cover your legs with a warm blanket or blanket.
  4. Steam for 30 minutes or until unpleasant sensations appear. Top up with warm water as needed.
  5. At the end of the time, wipe your feet with a towel, put on warm socks and go to bed or at least lie down for 2-3 hours.
  6. After the procedure, put on warm socks and lie under the covers.

Mustard plasters in socks

Sprinkling mustard on your socks is another way to use mustard plasters for medicinal purposes.

Most often it is applied to small children or people with sensitive skin, since this option is more gentle, although it takes more time:

  1. Before starting treatment, the feet must be wiped with a dry towel.
  2. Mustard powder is poured into socks made of natural material (preferably cotton), with the expectation that an adult needs 2 large spoons per foot, and a child needs one small spoon.
  3. This compress is put on the legs, and on top - one more socks.
  4. This should be done all night, and in the morning wash off the mustard with warm water without soap and other cosmetics.

Precautionary measures

Mustard plasters will not bring trouble if:

  • put a paper napkin or gauze between the skin and the mustard patch;
  • remove mustard plasters if there is a deterioration in the general condition, the heartbeat quickens and the pressure rises;
  • drafts, cold air and hypothermia should be avoided. It is important to wear warm clothes, put on slippers and drink plenty of warm fluids;
  • the skin is treated with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream. In the absence of these drugs, doctors allow in extreme cases to use sour cream;
  • it is forbidden to treat on a “warmed up” area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, apply cologne or other alcohol tinctures;
  • during treatment, you can not drink alcohol and smoke.

It's important to know! Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a text on the presence of an allergic reaction in the patient. Do not use them in case of rashes, lesions, boils, pimples or open wounds on the skin.


It is not always allowed to put mustard plasters when coughing. If the patient's body temperature is above 37 degrees mustard plaster, it is strictly forbidden to put it. In this case, additional heating of the body will bring nothing but a deterioration in the condition.

In addition, there are a number of diseases in which it is strictly forbidden to put mustard plasters.

It is forbidden to use the remedy for short-term diseases, include:

  • allergic cough;
  • allergic reaction to mustard;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • malignant or benign tumors;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, associated with purulent formations;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • thrombosis.

Putting mustard plasters when coughing is strictly prohibited if there are such accompanying symptoms:

  • chills and fever;
  • weakness and frequent fatigue;
  • open wounds on the skin (including abrasions and deep scratches);
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • risk of bleeding in the lungs.

Is it possible to replace them with pepper plaster?

The use of a pepper or mustard plaster in accordance with the instructions for a cold has a positive effect and helps recovery.

The composition of the patch includes natural ingredients that create an analgesic and warming effect. At the same time, sputum discharge improves, and coughing decreases.

Before applying the patch, the skin is degreased with an alcohol-containing solution, and then wiped dry. Put the patch on the back of the patient between the spine and shoulder blades. Keep od 2 to 3 days. After that, the patch should be replaced with a new one. Treatment in this way is long, but after 2-3 weeks relief and recovery come.

The mustard patch acts more gently than mustard plasters, but its use also has contraindications.

It can be used by pregnant women if there is no discomfort in the lower abdomen. During lactation, a woman should also pay attention to whether the child is allergic to the patch. If these symptoms are present, the patch should be removed immediately.

How and where to put mustard plasters and pepper plaster when coughing

The patch should not be used:

  • on skin that has damage or an abundance of moles and birthmarks;
  • if you are allergic to any of the components of the patch;
  • with dermatological diseases;
  • with very sensitive skin;
  • in the treatment of infants and young children.

If irritation occurs after using the patch, you need to lubricate this place with a healing, skin-soothing cream.

Is it possible to put during pregnancy?

The action of mustard plasters is harmful for pregnant women. As a rule, the manufacturer does not indicate this in contraindications, but according to doctors, this is so. There are good reasons not to use this method of treatment for women who are expecting a baby:

During the use of mustard plasters, pressure rises, and the vessels in the uterus narrow, and the child begins to receive less oxygen, which has a very bad effect on the development of the fetus. In addition, mustard has an effect that can cause abortion.

Women during this period need to use other types and methods of treatment. Such as:

  • Inhalations that will not harm the expectant mother, but will bring a lot of benefits. Inhalations can be done with the addition of herbs that give an expectorant effect and help to remove sputum.
  • Chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, this is not a complete list of herbs that can be used in the treatment of pregnant women. In the pharmacy, you can buy ready-made mixtures for inhalation. The main thing at the same time is to check if there are any allergies to any herbs in the expectant mother.
  • Do not forget about the use of essential oils, such as fir. Or the well-known ointment - the Vietnamese star. Use them carefully so as not to harm the mother and fetus.
  • Perhaps the use of honey massage. The effect of it is the same as that of mustard plasters, but without harm to the body.
  • An iodine mesh can be applied to the back, excluding the spine.
  • Tea with coltsfoot or linden is considered an excellent folk remedy for coughing. The use of warm milk with honey also copes well with this problem.

Is it possible to have mustard plasters for pregnant women and children under one year old?

The main task of mustard plasters is to warm up the skin and make the immune system work hard. During pregnancy, this effect can cause uterine contractions, which will adversely affect the condition of the fetus.

A miscarriage may occur or a pregnancy may freeze, both in the early and late periods. Therefore, before using mustard plasters, a special test should be done, if necessary.

And children up to a year will experience a strong load on the heart, which is fraught with a disastrous result. So in both cases it is better to look for alternative treatments.

Where to put mustard plasters for bronchitis?

With bronchitis and a strong cough, mustard plasters are placed on the back and chest.

If the patient has heart problems, then mustard plasters are placed exclusively on the back.

Do I need to treat the skin after mustard plasters?

After removing the mustard plasters, the places of redness should be wiped with a dry towel, and the reddened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin should be lubricated with a moisturizer. This procedure will allow you to feel pleasant warmth for another 20-30 minutes. The patient should continue to be in bed for at least 30 minutes. The best option would be to carry out such a procedure before going to bed.

Special instructions for the treatment of children

When coughing, mustard plasters are placed for children in the same way as for adults, but there are some differences.

First of all, mustard plasters are placed exclusively on the back of the child. Given that babies have thin and delicate skin, it is not recommended to apply mustard leaf directly to the baby's skin. It would be better to cover the back with a small piece of gauze or thin fabric and only then apply a mustard plaster.

The first procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes. See how the child reacts, if there is an allergic reaction on the skin. If everything is going well, then each subsequent procedure should be increased by 1-2 minutes. However, the maximum mustard plasters should be on the body for no more than 10 minutes.

Check the area under the mustard plaster every few minutes. Each child has his own pain threshold, so some children cry from the slightest redness, others even suffer severe pain. Be careful not to burn yourself.

After removing the mustard plasters, the baby needs to be wiped and smeared with cream. Then wrap up and put to bed. Never use alcohol-based rubbing instead of a cream.

Dry mustard leaves are also used, which are put in socks and dressed for the baby at night. In this case, the child should be covered with a blanket.

How often can you put mustard plasters?

It should be borne in mind that mustard plasters for coughing can be placed for an adult no more than 1 time per day. If mustard leaves are given to a child, then they are applied every other day.

How many days put mustard plasters

Without the permission of a medical practitioner, mustard plasters are not used for more than 4 days in a row. This is especially true in cases where a positive result is not observed during treatment.

With a strong cough, the course of treatment can increase up to 10 days, but this only applies to adults and children who are already 12 years old.

How many times a day?

In severe forms of the disease, mustard plasters are placed 2 times a day. But often doctors recommend not to abuse this method and use a mustard patch once a day.

The most suitable time is just before bedtime, as the patient will have the opportunity to relax, warm up and allow the body to heal itself.

The exposure time of the product on the body

For adult patients, the first "trial" mustard plaster is applied for 5 minutes. The next compress can be extended up to 10-15 minutes if an allergic reaction does not appear or blisters do not appear. In this case, there should not be a strong burning sensation.

The place under the mustard plasters should warm up well and may tingle a little. Ideally, the patient should feel pleasant warmth. If obvious pain symptoms or severe burning sensation appear during the procedure, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

After removing the mustard leaves, you need to wipe the place of redness with a towel and grease with any greasy cream or oil. Then again wrap the patient and leave in bed for at least half an hour.

When it comes to children, the mustard patch is applied immediately for no more than 2 minutes. Each time this time increases if the patient's age exceeds 7 years or there is a doctor's permission for such actions.

The procedure is terminated prematurely if the child complains of pain, burning, or if the upper layer of the epidermis turns red very quickly and strongly.

If these rules are not observed, burns may form on the body.

If the patient has a fever

Mustard plasters are forbidden to use even when the patient's body temperature reaches 37 degrees. It is too dangerous because of the heavy load on the internal organs and the risk of making the body work for wear and tear.

Mustard wrap: pros and cons

With bronchitis, mustard wrap is often used. Mix 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, honey and flour with 2 tablespoons of water. This mixture is applied to gauze and a circular compress is made. From above, such a compress is covered with a film, and then with a warm scarf or towel.

The positive aspects of this procedure include:

  • availability of components;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • good result.

The disadvantages include:

  • honey is a strong allergen;
  • not with all diseases such a procedure is possible;
  • the skin must be intact;
  • not suitable for sensitive skin;
  • not used at elevated body temperature.

Mustard plaster burn - what to do?

If the correct use of mustard plasters is not observed, a burn may occur. Burn symptoms are as follows:

  • the skin becomes swollen and bright red;
  • dizziness begins;
  • the patient is nauseated.

In case of a mild burn, you can treat yourself at home. The patient should be given pain medication. Apply lotions from decoctions of chamomile or calendula. Give plenty of drink. Treat the burned area with alcohol and leave it open for a while. Kefir or sour cream is also used.

Step-by-step instructions for help provide for the following methods:

  1. Treat the burn area with cool, but not ice-cold water.
  2. Blot the damaged area with a sterile tissue to get rid of excess moisture. Doing this with a towel is highly undesirable.
  3. Use an antiseptic and apply a bandage. It should not be very tight and it is very important to change the bandages at least 2 times a day.
  4. Doctors warn that it is forbidden to lubricate the burn with fat, oil or cream - the pain syndrome will not decrease from this, and the wound will be covered with a film, which will only increase the burning sensation and heat. Heat stroke can occur, the general condition of the body worsens and cardiac arrest occurs.

After the start of proper treatment, damaged skin is restored no later than after 10-14 days.

The scar remains in rare cases, but even then it is easy to heal with the help of therapeutic ointments.

During the healing period, it is necessary to use a bandage bandage only in the case when contact with the skin causes severe discomfort. It is also forbidden to touch the burn site with your hands and peel off the resulting crust in order to avoid infection. If the burns have blood blisters, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Putting mustard plasters when coughing is not as difficult as it might seem. This method of treatment has been used by people from different countries for many decades, and all thanks to its availability, effectiveness and lack of side effects.

Knowing how to use mustard plasters correctly, you can quickly cure a cold, dry or wet cough. Using folk methods of treatment, you can be sure of the safety of the remedy for the body, so as not to harm the health of drugs with potent chemical components.

Video clips about the rules for the use of mustard plasters

How to put mustard plasters when coughing:

How to put mustard plasters for children:

Mustard plasters are a very effective cough remedy:

03.09.2016 38921

In the cold season, a cold is commonplace. But this does not mean that you need to let the treatment take its course. Many people simply do not like to visit hospitals, doctors and seek to recover on their own, using medications that the pharmacist will advise. But such treatment is dangerous without consulting a doctor. What to do if you need to recover urgently and without a visit to the doctor?

The action of mustard plasters

An old grandmother's method of treating coughs and colds is to put mustard plasters. Since ancient times, mustard has been used as a healing, warming agent, helping the patient recover faster and recover completely.

Asking the question: “Is it possible to put mustard plasters with a dry cough?”, You will get a definite answer. The reason why patients often resort to treatment with mustard plasters is an unproductive cough. It got its name because of the lack of sputum, with the help of which the particles of the infection leave the body.

To start the healing process, doctors seek to convert a non-productive cough into a productive one (with sputum) with the help of tablets and syrups. But not every patient is suitable for this or that medicine. There are nuances, contraindications, side effects that cause unpleasant and dangerous consequences. Today, few people remember that mustard plasters with a dry cough are a universal remedy for children and adults.

The peculiarity of mustard is its ability to act through the skin tissue, accelerate blood flow, thereby causing sputum to come out of the lungs, therefore using mustard plasters for bronchitis is the right decision.


Using mustard plasters for coughing, do not forget about the spectrum of action of this remedy. It helps with:

  • SARS;
  • Myalgia and unpleasant muscle condition;
  • neuralgia;
  • Pain in the heart;
  • Stretching of muscles;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Joint pain.

Despite the availability of this drug, its action extends to the entire body and helps to cure tormenting diseases.


But, as drugs and traditional medicine, mustard plasters for coughing have contraindications.

  • It is strictly forbidden to use this tool at a temperature above 38, this will provoke its rise. It is allowed to bet 37, but with constant control.
  • Treat with caution in patients with cardiovascular disease and heart disease. Please note that mustard can raise the temperature, thereby provoking pain in the heart.
  • People with a violation of the integrity of the integumentary tissues and other skin diseases should not use this remedy due to the appearance of irritation or inflammation of the skin.
  • Only after consulting a doctor can you use mustard plasters during pregnancy. Self-treatment in this case is strictly prohibited, since mustard has a strong warming effect, which is not allowed during pregnancy.
  • Before using mustard plasters, consult a doctor to find out if there is any sensitivity to the components that make up the remedy.

The list of contraindications is narrow, but it should be attributed to it with attention.

How to properly treat?

As soon as you decide to put mustard plasters for coughing or another symptom that torments you, you need to study the rules for self-treatment.

Preparatory stage

Stock up on the necessary things for the procedure. Prepare a bowl of warm water into which mustard bags will fall. Purchase petroleum jelly, oil, or cream to use after the procedure. This is important for those who are engaged in treatment for the first time, as well as when warming up again.

Find a couple of towels you don't mind using, as mustard is hard to wash off. Prepare a warm blanket or blanket. Put all the things you have next to the sofa or bed. Now we proceed to the next step, the instructions for use will teach you the correct use of mustard plasters.

Use of mustard plasters

It is more convenient if a second person will help you put mustard plasters on your back with bronchitis, since it is problematic to do it yourself.

  1. The bags are wetted in warm water, after which they are removed from the basin with water. Let the water drain for a couple of seconds, then apply the bag on your back near your shoulder blades. It is enough to put from 2 to 4 bags;
  2. Cover the mustard plasters with a warm towel and put a blanket or blanket on the patient's back.
  3. At the end of the procedure, remove the bags, wipe the skin with a damp towel and apply cream or oil. Cover your back with a towel again, let the product soak in.

It is not difficult to put mustard plasters on your chest when you cough. Repeat the sequence for using the sachets. Please note that they must be applied to the area above the nipples. If you experience discomfort in your chest, heart ache, or breathing becomes difficult, stop the procedure and wash your body with warm water. This is likely an allergic reaction.

And also correctly put a mustard plaster on the neck area when coughing to ensure warming up of the throat. To prevent the bags from moving out, it is recommended to wrap the throat with a scarf. You can apply them to the calves and heels, putting on socks for fixation.

Features of the treatment of children

Children are a lot of trouble when they are sick. But this does not mean that it is forbidden to use mustard plasters for children, on the contrary, this is the safest remedy, the main thing is to be able to use it correctly.

How to properly put mustard plasters on a child when coughing depends on his age. Mustard wrap is recommended for children under one year old. To do this, a tablespoon of mustard powder is dissolved in 0.5 liters of boiled water. Gauze is wetted in it and the child's body is wrapped in a cloth. Enough 2-3 minutes for one procedure.

It is allowed to put mustard plasters when coughing for children 3 years old with an increase in the procedure time up to 5 minutes. Enough 1-2 bags for one session.

From the age of 10, it is possible to put mustard plasters on a child when coughing with an increase in time up to 10 minutes. Please note that it is allowed to put mustard plasters on children when coughing no more than 1 time per day.

From an older age, sachets should be applied according to the same principle as adults. It is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's skin and prevent inflammation or burns, therefore the first time children need to use mustard plasters in the presence of a doctor.

Application rules

In order to achieve a speedy recovery of the patient, it is required not to forget about the rules for using mustard medicine.

  • Having taken up self-treatment for the first time, patients are wondering - how often can mustard plasters be put? No more than 2 times a day. Increasing the number of procedures will not help speed up the process, but will give a chance of burns on the skin;
  • The second question is how long to keep mustard plasters when coughing? There are no strict limits here, the time of use depends on the place where you apply the bags. Putting the product on the chest area, you need to listen to well-being. Do not increase the procedure time by more than 10 minutes.

It is allowed to use mustard plasters on the back longer, but you should not be zealous either. 15-20 minutes are enough for all the medicinal properties of the product to be absorbed, and the skin to warm up sufficiently.

But you can use bags on your heels for an unlimited time, since the skin on this place is rough in a person. You can put mustard plasters on your feet at night, wearing warm socks - this will speed up the warming process;

  • Do not repeat warming up for longer than 4-5 days. This rule is due to the fact that after 3 days the body begins to get used to mustard plasters, and the effect of their use weakens, and later disappears altogether;
  • When purchasing a product, look at its expiration date. Mustard powder retains its qualities for a year from the moment of production. This does not mean that partially expired mustard plasters cannot be used, however, their effect will be much weaker;
  • Children should be put bags with caution and with a decrease in the procedure time by 2-3 times.

Thus, thanks to the old grandmother's remedy, you can get rid of many of the ailments that tormented you without resorting to treatment with expensive medicines and remedies that require a long course of treatment. And yet, before using the sachets, consult your doctor in order to avoid allergic reactions.

How to put mustard plasters

Mustard plasters, whose experience in medicine is calculated not even for decades, but for centuries, are an effective way to treat many diseases. They are used for coughing, osteochondrosis, muscle pain, neuralgia. Mustard plasters, despite their simplicity and accessibility, can have a very pronounced therapeutic effect, but on one condition - they must be placed correctly. The purpose of our article is to find out when, where and how to put mustard plasters.

How do mustard plasters work?

The active ingredient in mustard plasters is dry mustard powder. The well-known seasoning based on this powder is table mustard. It is used to spice up our favorite dishes. The sharpness of mustard is explained by its pronounced local irritating property - this feature is used in medicine.

Dry mustard powder in mustard plasters is applied on a thick sheet of paper or, which is much more convenient, placed in thin paper bags. The second option is now the most popular - mustard powder does not crumble, does not stain clothes, and it is more pleasant to work with such packages.

Wet mustard powder, getting on the skin of a person, irritates it - the vessels dilate, the blood flow to the place where the mustard plaster is applied increases. In addition to local effects, mustard plasters also have a general reflex effect - the body increases the production of special hormones that activate the absorption of pathogens by immune cells.

In fact, mustard plasters are a method of physiotherapy. But, to our joy, for such a physiotherapy treatment, you do not need to go to the clinic, sign up for procedures, stand in line - the setting of mustard plasters is quite accessible to almost everyone at home.

Indications for setting mustard plasters

Like any other method of treatment, mustard plasters have very specific indications that must be followed. Only in this case we will get a good effect and avoid complications. Here is a list of diseases for which mustard plasters can be a good remedy.






Rhinitis (runny nose).



Intercostal neuralgia.

Muscle pain (post-traumatic or after intense exercise).

Headaches (after consulting a doctor).

Pain in the heart (with extreme caution, after a mandatory consultation with a doctor).

Contraindications for setting mustard plasters

You should not treat mustard plasters as something frivolous, not capable of harming health. Before setting mustard plasters, be sure to read the list of contraindications to this method of treatment.

Increased body temperature: for diseases of the respiratory tract, in no case do not use mustard plasters in the acute period, when the temperature is above 37C. Please note that mustard plasters for these diseases are not the main method of treatment, but a means of aftercare.
Skin diseases - psoriasis, allergic rash of any type, eczema.

Allergy to components of mustard plasters - allergic reactions can occur on essential mustard oil.

Hemoptysis (blood in sputum).

Oncological diseases.



How and where to put mustard plasters

Now that we have figured out which diseases you can and cannot put mustard plasters on, you can stock up on everything you need and proceed with the procedure.


Mustard plasters - must be fresh (look at the expiration date), dry; the layer of mustard on paper mustard plasters is even, in bags - dry friable powder without lumps.

A small container with warm water (37-43C).


A warm blanket.

Baby cream, massage oil or any other oil.

Place of setting mustard plasters

The place where mustard plasters are placed depends on the disease that we are going to treat.


Place for setting mustard plasters


back of the head

Runny nose

Neck, shins, feet

Cough (tracheitis, laryngitis)

Upper half of sternum, back between shoulder blades

Cough (bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia)

Back between and under the shoulder blades


Strictly according to doctor's instructions

Pain in the muscles

to the painful area

Intercostal neuralgia

In the course of pain


To the place of pain

Abdominal pain (intestinal colic)

Navel area

Description of the procedure

Lay the patient in a comfortable position so that the area for setting mustard plasters is on top.
If you use mustard plaster bags, if necessary, cut or carefully tear the cells along the lines. If the patient is an adult and, for example, the back is chosen for setting mustard plasters, you can not divide the bags into cells, but use 4-6 cells at once without cutting.

Shake mustard bags so that the powder is evenly distributed over the cells.

Dip the mustard plasters in the prepared warm water for 10-15 seconds.

Slightly squeezing the mustard plasters (do not twist them!), Put the bags in the right place.

Cover immediately with a towel and then with a warm blanket.

Withstand 10-15 minutes. If the burning sensation has become unbearable, look - perhaps something is wrong with your skin or it is just very sensitive.

After the specified time, remove the mustard plasters, wipe gently with a towel.
Lubricate reddened skin with cream or cosmetic oil.

Mustard plasters in the treatment of children

Mustard plasters can also be successfully used to treat children's diseases, but the procedure itself and its contraindications have some peculiarities.

For children under 2 years old, put mustard plasters only after consulting a pediatrician.

When using mustard plasters for the treatment of children from 2 to 6 years old, additionally use a pad in the form of gauze or thin material - it is placed between the skin and mustard plasters.

Reduce the retention time of mustard plasters on the skin. If you put them on your child for the first time, focus not on the clock, but on the reddening of the skin. Every minute, bend the edge of one of the mustard plasters - if the skin is already reddened, the procedure can be stopped.

To make it easier for the baby to endure the burning sensation, read him an interesting book, tell a fairy tale, give him a favorite toy.

Common questions about setting mustard plasters

I have sensitive skin. How long should I keep mustard plasters?

With sensitive skin, the retention time of mustard plasters is reduced. Your skin, like a child's, is very susceptible to various irritants, so do the same as in the case of treating a child - remove mustard plasters as soon as the skin underneath turns red. After the procedure, be sure to use emollients.

The child has an allergic cough. Can mustard plasters be used?

With an allergic cough, mustard plasters are contraindicated.

I suffer from angina. I take nitroglycerin for seizures. Is it possible to use mustard plasters to relieve pain?

Mustard plasters for angina pectoris are usually not used. Only the attending physician should prescribe mustard plasters in your case (and for any pain in the heart).

How to put mustard plasters for headaches?

Mustard plasters for headaches are put only after examination and exclusion of serious diseases. The fact is that mustard plasters, causing blood flow, can lead to serious consequences in case of tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, increased intracranial pressure, post-traumatic pain, circulatory disorders of the brain.

If the doctor has allowed you to put mustard plasters for headaches, then the procedure is the same, just leave more water on the mustard plasters (do not squeeze them) so that the mustard reaches the skin through the hair.

How can mustard plasters be used for high blood pressure?

Sometimes, with an increase in blood pressure, it is recommended to put mustard plasters on the shins or feet. Thus, the outflow of blood from the upper body to the legs is achieved. However, this procedure should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

A day after the setting of mustard plasters, the redness does not go away. There were dark spots, bubbles. The skin hurts. What to do?

It could be a burn or an allergic reaction. See a dermatologist for treatment.

The article was prepared by doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Mustard plasters are allowed to be placed no more than once a day, while for a child, the frequency of their use should not exceed once every two days. Also, do not use mustard plasters for longer than four to five days. Before mustard plasters, they need to be moistened with warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees - otherwise it will lose its own. Then the wet plate should be pressed tightly against the sore spot and covered with a towel, and also cover the patient himself.

If the patient has too sensitive skin, a piece of porous paper can be placed under the mustard plaster.

It is forbidden to put mustard plasters at a body temperature of more than 37 degrees and keep on the skin for more than 15 minutes so as not to burn it. A couple of minutes after they are glued, a person begins to feel heat, and then a burning sensation, accompanied by reddening of the skin caused by a large rush of blood. With a strong burning sensation, the mustard plaster must be immediately removed and lubricated with the skin. At the end of the procedure, the treated area should be wiped with a damp cloth, then dried and moistened with a cream.

Application features

Pharmacy mustard plasters are a piece of thick paper with a thin layer of mustard flour. Mustard plasters bought in a store are able to retain their properties throughout the year, but for this they need to be stored properly - wrapped in paper and put in a cool, dry place. When using self-made mustard plasters, the following rules must be observed: mix wheat flour with dry flour in a ratio of 1: 3 and place the mixture on a double layer of gauze.

The standard time for applying mustard plasters is no more than 15 minutes, however, if the child is restless, it must be reduced.

After removing the mustard plaster, the remnants of the mustard compress must be removed with a damp cotton wool and the treated skin should be lubricated with a regular baby cream. For problems with the lungs in children and elderly patients, it is forbidden to put mustard plasters near the heart area. It is also not recommended to use mustard plasters during pregnancy, as they can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the development of the child. If necessary, their use must first be consulted by a gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

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