The minimum cycle of menstruation. Menstrual cycle: a general concept of its norm, regularity, failures and violations. The period of the menstrual cycle and its main phases. The degree of profusion and pain during menstruation

When a woman is in perfect health, she has a regular menstrual cycle. The duration of the menstrual cycle is different for any of the fair sex. Because the body of a woman is individual. What seems normal to one is not good to another.

At the very beginning, I would like to note that the duration of the menstrual cycle and the duration of the menstruation itself are not the same thing. Often, women treat critical days with negative emotions, as during the period of menstruation their health worsens.

At the same time, menstruation is a natural process from the side of physiology, enabling a woman to maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time, and to continue the race in the future. When conception has not happened, the endometrium of the uterus is discharged, ready for contact with a fertilized egg. After the end of menstruation, the hormonal background takes on a normal state.

This name refers to the restructuring of the physiology of the female body, which includes the system responsible for reproduction, the uterus, ovaries and vagina. The onset of menstruation occurs under the action of hormones that are produced by the endocrine glands. Menstruation is bleeding from a woman's genitals every month.

Menstruation is the period of time when menstruation begins until the next bleeding, which comes a month later. The duration of the menstrual cycle is the length of the days during which bleeding and mucus occur.

During their onset, changes occur in the organs that are responsible for reproduction, aimed at preparing for the conception of a child. These include the maturation of the egg, the preparation of the endometrium to receive the embryo, so that the uterine cavity develops.

If the number of days of menstruation can vary slightly, then when the length of the menstrual cycle changes, it is important to take this into account. Because this can be the beginning of the disease.

The duration of the cycle depends on the age category of the fair sex, health status, activity during the day. You do not need to pay attention to your friends and relatives, because in this case everything is individual.

Menstruation comes to girls, starting from the 13th age. But they do not acquire a steady state and regularity immediately and not in every girl. It takes a certain time for menstruation to come to a stable state and acquire the correct cycle. The ideal duration is 28 days. How to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle - counting the first day from the beginning of menstruation to the first day of the next. The average duration of the menstrual cycle ranges from 3 weeks to 35 days. There are cases lasting 46 days. However, this cycle is rare, while the woman has excellent health. It happens that the period between cycles is only 10 days. And when it goes beyond these limits, you need to seek help from a specialist. An unstable period of critical days can lead to malfunctioning of the ovaries.

Violation of the cycle can occur against the background of the use of birth control pills with hormones, for example, within five years. The work of the ovaries may stop, which will lead to the cessation of menstruation. Then you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. As soon as the drug is finished, menstruation will return again.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

There is a follicular and luteal phase. Their difference lies in the hormones that are responsible for controlling changes in the reproductive female organs. The follicular phase begins at the onset of menstruation. In the second half of menstruation, ovulation occurs, in other words, the discharge of a mature egg from the follicle into the fallopian tube.

Table of ovulation periods depending on the length of the cycle
Cycle duration Ovulation period
22 days Days 6-10
24 days Days 8-12
26 days Days 10-14
28 days Days 12-16
30 days Days 14-18
36 days Days 20-24
42 days Days 26-30

After the onset of ovulation, the second phase occurs. Under the influence of luteinizing hormone, a yellow body appears at the site of the ruptured follicle. The corpus luteum begins the production of progesterone, which causes the growth of blood vessels in the endometrium, an increase in the upper layer of the uterus. When fertilization occurs, the egg is attached to the lining of the uterus. However, if this did not happen, then after 12-15 days the level of hormones decreases, and critical days come.

Changes in the menstrual cycle

Throughout life, the cycle is subject to change. For example, after childbirth, it may become unstable. When a woman is breastfeeding, there is no menstruation because the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, changes the cycle. After the end of breastfeeding, menstruation returns to normal. At the same time, this is considered normal from the side of physiology. However, diseases that have already begun to develop can affect the duration of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, if the question arises, how to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle, you must first make sure that you are in good health. For example, algomenorrhea can lead to a strong painful sensation at the time of critical days, in combination with nausea and even vomiting. Similar symptoms have endometriosis, inflammation of the appendages and uterus.

  • Olimenorrhea is manifested by a rare menstrual cycle, and amenorrhea is the complete absence of critical days for 6 months. Menstruation is disturbed due to improper functioning of the ovaries. This disease appears due to hormonal imbalances, and amenorrhea most often worries about infertility;
  • Dysmenorrhea is an incessant cycle fluctuation. Therefore, the question - how to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle, is irrelevant, since it can begin long before or after the set time. When this disease is accompanied by painful sensations, the development of algomenorrhea is possible.

It is important for every woman to monitor her health, and what is no less important for the duration of the menstrual cycle. Any violations on his part indicate poor health of the body. Seeing a doctor on time will help to avoid complications and maintain health.

Menstruation is the exfoliation of the lining of the uterus and its removal from the body. The menstruation of a physically healthy girl has the appearance of spotting, which is observed cyclically, after a certain number of days. The menstrual cycle of each woman is individual and proceeds with its own characteristics.

If one girl easily endures this period, then for another “critical days” is a whole tragedy, which sometimes forces one to resort to the help of pills.

However, any woman should navigate her own cycle of menstruation. First of all, this gives an understanding of whether everything is in order with the reproductive system. And besides, the ability to calculate the menstrual cycle helps to determine the exact date of the onset of menstruation and be ready for their onset.

How to calculate the menstrual cycle? Not difficult. Every girl does this, at least intuitively. As a rule, women feel the approach of menstruation in advance on the basis of premenstrual syndrome or even focusing on the calendar.

However, not all phases of the menstrual cycle can be felt. The most important of them, ovulation, has to be calculated or measured.

Why should a girl know how to calculate a cycle?

  1. Monitor your health and pay attention to the first symptoms of gynecological diseases. If the cycle is irregular for a long period, it is necessary to undergo an examination for the timely detection of possible diseases.
  2. Increase the chance of conception if you want to get pregnant. For pregnancy, you need to know the date of ovulation, and it can be calculated by knowing the first day and the length of the cycle.
  3. For hygienic reasons. A well-calculated menstrual cycle will never come as a surprise. It will also help you to comfortably spend your vacation, pre-plan meetings, workouts, etc.

Many girls calculate the cycle to plan the so-called "safe sex". But it should be borne in mind that the calendar method of contraception is considered the most unreliable, as it allows you to calculate only the most successful days for conception, but does not guarantee that ovulation will not occur sooner or later.

Methods for calculating the menstrual cycle

Many people believe that menstruation is calculated based on the number of days between periods. This is not true. To correctly calculate, you need a pencil, a calendar and a little concentration. For at least three months, it is necessary to mark “critical days” directly on the calendar. And only then it is necessary to calculate the length of the cycle.

It is necessary to count the monthly segment of the cycle, including the first day of menstruation until the beginning of the next one. In the case of the start of menstruation on the same day of the month (for example, on the 15th), the cycle is 30-31 days. In this case, the schedule shift occurs in March, because February is the shortest month and menstruation will come a few days later.

However, as a rule, the usual cycle lasts 21 - 35 days. For this reason, menstruation never falls on the same dates. For example, if the menstrual period is less than 30 days, then the next menstruation will begin earlier, but the length of the cycle will not change in any way. It is more difficult if the menstrual cycle lasts more than 31 days.

In this case, the time of further menstruation will move forward by several days. For example, the menstrual cycle is 35 days. In this case, the beginning of the next month is calculated as follows: 31 days of the current cycle plus 4 days - the beginning of the next one. The next "critical days" will come on the 9th, since 35 days must be counted from the beginning of the first cycle. There is no need to calculate the entire cycle for several months in advance, because there may be deviations, which is a variant of the norm. This may be due to stress or acclimatization. But the absence of menstruation for more than 7 days can serve as a basis for a probable pregnancy. There are several ways to calculate a cycle.

calendar method

This is the oldest but most effective method. Its purpose is to know the exact date of the next menstruation. Its essence is simple: the calendar marks the immediate date of the onset of menstruation. This date will be the first day of the menstrual cycle. Doctors recommend that the beginning of menstruation is not brownish discharge, but the appearance of copious bloody.

How to count suitable for conception or "dangerous" days: method one

If the cycle lasts the same number of days, then the highest probability of conception occurs in the middle of the cycle. It is necessary to divide the duration of the cycle by two. This will be the day of ovulation, and the probability of conception includes two days before it and two days after. That is, if the cycle is 28 days, then 28/2 = 14. Ovulation occurs in fourteen days, counting from the first day of menstruation. And the probability of conception is high from the twelfth to the sixteenth day.

If the cycles last a different number of days, then you need to write out the duration of the shortest and longest cycles. Then take the number of days of the shortest period and subtract 18. This is the beginning of the fertile (or unsafe) period. Then you need to take the number of days of the longest cycle and subtract 11 - this is the end of the dangerous period.

For example, we take menstrual cycles calculated for six months: in January - 29 days, February - 27 days, in March - 26 days, April - 29 days, May - 27 days, June - 26 days.

The smallest of them is 26 days. 26-18 = 6.

That is, if July 1 is the beginning of the cycle, then the probability of conception is the smallest in the period from July 1 to July 7 and from July 19 to 25. And from July 8 to 18, conception is most likely.

This method helps to plan pregnancy more effectively. However, it should be noted that these calculations are only suitable for women with a relatively regular cycle.

Every woman of reproductive age should know about what menstruation, phase, ovulation and conception is, how to count the menstrual cycle, what changes occur during it. This information will help control the body, prevent various diseases and avoid unplanned conception.

What is the menstrual cycle

This is a certain period during which a woman's body undergoes processes that prepare her for a possible pregnancy. The first day of the cycle is the beginning of menstruation, the end is the day before the next. How many days should ideally be between periods? How to count the cycle of menstruation? The duration is different, the norm is from 21 to 35 days, the ideal is 28 days. It is curious that even for one woman, menstrual periods can vary - be longer or shorter.

Cycle phases

How to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation? To understand what day after menstruation ovulation occurs, you should learn more about the phases. There are two of them: follicular and luteal. Both are characterized by different processes occurring in time in the endometrium and ovaries. Since women have an individual cycle length, the number of days of the phases is also different. For example, if the cycle is 28 days, the first (follicular) lasts an average of 14 days.


It starts from the day of menstruation. All processes that occur before the release of the egg from the ovary are due to the action of follicle-stimulating hormone. Thanks to him, the follicles begin to mature, from which the egg comes out. The process takes about half the cycle. Initially, several follicles may form, but one becomes dominant, having increased to 14 mm before the others.

Another process that occurs during this period is the removal of dead endometrium (it comes out with the blood). When the uterus is cleared of everything, a new endometrium begins to develop and thicken. This is how the body prepares itself to receive a fertilized egg. During the described phase in women, the basal temperature does not exceed 37 degrees. It is worth following it to determine the day of ovulation - during it there is a sharp decrease. The calendar of critical days is not so reliable, so those who are not planning a pregnancy should monitor their temperature.


The phase begins after the ovulatory (after ovulation) and lasts approximately 14 days. An important role is given to luteinizing hormone. Processes taking place at this time:

  • the main follicle is torn;
  • the corpus luteum is formed, which produces progesterone;
  • the endometrium loosens, swells, preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg;
  • breasts swell under the influence of progesterone and estrogen;
  • basal temperature rises above 37 degrees;
  • the amount of secretions increases (mucus contributes to the survival and movement of spermatozoa).

Not fertilized, after 10-12 days, the corpus luteum resolves, the level of hormones drops. If the egg is fertilized, further changes occur, and the placenta begins to form. In the body, everything is interchangeable - any failure affects menstruation, the onset of pregnancy. It will not be possible to correctly draw up a personal schedule (table) of conception, calculate menstruation or calculate safe days if the cycle is irregular.

What is ovulation in women

Establishing the time of ovulation is often of interest to girls who want to get pregnant. During the estrous period, a mature egg leaves the follicle and begins to move towards the uterus. She is actively helped in this by the cilia of the fleecy epithelium. Ultimately, she either fertilizes or dies after a while. The ovulatory stage (the state of fertility) lasts approximately 48 days. Note: sometimes there are anovulatory periods, a feature of which is the absence of ovulation. This phenomenon is not accompanied by individual signs.

How to calculate the cycle of menstruation

It is not difficult to calculate the calendar of the menstrual cycle, especially if they flow without problems, with the same frequency. You need to start counting from the first day of your period. Regular menstruation is not as common. The physiology of women is such that the “biological clock” is lost not only due to pathologies, diseases, but even due to stress.

Some are interested in how to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation using programs. If you do not want to keep a paper calendar, you can calculate the timing of menstruation in special electronic programs or use an ovulation calculator. Just keep in mind that such information is not always reliable, for example, if the ovulation period is shifted under the influence of external factors.

How many days is a normal cycle

The ideal cycle length is 28 days. If it is stable, it is not difficult to calculate the beginning of menstruation, ovulation, end. When taking hormonal pills, menstruation goes like clockwork, strictly after 28 days. If the cycle goes astray, this is not considered a pathology - as already noted, the body often reacts to stress, illness, and so on. Irregular interval, delays can be observed in girls, older women.

When does ovulation occur

It is impossible to determine exactly when a woman will ovulate. As a rule, it falls in the middle of the menstrual period. Subjective sign - mild pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, there is an increase in mucous secretions. To accurately calculate ovulation over several months, you can plot your basal body temperature.

The duration of menstruation

Video about the women's calendar of menstruation

It just so happened that the childbearing function is activated in the girl's body at the moment when she does not care about this function at all. Having just put the doll aside, the girl is faced with a number of processes that are obscure to her, taking place in her body, which immediately begin to be vigorously discussed among her peers with consultations from those who are older. Yes, and mothers in this situation are not always on top, because they themselves are poorly oriented in this topic.

So, let's figure out once and for all what happens to you every month, dear women, what is considered the norm, what should alert you.

Most women answer the question about the length of their menstrual cycle with a similar phrase. “about once a month, a couple of days earlier than the previous month”- this intricate phrase indicates the duration of the cycle of 28 days. Such a cycle duration occurs in most healthy women, but does this mean that a shorter or longer cycle is a manifestation of pathology? Not!

Recognized that a normal menstrual cycle can last from 21 to 35 days, that is, plus or minus a week from the average of 28 days. The duration of the menstruation itself can normally vary from 2 to 6 days, and the volume of blood lost should be no more than 80 ml. A longer cycle is found in residents of the northern regions, a shorter one in the southern, but this is not an absolute pattern.

In the menstrual cycle, its regularity is important. That is, if a woman's cycle is always 35-36 days, then for her it can be absolutely normal, but if it is 26, then 35, then 21 - this is not the norm. In this way, pathology can be considered irregular(when menstruation comes after an unequal period of time), long cycle(more than 36 days) or short cycle(less than 21 days). In general, the menstrual cycle can vary greatly depending on the condition of the woman and the situation in which she is.

However, in different women, the lability of the menstrual cycle, depending on external and internal factors, is different. For some, a little stress can already lead to a delay in menstruation, while for others, severe depression is not a reason for menstrual irregularities. The menstrual cycle of one woman can adapt to the menstrual cycle of another if they exist together for a long time. This is often seen in women's sports teams or when living together in a hostel. What explains this fact is not entirely clear. One can only say that menstrual cycle albeit a clear mechanism, but can vary significantly in a normal healthy woman and these changes are a reflection of the body's response to external and internal factors.

The menstrual cycle is not always stable

The most irregular period is the first two years after the onset of menstruation and three years before they end (menopause). Violations during these periods are due to completely physiological reasons, which we will discuss below.

Where do these numbers come from and why can they change?

The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases: menstruation, the first phase (follicular) and the second phase (luteal). Menstruation lasts an average of 4 days. During this phase, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed due to the fact that pregnancy has not occurred.

First phase lasts from the end of menstruation to ovulation, that is, on average, up to the 14th day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle (the days of the cycle are counted from the moment the menstruation begins).

This phase is characterized by the following events: in the ovaries, several follicles begin to grow (from birth, a lot of small vesicles (follicles) in which the eggs are located are laid in the ovaries). In the process of their growth, these follicles secrete estrogens (female sex hormones) into the blood, under the influence of which the mucous membrane (endometrium) grows in the uterus.

Shortly before the 14th day of the cycle, all follicles except one stop growing and regress, and one grows to an average of 20 mm and bursts under the influence of special stimuli. This process is called ovulation. The ovum is released from the ruptured follicle and enters the fallopian tube, where it waits for the sperm. The edges of the ruptured follicle gather (like a flower that closes at night) and this formation is now called the "corpus luteum".

Starts immediately after ovulation second phase of the cycle. It lasts from the moment of ovulation to the onset of menstruation, that is, about 12-14 days. During this phase, the woman's body waits for the onset of pregnancy. In the ovary, the “yellow body” flourishes - the yellow body formed from the bursting follicle sprouts with vessels, and begins to secrete another female sexual hubbub (progesterone) into the blood, which prepares the uterine mucosa for the attachment of a fertilized egg and the onset of pregnancy. If pregnancy has not occurred, then a signal is sent to the corpus luteum about this and it turns off its work.

When the corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone, a signal is sent to the uterus, and it begins to reject the already unnecessary endometrium. Menstruation begins.

With different cycle lengths, the duration of the phases is reduced - this means that one woman needs 10 days for the maturation of the follicle, and the other needs 15-16.

Having dealt with what the menstrual cycle consists of, it is easy to understand what determines its duration in the norm and in the presence of pathology.

Why at the very beginning, everything is often not stable, and then, after childbirth, it gets better?

The reproductive system of a woman matures gradually, and being a complex mechanism, requires a period of adjustment. The fact that a girl is having her first period does not mean that its system is mature and ready to fully work(although for some, the menstrual cycle begins to work correctly from the very beginning).

The functioning of the female reproductive system can be perfectly compared with an orchestra, the harmonious play of all the instruments of which creates the unique sound of a piece of music - in our case regular menstrual cycle. Just as instruments in an orchestra require a period of tuning, so all components of the reproductive system need to agree with each other on understanding and working harmoniously together. Such a rehearsal usually takes about 6 months - someone has more, someone less, and someone may be delayed.

Why are there delays or periods start earlier?

Everything is very simple - if during the first phase of the cycle it is not possible to grow a full-fledged follicle, which could burst in the middle of the cycle (ovulation), then the second phase of the cycle, respectively, does not begin (no ovulation - there is nothing to form a corpus luteum). The first phase lasts a long time, until the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which has grown under the influence of estrogens, begins to be rejected on its own (like a pyramid of cubes collapses when it stands too high). The cycle in this situation can be delayed up to several months.

In this case, in the next cycle, ovulation can occur and the cycle can have a normal length. When such an alternation occurs, they speak of an irregular menstrual cycle.

Another reason for delayed menstruation may be too long existence of the corpus luteum. As I noted above, it lives for about 10 days and then begins to curtail its work, since pregnancy has not occurred. But sometimes it happens that despite the fact that the pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum continues its work and menstruation does not occur in any way, and comes only when the corpus luteum finally decides to leave.

More earlier onset of menstruation due, as a rule, to the fact that also the notorious corpus luteum, on the contrary, stops its work too early. This leads to an earlier onset of menstruation.

Remember how an orchestra sounds when it's tuning instruments - that's the same cacophony of the menstrual cycle often seen at the beginning. The components of the reproductive system negotiate between them so that they can grow a follicle in 14 days, start the process of ovulation, and maintain the corpus luteum for at least 10 days. At the beginning, not all stages of this work are successful for her, and this is manifested by an irregular menstrual cycle.

But this setting can be seriously interfered with by the person himself. Nothing so negatively affects the process of formation of the reproductive system as stress(reinforced study, exams, unhappy love), increased sports training, extreme weight loss, frequent illness, smoking, alcohol and drugs. Against the background of all of the above, quite often periods disappear and then they have to wait a long time. And the reason is very simple, I would say there is a simple biological expediency in this - in extreme conditions of life and when, for health reasons, a woman cannot bear healthy offspring, the reproductive function is turned off until better times. Not for nothing during the war, most women stopped menstruating, this phenomenon was even given the special term "wartime amenorrhea."

What to do with it?

I will make a reservation right away that I do not take into account various diseases, I am talking about some common problems in setting up the menstrual cycle. Such violations of the cycle are solved by taking hormonal contraception. Here we need to return again to the comparison with the orchestra. If the orchestra starts to get out of tune, you need to stop playing completely, give the musicians a break and start again. Hormonal contraception does just that. She turns off the reproductive system and all the time she takes contraception, she "rests". Then, after its cancellation, the system starts working again and, as a rule, cycle failures disappear.

Why is it that quite often the cycle becomes stable after childbirth, and sexuality reaches its peak?

The orchestra can rehearse as long as it likes, but it is finally played only when it has performed its first concerto from beginning to end. Pregnancy is the only purpose for which the reproductive system is generally provided in the body. Only after the first full-fledged pregnancy, which ended in childbirth and the period of breastfeeding, does the reproductive system fully mature, since during this period all the functions provided by nature are realized. After pregnancy, the woman finally matures and all the properties of the body that are not completely “unpacked” finally begin to work in full force.

The reproductive system must be used for its intended purpose - this is important; menstruation is not a function of the reproductive system, but a monthly reminder that it even exists and still works.

Let's go 30...

As time goes by, the reproductive system, which on average is given to exist in working order for 38 years (from 13 to 51), instead of fulfilling its function, is limited only to regular menstruation.

For reference: on average, a woman in her life (with 2 births) experiences about 400 menstruations and loses about 32 liters of blood, while during reproductive behavior (pregnancy, childbirth, 3 years of feeding, and only then 1-2 menstruations and again pregnancy ) menstruation is about 40 .

In addition, with age, a woman replenishes the history of various gynecological and general diseases, and all this begins to affect the state of the reproductive system and, therefore, is reflected in menstrual irregularities. Inflammation, abortion, gynecological surgery, overweight or underweight, general chronic diseases can cause problems.

Violation of the menstrual cycle in the form of delays or an earlier onset of menstruation a couple of times a year can occur in the absence of any pathology.

As a rule, this is due to climate change or other stresses for the body (illness, hard work, personal problems, etc.). All nervous professions can lead either to a delay in menstruation, to their earlier onset, or to a complete cessation.

All women are different, so everyone will have a different cycle depending on the type of reaction to stress and the phase of the cycle in which it occurs. For most women, nervous work does not affect their menstrual cycle at all. Cycle disorders, especially if before that he was stable, often make a woman think that something is wrong with her. Not in all cases, you need to panic.

If you can clearly remember any negative events in the recent past that have greatly shocked you, then most likely this is a one-time violation of the cycle and there is nothing to worry about. If there is no menstruation for a very long time (and the pregnancy test is negative), then you should consult a doctor. If menstruation came earlier and does not end in any way, this is also a reason to hurry up for an examination by a gynecologist.

Sometimes cycle disorder can be manifested by very frequent menstruation(several times a month). And then there is no need to delay - urgently see a doctor.
But if the regularity of the cycle disappears completely This is also a reason to see a doctor.

Regularity- the main indicator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Sometimes it happens that the cycle had one duration and suddenly becomes shorter while maintaining its regularity. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the second phase of the cycle becomes shorter, as the corpus luteum begins to work less. Such changes are more often observed closer to 40 years. This is not a reason to panic, but simply a reflection of the fact that your reproductive system will also change with age, just like you.

early menopause

This is one of the very common fears of women. In fact, this fear is exaggerated, since early menopause is rare. It is mainly caused by rare congenital diseases, rare systemic diseases, the consequences of treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy for cancer) and other rare conditions. There are situations when, as a result of surgical intervention, an ovary or part of it is removed from a woman. Then menopause may come earlier due to the fact that there is little tissue left in the ovaries that could support the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

early menopause, as a rule, it is manifested by the cessation of menstruation and the appearance of symptoms of insufficiency of female sex hormones (hot flashes, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, etc.). There is no prevention of this disease.

Painful periods and PMS

For some reason it is assumed that feeling unwell during menstruation is normal. Presence of pain, nausea, migraine during menstruation is not a normal occurrence. This condition of painful menstruation is called dysmenorrhea and requires treatment. Even if these phenomena are expressed insignificantly, they can and should be corrected.

Dysmenorrhea happens like primary(most often at a young age), when it is most likely due simply to the immaturity of the reproductive system and secondary– when it is a reflection of a number of serious gynecological diseases.

The same applies to premenstrual syndrome. In general, the wide popularization of this syndrome allows women to write off their sometimes not entirely adequate actions and behaviors as manifestations of this syndrome. However, PMS is not a feature of a woman's personality. which everyone must come to terms with. PMS is a disease, which has not fully understood causes, a whole list of symptoms and specific therapeutic measures. Manifestations of PMS can and should be corrected. It is wrong to take a monthly illness for granted in modern conditions. If you have such problems, consult a doctor.

how it all ends

Decay of the reproductive system usually occurs in the same way as its formation. Menstruation becomes irregular, there is a tendency to delay. This is due to the same reasons as in the beginning.

The ovaries respond worse to stimuli from the brain. It is not possible to grow follicles that could reach ovulation - accordingly, the cycle is delayed. If ovulation occurs periodically, then the resulting corpus luteum does not work well. Because of what, menstruation either starts earlier or vice versa is delayed for a long time. Eventually, periods stop, and if there are no more than 6 months, you need to see a doctor. Based on hormonal tests and ultrasound, the onset of menopause can be assumed.

Sometimes there are times when menstruation stops for a long time, and on analyzes and US the beginning of a menopause is supposed. This can be especially frightening for women at a young age. However, this may be only a temporary period, and menstruation may resume on its own, for example, after a good rest.

Thus, the myth that 28 days is the norm and everything that differs from this figure is a pathology has been debunked. The main thing in the menstrual cycle is its regularity, and the duration of the cycle can fluctuate over a wide range.

And yet, there is a simple rule, if you regularly undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist (at least once a year), in case of any violations, do not postpone an “unpleasant” trip to a gynecologist, then you will almost never have serious gynecological problems.

The onset of menstruation is always an important and exciting stage in the life of every woman. This is a kind of evidence of the body that it has matured and requires further development. It is important to know which cycle of menstruation is considered normal. Indeed, only by the nature of the discharge and the regularity of critical days at any age can one already judge many pathological conditions, including the likelihood of pregnancy. Many women, losing relatively large volumes of blood every month, consider this normal, especially if friends and relatives have had similar conditions. Normally, critical days should not disturb the general well-being and interfere with the usual way of life. How to understand where in which case there is already a pathology, what do normal periods look like?

Read in this article

When does a girl get her period

The puberty of children today is significantly different from what it was, for example, 20-25 years ago. If our grandmothers and mothers can tell stories about how their periods started at 14 and 16, now this is more an exception than a pattern.

But just like the duration of the cycle, the duration can be affected by all of the above factors, leading to the fact that the critical days flow a little differently than usual. Additionally, the following can change the duration:

  • Sexual contacts during critical days. Sex at the beginning and end of menstruation can cause them to slightly increase, but reduce the number of days. This is explained by the fact that during sexual contact, oxytocin is released, which causes contraction of the uterus, and this leads to the fastest cleansing of its cavity. Sex during heavy discharge, as a rule, causes an even greater increase in them.
  • The intrauterine device, being in the uterine cavity, in many women contributes to an increase in the amount of discharge and the duration of critical days up to 14 days. A few days before and after menstruation are considered normal. It all depends on the individual properties of the organism.
  • Against the background of taking oral contraceptives, the nature of menstruation changes significantly. In most cases, the number of days is reduced to 2 - 4, and the discharge can only be spotting throughout them.

Norms of blood loss on critical days

How should a normal period go? Ideally, in 5-7 critical days, a woman can leave up to 150-200 ml of blood with secretions without harm to health. On average, this is 50 - 70 ml per day. With such a cycle, one pack of pads is usually enough for 5-6 drops per month, provided that they are almost completely full.

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