The child coughs in the morning. Cough in a child: causes and treatment. Physiological causes of cough

The causes of morning cough in a child can be very diverse. Optionally, this symptom will indicate the presence of any pathology in the baby. In some cases, morning cough may be a physiological condition that does not require treatment and is a variant of the norm. To determine the exact cause of the cough and exclude the child from having a disease of the respiratory system, you need to contact a qualified specialist and undergo the prescribed studies.

Main reasons

Cough in the morning can occur due to such physiological and pathological conditions:

Coughing attacks in the morning in a child

  • accumulation of mucus or saliva in the throat;
  • increased dryness of the air in the room where the child sleeps;
  • the ingress of milk into the respiratory tract with the wrong position of the infant during feeding;
  • infectious diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to irritation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and the reflex occurrence of coughing;
  • allergic reactions;
  • psychosomatic reasons.

In order to determine what is the cause that provokes this symptom, you need to pay attention to how the child feels outside the coughing fit. If during the day the child is active, cheerful, easily makes contact, then this speaks in favor of the physiological causes of morning coughing.

It is also necessary to constantly monitor body temperature and pay attention to whether the act of swallowing causes discomfort to the child. Fever, redness and sore throat are signs of a cold and indicate that the cough is most likely caused by an infectious agent.

If possible, it is required to replace the materials with which the child comes into contact during sleep with hypoallergenic ones and control the level of humidity in the room.


Physiological cough is a natural reflex reaction of the body to irritation of the mucous membranes by foreign bodies or liquid falling on it. It can be both dry and wet (with a discharge of a small amount of clear sputum). Such a cough is not prolonged and too strong. The child should be in good health throughout the day, as well as good sleep and the absence of other signs of infectious diseases (sore throat, snot, fever, skin rash).

Physiological causes that can lead to morning cough in children:

  • inhalation of particles of milk or formula while feeding the baby (occurs when improperly attached to the breast and feeding in the wrong position);
  • hypersalivation (increased salivation), which appears during the eruption of milk teeth and leads to the fact that a significant amount of saliva accumulates in the throat during the night, and after waking up the baby is forced to cough it up;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, which leads to perspiration and discomfort and makes the child want to cough (may occur if the normal microclimate is disturbed, especially in winter when heated by artificial heat sources);
  • coughing can be a psychosomatic manifestation of a lack of attention (the child will stop coughing as soon as the parents show interest in him).


To suspect that a child’s cough is caused by any disease, the presence of such concomitant symptoms will allow:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain, sore throat, discomfort when swallowing;
  • rash on the skin (exanthema) or mucous membranes (enanthema);
  • violation of sleep and behavior of the child;
  • complaints of heartburn, belching sour;
  • frequent allergic reactions in history.

Also, parents should be alarmed by a cough that has a protracted, paroxysmal character and leads to vomiting.

Do not forget that this symptom may be a residual phenomenon after previous diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

Morning cough in a child may appear in the presence of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) (if a child has a cold, then coughing can bother him not only in the morning, but also at any other time of the day);
  • pneumonia is a serious disease that requires immediate medical attention (characterized by a severe general condition, a sharp increase in temperature, sputum may be purulent);
  • whooping cough - an infectious disease characterized by the appearance of periodic bouts of barking cough, ending in reprisals (noisy wheezing);
  • allergy to materials with which the child is in contact during the night (may still be bothered by itching, rash and the appearance of asthma attacks);
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition characterized by the pathological reflux of acidic gastric contents into the overlying sections, while gastric juice can enter the pharynx and trachea and cause coughing fits.

How to get rid of morning cough

In order to prevent the appearance of a physiological morning cough in a healthy child, you do not need to use any medications and special procedures.

It is enough to follow these simple recommendations:

  • make sure that the child correctly grasps the nipple or nipple during feeding and does not swallow air;
  • after feeding, hold the baby in an upright position for a while;
  • control the humidity in the children's room, if necessary, use special humidifiers;
  • if the parents believe that the child is simply trying to attract attention by coughing, it is necessary to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist to solve this problem together with a professional.

Treatment of a cough caused by various pathologies can only be carried out by an experienced pediatrician, since untimely and incorrect therapy can lead to the progression of the disease and the development of formidable complications.

If the doctor has established a bacterial or viral etiology of the disease that caused the cough, then the appointment of antibacterial or antiviral drugs is required. Antibiotics should be selected with great care, as many of these drugs are contraindicated in children under a certain age.

In order to prevent the appearance of a cough caused by the ingestion of gastric contents on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. For this, drugs are prescribed that reduce the acidity of gastric juice and improve the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Babies who are no longer breastfed need to follow a special diet.

With an allergic etiology of cough, contact of the child with the allergen is excluded (special skin tests are carried out to determine what exactly the child has an allergic reaction to). The appointment of adequate desensitizing therapy should stop the child from coughing and asthma attacks.

Despite the fact that morning cough is quite often caused by physiological causes, a child who is bothered by this symptom should be examined by a pediatrician. This will eliminate serious diseases and begin the correct treatment of the baby.

Symptoms of most diseases are detected after a night's sleep. Therefore, a regular cough in the morning in a child can alert parents. With a pronounced course of the disease (flu, SARS, laryngitis or bronchitis), a similar phenomenon is the norm. But it happens that, apart from a morning attack, there are no more suspicious signs. The causes of coughing in such cases may be different.

Often the malaise disappears together with the eliminated external factors or after taking measures to stop the pathological process in the body.

Reflux esophagitis

Severe coughing spells with foul-smelling sputum in the early morning can occur in children of any age due to reflux esophagitis (reflux of a small amount of stomach contents into the esophagus). Frequent heartburn and belching are characteristic. Diagnosed by ultrasound. Treatment includes taking drugs such as Motilium, refusing food 2 hours before bedtime.

External factors

Dry cough in the morning may be the result of an allergic reaction to bedding material, dust, animal hair. Or because of too dry air, which causes the mucous surfaces of the nasopharynx and adenoids to produce an increased amount of discharge flowing down the throat during the night. Devices that clean and humidify the air at the same time, as well as frequent cleaning, will help.

obstructive lung disease

Regular unproductive morning cough is a companion of developing bronchial asthma, which worsens after sleeping in dusty rooms, in the presence of certain animals or plants. An accurate diagnosis can be established by a doctor with the help of instrumental diagnostics. Asthma attacks are successfully stopped by aerosol inhalers.

Physiological morning cough in an infant

It is common for a child up to a year to cough up periodically, especially after waking up. Thus, the baby clears the airways from accumulated mucus. It can accumulate due to crying, due to an increased level of mucus discharge from the oral cavity during teething, milk ingress during feeding. Such coughing is called physiological and is the norm.

infectious cough

Most often, a cough provocateur is an infection that has entered the body. The child coughs in the morning, as his body gets rid of traces of the vital activity of pathogens that have accumulated overnight.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

If a child suffers from coughing fits for a long time after waking up, while he has frequent runny noses, then microbes of the oropharynx, for example, Haemophilus influenzae, can serve as the cause. Such microorganisms provoke diseases such as chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the tonsils, tonsillitis. Microbes cause active production of mucus, which departs naturally during the day, and accumulates at night, flowing down the back of the throat. By morning, the child has a strong cough with sputum.

You can identify pathogens by passing a swab from the nose or throat at the next exacerbation of the disease. Treatment consists in the selection of an adequate antibiotic. For example, Bioparox spray is effective against Haemophilus influenzae.

Important: it is impossible to use thermal procedures to treat the common cold without consulting a doctor and establishing a diagnosis. This can cause the spread of infection and exacerbation.

residual phenomenon

A morning cough with sputum in a child can be a residual phenomenon after illnesses such as laryngitis, whooping cough or pneumonia. This is due to the fact that the increased irritability of the respiratory tract persists for a long time, the bronchi are cleared and restored.

For children in such cases, doctors recommend syrup from licorice root. This drug has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect. Inhalations with mineral water, saline or a 1-2% solution of baking soda will be useful.

Important: when treating with licorice root, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, since the drug contributes to the discharge of thick mucus.


One of the first signs of the disease may be a dry cough in the morning against the background of blurred symptoms of SARS. Moreover, in children with weak immunity in the initial stages of the development of pneumonia, a significant increase in temperature is not observed. Later, attacks occur constantly, worsening at night, sputum with impurities of pus leaves, fever appears. The exact diagnosis is established by a blood test, chest x-ray.

Important: Alarm signal - temperature increase is more than 38 degrees.

Pneumonia, recognized at an early stage, can be treated at home. Children are prescribed antibacterial agents in the form of a suspension, drugs that thin and remove sputum, as well as immunomodulators.

Chronical bronchitis

Periodic dry cough during remission of chronic forms of bronchitis can occur both in the morning and at night. This type of disease is diagnosed in children from 3 years of age after several annual relapses.

Symptoms can be relieved with Stoptussin, warm milk with a piece of butter, inhalation with alkaline mineral water. If an exacerbation begins, as evidenced by an increasing amount of sputum discharge, then antibiotic therapy is carried out depending on the type of pathogen. Mucolytic and expectorant drugs, vitamins of group B, C, nicotinic acid are prescribed.

Whooping cough

Vaccinated children also sometimes overtake whooping cough, although rarely. This form manifests itself with periodic bouts of dry, but not very strong cough during the day, but in the morning the child can literally choke. The reason may be a reaction to the vaccine, if the vaccine was stored in violation of the norms. The analysis for whooping cough in this case is positive only during the first week of illness. The nature of the disease is protracted - about 2 months.

It will alleviate the condition of Sinekod syrup, which suppresses the cough reflex. You need to walk a lot on the street, ventilate the bedroom more often, buy a humidifier. Inhalations with mint, eucalyptus, violet tea will help. In the morning, the attack will not be so strong if you put a container with steamed eucalyptus or mint leaves by the bed in the evening (medical wet steam is needed).


Basically, morning coughs in children, especially in small ones, are not a cause for great unrest. The following signs should be alert.

Cough - a response to irritation - a reflex attempt to clear the airways. However, sometimes babies have incomprehensible seizures after waking up. If this phenomenon recurs periodically, you should consult a doctor to identify the cause and eliminate the cough syndrome.

Consider some of the most common causes of children's cough in the morning, which will require the intervention of specialists.

Allergy reaction

A sleeping baby is irritated by many factors that can cause allergic cough. If it is possible to determine the irritant: the smell, the feather filler of the child's pillow, the flowering of the tree near the window, it is enough to simply eliminate it. Sometimes you have to use antihistamines. However, even after eliminating the problem, you should not neglect the advice of a specialist so as not to miss the development of allergies in your child.

Accumulated mucus in the nasopharynx

Sometimes, during a night's rest, mucus accumulates in the baby's nasopharynx. It can be produced in the nose or in the stomach, entering the throat area with a long horizontal position of the body. To find out the origin of the mucous mass, you should contact the pediatrician, who, after examining it, will refer you to either an ENT specialist or a gastroenterologist.

If a child develops bronchitis or pneumonia, in the morning he will also be disturbed by a wet productive cough. In this case, suspicions will be confirmed by high temperature, the presence of which should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Morning cough may be residual, after suffering an inflammatory lung disease. This symptom does not pose a threat to the health of the child.

Humidity below normal

In a situation where the baby's room is too dry, his coughing after a night's sleep will be a common response to an unfavorable environment. It is necessary to get a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity in the room. If the problem has existed for a long time, the child must be shown to the doctor for examination of the nasal mucosa.

Pathological and physiological prerequisites

Diseases that provoke morning cough

  • One of the most common causes of a morning wet cough is a cold. She forces the baby to cough all day, does not leave alone at night. If the child's condition has deteriorated sharply, the fever has risen, the throat has reddened against the background of general weakness and malaise, you should not look for another reason - a cold. It remains only to treat SARS and the problem will exhaust itself.
  • Children of any age can suffer from severe cough attacks in the morning due to reflux disease. This happens infrequently. The pathology of the process is manifested by throwing part of the gastric contents into the pharynx, passing through the esophagus. At the same time, babies also burp, and older children suffer from heartburn / belching and other uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen. In such cases, the help of a specialist in gastroenterology is required.
  • Attacks of dry cough in the morning disturb the child if he is prone to allergies. Anything can serve as a reason: dust, laundry detergent, which smells of linen, the material from which the bed accessories are made. In these cases, the baby is helped to cope with a cough with drugs against allergic irritation. If the allergen is identified, you need to urgently get rid of it, providing the baby with a restful sleep and comfortable awakening.
  • You should be extremely careful about the morning cough of a child, since this symptom may indicate the development of bronchial asthma. As a rule, the pathology is expressed by a short, but rather painful coughing attack in the early morning hours. It may also indicate obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • If the baby wakes up and coughs heavily with a wet, productive and deep cough, you should quickly call a doctor. Such symptoms are a clear sign of the development of a serious inflammatory process in the respiratory system.
  • Whooping cough. Another serious pathological cause of a strong sharp cough attack with a characteristic sound. A sick child will cough constantly, but most of all in the morning. It is necessary to show the baby to the doctor and undergo medical treatment.

Physiological nuances

In addition to the diseases that a child’s morning cough may indicate, there are a number of physiological factors when the baby, upon waking up, coughs, but is absolutely healthy.

  • Prolonged sound sleep often forces the child to lie still, allowing excess mucus to accumulate in the throat area. And coughing in the morning is just a cleansing reaction of the child's body. However, at the next scheduled examination of the child by a pediatrician, you need to inform the doctor about such a phenomenon. Since the accumulation of mucus can be excessive and have several localization sites (nose, stomach), which will require consultation of specialized specialists.
  • Coughing after sleep, in the absence of a disease, the baby begins during feeding, when milk enters the respiratory tract. Therefore, you should correctly position the baby when applied to the breast. The baby's head should be slightly raised. After the baby is satiated, it must be held vertically for a minute, facilitating the release of swallowed air.
  • Cough and runny nose are accompanied by teething in crumbs. This is due to the excessive production of saliva, which is natural for this process. Problematic symptoms are eliminated by themselves, as soon as the baby's teeth appear.

Treating a cough in a child

It is necessary to treat a cough in a child in accordance with the prescription of a doctor who, by coughing, can determine the cause of its occurrence.


Cough medicines can be divided into several groups. One assists with the excretion of sputum during a productive cough, the other suppresses the cough reflex during a dry (unproductive).

  • Mucolytics. Effectively liquefy sputum with a severe wet cough, provide effective assistance to the body in the fight against an infectious lesion of a cold. The most common drugs include syrups and tablets Ambroxol, Lazolvan.
  • Means for expectoration. Contribute to the rapid removal of liquefied sputum and purification of the respiratory tract. They help to turn dry unproductive cough syndrome into a wet cough with the possibility of sputum discharge. Preparations based on licorice root, Mukaltin perfectly cope with a similar task.
  • Antitussive drugs. Suppresses unproductive dry cough, and dilates the bronchi. Available in the form of tablets and syrups. Some drugs contain ephedrine / caffeine, which are forbidden for children under two years of age. However, the pharmaceutical industry produces enough funds, the composition of which does not interfere with the treatment of children at any age. Among them are syrups: Bronholitin, Gerbion, Suprima-broncho and many others. You can take medications in childhood only as directed and under the supervision of a treating specialist.

Folk recipes

There are many traditional medicines. As a rule, they do not cause harm and can be used in conjunction with drug therapy. However, you should not test their effectiveness on a child until a doctor's approval for use is obtained.

Several options for home treatment of cough in children:

  • Carrot juice + honey. Squeeze the juice from the crushed root crop and add a little honey. Give a tablespoon of the composition to the baby four times a day. The rich vitamin composition will significantly strengthen the child's immune system.
  • dry. For a warming procedure, salt is poured into a linen bag and calcined in a dry frying pan. Then it should be slightly cooled and applied to the chest / back area directly on the clothes.


As a preventive measure to prevent coughing in a child after a night's sleep, it is recommended:

  • daily carry out wet cleaning and airing the children's room;
  • organize the baby's bed away from heating appliances and drafts. It is better to choose an area illuminated by sunlight;
  • when using heaters in the cold season, it is necessary to compensate for their activity, which leads to increased dryness in the room using humidifiers;
  • do not allow items with a pungent odor and other allergenic irritants to be kept in the apartment.

Baby is 1 year 6 months old. We went to rest in the Crimea. The next day after arriving home cough- coughed several times a day for a couple of days, then (to this day) coughs only in the morning, immediately after waking up. And EVERYTHING! No more coughing during the day! Cough wet, the air in the room is cool at night. Unfortunately, I can’t control the temperature in the room during the day - I work, and my grandmother is sitting with the baby, she assures that she opens the window. We walk every day, on weekends we go to the country house in the suburbs, we go to the pool 2 times a week. Eats everything before the trip, plus breasts in the evening and at night. The situation with the cough has been going on for three weeks, the fourth has gone. At first they did a warming compress (a couple of times), then they gave a chest elixir. Nothing changed. What would you advise in our situation?

Answered by Komarovsky E.O.

Cough only in the morning and not disturbed during the day + normal temperature - with the highest possible probability of an allergic reaction to something in the house where he sleeps. There are many options - the neighbors varnished the door, something bloomed under the window, changed the powder, bought new furniture, toys, soap, clothes, etc. The essence of treatment is to look for the cause, possibly with the help of an allergist. Because the cough wet (wet) and does not particularly interfere with the child, there is definitely no reason to use expectorants, and even more so cough medicines.

Children of any age suffer from a cough of a different nature. Sometimes his attacks are so strong that the parents start to panic. Soon the condition of the baby will normalize by itself. But many adults immediately run to the pharmacy, buy medicines at their discretion and treat the baby for no one knows what. This should not be done. Initially, you need to find out why the child coughs in the morning after sleep, find out the real reason. Often there is no need for treatment because the syndrome is not dangerous.

Cough in a child at night and after sleep has various causes. Each species has its own specific manifestations. If a child coughs heavily after sleep, serious health problems should be ruled out and a possible illness should be identified. It is difficult to do without medical help in such cases. But there are times when the symptom is not terrible and there is no reason to panic. To figure out in what situation you should sound the alarm and worry, you need to be able to distinguish between types of cough.

Physiological cough

Sometimes a cough in a child in the morning immediately after sleep has a purely physiological explanation, which, in fact, means that everything is in order with the baby. The problem appears as a result of the following reasons:

Pathological cough

Sometimes coughing after sleep has other causes. It is a sign of illness. The species can be distinguished. The manifestation, which is characteristic of the disease, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • A serious reason to be wary is the presence of fever, runny nose, poor health of the child. In many cases, these are the first signs of influenza or acute respiratory infections.
  • Sometimes the baby begins to cough in the morning with the release of unpleasant-smelling mucus. This is how reflux esophagitis manifests itself.
  • Dry cough after sleep in a child with whistling and barking sounds is a reason to suspect whooping cough.
  • With high temperature readings and pain in the side, pneumonia should be ruled out immediately.
  • Cough that comes on with a small amount of sputum may be due to bronchitis or asthma. Whistling and wheezing are heard in the chest.
  • Pleurisy or abscess is manifested by a wet morning cough with a large amount of greenish or brown mucus.
  • A slight cough after waking up in a baby may indicate a helminthic invasion.

Morning cough in a child: features of the syndrome

If the baby's sleep is accompanied by awakening with a short cough that does not bother you throughout the day, you should not worry too much. This is considered normal. So the body is freed from the mucus accumulated during a night's sleep. Sometimes the symptom recurs and does not threaten anything. It disappears as imperceptibly as it appears, so it does not require treatment.

It's important to know! If a prolonged cough does not go away during the day and there are times when the child begins to cough periodically, it is necessary to monitor the baby and identify possible other signs of colds or infectious diseases.

It is worth paying attention to such features of the syndrome:

  • cough frequency;
  • dry or wet;
  • duration;
  • Body temperature;
  • what is its timbre;
  • sore throat, rhinitis.

If there are suspicious symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital for diagnostic measures. You can not attempt to treat the baby on your own. This can seriously aggravate the situation.

Possible diseases

There are many diseases, the first symptom of which is coughing. Each pathology is characterized by one or another type of syndrome. It is worth highlighting the following conditions:

  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • tracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia, etc.

Cough with phlegm

In another way, it is also called productive. The phenomenon is characterized by the secretion of mucus. This process of self-purification of the body most often occurs with bronchitis or pneumonia. It happens that in this way the baby is freed from mucus that has fallen into his larynx from his nose. The child coughs sometimes before going to bed, and also after sleep.

The appearance of a wet cough may be associated with SARS, acute respiratory infections, allergic rhinitis. Each of these diseases needs proper and complex treatment.

There are certain signs that should greatly alert adults:

  1. Abrupt onset of an attack and a long duration.
  2. The appearance of shortness of breath.
  3. Temperature indicators for three days are not lower than 38 ⁰.
  4. Complaints of the child on pain in the chest.
  5. Complete refusal of the baby from food.
  6. Violent wheezing during coughing.
  7. Sputum is green and foul-smelling.
  8. An admixture of blood in the sputum.
  9. Paroxysmal cough.
  10. Rhinitis.

Most often, a wet cough is due to posterior rhinitis. Mucus builds up overnight. After the baby wakes up and changes position, a natural reflex is triggered in order to cough it up. Also, the symptom can accompany various diseases.

If the child coughs before and after sleep, a medical examination is required. A productive cough that does not disappear on its own is a serious reason to go to the hospital. Coughing, which is a consequence of a cold, should alert, if it does not go away three weeks after the illness.

Attention! Sometimes a wet cough is a symptom of tuberculosis. Parents should not forget about this.

Dry cough

Dry cough is also a frequent unpleasant phenomenon that worries children in the morning. It can be a sign of many colds of the throat and respiratory system. They are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • barking cough;
  • pain in the chest or side;
  • wheezing;
  • labored breathing;
  • temperature rise;
  • pain and stiffness in the joints.

Other causes of cough in the morning

Cough is the body's response to irritation. In this way, the airways are cleared. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Not all situations require intervention and treatment. In order to eliminate the cough syndrome, it is necessary to find out the true prerequisite for its occurrence.

Physiological factors in newborns

The baby coughs in the morning due to many reasons. In most cases, it does not need to be treated. An infant may cough after waking up due to such physiological factors:

  • Milk does not completely pass through the digestive channels, and the rest of it enters the baby's respiratory system, which causes a morning cough. You can get rid of seizures if you learn how to properly apply the baby to the chest. Its head should be slightly higher than the body. Feeding should always be accompanied by lifting the baby to an upright position. This position helps food pass as intended and get rid of the baby swallowed air.
  • In connection with teething, active salivation begins, cough and runny nose appear. All these symptoms disappear on their own immediately after the appearance of incisors in a child.

Foreign object in the airways

A foreign body in the airways is a direct threat to the life of a child. Therefore, it should be immediately shown to the doctor. Sometimes the baby, due to his early age, is not able to explain what happened to him. Every parent should be aware of the symptoms of a foreign object in the respiratory tract:

Such problems most often occur if the child is unattended. From this the conclusion suggests itself: you can not leave the baby to himself.

Advice! If there is a need to leave the baby for a short time during the day, care should be taken that there are no toys consisting of small elements in the playpen or crib.

allergic cough

Sometimes a cough can be a sign of an allergy. Dr. Komarovsky advises parents to look closely at children, with an allergic reaction, the following symptoms are noted:

  • There is no fever, as is the case with a cough of infectious origin.
  • The child behaves as usual, does not act up and does not suffer from a lack of appetite.
  • There may be a runny nose, accompanied by colorless discharge.
  • There is a sudden attack of cough without sputum.

Allergies can occur as a result of exposure to food, household irritants. The phenomenon is also observed due to contact with plant pollen or animal hair.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of a cough of various types:

  1. Hereditary predisposition to allergies.
  2. Polluted environment.
  3. Frequent infectious diseases.
  4. Second hand smoke.
  5. The use of a large number of nutritional supplements.
  6. Treatment with certain drugs, vaccination.

It is important to initially identify the allergen, and then treat it.

Taking action

There are many recommendations by which it is possible to alleviate the condition of the child when he begins to cough. Sometimes this task can be managed without medication. First of all, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air. With nasal congestion, it is necessary to restore nasal breathing. Another equally important link in the fight against cough is drinking plenty of water throughout the entire time of illness. If there are symptoms of an infectious or viral nature, dried fruit compote, tea with lemon, rosehip, blackcurrant will be useful.

Medical treatment

Cough medications should be prescribed strictly by a doctor. Some collect sputum, others remove it from the body. If you confuse something and give the wrong drug in your own ignorance, you can cause a serious complication in the baby. As for an allergic cough, sometimes it is enough to simply exclude the pathogen. When you need to give medicine, you need to follow the advice of the doctor. It is important to adhere to the exact dosages. Syrups are prescribed from medicines for young children. Most often, Ambroxol, Geromirtop, Termopsol, Mukaltin are used for these purposes.

It's important to know! An effective method is the use of inhalation. But before the procedure, you need to consult a doctor. There are diseases in which such methods of treatment are contraindicated.

If adenoids are the cause of a cough in a child, an otolaryngologist should be consulted. Previously, this problem was solved only by operational means. Currently resorting to the help of medicines.

home methods

There are many folk recipes for treating cough in children. Each of them is good in its own way. The task of parents is to choose the appropriate and most effective remedy for their child.

Black radish with honey

This folk medicine is prepared on the basis of radish. The core is cut out of it. In the resulting container put 1-2 tsp. honey. The vegetable is left for 4-5 hours. This time is enough for the radish juice to stand out and mix with honey. Children are given this medicine 3-4 times a day for 1 tsp. The course of treatment lasts 7-14 days.

Milk with pine cones

For an hour or two, a well-washed cone must be simmered in 1 liter. milk. Honey is added to the finished broth. The remedy is taken every 2 hours for 6 tbsp. l.

cabbage leaf and honey

This compress is easy to prepare. The baby's chest is smeared with honey and covered with a cabbage leaf. So the baby should lie down for at least 3 hours. Many parents were convinced of the effectiveness of this method. If you make this compress in the evening in the morning, the child may not cough even once.

Prevention from Dr. Komarovsky

Komarovsky's statements are sometimes categorical, but in all cases the doctor speaks the truth. In order to alleviate the well-being of the child, the doctor recommends taking the following measures:

  • Dress your baby warmer.
  • Open a window and make the air in the room cool.
  • Make sure the child has nasal breathing. To do this, rinse his nose with saline.
  • Give plenty of fluids.

Komarovsky is a supporter of steam inhalations and procedures with a nebulizer. With their help, sputum begins to stand out more actively. It should be remembered that up to 12 months, steam inhalation is contraindicated. Children after one year can resort to this type of treatment only with the permission of the family doctor. When a baby has a problem on the background of rhinitis, it should be cured, the cough will go away on its own.

If there is no reason to suspect that a cough after sleep in a child is a sign of illness, an irritating factor should be looked for. It is necessary to reconsider the children's room and remember if a new toy has recently appeared that could become an allergen. Or maybe mom changed the powder for washing children's clothes.

In any doubtful situation, the help of a doctor is indispensable. Self-medication is dangerous and aggravates the condition of the child.

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