The dead: what does a dead person dream of, what do the dead portend in a dream. Why do dead relatives dream? Can the dead come in a dream

Unfamiliar - to a change in the weather.

Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful. The relative is not in danger.

Those who died, but their mother is alive in a dream - good luck.

Dead according to the Modern Dream Book

Seeing the dead in a dream is an unfavorable sign. After such a dream, you should expect to receive sad news from those who are now far from you. Business failures are also possible. If you dreamed of the deceased lying in a coffin, then you will be haunted by troubles and failures. Seeing someone close to you dead in a dream can mean family misfortune or a serious family quarrel. For lovers, this is a sign of treason. If in a dream you put coins on the eyes of the deceased, then in reality you will suffer from the dishonest actions of your enemies, who will take advantage of your straitened circumstances. Putting a coin in only one eye means that you will partially be able to defend your position. For a young woman, such a dream is a harbinger of trouble because of her excessive gullibility. If you find out about someone's death, then expect unpleasant news from this person.

Dead according to the Eastern dream book

Just seeing dead people is a quick change in the weather. Deceased relatives are trying to warn of upcoming events; one cannot ignore such dreams. It is very good if the dead give you something, it is bad if they take something with them. Don't forget to remember the departed loved ones.

Dead according to E. Erickson's dream book

Dead to what it is.

1. If we dream of dead people we knew, this is usually associated with strong, both positive and negative emotions related to them. For example, if we are still feeling guilty, then the only way we can cope with all this is the state of sleep.

2. Memories can go unreported for an extremely long time, and often if the Dead appear in a dream, we are reminded of various times, places or relationships that will help us cope with today's situation.

3. Seeing dead people in a dream means the connection of the spiritual nature with our distant forgotten ancestors.

Dead according to the Magic dream book

You dreamed of the Dead - to a change in the weather. Talking to them is to calm the soul. Seeing a close living person in such a state is a strange incident in connection with him.

Dead according to Shuvalova's dream book

A dead man can personify your desires, "dead" due to prohibitions, some taboos, and the inability to realize them because of this. That is, it is, as it were, the mortification of oneself, the rejection of oneself. If a person is actually alive, in your dream he is seen as a dead man - this is evidence of aggression towards this person, a desire to get him out of his way. If in a dream it appears before you as a living dead authoritative person - listen to his words, this may be providence itself, the voice of your true self.

Dead according to the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person sees himself dead in a dream, it’s good, it means that a long life is ahead of him.

If a person sees a dead bull in a dream, it is good, this means seeing the defeat of his enemies.

Dead according to Martyn Zadeki's dream book

Dead - failure.

Dead according to Daniel's Medieval Dream Book

Seeing the dead and talking to them is a joy.

Kissing the dead promises life or joy.

Seeing yourself dead portends protection.

Seeing the dead walking or talking portends danger.

To see that the dead is harvesting - to hard times.

Dead according to the Chinese dream book of Zhou-gun

The dead person eats. - portends illness.

The dead man is crying. - portends a squabble, a quarrel.

You see the dead man standing. - portends a great misfortune.

The dead man collapses with tears. - portends prosperity.

The dead man is alive. - portends news, a letter.

You see another person dead or yourself. - Luckily.

You see your son dead. - There will be a joyful event with the addition.

You see your dead ancestors, respectable people. - Great happiness.

Dead according to the 1829 Dream Interpreter

Seeing a dead person promises peace and perfect happiness;

Kissing the dead marks a long life;

To give it with any thing is a sign of loss and loss;

Seeing him lying in a coffin portends illness;

To see a dead person who is alive and well means boredom, sadness and loss of litigation;

Seeing a person who has died a long time ago die another time portends death to one of his relatives or friends;

Talking with the dead is a portent of changing your behavior and correcting yourself;

Being dead yourself marks the favor of a noble nobleman, wealth and long life;

Being buried alive, according to the interpretation of some writers, portends a sudden death, while according to others it means only a change of state;

Seeing the dead alive portends confusion in business, harm and loss.

Dead according to the Children's dream book

A deceased relative or acquaintance - pay close attention to such a dream: everything that the dead man says is true, a prediction can often be heard from his lips.

The deceased gives you something in a dream - fortunately, wealth and health.

Congratulate the deceased in a dream - you will soon do a good deed.

As a rule, those who died in a dream are harbingers of failures and discord in business. Sleep can also mean that you have chosen the wrong path, and if you do not urgently change the direction of your actions, disasters may await you. The deceased person, as it were, wants to point out the mistakes made and tries to warn you against new ones. Perhaps this is a signal that you need to change something in your life, most likely, a close deceased person told you in a dream what exactly.

Miller's dream book

I dreamed of a close deceased person - such a plot can be deciphered as a kind of warning. If you knew a person very well and treated him well during his lifetime, then the omen will have a lighter character. You are likely to face difficulties and personal failures, but they will in no way worsen the state of your affairs as a whole.

But if you were at enmity with the deceased during your lifetime, your relationship was strained, then be prepared for major troubles. Perhaps you are waiting for dismissal or theft of property.

If a girl dreamed of a dead man, she needs to be extremely careful, as situations may soon arise that can compromise her. For men, such a dream threatens to worsen their financial condition due to their own carelessness, perhaps something will push them to excessive waste, which they will later have to regret.

Modern dream book

According to the modern dream book, the dead means misfortune. The behavior of the deceased plays an important role, as well as the timbre of his voice, so it is very important not to miss a single detail from the dream. Movements:

  • smooth and measured - to vigilance and caution in relations with others;
  • guides indicating - failures at work;
  • sharp, frightening - to a great misfortune in the family.
  • friendly - be careful;
  • insistent - envious people are nearby and are waiting for revenge;
  • loud, judgmental, scolding - you urgently need to reconsider your priorities in your life.

If you dreamed of a deceased person lying in a coffin, this could mean unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why do the dead dream: such pictures usually lead to not very pleasant situations. It can also mean a quick change.

If the person who died in a dream dies again, expect bad news. Seeing a dead father portends shame and bad behavior, and if you dreamed of a dead mother, this, on the contrary, means a long and happy life. But if in a dream your mother, who is now alive, dies, this indicates that you are experiencing severe anxiety and are worried about something.

A deceased close friend and comrade in a dream means news, after which you will need to work hard.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

As a rule, what a dead person dreams of is interpreted based on your attitude towards him as a person. If you didn’t really get along with him during your lifetime, expect trouble after such a dream, and vice versa, if you were very friendly with the deceased, then you will receive good and good news.

If you were afraid of a person and he did not always treat you well, be very careful after such a dream and do not be distracted, especially on the roads. If a deceased person in a dream was very sick during his lifetime, do not delay going to the doctor, even if you do not experience alarming symptoms. God saves man, who save himself! And if you dreamed of a late celebrity, then there is nothing to worry about, it's just a night fantasy.

Small Velesov dream book

Dreaming of dead close relatives? This is a warning and an instruction. Grandparents in such a dream want to warn of a possible change in health status. And if distant relatives dreamed, wait for news from afar.

Siblings portend a long and happy life, and deceased parents predict well-being. It also promises great profit in a dream where you saw a dead man in a coffin. But if he later turns out to be alive, luck can fly away, so you should be very careful.

Muslim dream book

Why dream of the dead alive - a dream can be interpreted as a sign of a long life. It means that everything material can become spiritual, and everything spiritual can become material. If you dreamed of a person who had died for a long time sleeping peacefully, this suggests that in the next world he found harmony and peace.

If a person during his life was very ill, a dream is interpreted as getting rid of the hardships of life and a transition to a new plane of being.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Close relatives in a dream mean prosperity and well-being. If deceased relatives are dreamed alive, this is interpreted as a release from inner fears. Perhaps on the eve of such a dream you took an important step that you were afraid to take earlier.

The call of the deceased and alluring movements warn you of poor health or major trouble in business. And if the deceased suffers in a dream and behaves restlessly, this means that it is necessary to remember him and order a service in the church, since a relative cannot find peace.

Women's dream book

Deceased acquaintances, relatives and friends predict a sharp change in affairs. Perhaps very soon a new task will appear that will fall on your shoulders. A dead stranger means that you should be very careful, as not everything is really what it seems. And a lot of the walking dead speaks of your carelessness. And if you didn’t watch a horror movie about the Apocalypse the day before, then such a dream means that you need to change something in your life in order to improve the situation. To learn in a dream about someone's death means to hear unpleasant news from the same person.

Dream Interpretation of Zadeki

Dead relatives in a dream portend you longevity and prosperity in business. Talking to the dead in a dream means a change in affairs for the better. But if the deceased insistently wants to explain something to you, then you must unquestioningly obey him. Perhaps this is a warning about the illness of a loved one or about impending failures.

Friends and girlfriends who die in a dream portend favorable changes in business and profit, but for this you need to be careful and prudent.

Dreams in which dead relatives and acquaintances come are often considered a bad omen by people. Night dreams with a similar plot really often portend some important and significant events in reality. However, you should not be afraid of such dreams, of course. Seeing a dead person in a dream is not always bad. Often, such night scenes, on the contrary, are an omen of something good.

The dead dream alive

Very often, deceased relatives or acquaintances come alive in a dream. If the dreamer was dear to your heart and died quite recently, his nightly visit may not mean anything at all. It is quite possible that you simply have not yet fully realized your loss and in your nightly dreams you continue to live your former life - when the person dear to your heart was still next to you.

Sometimes people see in a dream long-dead close relatives or just unfamiliar people. You should definitely pay attention to this dream. Such a plot, with a high degree of probability, can be a harbinger of some important events that will definitely happen in the near future.

Who dreamed?

For the correct interpretation of a dream in which a deceased relative is alive, you should consider who exactly you saw. For example, the arrival of a grandmother in a dream portends serious positive life changes. Do not resist change, and luck, wealth and happiness await you.

If you dreamed of a dead grandfather, in real life in the coming days, try to show as much common sense as possible - do not commit rash acts. Such a dream recommends learning from the mistakes of others so as not to make your own.

A dream with a deceased sibling or cousin usually portends a person a new love affair. A sister in night dreams is a joyful event and pleasant surprises.

If in a dream you saw a dead mother, happiness and good luck await you over the next few months. A dream with a deceased father warns of danger. If you act decisively, good luck awaits you. However, in your actions in this case, you should also show maximum caution. Don't forget about possible pitfalls.

Other relatives may dream:

    aunts and uncles - for moral support;

    husband or wife - to trouble on the love front;

    distant ancestors - to great happiness.

Close acquaintances, according to most interpretations, usually dream simply of some pleasant events in life.

The best dream

Thus, dead close relatives in a dream almost always mean positive changes in life. The most good omen, according to the interpretation of most dream books, is a night story in which both parents come happy and smiling at once - both mother and father. Such a dream is most likely a harbinger of good changes in all areas of life. If you saw in a dream a mother and father in a good mood, you may be in for a sudden wealth.

In any case, you will solve all your problems and be able to achieve great success both in your career and on the personal front.

Contact with the dead

Sometimes deceased acquaintances and relatives are nothing more than a minor element in the plot of a dream. If you saw the deceased only briefly and he did not play any particularly important role in the dream, such a dream, most likely, does not portend anything serious or is a harbinger of just some minor changes in life.

Another thing is if the deceased was the main character of the dream plot and in some way contacted the dreamer. Such night dreams are considered very important and often even prophetic.

For example, most dream books recommend that you definitely listen to the words spoken by deceased relatives, and especially relatives. It is believed that the people they loved in life are often given useful advice by the dead. By listening to the words of a mother, father, grandmother or grandfather who came in a dream, one can achieve significant success in real life.

Even an ordinary conversation in a dream with the deceased about insignificant things is an important harbinger. Having seen such a dream, expect important news that will drastically change your life.

Sometimes deceased relatives, for example, a grandmother, mother or father, scold the dreamer for something. Such a dream warns of danger due to one's own stupidity. In everyday life, try to show maximum prudence and do not commit rash acts.

A dream is also important enough, when you hear steps in the room, for a long time you cannot understand who it is, and then you see a deceased relative. Such a dream suggests that you too rarely visit living loved ones. You definitely need to go to visit your parents, brother or sister.

Tactile contact

Also a very important omen is tactile contact with the deceased. If you took something from the hands of a deceased person who was dear to you during your lifetime, great wealth awaits you soon. Most likely, someone will give you a generous gift. In any case, fate after such a dream will be favorable to you.

To give something to a deceased relative or acquaintance in a dream yourself is, on the contrary, not a very good sign. In real life, in this case, you are likely to face losses. Also, such a dream is often a harbinger of illness and quarrels.

bad omen

In ancient times, it was believed that various harmful and dangerous otherworldly entities could take on the image of a deceased relative. Therefore, in some cases, the interpretation of dreams with the dead can be extremely negative.

A bad omen is considered to be, for example, those dreams in which the dead call the dreamer behind them or even take them away somewhere. Such a dream can be a warning of impending danger. Many dream books interpret such a night story as a harbinger of death. It is also believed that such dreams are a sign of an impending serious illness.

However, a person who had such a dream should not be too scared. Often such dreams are seen by people who are simply very homesick for a departed loved one. In this case, you need to try to relax and let go of the departed dear person. You can also go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

A dream in which you are sitting at the same table with your grandfather is also considered not too good. Such a nightly plot is often an omen of very bad news. Perhaps one of your loved ones will soon die. However, such a dream can be interpreted in this way only if the table is empty. If you have lunch, breakfast or dinner with your grandfather, this means a long happy life for you personally.

The dead dream of the dead

A dream with such a plot is also considered a rather bad omen. Usually it is a harbinger of environmental problems and serious conflicts. If you dreamed of the funeral of an already deceased person, then most likely you have accumulated a lot of aggression in your soul.

Try to behave with your surroundings as politely as possible. Show empathy and understanding for other people. In this case, you may be able to avoid collisions and, as a result, serious troubles.

Many dead friends and relatives in a dream

Such a dream usually portends major life changes. If deceased relatives entered your house through the front door, this is a sign of great wealth in the future. If the dreaming dead rejoiced and had fun, happy events await you. If the dead were sad and gloomy, it is worth preparing for difficult times.

If the dead dream too often

Such dreams are a sign that the close environment has a negative impact on you. Most likely, relatives are trying to drag you into some kind of monetary adventure, which will subsequently end in trouble and financial ruin. Having seen such a dream, try to be as prudent as possible. In any case, do not let anyone, even the closest people, draw you into dubious enterprises.

There is a relatively small group of people who, according to them, are able to see and communicate with the dead, and other otherworldly entities whose existence has not been proven by official science, the site reports with a link to

At the same time, the evidence and statements received from these subjects sound quite convincing to the uninitiated average person. If you believe in all these seemingly supernatural things, a huge number of very different questions immediately arise. Why do they come to our world? What do they want to say or perhaps warn us about something? And does the human soul exist?

Encounters with the Dead and Ghosts in Dreams

You should not immediately get scared or start leafing through various kinds of esoteric literature, if in a dream you suddenly dreamed of a person who had died long ago, our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk advises.

To begin with, let's try to figure out what is the reason for this phenomenon, and what the dead are trying to tell us with this act. Also, depending on the characteristics of sleep, you can try to determine how the soul of a particular person feels in the other world.

So why do we dream of people with whom we met during our lifetime or even were related? It should be understood that the relationship with each particular person does not necessarily end immediately after his death.

After all, we do not stop experiencing some feelings and emotions in relation to the deceased, the process of forgetting stretches for many years, and some memories remain with us for life. Relationships do not end, even after death there is a certain spiritual connection that allows you to feel and imagine painfully familiar features.

It is this connection, unfinished business, unfulfilled obligations - all this keeps the soul of the dead in our world, allowing us to postpone the process of final farewell.

So why do they come to us? It is much easier to explain this in relation to women, since they have always been the guardians of the family and the hearth, which means they had the closest connection with past generations.

In this case, the souls of the dead can come to you for a certain energy recharge, or simply in search of help, for example, by providing some information that is very significant for them.

Why exactly in a dream?

In a normal state, a person is too busy with daily affairs and worries and is not too susceptible to various kinds of mental fluctuations. In a dream, all the main thought and life processes slow down, we plunge into a sedentary state, very similar to death, and, accordingly, it becomes much easier for the dead to make contact and transmit their messages.

Most often, souls come in dreams to their closest relatives, to whom they were strongly attached during life. The most likely contact is in the first few months after death, when the departed person is still attached to his body, home, favorite places and retains his special habits.

As mentioned above, the dead come mainly to ask us for help. In the early days after death, the soul still experiences some needs, such as hunger and thirst, emotions, attachment to certain things and favorite activities.

But since the physical body no longer exists, she herself is not able to satisfy all this, and it is you who, perhaps, can help her with this. If in a dream the deceased asks you to feed him, read your favorite book, or warm him up, do not be afraid.

When you wake up, be sure to say this, making it clear that the wish has been heard, and do all the necessary actions in order to fulfill it as much as possible. This will allow the soul to calm down and find the long-awaited peace.

How to determine the state of the soul of a dead person?

The dead can appear in dreams before us in completely different states and guises that can tell us a lot with sufficient attention to detail. What should be addressed first?

First of all, take a closer look at how and what the deceased is wearing, good and neat clothes indicate a favorable state of mind.

Also determine at what specific age the dreaming person is. Youth and beauty are good signs, while decrepitude and a sickly appearance indicate some serious problems.

Try to smell the scent coming from the dead person. If it is pleasant enough, then this means that the soul is most likely in a pleasant place, while sulfuric fumes and stench clearly mean suffering and pain, and possibly hellish torment.

You can also draw certain conclusions based on what and how the soul talks to you. For example, a dead person can hint quite transparently at certain inconveniences and negative feelings experienced.

Your general emotional state after waking up is very important. If only positive sensations remain, then the dead is satisfied and feels good enough in the afterlife. In the opposite situation, you should think about how you can alleviate his fate and help find eternal peace.

How to help the deceased find peace

To help the soul of a loved one or a well-known person to rest, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. To begin with, it should be remembered that the most important time that can ensure the departure of the soul to a happy and peaceful world is the first 40 days after death. During this period, it is necessary to collect as many wishes and blessing words from the closest people as possible.

A very important role is given to the food used at the wake, it is best to cook from products of organic origin and limit alcohol consumption. You should not be the first to try the main dishes - the right to taste does not belong to you.

In order for the dead to be able to appreciate the meal prepared for him, it is necessary to put a very small amount of food and place it in front of the altar or image along with cutlery. It would also be useful to say a memorial prayer if such prayers exist in your religion ...

Everything described above should have cleared up some points related to the arrival of the dead in your dreams. If you remember some recommendations for yourself, they will allow you to better understand the causes and nature of your dreams and the appearance of the souls of dead people in them.

The reincarnation of the soul is a very controversial process, which scientists around the world have been talking about for decades. However, there are.

When a person is asleep, his mind is at its least active. Esotericists believe that such a state allows living people to get into the space between worlds. It is during dreams that communication with entities and phantoms occurs. And often people are relatives who have already died. How to interpret such phenomena and what information they carry, humanity has been thinking for more than a decade.

The death of a loved one is inexpressible. It seems to relatives that a lot has been missed, important thoughts have not been expressed. Perhaps that is why the dead are often dreamed of, who have recently departed to another world. And in the Orthodox religion, there is a stable opinion about the presence of the soul of the deceased next to the house for 40 days. Esotericists identify several reasons:

  • unfinished business. Often, deceased parents or other loved ones try to convey important information in visions. The soul after death cannot calmly move to another world if it has some unfinished business. The best way to get rid of frequent dreams with the deceased is to fulfill his last request.
  • Close emotional connection. Having a strong friendship or blood relationship does not go away after the person dies. To prolong such mutual affection, a person unconsciously calls the soul of the deceased into dreams. It is worse if the deceased appears in visions and offers something. If 40 days have not passed since death, then it is better to respond with clear refusals. It is believed that taking a thing from a dead person means inviting trouble.
  • Desire to take away. Often the dead come and try to take a loved one into their world. In the religions of the world, following the dead is a bad sign. Perhaps this is a terrible coincidence, but stories of imminent death after such visions are not uncommon.
  • new guardian angel. A favorable interpretation of strange dreams says that the deceased person becomes a guardian angel for the one to whom he comes at night. By the way, many note that grandparents who appear in dreams often warn of adverse events. Often everything happens through symbols, so for those who want to interpret an unkind sign, it is better to turn to dream books.

Dream interpreters focus on the personality of the recently deceased.

General information may be:

  • If a grandmother or grandfather is dreaming, then some pleasant and unexpected event will happen soon;
  • Mother or father appears to warn of betrayal;
  • The husband is a sign of an imminent unpleasant situation;
  • Wife - expect a promotion or increase in income;
  • Brother or sister - someone close will need help.

It is also worth paying attention to exactly how dead people appear in dreams. If they come as if alive, then this is a favorable sign. Perhaps a person will discover in himself the potential for movement. And in the end, a well-deserved success is expected.

If a zombie is dreaming, then this indicates a weak energy, that a person can be threatened by bad entities from another world.

As a rule, after a period of 40 days, deceased relatives stop dreaming. But there are also exceptions. Psychologists believe that such frequent phenomena are not associated with mysticism, but with an unwillingness to let go of a loved one. In some advanced cases, even special therapy is required.

Frequent dreams about the dead

All interpreters agree that the dead are a vivid symbol, which is interpreted depending on the circumstances and attitude to what they see. For example, if the deceased is benevolent, then it is worth listening to his words, which may contain good advice or warning.

If we are talking about nightmares that cause moral suffering, then this is a signal that the situation needs to be corrected.

Opinions of esotericists

Aggressive-minded dead come in dreams to prevent dangerous situations. Moreover, the more time has passed since death, the more vivid meanings such visions carry. If a few years later a deceased acquaintance began to dream systematically, then this is a sign of danger and imminent death.


It was believed that the dead dream of a sharp change in the weather. The seer Vanga warned that the dead are a symbol of an impending disaster or epidemic.

Opinions of psychologists

If nightmares do not become regular, then doctors do not recommend paying attention to this and taking possible symbols seriously. Psychologists interpret dreams with the dead as a strong longing and a desire to communicate with a loved one.

The reason for night vision is recent memories that are in the subconscious and come to the surface during rest. But if you dream of a lot of dead people who are unfriendly, then this is an indicator that a person is in a stage of chronic stress.


The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that dead people dream of those who run away from real life. These are infantile personalities, hoping for a lucky break. But dreams about the body of a dead person are a sign-shifter. So, for example, if a mother dreamed that she gave birth to a dead child, then in reality this means serious problems with childbearing function.

Believers' opinions

Religion does not interpret dreams in any way. It is believed that the sleeper has three types of visions: from God, from the devil and from himself. In the image of deceased relatives, there may be the devil himself, who pursues his goals. Therefore, priests recommend not paying attention to dreams, thereby saving yourself from adverse consequences.

Modern interpretations

Now on the Internet there are dream books of Miller, Vanga, Nostradamus, Tsvetkov and others. They give the answer and interpret obsessive dreams in different ways. To believe them or not is everyone's business. But both the creators of dream books and psychologists can rarely decipher any symbol with accuracy. Each dream is unique and depends on many factors. Nevertheless, there are generalized interpretations:

  1. Frequent dreams about the deceased, which interfere with normal sleep, carry an alarming color. It is obvious that some unpleasant event from the past does not allow a person to rest in peace. It is worth listening to the subconscious and letting go of the situation.
  2. If the dream with the deceased occurs in a favorable and friendly environment, then you should not panic. Most likely, such a vision predicts good changes in your personal life or career.
  3. A bad sign is the request of the deceased to follow him. For example, if the deceased parents call to themselves, then in no case should you agree and take them by the hand. Such a dream is a sign of mortal danger. For some time after such a vision, you should be more careful about your health and surrounding circumstances.

No need to be very scared and focus on dreams. Psychologists say that fixation on some phenomenon can lead to real consequences. Therefore, the best advice, if a dead person is constantly dreaming, is to go to the cemetery and commemorate him.

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