Vaginal dryness: causes, treatment. Itching, burning, dryness in the intimate area in women: treatment. Remedies for dryness in the intimate area

Vaginal dryness is an inevitable sign of menopause. Many women do not pay due attention to this fact and try to put up with it, but it is unnatural and dangerous to endure dryness. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, there are special moisturizers.

How to choose intimate hygiene products for a woman over 50

With the onset of menopause in the female body, the production of the hormone estrogen gradually decreases, which entails certain consequences. Frequent accompaniment of menopause is dryness of the mucosa and pain in the vagina. The causes of such ailments are stress, antibiotics, bad habits, lack of sex, etc. Vaginal dryness weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of developing inflammatory diseases. To improve the condition, it is necessary to choose the right moisturizers for intimate hygiene during menopause.

What should be included in the product

When buying moisturizers designed to care for a delicate area, women need to pay special attention to what is included in the product. She must:

  • contain lactic acid, which allows maintaining the optimal balance of microflora;
  • have D-panthenol, sea buckthorn oil, herbal extracts;
  • be pH neutral;
  • do not contain aromatic substances, fragrances;
  • include a high fat content;
  • have an antibacterial substance and vitamin E.

Intimate soap for hygiene must be liquid so that the polymers in it do not cause irritation and are easier to wash off with water. Cream for moisturizing the intimate area should not contain dyes. As a rule, the product has a delicate delicate aroma due to the presence of natural ingredients (sage or chamomile extract). For sensitive skin that is prone to irritation, you need to choose a product with aloe vera.

What drugs for dryness in the intimate area are better

The modern market of care products includes a large number of items, each of which has its own indications and application features. In addition, their price will vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. Here are some of the most popular and sought after moisturizers for intimate hygiene with menopause:



Price in rubles

Vagilak gel

Relieves pain during sexual intercourse. Helps relieve vaginal dryness.

Bliss Gel

Has a powerful moisturizing effect. Promotes natural lubrication.


It is used only after a medical examination. Contains estradiol, due to which dryness is eliminated.


The cream against dryness in the intimate area acts gently, perfectly cares for the vaginal mucosa.

Gynofit gel

Quickly relieves burning sensation. Normalizes microflora.


With menopause, doctors recommend not to stop having sex. Regular sex life will help keep the walls of the vagina in good shape. Even a few days of abstaining from intimacy can cause dryness and cracking in the vagina, which can make it painful for a woman to have sex. You can fight the problem with a lubricant (artificial lubricant) that has a low pH. The most popular lubricants on the market are the following:


Any woman with the onset of menopause should begin to use intimate hygiene products, as well as constantly apply appropriate creams. It is better to choose products on the advice of a gynecologist. There are special hormonal preparations that perfectly moisturize the mucous membrane and stimulate the natural process of mucus production. You can choose a neutral intimate cream that helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms. List of the most popular tools:


Suppositories are a good remedy for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the vagina. Candles differ from lubricants in that they are able to restore the production and secretion of vaginal mucus for a long period. Means well remove irritation and favor the renewal of the mucous membrane, while reducing signs of vulvar atrophy (burning, itching, discomfort and tension during intercourse). The most popular drugs are:

How to apply moisturizing creams for the intimate area

With menopause, it is important to monitor vaginal hygiene and wash yourself at least twice a day. In the instructions for the use of special preparations to eliminate dryness in the intimate area, it is recommended to use them every day. Funds can be applied after visiting the bath, pool, sauna. The method of use and dosage of moisturizing preparations is prescribed only by a doctor. Intimate cream application scheme:

  • before using the product, it is necessary to carry out a procedure using a gel or liquid soap with a neutral pH;
  • to do this, moisten the genitals with water, then drop soap, gel, mousse or foam on the palm of your hand and lather;
  • then we transfer everything to the vagina, carefully massage, rinse;
  • hands should be thoroughly cleaned;
  • then we take the cream, squeeze it into the palm of your hand;
  • evenly distributed over the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • for the treatment to be effective, you need to use a tip to introduce a small amount of cream into the vagina.

Vaginal dryness, or atrophic vaginitis, is a common problem in women, especially before or after menopause. This problem can also occur at a younger age. Dryness in the intimate area greatly complicates the life of a woman, creating additional discomfort not only during intercourse, but also in everyday life.

First symptoms

The walls of the vagina in every woman produce a special secret, which is a natural lubricant. In addition to the function of moisturizing, the lubricant prevents the development of many pathogenic microorganisms.

The amount of secretion secreted by each representative of the weaker sex is different, that is, one woman may have more lubricant than another, and this is considered the norm. Many do not even notice its presence, as it is colorless and virtually odorless. Only at the moment of excitation, secretion production increases significantly.

The lack of secretion in the vagina manifests itself in the form of such symptoms:

  • itching of the labia minora and inside the vagina itself;
  • burning in the perineum;
  • reducing the amount of natural secretions;
  • the formation of microcracks or wounds on the mucous membrane (their infection is possible).

When a woman's vagina is dry, sexual intercourse becomes painful and does not bring pleasure. Some women, due to the pains that arise, decide to completely abandon their intimate life, but this will not solve the problem.

Vaginal dryness is a symptom that some pathological process is taking place in the body. If you seek help from a specialist in a timely manner, this will prevent the development of atrophic vaginitis and preserve both the physical and psychological health of a woman for many years.

Factors that cause vaginal dryness in women

If a woman has vaginal dryness, the reasons can be very different, so it is not recommended to try to get rid of such a delicate problem on your own, it is better to consult a doctor. The gynecologist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests, on the basis of which an accurate diagnosis will be made and appropriate treatment determined.

The factors that provoke dryness in the vagina include:

  • age;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • approaching menstrual bleeding;
  • the presence of pregnancy or the postpartum period;
  • the use of certain drugs (mainly hormonal);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • surgical interventions;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive hygiene;
  • allergic reactions to the gel for intimate hygiene;
  • Sjögren's syndrome.

Vaginal dryness during menopause occurs due to a decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen. The function of estrogen is to maintain normal levels of acidity and moisture in the vagina. As soon as the female body stops producing enough of it, the pH level of the vagina changes and increases. The prevailing alkaline environment has a destructive effect on the tissues of the vagina, they become thinner and become susceptible to the penetration of pathogenic organisms.

Thinning and dryness of the walls of the vagina leads to the formation of microtraumas, which over time can increase and turn into open ulcers.

Many women during menopause are often diagnosed with infectious diseases of the urinary tract. A decrease in estrogen levels also negatively affects the tissues of the urethra. She, too, becomes vulnerable to various infections, fungi or viruses that can enter from the vagina. Additional discomfort occurs due to problems with urination - it becomes painful.

Periodic sensation of dryness in the vagina can occur in women of reproductive age a few days before the onset of menstruation. This change in the body is explained by the fact that before menstruation, the level of estrogen decreases, and the production of progesterone increases.

Many medications can disrupt the normal production of hormones in women. This is one of the reasons why all representatives of medicine are categorically against a person self-medicating and taking medicines uncontrollably.

Can suppress the level of estrogen: antidepressants, diuretics, antibiotics, stimulants, cardiovascular drugs, contraceptives and others.

Surgical interventions in the reproductive system of a woman or removal of the thyroid gland are also common reasons why a woman develops, which lead to dryness in the intimate area.

Sjögren's syndrome is characterized by dysfunction of the lacrimal, salivary and mucous glands of a woman.

Excessive hygiene

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of intimate hygiene. This problem is relevant for all ages, but especially for young girls who all the time strive to ensure that it is clean everywhere and always.

Frequent and unreasonable douching does not create impeccable cleanliness, but this process disrupts the normal microflora of the vagina. In addition, during douching, there is a possibility of injury to the mucosa.

Another reason that concerns intimate hygiene is the wrong detergent. The modern market is full of various products intended for body care (shower gel, lotions, soaps and other perfumes intended for the intimate area). Most of these products contain an increased amount of hard alkalis in their composition, which can cause allergic reactions and change the normal microflora of the vagina. Even with a single use, a woman may feel dryness in the vagina.

Intimate hygiene products should be selected for each woman in accordance with the individual characteristics of her body and taking into account the pH level in a hygiene or cosmetic product. Contrary to popular belief, a special gel for the intimate area is less safe for women's health than regular soap.

To reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic body care products. They should not contain aromatic additives and dyes. Acceptable for the vaginal microflora are products with a pH of 4-4.5 and containing a large amount of fat in their composition.

The best solution for choosing intimate hygiene products will be ordinary soap with a high content of fats and without additional dyes and perfumes.

In the event that dryness is observed in the intimate area, and its cause lies in improper adherence to intimate hygiene, a woman is advised to stop using scented toilet paper during treatment, wear underwear made from simple fabrics, replace the intimate gel with ordinary soap, and so on.

How is the treatment carried out

In most cases, vaginal dryness is not diagnosed during a routine medical examination by a gynecologist. Women themselves go to the doctor when they begin to experience discomfort in the intimate area.

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes a number of necessary tests. Be sure to do an analysis for the presence of infection and hormone levels.

In case of violation of the hormonal background caused by menopause, treatment is carried out with the help of drug therapy. Drugs are prescribed that replenish. They can be oral or topical.

Local vaginal hormone therapy involves 3 main ways to replenish estrogen in the body:

  1. estrogen ring. This is a special ring that is inserted into the vagina, where it takes the appropriate shape. The action of one ring is designed for 3 months. The estrogen ring provides the body with a hormone and acts directly on the tissues of the vagina.
  2. Vaginal suppositories. They also contain the missing hormone. Candles are administered daily for the period prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Vaginal cream. The walls of the vagina are treated daily with a special applicator. As the symptoms of dryness disappear, the frequency of the procedure is reduced to 3-4 times a week. The final stage of treatment will be the use of a vaginal cream with a frequency of 1 time in 3-4 weeks.

Local action is very productive. A woman begins to notice changes within a few days after the start of treatment. Improvement symptoms manifest themselves in the form of thickening of the walls of the vaginal mucosa, the disappearance of burning or itching, and the normalization of blood flow to the pelvic organs. The production of moisturizing secretion is noticeably increased.

With a deficiency, it is recommended to have an active sex life, subject to a reliable partner. Sexual intercourse contributes to the preservation of women's health. So that sexual intercourse does not cause pain due to dryness in the vagina, you need to use a gel-intimate lubricant.

Despite the productivity of hormone therapy, it is not recommended to carry it out on your own, you can act only under the supervision of a doctor. With this treatment, you need to monitor how the endometrial tissues thicken, excessive thickening is dangerous for the development of oncology.

In the case when vaginal dryness was not caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body, the treatment is aimed at eliminating the pathological process that provoked atrophic vaginitis. In parallel with the main problem, the doctor prescribes treatment, the effect of which allows you to restore the vaginal mucosa.

For such purposes, there are special vaginal moisturizers, such as lubricants or gels.

A gel or other product, which is best chosen with your healthcare professional, should not have an oil base as a moisturizer. Such funds interfere with the mechanism of self-cleaning of the vagina and natural vaginal hydration. Water-based products are considered the best option.

Properly selected moisturizing gel will eliminate the feeling of discomfort in the intimate area and will prevent the penetration of pathogenic microflora.

Dryness in the intimate area in women is an unpleasant disease that reduces the quality of life. This phenomenon occurs in adulthood, but can also occur in young girls. Vaginal dryness is a condition where very little lubrication is produced by the glands of the vagina and vulva. The cause of dryness can be both a disease and simply physiological changes in the body.

Dryness and burning in the vagina - symptoms

The vaginal mucus of a healthy woman moisturizes the wall and prevents vaginal dryness. It acts as a barrier to entry and spread of pathogens. Disturbances in the production of vaginal mucus cause unpleasant experiences, contribute to the formation of infection and impair sex, which becomes painful.

Inadequate hydration of the vagina can cause:

  • itching and burning in the intimate area,
  • pain during intercourse
  • tingling and burning can be felt when walking,
  • sometimes there is an unpleasant feeling of pressure or throbbing pain in the vagina,
  • rarely yellow-green discharge,
  • problems with the urinary system, frequent urge to urinate.

Causes of dryness in the vagina

Most cases of poor lubrication are due to fluctuations in estrogen levels. Many women experience vaginal dryness before their period when estrogen levels naturally drop. Dryness of the intimate area can also occur during pregnancy, especially during the first few months, and after the baby is born. Decreased vaginal lubrication is the most prominent symptom of changing estrogen levels during menopause. Then there is a noticeable decrease in estrogen levels. The vaginal walls become thinner, less flexible, and less moist. This is the cause of discomfort, which leads to the fact that patients begin to avoid sex, which becomes unpleasant and painful. Hormonal changes after menopause often lead to atrophic vaginitis, which manifests itself as burning, itching, pain, redness, and a tendency to bacterial and fungal infections.

Poor hydration of the genital organs occurs with an infection, bacterial or fungal. Vaginal diseases, on the one hand, are often the result of insufficient lubrication, on the other hand, they exacerbate it.

Medications that cause dryness

The cause of poor hydration of the genitals can also be the effects of drugs. Sometimes insufficient hydration occurs due to hormonal contraception (both birth control pills and patches or the use of a hormonal vaginal ring). It also occurs due to allergies to antiseptics - over-the-counter drugs for the treatment of urinary incontinence, in the treatment of uterine fibroids and certain antibiotics.

If the cause is a disease: a bacterial or fungal infection, it is necessary to treat and restore the natural flora of the vagina. In case of unpleasant consequences of hormonal contraception, it is necessary to change the drugs that are used. Very often, changing the birth control pill, with a different composition and proportion of hormones, eliminates the problem.

Dryness in the intimate area with menopause

With dryness of the intimate zone associated with menopause, hormone replacement therapy is sometimes prescribed. But this is not a panacea for everyone - it eliminates the vaginal symptoms of poor lubrication in about half of women. However, vaginal estrogen creams or suppositories can be used. They are not only able to prevent vaginal dryness, but also the loss of its flexibility during menopause. In any case, relief is achieved through the use of moisturizing vaginal suppositories, creams or gels containing hyaluronic acid, lactic acid and glycogen.

Vaginal dryness before menstruation

Usually a woman feels a strong hydration in the vagina during ovulation, there is even a feeling of mucus coming out. Estrogen plays a large role in these changes. A few days before menstruation, the concentration of estrogen in the blood decreases, which can lead to a decrease in vaginal moisture.

The feeling of dryness in the intimate area can become painful - there is an unpleasant burning, tingling or friction. Similar symptoms can also occur during an infection, but if they occur repeatedly, during every or almost every menstrual period, it can be assumed that they are associated with an occasional drop in estrogen levels. To be sure, however, it is best to discuss this with your gynecologist.

When the symptoms are unpleasant enough to cause discomfort and irritation, the use of moisturizing vaginal tablets, suppositories and creams is recommended. You can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription or use drugs prescribed by a gynecologist. As a rule, they contain moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and lactic acid.

Immediately before intimacy, lubricants and gels should be used that instantly moisturize and increase the slipperiness of the vaginal walls. As a rule, they are made on the basis of water with the addition of emollient and moisturizing ingredients: bamboo extract, collagen, silk protein, vitamin E and antibacterial and antifungal agents. Lubricants are also made on the basis of glycerin, the latter is more difficult to wash off, and when they are on the mucous membrane can lead to infection. Therefore, it is better to use silicone grease.

Dryness of the intimate area during pregnancy

Vaginal dryness during pregnancy is not a very common problem. If this occurs, it is usually in the first trimester of pregnancy and is associated with hormonal changes. It includes various symptoms, ranging from discrete (slight discomfort, sometimes burning, discomfort during sex) to severe: vaginal pain and burning, even when walking, a complete inability to have sex because it is too painful.

During pregnancy, creams, gels, vaginal suppositories and a number of tablets are used to moisturize. Such drugs are used only on the advice of a doctor. As a rule, they must be administered at certain intervals. Sometimes a weekly treatment is enough to correct the problem. Lubricants are used immediately before sexual intercourse. The best choice of hypoallergenic and fragrance free. The safest is the use of silicone grease, because in their case, irritation of the mucous membrane is practically zero. All moisturizing and lubricating substances are active only on the surface of the vaginal mucosa and cannot enter the bloodstream. Thus, they are completely safe for the child and mother. Lubricants containing any kind of aphrodisiacs are prohibited during pregnancy.

Vaginal dryness after childbirth

This problem remains one of the most frequent that young mothers are exposed to. Before the body returns to normal and hormone levels return to normal, a woman may experience a lack of lubrication of the vagina or the entire intimate area. Vaginal dryness after childbirth is associated with a decrease in estrogen levels, which were very high during pregnancy.

How to deal with pain during sex

For six weeks after giving birth, it is better not to have sexual intercourse, because the wounds after perineal tears must be allowed to heal. However, you can lubricate them with vitamin A ointment, which speeds up regeneration and hydration. If the scar in the perineum is felt like a hard and convex scar, you need to rub olive oil into it every day. If symptoms persist for a month, you should consult a gynecological plastic surgeon. Today, scars can be smoothed out and this does not interfere with sex.

How to get rid of vaginal dryness during sex

Persistent symptoms associated with vaginal dryness can be relieved with vaginal tablets containing moisturizing creams. They are used at certain intervals, for example, for a week, and if the doctor prescribes, then more. They affect the production of lactic acid, which restores the normal bacterial flora of the vagina and normalizes the production of vaginal lubrication.

Vaginal dryness treatment

The good news is that most of the symptoms and changes in the vagina caused by a decrease in estrogen levels can be stopped and reversed!

Gynecologists have a whole battery of remedies in reserve, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the preferences of the patient:

  • Hormone-free preparations are used in cases of moderate atrophy of the vaginal tissues without severe symptoms.
  • These are lubricants - various types of gels to reduce friction during sexual contact, for example, Gel KY, Astroglide. Moisturizing vaginal gels - used 2-3 times a week, not only before intercourse. They provide longer lasting hydration; e.g. Replens MD, Floragyn. These funds can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription.

  • Estrogen preparations used intravaginally.

Estrogens are currently available in the following forms:

  • Vaginal cream - it is used in various regimens, for example once a day for 2 weeks, and then at a lower frequency, up to maintenance dose - 1-3 times a week; e.g. OeKolp, Ortho-Gynest, Ovestin.
  • Globules or vaginal tablets - offered at cream-like intervals; e.g. Gynoflor, OeKolp, Ortho-Gynest, Ovestin.
  • Vaginal discs - inserted into the vagina every 90 days. This is usually done by a doctor because the patient may have difficulty manipulating this area. When using the disc, be careful when bathing, pressing (for example, on a stool) and in the bath, as it may change position or even fall out.

All of these forms of topical estrogen preparations work in the same way and are equally effective. The choice of form depends mainly on the patient. Relief of symptoms usually occurs after a few weeks of using the drug. However, hormonal drugs are only available by prescription.

Topical estrogen therapy is well tolerated by patients. However, do not forget that an overdose of the drug can cause side effects such as: vaginal bleeding, chest pain, nausea, pain in the perineum, vaginal fungal infection. It is relatively easy to overdo the amount of the drug in the form of a cream, as opposed to a disc or vaginal tablet. However, as a rule, these drugs are well studied and considered safe. Caution should be exercised if a woman has had hormone-dependent tumors in the past, such as endometrial cancer or certain types of breast cancer. These women are usually advised to use non-hormonal products (lubricants and moisturizers).

Mention should also be made of the general recommendation for all patients being treated for vaginal dryness not to stop sexual activity, as this may worsen the condition. This recommendation can also be used as part of the prevention of vaginal atrophy in women who have entered the perimenopausal period but who do not yet have the discomfort associated with this disorder.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity face the problem of increased vaginal dryness throughout their lives. Regardless of the degree of manifestation, it causes discomfort and can be the cause of pain during sex. It should be noted that the amount of lubricant that is responsible for moisturizing the vaginal mucosa may vary. It is normally always transparent and does not have any specific smell. Apart from periods of sexual arousal, many women do not notice the presence of lubrication in the vagina. When it is not there, some ladies feel dryness.

General information

Vaginal dryness is a condition of the mucous membrane in which it loses its usual elasticity, normal smoothness, and the ability to release natural lubrication. The walls of the female vagina, as you know, consist of three layers. The uppermost of these is the mucous membrane. It, in turn, consists of stratified squamous epithelium, forming a large number of folds. Through the latter, it becomes possible to change its usual dimensions, for example, during childbirth. In addition, the walls of the vagina have special glands in their structure, which are responsible for the secretion of transparent mucus. It is characterized by a not very pronounced smell and a slightly acidic reaction. The vagina is also characterized by a special microflora (the content of beneficial microorganisms). According to experts, the normal functioning of this body is determined by several factors at the same time. The state of the hormonal background, the absence of any inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, the regularity of sexual activity - these are just some of them.

Main reasons

Dryness in the vagina is a rather unpleasant problem. According to experts, it can occur at any age and due to a variety of reasons. Let's name the main ones:

  • Changes at the hormonal level(including those caused by childbirth or the onset of menopause). During the latter, the production of the hormone estrogen is noticeably reduced, which inevitably leads to vaginal dryness. As a rule, this period occurs in women aged 45 to 60 years.
  • Frequent stressful situations. On those days when the body is under an increased load in the form of experiences, excessive anxiety, the body begins to produce less lubricant. All this directly leads to dryness in intimate areas, the area of ​​​​the eyes or mouth.
  • The use of drugs. Contraceptive pills, antihistamines, antidepressants, diuretics can negatively affect the level of secretion in the vagina. In addition, kidney dialysis or the use of chemotherapy also affect hydration levels.
  • Hypersensitivity to personal care products or toiletries. When choosing them, preference should be given to hypoallergenic options without dyes and aromatics. Very often, increased vaginal dryness is provoked by those components that are part of washing powders or toilet paper (flavored version).
  • Bad habits. Smoking, as you know, not only slows down blood circulation, but also entails changes at the hormonal level. A decrease in blood flow to the vagina inevitably leads to atrophic changes. It is important to note that in women who smoke, menopause occurs faster, and hormone replacement therapy in this case does not have the desired effect.
  • Sex. The lack of arousal, stimulation, or desire during intimacy directly affects the level of vaginal hydration. Very often this situation ends with discomfort and pain.
  • Certain types of infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

This article lists only the most common reasons. Dryness in the vagina can also appear due to other factors. To finally identify them, you will need the help of a qualified specialist.

Timely diagnosis

If this problem occurs, it is very important to immediately seek help from a gynecologist. Only a qualified specialist can establish the true cause of such unpleasant symptoms, and then recommend competent therapy. Diagnosis in this case includes a complete gynecological examination, the exclusion of urinary tract infections, as well as a Pap smear. This analysis is necessary to detect the presence of precancerous and cancerous cells.

How to deal with insufficient hydration of the vaginal mucosa?

This problem, as a rule, is not detected during a preventive gynecological examination, but is a complaint from the patient. If a woman does not experience any discomfort in this area, she is unlikely to be diagnosed with vaginal dryness.

Very often, during the examination, the doctor simply recommends excluding provoking factors that could lead to the development of this problem, and normalizing sexual relations. Unfortunately, these measures are not always enough to eliminate vaginal dryness. What to do in this case?

Medical treatment

As a rule, the doctor prescribes drugs that simultaneously treat various kinds of gynecological ailments. In addition, these medicines eliminate not only the cause, but also the effect, that is, they relieve dryness. To normalize the condition of the mucosa, which was provoked by more serious diseases, drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist and only after a detailed diagnosis. It can be both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents for vaginal dryness.

If the reason lies not in hormonal abnormalities or infectious diseases, then, as a rule, such drugs are prescribed, the main action of which is to restore muscle elasticity and mucosal elasticity in this area. For example, medicines "Klimadinon", "Cicatridine". The composition of these drugs contains such components that contribute to the normalization of the state of the mucosa, have an antifungal and antiseptic effect.

hormone therapy

How else can you beat vaginal dryness? Treatment with the use of hormonal drugs has recently become very popular and is highly effective. This is due to the fact that the problem of dryness is mainly associated with hormonal disorders, or rather, with a lack of estrogen in the blood. Thus, after confirming this fact, the gynecologist can prescribe local therapy with estrogens. Below we consider several of its options.

  • vaginal ring. It is inserted directly into the vagina. In the course of its action, a constant stream of estrogen is produced to the vaginal tissues. This ring needs to be changed every three months.
  • vaginal tablet. Dryness and itching in the vagina can be overcome with this remedy. The tablet is applied topically. The first two weeks it is necessary to use the drug every day, and after - only twice a week.
  • Vaginal cream. It is introduced into the vagina with a special applicator, and then spreads independently along its inner walls, thereby providing a therapeutic effect.

It is important to note that it is unacceptable to use hormone therapy at your own discretion to solve a problem such as vaginal dryness. Treatment should be carried out exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor and only under his constant supervision in order to avoid side effects.

Help of traditional medicine

The recipes of our grandmothers for the treatment of problems in the intimate area offer their solution in this matter.

For example, to eliminate the increased dryness of the mucosa, you can use the herbs of the boron uterus and mother. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of each of them, mix, pour two glasses of water and bring to a boil. The resulting broth is recommended to insist for one hour, and then drink all day in small portions. This remedy should be used no more than once a week. Very soon it will be possible to forget about such a problem as vaginal dryness.

Folk remedies find their application in menopause. For example, in case of insufficient moisture of the mucosa, you can take baths with motherwort. Preliminary, three tablespoons of the dry mixture should be brewed in boiling water (two glasses are enough). The resulting broth should be infused. It can then be added to warm bath water. The whole procedure should last no more than 12 minutes.

Vitamin E (oil solution) can be used externally. This drug is sold in any pharmacy. Immediately before sexual intercourse, it is necessary to generously lubricate the vagina with this remedy. On other days, it is recommended to additionally use a lubricant made from coconut or olive oil. In addition, it will not be superfluous to apply these funds directly to the penis of a man.

Unfortunately, all of the above methods do not always solve such a problem as vaginal dryness. Folk remedies are powerless when a woman does not know the root cause of these changes. In addition, it is not recommended to use the recipes of our grandmothers without first consulting with a specialist.

Insufficient moisture of the mucosa during menopause

With the onset of menopause, the production of the hormone estrogen in the body of each woman gradually decreases, which, in turn, entails certain symptoms and consequences. The vagina changes its shape and size, becomes shorter, as a result of which the blood flow decreases. All these factors affect the elasticity and moisture content of the area. The mucous membrane also thins out. The production of special vaginal mucus stops. Dryness and itching in the vagina is a clear sign of a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in the body.

With menopause, every lady should be aware that this process does not mean the end of life. Experts recommend that in no case should you stop intimacy during such a period. As for such a nuisance as vaginal dryness during menopause, modern medicine today offers various options to reduce the symptoms of this problem. You should not turn a blind eye to her, it is important to seek help from a gynecologist in a timely manner.

Problems after childbirth

The vagina during pregnancy is constantly under pressure from the uterus and the baby developing in it. However, the main load on this area still falls on the time of the birth itself. The walls of the vagina become very thin, the former sensitivity is lost.

It is important to note that increased vaginal dryness after childbirth is far from rare. It is expressed in discomfort and pain during intimacy. This problem is thought to be due to low estrogen levels. It is easy to solve it only if a woman turns to a gynecologist for help in time. As a rule, the doctor prescribes special suppositories for vaginal dryness, and also recommends the use of artificial lubricants, which are sold in almost every pharmacy.

sex life

Insufficient moisture in the mucosa in the intimate area is a companion of many

abnormal conditions for the body. It is important to note that discomfort is especially acute during sexual contact. A characteristic feature of the female body is the ability to constantly produce an increased amount of mucus directly at the time of sexual arousal. This lubricant is required for simple and easy penetration. Its deficiency or delayed production, as a rule, is observed not only in women of mature age, but also in young girls. Vaginal dryness during sex is often caused by disturbances in the endocrine system, as well as the peculiarities of the sexual intercourse itself. Pain and discomfort during intimacy is usually explained by quick foreplay. In this case, the woman remains insufficiently relaxed, and the direct sexual intercourse does not bring proper satisfaction. It is noteworthy that the pain reflex can be fixed for a long time, and this inevitably entails an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vagina during the next sexual intercourse. The solution to this problem should begin with a qualitative prelude. According to experienced sexologists, foreplay should not last less than 20 minutes.

It is important to note that regular and at the same time full-fledged intimacy is the key to the health of the reproductive system of every woman. Moreover, the lady feels better, her vitality increases, the maximum balanced concentration of hormones in the blood is observed, which is a kind of warning of the occurrence of insufficient moisture in the mucous membrane.

A problem such as dryness of the vaginal mucosa is easier to prevent than to constantly deal with it later. According to experts, preventive measures in this case include three components at the same time.

First of all, this is the observance of hygiene standards known to all from early childhood. All women are advised to shower daily without the use of products with a high content of dyes or other chemical components. It is also important to use special sanitary pads in the presence of heavy vaginal discharge. They should be changed every four hours. During menstruation, doctors recommend using pads, not tampons. Underwear must be changed daily, and when choosing it, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics.

Secondly, vaginal dryness and burning can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to pay special attention to the daily diet. It is important to completely exclude the use of pickled and spicy dishes, as well as alcoholic beverages. Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals. In this case, the emphasis can be on raw vegetables and fruits, berries, cereals and whole grains. You should not deny yourself the use of polyunsaturated fats, which are found in large quantities in nuts, sea fish, seeds and vegetable oils. Doctors advise to actively use those products that contain phytoestrogens. These are special substances that are similar in their action to female sex hormones. Phytoestrogens are found in beans, soybeans, lentils, parsley, apples, etc.

Full sexual activity is another preventive measure. Regular intimacy contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels. Daily sex not only prevents excessive dryness of the mucosa in this area, but is also considered a kind of prevention of many unpleasant diseases, from which the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity primarily suffer.


Every woman should clearly understand that this problem itself will never go away until its main cause is identified. According to experts, a decrease in estrogen levels negatively affects not only the intimate health of a lady. During menopause, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases significantly due to a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. Timely seeking advice from a qualified specialist and subsequent competent therapy significantly reduce the likelihood of the above ailments.


During menopause, a woman's body goes through huge hormonal changes. They may not have the best effect both on the general well-being of a woman, and on individual organs and systems. Vaginal dryness with menopause is a very common occurrence among women 45-50 years old. In order not to experience unpleasant symptoms, you need to know about the causes of dryness, methods of prevention and control of them.

The main causes of the problem

With dryness in intimate areas, natural lubrication ceases to stand out. The vagina loses its smoothness and elasticity. This is due to the gradual decrease in the functionality of the ovaries. They stop producing the hormone estrogen, and it is he who is responsible for many aspects of women's health.

When everything is in order with estrogen in the body, the condition of the mucous membrane of the intimate zone does not cause concern. If the volume of the hormone decreases, thinning occurs, as well as drying out of the vagina. Causes of mucosal disorders:

  • Violation of the blood flow in the internal genital organs. For this reason, the walls of the vagina do not receive sufficient nutrition, become thin and dry.
  • Stress and nervous disorders. In addition to the detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole, they also provoke dryness in the intimate area during menopause.
  • Smoking. The use of tobacco products depletes the blood of oxygen and it does not enter the reproductive system in the right amount.
  • Medicines. Women in the menopausal age group often take various medications. Their side effects may be the loss of moisture of the mucous membranes, including the vagina.
  • Wrong choice of hygiene products. Synthetic underwear, dyes and fragrances in hygiene products exacerbate the problem of dryness.
  • intimate life. Often, postmenopausal women lack emotions during intimacy. The lack of sensuality makes sex mechanical and reduces the level of lubrication.

Symptoms of dry intimate membranes

You can feel changes in the state of the internal genital organs by the following signs:

  • Burning and itching in the vagina. There are no accompanying discharges observed.
  • Difficulty in urination. Going to the toilet "on a small scale" is accompanied by painful sensations in the urethra.
  • Discomfort during sex. Lubrication during menopause is released less than usual, which can lead to microtrauma of the vagina and discomfort during intercourse.

Changes in the condition of the vagina in postmenopause do not occur immediately, but gradually. The changed hormonal background affects not only the genitourinary system, but also other organs of the body. Insomnia, sweating, dizziness, excessive fatigue during menopause are in addition to unpleasant symptoms in the vaginal area.

Methods for diagnosing the condition of the vaginal mucosa

Often a woman does not suspect what is the reason for the increased dryness of the genitals. In order to prevent a global deterioration in the state, you need to be extremely careful about your health. You should not miss a single alarming symptom, and at the first sign of anxiety, you should see a doctor.

For an accurate diagnosis, the gynecologist collects an anamnesis, finding out when the symptoms appeared and what caused them. To determine the relationship between vaginal dryness and menopause is often obtained already at the stage of interviewing the patient.

The next stage of diagnosis is an instrumental examination, namely:

  1. Looking at mirrors. Allows you to detect the presence of dryness, secretions, microcracks. You can also detect inflammatory processes and concomitant diseases. The vagina during menopause is especially susceptible to pathogens.
  2. Colposcopy. The procedure is carried out using a special device - a colposcope. It enlarges the image of the vaginal membrane several times. Such an examination allows you to identify nuances that are not visible during a normal examination.

For more information, you need to take tests. They can be either general or specific.

List of tests to determine the condition of the vagina during menopause

Analyzes give a more complete picture of the state of the female genital organs.

How to treat?

The selected treatment should not only solve the problem of dryness, but also eliminate the cause that caused the unpleasant symptoms. Therapy can be both medical and folk.

It is recommended to treat dryness in the intimate area during menopause by such means: hormonal and non-hormonal therapy, taking vitamins and physical activity, treatment with folk remedies.

Hormonal drugs

These include vaginal suppositories. The most popular hormonal drugs that eliminate dryness:

Almost all suppositories from dryness in the vagina contain the substance estriol. It improves estrogen production, thereby promoting vaginal hydration.

In gynecology, non-hormonal suppositories are widely used. They are prescribed in case of intolerance to a certain type of hormones by a woman. These remedies include Feminela and Vagikal.

Homeopathic remedies will be a good alternative to hormonal medicines. These include the drugs Cyclodinone (Klimadinon) and Cicatridine. The hyaluronic acid included in their composition will accelerate the regeneration of mucosal tissues.

Gels and ointments against dryness

Another effective remedy is the gel for dryness during menopause. You need to use the gels before going to bed, placing the applicator, lubricated with the product, into the vagina. The following drugs are considered popular:

  • Dermestril;
  • Divigel;
  • Klimara.

An intimate cream and ointment, as well as moisturizing oils with various vitamins, have the same effect. Placed in the vagina, such funds flow down the walls, moisturizing them. In this list, the drug Gynocomfort has proven itself well. It contains tea tree and mallow oils. It also contains panthenol, chamomile and lactic acid.

Not the last role in matters of moisturizing intimate places is played by sexual life. Regular sex contributes to the development of lubrication and improves women's health. If the vagina for some reason is not moisturized, gel lubricant will come to the rescue. Particularly effective lubricants for menopause are Uslada and Montavit. They have not only moisturizing, but also antiseptic action.

Gel lubricant Montavit

Using moisturizers, do not forget about the normalization of the microflora of the vaginal mucosa. To maintain the pH level, preparations in the form of tablets (Ecofemin) and ointments (calendula) are suitable. The probiotic action of these preparations will improve the action of the main medicines. No less useful for vaginal dryness will be physiotherapy and taking vitamins. Vitamins A and E have a good healing and moisturizing effect. They are found in large quantities in Aevit and Akvital preparations. Physical activity should focus on improving blood flow to the pelvic muscles. The most effective exercise of this kind is lifting the pelvis from a prone position.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of dryness in the vagina

Traditional medicine recipes are very relevant in solving moisturizing issues.

It is necessary to take certain folk remedies strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Especially for women experiencing dryness and burning in the vagina, the following folk remedies are recommended:

  1. Daily washing with a decoction of chamomile and string. For a liter of boiled water, take 5 tablespoons of chamomile and 2 tablespoons of string. Infuse for about 10 minutes.
  2. The use of sea buckthorn. Produced in the form of oil, sea buckthorn will have a positive effect on the mucous membrane. A cotton swab is abundantly moistened with sea buckthorn oil and placed in the vagina for 20 minutes.

Herbal treatment is also acceptable. The following plants have proven themselves in particular:

Dryness Prevention Measures

Unpleasant symptoms in the form of dryness and burning can be avoided. It is enough to follow simple rules of prevention:

  • A special place should be occupied by intimate hygiene during menopause. Washing should be gentle. It is better not to use irritating intimate hygiene products, limit the use of soap.
  • The right choice of toilet paper. It should be soft, white, without dyes and fragrances.
  • Wearing quality underwear. It is worth giving preference to products made from natural fabrics. Linen should be changed regularly.
  • Refusal of aggressive detergents. Powders, rinses, conditioners should not be used. You need to wash clothes with a means with the simplest composition.

Life after menopause does not stop, as some women mistakenly believe. During this period, it is very important not to become depressed. Time must be devoted to the prevention of vaginal dryness and other symptoms of menopause. Optimal treatment and competent care is guaranteed to improve well-being. A positive attitude will help you easily endure the inconvenience of a menopausal state.

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