Allergy to citrus fruits in adults and children. What you need to know about citrus allergy Citrus allergy in adults

Allergy to citrus fruits is a typical example of idiosyncrasy, that is, intolerance to certain foods and drugs.

This type of allergic manifestations is called pseudo-allergy or false allergy, in which the body's allergoic response to the invasion of a trigger (provocative allergen) occurs without the participation of specific antibodies - immunoglobulins.

Causes of Citrus Allergy

Allergy to citrus fruits is not a specific, separate disease. Monoreaction only to oranges or tangerines practically does not occur, more often such manifestations are associated with cross pseudo-allergy. The main substances provoking false allergies include salicylates, benzoates and amines. Also, pseudo-allergy is caused by products that contain the amino acid histidine, from which histamine is synthesized.

Citrus fruits contain both tyramine (amine) and salicylates, especially a lot of them in tangerines, oranges, lemons and grapefruits in this sense are less dangerous. In addition, many allergists believe that intolerance to certain food components, including citrus fruits, is associated with dysbacteriosis or hidden liver diseases.

How is citrus allergy formed?

Pseudo-allergies are usually triggered by eating food that contains the trigger ingredient. Any idiosyncrasy, including an allergy to citrus fruits, begins to develop at the moment when a large amount of provoking substances enters the body. The key phrase is a large number. The intensity of the reaction is directly related to how many citrus fruits a person has eaten: the more, the stronger the allergy. Oranges, lemons, tangerines, and so on contain special components that can cause a strong release of histamine without involving immunoglobulins in this process. Accordingly, the visual symptoms will be extremely similar to the signs of a true allergy, but the disease is of a different nature. When conducting allergy tests, antibodies are not detected, this is evidence that the rash, swelling and itching are provoked by idiosyncrasy to the food product.

The so-called liberators (from the word liberation - release) cause excessive production of histamine - food components contained in almost all products. But especially provocative in this sense are hard cheeses due to tyramine, all varieties of citrus fruits due to phenolic compounds (salicylates), as well as products that include chemical dyes, stabilizers, preservatives, thickeners, and so on. In the process of digestion, the interaction of the liberator and histamine occurs, ending in favor of the latter. In addition, the allergy-provoking substance significantly disrupts the metabolism of arachidonic acid, which is an important component of cell membranes.

Citrus Allergy Symptoms

Liberation (release) of histamines causes a vascular and autonomic reaction in the form of redness, itching, rashes, sensations of heat, shortness of breath. Quite often, an allergic reaction is manifested by urticaria, accompanied by a severe headache, dyspepsia. Oranges are considered the most provocative and, to a lesser extent, tangerines, the abuse of which can cause a strong vegetative-vascular reaction in the form of a hypotonic or hypertensive crisis. All other signs by which an allergy to citrus is diagnosed are quite typical for a true, classic allergy. A characteristic feature that can help distinguish a false allergic reaction from signs of a real allergy is the slow development of symptoms.

How to treat an allergy to citrus fruits?

If oranges, tangerines cause an allergic reaction, of course, it is necessary to abandon them, exclude them from the diet, and for a long time. You should also abandon all products containing citrus essential oils, including perfumes and hygiene products. However, this does not mean a lifelong rejection of the use of such beloved oranges in principle. The elimination diet can last from one month to six months, then careful "experiments" are possible, involving the intake of minimal portions of your favorite fruits. It should be remembered that in the development of a false allergy, an important provoking factor is precisely the amount of food consumed, therefore, small portions should not cause an allergic reaction. If, after a forced break, even a slice of tangerine or a slice of orange provokes rashes, swelling or shortness of breath, then the allergy is caused by a completely different, hidden cause that an allergist can find out.

Primary symptoms - itching, urticaria, can be stopped with over-the-counter antihistamines. If an allergy to citrus fruits is manifested by threatening signs in the form of bronchospasm, suffocation, you should call a doctor or an ambulance.

Allergy to citrus fruits is one of the variants of food allergy, most often occurring in children due to hypersensitivity to certain substances. This phenomenon occurs due to improper immune reactions of antibodies with food antigens, which is manifested by diathesis and skin dermatitis. This conflict is the result of improper functioning of the body's immune defenses. This is often due to increased contact with allergens, for example, due to living in an area with poor environmental conditions.

Allergy to citrus fruits - symptoms

The symptoms of this type of food allergy are typical for most allergic diseases, and are relatively mild. An allergy to citrus fruits in a child is characterized by both local and general manifestations. Local allergic manifestations are as follows: allergic (red, watery eyes), allergic rhinitis (redness, swelling and swelling of the nose, runny nose), characterized by wheezing when breathing, swelling of the bronchi, allergic dermatitis (redness, itching and rash of the skin), allergic otitis media (leading to hearing loss (swelling of the ear).

Usually, the first symptom of an allergy to citrus fruits is allergic enterocolitis, which in a mild form is manifested by flatulence and loose stools, and in severe form by a lack of appetite, severe diarrhea, nausea, severe abdominal cramps and flatulence.

Allergy to citrus fruits in children is most often limited to skin dermatitis, diathesis, itching and rashes, but in adults, conjunctivitis and rhinitis are most often observed. In the absence of adequate treatment, this symptomatology often develops into such very serious diseases as eczema, laryngeal edema and requiring immediate intensive treatment, best in the hospital department. In severe cases, an allergic reaction can cause nausea, vomiting and. Some primary signs, without the presence of severe symptoms, are enough to make the life of the patient unbearably difficult. Due to the fact that the body constantly itches, a person stops getting enough sleep, which often leads to severe physical exhaustion and finally undermines the adequate functioning of the immune system. An adult in this state is simply not able to work normally, and a child to learn.

Diagnosis of citrus allergy is based on the overall clinical picture, the collected history and laboratory tests, which will allow to exclude similar symptoms of food poisoning paired with conjunctivitis.

Allergy to citrus fruits - treatment

First of all, I would like to say that only a qualified allergist should treat an allergy to citrus fruits. self-medication usually only provokes the development of an exacerbation. Treatment of this type of allergic reaction with both home remedies and medications can be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Allergy to citrus fruits - drug treatment

Today, many methods are used to treat an allergic reaction that has developed. To determine the degree of the disease and differentiate allergies from psoriasis and scabies, you should consult a doctor who should prescribe a comprehensive treatment, usually including proper nutrition, physiotherapy and medications. Here are the most common allergy treatment options:

Treatment of citrus allergy with obsolete drugs. This treatment consists in taking drugs based on cromoglycic acid (Thyled, Nalcrom, Cromoglin). Although treatment with these drugs is not as effective as more modern ones, these drugs, if an important plus, have a complete absence of side effects.

Allergy treatment with new generation drugs. The most commonly used antihistamines such as Zirtek, Claritin, Ksizal, Kestin are among the new generation drugs. Usually the standard course of treatment is delayed for two to three months.

The most effective method of treating allergies is considered to be specific immunotherapy, which acts as a kind of vaccination. The technique of this type of therapy consists in administering scanty doses of a provoking allergen to the patient, which then gradually begin to increase. In response to this, the patient's body begins to produce antibodies blocking the allergen. Despite the fact that this therapy is quite long and can take several years, its result allows you to forget about all the inconveniences experienced, since in almost one hundred percent of cases the allergy completely disappears.

Treatment with glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone). Due to the fact that glucocorticosteroids are very strong drugs, they should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Due to numerous side effects (high blood pressure, etc.), these drugs are taken for no more than five days

Usually, with skin symptoms of an allergy to citrus fruits, the use of sorbents is indicated, which help to accelerate the removal of allergens from the body.

Hemocorrection for citrus allergy

Allergists have a fairly well-established opinion that it is almost impossible to completely get rid of this type of allergy, but you can only significantly reduce the manifestations of this disease. Today, the newest method for the complete elimination of allergies has appeared - extracorporeal hemocorrection, which allows you to change the composition of the blood. With the help of hemocorrection, various other diseases are also treated. This method allows you to eliminate the factors provoking any disease from the patient's blood, after which special drugs are injected into the blood and transfused back into the patient's body. Allergy symptoms usually disappear after the initial procedure. Allergy to citrus fruits is completely cured after five to ten procedures. Extracorporeal hemocorrection is carried out only in specialized clinics under the close supervision of honey. personnel

Allergy to citrus - home remedies

Treatment of allergies with the help of traditional medicine is quite popular. Below we will give the most common methods, but unfortunately we cannot say that they are quite effective.

Herbal collections. Fees are used from such herbs as wormwood, birch buds, hops, duckweed, oregano and St. John's wort. They should be taken purely individually, making sure in advance that there is no allergic reaction to their components.

Beekeeping products (perga, propolis) and honey. The treatment of allergies with these products is used quite often, however, their main and often decisive disadvantage is the possibility, instead of getting rid, of increasing the allergic reaction.

Nettle. Nettle infusion is commonly used to treat eczema, rashes, and hives. Preparation of infusion: 1 tbsp. nettle flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, 30 min. infused and filtered. Take 100 ml 3 to 5 times a day

Japanese honeysuckle. From the flowers and branches of this plant, a decoction is used for many types of allergies.

Peppermint. Peppermint infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. mint, 100 ml of boiling water is poured, after which it is infused for at least 30 minutes. and then filtered. Take an infusion of 1 tbsp. lies. 3 p. per day

The most effective folk medicine in the treatment of allergies is mummy. 1 gram of mummy is diluted with one liter of slightly warm water. It should be consumed at least 20 minutes before. before each meal, while drinking a little warm fresh milk. Dosage according to age:

From one to three years - 50 ml

From three to seven years - 70 ml

After eight years - 100 ml

In case of a severe allergic reaction, you can add another dose of infusion at a 50% dosage. To reduce skin symptoms, the mummy solution should be prepared more concentrated by diluting 1 g of mummy in 100 ml of warm water. You can use this solution as lotions or for lubrication. Allergy treatment with mummy is carried out for two weeks twice a year.

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An allergy to citrus fruits for the first time can begin to bother not only in childhood, sometimes symptoms of intolerance to these exotic fruits occur for the first time in people in their 30s, 40s and even 50s.

An allergic reaction manifests itself with various symptoms, and in order to eliminate it, it is necessary to determine the main cause leading to citrus intolerance.

Reasons for the development of allergies

An allergy to citrus fruits develops as a result of a certain malfunction in the immune system, under the influence of which the body begins to produce special inflammatory mediators.

In addition, directly intolerance to fragrant citrus fruits is also explained by the presence in these fruits of substances such as amines, salicylates, benzoates.

In large quantities, these substances can cause the release of histamine in the body, and it is under its influence that signs of an allergic reaction develop.

Causes of allergies to citrus fruits in children and adults are somewhat different.

In children, the reaction of intolerance to exotic fruits is most often explained by:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Insufficient functioning of the immune system;
  • Eating a lot of fruits.

Allergy to citrus fruits rarely occurs in isolation, most often this type of reaction is accompanied by intolerance to other foods.

Some immunologists believe that the disease does not occur because of the fruits themselves, but because of the substances with which they are processed before being sold.

Various chemicals are applied on top of the fruits so that they protect the fruits from rotting, insects, that is, so that they can be stored longer.

Naturally, some of these substances also enter the pulp of the fruit, and then into the human body.

Therefore, it is possible to talk about a true allergy to a certain type of citrus fruits when the symptoms of the disease begin to develop after eating a fruit that has just been plucked from a branch.

In older people

In adults, a first-time allergy is associated with a number of other provoking factors.

Most often, intolerance to fragrant fruits occurs with chronic diseases of the liver, stomach, severe dysbacteriosis.

Immunologists suggest that an allergy that first occurs in an adult to a product is the result of its overdose.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to citrus fruits

A pronounced allergy to citrus fruits can occur not only when eating the pulp of the fruit, but even when inhaling their smell.

Volatile enzymes settle on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes and provoke irritation.

In some people, intolerance to citrus fruits is also manifested by contact dermatitis, that is, irritation occurs on the skin and it can be provoked by contact with the fruit itself or with cosmetics based on it.

In childhood, an allergy to citrus fruits most often occurs as a food intolerance, so you can pay attention to the following signs:

  • For a skin rash. These rashes can be in the form of spots, small dots, in the future, skin changes can transform into eczema;
  • In children, diathesis often develops on citrus fruits, it appears at first with reddening of the cheek area;
  • Develops with mucous secretions and sneezing;
  • Eyes redden;
  • There is a dry cough, proceeding according to the type of attack.

An allergy to citrus fruits also leads to a disruption in the digestive system, in connection with this, there are signs of enterocolitis.

With a mild course of the disease, flatulence and dyspeptic disorders appear.

With a severe course of the disease, in addition to these signs, the child suffers from a lack of appetite. Expressed colic in the abdomen, may be vomiting.

Allergy manifestations are aggravated if the sources of food intolerance are not immediately identified and fruits are not abandoned. Sometimes citrus intolerance in children is reflected by hearing loss.

In adults

Allergy to citrus fruits is mainly manifested by conjunctivitis and acute rhinitis.

If intolerance occurs against the background of a violation in the work of digestion, then skin symptoms of the pathology also develop.

This type of allergic reaction is especially dangerous, as is Quincke's edema. In these cases, all signs of fruit intolerance develop very quickly, signs of shock appear, and help must be provided immediately.

Therefore, if suffocation occurs, severe swelling appears in the face, dizziness and severe weakness are disturbing, then an ambulance should be called immediately.

Allergy drug treatment

Treatment of any type of allergy begins with the elimination of the source of intolerance on the human body.

That is, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of citrus fruits and it is advisable to remove them from the house altogether, since some signs of intolerance are aggravated by inhaling the aroma of these fruits.

To know that you were not mistaken in determining the cause of an allergic reaction, you need to undergo an accurate diagnosis, according to the results of which the doctor will select a competent treatment regimen.

From medicines use:

  • , drugs based on cromoglycic acid are often prescribed, such as Nalcrom, Cromoglin. Of the modern drugs used,. The general course of therapy with this group of drugs can be up to three months;
  • If an allergy to citrus fruits is manifested by skin symptoms and signs of indigestion, then enterosorbents should be taken for some time. These drugs bind the resulting toxins and quickly remove them from the body, thereby reducing the inflammatory response;
  • For skin manifestations, they are used to help eliminate itching and have anti-inflammatory properties. Most often used Elokom, Celestoderm;
  • Allergy to citrus fruits with severe symptoms of intolerance and in the absence of the effect of antihistamines is treated with hormonal agents. But hormones must be selected by a doctor and they are used in the shortest course.

In addition to the main treatment in the course of the entire therapy, it is necessary to achieve an increase in the functioning of the immune system.

Therefore, a certain group of immunomodulators, a complex of essential vitamins is selected.

Usually, an allergy to citrus fruits in the absence of contact with these fruits for six months, and sometimes a little more, completely disappears. To test this, you can eat a few slices of tangerine or orange and usually no disturbing symptoms are recorded.

But it must be remembered that there will be no intolerance reaction until you eat too many tasty fruits. That is, it is necessary to comply with the measure.

The re-development of an allergic reaction when consuming a minimum amount of fruit pulp is most likely due to other hidden reasons, and therefore a comprehensive examination is necessary to establish them.

The use of folk methods in the treatment of allergies

The main treatment for an allergic reaction to citrus fruits is medication and avoiding contact with the irritant.

The use of folk methods allows you to quickly get rid of the signs of the disease and is also used to strengthen the entire immune system.

Popular home remedies for allergies include:

  • Japanese honeysuckle. This plant is prepared as a decoction and drunk as a course;
  • Mummy. Mountain balm is used for various types of allergies; Shilajit in the amount of one gram must be diluted with a liter of water and drunk throughout the day, one or two glasses are enough for children. So it is necessary to use the solution within one month;
  • Nettle. A spoonful of dried May nettle leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for one hour. The prepared infusion is drunk during the day, this plant helps to purify the blood, strengthens the immune system and reduces skin manifestations;
  • Allergy to citrus often goes away after treatment with bee products. Use honey, propolis tincture, bee bread. But it must be borne in mind that all these products are also the strongest allergens, so in the first days of their use, you must carefully monitor your well-being.

This is intolerance to certain types of foods. The disease can begin to bother both from childhood and at a more mature age - at 30, 40 or even 50 years old.

Any product can provoke it. Very often there is a reaction to the use of citrus fruits and other fruits. At the same time, as well as its symptoms may differ in adults and children.

Causes of Citrus Allergy in Children

Any allergy develops due to certain failures in the human immune system, as a result of which they begin to be produced. In the case of citrus fruits, the situation is aggravated by the presence of salicylates, benzoates, amines in them, as they contribute to the release of histamine, which provokes the reaction of the body.

An allergy to citrus fruits in children can be in the case of:

  1. Heredity. In this case, it is passed on to the child before birth.
  2. Failures in the functioning of the immune system. As a result of these failures, the body reacts incorrectly to the protein of the consumed product (antigen) and an allergic reaction occurs.
  3. Eating a large number of fruits in a short period of time.

Usually, an allergy to citrus fruits is combined with an intolerance to one or more types of foods.

Causes of Citrus Allergy in Adults

Citrus allergy in adults is usually associated with other causes. Often, intolerance to these fruits is associated with diseases of the stomach, liver, or dysbacteriosis.

The only thing that can provoke the appearance of allergies in both a child and an adult is an overdose of citrus fruits. Therefore, it is worth eating them within reason.

Allergy to citrus fruits: symptoms in children

In childhood, allergies in most cases arise due to food intolerance to certain foods. In this case, a combination of the following symptoms can be observed (all or several at once):

  • The appearance of a rash on the face or body. It can be in the form of small dots or spots.
  • Diathesis. It manifests itself in the form of a strong reddening of the cheeks (in some cases, the chin).
  • Sneezing and mucous discharge.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Pain syndrome.
  • Severe itching on the skin.
  • The appearance of a dry cough, which is in the nature of seizures.

In more complex cases, flatulence, abdominal cramps, vomiting or diarrhea, and lack of appetite may occur.

In order not to aggravate the situation even more, you must immediately exclude from the diet the product that caused the allergic reaction.

How does an allergy to citrus fruits manifest in adults?

Allergies can occur not only while eating citrus fruits, but also while inhaling their smell. Fetal enzymes settle on the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth and cause irritation, which manifests itself in the form of a dry cough or sneezing.

Allergy to citrus fruits on the face can occur in people suffering from contact dermatitis. This occurs as a result of contact of the fetus with the skin or during the use of natural cosmetics with citrus extracts.

In most cases, an allergy to citrus fruits in adults manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis or acute rhinitis.

If the allergy was triggered by malfunctions in the digestive system, then reactions on the skin in the form of a rash and severe itching can also be observed.

If an allergic reaction causes an attack of suffocation, dizziness, swelling in the face, severe weakness, you must immediately call an ambulance!

Diagnosis of Allergy to Citrus Fruits

Diagnosis is based on the collected history, laboratory tests and clinical picture.

Be sure to trace the relationship between eating a possible allergen (in this case, citrus fruits) and the occurrence of allergic reactions. In addition, skin samples are taken and compared with the enzymes of orange, tangerine and lemon to make sure that the allergy has arisen on these, and not any other products.

allergies during pregnancy

Each requires special attention and treatment. During this period, self-medication with both medication and folk remedies is strictly prohibited! Only an experienced doctor will be able to prescribe antihistamines that will help the expectant mother and will not harm her baby.

At the same time, one should not forget about an important fact: excessive consumption of citrus fruits during pregnancy can later cause allergic reactions to them in a child. This does not mean at all that you need to abandon this product. Just use it in moderation - no more than two fruits at a time.

Medication for citrus allergy

Before starting allergy treatment, it is worth eliminating the product that provoked its appearance. At the same time, it is important not only not to eat it, but also to completely remove it from the house, since allergic reactions can occur not only as a result of eating, but also while inhaling the aroma of the fruit (this was already mentioned above).

After that, you need to see a doctor who will confirm that it is really an allergy to citrus fruits. Treatment is carried out with the help of the following drugs:

1. Antihistamines.

Most often, drugs are prescribed based on ("Kromoglin", "Narcon"). In addition, anti-allergy drugs such as Zirtek, Claritin, Kestin are popular.

The course of therapy with these drugs can be up to three months.

2. Enterosorbents.

Their intake is mandatory in case of allergies against the background of disorders of the digestive system. The drugs will help to quickly remove toxins from the body and reduce the inflammatory response.

The most famous and inexpensive sorbents are activated carbon and Smecta.

Medicinal ointments and creams help relieve skin irritation, reduce itching and redness, and have a healing effect.

Most often assigned "Celestoderm" or "Elocom".

4. Hormonal agents.

They are used only as prescribed by a doctor and in exceptional cases. This applies to situations where antihistamines have not brought absolutely no effect.

The course of treatment with hormonal drugs is the most minimal.

In addition to the main means to eliminate allergic reactions, an additional course of adjustment of the body's immune response is carried out with the help of immunomodulators and vitamins.

Folk remedies for the treatment of allergies

The main treatment of allergies should occur with the help of medications and with the complete exclusion of the irritant. However, there are folk remedies that will help you quickly get rid of the accompanying signs of the disease and strengthen the immune system as a whole.

1. Japanese honeysuckle.

For treatment, a decoction of the plant is brewed. It must be taken as a course.

2. Nettle.

A spoonful of nettle should be poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for one hour. The resulting broth must be drunk throughout the day. It helps cleanse the blood, reduce skin rashes and strengthen the immune system.

3. Honey, propolis.

Allergies to citrus fruits are often treated with bee products. But in this situation, it is important to consider that they are also strong allergens, so during treatment it is important to closely monitor changes in well-being.

One gram of mumiyo must be diluted in a liter of water and the resulting solution should be drunk within one day. A maximum of two glasses per day will suffice for children.

This therapy takes one month.

Treatment of allergies with folk remedies often takes a long time. Therefore, between courses of infusions and decoctions of herbs, it is important not to forget to take at least minimal breaks of 1-2 weeks.

Usually, the allergy completely disappears if there is no contact with citrus fruits for 6 months. You can check this by eating a few slices of the fruit. As a rule, allergy symptoms no longer occur. It remains only in the future to monitor the amount of product used.

If the allergy has returned, this indicates some hidden problems of the body, therefore, in order to identify them, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination.

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