Unable to put baby to sleep. How to put a baby to sleep at night or during the day? Self-sleeping techniques

For proper growth and development of the baby, immediately after birth, he must be in a state of sleep for a long time. He wakes up most often at the moment when he feels discomfort or needs a diaper change. Waking up is always a joy for parents, but at the same time a reasonable question arises, but how to put the baby to sleep.

The baby becomes more active from the second month of life. During this period, he shows curiosity and studies the world around him with interest. That is why it becomes almost impossible to put the baby to sleep without motion sickness. Moms can use the tips that will make this process as quick and efficient as possible.

Reasons for sleep deprivation

If the baby sleeps well, then parents can be completely confident in the proper growth and development of his body.

For children at different ages, the following frequency of rest is typical:

  • Until the child is three months old, he should sleep at least 17 hours.
  • From 3 to 6 months, this period is reduced to 15 hours.
  • Up to 12 months, sleep is about 14 hours.
  • Children older than one year should sleep 13 hours.

If it is not possible to quickly put the baby to sleep, then most likely he experiences severe discomfort. The situation develops against the background of the following symptoms:

  • Colic and excessive gas.
  • Severe pain in the head.
  • Increasing pressure.
  • Increase in body temperature.

Putting a baby to sleep is almost impossible if he is hungry or in a wet diaper. Against this background, he experiences severe discomfort. The situation also develops in case of cold or stuffiness. Babies are uncomfortable if the room has excessively dry air.

Putting a newborn to sleep is much easier if you give him a breast. However, experts recommend gradually weaning it from this process.

Features of daytime sleep

The baby should rest for a sufficient period of time in order to grow and develop properly. Otherwise, the baby becomes capricious and irritable. You can easily put your baby to sleep during the day if you follow a number of basic rules:

  • A baby up to six months in the daytime should sleep three times. After the end of this period, the period is reduced to two times. Experienced parents recommend taking equal breaks between these processes. These are the first steps of accustoming to a certain regimen. In the future, it will be much easier for parents to put him to bed at a strictly defined time.
  • It will be much easier for a baby to fall asleep if a calm and quiet environment is created in the room. Rest and relaxation can be disturbed by any sound, noise, and even the conversations of neighbors. Parents should try to do everything in order to protect him from this.
  • It is necessary to organize high-quality conditions in the room. Particular attention should be paid to humidity and air temperature. These indicators can be easily adjusted using additional devices. The optimum temperature regime is 23 degrees with an air humidity of at least 50%.
  • During sleep, fresh air plays an important role. Its access can be ensured by regular ventilation. For this, 30 minutes will be enough.

It is important for a child in infancy to maintain any tactile contact with the mother.

Features and specification of sleep at night

For a newborn baby, rest in the dark is of key importance. Night sleep cannot be disturbing and restless. You can quickly put the little one to bed only if you follow the recommendations from mothers with extensive experience exactly:

  • The baby can fall asleep quickly only in a calm environment. These requirements must also be observed at night.
  • Comfortable conditions are observed even in the dark. The room should be ventilated, warm and sufficiently humid.
  • Before going to bed, the child should be thoroughly bathed. Thanks to water procedures, he will be able to relax and calm down. The situation is not only necessary to comply with personal hygiene standards, but also helps the baby fall asleep quickly.
  • A light massage allows you to relax and tune in to rest. Movements should be smooth and tune the little one in the right way.
  • Before going to bed, the baby must eat well. In this case, he is guaranteed not to wake up at night from hunger. Mommy always checks diapers or a diaper.

The baby will easily go to bed if the parents follow these rules exactly. His rest will be good, so he will be able to gain strength for the adventures of the new day.

Weaning a baby from the breast

The baby falls asleep much faster after feeding. However, sooner or later it will have to. It is necessary to gradually accustom the baby to fall asleep on its own. The only exceptions are those cases in which the baby should be fed with milk.

At the first stage, all children begin to act up and refuse to sleep. They are already accustomed to constantly feeling contact with their mother, so they cannot imagine rest without her. In this case, unpleasant sensations arise in their body, from which only caring parents can help get rid of.

Stroking helps the baby to relax and fall asleep

It is possible to put a newborn to sleep without using the breast. To do this, it is enough to follow simple recommendations from experienced mothers:

  • During the period of weaning from the breast, the baby must be provided with the most comfortable conditions in the family. He instantly reacts to the worsening of his mother's mood, so he becomes as capricious and irritable as possible. More recently, he used his mother's breasts to calm him down, but now he cannot do this. If he is under severe stress, then attempts to cling to his chest will appear much more often. Parents should do everything so that during this period of development the little one feels exceptionally good and positive emotions.
  • In order for the baby to fall asleep faster, almost all parents are ready to do everything for him. If they plan to quickly wean him from the chest, then being led by whims is not allowed. It is best to put the baby in the crib and not pick him up at the slightest change in mood. Additionally, it is not recommended to give him a breast and pick up. The period of weaning for all children lasts differently. As a rule, it is about seven days. At the end of this period, the baby will be able to fall asleep on his own without his mother's breast.
  • It is allowed to additionally use a bottle or nipple during the weaning period. They are used to simulate the presence of the mother.

How to wean the baby from motion sickness

According to many psychologists, children should not be accustomed to this process at all. It is enough just to put them in the crib and wait for going to bed.

Otherwise, the very process of weaning can negatively affect his psycho-emotional state. At the moment, he is under severe stress: he was separated from his mother and is not even allowed to touch her.

At night, the child will sleep soundly if the parents listen and follow the simple recommendations of experts in this field:

  • Before going to bed, the baby should see one of the family members. In this case, he will get used to it and will feel completely protected.
  • During the day, the child should be active. However, forgetting to sleep at lunchtime is also not recommended. If the baby has received enough emotions and impressions, then he will quickly fall asleep and enjoy his rest. Some parents are convinced that their baby will quickly fall asleep if, shortly before that, he actively plays on his own.
  • The best time to go to bed is impossible to pinpoint. Each family's regimen is unique, so only parents can decide on this. Attention in this matter should be paid to the activity of the child and the planned time of awakening. At night, the baby should sleep for at least ten hours. Otherwise, he will not be able to have a good rest and gain strength for a new day. It is recommended to determine the time of going to bed and stick to this scheme constantly. In this case, a program will be strengthened in the body that will allow you to accustom the baby much faster.
  • In order for the baby to fall asleep quickly, it is recommended to take a walk with him before going to bed in the fresh air.
  • It is important to place the baby in a calm and quiet room. It should not have bright light. Parents are only allowed inside when absolutely necessary. At the same time, they must behave very quietly.
  • The baby will quickly fall asleep if mommy puts him in a comfortable position. It is also necessary to comply with personal safety standards. Experts recommend putting the little one on its side. This will allow him to burp freely and not choke. The position on the stomach is considered unacceptable, because in this case the risk of harm to the cervical spine increases. Also, the pose can block breathing, because the baby periodically sticks his nose into the pillow. It is important that the baby falls asleep with a flat back and on its side. Thanks to this, he will feel as comfortable as possible. This will also minimize the risk of injury.

Healthy sleep is the key to proper growth and development

Instead of motion sickness, mommy can use pleasant touches. It is also allowed to constantly be near and hold the baby by the hand or hug. At the same time, the baby feels the warmth of a loved one on itself and quickly falls asleep. Over time, stroking will be completely optional, and the little one will be able to relax on his own.

In order to quickly wean from the breast in the family, it is necessary to create the most positive conditions. Mother's milk is not allowed to use during the day. Instead, you need to show the maximum amount of love and care. Physical discomfort can also negatively affect the situation.

The pediatrician will be able to give advice and assess the situation correctly. Additionally, he will monitor the general condition of the young patient. Thanks to this, the likelihood of negative consequences can be minimized.

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When a child is born, he or she has two basic needs - regular food intake and a healthy, full sleep. As with everything else, the baby is still too helpless to satisfy his needs on his own, which means that helping him fall asleep easily without being overexcited and without overtiring is the responsibility of a young mother, just like feeding. Unfortunately, not all neonatologists and pediatricians pay enough attention to advising on the organization and establishment of a healthy daily routine for an infant. We will fill this gap and tell you in detail how to put the baby to sleep, what secrets of our mothers and grandmothers can be adopted, and which ones are better to refuse, we will consider the main mistakes of young parents and help you enjoy happy motherhood in peace.

What prevents the baby from sleeping

Your baby is fed and dressed, his cradle is charming and resembles a cozy nest, household members walk on tiptoe, neighbors talk in whispers, and even noisy children in the yard have received a strict order not to play under your windows. But despite all the efforts, the baby does not want to fall asleep. And even after, with the joint efforts of mom, dad and both grandmothers, the baby is finally sent to the side, the blissful silence is again broken by a cry - the child immediately woke up, and it's time to start the motion sickness procedure again.

If the baby fell asleep - it's too early to rejoice! He can wake up again in 10 minutes 😉

When you were discharged from the hospital, you were probably warned that for the first 4 weeks the newborn would not be awake much at all, waking up only for feeding and changing clothes. But as it turns out already at home, no one told how difficult it is to put a baby to sleep - and now the day is confused with the night, and the promised 20 hours of sweet baby sleep have turned into endless screams with short breaks. And then you realize that neither the mobile with teddy bears bought in advance, nor the baby blue wallpaper specially selected for the nursery saves. Something persistently wakes up your baby.

The first time after birth, the baby sleeps a lot. Therefore, it is very important to create comfortable and safe conditions for him to rest. This will prevent many problems in the future.

The importance of sleep for a newborn baby is undeniable. He is awake at this age much less than he sleeps. Mom and dad should get comprehensive information about the baby’s sleep: how should it go, and what is its duration during the day, what should the baby wear? The answers to these questions will allow parents to once again not worry about the condition of their child.

Usually, during the first 14 days of life, either hunger or discomfort caused by dirty diapers around him can wake up a newborn. Physiological jaundice is the cause of increased drowsiness in infants in the first weeks of life. This phenomenon is the norm for children of this age. Parents should be more careful and consult a doctor if the child has poor sleep, constant crying and anxiety.

Sleep rate for newborns

In the youngest children, sleep is closely related to its biorhythms and the activity of the nervous system, which given to man by nature. Scientists have proven the formation of biological clocks at the genetic level. Neither the first nor the second can be changed by parents, so they can only adapt, taking them for granted. The easiest way to organize this is to form a sleep schedule.

With age, the duration of periods of sleep during the day is reduced and is within the following limits:

  • Newborns - from 18 to 20 hours;
  • Up to 2 months - from 17 to 18 hours;
  • Up to 4 months - from 16 to 17 hours;
  • Up to 6 months - from 14 to 16 hours;
  • Up to 12 months - from 13 to 14 hours;
  • From 18 months to 3 years - from 10 to 13 hours.

Being breastfed contributes to the lulling of newborns. To do this, the mother should start with the baby's diet: break the day into hours of wakefulness and sleep, help the baby develop the necessary association (give breast - it's time to eat and sleep).

This principle also applies in other situations: formula feeding or on demand. In one case, the mother gently helps to avoid falling asleep, and at the right time contributes to this by lulling and motion sickness.

A place to sleep is an important criterion that affects the duration and quality of a baby’s sleep. Next to the mother, the child sleeps stronger and longer, which is especially noticeable at night. In this case, the baby feels warm, calm and confident that he will always receive breast milk.

Adherents of separate sleep need to be prepared for sleepless nights caused by additional awakenings and motion sickness, since the baby will wake up constantly. The nerves and patience of parents will face a serious test.

A regular heating pad can help put the baby in the crib. Before you put the baby to bed, keep her hot in the crib for a quarter of an hour. A warm bed will be more pleasant for the child and will reduce his desire to leave it.

How to put your baby in the crib

Even pediatricians and scientists do not have a single answer to the question of the correctness of laying a newborn in a crib. Sleeping on your stomach promotes physical development, strengthens muscles and better overcomes colic.

However, infant mortality syndrome (CDS), in most cases, is fixed in this position. The danger of sleeping on your back is the likelihood of choking on burped milk.

What other options are there? Put the newborn to sleep on the barrel. This option is the most versatile. But parents should not forget to periodically turn the child on the other side for the correct formation of his head. Remember that a baby is not able to control his body, especially in a dream. Because of this, he often finds himself lying either on his back or on his tummy.

Fixing the child in the right position can serve as a solution to this problem. A rolled diaper, duvet cover, etc., placed under his back, will do just fine with this. The ideal option is a pillow-roller, which can be purchased at a children's store or made by yourself.

How to put your baby to sleep quickly during the day

Putting a newborn to bed is not a difficult task and is solved quickly, provided that he is not hungry or sick. Some simply lie down next to him and give him a breast: the baby feels maternal warmth and soon falls asleep. Others rock and lull the child while walking around the house.

It doesn’t matter which way you do it, the main thing is to ensure that the following conditions for a healthy and fulfilling sleep are observed:

  • Calm environment with no distractions;
  • Tired baby;
  • The absence of his overexcitation and crying;
  • The baby is not hungry;
  • Going to bed at the same time helps your baby know it's time for bed.

How to get your newborn to sleep at night

Strict observance of a number of rules contributes to the rapid falling asleep of the newborn in the evening. It’s worth starting with the fact that it’s always worth putting the baby to bed at the same time. For example, half past ten.

At this point, you should perform a number of actions:

  • Create an atmosphere of calm in the room: turn off the TV and computer, stop loud conversations;
  • Ventilate the room;
  • Perform the required procedures (bathing, washing, massage, etc.);
  • feed the baby;
  • While rocking the baby, sing him a lullaby.

The newborn quickly begins to understand that bathing, feeding and lullaby - a signal to fall asleep. This has been tested by many generations of mothers, and the kids diligently follow this tradition. Mom and dad need to follow the described ritual every day so that the child develops a clear habit. This well-established system almost never misfires.

Newborn sleeping positions

The sleeping position of a newborn baby is of great importance in his life, since he sleeps most of the day. Let us dwell in more detail on some comfortable positions in which the baby will be comfortable.

on the side

This position is the safest. On the side, laying the newborn to sleep is recommended by pediatricians and neonatologists in maternity hospitals. It is worth adhering to this position, at least in the first days and weeks of the baby's life.

This has a scientific basis. The baby's digestive system does not have a well-defined cardinal sphincter. As a result, the baby sometimes spits up a large amount of milk eaten. To prevent possible choking, it is laid sideways.


This position is even less dangerous than the previous one. It is recommended for children who often spit up during sleep or suffering from intestinal colic. In a baby lying half-side, gaziki depart better.

Proper laying helps prevent the child from turning over in sleep and adopting other positions. To do this, a diaper rolled up with a roller is placed under the back. Scratches worn on the baby will save him from scratches that he can inflict on himself during sleep.

To avoid the development of torticollis, the newborn should be turned over from one side to the other from time to time.

On the back

When sleeping on the back, the baby's head should be turned to the left or right. This position is one of the most controversial, because it combines danger and usefulness. The first is that the child may choke after spitting up. The position on the back is the most physiological and natural, which speaks of its benefits.

  • When laying the baby on its back, it is necessary to turn its head on its side and fix it with a special roller that will not allow the baby to spin on its own;
  • To prevent the appearance of torticollis in a child, the position of the head is changed during the night;
  • Swaddling a baby protects him from accidental scratches and waking up from the movement of his own hands. Not all babies like to be wrapped in swaddling clothes. If the baby is nervous, then it is better to lay it in a different way.

In the following cases, sleeping on the back of the baby is contraindicated:

  • Intestinal colic. Gases, which are formed in large quantities in the tummy, will not allow the newborn to fall asleep;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • Increased muscle tone, expressed in frequent hand movements during sleep.

On the stomach

The advantage of this provision is the prevention of SDS and the prevention of intestinal colic in babies.

Choking with regurgitated mass is one of the possible causes of infant mortality syndrome. Lying on the stomach helps to avoid deplorable consequences.

In this position, the muscular system develops better and the bone strengthens. Lying on his stomach, it is easier for a baby to learn to hold his head. Some newborns like to sleep in this position.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, compliance with safety rules will help:

  • Use a hard mattress, preferably orthopedic;
  • Do not put a pillow under your head;
  • Do not lay sheets from oilcloth;
  • Hang toys over the crib, and do not leave them near his head.

Compliance with the listed safety rules and periodic supervision of the baby while he sleeps will minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences.

Fetal position

Evidence of the presence of muscle hypertonicity in a baby is a certain sleeping position: hands pressed to the chest and legs pulled up to the stomach. Parents should be alert if this continues for more than a month. You should not worry if, after a shorter period, the baby's limbs straighten up in a dream.

In whatever position the newborn is during sleep, periodically it must be shifted to the other side or change position. This is necessary for the prevention of tissue deposits, squeezing of blood vessels and muscles, as well as deformation of fragile bones.

Sleep conditions for a newborn

The key to a healthy and sound sleep is the conditions surrounding the baby, which ideally should be as follows:

  • The air in the room must be clean;
  • The ambient temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The optimal value is 20 degrees;
  • Relative air humidity from 60 to 70%;
  • Absence of irritating factors (bright light, loud sounds, etc.).

Cleanliness and lack of dust is another indispensable condition for healthy sleep. During daytime naps, the curtains should be drawn to create a more comfortable environment. When the ambient temperature is above 22 degrees, the baby should not be covered with a warm blanket. The health consequences of overheating can be serious.

Putting to bed

The laying process should be accompanied by stroking or light patting in order to calm the baby. Studying the behavior of newborns, scientists have found that children at a very early age fix the sequence of actions that occur with him. If the parents miss any stage of the ritual, the baby will feel it and fall asleep much later than usual.

In order to easily and simply put the newborn to sleep, parents should develop and follow a certain order of actions that should be performed at the same time, without violating their sequence:

  • A bath with an infusion of herbs, as well as a light massage of strokes, will help to calm the baby and improve his sleep. After that, he is fed;
  • Putting the baby to bed immediately after feeding is not recommended. If the baby is given a vertical position for a couple of minutes, then he will burp the air that has got in while eating;
  • A lullaby sung in a low voice and gentle strokes will help put the baby to bed.

Sleeping accessories

At the age of one month, children are in a state of sleep from 18 to 19 hours a day. By three months, this period is reduced to 15-16 hours. Until the age of one, the child sleeps most of the time. Parents should take a responsible approach to the choice and arrangement of his bed.

Laying the child in a separate bed or next to him is up to the parents. Being in the same bed with the mother combines convenience for both: there is no need to get up often to the baby, and the latter is calmer and more comfortable at the mother's breast.

We must not forget about the danger posed by such a neighborhood: soundly sleeping parents can accidentally crush the baby. Pediatricians do not advise accustoming the baby to the parent's bed.


This piece of furniture should be moderately rigid, hygienic and safe. Pediatricians and orthopedists agree that under the baby there should be a dense mattress that sags slightly under the weight of the child. This is necessary to prevent curvature of the spine.

A baby under one year old should not be laid on down mattresses and other soft surfaces, due to the intensive growth and development of bones and muscles. The use of a rigid or semi-rigid base is necessary for the prevention of SDS. A flat surface will not block the baby's air, even if he buries his nose into it.

Teething in children causes them to chew on various objects, and the crib is no exception. It is desirable that it be carefully polished and lacquered.

Pillow positioner

This accessory is designed to hold the baby in a comfortable position. It makes it easier to take care of your baby. There are many options for bedding, the essence of which is to fix the child in the desired position.

Parents can be sure that the newborn will not accidentally roll over or turn his head. The positioner pillow promotes a sound and healthy sleep of the baby.

Buckwheat pillows

They are advised to be used by neonatologists. This orthopedic product, filled with buckwheat husk, easily repeats the shape of the baby's head and neck, no matter what position he is in. It helps the spine and the curve of the neck to form properly. Due to the massage effect, the pillow improves blood circulation and soothes the child.


There are modifications of this product: Velcro or zipper. They are designed to quickly fix the arms and legs of the baby without pulling them together. In such a soft swaddle, the baby will not scratch or wake himself up, which will ensure a restful sleep. In it, the child feels as if in the womb. The cocoon diaper is easy to use.


The choice of clothes for sleeping should be based on many factors: air temperature, season, age, etc. In summer, a child can sleep naked or in panties alone. A jumpsuit with scratches is one of the most comfortable sleepwear. In it, the baby is free and safe, because he saves the skin from his own nails. It will keep you warm in cool weather and will suit both boys and girls. When using diapers, it is worth noting the convenience of taking them off and putting them on.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Article last updated: 04/02/2019

Sleep for a child who has just been born is a very important component of his growth and development. Good sleep means a healthy baby.

Knowing this, caring parents, of course, think about how to put their child to bed, how to do it quickly, correctly and painlessly for the baby.

There are situations when the baby flatly refuses to fall asleep. And young parents, tired of a couple of restless nights, and, taking care of the health of their crumbs, ask some questions, For example, why is the baby not sleeping? And how to put it down as quickly as possible? How to put a child to sleep without crying?

How do newborns sleep?

A newborn baby sleeps most of the day, at least 16-18 hours. Usually a healthy child, having received plenty of impressions from the outside world, eats heavily, and, lying in the arms of his mother, begins to yawn, becomes less active, and finally falls asleep. Babies in the first weeks of life usually wake up from hunger, discomfort associated with wet diapers, or other reasons. If a child and mother had an Rhesus conflict, and this resulted in neonatal jaundice, the baby will sleep more than a healthy child. This is fine. But if he cries, screams and sleeps little, you need to show him to the pediatrician.

If a seemingly healthy child cries, it’s impossible to put him down, or he sleeps, but for short periods of time, and even writhing, so that no motion sickness, lullabies and carrying in his arms help, you need to look for the cause. And you need to do this as quickly as possible. The more the child is awake, the more difficult it is to put him down later. It may seem like a paradox, but in fact everything is natural. It is difficult to switch an overtired nervous system to a sleepy state, how to stop a reactor that has gone into overdrive. A child may not sleep for a variety of reasons:

  1. uncomfortable ambient temperature;
  2. colic (up to 3 months are observed to some extent in all infants);
  3. nasal congestion (physiological, allergic, rhinitis of an infectious nature, drying out of the nasal mucosa from excessive dryness and elevated air temperature in the baby's room);
  4. bite insects;
  5. worried about headache (with ICP syndrome);
  6. the baby gets sick;
  7. missed mom;
  8. hungry or thirsty;
  9. the child simply does not want to sleep;
  10. tight clothing;
  11. wet diaper;
  12. mother is nervous or in an unpleasant, dangerous or conflict situation.

Before looking for ways to "persuade" the baby to sleep, you need to make sure that there are no obvious reasons for his concern. And if they are found, eliminate them immediately. In the simplest case, the solution will be simple. But, unfortunately, the causes of crying and anxiety are not always obvious.

If a child, in addition to poor sleep and crying, often burps, sometimes not after eating or after 15-20 minutes after eating, but after an hour, for example, his limbs and chin twitch, he must be shown to a neurologist. If the body temperature is elevated, the nose is stuffy, it is worth showing it to the pediatrician.

If known causes are identified and corrected. Peace reigns at home, you can try several well-known ways to make your baby fall asleep comfortably, pleasantly and quickly.

Several ways to put your newborn to bed

How to put the baby to sleep correctly?

That's right - this is so that the baby falls asleep with minimal or no screaming. Leaving the cozy, warm mother's womb, bounded on all sides by soft elastic walls that muffle sounds and reduce radiation, suddenly the baby finds himself in a vast world full of rumbling incomprehensible sounds, flashes of light and large creatures with blurry contours. Objects are blurred due to not too good visual acuity inherent in newborns. In such a world, to be lying on something big, not as warm as mother, and not limited by soft walls, for example, on mother's bed, can seem scary. I want to run and hide.

How to put a child to sleep without tears in such a situation? Very good as a "lullaby" is a small cradle that can be rocked. There are good modern options for beds - compact, comfortable with additional features. Babies fall asleep wonderfully without motion sickness in a cocoon for newborns, it limits the space, it is calm and cozy in it, and there is an additional layer that creates the “effect of the mother’s womb”.

List of ways to put your baby to sleep

But, of course, such things are not available to all parents, and not always, so you can use one of the old “cost-free” ways to “persuade” the baby to take a nap:

  1. swaddling;
  2. motion sickness;
  3. milk;
  4. lullaby or fairy tale;
  5. warm relaxing bath;
  6. development of a stereotype;
  7. joint dream.

Let's take a closer look at each of these methods.

  • Each of these methods has its pros and cons. For example, swaddling, especially tight swaddling, is still a debate in the medical community. There are adherents of the free content of the child, and there are those who are “for” swaddling with all hands. It is better to swaddle the baby, or agree with the opinion of psychologists, that such a “binding” affects the development of his personality, it is up to the mother to decide. But if a child has a pronounced Moro reflex, and he constantly wakes himself up, or falls asleep very badly, up to 3 months of age, night swaddling can be a salvation. It is not necessary to swaddle the child in such a way as to pass all the wreaths, but the swaddle should restrain the movements of the crumbs. If the child can pull out the handles, such swaddling is useless.
  • Rocking a child in your arms too often is not worth it, the oscillatory movements themselves are useful for the vestibular apparatus and cause a pleasant half-sleep and an easier transition to sleep. But it’s not worth teaching to regularly fall asleep in the arms of a mother who carries a baby and shakes. Then you have to wean the baby from this. It is better to rock the child in the cradle or hold it in your arms, allowing him to doze off on your chest, and only then transfer it to the cradle and rock it there.
  • In infancy, children fall asleep gorgeously, sucking on their mother's nipple. This is a very simple, effortless method for the mother to calm down her "dispersed" child. For the first 2-3 weeks, this is probably the best way to lull the baby. But then it’s worth changing the way you go to sleep. Because already by six months it will be necessary to start weaning the baby from sleeping for food.
  • How to put a baby to sleep? A lullaby or a fairy tale is the best, of the most ancient, means for laying down. Firstly, a mother may not sing, and for the first couple of months she may not even tell fairy tales, but simply talk with her child. Her voice is an excellent sedative for the crumbs. Even if the mother sings badly, it does not matter for the baby. He hears his native voice - that's enough. Especially this tool helps well if mom turned to her son or daughter during pregnancy, but even if she didn’t, it’s time to start. A bedtime story is a kind of ritual, its component, which in the future can be used as a beacon to create more complex sleep patterns. A fairy tale is a means to appease the child and prepare him for sleep.
  • How to put a baby to sleep? What other ways are there to properly lay the baby? If your baby is okay with bathing but doesn't splash too much in the water, a warm bath is a great way to induce a pre-sleep state. A bath can also be an excellent element of a "falling asleep" ritual.
  • Only a child born into the world does not yet see the difference between night and day, he eats and sleeps "when necessary." After 2-3 weeks, the child slowly begins to get used to the fact that the night is a dream, the day is food and play. These tendencies must be supported by all means. It is best to start shaping the child's daily routine from the first days of his life. Feed fully during the day, play with him while awake, devote time and give love and warmth so that the baby is tired enough and satisfied with the day spent in the evening. Then it will be easy to lay the baby, and the process of falling asleep will pass without excesses. The child will get tired and fall asleep, even without additional funds.
  • Young children fall asleep very well with their mother, sleep longer, and give rest to family members. Sometimes it is enough to put the baby next to him and hug him. Warmed by his mother's warmth, he falls asleep quickly and sweetly. Co-sleeping is very beneficial for babies. But you can't overdo it with him. The child needs to be accustomed to his crib. The baby can spend the time of daytime sleep in the arena, and at night you can put him on the parent's bed. For newborns, this is the best mode. Older children, starting from the age of six months, should be taught to fall asleep on their own, and by the age of one, ideally, the child should be able to fit himself and sleep all night without whims. However, if your baby is not ready to let go of his mother in six months, you don’t need to be too zealous in “tearing” him away from you. In matters of education, the main points are patience and gradualness.

When a baby is brought home from the hospital, he is so defenseless, small and fragile that young parents are afraid to touch him once again. And you need to properly feed him, dress him, treat him (if necessary) and, of course, put him to bed so that he is comfortable and calm.

The world through the eyes of a baby

To understand their baby and realize what he needs, parents must learn to look at the world in a completely different way - through the eyes of their child.

The baby at one moment left his mother's warm and comfortable tummy, in which he was accustomed and cramped. And suddenly, not expecting anything more, he feels that some incomprehensible force is pushing him somewhere, where it is too light, cold and there is a lot of noise. Around the crumbs are incomprehensible huge creatures, which he cannot yet see, because visual acuity is absent at first. In this situation, everything is unclear to the baby, not the way it was before. And the newborn becomes scared.

It is good that by nature the baby has innate reflexes that can tell him what to do. And yet, in order for him to fall asleep easily, parents need to somehow calm him down, so that the baby screams less, and so that parents spend as little nerve cells as possible.

There are several simple ways that will make it easier for your little one to fall asleep. Of course, all this is a little average, because some kids may have their own "secrets". But for most children, these methods will help.

1. Talk to me, mom

It is clear that any baby is calmed by the voice of mom and dad. True, when adults try to put him to bed, you need to speak in a quiet, even, monotonous voice. So the baby will understand that the most dear person to him is nearby, that everything is in order. Some parents are sure that only a born baby still does not understand anything. But this is not true: from the first moment, the baby is already attached to his native people and is able to recognize familiar voices.

2. We will do the same thing every day

Mom absolutely does not need to constantly “reinvent the wheel” - to put the baby on the sofa, in the crib, carry it in her arms ... Babies are big conservatives, they need order and monotony. If the mother is sure that the child from the first days should sleep only in his bed, then this is how it should be done. If the mother is sure that the baby will be best in her arms, it is necessary to rock him in her arms.

3. Required air temperature

Parents should control the cool temperature (this should be the case in the room in which the baby sleeps), because thanks to the air flow, the baby will not be capricious. The temperature should not exceed 22°C. The hotter the conditions, the worse for the baby's immunity.

4. If the baby sleeps during the day and does not want to at night

This happens in many families. The baby can sleep during the day, and at night he will be more active than ever. In this situation, it is the parents who should plan all daytime in such a way that the little one receives the most impressions during the day, then by night he will get tired and fall asleep. There should be a rule: during the day - games and other fun (you can massage the baby, sing songs to him and tell him poems, change clothes more often, show different objects and books, walk, carry around the room), at night - restful sleep.

5. Set sleep times

A small person is also a self-sufficient person. And parents should remember this. Especially when they are trying to break his will and put him to bed strictly by the clock. If the baby is really tired, this can be understood immediately.

6. Delicious milk

The most delicious and best food for a baby is his mother's milk. First, he instantly quenches the sucking reflex. Secondly, the baby wants to sleep after warm milk. Many doctors believe that the baby should not fall asleep at the mother's breast, but understand that this is only food. But if the baby calmly falls asleep just like that - this is wonderful.

7. Pacifier - take it or not?

As a rule, the little ones are interested in the nipple, because, like a mother’s breast, it makes it possible to satisfy the need for sucking and helps babies calm down. If you also vilify the baby in your arms, shaking the track, then he falls asleep very quickly. Moreover, it is better to buy nipples the most ordinary, classic ones, without succumbing to advertising about “orthodontic” nipples, which are designed to help form the correct bite from birth.

8. Should we swaddle tighter or not?

Modern parents are sure that tight swaddling is now an unnecessary relic of the past. But they are wrong. While the baby is in his mother's tummy, he is used to some tightness, he is so comfortable. Therefore, swaddling will be an incentive to calm him down and help him fall asleep soundly. When the baby grows up a little and learns to fall asleep on its own, swaddling can be postponed.

Important! If the diapers are too tight, there may be problems with blood circulation and breathing, and you can injure the delicate bones of the little one.

By the way, one of the causes of hip dysplasia may be excessive mother's zeal while wrapping her baby.

9. Fun bathing

Before you put your baby to bed in the evening, you need to bathe him. The first days he can cry, not understanding what is being done to him. But then he will get used to it and he will really like bathing. To make it easier for the baby to fall asleep, you can add only one drop of lavender oil to the bath (the nervous system of the little one will slow down a little and he will start to yawn).

10. Oh, those colic!

In almost 80% of babies, colic becomes a huge problem. A child may scream and cry only because he is in pain. To save him from this condition, you need to put something warm on the belly, and even better, when the mother presses the baby to her stomach. You can vilify the crumbs, which is in an upright position, so that unnecessary air “burps” out of the ventricle. You can give the little one a sweet Bobotik solution, after which he will quickly calm down.

Important! Such events are intended only to alleviate the condition of the crumbs. It is unrealistic to completely get rid of them, because colic occurs due to the fact that the baby's intestines and his stomach are not perfect yet. The colic will go away on its own after three months.

11. The best sleep is with mom!

If the family is tired of the constant nighttime crying of the baby, then the ideal solution to this problem would be the joint sleep of the mother and the newborn. So the baby will calm down very quickly and he will have no reason to cry. A scream is just a child's desire to see their parents or tell them something, and not at all piss them off. And so, when mom is around all night, the baby is calm.

How to put a newborn to sleep correctly?

If the baby can fall asleep without motion sickness, then you should not accustom him to this. Mom can sit next to the crib for a few minutes until he falls asleep. As a rule, babies, until they have reached the age of seven to ten months, fall asleep exclusively in their arms. This is completely normal. You should not refuse this to a child, because in this wonderful period of the newborn, which will never happen again, he so desperately needs a mother.

Many pediatricians oppose the fact that the mother puts the newborn next to her to sleep, citing the fact that when she falls asleep, the mother can simply crush the little one without her noticing. Therefore, they advise mothers not to risk the lives of their children. It is necessary to put the baby to sleep as far as possible from batteries, stoves and other heating devices. And the point is not only that, having spread his arms and legs, he can get badly burned, but also because due to overheating and discomfort before falling asleep, the baby can be capricious.

Putting newborn babies to bed. What positions to choose for sleep?

It is very important in what position the baby will sleep, because while he spends most of his life in a dream. What will be the most convenient for the baby?

1. On the side

This is the most "non-terrible" position, which doctors in maternity hospitals and pediatricians insist on. Since after feeding the baby can spit up profusely, it is better that at least for the first time he sleeps in such a way that he does not choke.

2. Half side

This pose is even better than the first one. It is useful for those little ones who often have colic or often spit up. And so - gaziki will depart much better. The baby should be periodically turned from side to side so that torticollis does not occur.

3. On the back

This position is both useful (it is natural for the baby) and dangerous (in a dream, the baby can choke on the masses that he burps). Therefore, if the baby likes to fall asleep this way, the head should be slightly turned to the side and fixed with a small roller from a diaper or towel. If the baby has been diagnosed with hip dysplasia, if he has frequent colic or muscle hypertonicity, pediatricians do not recommend this sleeping position.

4. On the tummy

This posture is prophylactic: the digestive system works better, gasses go better; protects against infant mortality syndrome (one of the reasons for which is the same probable danger of choking after spitting up). In parallel with this, if the baby sleeps this way, his muscles, bones of the neck and back gradually strengthen. After a while, it will be much easier for him than his peers to hold his head.

In the case when such a position seems convenient for the little one, parents must follow some safety rules:

- the mattress should be hard, and ideally - orthopedic;

- do not cover the bed with oilcloth sheets;

- the baby should sleep without a pillow;

- the toys necessary for the baby would be more correct to hang above his bed.

But even observing all safety rules, it is better to look after the baby when he sleeps on his tummy.

5. Fetal position

Mom can pay attention to the fact that the baby sleeps for 4-5 weeks in a row, pulling his legs to his tummy, and presses his arms to his chest. This may indicate the presence of hypertonicity (muscle strain). But if then the baby easily straightens up and sleeps in any other positions, you should not worry.

Important information for parents! In whatever position the baby falls asleep, it must be turned over to the other side or the position of its body must be changed in order to avoid tissue edema, squeezing of muscles and veins, and some deformation of the bone skeleton, which has not yet settled.

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