Sleep how to determine. From diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Malfunctions of the digestive system

Snyt vulgaris- a perennial herbaceous plant of the umbrella family, was famous in Russia as one of the most common edible wild plants.

Features: stem - straight, tubular, 50 ... 100 cm high;

leaves - trifoliate, ovate, with a pointed apex and serrated edges, lowered from the back, the lower ones are long-petiolate, with more pronounced dissected plates, the upper ones are smaller, with shorter petioles extended into the vagina;

flowers - small, white, collected in multi-beam umbrellas,

blooms in June - July; fruits are oblong, slightly flattened laterally, dark brown in color.

The grass is growing in sparse, often deciduous forests, among shrubs, along edges, clearings, along ravines, fences, gardens, sometimes forming dense thickets.

Application and properties

The medicinal properties of goutweed are adopted by folk medicine in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.

Crushed fresh leaves reduce inflammation and anesthetize - they sprinkle on sore spots.

Infusions are prepared on the leaves, which are used for intestinal diseases, indigestion, diseases of the kidneys and bladder (3 ... 4 teaspoons of herbs are poured with two glasses of boiling water, kept for 2 hours and drunk 3 times a day for half an hour before meals).

Snotweed is a biologically valuable medicinal plant. It contains 65 ... 100 mg% of vitamin C, 16.6 mg% of iron, 20 mg% of copper, 2.13 mg% of manganese, 3.9 mg% of boron, 1.68 mg% of titanium.

Young stems and leaves are eaten fresh and processed. In the years of crop failure and the warrior, gout was a noticeable addition to the daily diet. From this plant you can cook a simple dish in field conditions.

In its raw form, gout can be eaten by peeling the young stems from the skin. To remove a specific smell, fresh leaves are scalded with boiling water or the crushed mass is poured with cold water, kept for half an hour, then squeezed and used as a substitute for cabbage in salads, soups, botvinia, and also as a side dish for second courses.

Snot can be harvested for the future, getting a variety of processed products. The collected grass is dried, ground into powder, which is used to prepare sauces and seasonings mixed with other wild and cultivated plant species. Powder can be seasoned with soup from food concentrate - the dish immediately acquires a pleasant vegetable taste and aroma. Vegetable caviar is prepared from petioles.

Harvesting and drying

Harvesting sleepyheads is not difficult. Dried in the usual way, the grass is stored in a tightly closed container. Fresh green mass is salted and pickled like cabbage.


We can say that there are no contraindications to the use of gout. These include only individual intolerance and allergic reactions.

Hello dear readers! Herbs with a rich mineral composition are of interest to each of us, so today it's time to discuss the medicinal properties of common goutweed. To get started, you should get to know this plant better, find out what it is and where it grows.

Snyt vulgaris

The grass called "snot" refers to perennial plants. Its stems grow quite high, and reach about 50-100 cm. The plant has large leaves and a creeping rhizome. During flowering, it is covered with white umbrella inflorescences. Mature fruits are brown achenes 3-4 mm in size. As a rule, flowering occurs from early May to June, and the fruits ripen by the end of summer.

The grass grows in sparse broad-leaved forests, as well as near gardens, shrubs, clearings and fences. It grows in well-lit places, although it is found in the forest shade, where it cannot bloom and bear fruit without sunlight. The plant is widespread in Europe and Central Asia. Due to its rich composition, gout is often used in treatment and traditional medicine. There are also different ways of cosmetic application and recipes for dishes with the addition of herbs.

Useful properties of medicinal herbs

The plant contains a large number of useful compounds, due to which it has become in demand in various industries. Even in ancient times, many began to use gout in cooking. Over time, the herb has become an indispensable component for traditional medicine preparations. It contains natural antibiotics, flavonoids, organic acids, amino acids, essential oils, vitamin A, ascorbic acid and salts of many elements: copper, iron, potassium, manganese and magnesium. Due to the presence of vitamin C in the composition, the plant is able to give vigor and improve immunity.

The presence of many pesticides creates the effect of an antifungal and anticancer agent. The medicinal herb is rich in coumarins, which lower cholesterol levels, strengthen capillaries and stimulate the nervous system. Since gout is high in protein, carbohydrates and vitamins, many people add it to salads and soups, which will become real sources of vitamins.

Goutweed preparations can have an effective antibacterial effect, so they are often used in the treatment of pressure sores, burns, wounds, and other lesions. In addition to external use, there are many ways to take the drug inside. This allows you to stabilize metabolism and hypovitaminosis, improve blood flow and kidney function, cure rheumatism, diseases of the urinary system and stomach.

An additional advantage of preparations based on this plant is the absence of contraindications. The herb contains a high concentration of active substances, so you can check for allergic reactions or individual intolerance on a small amount of the drug.

The leaves and stems of goutweed are rich in such substances:
Vitamin C;
Essential oil;
Polyacetylene compounds;
Trace elements of iron, copper, titanium, manganese and boron.

Harvesting goutweed

Fresh green grass is harvested for cooking and medicinal preparations at any time of the year. You can carefully cut off the growing plant near the roots, or collect only the upper young parts of the goutweed. To prepare the collected raw materials, you need to dry the grass and put it in a closed container. Some prefer to pickle or pickle fresh herbs like cabbage. Carefully consider the photo of common gout before harvesting, so as not to confuse it with other herbs.

The use of herbs and medicinal preparations based on goutweed

Today, the herb is widely used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant is most often used, which is recommended to be harvested during flowering. You can dry the herb without separating the flowers or leaves, because every element of this plant is rich in beneficial elements. In medicine, an infusion based on goutweed is used, which can cure many diseases. Many use the drug to treat rheumatism and inflammation. Also, the tincture is effective in diseases of the kidneys, stomach and bladder.

The recipe for a healing tincture is as follows:
Prepare 4 tablespoons of herb;
Warm up two glasses of water;
Fill the raw material with boiling water;
Infuse the drink for 2 hours;
Drink during the day in three doses.

In folk medicine, a tincture of goutweed is used. However, the use of such a useful herb is not limited to this. You can also prepare unique face or hair masks, which speaks to the importance of the plant for cosmetology. Since ancient times, gout has been added to a variety of dishes. If you peel the stems, you can eat them raw. It is worth asking which ones are available for self-cooking.

The use of useful properties of gout in cosmetology

As I wrote above, there are ways for external cosmetic use of goutweed. The herb is used to make homemade cosmetics: lotions, masks and baths. As an ingredient, you will need plant juice or fresh raw materials.

A rejuvenating mask based on goutweed will be a good panacea for many problems. To prepare a cosmetic product, squeeze the juice from the herb. Add one tablespoon of honey and grated cucumber to two tablespoons of juice. Mix the ingredients and apply them on cheesecloth. Cover with a second layer of gauze on top so that the mixture does not fall out. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, and after the procedure, rinse with warm water. This tool is suitable for owners of any type of skin.

For oily skin, you can prepare a mask according to a different recipe. Grind the leaves to get 2 tablespoons of healing mass. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal and milk in a coffee grinder to form a pulp. Mix all ingredients and apply on face. After 20 minutes, you can wash off the composition with water.

Dry skin can be restored with a mask according to another recipe. Use two tablespoons of crushed goutweed, a spoonful of olive oil and an egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients well and keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

Snyt will help rejuvenate the skin of the legs or arms, soften it and bring freshness. Pour a handful of herbs with a liter of boiling water, and leave for half an hour. Strain the decoction and make hand or foot baths. You can also use this decoction to rinse your hair, which will help get rid of dandruff and increase shine.

To provide a cosmetic effect and heal the skin, you can prepare baths with gout. Most often, they are taken from the roots of a plant or leaves for their preparation. Prepare a large amount of a stronger decoction and add to the bath. Such bathing relieves irritation and evens out skin color.

Common gout has a wide application in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Now you know its features and rules for the preparation. Using any recipe you like, you can experiment with the use of sleepweed.

Medicinal properties of goutweed https://website/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Medicinal-properties-common-weed.jpg April 14, 2016 Mr Admin earth power

Hello dear readers! Herbs with a rich mineral composition are of interest to each of us, so today it's time to discuss the medicinal properties of common goutweed. To get started, you should get to know this plant better, find out what it is and where it grows. Common goutweed Grass called gout refers to perennial plants. Its stems grow enough...

The most valuable medicinal plant with unique beneficial properties is goutweed. Today, they rarely remember her, although a generation ago, they were treated with her, because she grows everywhere on the edges, in the forest, in glades and even in summer cottages. That is, it is very simple to find grass to gout, if there is a desire.

The name of the plant comes from the Greek "aegos", literally means "goat", and also "podion" - "leg", the transverse side of the leaves resembles a goat's hoof. There are also other names for the herb goutweed: snitka, yaglitsa, snit, marsh kupyr, dedilnik. It is noteworthy that some animals, for example, pigs, do not tolerate the specific aroma of the plant, but for humans, the aroma is more than pleasant.

Grass used to be used to make natural dye for clothes. The paint received green, dark yellow or dark brown. From time immemorial, gout has been valued for its beneficial properties. The Poles widely used this herb. Brewed infusions from vegetable raw materials for the treatment of rheumatism or gout, with various arthritis and arthrosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lung infections. On the territory of Abkhazia, skin diseases, in particular atopic diathesis, were treated with a snot decoction. Since the Middle Ages, English monks have respected sleep. They grew grass in the pastures of the monastery. Diseases of the skeletal system, for example, osteochondrosis of the spine, were also treated with decoctions.

Even today, the British call this plant "bishops grass". Monks often suffered from gout due to their low activity, so they, like no one else, needed a healing infusion. In Russia, too, they loved and appreciated sleeping. It was added to various salads. Merchants, in order to prolong the freshness of their fruits, vegetables, meat, etc., covered the goods with grass. It increased the freshness, preservation, taste of the product. The whole secret of such beneficial properties of goutweed lies in organic pesticides, which have pronounced disinfecting effects. By the way, another herb for food preservation is nettle. Her leaves wrapped fresh fish for the royal table.

In Russia, as a rule, gout was used as a wound healing or hemostatic agent. But, the high iron content makes the plant indispensable for people with anemia. Sleep stimulates the work of the hematopoietic function of the body. Previously, the plant strengthened the protective functions of the body, as a means of normalizing metabolic processes, and is also a powerful diuretic, therefore it was used to eliminate stagnant fluid in the body.

Is the plant useful?

Dream Description:

Pharmacological name Aegopodium. It belongs to the herbaceous plant of the umbrella or celery family. It has an external resemblance to yarrow. But its peculiarity is in the lower leaves, which are twice divided into three parts, or, scientifically, tripinnate. The shape of the foliage is oblong - elongated with a sharply - jagged border around the perimeter. The flowers of the goutweed are collected in an umbrella brush, small and white. 5 stamens. On the territory of Russia, 5 species of plants grow. Broad-leaved gout is even listed in the Red Book. The most common is the common one.

Common goatweed - Aegopodium podagraria, is the most valuable honey plant. Sometimes the name of food is found - grass. She has a special power to cure gout. Grows throughout Europe. In Russia: from Karelia to Perm, the Caucasus, Eastern and Western Siberia, Baikal. According to its purpose, gout: medicinal, fodder, vitamin, melliferous plant, and for a garden or vegetable garden - a harmful weed with a creeping root.

Rhizome - creeping horizontally. Stem - up to 1 meter high, vertical, hollow inside, branching from above. The lower leaves are twice ternate, pointed. The common gooseberry blooms with small white flowers, the inflorescence is a complex umbrella.

It is useful to eat young leaves and petioles. They are added to salads, make herbal puree. The gout grass has a pleasant perfumed aroma, so it is used by lovers as a natural seasoning. Leaves or young shoots of goutweed can be pickled in vinegar. Sometimes weed leaves are used as an alternative to cabbage. Cut for borscht, cabbage soup, stew.

During the Great Patriotic War, gout was widely used for food. Even residents of large cities were organized in early spring to collect miracle plants. They ate fresh, enriched salads, soups, even made winter preparations. Pickled food - grass - was especially popular.

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov during his great Lent, which lasted 3 years, used exclusively green stalks of goutweed and drank spring water. And this suggests that it contains a lot of various nutritional components, as well as useful vitamins necessary for a person. The monk called this plant food, which literally means "delicious food."

Useful properties of gout grass: composition

Green shoots are rich in Vitamin C, carotene, vegetable protein, calcium, iron, cobalt, calcium, zinc, selenium. Powerful antiscorbutic plant. Along with Ivan - Tea is a melliferous flower, a highly productive source of nectar. Thanks to vitamin C, the plant is used for colds. The nutritional content of goutweed is provided due to the high content of vegetable proteins and carbohydrates, which are concentrated in the rhizome with stems. The stems are rich in phytoncides, essential oils, flavonoids. These substances create a characteristic aroma thinned by a herbaceous plant.

Snyt - medicinal plant for the treatment of a number of diseases. The herb contains a unique substance - choline, which ensures proper metabolism. In addition, organic acids were found - malic and citric, micro, as well as macroelements, querticin, kaempferol, essential oil. Querticin is a natural biologically active substance that belongs to the vitamin P group. Doctors attribute this substance, or rather preparations based on it, to people with allergies.

It also helps hearts with problems of the cardiovascular system. The substance significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks or strokes, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques with blood clots. Kaempferol, in turn, not only rejuvenates the body, it prolongs the life of the entire body, that is, the substance of longevity, and also fights ovarian cancer. Kaempferol prevents the nutrition of tumor formations with important substances, which leads to a cure.

The rhizome contains starch, resins, tannins, saponins, essential amino acids. Saponins behave very interestingly. They have the following useful properties: diuretic, sedative, tonic, expectorant. Saponins irritate the mucous membranes of a person, provoking secretion. Therefore, it helps to treat bronchitis or food poisoning.

Goutweed roots also have apegenin, mono and disaccharides, falcardiol, natural antibiotics, as well as boron, copper, magnesium, potassium, and iron in their composition. Apegenin is a plant flavonoid that recognizes cancer cells and prevents the growth of tumor compounds. And due to the high fiber content, it has a beneficial effect on the process of digestion of food, stimulates the excretory work of the intestines.

Useful properties of goutweed - a medicinal herb

How does it affect the body

  • The decoction cures rheumatism, gout. For an additional effect, fresh rumpled leaves are used, which are applied to the foci of diseases.
  • Goatweed is a source of important vitamins and minerals. Fresh gout juice - 1 tsp on an empty stomach increases the functioning of the immune system.
  • The plant prevents and also treats iron deficiency anemia with hypovitaminosis.
  • Decoctions are used for arthritis or arthrosis.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Removes inflammatory processes, improves the fermentation of gastric juice, restores the gallbladder, cleanses the liver, stimulates the secretion of bile.
  • The plant is for the mind. Improves the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. Increases performance. Thanks to the coumarin, which is part of the composition, there is an acceleration of the transmission of a nerve impulse.
  • The decoction normalizes blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  • Sleep is an excellent decongestant. The plant helps to excrete excess fluid, improves the functioning of the bladder, treats diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. Removes insoluble salts. Hypokalemia is prevented.
  • A compress or herbal lotion perfectly cares for the skin. It has a wound healing, antifungal, analgesic, disinfecting effect.

Recipe for a decoction and tincture of goutweed

From a medical point of view, the upper, green part of the herb is most commonly used. In diseases of the kidneys or bladder, a decoction is made from shoots of goutweed.

2 tbsp. l. finely chopped raw materials, 2 stacks are poured. boiling water. It is well infused under a closed lid for 40 - 60 minutes. Drink before meals for 15 - 20 minutes 3 times for half a glass.

In diseases of the joints - gout or rheumatism, fresh gout juice is used. They rub their joints. You can cook gruel from green shoots with leaves. The consistency is placed in gauze, and then applied to the desired location.

In diseases of the digestive tract, rhizomes are used. Prepare alcohol tincture.

Shredded rhizomes are placed in a 1 liter jar, filling 1/3. To the top, the roots of gout are filled with vodka. The jar is tightly closed. Send to a dark place to infuse for 10 - 14 days. Ready tincture is filtered. Use 20-30 caps half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is from two weeks to a month.

How to prepare raw materials for the winter?

The gout is dried in 2 stages.

Stage 1. The above-ground part of the gout is being prepared. Gathered during flowering from mid-June - early July. According to the rules of herbalists: shoots with green leaves of goutweed are collected before flowering, and during direct flowering - inflorescences. Dry first in the open air, and then dry in dark, ventilated rooms. Store dry gout in bags made of natural fabric so that the plant breathes. It is not recommended to use a plastic bag. A regular newspaper works well.

Stage 2: preparation of roots. The underground part of the gout is harvested after flowering. It is good if the collection time is late autumn, when the nutrients are completely transferred to the rhizome. But the collection time is also suitable - the end of August. The roots of goutweed are dug up, carefully shaken out of the ground as far as possible, broken, and then dried. Most sources recommend that the roots, and indeed the leaves, be washed under running water before drying.

Real herbalists do not advise doing this, because some of the beneficial properties are washed out, and even the plant materials are poorly stored after that, or rather, the herbs lose their healing power faster. You should not be afraid of a small piece of earth in a decoction, since the sediment can always be poured out, no one forces you to drink it. But to preserve the power of goutweed or other herbs, much more important.

grass gout- a herbaceous plant, a representative of the Umbelliferae family. Scientists consider Central Asia to be the birthplace of the plant; in our latitudes, grass is distributed almost everywhere. Snot grows on roadsides, suburban areas, vegetable gardens. The grass is a bare stem with sharp leaves and white small flowers (see photo). It is often mistaken for a weed.

The Latin name of the dream comes from the words "aegos", which translates as "goat" and "padion" - "leg". The fact is that in their shape the leaves of this plant resemble a trace from a goat's hoof. In the people, the gout is also called schnit, yaglitsa, dedelnik.

There is a legend that Seraphim of Sarov, one of the most revered Orthodox saints, ate during the fast for three years. According to other reports, sleepy saved entire villages from starvation after the Great Patriotic War. This plant could be found even in canteens: various salads, soups, meatballs were prepared from it. Visiting teams were even organized to collect and prepare gout for the winter.

In Russia, gout has long been considered one of the most valuable plants. Our ancestors collected gout in May, when the leaves and shoots of the plant are very tender. The grass was even called a plant-vegetable, which indicates that it was widely used for gastronomic purposes.

Snotweed is a well-known fodder plant, its value lies in the fact that grass contains a large amount of vegetable protein. In this regard, the plant is often used to feed horses, pigs, cows, rabbits.

Collection and storage

Collection of gouts is carried out during its flowering. For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant is used. Dry gout in the open air or in special dryers.

Roots should be harvested after flowering grass. They are dried in the shade or under a canopy. The shelf life of the aerial part of the plant is one year after harvest. Goutweed leaves should be stored in paper bags, and the roots should be stored in a wooden container.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of goutweed are due to its chemical composition. grass leaves contain choline- a substance that has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body. Choline, or vitamin B4, is essential for healthy liver function. It also lowers cholesterol levels and is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

Grass gout contains flavonoids- plant substances that, getting into the human body, increase enzyme activity. Flavonoids improve digestive processes, as well as increase visual acuity, which is important for people working at a computer. These substances effectively improve the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Scientists have proven that flavonoids have a positive effect on the state of the human body, have antioxidant activity.

The plant is rich in mineral salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese. It also contains phytoncides and vitamins A and C. Phytoncides, which are secreted by the plant, have a disinfecting effect. They effectively kill harmful microorganisms. In addition, the plant contains amino acids, malic and citric acid, essential oil.

The root of the herb contains substances that have antifungal activity, this allows you to use this part of the plant to increase the shelf life of vegetables or fruits.

In cosmetology, the plant is used to make homemade lotions, masks, and also as a hair rinse. For cooking rejuvenating mask you will need the juice of a fresh plant 2 tbsp. l., 1 tsp. bee honey, as well as 2 tbsp. l. cucumber husks. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with water at room temperature.

Snyt is great for cooking restorative bath. To do this, take 50 grams of rhizomes, grind them in a coffee grinder and pour into a container of boiling water. This bath is taken in the evenings. It effectively relieves fatigue and helps to relax after a hard day's work. These baths are also useful. in diseases of the joints such as gout and rheumatism.

Regular use of this herb improves immunity, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and protects against the development of certain diseases.

Snyt is also used for cooking anti-aging drink. The juice of the plant is diluted in half with water and drunk for a week, 1 tbsp. l. once a day, then the second week - 1 tbsp. l. morning and evening, and for the third and fourth weeks - 1 tbsp. l. three times per day. After taking this drink the whole body is rejuvenated, vivacity appears, the skin condition improves significantly.

Use in cooking

In cooking, gout is used to prepare soups and other hot dishes. The dried leaves of the plant are considered the original fragrant seasoning. For gastronomic purposes, the leaves and petioles of this herb are used. The leaves contain a large amount of easily digestible protein. They are fried, stewed, marinated. For the same purpose, gout petioles are used. Before adding the plant to the dish, its leaves are blanched for several minutes. The grass goes well with eggs, it can often be found in omelettes.

In order to cook spring salad according to our recipe, you will need 100 grams of goutweed leaves, green onions, dill, parsley, sour cream, boiled eggs. Wash the leaves of the plant thoroughly, chop and mix with finely chopped herbs. Add an egg to the salad and season with homemade sour cream. The dish is great for the spring menu, helps with beriberi.

The original dish prepared from this plant is considered dream soup. To do this, oatmeal is poured with boiling water, a little oil is added and boiled for an hour. The leaves of goutweed are thoroughly washed, cut and added to the pan with cereals. Before serving the dish on the table, it is seasoned with butter and finely chopped dill.

The next recipe is mushroom soup with gout. Mushrooms are washed, cleaned and cut into cubes. Then prepare the mushroom broth with the addition of potatoes. 5 minutes before readiness, goutweed leaves are added. The soup is seasoned with butter.

You can even cook from dream cutlets. The leaves of the plant are passed through a meat grinder along with white bread and boiled potatoes. Raw eggs, parsley and celery are placed in the resulting minced meat. Cutlets are formed from the resulting mass, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in butter. Cutlets are served with homemade sour cream.

The benefits of gout herb and treatment

The benefits of this plant have long been known to folk medicine. It is used in the form of infusions and decoctions. The fresh leaves of goutweed can be applied externally as wound healing agent. They have an analgesic property, they can be applied to wounds and burns, cracks.

Scientists have proven that this herb helps to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances the body's defenses. Decoctions of gout have a diuretic, analgesic property. When taken internally, the decoction is effective for edema, kidney disease, and constipation.

The juice of this plant is taken with anemia, as well as for the prevention of beriberi. It is also effective in diseases of the respiratory tract, bladder. It is also used as detoxifying agent. The plant removes excess water from the body and cleanses of harmful substances. Goutweed juice is taken for digestive problems, as well as for stomach ulcers.

For rheumatism, pyelonephritis, gastrointestinal problems take decoctions of gout grass. To prepare a decoction, you need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. Drink a decoction of 70 ml 3 times a day. Sleeping will be useful for men, it will help them fight impotence. The seeds of the plant are used to treat this disease.

Harm of grass gout and contraindications

The grass can bring harm to the body with individual intolerance. It is contraindicated to use decoctions of this plant for pregnant and lactating women.

Gout grass is widespread in all regions of the country. It catches the eye every day, but it often remains unidentified. We offer you to learn about what the herb looks like, in order to be able to use this amazing medicinal plant in cooking and traditional medicine. Many older people know about the benefits of sleeping, today there is an opportunity for readers of this material to gain this knowledge. The article describes in detail where gout grows and how it looks: thanks to the typical features presented, it will now be possible to recognize the plant without much difficulty. But it is worth remembering that it is not enough to know where the grass grows, you also need to understand in what phase of maturity this plant is going. Tips of this kind are also given on this page. Methods of use in food and as a medicinal plant are also given.

Snotweed leaves and their photos

This plant is familiar to everyone, but most simply do not know its name. By the way, in his dictionary, Dahl emphasizes that the plant is called “snit” (not sleep), and gives the following explanation: “As the German botanists who worked for us wrote down the Russian names of plants by ear, so we accepted them, distorted, into everything textbooks."

The Latin generic name of the dream (Aegopodium podagraria) came from the shape of the goose-foot leaves, similar to the print of a goose paw, and the specific name indicates the medicinal use of gouty gout.

Look at the leaves of the gout in the photo, where their typical features and distinguishing features are visible:

Description of the herb

Grass gout ordinary - Aegopodium podagraria L. - a perennial herbaceous plant from the umbrella family with a long creeping rhizome.

You can start the description of the herb with gout grass with the fact that its stem is bare, furrowed, hollow inside, slightly branched, the height of a flowering plant is 50-100 cm. sharp teeth. Pubescence on leaves only from below. Upper leaves on short petioles, smaller and less dissected.

The apical umbel is larger than the lateral ones, has 20–30 rays, without wraps and wraps at the base of the umbrellas. The flowers are small, white, with five almost heart-shaped petals. The fruits are oblong, 3–4 mm long. In forests and other heavily shady places, gout may not bloom for years, multiplying wildly by rhizomes alone.

The shoots of goutweed are connected by a common rhizome and may well be considered one plant, the minimum duration of its life is about 50 years. All this mass of plants blooms at the same time, the blooming gout seems to be a white cloud that has descended to the ground. She was very fond of drawing Shishkin. Two sketches, which depict the dream, are kept in the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery. Moreover, Tretyakov’s is called “Sed-grass”, reminding that gout is edible.

There is a magnificent pencil drawing by Shishkin, in which a blooming gout is adjacent to thistles. It belongs to the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. Repeatedly there is a dream and in the corners of other Shishkin's paintings.

There is also a decorative gout, it has elegant striped leaves - white spots on a green background. Like the usual one, it forms dense thickets resembling a rug, but only motley. For complete beauty, she is not allowed to bloom, cutting off all the inflorescences. Sometimes striped bushes come across in the thickets of ordinary goutweed, it was such a plant that once became the ancestor of a cultivated variety.

Snotweed does not have a natural dormant period, its autumn and winter dormancy is forced, under favorable conditions it can overwinter with green leaves, and in places with warm snowless winters it grows all year round. It blooms in late June - July, bears fruit in August, seeds germinate in May.

What does the common plant look like: description and photo

Not all plants of oak forests are able to grow in the form of a continuous cover and, moreover, over a large area. Many of them grow in single specimens and are never found in mass. The plant behaves quite differently: in an old oak forest, one can sometimes see vast dense thickets of this rather large herbaceous plant on the soil. The description of the gout plant can begin with the fact that its thickets are so dense that they completely cover the soil, leaving no free space at all. It is noteworthy that they consist only of the leaves of this plant. About how the plant looks like gout is described in more detail later in the article - this information will help to accurately identify this medicinal herb in the forest.

Snot is one of the forest plants, which is not limited in its distribution only by the forest. Often gout grows in open space, outside the forest, for example, in gardens, orchards, etc. This plant in some places even acts as a weed, and, moreover, annoying, difficult to eradicate. The aggressiveness and vitality of goutweed is largely due to the fact that it reproduces very vigorously vegetatively, with the help of long thin rhizomes. Such rhizomes are able to grow rapidly in different directions and give rise to numerous above-ground shoots and leaves. That is why goutweed almost always grows in dense thickets. It quickly captures any free area and holds it for a long time, and, if possible, also expands it. The proposed photo and description of the gout plant makes it possible to study in detail the culture and methods of its application:

So, we have an example of a plant that is very aggressive and capable of growing luxuriantly in a variety of conditions - both in the dense shade of the forest, and in a completely open place. Not many forest plants have this ability. And among them, probably, there are not at all those who, like the dream, would at the same time be malicious weeds.

The shape of the gout leaves is quite characteristic, they are easy to recognize: a leaf blade, strongly dissected into large segments, located in a horizontal plane, is attached to the end of a long petiole. If you look closely at the sheet, it is not difficult to notice a certain regularity in its structure. The leaf petiole branches at the top into three separate thinner petioles, and each of these, in turn, branches again at the end in exactly the same way. Individual leaf lobes are attached to these thin terminal ramifications—there are a total of nine. A leaf of such a structure is called botanically double-triple.

It should be noted, however, that the leaves of the goutweed do not always consist of nine individual leaves. Sometimes some of them, neighboring ones, grow together with each other into one whole. And then the total number of leaves decreases - they are no longer nine, but only eight or seven.

Although the gout is one of the typical forest plants and grows luxuriantly in the forest, it almost never blooms under the canopy of trees. The flowering of the plant can only be observed in an open area or in a rare forest, where there is a lot of light. Under these conditions, a tall rather powerful stem with several leaves appears in the goutweed, and characteristic inflorescences develop on its top - complex umbrellas. The inflorescences consist of many very small white flowers and are somewhat reminiscent of carrot inflorescences in appearance. This similarity is natural, since gout, like carrots, belongs to the umbrella family.

Look at the photo of the common goatweed plant, all botanical characteristics are illustrated and species are presented in different periods of vegetative development:


Snot is a plant of the temperate zone of Eurasia. Common goatweed is found throughout Europe, throughout the Caucasus, in Western and Eastern Siberia. In Siberia, along with it, the alpine gout is also found, smaller, which enters the Far East (except Kamchatka) and Central Asia. Both species are similar in chemical composition and are used in the same way.

It grows in forests of various types, especially broad-leaved ones, on forest edges, clearings, clearings, among bushes, along roads.

Usually, if this plant appears on the site, then summer residents do not experience joy. This weed is not loved because it quickly occupies the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden or garden, in addition, it is very resistant.

And yet let's take a closer look at this plant. The main quality of this plant is its early appearance; already in April, tender light green leaves appear from the soil.

The benefits of the plant gout

The benefit of the gout plant may lie in the fact that this herb is an early and good honey plant.

The grass has a fresh smell, rich in fiber, pectin and a whole complex of vitamins. That is, this is the earliest vitamin plant in our country. It is known that the Reverend Father Seraphim of Sarov ate mainly goutweed, this weed helps to cleanse the body of toxins and is very nutritious. Goatweed is one of the few herbs containing such a rich complex of substances necessary for the human body and at the same time practically harmless to it.

It is believed that the chemical composition of this weed approaches that of our blood, and therefore a person can eat it for a considerable time without compromising their own health. The medicinal raw material is the aerial part, that is, the grass, and the roots are also used. The grass is harvested during flowering, preferably in May - June, dried in the open air without direct sunlight, and then dried in dryers at a temperature of no more than 30 ° C. Store in a closed glass container for a year. The roots are harvested after the flowering of the plant, washed with cold running water and dried in the shade under a canopy.

Grass gout: properties and use in food

A variety is common goutweed (Aegopodium Podagraria "Variegata"). A cultivated form of a common weed plant common in the forests of Europe and Asia. The generic scientific name translates as "goat's foot" and was given by Karl Liney for the similarity of the paired lateral leaflets of a compound leaf with a goat's footprint.

In the people it is called snitki, snitya, dedilnik, lamb, schnit.

Perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high with a long creeping rhizome. Pistachio-green leaves with a white border (in young leaves the border is creamy) form a continuous decorative cover of variegated leaves at a height of 25–30 cm. The flowers are small, white, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Blooms in June-July. Seeds ripen in July-August.

It is better to use very young leaves and shoots for food, while they are still yellowish-green and, as it were, “transparent”. Under different conditions, they at this stage can be of different lengths. Goutweed, growing in shady places, longer produces greens suitable for food, its leaves are much larger and more tender. Before eating raw, goutweed leaves are blanched in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, as their harsh fiber can cause bloating. This can be avoided by adding other carminative herbs to the salad.

The use of gout grass is due to the fact that it has a pleasant smell, and in the old days, herb merchants shifted vegetables with gout to give them a peculiar aroma.

Use in food dreamweed: leaf petioles, as well as young leaves and succulent shoots can replace; they are fermented in barrels, harvested for future use. Its leaves, along with sorrel and cabbage, are used to make salads, cabbage soup, and sauces. For salads, young, not fully unfolded leaves with petioles are harvested before flowering. Remove the skin from the stems before cooking.

The properties of gout grass are due to the fact that essential oil was found in the aerial part - up to 0.04%, especially a lot in inflorescences - up to 0.14% (it contains limonene, β-phellandrene); steroids (β-sitosterol); nitrogen-containing compounds (choline), vitamin C - up to 100 mg per 100 g; flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol), trace elements (iron - up to 16.6 mg per 100 g, copper, manganese and others).

Growing and caring for the plant

For growing goutweed, the plant is placed in shady and semi-shady places. Grows well in any cultivated garden soil, especially fertile and moist.

Dream care is simple: clipping of peduncles, since they are not very beautiful, removing individuals with green, non-variegated leaves along with the roots. The most important thing is to prevent the aggressive capture of neighboring territories and the displacement of other plants. To do this, it is necessary to limit the growth of goutweed by annual digging up excess plants or grow in underground containers made of tin or polyethylene with a perforated bottom. In addition to protecting the surrounding plants, such measures also create conditions for the formation of more compact and dense clumps.

Very easily propagated by segments of rhizomes, which can be divided and planted to a depth of 3-5 cm almost any time from May to September.

The use of gout in folk medicine as a medicinal plant

Due to the large number of seeds, as well as the abundance of buds on the rhizomes (up to 6000 per plant), gout multiplies rapidly, it is very difficult to eradicate, therefore it is considered to be a malicious weed. And it’s a pity, because it’s not her fault, but our misfortune, that we have not learned to understand and use sleep for our own good.

Snyt is not used in scientific medicine, but among the people it is quite popular. In folk medicine, the use of goutweed is as follows: an infusion of the aerial part is used for diseases of the digestive tract, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, respiratory tract, arthritis, as a detoxifying agent. Gout as a medicinal plant is taken orally for various joint lesions, especially for gout and rheumatism.

Useful properties of the plant

The beneficial properties of the gout plant are due to the fact that the leaves have anti-inflammatory, emollient, diuretic, wound-healing effects; fresh leaves are analgesic. Crushed leaves are applied to erysipelas, exudative diathesis, to sore spots with gout, rheumatism. In homeopathy, the aerial part is used for rheumatism and gout. Young leaves collected before flowering are eaten for the treatment and prevention of hypo- and beriberi (scurvy).

Grass juice and fresh crushed leaves are used externally for rubbing in rheumatism, for analgesic compresses for gout, various inflammatory processes, as a wound healing agent, and also as an anesthetic for erysipelas and exudative diathesis.

The rhizomes of goutweed have an antifungal effect. Snyt removes excess salts from the body, which is why it is used for gout and salt deposition.

Preparation of raw materials.

Medicinal raw materials are the aerial part, less often - the roots. Grass is harvested during flowering. Dry in the open air, and then in a dryer at a temperature of 25-30 ° C. The roots of goutweed are dug up after the end of the flowering period of the plant, washed in cold water and dried in the shade or under a canopy.

Dried aerial parts are stored in a closed glass container, and the roots are stored in a wooden container. Shelf life of raw materials - 1 year.

See what the herb looks like in the video, which also shows how it is used in cooking and traditional medicine:

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