Difficult treatment of the spine in dogs: what can be detected in the diagnosis and how to save the dog from torment. Symptoms of discopathy in dogs and methods of treatment

Discopathy is a pathological change in the structure of the tissues of the intervertebral disc. At the same time, it loses its elastic properties and cannot perform shock-absorbing functions.

Discopathy of the spine in dogs is the cause of limited movement. The animal experiences pain when walking and may refuse to move at all. In some cases, paresis of the limbs occurs without loss of sensitivity. A feature of the disease is an irreversible destructive character. Treatment of discopathy in dogs will be successful if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. Diagnosis of the pathological condition is often difficult because clinical symptoms appear much later than the onset of disc destruction.

Discopathy of the spine occurs in different breeds of dogs. The highest risk is present in small animals with an elongated body and short legs. The leaders in confirming the diagnosis are Pekingese and Dachshunds. They account for more than 60% of all established facts of the disease. The reason is that the spine and discs in these animals are subjected to great stress due to body disproportion. Violation of metabolic processes in cartilage tissues and mineral imbalance destroy intervertebral discs. In the future, there is pressure on the spinal cord and a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses. The resulting edema makes it difficult for the normal blood supply to the tissues, after which the neurons die.

This pattern of discopathy in dogs is typical for all breeds. Separately, species called chondrodystrophic (dachshunds, spaniels, Pekingese, basset hounds) are singled out. According to a UK study, 85% of dogs in this category developed intervertebral disc problems between 3 and 8 years of age. The boundary of five and six years is recognized as a risky boundary.

How does discopathy develop in dogs?

Normally, intervertebral discs are located between all vertebrae. Their job is to dampen vibrations and promote flexibility. With discopathy, the disc is displaced or destroyed, this also includes hernia and rupture. The back muscles are not able to compensate for the load in chondrodystrophic breeds. Giant dogs do not always clearly show a picture of severe discopathy of the spine. This is due to the fact that their disk is much denser and larger, so it is able to maintain integrity for a long time. The back muscles of a large animal partially compensate for disc dysfunction. With the long-term development of pathological destruction, the fibrous ring goes towards the spinal canal and disrupts the functioning of the spinal cord. As a rule, this happens abruptly and the animal, which was active yesterday, has difficulty walking and cannot go up or down the stairs.

Depending on the degree of the pathological process, the owner will observe a different picture. With significant damage without loss of the main functions of the spinal cord, the animal experiences severe pain and hardly leans on the limbs. In some cases, loss of motor function and the onset of complete paralysis are possible. The picture can change quickly or over several days. Left untreated, canine discopathy can lead to severe neurological status and impaired musculoskeletal function.

The areas of manifestation of the disease are divided into cervical and thoracolumbar localization. Cervical discopathy is characterized by unwillingness to turn the head, tremor in the neck and shoulder muscles. It accounts for no more than 15% of all established cases. As a rule, the discs between the third and fourth vertebrae are affected. Thoracolumbar discopathy is established at the junction of the last thoracic and first lumbar vertebrae.

Symptoms of discopathy

This common disease manifests itself with a wide range of symptoms. Usually the initial stage goes unnoticed by the owner. The pathology of the intervertebral disc can go on for several years and at the same time practically does not give itself away. During this time, under the influence of the vertebrae, the disc is reborn in some areas into a dense tissue. Already at this stage, you can notice changes in the movements of the dog:
  • the animal does not play so actively and can sometimes experience pain during exercise;
  • the dog hardly raises (drags) its paws;
  • the animal walks unsteadily;
  • the arched back position is observed not only during pull-ups;
  • without external damage, the animal cannot lift one of its four limbs off the ground.
In this case, you should immediately see a neurologist and establish the cause and location of the pathological process.

It is not uncommon for owners to attribute the symptoms of discopathy to the age of the animal or poor health after recent strenuous exercise. This, as well as the uncontrolled use of painkillers, can blur the picture and postpone the visit to the veterinarian for some time, during which the disease will worsen and the symptoms become more pronounced.

At the next stage, uncoordinated movement of the hind limbs is observed. The function of urination and defecation may be impaired. As a rule, such a picture is characteristic of the almost complete destruction of the intervertebral disc. Its damage is irreversible, so timely access to a doctor and correct diagnosis help to slow down the rate of development of the pathological process.


During a visual examination, the doctor should conduct clinical and neurological tests. To do this, the specialist evaluates the remaining skills of walking, jumping, climbing and descending stairs. If they are present, then the doctor evaluates the speed of reflex activity. In the process, the animal is forced to transfer the body weight to one of the hind limbs, and then to the other, pulls back the paw when pain occurs from external influences. These manipulations make it possible to diagnose discopathy in dogs by symptoms and exclude diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, or reproductive function in females. They are similar in nature to the destruction of the intervertebral disc.

Decreased sensation in the extremities is typical for the symptoms of discopathy in dogs. With a complete loss of functionality and conductivity, the time from the moment of their onset is estimated. After 12 hours of immobility, it is almost impossible to restore the conductivity of neurons, and, consequently, bowel movements. In this case, when diagnosing discopathy in dogs, a decision is made on the appropriateness of treatment and the question of euthanasia of the animal is raised. In case of refusal, maintenance therapy is selected for the rest of life.

As an instrumental diagnosis of discopathy of the spine of dogs, owners are available x-ray and MRI. The picture allows you to see changes in the distance between the vertebrae, to exclude injuries of the spine or diseases of the vertebrae themselves. A significant drawback of the method is the inability to see the state of the disk and the extent of its damage. The advantage of the diagnostic method is its ubiquitous availability and low cost.

The second most important method of instrumental research is myelography. A contrast agent is injected into the spinal cord of the dog under anesthesia. When considering its distribution, disk damage is evaluated.

The most modern method is Magnetic resonance imaging. It is available only in large cities due to the high cost of the device. The animal undergoes an MRI under sedation. Diagnosis of discopathy is indicated in any condition, if there is no contraindication to the introduction of muscle relaxants. MRI shows an accurate and complete picture of the disease in dogs. Cross-sectional images are taken with a small step, which allows the neurologist to evaluate the picture as a whole.

Operations for discopathy

After receiving the data of the instrumental study, a decision is made on the methods of treatment. In the advanced stage of discopathy in dogs, surgery is suggested. As a rule, the disease is typical for animals of the second half of life, the risks of using anesthesia in which are themselves higher.

Neurosurgical intervention and work on the spinal cord is a very delicate manipulation that not all veterinary surgeons are able to do. Most often, surgical treatment can only be performed in specialized clinics in large cities. This, combined with the high cost of surgery, is often the deciding factor in choosing conservative home treatment for canine discopathy. If for a long time it did not give results, and the owners are not ready for the euthanasia of the animal on moral and ethical grounds, then it makes sense to decide on an operation.

The surgeon will remove part of the vertebral arch to provide direct access to the spinal cord. The deformed intervertebral disc is removed and, if necessary, the dura mater of the brain is opened. This helps to reduce pressure on the spinal cord and improve metabolic processes and conductivity. There is a risk of formation of adhesions from the hard shell. To do this, during the operation, a hemostatic sponge is used, which closes the site of removal of the destroyed disc.

After the operation, physiotherapeutic and medical rehabilitation of the animal will be required. Moderate exercise, proper massage and physiotherapy allow the dog to return to their normal lifestyle with some restrictions.

A successful operation in animals that have retained deep sensitivity and functionality of the limbs has a 90% chance of complete recovery if treatment is started immediately after the discovery of signs of the disease. Relapses after removal of a ruptured disc are extremely rare and occur most frequently in dachshunds. In this case, a similar damage is established in another zone.

Treatment without surgery

Weak soreness and slight stiffness of movements, observed at the initial stage of the disease, allow for drug treatment. The complex of medicines used relieves the symptoms of discopathy and reduces inflammation. There are no drugs to completely eliminate the degeneration of the intervertebral disc. Chondroprotectors and supplements for long-term use help slow the rate of disease development, which is often an opportunity not to resort to surgical treatment.

Usually the veterinarian will recommend complete rest. The animal can be taken out for walks and at the same time not allowed to actively move. Home treatments for discopathy in dogs include corticosteroid hormones, an injectable form of B vitamins, and drugs that reduce inflammation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, "Rimadil", give a quick effect, but have serious risks of developing a stomach ulcer and quickly perforating it.

In the recovery period, physiotherapy is prescribed. With regard to painkillers, the opinions of specialists often differ. An animal that does not experience pain after the action of medications is able to carry out unwanted motor activity. At a time when the dog, which has not been anesthetized, will refuse to move and voluntarily remain calm.

The use of chondroprotectors with established discopathy of the intervertebral disc in dogs is mandatory and is carried out for a long period. Of the preparations, Canina can be recommended. It contains bioactive collagen molecules that are essential for maintaining cartilage structure. Use in recommended doses significantly slows down the degeneration of the intervertebral disc. The drug is compatible with any drug therapy and is recommended for both puppies and adult dogs.

Reducing the inflammatory process provides the drug Canina. In the case of established discopathy, the agent maintains the balance of substances in the bone tissue and improves the elasticity of the ligaments, which take on the functions lost by the disc. B vitamins help to improve the transmission of nerve impulses in the peripheral nervous system.

Canina, composed of mussels, has a positive effect on ligaments and discs. It contains chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid. Drugs for maintaining the intervertebral disc are given in long courses from 3, 4 months to lifelong use.


Prevention of the spread of discopathy among pedigreed dogs is carried out through culling and preventing diseased individuals from breeding. Due to the fact that mating begins in animals that have reached the age of 1.5-2 years, the disease is established later than the appearance of the first litters. Considering heredity, it can be recommended not to start breeding puppies from parents who have symptoms of discopathy.

Getting rid of excess weight and fighting a sedentary lifestyle is the second most important prevention of the disease. Increased body weight creates a significant load on the structure of the vertebrae, forcing it to bend. A timely visit to the doctor at the stage when the manifestations of the disease are still mild, allows in 90% of cases to stop its development.

Almost every person has experienced back pain, so they can imagine what kind of discomfort this problem brings and how strong pain sensations arise.

Even though our beloved dogs walk on all fours, they too can suffer from spinal problems. Since the spine plays an important role in the dog's body, its defeat entails a lot of serious consequences. One of the most complex diseases of the spine is discopathy in dogs.

General information about the disease

Most often, discopathy in dogs is called a hernia of the spine, but this approach to the problem is not entirely correct, since this term hides a number of defects in the spinal column and intervertebral discs.

Do you know how the intervertebral disc is arranged? It consists of a fibrous ring, inside which is a gel-like substance - the core. The task of the disk is to perform shock-absorbing functions between the vertebrae so that they do not touch each other when moving.

In case of metabolic disorders, the nutrition of the intervertebral discs is also disturbed, as a result of which the internal contents of the disc harden, calcium salts are deposited in it and it becomes brittle. Under the pressure of the vertebrae, the disc is flattened.

In the future, the situation may develop in different ways:

  • protrusion may occur - bulging of the disc into the intervertebral canal while maintaining the integrity of its shell;
  • disc extrusion may occur, in which it ruptures and the internal contents of the disc enter the brain canal.

In both cases, there is pressure on the spinal cord, swelling and inflammation appear.

With discopathy in dogs, the processes of changing the structure of the intervertebral discs are mainly fixed, and the protrusion or extrusion that appears later can lead to the occurrence of a hernia and its infringement. Herniated intervertebral space is less common than discopathy in dogs.

Types of discopathy

Depending on the location of the lesion of the spinal discs in a dog, there are:

  • cervical discopathy (or cervical);
  • spinal discopathy (or lumbar-thoracic).

From the names it is clear that in the first case, the problem with the intervertebral discs exists in the neck area, in the second - in the area of ​​​​the sternum or lower back of the dog.

Discopathy also has a second name - Hansen's disease. Based on the mechanism of development of this process, there is another classification of the disease:

  1. The first type of Hansen's disease is characterized by degeneration of the fibrous membrane of the disc and increasing mineralization of its core, resulting in extrusion of the disc. The pressure on the spinal cord increases, swelling and inflammation of the nerve occurs. This type is also found in young dogs and can develop quite quickly, as it has been recorded in animals under the age of 3 years.
  2. The second type affects dogs aged 7 years and older. In this case, all processes proceed more slowly, and as a result of degenerative processes, disc protrusion occurs, due to which the nerve is compressed and the dog experiences pain. In this case, one or two vertebrae are affected.

Signs indicating discopathy

The symptoms of discopathy in dogs are quite eloquent and when they appear, you should immediately contact your veterinarian to detect the disease as early as possible. The disease at the earliest stages does not manifest itself in any way, the dog can be sick for several years and be active and cheerful at the same time.

As degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs increase, its pressure on the spinal cord increases. Then discopathy in a dog has the following symptoms:

  1. When the cervical region is affected, the dog tries to move its head less, stiffness of movements is observed.
  2. With a disease of the lumbar-thoracic intervertebral discs, the dog experiences back pain, almost does not sit down and does not allow himself to be stroked.
  3. The back may be unnaturally arched with a hump.
  4. The animal moves on bent legs.
  5. The dog begins to squeal and whine when trying to change the position of the body.
  6. The dog tries to limit itself in movements.
  7. The dog is limping on one or more paws.
  8. The animal has a tense, stiff gait.
  9. There are convulsions and trembling of the limbs, and in some cases the tail.
  10. The dog may have uncoordinated movements.
  11. There may be tension in the abdomen and soreness of the abdominal muscles.
  12. There is an increased sensitivity to touch and an inadequate reaction to them.
  13. In severe cases, if paralysis of the legs may occur.

Immediately, symptoms rarely appear and quickly pass or occur only with increased exertion. For example, if the dog jumped up after the ball and then fell to the ground with a squeal, then you can suspect that he has a spinal disease.

If your pet occasionally exhibits the above signs, then contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, since the success of treatment depends on the stage of the disease at which it is started.

Diagnosis of the disease

For the correct diagnosis, the veterinarian conducts a number of studies:

  1. Analysis of biochemical parameters of blood.
  2. General analysis.
  3. Neurological tests:
    • with a calm step, the doctor assesses the position of the head, back, limbs of the animal, the tone of its muscles;
    • the ability to run, jump, climb and descend from a hill is assessed;
    • reflexes are checked;
    • the pain threshold is examined by pinching the skin between the phalanges of the fingers, while the dog should withdraw its paw and bite, if it only whines, this means that the sensitivity is reduced.
  4. An x-ray of the spine will show the location of the lesion and its extent. With the introduction of a contrast agent under the meninges, the X-ray result will be as reliable as possible.
  5. An MRI or CT scan is the most accurate diagnostic method, but it is not available in all clinics and is quite expensive.

In addition to tests and instrumental studies, the veterinarian will ask the owner in detail about the symptoms that the dog has, and by combining all the results obtained, he will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

How to treat discopathy?

Treatment for discopathy will depend on the stage of the disease, the age of the dog, and its general health.

If the disease is in the initial phase, its symptoms are not very pronounced, then therapeutic treatment is applied. The main goal, which is pursued in this case, is to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

In drug therapy, the following drugs are usually used:

  1. Steroid medications such as dexamethasone to reduce inflammation.
  2. Medications for pain relief relieve the condition of the dog. Gabapentin is used to relieve neuropathic pain.
  3. Muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle spasm.
  4. Sedatives.
  5. B vitamins improve metabolism at the cellular level.

This treatment regimen is used when the process has not yet gone too far. Therapy does not eliminate the problem completely, but only helps to relieve the acute manifestations of the disease. After that, it will be possible to carry out physiotherapy procedures, which also give a good result.

If the intervertebral disc is compressed very strongly or it has ruptured and part of the nucleus has entered the spinal cord, then only surgery can help the dog. In this case, you need to hurry, because in the spinal cord, which is without blood supply for a long time, irreversible changes occur, leading to paralysis of the dog's paws.

During surgery, veterinarians try to correct the situation with:

  • removal from the spinal cord of the part of the intervertebral nucleus that has fallen into it;
  • elimination of pressure on the spinal space;
  • removal of the affected part of the intervertebral disc.

After the operation, the dog is shown complete rest and taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs for at least 1.5 months. To ensure immobility in the area of ​​​​operation, you can put on a special corset on the animal.

If the dog is very weak and cannot move on its own, then the owner will have to help it - turn it from side to side so that there are no bedsores, massage the abdomen for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A prerequisite is a complete and varied diet with a reduced fat content.

Once your pet is feeling better, they can be taken outside for a short while, remembering to wear a brace to avoid re-displacement of the discs at the surgical site.

Life prognosis for dogs with discopathy

The prognosis of life in dogs with this diagnosis is very good. Veterinarians assure that about 70% of sick animals “put on their paws” without surgery if the therapeutic treatment started in time. The main thing is to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and take medications according to the scheme. If the animal is overweight, then it is necessary to get rid of it, as this leads to a relapse of the disease.

In the event of a deterioration in the movement of the limbs or their paralysis, literally hours count, so a quick visit to the doctor and timely surgery give your pet a chance to recover.

As a prevention of relapse, it is useful to do physiotherapy, massage and make the pet swim, as this forms a good muscular frame in the animal.

A healthy spine is a vigorous, active and cheerful dog!

Discopathy in dogs- more typical for individuals in which the spine is located vertically, however, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not uncommon in animals. This article provides an opportunity to find out the causes and symptoms, as well as what are the diagnosis and treatment of discopathy.

What is discopathy in dogs?

This pathological condition is characterized by degenerative changes and violation of the integrity of the intervertebral discs.

Causes of Discopathy in Dogs

The spine is made up of vertebrae, which are connected by joints and discs that provide cushioning. The intervertebral discs are formed by the nucleous nucleus and the annulus fibrosus.

Causes of discopathy:

1. Lack of tissue nutrition.

2. Insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues of the discs.

3. Excessive load on the spine.

4. Age-related degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc.

The pathogenesis of discopathy in dogs seems to be a change in the density and possible rupture of the annulus fibrosus, due to which the nucleous nucleus is displaced inward with the formation of spinal cord edema and leads to further paralysis of some organs, or outward of the spinal canal, leading to infringement of the nerves located there.

The manifestation of symptoms of discopathy in dogs depends on the location of the damaged intervertebral disc.

Symptoms of discopathy in dogs

1. Pain syndrome, manifested in the difficulty of the dog's movements.

2. Neurological disorders in the form of paraparesis with preservation of mobility - the appearance of uncertainty in movement.

3. The manifestation of paresis with complete mobility impairment - the animal cannot not only move independently, but also stand.

4. Subsequent deterioration of the pathological state of the spinal cord with irreversibly developing processes - a complete lack of response to stimuli.

Diagnosis and treatment of discopathy in dogs

The dog undergoes a comprehensive diagnosis using instrumental methods, clinical and neurological studies.

Clinical and neurological examination makes it possible to establish the depth of the pathology and the degree of the disorder. Instrumental methods provide detailed survey data.

These include:

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);

X-ray examination;

Myelographic examination.

Of all the instrumental methods, MRI is the most reliable and preferred.

Treatment of discopathy in dogs

Treatment of discopathy in dogs of 1-2 degrees is carried out with the use of drugs (painkillers, anti-inflammatory) or by surgical intervention. Animals also need rest. If discopathy in a dog has reached stage 3-6, then an urgent laminectomy is needed with further recovery of the body.

Buddy : Discopathy in dogs or disc herniation, unfortunately, is a fairly common disease in bulldogs. With this article, which was posted by our participant Nadezhda, Buddy, we open the topic in the "All about bulldog health" section. We hope that our participants will help in the selection of materials for the treatment and prevention of this disease Administration Unfortunately, the author of the article is not known to me, since the article was filmed on a copier from simple sheets without reference to the author ... maybe two years ago, but the material is very interesting. The statistics of diseases with discopathy among the French in the CIS is very high, unfortunately, especially in the republics, where there are few manufacturers from abroad. The cause of the pathology may be hidden in the anatomy of animals: the spine, artificially stretched during selection, inevitably undergoes much stronger loads. However, the distance between the vertebrae is much greater than in dogs with a proportional body. The predisposition to the disease is also transmitted genetically. Interestingly, disc prolapse can occur both during increased physical activity, and simply for no apparent reason - for example, when the dog is lying quietly or even sleeping. The onset of the disease, when it is possible to prevent or at least noticeably reduce its tragic consequences, in most cases goes unnoticed by an inexperienced dog owner. The first wake-up call is that the dog is worried, hiding, squeals when it is touched in the back area, unnaturally passive and not interested in others. In this case, her motor activity should be immediately sharply limited and only after that an anesthetic injection (or an indomethacin suppository) should be given. This is followed by the inevitable visit to the doctor - the sooner the better. However, most often the disease is detected already at later stages of development, against the background of complete or partial paralysis of the hind limbs. But even in this case, the disease can be diagnosed, erroneously - as sciatica. As a result, at least the first 2-3 weeks (that is, the most precious time of the acute phase, when the treatment is most effective) are hopelessly lost. Moreover, therapy that is completely contraindicated for this case is often offered - for example, instead of the maximum immobilization of the animal (in a cage, a playpen, a small aviary - to prevent the worst - spinal cord injury), an intensive massage was proposed, which, of course, ultimately only exacerbated the situation. When the terrible truth is finally revealed, the dog is offered to be euthanized. And the owners can go for it - against the backdrop of the pain experienced by the dog - "so that the animal does not suffer." But treatment is possible, and the outcome is likely to be more than favorable! A knowledgeable dog owner can and should anticipate the likelihood of this disease occurring - it's best to play it safe and always assume the worst. To do this, you just need to be on the alert and arm yourself with the simplest means for first aid and then constantly keep the situation under control. However, it is necessary to prepare yourself for the fact that the treatment is likely to be difficult and expensive, and the recovery of the dog (while the working qualities are not fully returned) usually takes 1-2 years. If you remember that, unfortunately, no one but you needs your dog and that “saving the drowning” in our country is still the work of the drowning themselves, you can and must win! French Bulldog spine 7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 7 lumbar, 3 sacral. The number of coccygeal (tail) vertebrae varies. So, you have already fully experienced the shock of the diagnosis made to you and your dog. The next question is how we will continue to live. There are 2 options here. Let's consider both of them. a) drug therapy. You will most likely be given an anti-inflammatory medication right away (these are corticosteroids: prednisone, dexamethasone (most preferred) or rumalone) to relieve inflammation and swelling, which should reduce pressure on the spinal cord (the first treatment is approximately 3 weeks, it may be followed by a second , and the third at intervals of 10-14 days). In recent years, there has been an increasing use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) designed specifically for dogs. These are Quadrisol (Vedaprofen) and Rimadyl (Carprofen). Ketoprofen (Ketonal) is also used - and this is the only "human" NSAID used for dogs in the West, for example. Always keep in mind that all these drugs are not safe, ask your doctor about their side effects (for example, they can cause internal bleeding in especially sensitive dogs!) Or read about it at least on the leaflet inserts in their boxes. An indication for their immediate use is the following: the hind legs are placed in turn on the "hook" (that is, on the fingertips). If the dog does not immediately return them to their normal position, the reflex has already been lost, which means the spinal cord is in danger! Of the new, less dangerous and experimentally tested treatment regimens, the following is recommended (it is offered by a neuropathologist Oksana Gennadievna Bogdanova from the Moscow clinic "Chance"). It is said that a paralyzed bulldog begins to walk on the 3rd day after the start of treatment. 1. Rimadyl (20) 1.5 tab. 2 rubles / day after meals. 5 days. Rimadyl one tab. 2 rubles / day after meals. 10 days. + Almagel 1 spoon 2 r / day before meals 2. Baralgin 1.2 + Diphenhydramine 0.8 intramuscularly 2 r / d. 3-4 days. 3. Xanthinol nicotinate 1.0 subcutaneously 2 times a day, 10 days (vitamin). 4. Gamavit 2.5 subcutaneously 1r/day for 10 days (vitamin). Plus laser treatment. Natural supplements and homeopathy (side effects unknown or absent), they can and should be given with steroids (or without them), long-term treatment: - discus compositum - discus compositum (injections, homeopathy, Heel, Germany) - Traumel plus Purpose (Traumeel and Zeel, injections, homeopathy, Heel, Germany) - Gelakan (mainly prevention, treatment - to a lesser extent and longer) Or: - Glucosamine with chondroitin (this is about the same as Gelakan, but an improved form (dog The well-established 8 in 1 dog food series can be fed EN 873, EN 874 - EXCEL PET JOINT ENSURE PLUS with MSM EN 871 or EN 872 - EXCEL PET JOINT ENSUREB. also the drug structum (structum, Pierre Fabre Medicament Production (France) - according to the description, it has a chondro (cartilage-stimulating, regenerating), anti-inflammatory effect. Participates in the construction of the basic substance of cartilage and bone tissue. Affects metabolic processes. processes in cartilage, inhibits the processes of cartilage tissue degeneration, stimulates the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Reduces soreness and increases the mobility of the affected joints. Or: - Kanvit Chondro (another analogue in practice) - consists of: chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate, collagen hydrolyzate) - Teraflex (this is a human drug). A drug for the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. It is used for osteochondrosis, fractures (to accelerate the formation of callus), degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine. Here: construction and restoration of cartilage tissue, protection against destruction and improvement of joint mobility, activates the production of substances that make up the articular membranes, intra-articular fluid and cartilage tissue. The drug is manufactured in the USA. Apply for 2 months, then after a break, you will need to repeat again. - group B vitamins (injections). Milgamma (Milgamma, Worwag Pharma, Germany) is even better - B vitamins have a beneficial effect on inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nerves and the motor apparatus, in high doses they have an analgesic effect, increase blood flow and normalize the functioning of the nervous system and the process of hematopoiesis. --Vitreous body (injections) In order not to go broke in the very first months of treatment, you will need to master the technique of at least subcutaneous injections (which is practically no difficulty, since disposable syringes of all sizes are sold in every pharmacy, and among your acquaintances will definitely find an expert in this matter, who will certainly help you and teach you everything). It should be noted that under the influence of steroids, the dog drinks a lot and urinates often and profusely (your life here can be greatly facilitated by “diapers” of the maximum size). It is also absolutely necessary to monitor the dog's stool - when using steroids and NSAIDs, gastric (vomiting with blood) or intestinal bleeding is possible (then the feces become completely black). In this case, immediately sound the alarm and call (run) the doctor! If the dog is not able to defecate on its own, every 3 days to avoid intoxication (poisoning) of its body, you will have to do an enema. Do not abuse painkillers! Always remember that a dog that doesn't feel pain can hurt itself even more! It is better to give her a mild sedative so that she sleeps more (for example, a decoction of motherwort herb). b) Surgical intervention. A good surgeon can offer you an operation for complete paralysis of a dog (at that time in Moscow it was done in the veterinary clinic of the Cancer Center on Kashirka), the approximate cost was about 1000 US dollars. The essence of the operation is that a small window is made above the affected vertebra and the place of the hernia in order to reduce pressure on the spinal cord. We note here that, according to the opinion of American veterinarians, degeneration of the intervertebral disc can be divided into several stages. The first stage is the mildest, characterized by mild pain, which usually goes away on its own in a few days. The second stage - pain in the cervical and lumbar region are repeated several times and last for a longer time. The third stage - the appearance of partial paralysis (paresis) of the hind limbs, movements are uncoordinated, the dog's backside wobbles. The fourth stage is paralysis with preservation of sensitivity. The fifth stage is paralysis with a violation of the integrity of the spinal cord and complete loss of sensation. In the first 3 cases, 95% of dogs recover without surgery. In the 4th-only a quarter (during the operation 60-70%). In the 5th, the chances of recovery with drug treatment are negligible. We emphasize, and this is extremely important: the operation must be done no later than a day after the incident! In this case, even in the fifth stage, her success is approximately 50%! . If more than a day has passed since the spinal injury, the chances of success are less than 20%. Dr. Lipin A.V. "DISCOPATHY IN DOGS: HOMEOPATIC TREATMENT". With the advent of complex antihomotoxic drugs in the treatment of neurological problems associated with degenerative changes in the spine, a whole revolution has occurred. Suffice it to say that even in the most hopeless cases, after their appointment, it was possible to achieve a significant improvement in the condition of patients, in addition, as a rule, it is possible to avoid surgery and at the same time maintain a stable condition for a very long time. In cases of displacement or prolapse of the intervertebral disc, the doctor needs to solve the following tasks: -quickly stop the inflammatory reaction and achieve its regression, relieve pain -neutralize the compression effects -create the prerequisites for the speedy and complete restoration of damaged tissues. For this purpose, two basic preparations are used in homeopathy: Traumeel (Traumeel) - quickly stops the spread of the inflammatory process, bleeding, and promotes the regeneration of soft tissues. The analgesic effect in this pathology occurs only when used simultaneously with Zeel. Zeel (Purpose) - the use of this drug achieves rapid and prolonged pain relief, drainage of the mesenchymal system of the dorsal muscle group and, subsequently, regeneration of cartilage tissue, which stabilizes degenerative processes and prevents relapses of acute neurological manifestations. Treatment must begin as soon as possible. If treatment is started 1-2 days after the onset of the first neurological symptoms, then, despite a good prognosis, the duration of therapy will be significantly longer than with immediate treatment (3-4 weeks). Treatment begins with subcutaneous injections of both drugs in one syringe into projections of the affected area of ​​the spine. Most often, this is the border between the thoracic and lumbar regions. In the first 1-2 days, injections must be done frequently - 2-3 times a day, in order to adequately affect the active inflammatory process. Then, after the acute symptoms subside and as the neurological condition improves, the intervals increase to 2-3 days. It is necessary to complete the course of therapy only after the full restoration of all functions. For animals older than 8-9 years after the initial intensive course of therapy, it is advisable to prescribe additional treatment with the same drugs or only Zeel for up to 2-3 months 1 time per week or even 2 weeks to improve the metabolism of the tissues of the spine and dorsal muscle group, as well as to normalize the work of all body systems. Acute course of the disease. When applying this treatment to 9 dogs (6 dachshunds, 1 pygmy poodle and 2 Pekingese), the analgesic effect was observed 45-60 minutes after the first injection, and a significant improvement in the neurological status, on average, by the 15th day. Relapses within 12 months were 23% (1 Dachshund and 1 Pekingese), which corresponds to the number of relapses in surgical laminectomy (25%). Chronic course of the disease. In half of the cases (10 out of 19), chronic neurological insufficiency was the main reason for the owner's visit to the doctor. The rest of the animals were admitted with other diagnoses (heart, kidney, liver failure, dermatological diseases), and neurological problems were already detected during the examination. The diagnosis of discopathy or discospondylosis was made only on the basis of the anamnesis, clinical picture and X-ray data. The treatment was carried out with the same drugs, but with longer intervals between appointments and a longer duration of the course (up to 3 months). Raseltats in all cases were rated as good and very good. In 63% of cases (12 dogs) it was possible to achieve a complete recovery of the motor activity of the pelvic limbs, in the rest - a significant improvement and stability. Thus, the use of a combination of homeopathic remedies Traumeel and Zeel in acute neurological conditions associated with discopathy can be considered as the most effective and relatively simple solution to this urgent problem. The use of this type of treatment in the chronic course of the disease can also be considered very effective (an alternative to laminectomy). In addition, unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, homeopathic remedies do not cause unwanted reactions and can be used indefinitely. Homeopathic medicines have no contraindications.

Replies - 10

Buddy: Magazine "ZOO-FITO" No. 12, 2000 This type of hernia is characterized by a true rupture of the annulus. Such a hernia appears acutely (actually within 1-5 days), is characterized by the displacement of the nucleus pulposus into the spinal canal, leading to compression of the spinal cord and irritation of the nerve root. This type of disc rupture occurs in young dogs and in middle-aged, chondrodystrophoid breeds such as Pekingese, Dachshund, French Bulldog. Most often, this type of hernia is formed at the end of the thoracic and beginning of the lumbar. Most patients develop a neurological deficit up to the development of paraplegia. Surgical treatment for these patients is considered as the best option. After a single acute expulsion of a part of the substance of the intervertebral disc, this process can continue, thereby maintaining the inflammatory response and clinical signs, this process is called the "dynamic factor". That is why dogs with a suddenly developed disc herniation should be limited in movement and physiotherapy and massage should not be used with conservative treatment. Veterinarian A.Didukh

foam: Buddy Nadia, you post very useful material, thank you

Adana: Swimming is recommended for our pets after spinal surgery, but the question is where and how? Many bulldogs cannot swim due to structural features, here a life jacket will come to the rescue. I like the design, I'm thinking of buying. can be purchased here http://www.minidogapparel.com/-c-73_159.html. This is about the question HOW? Now let's move on to WHERE ?, in the bathroom we personally can’t do it, but here it may well work out (but the prices bite) http://dog-palace.narod.ru/bassein.html I would be glad if it is useful to someone.

Oli: Adana, thanks for the info!

foam : Discopathy ("herniated disc") in a dog Karelin Mikhail Sergeevich surgeon, orthopedist, neurologist mentioned by some "experts" and terrifies dog owners. Almost everyone who visits dog playgrounds has heard of discopathy, but rarely does anyone realize what it is about. More often than not, this diagnosis is made by doctors in unexplained cases of stiffness and decreased mobility in a dog. Let's try to figure out what discopathy really is, because "forewarned is forearmed!" Discopathy is the collective name for pathologies of the intervertebral discs. Most often, we are talking about degenerative diseases that lead to changes in the properties of the intervertebral discs and only sometimes end with the introduction of the disc substance into the spinal canal, compression of the spinal cord and its roots with the corresponding symptoms and consequences. Who is sick? Discopathy occurs in all breeds of dogs, although some of them - Pekingese, pugs, French bulldogs, Dobermans - are more predisposed to this disease than others. The most widespread discopathy is in dachshunds - to one degree or another, pathology occurs in 45 - 65% of representatives of this breed. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in dogs older than 3 years, more often at 6 - 7 years, although in some breeds, degenerative changes in the discs begin even before 1 year. What's happening? Discopathy goes through several stages in its development. Initially, the disease is almost asymptomatic. The intervertebral disc, which normally consists of an outer fibrous ring and an inner gelatinous, semi-liquid nucleus, begins to lose its shock-absorbing properties. This is due to the fact that the jelly-like contents of the center of the disc gradually mineralize, thicken, and turn into a dense curdled mass. This process takes from several months to several years. The modified disk no longer springs under loads. The animal begins to experience discomfort and pain during movements, although there are no neurological disorders yet. Plain radiographs sometimes show a calcified substance of the intervertebral disc. Having lost elasticity and elasticity, the intervertebral disc is gradually deformed, stretched, embedded in the spinal canal. If at this stage the impact of the stretched disc is limited by pressure on the ligaments of the spinal column, then in addition to stiffness of movements and pain, there may not be any symptoms. If the disk is so deformed that it begins to put pressure on the spinal cord or its roots, then in addition to pain, signs of neurological disorders may also appear: decreased sensitivity of the limbs, shuffling with paws, a change in gait up to complete inability to walk, impaired tendon reflexes, and so on. All these changes are stretched over time, so the symptoms increase slowly and smoothly. The animal has time to adapt to new sensations, gets used to and adapts to pain and stiffness in the spine. If everything has gone too far... In the end, unable to withstand ever-increasing loads, the outer fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc breaks and the inner contents - the pathologically altered substance of the once gelatinous nucleus - are simultaneously squeezed out into the lumen of the spinal canal. Significant in volume, fragments of the disk substance quickly compress the structures of the spinal cord, its vessels, and spinal nerves. Blood circulation, nutrition, and, consequently, the function of the spinal cord for the transmission of nerve impulses from the head to the organs and vice versa are disturbed. With such a development of events, the consequences are deplorable: the dog suddenly, often without any apparent reason, hind legs or all four paws fail, the functions of other organs below the site of the lesion suffer - the muscles of the anus and bladder. Within a few hours or days, paralysis of the limbs develops, pain sensitivity disappears, and natural functions are disturbed. If urgent measures are not taken in such a situation, then the dog will forever remain disabled or die. What to do? What measures can and should be taken to not only cope with the disease, but also prevent its development? Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely prevent the development of discopathy. Breeding hygiene - the culling of dogs with discopathy from breeding work - has led to the fact that this disease has become relatively rare (50 years ago, 3 out of 4 dachshunds suffered from this pathology). If we continue artificial selection, selection in this direction, then future generations of dogs will suffer from this disease much less frequently. The introduction of chondroprotectors into the diet allows you to keep the original properties and functions of the intervertebral discs longer, but also does not guarantee health. There are no reliable data on the effect of physical activity on the risk of a herniated disc, although it is known that overweight is a predisposing factor to pathology. Diagnosis and treatment If the first symptoms - pain and stiffness of movement - have already appeared, then it is necessary to begin treatment. The diagnosis of discopathy in such a situation is made on the basis of the anamnesis, clinical signs and x-ray data. At the initial stages of the disease, symptomatic treatment is prescribed - anti-inflammatory, painkillers, rest. Often this is enough to save the dog from suffering for several months or years. It must be understood that despite the disappearance of symptoms, the dog will not recover - degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs will not go anywhere. The modified disk will remain a time bomb, capable of exploding at any moment. If the symptoms reappear when treatment is stopped, then additional diagnostics are carried out, the localization of the altered disk is clarified and it is removed. If the disease has already gone far and neurological disorders have appeared in addition to the pain syndrome, then symptomatic treatment alone may not be enough. It is necessary as soon as possible, before the development of irreversible changes, to eliminate the cause of compression of the spinal cord. Procrastination in such a situation can lead to disability or death of the dog! The localization of the pathological focus is determined on the basis of data from a neurological examination and (if MRI is not possible) myelography - an x-ray contrast study of the spinal cord. In this study, a fluid with radiopaque properties is injected under the dura mater of the spinal cord. Thanks to this, the contours of the spinal cord (under normal conditions, absolutely transparent to x-rays) and the exact places of its compression, deformation, and destruction become clearly visible on the radiograph. If the myelography confirms and localizes the compression, then, without removing from anesthesia (a necessary condition for this study), the dog is taken to the operation. Surgical treatment - laminectomy - with this pathology consists in removing part of the vertebral arch above the hernia site, penetrating into the spinal canal and extracting the disc substance. Already after the removal of part of the vertebral arch, compression of the spinal cord in this place becomes impossible. Concomitant treatment consists of the use of antibiotics and physiotherapy. There are no reliable data on the effectiveness of cerebrolysin, vitamin, homeopathic preparations in such cases. Despite the complexity and risk of both myelography and laminectomy, timely (before the loss of pain sensitivity or within 24-48 hours after) the surgical treatment performed in most cases ends in the recovery of the animal. There are cases of curing dogs operated on 3-5 days after the development of paralysis and loss of deep pain sensitivity, but in general the prognosis in such situations is unfavorable. The animal, at best (while maintaining independent urination and defecation), is doomed to move on a gurney, at worst, it dies or is euthanized. The decision on the need for surgical treatment is made by the doctor. If your dog's legs fail - do not pull, go to the surgeon! Do not waste time on homeopathy, vitamins and prozerin - the forecast worsens every hour. Karelin Mikhail Sergeevich surgeon, orthopedist, neuropathologist

We continue to treat our four-legged friends, and today we will talk about the problems associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As you know, hunting dogs have more physical exertion than pets, who prefer to lie down somewhere in a warm, dry place in bad weather, rather than chasing game. And therefore, the owners need to carefully monitor the health of their assistants.

Unfortunately, our smaller brothers suffer from the same ailments as people. Dogs have not bypassed such health problems as spondylosis and osteochondrosis. It was previously thought that the latter of these two diseases did not occur in animals because they are not "upright".

But now veterinarians are increasingly discovering osteochondrosis in our four-legged pets. However, when making a diagnosis, other medical terms are commonly used: dorsopathy, osteochondritis dissecans, ankylosing spondylosis, and discopathy.


With this disease, the mineralization of the cartilage is disturbed, the intervertebral discs are affected, and subsequently the vertebrae themselves. According to experts, the risk of osteochondrosis increases with a genetic predisposition and congenital developmental anomalies as a result of intraspecific crossing. External causes also have a serious impact: the state of the environment, the quality of water and food, excess weight, excess calcium in the diet, as well as injuries.

The disease can affect both articular cartilage and intervertebral discs. In the first case, the symptoms of osteochondrosis will be progressive lameness and an unsteady gait, as the dog's limbs will become entangled. In a sitting position, it can tumble to one side and expose its hind paw for emphasis.

Develops more slowly. At the same time, discomfort is observed during movements, a decrease in the sensitivity of the limbs up to its complete loss in advanced cases.

Every animal has a different disease course. For many, it is not noticeable at first. But sometimes the puppy begins to shift the center of gravity to the chest when walking from the age of five months. As a result, the front legs are constantly with the elbows apart, the muscles of the hind limbs atrophy, all this may be accompanied by a curvature of the spine.

There is a point of view that in an advanced case, osteochondrosis threatens with a complete failure of the hind legs. Of course, one should not start the disease to such a state. If you suddenly notice the above symptoms in your pet, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The veterinarian, first of all, will conduct a thorough examination of the animal. On palpation, cracking and crunching in the affected joint can be detected. An additional examination is not ruled out - a referral for x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging or myelography.

Treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease. At an early stage, diet therapy with a special feed is important. If damage to the articular cartilage is found, then physiotherapy, ozokerite therapy, laser therapy are prescribed, and drugs are used that improve blood circulation in the joint.

If identified osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs, then anti-inflammatory, painkillers (non-steroidal) and decongestants are used for treatment. We need drugs that improve microcirculation in tissues, chondroprotectors, glucocorticoids.

At the same time, physiotherapy (magnetotherapy) is carried out - an UMI apparatus for the affected area and nearby areas of the spine, as well as massage, controlled swimming, in some cases even acupuncture. Now, osteopathy (a kind of manual therapy) has become increasingly practiced, which shows good results in the treatment of osteochondrosis in dogs.

In advanced cases, an operation is performed with a decrease in the calorie content of the diet and dosed loads during the rehabilitation period.

Spondylopathy (spondylosis deformans)

With spondylosis in dogs, degenerative changes occur in the segments of the spine and osteophytes appear - bone growths. Most often, this disease affects large pets that are already more than six years old.

The disease progresses slowly. Over time, the animal's mobility of the lumbar spine decreases, the shape of the chest changes, and a hunchback of the back appears. The development of the disease can contribute to hereditary predisposition, osteochondrosis, trauma, metabolic disorders, hypothermia and excessive repetitive stress that falls on the same joints or bones when performing certain exercises.

At an early stage, spondylosis usually occurs without noticeable symptoms. However, already at this stage, growing osteophytes can be detected by probing. As the disease develops, the animal will decrease activity, the gait will become tense.

With moderate spondylopathy, the dog will not be able to jump and walk up stairs. It will be difficult for the pet to lie down and get up. Movement, especially after a long rest in a static position, can cause sharp pain. A severe form of the disease threatens with impaired coordination and even paresis (partial paralysis) of the hind limbs.

To identify spondylosis in a dog, a thorough diagnosis is required - a blood and urine test, as well as an x-ray examination, which allows you to notice osteophytes. The veterinarian may also prescribe myelography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment will depend on the stage at which the disease was discovered. As a rule, the dog is given painkillers and absorbable drugs, the dose of which will depend on its weight, age and breed characteristics, sometimes chondroprotectors, acupuncture, acupressure, laser and magnetic therapy are recommended. Homeopathic preparations are now widely used, which bring good results. During treatment, it is recommended to exclude excessive physical activity and reduce the weight of the pet.

With an advanced case of spondylosis, an operation will be required to remove osteophytes and connect the intervertebral discs (if necessary). This is a very complex procedure, after which a long period of rehabilitation is required. The pet will return to normal life only after a few weeks.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop slowly, at first without pronounced symptoms, so always pay attention to the unusual behavior of your pet.

Visit the veterinarian regularly, as it is much easier to cure or slow the growth of the disease at an early stage. Be careful, love your pets, watch their health, and they will answer you the same, delighting you with hunting trophies for a long time!

Elena Prokopyeva, veterinarian

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