Frank Sinatra interesting facts from life. Frank Sinatra - biography, songs, interesting facts from life, photos. The Hoboken Four and participation in big bands

, Music

Francis Albert Sinatra (Eng. Francis Albert Sinatra: December 12, 1915, Hoboken, New Jersey - May 14, 1998, Los Angeles) is an American actor, singer (crooner) and showman. He was famous for his romantic style of singing songs and "honey" voice.

In his younger years, he had the nickname Frankie (Frankie) and the Voice (“the Voice”), in later years - Mr. Blue Eyes (Ol` Blue Eyes), and then the respectful Elder (“Chairman of the Board”).

I admit that alcohol is the enemy of man, but doesn't the Bible teach us to love our enemy?

Sinatra Frank

The songs performed by him entered the classics of pop and swing style, became the most striking examples of the pop-jazz manner of singing "crooning", several generations of Americans were brought up on them.

Over 50 years of active creative activity, he recorded about 100 invariably popular single discs, performed all the most famous songs of the largest US composers - George Gershwin, Col Porter and Irving Berlin.

In 1997 he was awarded the highest honor of the United States, the Congressional Gold Medal.

To be successful, you need to have friends; but to maintain great success, one must have many friends.

Sinatra Frank

Sinatra is the son of Italian emigrants who, at the turn of the century, settled with their parents on the east coast of America as children. His father was a native of Palermo (Sicily) and worked as a professional boxer, firefighter and bartender.

Sinatra's mother was from the northern Italian city of Lumarzo (near Genoa) and served as the local chairman of the Democratic Party in Hoboken. Frank was the only child in the family. He grew up in a humble environment, compared to many other Italian-American immigrants.

From an early age, he was interested in music, and from the age of 13 he moonlighted with the help of a ukulele, a small musical installation and a megaphone in the bars of his city. From 1932, Sinatra had small radio appearances; since he saw his idol Bing Crosby at a concert in Jersey City in 1933, he chose the profession of a singer.

Progress means that everything takes less time and more money.

Sinatra Frank

In addition, he also worked as a sports journalist for a local newspaper during the Great Depression in the 1930s, after he left college without a degree. Cinema aroused great interest in him; his favorite actor was Edward G. Robinson, who then starred primarily in gangster films.

With The Hoboken Four, Sinatra won the then-popular Major Bowes Amateur Hour (Major Bowes Amateur Hour) young talent competition in 1935, and some time later went on his first national tour with them.

After that, he worked for 18 months from 1937 as a showman in a New Jersey music restaurant, which was also visited by stars such as Col Porter, and, along with radio appearances, laid the foundation for his professional career.

Some women have husbands just to pull up a dress that fastens at the back.

Sinatra Frank

The impetus for Sinatra's career was given by work in the famous swing jazz orchestras of trumpeter Harry James and trombonist Tommy Dorsey in 1939-1942. In February 1939, Sinatra married his first love, Nancy Barbato.

In this marriage in 1940, Nancy Sinatra was born, who later became a famous singer. She was followed in 1944 by Frank Sinatra Jr. (in 1988-1995 the leader of the Sinatra orchestra) and in 1948 Tina Sinatra, who works as a film producer.

In the late 1940s, Sinatra began a creative crisis in the genre, coinciding in time with a stormy romance with actress Ava Gardner.

I believe in you and me. I am like Albert Schweitzer, Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein in my respect for life - in any form. I believe in nature, in birds, in the sea, in the sky, in everything that I can see or that has real evidence. If these things are what you mean by God, then I believe in God.

Sinatra Frank

1949 was the hardest year in Sinatra's career: he was fired from the radio, and six months later plans to hold concerts in New York were grossly violated, Nancy filed for divorce, and the romance with Gardner turned into a loud scandal, Columbia Records refused him studio time.

In 1950, his contract with MGM was terminated, and a new agent from MCA also turned his back on Sinatra. At the age of 34, Frank became a "man of the past."

In 1951, Sinatra married Ava Gardner, whom he divorced six years later. In addition, Sinatra lost his voice after a severe cold. All these misfortunes were so unexpected and difficult that the singer decided to commit suicide.

Fear is the enemy of logic. There is no more powerful, destructive, pernicious, disgusting thing in the world - for an individual or a nation.

Sinatra Frank

The voice problems were temporary, and when he recovered, Sinatra started all over again. In 1953, he starred in From Here to Eternity, winning an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

He was invited to various film projects, the most successful of which were "The Man with the Golden Arm" ("The Man With the Golden Arm", 1955), "11 Ocean's Friends" ("Ocean's Eleven", 1960), "Detective" (" The Detective, 1968).

Since the late 1950s, Sinatra has performed in Las Vegas with such pop stars as Sammy Davis (Sam Davis), Dean Martin (Dean Martin), Joe Bishop (Joe Bishop) and Peter Lawford (Peter Lowford).

Luck is great and you should be lucky enough to get this opportunity. But after that, you need to have talent and be able to use it.

Sinatra Frank

Their company, known as the "Rat Pack", worked with John F. Kennedy during his 1960 presidential campaign. Recordings and performances with the big bands of Count Basie, Billy May, Nelson Riddle's studio swing orchestras and others were very successful, earning Sinatra the fame of one of the masters of swing.

In 1966, Sinatra married actress Mia Farrow. He was 51 and she was 21. They separated the following year. Ten years later, Sinatra married for the fourth time - to Barbara Marks, with whom he lived until the end of his life.

In 1971, Sinatra announced that he was retiring, but continued to give rare concerts. In 1980, Sinatra recorded one of his masterpieces - the hit "New York, New York", becoming the only singer in history who managed to regain popularity and love of the public after fifty years.

I pity people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, it's the best thing they feel all day.

Sinatra Frank

In 1988-1989, the Rat Pack farewell tour took place, and Sinatra's last concert performance took place in 1994, when he was 78 years old. On May 14, 1998, Frank Sinatra died of a heart attack at the age of 82.

Interesting Facts
* Frank Sinatra is the inspiration for Johnny Fontaine, a character in Mario Puzo's novel The Godfather.
* Frank Sinatra received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his achievements and contributions to the field of music.

On May 13, 2008, a new postage stamp with a portrait of Sinatra went on sale in New York, Las Vegas and New Jersey. The issue of the brand is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the death of the great singer. The graduation ceremony in Manhattan was attended by Frank Sinatra's children, his friends, relatives and admirers of his work.

If you have something but you can't give it away, then you don't own it... it owns you.

Sinatra Frank

Most famous songs

* "My Way"
* "New York, New York"
* "Strangers in the Night"
* "It Was a Very Good Year"
* "I've Got You Under My Skin"
*"America the Beautiful"
* "Jingle Bells"
* "Let It Snow"
* "Something Stupid"
* "You make me feel so young"
* "Moonlight In Vermont"
* "My Kind Of Town"
* “Moon river”
* "Love and Marriage"
*"Everybody loves somebody sometime"
* "I love you baby"

* 1946 - The Voice Of Frank Sinatra
* 1948 - Christmas Songs By Sinatra
* 1949 - Frankly Sentimental
* 1950 - Songs By Sinatra
* 1951 - Swing And Dance With Frank Sinatra
* 1954 - Songs For Young Lovers
* 1954 - Swing Easy!
* 1955 - In The Wee Small Hours
* 1956 - Songs For Swingin' Lovers
* 1956 - This Is Sinatra!
* 1957 - A Jolly Christmas From Frank Sinatra
* 1957 - A Swingin' Affair!
* 1957 - Close To You And More
* 1957 - Where Are You
* 1958 - Come Fly With Me
* 1958 - Sings For Only The Lonely (Only The Lonely)
* 1958 - This Is Sinatra Volume 2
* 1959 - Come Dance With Me!
* 1959 - Look To Your Heart
* 1959 - No One Cares
* 1960 - Nice `N` Easy
* 1961 - All The Way
* 1961 - Come Swing With Me!
* 1961 - I Remember Tommy
* 1961 - Ring-A-Ding-Ding!
* 1961 - Sinatra Swings (Swing Along With Me)
* 1961 - Sinatra's Swingin' Session!!! And More
* 1962 - All Alone
* 1962 - Point Of No Return
* 1962 - Sinatra And Strings
* 1962 - Sinatra And Swingin` Brass
* 1962 - Sinatra Sings Great Songs From Great Britain
* 1962 - Sinatra Sings Of Love And Things
* 1962 - Sinatra-Basie An Historic Musical First (feat. Count Basie)
* 1963 - Sinatra's Sinatra
* 1963 - The Concert Sinatra
* 1964 - America I Hear You Singing (feat. Bing Crosby & Fred Waring)
* 1964 - Days Of Wine And Roses Moon River And Other Academy Award Winners
* 1964 - It Might As Well Be Swing (feat. Count Basie)
* 1964 - Softly As I Leave You
* 1965 - A Man And His Music
* 1965 - My Kind Of Broadway
* 1965 - September Of My Years
* 1965 - Sinatra`65 The Singer Today
* 1966 - Moonlight Sinatra
* 1966 - Sinatra At The Sands (feat. Count Basie)
* 1966 - Strangers In The Night
* 1966 - That's Life
* 1967 - Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim (feat. Antonio Carlos Jobim)
* 1967 - The World We Knew
* 1968 - Cycles
* 1968 - Francis A & Edward K (feat. Duke Ellington)
* 1968 - The Sinatra Family Wish You A Merry Christmas
* 1969 - A Man Alone The Words And Music Of McKuen
* 1969 - My Way
* 1970 - Watertown
* 1971 - Sinatra & Company (feat. Antonio Carlos Jobim)
* 1973 - Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back
* 1974 - Some Nice Things I've Missed
* 1974 - The Main Event Live
* 1980 - Trilogy Past Present Future
* 1981 - She Shot Me Down
* 1984 - L.A. Is My Lady
* 1993 - Duets
* 1994 - Duets II
* 1994 - Sinatra & Sextet Live In Paris
* 1994 - The Song Is You
* 1995 - Sinatra 80th Live In Concert
* 1997 - With The Red Norvo Quintet Live In Australia 1959
* 1999 - `57 In Concert
* 2002 - Classic Duets
* 2003 - Duets With The Dames
* 2003 - The Real Complete Columbia Years V-Discs
* 2005 - Live From Las Vegas
* 2006 - Sinatra Vegas
* 2008 - Nothing But The Best

Frank Sinatra, whose biography is of interest to many, thanks to his artistic talent, has become a real symbol of the United States and the brightest star of this country for many years. His vocal career began in the 1940s and reached such heights by its decline that even during his lifetime the singer was recognized as a real classic of American musical culture. He was considered the standard of style and taste. His exciting voice sounded from all the radios of a vast country. That is why, after the death of the great artist, his songs entered the history of the United States and the world music industry as a whole. About this great man and will be discussed in this article.


Frank Sinatra, whose biography is full of interesting details, was born into a family of emigrants from Italy. Mom and dad of the artist moved to the United States in his youth. Together with their simple belongings, they settled on the east coast of America and began a new life. Frank's father - Martin - was from the city and tried a lot of professions in his life - he was a bartender, a fireman, a loader at shipyards, and even played in the ring as a boxer for some time.

But the mother of the future artist - Dolly - came from Genoa. She was distinguished by a gloomy and decisive character, she herself made all the important decisions in the family. This woman was more involved in social and political work than housekeeping, and often left Frank with her grandmother. After raising her son, Dolly decided to build her own career and took the post of leader of the city cell of the Democratic Party.

Frank Sinatra, whose brief biography is discussed in this article, led a very ordinary life in early childhood. He did not experience poverty and did not bathe in luxury. In early childhood, he even lagged behind in development from his peers. And at the age of sixteen he was kicked out of school for ugly behavior. Frank never received any education, but this did not prevent him from becoming famous all over the world.

Career development

The biggest passion in the life of our hero has always been music. Already at the age of thirteen, Frank Sinatra sang in drinking establishments of his native city. The biography of the great singer after some time was marked by successful recordings on the radio. After he attended a concert in Jersey City in 1933 and saw the performance of his idol Crosby Bing, he finally chose his future profession and decided to become a performer.

Later, in the mid-1930s, the artist, in company with his friends, created the Hoboken Four musical group, with whom he appeared at the Big Bowes Amateur Hour competition for young performers. This performance turned out to be very successful, and after a while the group went on tour around the cities of the United States. Then Frank Sinatra began to work in a music cafe, and, as before, to perform on the radio. Interestingly, the young man had no musical education at all. He sang by ear, not knowing the notes at all.

Real Success

But real success came to our hero only at the very beginning of the 1940s. Then he often performed with the jazz orchestras of Tommy Dorsey and Harry James. During this period, he managed to attract the attention of famous figures of American culture. They began to sponsor the young talent, and in 1946 Frank Sinatra, whose biography contains many bright events, recorded his debut album called The Voice Of Frank Sinatra. A year later, he released a new disc - "Christmas Songs By Sinatra". With Dorsey, the singer signed a life contract and this could determine his artistic fate for many years. The famous Sam Giancana helped him get out of a difficult situation. This episode was later described in detail in the novel The Godfather. It is believed that one of his heroes - Johnny Fontaine - was written off from Frank Sinatra.

A crisis

The artist's affairs were going very well, but at some point his career began to crumble. The fact is that Frank's marital relationship with longtime lover Nancy Barbato broke up because of his affair with actress Ava Gardner. This romance with a Hollywood star very soon also turned into a massive scandal. Because of him, the performer's concerts in the most famous - New York were canceled. After that, Frank fell into a long depression, which caused him to leave the radio. On top of all the troubles, in 1951, the performer suddenly lost his voice due to a protracted cold. Exhausted by problems, the great musician began to think about suicide ...

New role

But Frank Sinatra will not dare to take this fatal step. The artist's biography was soon adorned with a new fateful event - having lost his voice, the performer turned his attention to cinema and in 1953 played one of the roles in the film "From Here to Eternity". For this work, Sinatra won an Oscar and was recognized as the best supporting actor.

From this event, the life of our hero began to return to its former track. The voice eventually reappeared, Sinatra again began to work in the studio. The artist's musical albums began to come out one after another. And after a while, fans of the talent of an outstanding singer got the opportunity to regularly follow his game on the screen. For eleven years (from 1954 to 1980), Frank Sinatra starred in six dozen films. Biography, photos of this outstanding person became the property of the most prestigious glossy publications. He became a recognized hero of his time.


He remained in the history of American culture not only as an outstanding singer, but also as a wonderful actor Frank Sinatra. The biography of this artist is marked by participation in the following films: "Las Vegas Nights", "While the Clouds Float", "Double Dynamite", "From Here to Eternity", "High Society", "Unexpected", "Raise the Anchors", " Pride and Passion", "Firing to the City", "Ocean's Eleven", "The Man with the Golden Arm", "They Came Running", "Around the World in 80 Days", "The Manchurian Candidate", "Four from Texas", " Adrian Messenger's List", "Von Ryan Train", "Robin and the 7 Gangsters". In his last film, The First Deadly Sin, the actor starred when he was already 65 years old. The above are only the most successful projects in which the actor was involved. They made him truly famous.

last years of life

Sinatra Frank (the biography of this artist still occupies the minds of various researchers) continued his stellar journey as an actor and singer until the end of the 1970s. At the end of his career, he recorded the famous composition "New York, New York" and with this iconic song he said goodbye to the American scene. After that, Sinatra performed several more times before the public, but this was the exception rather than the rule. Not having lived just two years before the onset of the second millennium, in 1998, the great artist died of a heart attack in his own home in East Hollywood. This day was marked in America with national mourning.

Personal life

Frank Sinatra, whose personal life was the subject of constant discussion in the press, was married four times. His first wife was a childhood friend - Barbato Nancy. In this marriage, Nancy, the daughter of Frank Sinatra, was born. Today, this woman has become a famous performer in America. In addition, after some time, the artist had two more children - daughter Tina and son Frank Sinatra Jr.

In the late 1940s, Sinatra had an affair with an artist that provoked a break in marital relations. In 1951, Frank and Ava got married, but after 6 years after a continuous series of scandals, they divorced.

In 1966, the great singer decided for the third time to tie himself up in marriage. His new chosen one was the actress Farrow Mia. But the marriage with this woman did not last long - the couple divorced a year later. Frank Sinatra, whose biography, whose personal life is not a secret to anyone, spent the last years with his fourth wife, Barbara Marx.


On May 13, 2008, a Frank Sinatra postage stamp was released for sale in Las Vegas, New Jersey and New York. This event was timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the death of an outstanding performer. The singer's children, his relatives, friends and fans were at the solemn event on the occasion of the release of the stamp in Manhattan.


Every celebrity has an official, normal biography. Frank Sinatra is no exception. But in the life of this man there were many secrets over which biographers are still racking their brains. By virtue of his origin, he was associated with and even sometimes used her services. In order to learn about the details of the artist's life, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials of that time, delve into the essence of the events taking place, and feel the atmosphere of the era. Therefore, we advise everyone who is interested in the fate and work of this outstanding person to read his detailed biography.

This century may well be called his name, because the velvety voice of Frank Sinatra is impossible to forget. On the day of the centennial anniversary, we have collected the most interesting facts about the life of a musician, a sex symbol of the 20th century, a Grammy and Oscar winner.

Birth of a legend

The birth was difficult, the doctor had to pull the child weighing only six kilograms with forceps, damaging one of the eardrums - Sinatra heard worse than other people. In addition, he had scars on his body for the rest of his life: “Do not hide your scars. They make you who you are,” the singer said.

name history

The legendary singer was not always called that way, more often by nicknames, of which he had several. In his youth, Frank was called Frankie (Frankie) or simply Voice (The Voice), Mr. Blue Eyes (Ol "Blue Eyes) and Chairman (Chairman) in later years. Frank Dodgers' friend Don Drysdale called him Big D or Baby.

"I looked back to see..."

Sinatra preferred to ride in a sports car designed by Luigi Segre. Nearly every day, when he stopped at a red light, a pedestrian would pause on the side of the road, staring at Frank and thinking, "Looks like him, but is he?" This happened almost every day. Frank on such occasions always beamed at the passerby. If you find yourself in New York on December 12, you can drive around the city in one of the superstar cars.

Selfie from the past

Who would have thought that young Sinatra took a selfie. On December 4, an exhibition of rare photographs of the artist from the family archive opened in London, which were provided by the singer's granddaughter Amanda Erlinger. In one of the shots in 1938, Sinatra films himself in the bathroom mirror.

Video: YouTube/User: Gérard Vidal

In the bag

Regular tie, white shirt with cufflinks, waistcoat, cashmere cardigan, soft felt hat, brogues or oxfords on your feet Can you imagine? You know, this is Frank Sinatra.

"Wear your hat on one side, its slope will tell about your mood," he said and easily read people by their hats. The hat must be put on with both hands and be sure to tilt a few centimeters above the right eyebrow. To add mystery, you need to tilt the headdress forward, and to create a neutral look, move it a few centimeters up. An open forehead speaks of a person's directness and vulnerability.

By the way, today Sinatra's favorite style of hat is worn by English rock singer Pete Doherty, actor Terrence Howard and singer Justin Timberlake.

Video: YouTube/User: Frank Sinatra

All I Need Is The Girl

In love, Frank had no equal: he was idolized by women, and he treated every passion like a queen. Therefore, even after parting, women adored Sinatra, but he went on, conquering new hearts. In search of passion, the artist wandered so far that during the filming of the film "Higher and Higher" he hung a list of the twenty most seductive Hollywood stars in his dressing room. As soon as the lady found herself in the arms of a loving singer, he cynically deleted her name from the list. At the end of a specific mission, the piece of paper was completely crossed out. As they would say today - done.

mating games

Frank Sinatra had four wives. The longest was the last marriage with actress Barbara Marks. With the second wife - the famous actress Mia Farrow, the age difference was 30 years. A year later, they divorced, and later Mia married film director Woody Allen.

Fathers and Sons

Frank Sinatra's eldest daughter Nancy starred in films with her father from the age of 19, and at 26 she went into show business and became a singer. In the early 2000s, Quentin Tarantino used Nancy's Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) in the credits of the film Kill Bill, Robbie Williams reworked You Only Live Twice into his super hit Millennium, and in the cartoon Shrek 2, Puss in Boots voiced Banderas sings These Boots Are Made for Walkin.

Frank Jr. also followed in his father's footsteps and took up music, and also starred in two films. From 1988 to 1995 he directed the Sinatra Orchestra. In 1963, an assassination attempt was made on him. With the help of the authorities and the FBI, the singer ransomed his son for 240 thousand dollars. For all the intelligence agents involved in the operation, Sinatra bought a gold watch. Now Frank is 71 years old, he has two sons, one of whom is also named Frank.

Unsplit Nut

On the set of the film "The Manchurian Candidate" Sinatra got into the role so much that he broke his little finger. This injury bothered him all his life, preventing him from starring in Dirty Harry, but the artist owned a pistol brilliantly.

Due to his charisma, the artist could replace Bruce Willis on the screens: it was Sinatra who was originally offered the role in the film Die Hard.

dog waltz

After recording a new composition in the studio from the control booth, he was applauded by his friends and daughter Nancy, who was always present at her father's recordings. Frank himself snapped his fingers and, stamping his foot, sang: "Yaba-daba-duu!" When he once again muttered such a meaningless phrase, it turned into the name of the famous Scooby-Doo dog and made him the main character of the Fred Silverman show program.

Frank Sinatra is a popular American pop singer, performer of hits "New York, New York" ("New York, New York"), "My way" ("My way"), "Love Story" ("Love Story") , "Over and Over" ("Peace be with you"). During the heyday of his activity, the artist acted in films, spoke on the radio, produced films, and hosted his own television show. Sinatra has won eleven Grammy Awards and two Oscars.

The singer known as Frank Sinatra was born in 1915 to a family of Italian immigrants. He celebrated his birthday on December 12th. At birth, the child weighed more than 6 kg. The full name given to the boy at birth was Francis Albert Sinatra.

In childhood, the child was often left with his grandmother and aunt. Frank's mother devoted a lot of time to social work, and his father was a dockworker. Martin and Dolly Sinatra were quintessential working-class Americans in the early twentieth century.

At a young age, Frank became interested in music. He used his skills on a small ukulele to earn pocket money. Due to absenteeism and poor academic performance, young Sinatra was expelled from high school. He developed his abilities, being gifted by nature. Sinatra was not familiar with solfeggio and sang by ear.

Top Songs and Albums

Sinatra is considered the only singer who, in old age, was able to repeat the success of his younger years. One of the most famous songs "New York, New York" ("New York, New York"), the master recorded in 1979. The singer at this point was already 64 years old. The song became a hallmark of New York and is still used as one of the city's unspoken anthems.

For half a century of his creative activity, the singer has recorded more than a hundred hit songs. Frank performed songs by George Gershwin, Col Porter, Irving Burling and other famous composers of his time. During the life of the singer, about 60 albums with his vocals were released. Compilations with Christmas songs performed by Sinatra are still very popular in America.

The most famous songs of the artist in the world: “Strangers in the night” (“Wanderers in the night”), “New York, New York” (“New York, New York”), “My way” (“My way”) , "Fly Me to the moon" ("Take me to the moon"), "Jingle bells" ("Bells") and "Let it Snow" ("Let it snow").

Personal life

The singer was officially married four times. His personal life was for a long time the object of close attention of journalists, which led to Frank's divorce from his first wife. The singer hated members of the press for the rest of his life.

The artist's first love was a girl named Nancy Barbato. She and Frank married in the winter of 1939. The wife gave Sinatra three wonderful children. The eldest daughter was born in 1940. She was named after her mother. When Nancy Sinatra grew up, she, following the example of her father, devoted her life to music. In 1944, Frank Sinatra Jr. was born, who also became a musician. He led his father's orchestra. The youngest child in this marriage was the daughter of the singer Tina. The children of Frank and Nancy connected their lives with show business. The eldest daughter and middle son became musicians, and Tina found herself in the film business.

After his divorce from Nancy, Sinatra quickly found solace in the arms of the actress. The lovers got married a few years after the start of their romance. For Ava, marriage to Sinatra was the third in a row.

During the beginning of family life with Gardner, Frank had a severe creative block. The singer was pursued by a series of failures, as a result of which he was unclaimed in the profession. Having lost his voice due to complications from a cold, Frank decided to take his own life. The wife was next to the singer and supported him in difficult times, Sinatra recovered and returned to the stage. In 1952, his concerts again began to be accompanied by a full house. Sinatra lived with his second wife for about six years.

The singer married for the third time at the age of 51. The marriage of Sinatra and his 21-year-old fiance Mia Farrow took place in 1966. In the press, many devastating articles appeared on this subject. Thanks to the surname of Mia's wife, she made herself a good career as an actress. The young wife helped the singer overcome another creative crisis. A year after the wedding, Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra divorced.

The fourth wife of the singer in 1976 was Barbara Marks. She was Sinatra's last official life partner, with whom he lived until his death. Biographers often criticize Barbara, calling her an inheritance hunter. The couple lived together for 22 years.

Frank Sinatra was not only a talented singer and actor, but also a famous ladies' man. His women were unusually beautiful and talented. Among Sinatra's lovers there were many famous actresses, singers and fashion models. Both in his youth and in his old age, Frank knew how to charm the woman he liked with his “velvet” voice and gallant manners.

In addition to four official marriages, the singer had two broken engagements. Sinatra broke off her engagement to Humphrey Bogart's widow Lauren Bacall due to early publicity. Friends of the actress told reporters about the upcoming wedding, and the press occupied the singer's home. Sinatra felt that Lauren had betrayed him and severed their relationship.

The second engagement to Juliette Prowse was canceled in 1962 after a month and a half from the date of her announcement. The initiator of the gap was the bride, she decided to focus on her career. Sinatra also had relationships with Lana Turner, Gina Lollobrigida, Shirley MacLaine, Donna Reed, Jill St. John. Frank and his women usually parted amicably, without scandals or incidents. Sinatra met many of his passions during the filming of a movie and maintained friendly relations after parting.


The charm of the artist helped him build a good career in cinema. Sinatra did not go to acting school, did not take acting classes. His playing and musical skills were native. During his film career, Frank played roles in 46 films.

In 1965, the artist tried to direct the film "Only the Brave". This experience was isolated, but as a producer, Sinatra released as many as six tapes. It is interesting that the artist's children chose professions that repeat their father's occupations. For example, the youngest daughter of Sinatra took up producing movies.

Frank Sinatra in It Happened in Brooklyn

The most famous films with the participation of the artist: "From Now and Forever", "Ocean's 11" (film adaptation of 1960), "The Manchurian Candidate", "The Man with the Golden Arm", "Detective", "Around the World in 80 Days" (film adaptation 1956). Sinatra's work in films has been highly acclaimed. The actor won two Oscar statuettes and two Golden Globe awards.

  • In his youth, the artist almost ended up in prison because of his love for a married woman. In America at the beginning of the last century, having an affair with someone else's wife was a criminal offense and could adversely affect a singer's career.
  • There is a version that Frank Sinatra was associated with the mafia. In particular, the singer did not hide the fact that he was personally acquainted with some criminal authorities. According to rumors, the mafia, commissioned by Sinatra, cracked down on his ill-wishers. And the singer, first of all, considered journalists as enemies, who were too interested in his personal life and affairs.

  • Frank Sinatra was very fond of Audrey Hepburn, it was he who gave the rising star the nickname "Princess". Interestingly, in 1953, the actress really played a royal in the film Roman Holiday. Sinatra's wife Ava Gardner was also considered for the role, but the producers chose Audrey Hepburn.
  • Frank's eldest daughter posed for the cover of Playboy magazine. At the time of the candid photo shoot, Nancy Sinatra had already celebrated her 54th birthday.
  • Frank was not only a singer and actor, but also a famous showman. The most popular representatives of show business in America appeared on Sinatra's TV show. After demobilization, young Elvis Presley appeared on television in the Sinatra show. By the way, the relationship between the two great singers was not particularly warm. Frank did not like rock and roll and called it degenerate music, which Elvis Presley did not like.

  • In 1960, the singer bought a casino. When it turned out that one of Sinatra's partners was Chicago gangster Sam Giancana, the artist had to give up his stake in the business in order to maintain his reputation.
  • A fake performance of the song "My Way" has caused the death of several singers in the Philippines. In 10 years, 6 people were killed in karaoke bars. As a result of these incidents, the song was banned in the Philippines.
  • Modern biographers, studying the archives, have suggested that the singer had an affair with Marilyn Monroe. The veracity of this claim remains in question. It is known that Frank and Marilyn met in 1954. Several biographical books based on the memoirs of people close to Marilyn and Sinatra provide conflicting information about their relationship.

  • According to one version, Frank was crazy about the diva, but she rejected him, according to another, Marilyn was in love with the singer, but he did not want to associate his life with her. There is also an opinion that Sinatra and Monroe had a secret affair. This love story caused a public outcry, interest has not weakened even half a century after the death of the actress. Some daredevils even make assumptions that Monroe could have committed suicide because of unrequited love for Sinatra. Photos of the singer and actress do not support, but do not refute the theory of their secret romance.


The singer announced the end of his stage career in 1971. He did not manage to retire completely that year. In 1973, the master recorded a new studio album "Ol" Blue Eyes Is Back ", and resumed his concert activity in 1974. The last collection with compositions was released by the singer in 1993, and in 1995 the master took the stage for the last time.

Frank Sinatra and his wife in old age

The singer died in 1998. The cause of death is a heart attack. The legendary Sinatra passed away on May 14th. Frank was 82 at the time of his death. The funeral was held in California in the city of Cathedral city at the Desert Memorial Park cemetery.


  • 1946 - The Voice Of Frank Sinatra
  • 1948 - Christmas Songs By Sinatra
  • 1954 - Swing Easy!
  • 1957 - A Jolly Christmas From Frank Sinatra
  • 1958 - Come Fly With Me
  • 1960 - Nice "N" Easy
  • 1962 - Point Of No Return
  • 1964 - Softly As I Leave You
  • 1966 - Moonlight Sinatra
  • 1966 - Strangers In The Night
  • 1969 - My Way
  • 1973 - Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back
  • 1981 - She Shot Me Down

Francis Albert Sinatra is an American singer, actor, director and showman. It is considered to be one of the most influential and popular artists of the 20th century. In total, more than 150 million records with compositions performed by the singer have been sold. A true icon of the popular music of the time, predominantly in America, he was the recipient of eleven Grammy Music Awards. Known to the general public for the special timbre of his voice and lyrical style of vocal performance.

short biography

Born December 12, 1915 in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. Frank's parents emigrated from Italy, moving to the United States at an early age. Having settled on the east coast of the country, they began a new life in which a future star appeared. The musician's father tried many professions in America, from a loader and a bartender to a fireman and a professional boxer. Mother was a housewife, worked as a nurse for some time. Subsequently, when the future singer matured a bit, she took up political activities as the leader of the local cell of the Democratic Party.

Hoboken, where Sinatra grew up, was a city of immigrants with a fairly low standard of living. Frank never received any education. At school, he was not fascinated by natural science subjects; he also did not gravitate toward the humanities. The creative nature, which did not tolerate a rigid framework, made itself felt. From childhood, the future performer did not differ in exemplary behavior. As a result, he was expelled from school, which did not upset him much. After all, Frank's only passion was music.

The first activity that paved the way to fame was the work as a driver for the novice group "Three Flashes". Then the young man himself becomes a performer in this group, which is now called the Hoboken Four. At the time, Frank was making just over twenty dollars a week for his work. Subsequently, Sinatra recalled that he was extremely happy about this: “For the opportunity to perform on stage and see my face on posters, I myself was ready to pay extra.”

Imperceptibly began the first tour. At the same time, Frank marries a young girl from a modest family, Nancy Barbato, who will bear him three children. Their marriage lasted from 1939 to 1951. In the future, the musician married three more times. His second wife is Ava Gardner, an American actress, Hollywood star, Oscar nominee. She was married to a popular performer from 1951 to 1957. For the third time, the singer married Mia Farrow, a famous Hollywood actress. Subsequently, she often starred in the films of Woody Allen, who liked to call her his muse. This marriage lasted two years, from 1966 to 1968. The last wife of America's idol was Barbara Marks, an American model and dancer. The final marriage turned out to be the most durable and lasted from 1976 to 1998 until the death of the star. Sinatra had three children from his first marriage: daughters Nancy and Tina, and son Frank.

Interesting Facts:

  • The singer had no musical education, he never learned musical notation. He was able to perform works, focusing solely on his ear.
  • Sinatra was one of the show business figures who participated in the election campaign of John F. Kennedy.
  • A small celestial body, discovered in 1989, was named after the musician. This is the asteroid Sinatra 7934, which is only visible through a powerful telescope.
  • Frank did not graduate from any educational institution, as he was expelled from elementary school in his fourth year of study for poor academic performance and behavior.
  • In 1938, the artist was briefly arrested for seducing a married woman. It was considered a crime in America at the time.
  • In 1943, the musician was invited to a reception at the White House by then US President Franklin Roosevelt.

  • Became a grandfather in 1974 when Nancy had a daughter. In the future, Frank had two more grandchildren.
  • In 1979, during a visit by the musician to Egypt, a concert was held, which was initiated by the then President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat. It is noteworthy that this concert took place almost in front of the Sphinx and the pyramid of Cheops.
  • In 1980, the singer took part in the election campaign of US presidential candidate Ronald Reagan. This happened 20 years after similar work on the election campaign of John F. Kennedy.
  • 175,000 people gathered at the Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to listen to their favorite performer live in 1980.
  • In the 80s, the artist was the face of the cult television advertisements for the resorts of Atlantic City and Las Vegas. It happened after signing a lucrative deal with Steve Wynn.
  • He received one of the highest non-military awards in the United States - the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It happened in the mid 80s.

  • Celebrating his 75th birthday, the singer went on a world tour in December 1990.
  • On the day Sinatra died, the lights on Las Vegas Street went out, and the Empire State Building skyscraper was illuminated in blue to match the color of the cult artist's eyes.

The best songs

"New York, New York"

The composition "New York, New York" is one of Frank Sinatra's calling cards and is strongly associated with him. The history of its appearance is interesting. The theme was first heard in Martin Scorsese's New York, New York in 1977. Then it was performed by Liza Minnelli. Composer D. Kander and poet F. Ebb specially wrote a song for this tape. The single was later covered with minor changes to the lyrics by Frank Sinatra for his album Trilogy: Past Present Future (Trilogy: Past Present Future).

The song's popularity grew after it was performed by the singer at the Radio City Music Hall in October 1978. In 1979, the recording for the above-named album took place. Subsequently, two more studio versions of the song performed by the musician were made: in 1981 and 1993.

To date, the single is truly cult and widely replicated by popular culture. Many public events in the New York metropolitan area are not complete without its performance. The composition is the anthem of many sports teams. For example, a song sung by Frank Sinatra plays at the end of every New York Rangers game. Also every year on New Year's Eve in Times Square in New York, this melody sounds.

"New York, New York" - listen

"My way"

The history of the composition "My way" began in 1967 in France. It was performed by Claude Francois under the title "Comme d'habitude", and a few months later covered by Sinatra with lyrics by Paul Anka. Immediately after that, the single soared to the top lines of the American and British charts. An interesting fact is that the composition is often heard at funerals. This is not accidental, since the poems are the story of a person who has gone a long way in life, in which there is no place for disappointment.

"My way" - listen

Strangers in the Night

At first, the musician himself considered the song "Strangers in the night" not very successful. Nevertheless, this work was subsequently included in the singer's new album of the same name. And as a result, a surge in popularity in 1966, which was reflected in the top positions of the popular music charts. For this album, the artist received two Grammy awards. As for the melody, perhaps everyone has heard it at least once.

"Strangers in the night" - listen

Frank Sinatra's house

The singer moved to Palm Springs in the 1940s. Then it was a small unremarkable town. Only later did it acquire the status of a fashionable resort and the traditional residence of many Hollywood stars. The construction of this house was led by the architect Stuart Williams. Subsequently, he recalled that Sinatra arrived in 1947 and said: "I want a house right here." The mansion cost its owner more than 150 thousand dollars. The musician wanted the house to be built within a few months for the new year, which was done. Frank's new home in Palm Springs witnessed Frank's married life to Nancy Barbato and Ava Gardner. The original layout and decoration of the premises has been completely preserved in the building. Currently, the owner of the property rents it out, including short-term.

Frank Sinatra's connection to the mafia

In the minds of many people, the musician appears as a popular performer, closely associated with the structures of the ethnic mafia of the mid-20th century. This was largely facilitated by the publication of the novel by Mario Puzo "The Godfather". One of the characters in the work, Johnny Fontaine, seems to be copied by the author from the image of Frank Sinatra. Perhaps there is some truth in this. After all, the future artist grew up in a fairly criminal area, populated by immigrants from southern European states. It is no secret that organized crime was present in these areas at that time, which, to one degree or another, permeated many sectors of society. This was facilitated by the Great Depression standing in the yard. The economic crisis pushed people to get involved in near-criminal schemes for earning money. At the dawn of his career, the singer repeatedly performed in nightclubs with a dubious reputation. In the future, the musician participated in a number of events, which were attended, presumably, by persons who did not quite get along with the law.

The special demeanor of Frank Sinatra on stage and in life, characteristic of representatives of many sectors of society of that time, played a role. A significant contribution to the formation of the image of a star as a person associated with the criminal world was also made by the theme of the movie in which he starred. All this in a complex complemented his artistic image with a semi-criminal tinge. It is worth saying that in the middle of the 20th century this image turned out to be winning and the singer did not refuse to use it.

Frank Sinatra as an actor took part in the production of 64 films. The showman's acting debut was a role in the lyrical comedy Las Vegas Nights in 1941. Well, the last time the showman appeared on the wide screen in the television series "Private Detective Magnum" in 1987. Below are the most famous and titled works with the participation of the musician.

  • Ocean's Eleven (1960). Crime thriller starring Frank Sinatra.
  • "Candidate of Manchuria" (1962). Famous political thriller from director John Frankenheimer.
  • "From Here to Eternity" (1953). Romantic drama about a boxer. The picture won an Oscar for Best Picture.
  • "Dismissal to the city" (1949). A lyrical comedy, which was later recognized as one of the best American musical films.
  • "The Man with the Golden Arm" (1955). Romantic drama based on the novel by N. Algren with a musician in the title role.
  • "Raise Anchors" (1945). Comedy film directed by George Sidney.
  • "High Society" (1956). Romantic film, produced by Louis Armstrong.
  • "It's a Young Heart" (1954). Romantic drama directed by Gordon Douglas and starring Frank.
  • "Around the World in 80 Days" (1956). An adventure film directed by M. Anderson based on the novel by Jules Verne. This movie won five Oscars, as well as other awards.
  • "It Happened in Brooklyn" (1947). Musical romantic comedy starring Frank Sinatra.
  • "Detective" (1968). Crime drama directed by Gordon Douglas.
  • "Paris When It's Hot" (1964). Comedy in a romantic style, which also featured Audrey Hepburn. It is a remake of the French film Henrietta's Feast.
  • "Meet Me in Las Vegas" (1956). A melodrama in the style of American cinema of the time.
  • "The Girl in the Cement" (1968). Thriller with elements of drama starring a singer.
  • "The First Deadly Sin" (1980). An exciting thriller in which the singer played the role of a middle-aged policeman.
  • "Never Was So Few" (1959). Military drama, the events of which unfold during the Second World War.
  • "A New Kind of Love" (1963). A romantic comedy that won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design.
  • "Hole in the Head" (1959). Comedy picture with Frank in one of the main roles. She was later honored by the Directors Guild of America for her achievements in directing feature films.
  • "Kings Go" (1958). Relatively short (49 min.) melodrama filmed in black and white.
  • "Road to Hong Kong" (1962). An Anglo-American co-production musical comedy with an adventure twist.

Soundtracks performed by Frank Sinatra have been used in a huge number of films, series, and television programs. These are like pictures with the participation of the musician himself, and without him. And after the death of the singer himself, his work continues to live in the soundtracks of recent films. We list the works that the audience remembers, in which the voice of the artist sounds.

Song title

Movie title


Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)

The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower

Paris When It's Hot (1964)

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Winners (1963)

C "est Magnifique; Let" s Do It, It "s All Right With Me; Montmart

Cancan (1960)

All My Tomorrows; High hopes

Hole in the Head (1959)

Three Coins in the Fountain

Three Coins in the Fountain (1954)

Chattanooga Choo Choo

From Here to Eternity (1953)

New York, New York; Come Up to My Place; On the Town; That's All There Is, Folks

Dismissal to the city (1949)

Ol' Man River

While the clouds are floating (1946)


Flesh Knowledge (1971)

New York, New York

Lost in America (1985)

Young at Heart

Sweet Dreams (1985)

That's Life; Same Old Song and Dance

Bronx Story (1993)

Once Upon a Time; It Was a Very Good Year; Hello Young Lovers

Jungle Fever (1991)

Young at Heart

Think a Little Dream (1989)

Strangers in the Night

Scarface (1983)

I Think of You; London by Night; Let's Get Away From It All

Havana (1990)

It's Only Money; Kisses and Tears

Double Dynamite (1951)

Guys and Dolls; The Oldest Established; Adelaide; Sue Me

Guys and Dolls (1955)

Frank Sinatra was the idol of millions during his lifetime. It is not surprising that many documentary and biographical projects have been filmed about him, including with his participation. The musician on the days of his anniversaries more than once gave concerts organized at the highest level, which were broadcast on television and subsequently mounted in the form of television programs. Let's take a look at some of the most successful ones.

  • The Texaco Star Theater (Episode 5.16). Frank Sinatra becomes the guest of the popular TV show at the turn of the forties and fifties.
  • The 26th Academy Award show. Another Academy Awards ceremony.
  • Person to Person (Episode 1). Documentary television program dedicated to the singer.
  • Sinatra: All or Nothing at All. Mini-series, the hero of which is Frank himself.
  • Frank Sinatra: The Man and the Myth. Documentary television film with a lot of newsreel.
  • That's Dancing! A musical with documentary elements.
  • Frank Sinatra: Concert for the Americas. TV version of the concert.
  • The Costume Designer. Short documentary film.

Francis Sinatra became one of the symbols of America in the mid-20th century. A native of the common people, with an extraordinary talent, he was able to break through to the heights of the mass culture of that time. It truly was the embodiment of the American dream.Representatives of the widest strata of the population, regardless of nationality and religious beliefs, were bribed by his velvety voice, demeanor, and acting talent. Undoubtedly, the singer deservedly took a worthy place in the history of world culture.

Video: Listen to Frank Sinatra

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