Drotaverine during lactation. No-shpa is an effective antispasmodic during lactation

When pain and spasms appear in the life of a nursing mother, I want to take the medicine faster and get rid of the discomfort. But is the usual "No-shpa" acceptable during breastfeeding? It is widely believed that a mother should not use medication while she is breastfeeding her baby. After all, there are fears for the health of a child who can receive a dose of the drug through milk. But there are drugs that are partially or completely compatible with lactation. And to be sure of this, you need to carefully read the instructions. And if necessary, additionally check the drug.

Many instructions have separate paragraphs on the compatibility of the drug with breastfeeding. Sometimes this information can be found in the list of contraindications or precautions. But what if the doctor prescribed "No-shpu", and the description indicates that taking it during breastfeeding is dangerous for the baby? Or there is no data at all. Does mom really have to endure the discomfort of a spasm or take risks by using a dubious drug? In fact, a woman has several options for how to resolve such a situation.

How to check if "No-shpa" is compatible with breastfeeding

First of all, it is worth delving into the instructions for use. It states that No-shpa is not recommended during breastfeeding. But the reason for this is not the toxicity of the drug to the infant. It's all about the lack of clinical trials: studies of the effect of its active ingredient (drotaverine) on nursing mothers have not been conducted. Therefore, it is impossible to predict in what volume the substance penetrates into mother's milk, and how this affects the condition of the crumbs.

The next stage is an additional safety check of the active substance in independent international reference books. The most commonly used site is "E-lactation" - a Spanish resource created with the support of the Marina Alta Hospital and the Association for the Promotion of Breastfeeding in Spain. However, it does not contain scientific data on whether "No-shpa" is acceptable during breastfeeding. There is no information on the effects of drotaverine on the body of a nursing woman and her baby in the WHO drug guide.

Nevertheless, Russian medical protocols indicate that "No-shpa" is acceptable during pregnancy to reduce the tone of the uterus. It is allowed to use it after childbirth, but only on the testimony of a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the well-being of the mother and child. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to “No-shpu” during breastfeeding can only be answered by a physician.

pharmachologic effect

The influence of "No-shpa" is expressed in the suppression of spasms of smooth muscles of a neurogenic and muscular nature. The active component of the drug helps to relax the muscles of the biliary tract, as well as the organs of the digestive and genitourinary systems. It enhances blood flow due to its ability to dilate blood vessels. It does not enter the central nervous system and has almost no effect on the autonomic system.

After oral use, "No-shpa" is fully absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and up to 98% binds to plasma proteins. After that, it is uniformly redistributed throughout the tissues of the body.

The body is completely cleared of the remnants of the drug within 72 hours (three days). About half of the dose is excreted through the kidneys, and approximately 30% through the intestines.


Indications for the use of "No-shpa" are associated with the need to eliminate the following problems:

  • convulsions of smooth muscles of the urinary tract;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • spasms in the digestive organs (occur with gastritis, colitis, ulcers);
  • headache;
  • menstrual (monthly) pain;
  • uterine contractions and spasms of her cervix during childbirth.

Thus, "No-shpa" is prescribed when it is necessary to stop the pain syndrome that has arisen due to spasm. Therefore, it is not suitable for dealing with pain of a different nature - dental, for example.


"No-shpa" during lactation can greatly harm women who have the following contraindications to its use:

  • personal hypersensitivity to "No-shpa" and other components of the drug;
  • heart, liver and kidney failure in a severe stage;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • lack of the enzyme lactase;
  • syndrome of insufficient absorption of glucose-galactose.

"No-shpu" is carefully prescribed for arterial hypotension (drop in blood pressure to a certain level), during the bearing and feeding of a child.

However, remember that the cautionary recommendation regarding breastfeeding stems from the lack of studies in breastfeeding mothers. The attending doctor can prescribe No-shpa treatment for the mother, if the situation requires it. In this case, a woman can inform the doctor in advance of her intention to continue breastfeeding even during therapy. She also has the right to ask for a more loyal remedy with proven harmlessness to the baby.

Side effects

If you are going to start treatment with No-shpa, a nursing mother should study the list of possible unpleasant consequences. This information will help you decide whether to take this particular medicine, or it makes sense to look for more suitable alternatives.

Side effects of the drug include:

  • pain in the head;
  • sleep disorders;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • stool problems;
  • allergic manifestations (skin rashes and itching, swelling).

Application scheme

"No-shpu" in the form of tablets is taken orally. Up to six tablets are allowed per day. A single dosage is one or two tablets. If necessary, you can take the remedy twice or thrice a day.

The instruction warns that self-treatment with "No-shpoy" without consulting a doctor should not exceed two days. If after 48 hours the nursing mother does not feel that the spasm and pain are gone, this is a reason to promptly visit a medical facility.

Mom's behavior after taking the pill

Sometimes a nursing mother begins treatment without consulting a doctor. Or does not alert her doctor that she is breastfeeding and does not plan to interrupt this process. But even if a woman has already taken the medicine, she has several options for how to continue breastfeeding.

  • Continue feeding in parallel with treatment. If the dose was minimal and single, the mother took it as prescribed by the doctor, and she monitors the child's condition, you can not change anything in the breastfeeding regimen.
  • Replace multiple attachments to the chest. Feeding is replaced in the next few hours after taking the medicine. The half-life of "No-shpy" is 8-10 hours. That is, after this time, the concentration of the substance in the blood will be half as much. This means that the dose of "No-shpy" in milk will also decrease. Therefore, the mother will already be able to attach the baby to the breast, but at the same time monitor changes in his behavior and well-being. During the break, you can offer the baby a nutritional supply that mom expressed in advance. If this is not possible, the baby can be fed with products from the dairy kitchen.
  • Temporarily stop breastfeeding. It will be possible to resume feeding after the full course of treatment. There are two options here: return the baby to the chest after the absolute removal of the substance from the mother's body (three days after the last medication). Or wait until the half-life comes. A replacement for the natural nutrition of the child at this time is selected in the same way as in the previous paragraph.
  • Choose a safer analogue and continue feeding. The E-lactation guide lists several antispasmodics with a "low risk" status (the safest drugs have a "very low risk" status). Such alternatives to "No-shpe" are drugs based on mebeverine, oxybutynin and pinaverium bromide. These active ingredients pass into milk in low concentrations, but with reasonable dosage and short-term therapy, the risk to the infant and lactation is minimal. In any case, the replacement of "No-shpa" with other options should be discussed with the doctor.

Nursing mothers leave conflicting reviews about the drug "No-shpa". Many are afraid to experiment and do not try it because of the unknown effect on the child. Others did not notice a negative result of treatment on the infant.

If the mother decides to stop feeding for a while, she will need to maintain lactation on her own. This is necessary to avoid a decrease in milk production during the treatment period.

The scheme is simple: breasts are expressed with hands in the rhythm of feedings, but at least 10 times a day, including at night. Stimulation of the nipple and areola during pumping will trigger signals to the brain that milk is required in the same volume. And after the drug is discontinued, mother and baby will be able to safely continue to feed, as before.

"No-shpa" during breastfeeding may be present in the mother's therapy only as directed by a doctor. Its effect on nursing infants has not been studied, as well as the exact concentration in breast milk. Therefore, the drug refers to those medicines that should be treated with caution.


Ideally, it is recommended for a nursing mother to refrain from taking any medications. But since the duration of lactation is more than one year, it is almost impossible to completely avoid diseases. And given that the body of a young mother after childbirth is experiencing great difficulties in restoring health, the question inevitably arises of choosing the most effective permitted medicine. In some cases, taking No-shpa will greatly alleviate the pain that occurs.

Use of No-shpa during lactation

No-shpa belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. These are medications that block spasmodic pain caused by spasm of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Such involuntary contraction of the muscles can be a symptom of the disease. The concomitant spasm of a prolonged violation of the blood supply to individual organs entails the development of pathologies. No-shpa relieves pain due to the effect on intracellular processes.

When breastfeeding, you can take medicines only after consulting a doctor.

Basically, doctors prescribe an antispasmodic with great caution when breastfeeding, since the instructions for use report the absence of clinical studies on this issue. For the same reason, the drug is contraindicated in children under six years of age. But the reference book of the American pediatrician Hale, the book of Russian doctors O.I. Karpov and A.A. Zaitseva "The risk of using drugs during pregnancy and lactation", the Association of Consultants for Natural Feeding indicate the compatibility of the drug with lactation.

The composition of the drug, its dosage forms

The active substance of No-shpy is drotaverine, which helps to relax the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Drotaverine was synthesized in 1962 by Hungarian pharmacists. The structure is close to papaverine.

The preparation contains a small amount of excipients:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone;
  • corn starch;
  • lactose;
  • talc.

The medicine is produced in tablets, capsules and ampoules for injection. There is no lactose in the ampoule form. Therefore, they are intended for people in whom this substance can cause gastrointestinal disturbances.

No-shpa is an effective drug for spastic pain

Therapeutic impact

No-shpa is effective in the treatment of spastic pain in the gastrointestinal tract, which is periodically observed in 30% of healthy people. The drug is prescribed in order to relieve pain in the internal organs and with vasospasm. The medicine helps with colic in the kidneys, intestines and gallbladder.

Possessing a powerful antispasmodic effect, drotaverine does not affect the autonomic nervous system.

Indications for use for a nursing mother

In the postpartum period, the female reproductive organ is restored. With a natural decrease in the uterus, spasms appear, causing pain. In addition, a woman's body is exposed to increased stress during lactation, which can exacerbate chronic diseases. And this is often accompanied by such spastic pains that it is not recommended to endure for a long time. A single dose of the drug will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and will not adversely affect the recovery process after childbirth.

No-shpa for headaches, for abdominal pain

Taking the drug reduces intestinal peristalsis, which alleviates painful symptoms in the stomach and intestines. Pain syndrome caused by gastric and duodenal ulcers is stopped. With headaches from lack of sleep, depression, stress, severe mental stress, No-shpa will have a quick antispasmodic effect.

The drug No-shpa helps with headaches

The use of the drug for lactostasis, milk stagnation

The recommendations of doctors on the use of an antispasmodic for lactostasis vary. Some believe that in this case, the pain is not caused by a spasm of smooth muscles, but by edema that interferes with the discharge of milk. Others, on the contrary, note that during hypothermia and stress, the milk ducts narrow, thereby being a possible cause of lactostasis. The latter recommend taking No-shpa in combination with the use of an anesthetic drug of a different direction, for example, Ibuprofen.

Ibuprofen is allowed while breastfeeding

Instructions for use

No-shpa begins to act within the first ten minutes after taking, reaching a peak after 30-40 minutes. Absorbed into the body quickly. It is recommended to take the drug immediately after feeding, so that the minimum amount of it enters the child's body at the next milk intake. The half-life is 8-10 hours.

It is necessary to use the drug with great care, avoiding overdose. Before using it, you should consult your doctor. During lactation, a single dose of No-shpa is considered harmless. General recommendations provide for a single dosage of not more than 80 mg. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The doctor may prescribe a short course of treatment while maintaining breastfeeding, which should be no more than three days. With a longer course, it is necessary to switch to artificial nutrition.

In the absence of an antispasmodic effect, you should consult a doctor to select a different type of therapy.

Side effects

The use of No-shpa in authorized doses can cause some adverse reactions, which in general studies were observed in only one percent of cases:

  • dizziness;
  • prolonged headache;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of heartbeat.

The degree of poisoning in case of an overdose depends on individual characteristics (severity of chronic diseases, reactions to a joint intake with other drugs). Dangerous symptoms of poisoning that occur after half an hour of admission are as follows:

  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • fainting state;
  • severe weakness;
  • feeling of lack of air.

And also be sure to monitor the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction in a child: skin rash, pain, colic, fever.

One-time consumption of No-shpa by the mother, as a rule, does not cause any negative reactions in the baby.


Compliance with the rules for taking the drug provides sufficient safety for the health of the mother and child. But No-shpa also has its own contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to the substances that make up the drug;
  • severe stage of renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • serious cardiovascular disease.

With caution, you need to take the medicine for arterial hypotension. If for some reason No-shpa is not suitable for use, then you can consider using Papaverine and Mebeverine together with your doctor.

Papaverine has an antispasmodic effect

The processes occurring in the body of a nursing mother can be divided into two components: recovery after childbirth and the establishment of breastfeeding. Changes in the internal organs during pregnancy occur slowly. Therefore, the body of the expectant mother has time to gradually adjust to the new state. After childbirth, the recovery process is uneven in different organs and tissues. This causes spasmodic pains in the region of the uterus, stomach and intestines. In addition, against the background of hormonal changes, pathological diseases of internal organs can worsen, symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia may appear. The resulting pains can be so severe that, against their background, not only the efficiency and immunity decrease, but the quantity and quality of breast milk decreases. To treat processes that cause discomfort, doctors prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. The problem is that drugs enter the baby's body through breast milk. Therefore, it is important to choose a relatively safe drug. One such remedy for spastic pain is No-shpa.

No-shpa during breastfeeding - a drug to relieve spastic pain

No-shpa is included in a group of drugs that are intended to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. The drug was first synthesized in Hungary in the 60s of the last century. To date, the drug is registered in more than fifty countries around the world. No-shpa annually enters the TOP-20 brands in terms of sales in the Russian market. The drug is on the list of vital and essential drugs, which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, over a 40-year period, more than 37 clinical and pharmaco-epidemiological studies of No-Shpa were conducted in more than 12,111 patients. Convincingly proven high efficacy and safety of the drug.

Yu. B. Belousov, M.V. Leonova

Methodological guide "Clinical pharmacology of No-shpy"

The drug No-shpa is indicated for use by a nursing mother in the complex treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the biliary tract: cholelithiasis, inflammation of the bile ducts, cholecystitis, papillitis;
  • pathologies of the urinary system: nephrolithiasis, stones in the ureter, cystitis, pyelitis;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis;
  • chronic inflammation of the small intestine;
  • inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the colon;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • headaches due to compression of the vessels supplying the brain;
  • lactostasis, which arose due to spasms of the milk ducts;
  • mastitis of the first stage.

The instructions for the drug No-shpa summarize that due to the lack of clinical studies, the drug cannot be used during lactation. But the manufacturer reports that you can carefully take No-shpu during pregnancy, since no negative reactions in the fetus were recorded. Two authoritative references indicate the compatibility of the drug with breastfeeding:

  • reference guide "Risks of drug use during pregnancy and lactation". Authors: O.I. Karpov, A.A. Zaitsev;
  • reference book of professor of pediatrics Thomas Hale "Medications and Mothers`Milk. Breastfeeding Pharmacology.

No-shpa: video

The composition of the drug, therapeutic effect

The active substance of No-shpy is drotaverine. It acts directly on smooth muscle cells, affecting internal biochemical processes. Unlike drugs that relieve discomfort by reducing the sensitivity of pain receptors, drotaverine eliminates the cause of discomfort - muscle spasm, the causes of which are quite diverse. For a nursing mother, they are divided into natural, which depend on the recovery processes after childbirth, and pathological, arising from acute and chronic diseases. Spasmodic pains can manifest themselves in various forms: burning, twisting, colic. Painful attacks can last from one hour to several days. The mother's condition can vary from feeling some discomfort to unbearable pain.
No-shpa tablets relieve spasms of the digestive tract

In addition to reducing the tone of smooth muscles, taking No-shpa dilates blood vessels. At the same time, there is no negative effect on the autonomic nervous system. Despite the antispasmodic activity of drotaverine, the use of No-shpa does not provoke serious adverse reactions from the cardiovascular system.

Tablets and solution for injections for various pains

No-shpa is available in two forms: tablets (40 mg), ampoules with a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections. For intravenous administration, the drug must be diluted with saline. The effect of the drug in both forms is the same. Only the speed of achieving the maximum effect, the percentage of digestibility of the active substance, the degree of local orientation differ. Also, No-shpa in the form of a solution does not irritate the gastric mucosa.
Solution for injection acts faster than tablets

Injections work about twice as fast. The effect of the tablets is distributed throughout the body, while the solution affects a specific painful area. In addition, some disorders of the stomach and intestines can occur from pills. The advantage of this form of release is a more convenient way to use and the absence of pain, seals, bumps at the injection sites. Also, tablets are used in complex therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Efficacy, contraindications

No-shpa is several times more powerful than its predecessor, Papaverine. After taking one tablet, the analgesic effect begins within ten minutes. The maximum effect occurs after forty minutes. After the introduction of the solution, the action of the drug begins after three to four minutes. According to clinical studies, adverse reactions can occur in one to two percent of people. Statistics say that discomfort did not decrease at all in about 17%. Long courses of treatment with No-shpa three times a day at 80 mg for several weeks led to a significant reduction in spastic pain in 80% of patients. No-shpa is often used in combination with Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.
No-Shpa in combination with Ibuprofen enhances its analgesic effect

Despite the relative safety of the drug, it should not be used in the following cases:

  • severe forms of renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • severe heart failure;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • arterial hypotension (with caution).

Reception of No-shpa may be accompanied by such side effects:

  • headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbance;
  • decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate;
  • digestive disorders;
  • skin allergic reactions.

Instructions for use

One tablet contains 40 mg of the drug. When breastfeeding, the dose, frequency and duration of taking No-shpa should be agreed with the doctor. In general, tablets are taken two to three times a day, 1-2 pcs. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 240 mg. With the introduction of the solution, the daily dose can range from 40 to 240 mg, depending on the intensity of the pain. The course of therapy should not exceed one or two days. If at the same time a positive effect is not felt, then you need to consult a doctor. In case of appointment of a longer treatment, it is necessary to interrupt breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding should be interrupted if long-term use of No-Shpa is needed.

To avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, tablets should be taken after meals. But if it is necessary to relieve acute spastic pain, the medicine can be used at any time.

Drotaverine passes into breast milk in small quantities. To reduce the impact of the substance on the child's body, it is recommended to take the drug immediately after feeding the baby. The half-life of drotaverine is about eight hours. It is important to constantly monitor the reaction of the child. In case of allergic reactions in the form of a rash, stomach cramps, pain, you should stop taking the medicine and immediately see a doctor.


Girls, I wanted to write everything here, but somehow I forget. I was VERY helped by the advice of a surgeon with lactostasis. He advised me to drink noshpa 20–30 minutes before feeding/pumping. And the gynecologist also told me to do compresses with magnesia, they also helped well (pour the ampoule into 100 ml of warm boiled water, moisten the gauze and attach it to the chest, when it dries, repeat). Also, sprigs of aloe (only their juice is very bitter, then you need to wash your chest well), smeared the cabbage leaf with honey or levomekol and applied it.



And how is this known? I did a search here, found posts from GV-consultants, where it is said that you can take no-silo. I got tired of suffering and I ate a pill. Breastfed 4.5 hours after that.



Natasha, in any condition (pregnant, lactating, normal), a noshpa from the head helps me - relieves spasms. But in the usual state, I still drink tempalgin. They say that citramone is natural, but to me it is like a pellet to an elephant ...



Analogues of No-shpy, comparative characteristics

There are many medicines based on drotaverine on the market of medicines (direct analogues):

  • Drotaverin. Produced at more than ten Russian factories. Price - from 13 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Drotaverin-Teva (Israel). From 70 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Spazmonet (Russia, Slovenia). From 60 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Ple-Spa, Spakovin, Spazoverin (India).

According to the instructions, they are all almost identical in their properties. When choosing a medicine, in order to avoid fakes and low-quality drugs, you need to give preference to a well-established manufacturer. The Hungarian plant "Hinoin" has been producing medicine under the brand name "No-shpa" for more than fifty years.

Antispasmodics allowed during breastfeeding, based on other active substances, include Papaverine and Mebeverine. Their effectiveness is several times lower than that of No-shpa.

Table: antispasmodics that are compatible with breastfeeding

No-shpa Papaverine mebeverine
Active substance drotaverine papaverine mebeverine
Indications for use Spasms with:
  • pathologies of the biliary tract, urinary system;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • headache;
  • lactostasis.
  • spasms due to cholecystitis, colitis;
  • renal colic;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • angina;
  • bronchospasm.
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • biliary and intestinal colic;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • heart failure;
  • hypotension.
  • liver failure;
  • glaucoma;
  • AV block.
individual intolerance
Side effects
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • insomnia.
  • extrasystole, lowering blood pressure;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • drowsiness.
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • allergic reactions on the skin.
price, rub. from 230 for 100 tablets from 12 for 10 tablets from 550 for 30 capsules of 200 mg

Is it possible or not? To drink or not to drink? This is the question that occupies the minds of nursing mothers. And it applies to everything that enters the body. The contents of the first aid kit are no exception. What permitted drugs should be put in it as an important component - painkillers? Does this list include noshpa?

Antispasmodics and analgesics

The pain of pain is different, and you probably encountered such a phenomenon that the choice of some kind of painkiller became a waste of money and an attack of pain could not be removed with its help. A drug such as No-shpa relieves spastic pain and belongs to the group of antispasmodics. In addition to antispasmodics, analgesics are widely used to relieve pain syndromes. What is better for the pain caused by spasms - antispasmodics or analgesics?

Spasmodic pain accompanies spasms of smooth muscles of hollow internal organs (GIT, urinary and biliary systems), as well as spasm of cerebral vessels. It lasts from 20 minutes to 4 hours. Most often it is a consequence of premenstrual syndrome, such chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as peptic ulcer, and nutritional errors.

Antispasmodics, which relax the muscles and relieve spasm and the pain caused by it, cope with such pain. Antispasmodics are divided into two groups - neurotropic and myotropic. Neurotropic affect the system of nerve impulse transmission, stimulating the tone or relaxation of the smooth muscles of the internal organs.

Myotropic affect directly the smooth muscle cells of the internal organs, changing the biochemical processes occurring in them. This group also includes noshpa, often prescribed to relieve painful spasms and relax the muscles of internal organs during pregnancy and lactation.

There are also herbal antispasmodics - chamomile, tansy, mint, oregano, etc.

Analgesics eliminate any pain by blocking the pain center in the brain. If the pain is caused by a spasm, then their reception is unjustified. They do not eliminate the spasm, and the clinical manifestations of the inflammatory disease can be erased, which is already dangerous.

Every responsible mother knows that the use of any pharmaceutical drug during lactation can harm a vulnerable child's body by passing substances into breast milk. Often, in the treatment of pain in women in the postpartum period, No-shpa becomes the choice of the attending physician.

Can breastfeeding women take No-shpu? If the doctor prescribed it, how to avoid a negative impact on the child?

How does No-shpa work?

No-shpa is a drug belonging to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. The main active ingredient is drotaverine. It actively lowers the tone of human muscles, helps to expand blood vessels. Popular due to the long and strong antispasmodic effect on human organs and smooth muscles.

No-shpa effectively fights spasms and pain in the abdomen, head and during menstruation.

No-shpa is sold without a prescription in several forms:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • solution in ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular administration.

Indications for use

No-shpa is usually prescribed for:

  • relief of painful spasms in the head and during menstruation in women;
  • relief of muscle spasm of internal organs in diseases of the intestines, gallbladder, bladder, kidneys;
  • in gynecology to reduce spasms in the uterus after childbirth;
  • pain in renal and intestinal colic, and cholecystitis;
  • sometimes in hypertension to lower blood pressure.

After childbirth, a woman often has cramps in the lower abdomen, as the uterus contracts and shrinks. Besides, . At the same time, women often use No-shpu to relieve symptoms. It is possible or not to use No-shpu during this period, only the doctor should decide.

No-shpa during lactation

No-shpa is a pharmaceutical medicine with clinically proven efficacy. Laboratory analyzes and tests have shown that among the existing antispasmodics, No-shpa is one of the safest medications.

But the use of the drug in breastfeeding has not been studied enough. According to the official instructions, No-shpa does not have safe properties for a nursing mother. This is not the best option. However, attending physicians and gynecologists often prescribe this drug to women during lactation.

The effect of the drug on the child and lactation

Independent studies on experimental animals have shown that drotaverine during pregnancy does not have a toxic effect on the embryo, does not cause pathologies and developmental abnormalities. However, there are no reliable clinical data on the effect of the drug on the intensity of milk excretion, its quality, as well as on the safety of use during lactation.

The Association of Natural Feeding Consultants is of the opinion that there is a possibility of penetration of drotaverine into breast milk. With a single dose, No-shpa will not harm health. However, for long-term therapy, it is better for a woman to choose a safer drug.

5 rules for using No-shpa for a nursing mother

Recommendations for natural feeding will help to reduce the risk of undesirable effects from the use of No-shpa and minimize the effect of drotaverine on the child's body:

  1. A single dose of No-shpa is safe if used for no more than three days. Therapy by the course is possible only in agreement with the gynecologist and pediatrician.
  2. There must be strict adherence to the regimen of treatment and dosing. According to the instructions for use, it is forbidden to take more than 6 tablets of No-shpa (240 mg of the substance), no more than 80 mg can be taken once.
  3. To avoid getting the drug into breast milk, if possible, do not breastfeed the baby. The resumption of feeding should be started after the complete removal of the drug from the body, that is, after two to three days from the date of the last dose. Use pure expressed milk to replace meals.
  4. A less drastic way is breast replacement for 10-12 hours after taking No-shpa. During this period, the concentration of the substance in the milk will be much lower.
  5. You can use a more gentle analogue and not refuse the natural nutrition of the newborn.

Side effects and contraindications

No-shpa during lactation will be dangerous if the patient has the following diseases:

  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction to drotaverine and other components;
  • the impossibility of processing galactose by the body;
  • severe diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver;
  • a diagnosis related to glucose and galactose absorption problems.

No-shpa should be used to a limited extent for low blood pressure, during pregnancy and with breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

The use of drotaverine can cause side effects:

  • headaches and worsening sleep;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • reaction from the stomach in the form of nausea;
  • delayed bowel movements, constipation or diarrhea;
  • allergies, edema and skin reactions.

A nursing mother should carefully monitor the reaction of her body after taking the medicine. If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Analogues of No-shpy

After talking with your doctor, you can choose a more harmless analogue with fewer side effects. Preparations based on mebeverine (Mebeverin, Duspatalin) and pinaverium bromide (Dicetel) can become options for replacing No-shpa when feeding a child. A direct analogue is Drotaverine.

Characteristics of Drotaverine:

  • available in the form of tablets and solution for injections;
  • has contraindications and side effects similar to No-shpa;
  • limited use in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

Features of Duspatalin:

  • active substance mebeverine;
  • side effects are very rare;
  • contraindications include strong sensitivity to the elements of the drug;
  • in a small dosage, mebeverine is not absorbed into breast milk; use during natural feeding is not prohibited.

Folk remedies for spasms

For occasional or mild pain, you can try safe folk remedies for breastfeeding cramps. . Self-massage of the temporal zone and neck with the use of relaxing ointments helps well.

  • Make a compress for the head from a mashed cabbage leaf.
  • Healing herbs, fees, herbal teas help relieve stress. Sage, thyme, oregano, rosehip or mint leaves are effective. Several types of herbs can be brewed.
  • Foot baths using the same herbs or essential oils can reduce pain. Alternating warm and cool foot baths also helps.
  • Wet a cotton towel with cool water, wrap it around your head and lie down.


The use of No-shpy during breastfeeding is possible only in consultation with the attending physician. As long-term therapy, the drug should be used with caution. This is due to the lack of reliable information and studies on the impact on newborns and the quality of breast milk. Therefore, it is worth comparing the possible risks for the baby and the benefits for the mother.

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