Winx fairies who are. Winx characters: biography of the main characters of the animated series


Trix witches from left to right: Stormy, Icy, Darcy. Pepe the duckling is on Aisi's shoulder (seventh episode of the first season "Friends are known in trouble")

They appear as characters in the first episode of the first season, "An Unexpected Event". The Trix are a group of antagonists in the animated series. They are known as "The Senior Witches" (Senior Witches, Senior Witches), or simply "Witches", in English. Their team consists of three witches - Icy, their leader, Darcy, and Stormy. For most of the first season, they attend the Cloud Tower Witch School. In the first season, the Trix stole the Dragonfire and called in the Army of Darkness to take over Magix. The Trix are the descendants of the three witches who destroyed Domino and created Valtor. At the beginning of the first season, the Trix appeared to be more powerful than the fairies (with the exception of Bloom), such as in the episode Spelled, where they had the opportunity to win if Bloom had not interfered. However, after they are defeated and lose the Dragon Fire, the Winx can easily defeat them. The Trix are sisters in the original, but not in the English dub.

Aisi: A young witch depicted as having a "Heart of Ice". As the eldest and presumably the strongest of the sisters, she is the ruthless leader of the Trix and desires to rule the universe. The name suits her perfectly, describing her powers and main personality traits. She is cruel to be cruel, she does not approve of malicious ridicule of people. She attacks the victim with freezing beams and a snow storm. Icy hates the fairies from Alfea, mostly due to Professor Griffin's mistake. The antics of the witch are mainly meant to invade Alfea and open a period of sorts, with curses and witchcraft. She can control monsters: ogres, minotaurs, trolls, Nightmare Gargoyles, as well as Creatures from the "Army of Decay" (army of darkness). She doesn't have a boyfriend and doesn't approve of Darcy dating Riven. … -->

Darcy is a young witch who is best described by the words "Lady of Darkness". She is superb in her manners. Darcy is very smart, she is the first to get out of all quarrels, she is the last to feel sympathy for Valtor. The best of all witches understands technology. Loves purple. Once upon a time, Darcy really liked Riven, but he interfered with the Trix, and they put him in a dungeon. She is quiet and stubborn, but at the same time mean and deceitful. This is her advantage, because she splashes out her whole character on the enemy. She finds the enemy's weak points and thereby disables him. Witch of illusions and darkness. She loves various dark, hypnotic pendants with which she hypnotizes guys. In the first season, he looks at Riven, flunks Bloom in the exam, pretends to be Stella in order to take the ring from the Winx. In the second season, he receives a glumix in the form of a long bracelet. With the help of a hypnotic pendant, he fails the exam with the Winx on the simulator. In the third season, he uses a spell that rescues the Trix from the dimension of punishment Griffin receives from Valtor disenchantix.

Stormy is hot-tempered, emotional, because of these traits of her character, there are (constant) quarrels with Aisi. Stormy is the first to confess her sympathy for Valtor, she is jealous of his sisters and Bloom. Stormy hates Musa for embarrassing her at the concert. She doesn't like all the other fairies either. Witch of wind, bad weather, thunderstorms and storms. In the first season, she tracks down Bloom, disapproves of Darcy and Riven's relationship. In the second season, he receives a gloomix from Darkar. There are several fights with the Muse. In the third season, Valtor uses a spell of opposites on her, and Stormy helps the Winx find Valtor. Because of this, she is offended by him, but Valtor finds a new source of strength and the witch again pays attention to him. Together with the sisters, he receives disenchantix.

Darkar is one of the most evil mages in the Magic Dimension. He is the owner of the great power of the Dark Phoenix, with the help of which he can absorb and attract magical entities to himself and absorb their dark and light energy. It was Darkar who sent the Three Ancient Witches to destroy Bloom's home. The Dark Lord frees Aisi, Darcy and Stormy from punishment and gives them generous gifts - gloomiks (they have the same purpose and properties as charmiks), which greatly strengthened Trix's witchcraft. Evil witches began to help Darkar, using his power to take revenge on the Winx. Darkar's main goal is to find the four pieces of the Code, which opens a portal that releases Relix, a magical entity whose power surpasses that of the Dragon's fire. He decided to enchant Bloom, turning her into an evil fairy twice. Darkar imprisoned Professor Avalon, and sent a dark clone of the professor to Alfea, under the guise of a kind teacher of Magophilosophy, to control Bloom. When Bloom cast the dark spell of Darkar, Sky saved her from evil spells, convincing the fairy that he loves only her and no one else. With the help of the Charmix Convergence, the Winx managed to defeat Darkar. He first appears in the first episode of the second season, "Shadow of the Phoenix".

Valtor was raised by three evil witches, Trix's ancestors, from the Dragon's fire. He used to be the most powerful magician along with Griffin, but she left for the Light Team. He dreams of regaining the title of the most powerful magician. The Light Team imprisoned Valtor in the Omega Dimension, where he spent 17 years before being found by the Trix. While Valtor was lucky, the witches liked him and this flattered his pride. After several lost battles, the Trix betray him and run away. Valtor destroyed a lot of planets, taking their essence. In one of the last battles, the Winx almost manage to defeat Valtor with the help of Water Stars and Magic Convergence. But the final victory of the Winx was in the last episode of the 3rd season, when Bloom used the spell "Fairy dust, destroy the fire." First appears in the first episode of the third season, "Princess's Ball".
Black Circle

They also call themselves Fairy Hunters. Were created by nature. They destroyed all the fairies on Earth, except for Roxy. The fairies of the Earth, before dying, retained their powers in the White Circle, which belongs to Roxy. In the first episode, they arrive at Alfea, believing that Bloom is the Last Fairy of the Earth. However, after taking away part of her power, they realized that it was not her. They travel to Earth in search of the Last Fairy of Earth and the White Circle. Very strong. Enchantix is ​​powerless against them. They appear in the first episode of season 4, "Fairy Hunters".

Ogron - the main magician, owns different powers. Appearance: red hair, blue eyes.
Duman - owns the power of transformation, can turn into any animals and people. Appearance: pink hair, yellow eyes.
Anagan - owns the power of speed. Appearance: Brown hair, red eyes.
Gantlos - has great physical strength, can create earthquakes and force waves. Appearance: yellow hair, dark eyes.

Small red monsters that appeared in the first episode. They were used by Whip in two failed attempts to capture Stella's ring in the first episode.
troll hunter

The troll that Whip used to track Stella and Bloom. He was defeated by specialists from the Red Fountain. Later, when the specialists accompanied the troll to Magix, the Trix helped him escape and he was sent into oblivion by them. Some troll hunters live in the Wildlands.
underground slug

A slug that lives in the Black Mud Swamp.
Cretan Minotaur (Whip)

A four-armed minotaur used by the Trix to infiltrate Alfea. They needed him to divert the attention of the Winx fairies, while the Trix were looking for the Dragon Fire. He was defeated and captured by specialists.
Turtle Island

A giant tortoise that lives in the swamp. When the willow monster was on her back, the turtle was under its influence until the willow was defeated.
willow monster

A monster that grows stronger by feeding on nightmares. When he becomes strong, his body shape changes and he grows larger. The Nightmare Monster was defeated by Lady Faragonda.

One of the many kinds of creatures that live in the magical universe. Some of them are kept in the pens of the Red Fountain. Great Dragon - The dragon responsible for the creation of the magical universe; he had power on Domino where he was, and part of his power is contained within Bloom. Some dragons live in the Wildlands, but most of them live in the reality of Pyros.
Dark army

An army of monsters made from insects and swamp rot that can be summoned by anyone with Dragonfire (namely the Trix). If the one who controls the army is defeated, the army disappears.
snow monster

A large fanged furry monster with ice spikes on its back that lives on the frozen planet Domino. He was defeated by Stella, Flora, Musa, and Tecna by combining their powers.
ice crabs

Crabs made of ice that can kill a fairy when touched.
monster spiders

Spider-like monsters with scary grinning faces that live near the Cloud Tower. The queen of these monsters is larger than the others and is pink instead of green.

Lord Darkar's favorite bat and obedient servant. Darkar sends him away to use as a spy, and occasionally transforms him into various creatures to carry out his nefarious plans.
Unnamed monsters

Monsters that live in the Kingdom of Shadows and are the servants of Darkar.
Guard worm

A giant worm that lives in the Lower Earth and serves as its protector.

A lion-dragon creature created by Lord Darkar of Caborg to attack the Red Fountain. After the attack, Kaborg took on its former form.
Angel of Doom

A legendary person whose existence is believed to be a myth. He drains other people's powers, disguising himself as a hero or paladin, just to gain everyone's trust. When three planets line up, he shows his true colors and destroys everyone. Tecna believed that Professor Avalon (who turned out to be Lord Darkar's spy) was the Angel of Doom, but this was not further confirmed.

A dinosaur-like monster that lives in the Wildlands. Herclesaurus is a gentle animal that feeds on vegetation.

A monster with three horns on its head like a Triceratops, and with a huge ax in its hands. Lord Darkar created him from Kaborg so that no one could stop him and Bloom (who was under Darkar's spell) from entering Relix. The forces of Stella, Layla, Flora, Musa and Tecna could not have an effect against him, but by the joint actions of Mrs. Faragonda, Mrs. Griffin and Professor Kodatorta, he was stopped, after which he took on his original appearance and was destroyed by Faragonda and Griffin.
ice snake

An ice-breathing guardian snake that lives in the Omega dimension.
monster mermaids

Mermaids of the kingdom of Andros, turned into monsters by Valtor.
ice spirits

Spirits living in the Barrier Mountains. They are the keepers of the mirror of truth.

A squid-like monster that lives in the underwater mermaid prison on Andros.
Storm Harpies

A collection of harpies created by Stormy when the Winx fairies visited Linphea, Flora's planet.
Giant ladybugs

In Linfia, where technology is prohibited, the Winx fairies used giant ladybugs to move around. Ladybugs are intelligent and able to obey commands.

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Famous fairies from the school of sorceresses

Let's think about it - how many cartoon series do we know that are so popular among girls that they are ready to watch them all day long, and even buy toys on an industrial scale? The first thing that comes to mind is the Italian franchise "Winx Club", which tells about fairy girls who are united in a team by the will of fate.

The magical world of Winx

The space in which the actions of the series develop is divided into several dimensions. The heart of the Winx universe is the Magix dimension. The city of the same name is located near Alfea. The entourage combines the features of magic and high technology. Before us appears a lot of planets, densely populated by witches, fairies, monsters and other minor characters. There are also parallel worlds unsuitable for normal existence. A striking example is the Omega dimension, an analogue of British Australia, intended for hard-core criminals. The sinister ones suffer in the ice, as once the giants in the Scandinavian Jotunheim.

Key characters

They, of course, are the fairies that are part of the Winx Club. There are six of them in total. They were originally friends until they realized that "team" sounded more respectable. Bloom came up with the name for the association. Initially, the composition included Bloom herself, Muse, Stella, Tecna and Flora. Then Leyla joined the ranks of the fighters against evil. Transforming, fairies change the style of clothing.

  • Bloom. Plot axis. This character was born on the planet Domino on December 10th. Parents are royalty. Through the portal, she entered the Earth, teleported into a burning hut and was saved by firefighter Mike. Favorite book is fairy tales. At the age of 16 she mastered magic. Distinctive features: blue eyes, red hair, fair skin. He prefers to wear jeans decorated with stars, a short T-shirt, yellow sandals. Charmix Bloom - pink fluffy handbag and heart brooch.
  • Stella. Princess, inhabitant of the planet Solaria. She worries about the divorce of her parents - Radius and Luna. Not possessing initially stunning external data, she turned into a real beauty. Distinctive features - golden hair, a skirt with rhinestones, a green top and sandals with a flower. Charmix looks like a mirror, the bag is divided into solar and lunar sides.
  • Flora. A native of the planet Linfia, owns the magic of the earth, is friends with nature and insects. Very peaceful cartoon hero prefers to resolve conflicts amicably. The girl has caramel-colored hair and green eyes. Transforming, he puts on a short shiny dress with long sleeves. Wearing platform boots. Charmix - a handbag-rose and a precious stone.
  • Muse. She was born in May on the planet Melody. The girl grew up in a musical family and owns the forces of harmony. Plays saxophone and guitar. The main feature is Asian appearance. Blue eyes, white skin. Hairstyle - a pair of black tails, cast blue. Being in the form of a fairy, she flaunts a red skirt and top. Charmix - player bag and treble clef.
  • Tecna. She was born on the holiday of numbers on the planet Zenith. He is fond of technology, carries a pocket computer everywhere. One of the main "nerds" Alfei. Green-blue eyes, purple hair. Transforming, he drags himself into a lilac jumpsuit. Charmix is ​​a triangle. The bag looks like an electronic lock.
  • Leila. She grew up on Andros, a water planet. As you may have guessed, the crown princess. Difficult childhood overshadowed by the lessons of etiquette. Appearance - curly brown hair, blue eyes, dark skin. The main outfit is breeches and a sweatshirt with a hood. After the transformation, it becomes overgrown with green things. Charmix - a butterfly and a round hip pouch.

The series is replete with secondary characters, including students and teachers of Alfea, pixies, magical pets, evil spirits, monsters and Specialists.


Specialists are friends of the Winx

Natives of the magic school Red Fountain. These cartoon characters serve as boyfriends for our heroines. The most notable of them is Skye. The Prince of Eraklion, broke up with his unfortunate bride for the sake of Bloom looming on the horizon. Sky is charming, smart and courageous, has blond hair and dreams of a career as a pilot. Like Skywalker, he wields a blue laser sword. This is where the similarity ends, as the Specialist also armed himself with a boomerang and a shield.

Other Specialists are also known - Brandon, Timmy, Helia, Naboo and Riven. All of them (or almost all) meet with key heroines.

Magical abilities of the Winx fairies

Magical abilities of Winx sorceresses

The transformation of the first level allows the fairies to use a certain power. Stella draws energy from the moon and the sun, Flora is closely connected with the plant world. The basic stage of development is called the "Winx Sorceress" - having reached it, the fairy can develop further and master new transformations. Overcoming herself, the fairy is rewarded with a charmix - an artifact that significantly increases the power of the Winx fairies and makes it possible to use magic in those worlds where it is impossible under normal circumstances.

The apotheosis of transformations - Enchantix. Having reached this level, the fairy becomes the owner of fairy dust. Using this pollen, dark spells can be neutralized. Also known are Believix (power of the fan), Harmonix (underwater magic), Sirenix (accumulates the power of artifact stones) and Gifts of Fate.

Magic Dimension Schools

  • Alfea. In the Winx universe, there is a school of sorceresses around which everything revolves. The main characters and most of their friends study there. Pupils are accommodated in rooms by two or three. It houses a secret archive, fraught with fragments of the magical code. Director - Faragonda.
  • Red Fountain. The boyfriends of the main characters are trained here - Specialists who comprehend the complex art of defense. There is a room where dragons are kept and an arena for fights is built. The entire male population of Magiks passes through this school. Director - Saladin.
  • Cloud Tower. Here they comprehend the basics of witchcraft. The main subject is black magic. Within these walls, the Trix witches Stormy, Icy, and Darcy were educated. It is noteworthy that the Cloud Tower is a living organism that can be controlled by the one who captures the castle.


  • Trix. The main antagonists of the Winx Club. Aisi leads the trinity - knows no mercy, striving for universal domination and owning snow and ice elements. Tall brown-haired Darcy knows how to hypnotize and cause optical illusion. Stormy commands bad weather, winds and thunderstorms.
  • Lord Darkar. Thanks to the power of the Dark Phoenix, he is able to absorb magical essences. He is responsible for the destruction of Bloom's homeland.
  • Magicians of the Black Circle. Also known as Fairy Hunters. Extremely dangerous. In a battle with them, even Enchantix will not save. In the final battle with the fairies, they fell and were frozen in the icy desert.
  • Valtor. Created by the Ancient Witches. Once he was the greatest magician, then he landed in Omega. The Trix helped him escape, and he began to think about world domination.

The popularity of the series is truly amazing. Back in 2007, it was broadcast in 130 countries around the world, and DVD sales have long surpassed the ten million mark. In 2011, young fairies were awarded the Golden Bear award. Such a powerful success is not easy to explain, but facts are stubborn things. Now the Winx are marching victoriously across the post-Soviet space.

Officially, they are called specialists, because they usually help girls in solving various technical issues. Well, let's get to know each other?

No girl can do without a boy. Even if she is a fairy. Not, especially if she is a fairy. And, of course, the Winx fairies are far from an exception here. The fact is that fairies are very gentle and vulnerable creatures, even if at first glance it seems that this is not so. Without love and romance, no fairy will be happy.

A strong, brave, resolute, passionate, faithful, reliable and, if possible, very beautiful Hero should always be next to her. Each fairy from the Winx Club managed to find for themselves the only Hero, the best of all. At the same time, fairy girlfriends are very lucky that everyone has different tastes. Otherwise things would end badly...

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Sky - Bloom's boyfriend

So, let me introduce: the most important Winx boy is, of course, the red-haired Bloom guy - the leader of the Winx club,. This is a young man named sky, acquaintance with which occurs in the very first series - "An Unexpected Event" (he is introduced to us as Brandon). This tall, handsome blue-eyed blond is none other than a knight without fear or reproach. With his blue laser sword

Skye is a master at being one of the best swordsmen in Magix. And the guy also shoots well. True, Sky himself dreams of becoming an unsurpassed pilot. However, he is already an excellent test pilot.

Sky was born on March 20 under the magical sign of the Phoenix on the planet Eraklion. Sky is a real prince, his parents are King Erendor and Queen Samara. However, in order to feel more free, the guy switched places with his own squire Brandon. Like a true prince, Sky has a bride - Diaspora. More precisely, it was until he met Bloom and fell in love with her with all his heart.

Sky is a third-year student at Red Fountain School (like all the other heroes below). He is very loyal, smart, funny and brave. Duty is above all for him. Sky loves to take part in competitions, loves sports. Prince Sky's best friend is his squire Brandon. And my girlfriend is Bloom.

Brandon - Stella's boy

And now meet the beloved of the Winx fairy Stella - Brandon, squire and bodyguard of the prince. This is a 19-year-old green-eyed brown-haired man from the planet Eraklion, born on September 23 under the magical sign of Nereid. Remember, in the very first episode of the first season, this charm was introduced to Bloom and the audience as "Prince Skye"? He later confesses to the lie and reveals his own name.

Brandon's favorite weapon is a two-handed green laser sword, or fantoblade, which looks like a broadsword. Brandon also knows how to throw spears. This handsome guy loves to be the center of attention. He may be a bit vain, but it doesn't spoil him in the least. Brandon is a kind man, whose heart is very easy to melt.

Like a true knight, he always keeps his word. Brandon skillfully takes care of the girls, he is very gallant. And although he is in love with Stella, he never denies himself the pleasure of flirting nicely with other beauties.
The guy is almost always drawn, exposing all the muscular parts of his trained body. Among all the students of the Red Fountain, he is the most developed physically.

Helia - Flora's boy

It's time to be introduced helium, beloved fairy Winx Flora . Viewers get to know him in the eighth episode of the second season, which is called "Intruders at the Party." Bold and resolute, Helia is never afraid to express her thoughts out loud, even if someone does not like them.

Black-haired and blue-eyed Helia was born on September 2 under the magical sign of the Unicorn. During his studies at the Red Fountain School (whose director, by the way, is his own uncle), Helia managed to transfer to an art school, and then return back. He was considered the best student, who succeeds in absolutely everything.

Helia loves to draw and write poetry. In this he is very close to his girlfriend Flora. For Helia, it is important to live in harmony with the outside world and with oneself. Secular subtleties not only do not interest him, but even irritate him. Given the choice to say something or remain silent, Helia will choose the latter. Perhaps that is why he is considered the most quiet and shy specialist hero.

Riven - Musa's boy

If Riven given the opportunity to introduce himself, he would have behaved exceptionally coldly and aloofly. And only because the manifestation of all kinds of emotions for Riven is something frightening.

Riven tries to react to what is happening around to a minimum. This is a real lone wolf in the group of Winx heroes, who does not and cannot have a best friend. However, even with Riven, over time, one still appears - this is.

Riven has a very unusual appearance: he has purple eyes and hair of the same color. Riven was born on October 15 under the magical constellation Elemental. Since his own mother left Riven immediately after birth, the guy is very wary of women in general. However, the cheerful Muse managed to melt the ice of his heart and take possession of it without a trace.

The color of Riven's scimitar is purple. The guy is almost as good at swordsmanship as . By the way, he competes with him at every opportunity. Riven is very cautious, very smart, very independent and rebellious. At first glance, it seems that he is too arrogant, but this is just a screen behind which an ardent and tender soul hides.

Riven loves to play sports. Perhaps there is no such sport in which he would not have achieved success. And one more thing: Riven knows how to pick locks.

Only on our site is a complete selection of winx fairies all the characters with names, their biography, description, bright pictures and photos. The Winx Club has recently, but firmly enough, taken the place of the idols of many modern girls. On our website you can learn more about any of them.

Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Leila, Musa, Flora, Pixie are the main characters of the animated series, as well as the fairies of the White and Black Circles, Specialists and dark witches Trix - you can find all of them on this site.

main characters

Bloom was born on the planet Domino. Her father was the almighty King Oritel, and her mother was the beautiful Marion. Not much time passed after she was born, evil witches attacked their planet, they wanted to master the power of Fire.

This heroine is also the same. Linphea is considered the birthplace of Flora and she loves her and admires her more than anything in the world. The fairy has ideal parents, but her relationship with them is not entirely smooth.

Layla appeared in this cartoon not in the first, but in the second season, she was not in the first. The real name of the girl is Aisha. The fairy's homeland is the planet of water, and the fairy is the crown princess. The fairy was born on June 15th.

For the first time, this heroine appeared, like the rest, in the first season of the series in the second series. Muse's birthday is May 30th. And she was born on the planet Melody. The girl's mother is a great singer who died when her daughter was still a baby.

Here will be published biographies of fairies from the Winx Club.

Bloom Questionnaire
Name: Bloom
Original name: Bloom
Birthday: December 10
Zodiac sign: Dragon
Planet: Domino (Sparks)
Boyfriend: Skye
Pixie: Loket
Animal: Belle the Sheep
Powers: fire dragon

Bloom: Name

Bloom is translated from English as “bloom, bloom”. Probably, the creators of the cartoon wanted to say by this that a simple girl grew up and was so healed that she immediately turned into a fairy and a princess, and saved the world. Five times.
This name has no problems with writing in Russian - everyone writes it the same way.
But in native Italian, by the way, the first sound “L” is very soft, so the name sounds closer to “Blum”. Article published on Griselda's Blog -

Bloom family

Until the age of 16, Bloom lived on Earth in Gardenia with her mom and dad, but it was not until the middle of the first season that she found out that Vanessa and Mike were her adoptive parents. It turned out that when she was still very young, witches attacked her home planet Domino, but her older sister Daphra managed to save Bloom by throwing her through the portal to Earth. Daphne herself died fighting the witches, and posthumously became the nymph of Lake Rocolucci.

Bloom is looking for his real parents throughout the first three seasons, but only finds out that they are alive and are somewhere far away in another dimension.

In the first feature film, Secret of the Lost Kingdom, Bloom finds out that her parents are imprisoned in the Obsidian Dimension and, together with her friends, frees them.
In the fourth season, Bloom spends all his time in Gardenia, communicates with Mike and Vanessa, and never mentions his real parents.
In the second feature film, she lives back on Domino with her real parents and learns to be a princess.

In the second season, the fake Avalon shows Bloom her family tree. It turns out that Bloom still has to have an uncle or aunt on her mother's side. I wonder where it has gone?

Planet Domino (Sparks)

In the first three seasons, Bloom's home planet was called Domino, but in the fourth season it was called the American variant - Sparks. I will continue to call her Domino, I'm so used to it.
The planet Domino was destroyed by three ancient witches, and in the series appears before us lifeless and covered with ice. The palace is also covered with ice, which, nevertheless, is well preserved inside, and its treasury is full of treasures (it is strange that no one has plundered such a place for many years).
In the film "The Secret of the Lost Kingdom" Bloom puts on a Daphne mask and sees the planet as it was before - cheerful and green. And at the end of the film, Domino is already really cheerful and green.

This is what Domino looks like in the first season and in the feature film. The palace has changed a lot during this time ...


Bloom has a typical appearance for the main character: blue eyes and red-red long hair.
Her skin is light, and according to legend, Britney Spears was taken as the basis for developing her appearance.
Bloom's clothes are usually blue.


Bloom in the series got the role of a team leader, so the main qualities of her character, perhaps, should be called decisiveness, the ability to quickly assess the situation and make decisions. In the first season, she is occasionally tormented by depression on the topic “I am superfluous among all these fairies”, but gradually she begins to believe in herself and all doubts pass.
Well, as the main character Bloom got the honorary role of morally supporting everyone else.

In general, given that it is very, very difficult to come up with such a main positive character who would be good from all sides at the same time (an example for female spectators, for whom the series is intended in the first place), but at the same time did not cause a feeling of excessive sweetness, it is very, very difficult, I think that Bloom turned out to be quite a successful main character.


Bloom can't be called unlearned, but she's usually busy saving the world, so she doesn't have much time to teach her lessons. However, this is still compensated by the “strongest force” given to her by nature.


H I don't know if Bloom had any friends in Gardenia, but then she met Stella and immediately became friends with her. introduced her to magic, and Bloom became a support for the windy Stella. In addition, they have a lot in common: both have problems with their parents and they are both princesses.

Since Bloom always supports everyone, and everyone always helps Bloom, she had no serious conflicts with anyone. In the cloud tower, she was paired with Tecna, but I think only to oppose Tecna's rationality Bloom's assertiveness.


At the beginning of the series, Bloom falls in love with a simple guy Brandon, who soon turns out to be a completely uneasy Prince Sky. They save each other all the time and no one doubts that they will eventually get married.


Stella's profile

Name: Stella
original name: Stella
Birthday: August 18
Zodiac sign: Mermaid
Planet: Solaria
Boyfriend: Brandon
Pixie: Cupid
Animal: poodle Ginger
Forces: sun and moon
First Appearance: Season 1 Episode 1 “An Unexpected Event”

Stella: Name

Stella (stella) translates as Star. Undoubtedly, Stella is a star in every sense, both as the owner of a variety of "heavenly" magic, and as a lover of being in the spotlight.
In Russian, her name is usually written the same way, but sometimes one “l” is cut out - Stella, or instead of “e” they write “e” - Stella, Stella. What to do if in Russian in many words of foreign origin the letter “e” is read as a solid sound “e”. Article

Stella's family

Stella is the princess of the planet Solaria, but her parents did not get along very well with each other and eventually divorced, because of which Stella was very worried, dreaming that everything in her family would be the same as before. In the third season, Stella almost got the evil stepmother Cassandra and half-sister Chimera, but the Winx intervened in time and disrupted the wedding.

Stella's father, the king of Solaria Radius, appears quite often in the third season, but almost all the time under the influence of Valtor's spell. Without a spell, he manifests himself as a caring father. He is also terribly rich and has spoiled his daughter.
Mom is only mentioned in the memoirs of Stella herself.
There are no siblings and Stella in the series (only in fan fiction).

Planet Solaria

Solaria is the planet of the sun, where it never rains (which, in my opinion, one can only sympathize with). The palace looks like a typical palace, however, some buildings in the distance also look very much like palaces. Around - solid green forests and a lot of fountains. I wonder where the water comes from on a planet where it never rains? Yes, and the trees should have withered by now ...


Stella has long light yellow hair and light brown eyes. According to an interview, she was drawn with Cameron Diaz.
Stella's clothes are dominated by orange.

Stella as a child


As you know, every self-respecting series should have its own typical blonde. In the Winx Club, the role of the blonde is played by Stella: she does not like to study, does not like to think about difficult issues, does not like to work, but loves to go shopping and massage parlors. She does not think about what she says, which is why she regularly has conflicts with her friends. She always wants to be the center of attention, the most beautiful, stylish and famous.
And yet, despite all this, the creators of the series managed to make sure that she did not cause disgust and did not become a clown that everyone makes fun of. I think her sincere feelings about the relationship between her parents and her sense of camaraderie also played a role here. At least in the first three seasons, because in the fourth she already looked more like that same cartoon blonde. I hope that in the fifth season they will not make her a narcissistic egoist who saves the world just for the sake of fame.


Stella is not friendly with her studies, she stayed in her second year in her freshman year and gets terrible grades both at Alfea and at Cloud Tower.


In the very first series, Stella befriended and became her "guide" in the magical world. This is the only friendship that the creators of the series have maintained throughout all four seasons. Stella often supports, does not let her go into her sad thoughts about her parents and problems with Sky.
Stella is frivolous, and because of this, it is she who regularly has tense relationships with other girls (especially with Muse in the first seasons), but on the other hand, they love her for the same easy attitude to life.

Stella does not have a roommate, she lives there alone. At least in the first three seasons, when the distribution of rooms still lends itself to some kind of logic.


Stella's boyfriend's name is Brandon. She fell in love with him, thinking that he was a prince, but he turned out to be the simplest person.


Flora's questionnaire

Name: Flora
original name: Flora
Birthday: March 1
Zodiac sign: Dryad
Planet: Linfia
Guy: Helia
Pixie: Chatta
Animal: Coco the cat
Powers: nature

Flora: Name

In one sense, she is the goddess of spring and flowers in Roman mythology. In another sense, Flora is the vegetation of a certain area. Flora loves plants and has the magic of flowers and trees, and her name, accordingly, is such a divine plant.
Flora's name is very easily translated into Russian, so he has no problems with spelling - everyone writes it the same way. (Unlike many other characters, such as Tecna and Stella.)

Flora's family

Flora has a younger sister, Mieli, who appears in episode 12 of season 3 when the Winx arrive on Flora's home planet of Linfia. It is for her salvation that Flora receives her enchantix. Neither before nor after Mieli is never mentioned again. Nothing is known about Flora's parents from the series.
Flora is also one of those characters whose childhood we do not know anything about.
Flora's family tree:

Planet Linfia

Flora's home planet is also shown in only one episode (the same one). You can immediately see that this is a very beautiful green planet with huge flowers, trees and insects. There is a City of Trees on the planet, in which modern technologies are prohibited, but judging by the landscapes that are shown in the series, the technologies on this planet, if any, are used very little. As a transport, its inhabitants use giant leaves that catch the wind like hang gliders, or huge insects. And in clothes they prefer floral style.


Flora has long light brown hair, green eyes and dark skin. According to an interview, Jennifer Lopez served as the prototype for her appearance.
Flora likes to wear soft pink clothes combined with green.
All sketches for Flora


Flora is a quiet, modest and shy girl. Her best friends are flowers, sometimes it seems that she feels more confident with them than with people. In season 2, she gets into trouble because of her indecision - instead of just doing something, she begins to think about what will happen if she fails. At the end of Season 2, she becomes more confident and receives a Charmix for it. But, apparently, this phenomenon was temporary, because in subsequent seasons, indecision again becomes her hallmark.
During the fights, Flora sometimes asks her friends to be careful and not harm the enemies if they attack them not from evil or not of their own free will. Well, if this is a real enemy, then Flora ceases to be soft and gentle and fights as decisively as the rest of the Winx.


Flora studies well and gets good grades. From time to time she recalls that “the professor spoke at the lesson”, from which it can be concluded that she is listening to teachers. I even found a frame where everyone is furious at the lesson of Professor Palladium and only Flora is listening to him.
True, in the second season, she is often distracted in class, dreaming about Helia.


Flora has a good, even relationship with all the girls from the Winx Club, but perhaps no one can be called her best friend. At the end of season 1, Flora became friends with Mirta, a former witch, but after the end of the season, Mirta moved into the category of minor characters and just friends. In the middle of the 2nd season, Flora gets a little closer to Layla, when she cannot decide on her feelings and turns to her friend, who is more determined in her opinion, for help. Nevertheless, in the 18th series, when Griffin made unsuitable pairs in the Cloud Tower, it was exactly that that got paired with Flora.

I would say Flora's best friend is Chatta. They complement each other perfectly.
Flora's roommate is.


Flora's boyfriend appeared in season 2, and his name is Helia.


Leyla's profile

Name: Leila
original name: Aisha
Birthday: June 15
Zodiac sign: Chimera
Planet: Andros
Guy: Naboo
Pixie: Piff
Animal: Millie the Rabbit
Forces: chewing gum viscous
First Appearance: Season 2 Episode 1 “Shadow of the Phoenix”

Layla: Name

In the Italian series, this fairy is called Aisha, but in English, Russian, and, it seems, all other translations, she became Leila. Both names are of Arabic origin. Aisha means “she who lives,” and Leila means “darkness, night.”
A little discussion on how Aisha became Leila is in my article about the translation of character names.
Like the name Tekna, the name Leila is written in Russian in different ways: Leila, Leila, Aisha and Aisha.

Layla's family

Leila's father is a tall, broad-shouldered king of Andros, and her mother is a queen. It is known about Leila's childhood that she was forced to devote a lot of time to etiquette - to keep her back straight, speak politely and not interrupt her elders. In general, life was dreary until Leila had a girlfriend, Ann, who taught her to dance.
Layla's parents are shown a lot in the third season, when the action takes place on Andros. It can be seen that they care a lot about their daughter, trying to protect her from troubles, including choosing a suitable husband for her. However, they also know how to admit their mistakes, and do not insist on their decisions to the last.

The planet Andros has land and sea. On land, Leila's dad rules, and the sea has its own kingdom of mermaids. There is also a portal from the Omega dimension - a prison for criminals - and this portal is guarded by mermaids.
Despite the fact that Andros is a planet, at the beginning of the third season, Layla came home through the sea in the vicinity of Magix. There must be a portal in the sea too. It looks like Andros is the perfect planet to create portals to from all over the universe.
The sea on Andros shows some kind of yellow even before Valtor got there. And the royal palace is more like a prison-type fortress. It is not surprising that little Leila was uncomfortable there.
Of the inhabitants of terrestrial Andros, we saw only the parents of Layla, Naboo and another magician - they all had swarthy skin and dark hair. However, all of the courtiers in Layla's childhood memories are fair-skinned.


Leyla has dark skin, long wavy dark brown hair (which grows one and a half times as long as Leyla herself in bilivix), blue eyes, and plump lips.
The color green is often found in clothes.
All sketches for Leyla


Leyla is very active and athletic, she does not like to calculate various options for a long time, but prefers to act. Often she is too quick-tempered and reckless, and sometimes gets worried over all sorts of trifles. She also has a weak point - she is afraid to be alone. But she always comes to the aid of those she loves.
Since childhood, Leyla loves to dance, and we are reminded of this in every season.


Leila started studying a year later than her friends, so at first she was weaker than them in studies, but then, apparently, she caught up with everyone. Whether everyone is studying in Alfea en masse, from beginners to “oldies”, or Leila is so talented that she started right from the second year.


At first, Leila was not very comfortable among the Winx, because she felt like a stranger among them. But soon she became very friendly with the Muse. At first, Muse supported her and helped her join the team, then Leila supported Muse and helped to improve relations with her father and Riven. It was Musa that Layla remembered in a cave in the Wildlands, which allowed her to get charmix.
The most tense, perhaps, were with Stella - until the girls got to know each other better. Although in the Cloud Tower, as an unsuitable couple, Layla received Flor from whom she had gotten along very well with before (see, there was a queue for Stella).

In the fourth season, Leila is no longer very close friends with anyone, even with Muse - she is more busy with her personal life and preparing for the upcoming wedding. Maybe just because of this, after the death of Naboo, she leaves her friends in order to return back after a couple of episodes.


In the third season, Layla's parents picked out a suitable groom for her, but Layla was more to the liking of a mysterious stranger. Which, in fact, turned out to be this very groom.



Muse's Questionnaire

Name: Muse
Original name: Musa
Birthday: May 30
Zodiac sign: Elf
Planet: Melody
Boyfriend: Riven
Pixie: Tune
Animal: Pepe the bear
Forces: music and harmony
First appearance: Season 1 Episode 2 "Welcome to Magix"

Muse: Name

In ancient Greece, the muses were called goddesses who patronized the sciences, poetry and art. There was no separate muse who would patronize music specifically, but the word music itself came from this word. Well, from the music in the opposite direction, the name of the Muse from the Winx series appeared.
There were no problems with the translation of this name into Russian either, because the word Muse is in Russian, so everyone writes it the same way.

Musa family

Musa's father was a musician, and her mother was a young talented singer when they met and fell in love. However, the family was very poor, and shortly after Musa's birth, her mother fell ill and died. On that day, Muse's dad put an end to music forever, and Muse's daughter became the meaning of his life. For a long time he considered music to be the cause of all troubles and therefore was opposed to the Muse singing. However, after the 15th episode of the second season, he changed his mind.

The name of Musa's father is not mentioned anywhere in the series, but on the website it is designated as Ho-Boe.
The name of Musa's mother is often spelled differently in different sources, but in the series it sounds like Wa-Ning.
It is strange that with such double names of the parents, the name of the Muse itself is not Mu-Za. :)
Musa's father appears in the series only once, in the 15th episode of season 2. Mom is shown in the first three seasons (episode 7 of season 1, episode 15 of season 2, episode 22 of season 3). Pictures from Musa's childhood are shown in the 15th episode of season 2.
Muses family tree:

From the native planet of the Muses of the melodies, we were shown only a small piece. This piece looks like orange rocks suspended in the orange sky, on which large trees with red leaves grow, and these rocks are connected to each other by wooden bridges. It is not clear how these rocks are kept in the air (artificial gravity?) and it is not clear whether the whole planet is like this, or whether it is just a place of remembrance.
In addition to Muse and her parents, another fairy with the same Melody appears in the series - this is Princess Galatea of ​​Melody. That is, despite the eastern appearance of the orange rocks, different people live on the planet, but they are all clearly not indifferent to music.


Dark blue hair and narrower eyes compared to the rest of the Winx give Musa an Asian appearance. In the first two seasons, Muse walks with two short ponytails, in the third, with the help of magic, she lengthens her hair and two long ponytails are obtained. In the fourth, the hair remains long, hairstyles are constantly changing. Muse's skin is light, her eyes are dark blue.
According to an interview, Lucy Liu served as a distant prototype of her appearance. And according to the original plan, the Muse was supposed to have green hair.
In the clothes of the Muse, perhaps, red is most often observed.

All sketches for Muse


Muse has a rather secretive character - she used to keep her problems to herself. She takes a lot to heart, whether it's just out of place words or some serious trouble. In the first seasons, she sometimes resembles a hedgehog that immediately releases thorns, but gradually becomes calmer, although even in the 4th season her impulsiveness sometimes complicates her life (and especially the already tense relationship with Riven).
Muse plays a variety of musical instruments, loves to sing and dances with pleasure, but besides, she has everything else a set of good qualities for the Winx: courage, determination, a sense of friendship.


Muse is an excellent student, as described in the 15th episode of the first season. In the early seasons, she is often shown reading textbooks, especially as opposed to the carefree Stella.
In the second season, when the Winx studied at the Cloud Tower for several days, she manages to do a good job for the witches. Layla seem to be nothing more than just friends.

Muse has the most strained relationship with Stella - Muse constantly suffers from her faux pas, but, by the way, she herself does not skimp on small underwear in response.


At the very beginning of the series, Muse fell in love with the ambitious Riven, and then in each season this couple has big problems that are solved at the end of the season. Undoubtedly, this pair is the leader in terms of difficulties.


Tecna's profile

Name: Tekna
Original name: Tecna
Birthday: December 16
Zodiac sign: Triton
Planet: Zenith
Boyfriend: Timmy
Pixie: Digit
Animal: Chico the duckling
Powers: technomagic
First appearance: Season 1 Episode 2 "Welcome to Magix"

Tecna: Name

The name Tecna comes from the word technology (eng. technology, it. tecnologia), which was shortened and added the feminine ending “a”.
And this is one of the most problematic names for translation into Russian, which I already mentioned in the article “Difficulties in translation“. Perhaps if for the series the name had initially been Russified to Techna (from Russian “technology”, and not foreign “technology”), then the name in such spelling and sound would have become ubiquitous. But this was done only in the magazine, and in the series they left it with an unusual sound. Therefore, now the name of this fairy in Russian is squealed (in order of popularity) like this: Tekna is a version of the series; Techna is a variant of the magazine and close to our ear; Tekna - a variant close to the original voice acting; Tehna (probably those who are already completely confused).

Tecna family

Nothing is said about the Tecna family in the series, nothing at all. (Once again I repeat that I do not take into account the reality of the magazine - it is completely different). But given that Tecna was away for Rose Day in Season 1, her mom is fine.

Planet Zenith

About the home planet of Tecna, which in all descriptions is designated as Zenith, we are also not told or shown anything. Moreover, when Tekna had to save someone from her world in order to get the enchantix, she saved the inhabitants of ... Andros. And if all the other fairies saved a particular person, then Tekna saved everyone in general. (Maybe she is also an adopted daughter, and her real homeland is Andros?)


Tecna has short crimson hair and is the only one to carry her short hairstyle through to the fourth season. The only time she had her hair lengthened was in the enchantix, and then only just below her shoulders. As a result, her hairstyle, in my opinion, sets her apart from all the other fairies with hair to the ground.
In addition, she has fair skin and green eyes. According to the interview, Pink became her distant prototype.
Purple is the dominant color in Tecna's clothing.

All sketches for Tekna


Tekna in the series represents a techno girl - obsessed with computers and mechanisms. She does not part with her laptop and loves all kinds of games. She has a rich imagination, which she realizes in the form of inventions of all sorts of magical techno things. In the fourth season, she quickly masters the Internet.
Tecna is calm and reasonable, but despite all this, she also has the usual problems that girls her age have. For example, in the second season, she learns to evaluate people not by outward manifestations of valor, but by the good qualities that they have.


Tekna is so passionate about technology and computer games that sometimes she forgets about her studies and this does not allow her to be an excellent student.


Like Flora, Tecna does not have a soulmate throughout the series. In the first season, she seems to grow a little closer to Muse, with whom she shares a room. In the second season, Tecna spends a lot of time with her pixie Dijit, but they seem to be more of a video game partner than close friends. Further, Tecna is more and more on her own and together with everyone, although it personally seems to me that she is still closest to the Muse, probably in memory of those days when they shared one room in Alfea.

When Griffin makes the wrong pair, Tekna gets it, although the rest of the time there was no friction between them. They probably decided that Tecna's desire to calculate everything would be the opposite of the desire to act on pressure.


Already from the first episodes, Tecna develops sympathy for Timmy, with whom she has a lot in common (especially a love for all sorts of technical things).

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