Statuses are bad for me without. Statuses about pain in the soul

The status “when it’s bad at heart” should have as few words as possible and at the same time - as much meaning as possible. But in the end, this phrase must be encouraging.

Today I really don't care

  1. I know that tears are shed only because I feel sorry for myself. But I can't stop crying because of this...
  2. If I go to be sad with a friend, it means that I have already “overdone” most of it.
  3. It's not even that no one comes to me while I feel bad. The thing is, I don't want to see anyone right now.
  4. I can’t exactly describe everything in this status, so it’s enough to say that everything is bad.

A bad mood is something that happens to everyone. The main thing is to choose the right status “when everything is bad in life”.

  1. When I feel really bad, I remember that I have a cat. And you can go pet him ...
  2. Have you ever felt so bad that it hurt just to tell someone about what happened?
  3. In fact, people just want to be happy. And they just don't care about the state of everyone else!
  4. The main thing is not that life is getting worse and worse. The main thing is to understand how much you are involved in this.
  5. The whole trouble is that even if you are lonely to the point of grief, you are still surrounded by people. Indifferent people...

It's all about unhappy love

Statuses “when it’s hard at heart” will help you get rid of the burden that lies like a stone on your heart. The main thing is to be able to suffer in time.

  1. I would be the sweetest, the best girl, if not for her, who got in our way.
  2. Before, I did not understand how you can smoke at all. And now I know that this is how you can calm down ...
  3. You didn't understand my silence when we were together. Now I understand that this was a sad bell.
  4. Now there are many who do not understand what real depression is. People, this is a state that eats you from the inside ...
  5. Yes, today I was left alone in an empty apartment. But still, I have a chance to become better while you are walking with another.

Do not hide behind a mask of indifference. In order to console the pain, you just need to set the status "when it's hard on the soul."

  1. It seems to me that all these failures are thrown at me by life itself.
  2. I chose to end our relationship before it became completely unbearable. And it poisons my life...
  3. Give me just a couple of hours to myself. In the meantime, I just can't smile at this fake world.
  4. Snow melted outside the window. That's how my hopes faded. Then the grass dried up outside that window. So our feelings with you dried up.
  5. Nothing is endless. It's sad to think about it when you're happy...

And again I see that the message was not read

The status “how hard it is at heart” will come in handy if the mood has deteriorated for some unknown reason. Throw out all the negative energy as soon as possible!

  1. Loneliness has no smell, no taste, no sound. But there are memories...
  2. Don't underestimate silent people. You certainly won't know what they really have in mind...
  3. In public, as always, I will put on a smile mask. And if you're lucky, I'll even laugh.
  4. No, nothing happened. Just in the depths of someone's soul another dream has died.
  5. Today with me - only a player and a cigarette. But I am glad even for such fellow travelers.

Sometimes gloomy thoughts settle in the soul of even the brightest person. Therefore, each of us can set the statuses “when you feel bad and sad.”

  1. Well, man was not created to be alone. Whatever you say...
  2. I am not one of those lucky people who can freely express their thoughts. I've had them swarming inside me for years...
  3. Some of our dreams of love, friendship and well-being are still destined to break against the walls of reality.
  4. For the happiness of many of us, not so much is needed: only the confidence that somewhere they are waiting for us.
  5. I dream better. And even though it's miserable. But this way I am already much closer to what I really want ...

There is a truth that no one will ever know

A status about how bad the soul is is unlikely to inspire hope for the best. But he will give the opportunity to live ...

  1. Every day I want to get more and more tired just to drown out this pain inside.
  2. Yes, I'm poisoning my life. I'm burning my lungs. I drink my liver.
  3. I could be loved. I could be yours. If not for her...
  4. I just wanted you to take my hand. And I didn't care if you gave me an iPhone or not.
  5. It's good that mankind invented the Internet. Probably especially for losers like me...

It doesn’t matter what has been done and what hasn’t been done in life. Each of us has moments when we want to set the statuses “when it’s very bad at heart”.

  1. We don't get along very well, we don't have much in common. But if anything, I will jump into the most terrible abyss for you.
  2. I want to return to that moment of happiness, and say to myself: hey, this will not last long.
  3. For everyone else, I'm cute and even pretty. But not for you. And it's eating me up inside.
  4. It is much better to be happy and sleepy than vice versa.
  5. I am afraid of losing loved ones. I'm afraid to leave too soon. I'm afraid, afraid, afraid...too much.

If you suddenly feel bad at heart or lose heart, be sure to look for relief in the statuses. So you will be able to get rid of sad thoughts much faster.

Despondency is the suicide of the soul, because if a person is in the grip of despondency, he is completely incapable of seeing the light and striving for it.

A merry heart is good as medicine, but a despondent spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs of Solomon, OLD TESTAMENT, CHAPTER 17).

Suffering is nature's method of pointing out an erroneous attitude or behavior. A person will not change his personality pattern when all is said and done until his own suffering compels him to do so. Rollo May

Please don't be sad!

Remember that behind the clouds there is always the sun)))

Sin alone is mortal - despondency, because despair is born from it, and despair is, in fact, not a sin, but spiritual death itself. ... Beware of only one thing - despondency.

Suffering is a certain general, all-encompassing aspect of imperfection, inner brokenness and defectiveness of being.

The fastest horse that will bring you to perfection is suffering. Meister Eckhart

"Do not say - I can not. This word is not Christian. The Christian word: I can do everything. But not by myself, but in the Lord strengthening us." Saint Theophan the Recluse

It will become completely bad - call. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if each other.

Some idiot is now cutting his veins, trying to die, and at this time somewhere a child is dying, who so wanted to live ...

Sorry dear, but I'm tired. Forgive me, but I will go. I've been looking for the key for a long time, but it's not to that to the heart.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

There is no point in happiness if there is no one to share it with ...

I've heard a lot in life - promises, vows, but the best thing I've heard is silence. It has no lies.

There are moments when the best lighting for your further path is a flaming bridge behind you!

No one knows what is really in the soul of a person who always smiles at everyone ...

When people do not agree on the main thing, they disagree over trifles.

Some people have something to remember, while others only have something they want to forget.

Resentment will go away, trust will not return.

We are often dissatisfied with life, and often we do what we take revenge only on those who are hurt ... For those who do not care ...

People who hurt us don't want to hurt us, they want to hurt themselves!

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Some time will pass! And you will go to my page ... Perhaps, it is not at all accidental ... Look at my photo, where I smile sweetly and gently. And it will hurt you when you realize that I will never be closer than on the monitor ...

They got it with their own: "everything will be fine." It will, I know ... But I feel bad now ...

Sometimes we say the most frankly as a joke, so that no one understands that this is true ...

What a pity that the memory can not be killed. She alone ruins our lives. How painful it is to remember everything and live ... With a ridiculous phrase: "Time heals"

It's hard when a person is in your thoughts more often than next to you.

Bitter tears quietly fell on the pillow ... I'm not your love, but just a toy ...

We hide tears behind dark glasses, a bad mood behind smiles, a broken heart behind a beautiful appearance. And people think that everything is always fine with us ...

In our world, in order to be loved, you need to have beautiful breasts, ass, face, and the soul is just ... a public toilet.

I know that ships sometimes sink in the sea. They, like me, swam into someone's heart, but could not get out of there.

Not to miss. Not to wait. Do not believe. Not to love. Does not work.

It's so painful, embarrassing. It's so hard if you love and you see that everything is fine for him.

You will open your whole soul to him, and he will "clearly ..."

And it doesn’t seem to be sad ... And it doesn’t even hurt ... It’s just empty in my soul ... And tears involuntarily ...

When it's bad because of one person, sick of the whole world ......

Sometimes the happiest moments become the saddest memories.

Time heals almost everything. Just give it time.

Just don’t cry, just don’t break loose ... You need to smile, just smile ...

Friends say in my ear: “Everything will be fine, don’t just lose heart!” I nod to them dryly: “Everything will be fine” ... And I fall, fall, lose heart ...

I'm slowly but surely blowing my mind… My heart and soul shrank to the point of pain. I think I can hear him breathing...hundreds of kilometers away from me...

I smile to hide the pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!

It hurts to be disappointed in people close to you... To be disappointed in yourself is even more painful...

A quiet cry of the heart, unbearable pain in the soul ...

It just hurts a lot and I don't have the strength to say "I've had enough".

Don't be sorry for hurting me with love.

I miss those times when it was believed that the most terrible pain is poured brilliant green on a downed knee.

There are so many drugs in the world, and yet they haven’t come up with anything that relieves this terrible pain in the soul.

If a person brings a lot of pain, it doesn’t matter how much joy he brings ...

Depression is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign that you've been trying to be strong for too long.

It's not the loss that matters. Pain is what matters. If it doesn't hurt, the loss doesn't matter.

And it doesn't seem to be sad... And it doesn't even hurt... But it's wildly empty... And tears involuntarily.

In appearance, everything seems to be cool: a smile from ear to ear, solid positive ... blah blah blah ... but inside it’s just a kapets, what a pain ...

Sometimes I just physically feel myself exhaling the pain...

The heart is so empty that the pain of the soul is reflected in the eyes ...

There will always be people who will hurt you. You have to keep trusting people, just be a little more careful.

You don’t understand what path I went to meet you, what pains I endured and everything went smoothly, and you took it and left ...

I was crushed by my own love ... As much as I loved, it hurt so much.

Sometimes it is so important to support a person, just like that, from the heart. So that he does not break from pain ..

It hurts to see the empty and indifferent eyes of people close to you ...

It hurts, my heart said, if you forget, time calmed down, but I will constantly return, whispered the memory.

Pain is never pleasant and instructive. because it sometimes kills even the strongest.

Pain ... Every morning pain in the soul from the mere thought that he is no longer around ...

Losing a loved one is always painful. Especially if he made a promise to be there.

Sometimes you just want to talk to someone like that, for real, for example, about what hurts, why you fall asleep closer to 5, or about the fact that the tea is cold.


Popular this month:

Pain in the soul. What could be more unpleasant and humiliating than this feeling. When you are torn apart from the inside, when you want to scream to the whole World around you about your problem, you want to cry, fall, and sob on your knees. Each of us experienced disappointment in life when people betrayed, when love left, or it was destroyed along with our own feelings, not giving the opportunity to go back and fix everything in a new way. When the closest people left us, who were the most dear, beloved and the only ones. It would seem that nothing can break the strongest person in spirit, but everyone has pain in the soul. It's just that someone knows how to keep it inside, while experiencing severe suffering, and someone pours everything out, on others, causing pain to their friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Take care of yourself and loved ones, take care of your heart and soul, and let the statuses about pain in the soul help you realize some aspects of this difficult condition.


Quotes and Aphorisms 28.10.2018

Autumn is always conducive to unhurried reasoning and conversations. And today, dear readers, I would like to talk to you about the eternal, that is, about the soul. No one has yet managed to reveal the secret of this subtle matter to the end. But there is so much truth in quotations and aphorisms about the soul that, re-reading them, one is more than once surprised at their accuracy and accuracy.

We rush about: work, life, business ...
Whoever wants to hear must still listen.
And on the run you will notice only the bodies ...
Stop to see the soul...

My soul is like an ocean...

It is not at all necessary to be a believer in order to recognize the very existence of the soul. After all, the main thing is not that she is immortal. Its essence is that this is the inner "I" of a person, his consciousness and subconscious, his entire inner world. This is what is meant in quotes about the human soul.

"The human soul develops until death."


“It is bad when a person lacks reason; but it is doubly bad when he lacks a soul.

Samuel Johnson

"The soul is an exhalation endowed with the faculty of sensation."

Heraclitus of Ephesus

"Every soul is a little secret society."

Marcel Juandeau

“If you have almost no soul left and you know about it, then you still have a soul.”

Charles Bukowski

"I am not a body endowed with a soul, I am a soul, a part of which is visible and is called a body."

Paulo Coelho

"A soul without imagination is like an observatory without a telescope."

Henry Ward Beecher

“Some say that the soul is air.”
"The soul remembers the past, sees the present, foresees the future."

Mark Tullius Cicero

"A person with an open soul has an open face."

Johann Schiller

“Each soul has many faces, many people are hidden in each person, and many of these people, forming one person, must be mercilessly thrown into the fire. You have to be ruthless to yourself. Only then can anything be achieved."

Konstantin Balmont

“... the links between the soul and the beauty of the earth will never break!”

Valery Bryusov

"Some living beings have a spirit, others only a soul."

Seneca Lucius Annaeus

“How quickly physical strength melts away when the soul weakens.”

Charlotte Bronte

"The soul is eternal, maybe she came to earth more than once."

Sergey Bezrukov

"The human soul is the greatest miracle in the world."

Dante Alighieri

“O man, you do not know the value of your own soul, because in His bounty Allah has given it to you without payment.”

“Without your words, the soul would have no ears; without your ears, the soul would not have a language.”

"The soul, unlike the mind, does not think or reason - it feels and knows, therefore it does not make mistakes."

Vadim Zeland

“Souls are strong and weak, sluggish and energetic, wild and cultured. Some may be engaged in public affairs, others need solitude. All people have different habits, and the body of each person corresponds to the habits and abilities of his soul.

Do you know how the soul hurts?

What is a soul? If it's not a human organ that can be seen, then why does it sometimes hurt so much? Maybe quotes about pain and sadness in the soul with meaning will open the veil of this mystery to us?

“An inexplicable thing is the soul. No one knows where she is, but everyone knows how much she hurts.

Anton Chekhov

“Do you know how souls cry in pain? No, they don’t even cry, but scream ... "

Natalia Davydova

“No flu, no smallpox, no sciatica…
I would give half my kingdom for healing!
When the soul hurts violently
Who will give a cure for mental pain?

Olga Drozhzhina

"- Where does it hurt?
Where no one can see, I thought ... "

Ray Bradbury

And, smiling, they broke my wings,
My wheezing was sometimes like a howl,
And I was dumb from pain and impotence
And only whispered: "Thank you for being alive."

Vladimir Vysotsky

"The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray."

Michael Jackson

"Another's pain is not the same as the pain of one's own soul."

Pierre Corneille

"Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not-, not-, not- ... but it hurts ... This is the soul."

Marina Tsvetaeva

“It's amazing how quickly you fence off the past when you have something to do with your hands and head. You can survive everything, even the most terrible pain. You just need something to distract you."

Chuck Palahniuk

"Unfulfilled hopes, even the most modest, always cause incredible mental pain."

Nicholas Sparks

“The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from deceitful faces, empty emotions, weak will…”

“Any physical pain is easier to bear than mental pain. There is no anesthesia or medication for mental pain. It just needs to be experienced."

“- I am covered in scars that hurt and ache ... - Something is not noticeable ... - My soul is covered with them ... "

“When the body hurts, it is pain. When the soul hurts - it's flour.

Eyes are clearer than words...

Our eyes are windows to the world. It is quite possible to learn the art of controlling your facial expressions and keeping it under control, but a look gives a lot. There are a great many wise quotes on this subject that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

“In my eyes, my soul, its mirror image. And with some distortion, the reality of the world is visible in them.

Evgeny Besedin

“The lamp of the body is the eye; Therefore, if your eye is clear, then your whole body will be bright; and if it is evil, then your body will be dark.”

From Holy Scripture

“Words can deceive, eyes cannot.”

Omar Khayyam

"The eyes of the interlocutor - the world of crooked reflections."

Angelica Miropoltseva

“If you want to listen to the soul, look carefully into the eyes.”

Andrew Freese

“The eyes are a big thing. Like a barometer. Everything is visible: who has a great dryness in his soul, who for no reason can poke the toe of his boot into the ribs, and who himself is afraid of everyone.

Michael Bulgakov

“When you want to know a person, look into their eyes, they are the mirror of the soul.”

“When the eyes say one thing, and I say another, an experienced person believes the first more.”

Ralph Emerson

“That's the way a man is. He can restrain facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes ... That's what it is impossible to hide. They reflect everything that happens inside.

Olga Anina

“The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, but its mirrored windows: through them she sees the street, but the street sees the soul.”

Vasily Klyuchevsky

"A kind soul has the most beautiful eyes."

Taguhi Semirdjyan

The flight of the soul is eternal and high...

The soul is something ephemeral, it cannot be seen or felt. So why is it so important in human relationships? Perhaps because it is she who is the generator of all our feelings and emotions ... About this - in quotes about the soul of a person with meaning.

“What is called the soul, the heart, does not have a clear outline, but is a much more tangible symbol of human relationships.”

“The question “Can a soul exist without a body?” contains a whole absurd argument that preceded it and based on the fact that the soul and the body are two different things. What would you say to a person who asked you: “Can a black cat leave the room and black stay?” You would take him for a madman - and both questions are exactly the same.

Alexander Herzen

"Man ... is the union of soul and body, the separation of which produces death."

@Nicholas of Cusa

“The mind is the eye of the soul, but not its strength; the strength of the soul is in the heart.

Vauvenargue Luc de Clapier

“As the body grows, the soul shrinks more and more. I myself feel it myself ... Ah, I was a great man when I was a little boy!

Carl Burne

“If the soul exists, it would be wrong to think that it is given to us already created. It is created on earth, throughout life. Life itself is nothing but these long and painful births. When the creation of the soul, which man owes to himself and to suffering, is completed, death comes.

Albert Camus

"The greedy soul is the beginning of all evil deeds."

John of Damascus

"I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another."

Thomas Jefferson

"Hell and heaven are in heaven," say the bigots.
I, looking into myself, was convinced of a lie:
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and heaven are the two halves of the soul."

Omar Khayyam

Beauty is temporary, soul is forever

"Do not drink water from the face" - says folk wisdom. However, in life we ​​often forget about it. Wise quotes and aphorisms about the soul and love, about the soul and appearance will once again remind us that the beauty of the soul is much more important than the beauty of the body.

“You can fall in love with beauty, but you can fall in love only with the soul!”

William Shakespeare

“You can love the soul without knowing the body… And then go crazy touching the body of the beloved soul…”

Paulo Coelho

“The only one who has the ability to love is the soul. The body does not seek love."

Avadhut Swami

“If someone’s soul reaches out, don’t resist. She is the only one who knows exactly what we need.”

Erich Maria Remarque

“To be beautiful does not mean to be born to them,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a man is beautiful in soul -
What appearance can compare with her?

Omar Khayyam

“Beauty is not about having a pretty face. It’s about having beautiful thoughts, a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul.”

Anton Chekhov

“Never judge a dog or a person at first sight. Because a simple mongrel can have the kindest soul, and a person of pleasant appearance can turn out to be a rare bastard.

Vladimir Vysotsky

“It would be much easier if people looked the same on the outside as their soul looks like.”

“Learn to distinguish between the important and the unimportant. Higher education is not an indicator of the mind. Beautiful words are not a sign of love. Beautiful appearance is not an indicator of a person's beauty. Learn to appreciate the soul, to believe in actions, to look at deeds.

“The human soul is like a room with a door. Some have a beautiful door, but the room is empty and cramped. Many have a shabby door, and the whole universe is in the room. Don't just look at what you can see, look at what's inside. See with your heart, not with your eyes!”

“Beauty only attracts attention, the soul wins the heart.”

Freedom or loneliness?

There is a popular belief that loneliness gives freedom. When a person owes nothing to anyone and is not bound by obligations to anyone, he is free to do whatever he pleases. But is it really so? In quotes about the loneliness of the soul and aphorisms about the freedom of the soul, that fine line is drawn that separates these states.

"Loneliness is the underside of freedom."

Sergey Lukyanenko

And in the evening no one waits
And you can do whatever you want.
And what is it called?
Freedom or loneliness?
"We make ourselves lonely."

Maurice Blanchot

"The most cruel loneliness is the loneliness of the heart."

Pierre Buast

"The pensive soul tends to be alone."

Omar Khayyam

“Loneliness is a wonderful thing. But you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a beautiful thing.”

Honore de Balzac

“You must not confuse loneliness with solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, mental concept, while solitude is physical. The first is dulling, the second is soothing.

Carlos Castaneda

“Freedom is not about not holding back, but about owning yourself.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

“Whoever feels the lack of free will is a mentally ill person, whoever denies it is stupid.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Freedom is the right to do what you want and prevent others from doing what they want.”

Henryk Sienkiewicz

"Most people don't really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility."

Sigmund Freud

“Freedom is, first of all, not privileges, but duties.”

Albert Camus

“Absolute freedom does not exist: there is only freedom of choice, but having made a choice, we become a hostage to our decision ...”

Paulo Coelho

“You can’t climb into a person’s soul, for the soul is the holy of holies, and you can enter there only if you are opened and invited inside.”

Metropolitan Hilarion

We think positively!

It has long been proven that the state of the soul directly affects our health. Negative emotions reduce immunity and nullify our vitality. About how important harmony with oneself is for a person, it is said with deep wisdom in quotes about the sun in the soul and about the peace of the soul.

“Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows. Happiness is a state of mind."

“He who has the sun in his soul will see the sun even on the gloomiest day.”


"Don't let the sun out of your soul -
It will disperse with warmth throughout life.
Let a drop of love into your heart
Let a drop spill into the ocean!”

“The more sun in the soul, the brighter life around.”

“Keep your spiritual light… Despite everything, no matter what… This is the light by which the same bright souls will find you.”

“If the sun shines in the soul, then it doesn’t matter at all what the weather is outside the window.”

“He who has achieved inner calm and peace finds peace and tranquility everywhere. One whose mind is agitated and restless finds that the whole world is full of restlessness. Because only what is felt inside is felt outside.”

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