E 306 food. What is food additive E306? Is it dangerous or not for a person and which one harms the body? Gene manipulation can lead to

Food supplement under code classification number E 306 is an antioxidant preservative and vitamin E at the same time.

The origin of this additive is natural, and therefore the level of its danger to human health is zero. "Suppliers" of vitamin E are the germs of cereals and vegetable oils.

Origin: natural;

Danger:zero level;

Synonymous names:Tocopherol-rich extract, mixed tocopherols concentrate, E 306, Mixed Tocopherols Concentrate, E-306, vitamin E, vitamin E.

​General information

According to its physical state, this substance is an oil with a high level of viscosity, a reddish-brown hue, with a characteristic odor. The properties of tocopherols include: absolute insolubility in the aquatic environment, darkening upon contact with air and good solubility in fats and oils.

The chemical composition of the additive E 306 is as follows: alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols. A highly concentrated blend of these tocopherols is an excellent nutritional antioxidant.


Additive E 306, also known as vitamin E, is an active biological substance that is necessary in the human body for its healthy life. It improves cellular nutrition of tissues, enriches tissue cells with oxygen, prevents thrombosis, strengthens the cardiovascular system as a whole, protects the central nervous and reproductive systems, preserves youth and freshness of the skin.


In food production, this vitamin in the form of a supplement is used very widely. It is added to vegetable oils, which are obtained by pressing, confectionery, breakfast cereals, and other food products. In addition, E-306 is a mandatory addition to baby food.


According to the legislation of all countries of the world, this additive is not only permitted, but mandatory for use in food production.

general characteristics

E306 is an active antioxidant that combines chemical compounds of tocopherols. In the natural environment, there are eight types of tocopherol, known as vitamin E. The substance is found in vegetable fats, spinach leaves, nuts, whole grains, leafy vegetables, butter, meat, liver and eggs.

The composition of the supplement includes tocopherol:

  • alpha;
  • beta;
  • gamma;
  • delta.

E306 is isolated in the manufacture of vegetable oils as a by-product. The substance is separated, distilled with steam and tocopherol is obtained. Zinc chloride acts as a catalyst in this case. For the first time, tocopherol concentrate was extracted from wheat germ in 1925, and in 1938 an industrial synthesis was carried out.

For the artificial production of tocopherol, the interaction of trimethylhydroquinone and phytyl bromide is used. The reaction catalyst is zinc chloride. The additive has the appearance of an oily liquid of burgundy, red or red-brown color. Differs in a viscous consistence, good solubility in fats, specific soft taste and a smell. Darkens when exposed to oxygen and light. Does not dissolve at all in water. Under the influence of high temperatures, acids and alkalis remains stable.


Tocopherol Blend Concentrate is a powerful antioxidant. It enriches the composition of products, protects them from spoilage and the negative effects of oxidative processes. The substance also serves as a valuable additive for medicines and cosmetics.

Impact on the health of the human body: benefits and harms

E306 does not have a toxic effect and does not harm health. Inside the body, the substance is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, penetrates into the lymph and enters the tissues and cells. It is excreted together with bile or urine after metabolic processes. Tocopherols are necessary for the body for normal functioning, their deficiency leads to negative consequences.

Vitamin E plays an important role in the body. It protects against the damaging effects of free radicals, prevents premature aging of tissues, cleanses blood vessels and regenerates the skin.

The positive effect of tocopherol:

  • helps to absorb retinol (vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • saturates the cells with oxygen;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • improves metabolism;
  • protects against toxins;
  • thins the blood and dissolves clots in it;
  • ensures the normal functioning of red blood cells;
  • increases immunity and endurance of the body;
  • beneficial effect on the reproductive system;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves hormonal levels;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Vitamin E deficiency is dangerous for the body. A lack of a substance can lead to muscle dystrophy, disruption of the nervous system, liver necrosis, anemia, anemia and infertility.

Tocopherol is incompatible with anticoagulants. Simultaneous use of substances can lead to bleeding. E306 is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


The antioxidant and antioxidant properties of tocopherol are actively used by the food industry. The additive is included in the composition of vegetable oils (with the exception of cold-pressed oils), breakfast cereals, butter, confectionery and bakery products. E306 is present in baby food. The substance can be added to breast milk substitutes.

Mixed Tocopherol Concentrate is added to products containing flavors and colors to keep them from oxidizing. The substance is also used in:

  • medicine (as part of preparations for the treatment of disorders of the reproductive system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, against diabetes, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy);
  • pharmaceuticals (as a source of vitamin E);
  • cosmetology (as a component of brightening, rejuvenating and cleansing agents, creams, masks);
  • animal husbandry (in the manufacture of feed for enrichment with tocopherol).

Table. The content of the food additive E306 tocopherol in products according to SanPiN dated 05/26/2008


E306 is a safe supplement that benefits the body. In this regard, it is used without restrictions in all countries of the world, including Russia and Ukraine.

Learn more about tocopherol in the video below.

Mixture of tocopherol concentrated- food additive of group of antioxidants.

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Tocopherol (Vitamin E) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is an important antioxidant. In nature, it exists in eight different forms (isomers), differing in biological activity and functions performed in the body. As an antioxidant, it protects the body from the harmful effects of toxins, lactic acid. Its lack can serve as one of the causes of lethargy and anemia. Contained in vegetable and butter, greens, milk, eggs, liver, meat, as well as cereal germs. As a dietary supplement, referred to as E-307 (α-tocopherol) , E-308 (γ-tocopherol) and E-309 (δ-tocopherol) . Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, i.e. it dissolves and remains in the fatty tissues of the body, thereby reducing the need to consume large amounts of the vitamin. Signs of a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins do not appear immediately, so it is difficult to diagnose. Fat soluble vitamins should be avoided as toxic reactions can be caused by lower doses of the RDA (Recommended Vitamins) of fat soluble than water soluble vitamins.

Vitamin E is present in many foods, especially some fats and oils. Vitamin E prevents the formation of blood clots and promotes their resorption. It also improves fertility and reduces and prevents menopausal hot flashes. Vitamin E is also used in cosmetics to keep the skin youthful, it promotes skin healing and reduces the risk of scar tissue formation. In addition, tocopherol helps in the treatment of eczema, skin ulcers, herpes and lichen. Vitamin E is very important for red blood cells, it improves cell respiration and strengthens endurance.

Tocopherol is the main nutritional antioxidant. In addition to vitamin E, the best known antioxidants are vitamin C and beta-carotene. An antioxidant helps the body deal with unstable chemicals called “free radicals.” Free radicals are a by-product of the process of converting food into energy, which accumulate in the body over time. They increase the vulnerability of cells (so-called oxidative stress) due to the aging process and the general decline of the central nervous system and the immune system. In addition, free radicals contribute to the development of various pathological conditions, such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and the like. What's more, antioxidants help prevent the nitrates found in tobacco smoke, bacon, and some vegetables from turning into carcinogens.

Various forms or names of vitamin E (tocopherol):

  • Tocopherols
  • Tocotrienols

The value of tocopherol (vitamin E):

  • Is the main antioxidant nutrient
  • Slows down the aging process of cells due to oxidation
  • Promotes blood oxygenation, which relieves fatigue
  • Improves cell nutrition
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • Protects red blood cells from harmful toxins
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots and promotes their resorption
  • Strengthens the heart muscle

Sources of tocopherol (vitamin E):

Nuts, oils, spinach, sunflower oil and seeds, whole grains

Tocopherol (vitamin E deficiency) can lead to:

  • Rupture of red blood cells
  • Loss of reproductive ability
  • sexual apathy
  • Abnormal fat deposits in the muscles
  • Degenerative changes in the heart and other muscles
  • Dry SkinContent

Pharmacokinetics of tocopherol ( E-306)

When taken orally, it is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, most of it enters the lymph, quickly distributed to all tissues, slowly excreted in the bile and in the form of metabolites in the urine.

Tocopherol deficiency ( E-306)

Vitamin E deficiency leads to neurological diseases leading to poor nerve conduction. Vitamin E deficiency can also cause anemia, leading to oxidative damage to blood cells. Vitamin E deficiency is very common and does not result from a poor diet.

Infants with low birth weight (approximately 1500 grams) may have a low vitamin E content. An experienced pediatrician takes into account the fact that premature births have a greater need for vitamin E.


Supplement E 306 is called Concentrated Mixture of Tocopherols or Vitamin E.

This vitamin is very useful for humans, as it participates in cellular metabolism, improves cell nutrition and slows down their aging due to oxidation, improves the state of the cardiovascular system, accelerates skin healing, promotes the resorption of blood clots and protects against harmful toxins. This vitamin is highly soluble in fats and can be stored in the adipose tissue of the body for a long time.

Food additive E 306 is allowed in the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms and TI (see Hygienic Standards below).

Effect on the human body:
A mixture of concentrated tocopherol entering the body is actively absorbed in the stomach and intestines, while a significant part of the substance enters the lymph, where it quickly disperses through cells and tissues. Excretion of tocopherol occurs in the bile and a small part after metabolism in the urine.
With a lack of tocopherol, diseases of the nervous system occur, as well as anemia and even anemia.

Technological functions Antioxidant, vitamin E.

Synonyms Natural extracts of tocopherols, vitamin E; English: tocopherols concentrate, mixed, vitamin E; German: gemischte naturliche Tocopherole, Tocopherolhaltige naturliche Extrakte, Vitamin E; French: tocopherols naturels melanges, vitamin E.

CAS# 59-02-9 (vitamin E).

Composition Mixture of D-α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherols.

Structural formula Food additive EZO6 TOCOPHEROL MIXTURE CONCENTRATE

Organoleptic properties Transparent viscous oils from red to red-brown with a characteristic mild odor and taste, darkening in air and in the light.

Physico-chemical properties Wide melting range around 0°C, easily oxidized in air and light. Let's well dissolve in oils, fats, fatty solvents; moderately soluble in alcohols, glycols; insoluble in water.

Natural source Vegetable oils, cereal germ oils.

Obtaining A by-product of the production of edible vegetable oils; careful separation and enrichment, such as vacuum distillation. Impurities: neutral fats and their impurities.


Metabolism and Toxicity Vitamin E protects unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin A from oxidation in the body. The daily requirement for vitamin E is 10-15 IU/day (ME = 1 mg dl-α-tocopherol acetate). An overdose is harmless, but ineffective. Lack of vitamin E in animals leads to muscular dystrophy, infertility, liver necrosis, limb paralysis, γ- and δ-tocopherols practically do not have vitamin activity, but they are antioxidants.

Hygienic standards DSP 0.15-2 mg/kg of body weight per day for the amount of tocopherols showing vitamin activity. Codex: tocopherols are mentioned in 26 standards as antioxidants, usually GMP; for infants, 10, 50 or 300 mg/kg is allowed, depending on the product. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed in non-emulsified vegetable and animal oils and fats (except for oils obtained by pressing and olive oil), including those specially intended for culinary purposes in the amount according to TI (clauses 3.1.13, 3.1.14 SanPiN -03); as an antioxidant in food products according to TI in an amount according to TI individually or in combination with other tocopherols (clause 3.4.15 SanPiN

Vegetable oils or extracts rich in tocopherols are added to animal fats and oils depleted in tocopherols in order to improve their preservation, as well as to reduce the tendency to oxidize milk powder, flavors, natural dye concentrates (carotene) and vitamin preparations.

Other uses: in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics as a vitamin and antioxidant, in feed fats as a vitamin and for protection against oxidation.

Food Antioxidant E306 Tocopherol Mix Concentrate is also known as Tocopherol-rich extract. In concentrated form, this is vitamin E, which acts as one of the best nutritional antioxidants. In nature, this substance exists in various forms, differing in different activities and functions. However, in general, the properties of the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of a mixture of Tocopherols are expressed in protecting the human body from the negative effects of toxins.

In food, this substance can be found in different varieties of butter, chicken eggs, milk, and greens. In addition, in the food industry, food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of a mixture of Tocopherols is intentionally added to products, thereby enriching them to a large extent. In addition, E306 is able to extend the shelf life of food produced.

Being recognized as a safe food additive, E306 is approved for use in the food production process in a large part of the world. As for Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, the use of the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of a mixture of Tocopherols is not prohibited by law there.

Benefits of Food Antioxidant E306 Tocopherol Blend Concentrate

The benefits of the food antioxidant E306 Tocopherol Mix Concentrate are obvious for human health, because it helps the body successfully cope with free radicals. As you know, these substances at the cellular level increase the body's vulnerability as a result of the general process of tissue aging and weakening of the immune system.

Thus, the use of the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of a mixture of Tocopherols is mainly of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature. Regular consumption of foods enriched with a concentrated mixture of tocopherol contributes to a significant slowdown in the extinction of cells, enriching them with oxygen, which greatly increases human performance. In addition, there is a strengthening of the muscles of the heart and the walls of blood vessels. And another distinctive property of the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of a mixture of Tocopherols is the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots.

It has been established that when a concentrated mixture of tocopherol enters the human body, it begins to be actively absorbed into the digestive tract. At the same time, a significant amount of this substance enters the lymph, in which it quickly disperses through tissues and cells. The excretion of tocopherol occurs naturally - with bile and urine.

With a lack of tocopherol in the human body, diseases of the nervous system, anemia and anemia can occur, and therefore the benefits of the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of a mixture of Tocopherols are quite understandable. Tocopherol refers to fat-soluble vitamins that, when ingested, are concentrated in body tissues. Vitamin E deficiency is very difficult to diagnose, while signs of deficiency appear after a certain period of time.

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