Children's nurofen for toothache in a child. Can Nurofen be given during teething without fever? Eruption of permanent teeth

Oh, that toothache! Nobody will be missed. Nobody will be released. Toddlers experience it during teething, those who are older - either when the teeth are too sensitive, or caries progresses, or there are some other dental diseases. What to do in such cases? How to get rid of discomfort? What medicine to choose to help both the adult and the baby? The solution to the problem will be Nurofen, information about which we will consider in more detail in the article.

Composition and form of release of the drug

The medicine can be taken by patients of all ages. Especially for the smallest, the company has developed a line of drugs. The difference lies only in the composition and form of release. The active ingredient in all varieties of Nurofen is ibuprofen. Its various dosage makes it possible to choose a remedy specifically for a particular case.

Children's "Nurofen"

As mentioned above, the active substance in the drug is ibuprofen. It acts as an effective antipyretic and analgesic, which is of great importance, especially when teething in a baby (we recommend reading: good remedies for pain that occurs when teething in babies).

For children, the medicine is available in three forms:

  1. syrup - allowed from 3 months to six years;
  2. candles (suppositories) - from 3 months to 2 years;
  3. tablets - from 6 years.

Each of these forms is convenient in its own way to use for children of different ages. The composition of the syrup includes a number of auxiliary components:

  • maltitol syrup (sugar substitute);
  • domifene bromide (relieves inflammation, acts as an antiseptic);
  • water;
  • citric acid, etc.

A huge plus of this medication is that it contains no sugar at all, so it is suitable even for those children who suffer from diabetes. The syrup is available in two varieties: strawberry and orange flavored. No kid will refuse such a "delicacy".

As for suppositories, they have one important plus - the fact of an overdose is excluded with them, since one candle is equal to one dose necessary for the child. In addition, they are quickly absorbed, and therefore act faster.

Painkiller for adults

Nurofen has many varieties that have the same therapeutic effect and indications, but differ in their dosage form and dosage of the active substance. This makes it possible to choose the right medicine for a particular case. The composition also contains auxiliary components. The drug is sugar-free, which means that people with diabetes and allergies can take it. It is produced in the following forms:

In addition, Nurofen is distinguished with the following active substance content:

  • 200 mg (tablets - coated and effervescent, Nurofen: Active, Express and Express Neo, Nurofen Ultracap capsules);
  • 400 mg (Nurofen Forte);
  • 200 mg + 10 mg codeine (Nurofen Plus and Nurofen Plus N) are characterized by the most powerful analgesic effect.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of this drug in children are:

  1. increase in body temperature;
  2. soreness in the gums of a strong character;
  3. inflammation of the gums in the area where the tooth should erupt;
  4. bad sleep;
  5. lack of appetite.

In older people, in addition to the above-described indications for use, there may also be the following:

  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pain after surgery and childbirth.

With toothache, the highest effectiveness of the drug is noted. This is due to the fact that this medication acts directly on the focus of inflammation.

Instructions for use

Do not neglect the rules for using any drug, because not only health, and sometimes even life, depends on when, to whom and how much medicine should be given. Before starting treatment with any drug, you need to study its instructions in detail. It is different for children and adults Nurofen, so we will consider the methods of taking each separately.

For children during teething

For babies who have begun teething, Nurofen is allowed exclusively in the form of a suspension or suppositories (for more details, see the article: rectal suppositories for teething). Before starting treatment, it is necessary to study the recommendations regarding the regimen of taking the drug, which directly depends on the age of the child:

  1. if the baby is 3-6 months old, then he can take 2.5 ml of Nurofen every 8 hours;
  2. for a child from six months to a year old, the dose remains the same, but you can give it up to 4 times a day, that is, every 6 hours;
  3. for children aged from one year to three years, give 5 ml three times a day;
  4. from 4 to 6 years old, the dosage reaches 7.5 ml three times a day;
  5. if the child is from seven to nine years old, then he needs to be given 10 ml of the drug every 8 hours;
  6. at 10-12 years old, the patient is given 15 ml of syrup 3 times a day.

The drug should not be taken for a long time. The course of treatment as a remedy for pain should not exceed five days, and for high fever - 3 days.

Suppositories are inserted into the anus. Their number depends on the age and weight of the child:

  1. from 3 to nine months with a body weight of 5.5 to 8 kg, it is allowed to take 1 candle three times a day;
  2. from nine months to 2 years with a weight of 8 to 12.5 kg, 1 suppository is allowed, but already 4 times a day.

For adults with toothache

If you or your child, who is already 12 years old, are suffering from unbearable toothache, then you need to take Nurofen, adhering to the following dosage - 1 tablet every 6-8 hours. If the pain does not subside, then the dose can be increased to 2 tablets every 6-8 hours, but no more. Coated tablets should be taken with water, and effervescent tablets should be dissolved in it.

Contraindications and side effects

Nurofen is a fairly effective pain reliever that can overcome any kind of pain. Before you start taking it, make sure that it is not contraindicated for you or your baby. You should refuse treatment with this remedy if you:

Usually this medicine is well tolerated by both children and adults. Not often, but still there are cases when, after taking it, patients experience the following side effects:

  • violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, nausea, sharp pains, loose stools, bleeding, ulcers);
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema, asthmatic attacks, rashes, etc.;
  • disorders of the nervous system (headaches, restless sleep, overexcitation, dizziness);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • violation of the normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • inflammation of the bladder.

If the drug is taken according to the instructions, then the likelihood of such reactions of the body is very small. However, if you notice even the slightest sign indicating a side effect, discontinue this medication immediately and contact your doctor.

Drug analogues

Nurofen has a huge number of analogues. In the first place are those of them, which are based on ibuprofen:

  • Common children's analogues of the drug are: Ibunorm Baby, Maxicold, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc.
  • The structural analogues of Nurofen include the following: Ibufen, Bofen, Brufen Forte, Imet, Arofen, Dolgit, etc.

Often, parents use Nurofen when teething. Let us tell you in more detail whether it is possible to give such a medicine to children, how often and what dose is recommended by pediatricians. After all, it is impossible to take medications thoughtlessly, especially in childhood. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and carefully study all indications and contraindications.

Soreness with the appearance of milk teeth accompanies most children. In addition, during this period, other symptoms are also characteristic. You can eliminate them using various means. One of the most popular today is Nurofen.

Composition and form of release

The drug is based on the active substance - ibuprofen. It is designed to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and lower the temperature.

The company has developed various versions of the drug, which is used for a variety of age categories. In this case, exact dosages are used, selected depending on the weight of the child.

Children's Nurofen

For toddlers, suitable forms are as follows:

  1. Rectal suppositories, which contain only 60 mg of ibuprofen, and also have excipients in the form of fats. They contribute to the easy introduction of suppositories into the anal passage and accelerated dissolution. Their advantage is that it is sometimes easier for infants to offer the medicine in this form than to force them to drink the suspension. But changing the dose if necessary will not work. Designed for children from 3 months to 2 years.
  2. Syrup - it is also acceptable to use for the treatment of three-month-old babies and up to 6 years. This option is sold immediately with a special syringe, which helps to easily adjust the dosage of the product. The composition, in addition to the active substance, also contains water, citric acid, domiphen bromide, maltitol syrup and flavors. The drug acts as an anesthetic, well relieves inflammation of the gums and alleviates the general condition. Due to the absence of sugar in the syrup, it can be given to diabetics. The taste of the syrup is pleasant, easily tolerated by the child. The only drawback is that due to flavors it sometimes causes allergic reactions.

Which of the options to give the baby should be decided by the pediatrician. Also strictly follow the recommended dosage according to age or weight.

For adults

But these are not all forms of release thought out by manufacturers. There are also other options for the drug:

  • tablets - conventional for oral use, effervescent, with different dosages or additional components;
  • capsules - similar in composition, but their action is faster;
  • gels for external use.

Depending on the amount of the main substance in one tablet, the following options are distinguished:

  • Nurofen Active Express, Neo, Ultracap - 200 mg of ibuprofen;
  • Forte - contains 400 mg, should be used carefully, not exceeding the recommended daily dosage;
  • Nurofen Plus - due to the addition of codeine in the amount of 10 mg, the analgesic effect increases significantly, can be used if there is no temperature.

Indications and contraindications

Do not use drugs thoughtlessly and without a doctor's prescription. Always read the instructions carefully before using them. We list the main cases when pediatricians and therapists prescribe Nurofen:

  • when teething in infants;
  • in any situation where the temperature of the human body is elevated;
  • pain syndromes of different origin;
  • neuralgic pathologies, migraines;
  • ENT diseases;
  • with SARS, influenza and other inflammatory processes;
  • after vaccinations;
  • with arthritis, osteochondrosis, postoperative conditions in adult patients.

Always remember that in some cases, Nurofen, like many other drugs, is strictly forbidden to use or this is done under the strict supervision of doctors:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with individual intolerance to the active components of the drug or with a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the heart and circulatory system;
  • liver failure;
  • kidney problems;
  • high blood pressure;
  • in cases of pathologies of hearing or vision;
  • with hemophilia;
  • if bronchial asthma is observed;
  • with lactose intolerance.

Usually Nurofen is easily tolerated by both children and adults. But if you notice that the baby has any unpleasant symptoms, you should stop giving the medicine and consult a doctor. Among the adverse reactions caused by intolerance to individual components or an overdose, the following are noted:
  • general weakness, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • stool disorders, abdominal pain;
  • allergic reactions;
  • disorders of the nervous system (headaches, sleep disturbances, dizziness);
  • various symptoms of kidney disease;
  • hypertension.

To avoid such troubles, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor and do not exceed the prescribed dosages.

Can Nurofen be given during teething and how often should I give it?

When milk units appear, children often suffer from painful sensations. Also at this time, the gums become inflamed, and the body temperature rises. To alleviate this condition, it is recommended to give an anesthetic drug that can eliminate all the symptoms mentioned at once.

It is believed that up to the thermometer readings of 38-38.5, no antipyretics should be given. But there is another opinion - if the child does not feel well or feels severe pain, then it is worth giving medicine even at low values.

Sometimes doctors prescribe Nurofen for teething without fever. After all, the drug is able to eliminate pain, reduce inflammation of soft tissues and make it easier to transfer this process. As a result, the child improves appetite, sleep, he becomes less capricious and restless.

It is important to observe the correct dosages:

  1. At the age of 3 to 6 months, it is permissible to use no more than 2.5 ml three times a day. In this case, the time between each dose of the drug is at least 8 hours.
  2. Children up to a year are given a suspension in the same dosage, but already 3-4 times a day.
  3. From 1 to 3 years, the amount of the drug is increased to 5 ml, but used with the same frequency, keeping 6-8 hours between doses.
  4. At the age of 4-6 years, the dose of syrup is 7.5 ml at a time.
  5. After 6 years, pediatricians are allowed to switch to the tablet form of the drug, or they recommend giving a suspension in an amount of 10 ml (7-9 years) or 15 ml (10-12 years).

It should be remembered that between doses of Nurofen, in any case, 6-8 hours or more should pass. Do not give medicine unnecessarily. It is also important to clarify how many days it is permissible to bring down the temperature during teething. So, doctors insist that parents call a pediatrician if high thermometer readings last longer than 2-3 days or reach dangerous levels (39-40 degrees).


Despite the fact that Nurofen is relatively safe and effective, sometimes there is a need to replace it with some other medicine. In this case, pay attention to similar drugs:

  1. With the same active ingredient - Ibunorm Baby, Motrin, Maxicold, Ibuprofen, Advil, Bofen, Imet, Dolgit, Brufen Forte, Ibufen.
  2. With a different composition - Panadol, Kalpol, Efferalgan.
  3. Special products designed for local impact on the gums of a child during teething - Dentokind, Dentinox, Kalgel, Holisal, Pansoral, Baby Doctor, Dentol, etc.

In any case, try to follow the instructions exactly and do not exceed the recommended dosages. It is strictly forbidden to give any medicine to children without a doctor's prescription.

Video: Nurofen for teething.


The cost of the drug is relatively low. In pharmacies, the range for different forms of release varies within the following limits:

  • tablets of 200 mg, 10 pieces per pack - 80-100 rubles;
  • capsules - 300 rubles;
  • Nurofen Forte - 100 rubles;
  • syrup for children from 3 months - 220-250 rubles;
  • rectal suppositories - 120-150 rubles.

Some analogues will turn out to be cheaper, but in this case, the effectiveness, safety of the drug and the individual tolerance of the active components by the child's body are important.

The first signs of teething appear in children from 4 to 7 months. During this period, they can become quite moody, often crying. They may have a fever, increased salivation and a runny nose, which often leads to diarrhea.

Young mothers often ask the question: "Is it possible to give Nurofen when teething milk teeth?". Yes, there will be pain relief from Nurofen during teething.

The formation of the oral cavity begins even before birth, but remains in its infancy. There are no clear deadlines for cutting. It depends on individual characteristics. Sometimes there are cases of birth with one tooth.

The process of teething is quite painful, and by age the children are still very small and very capricious. In rare cases, this process is painless, and you will be able to determine that a tooth is being cut only by the appearance of saliva and the desire to scratch the gums. The use of Nurofen during teething without fever is recommended only if the baby feels pain.

Drugs have now been developed that can be used by the youngest children. Which of them can be used and how to do it correctly?

Types of drug

It is released in several forms:

  • Tablets;
  • Candles;
  • Suspension.

Children's preparation - syrup has an orange or strawberry smell and white color. Sometimes candles are used. The main component in their composition is Ibuprofen. It is produced in bottles of 100 ml and 150 ml. Nurofen suppositories are rarely used during teething.

According to its pharmacological properties, it is able to anesthetize, reduce body temperature and has anti-inflammatory properties. Its effect occurs within 8 hours.

"Nurofen" can be prescribed to children from the age of three months. This allows it to be used as an anesthetic during teething. It is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist before starting the use of this drug in children at an early age.

In any case, before choosing a drug for children, consult your doctor. "Nurofen" is forbidden to give to children if you have already given other drugs.

There are several restrictions on the use of Nurofen:

  • If there is hypersensitivity to "Ibuprofen";
  • Intolerance to at least one component of Nurofen;
  • In the event that children are currently sick - urticaria, rhinitis, or asthma attacks are observed, especially if diseases occur after taking acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Any diseases or disorders of the stomach and organs associated with it;
  • With diseases of the blood and kidneys.

Possible side effects

When using any medication, observe the reaction of the body. If you notice a deterioration in the general
condition, stop taking the drug and go to the hospital immediately.

When taking children's Nurofen during teething of milk teeth, side effects may appear, but this happens very rarely. The most common of them:

  • Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • Skin rashes, swelling, itching, shortness of breath;
  • Children have poor sleep, he is constantly in an excited state;
  • Increased heart rate and increased blood pressure;
  • He may drink liquids and not ask to go to the toilet, or his diaper won't fill up.

Especially closely you need to monitor all these manifestations in infancy. He is still so small that he cannot tell you about his feelings. Therefore, the correct premise of the drug will depend on the parents.

The composition of the drug

If you are still not familiar with the action of this medicine, it's time to find out about it, because during periods of malaise in a child, it can become your indispensable assistant. Nurofen belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This term includes the word "non-steroidal" in order to focus on the fact that the drug does not contain steroid hormones, which do not always have a positive effect on the body.

The main active ingredient in children's Nurofen is ibuprofen. This substance perfectly helps to cope with the heat, has an analgesic effect and, in general, is very effective in teething. The action of ibuprofen is thoroughly studied, and its benefits are fully proven, which is why this drug is included in the list of the most important medicines of the World Health Organization.

In addition to the main active ingredient, Nurofen contains a list of auxiliary elements, such as: maltitol syrup (a food supplement that is used as a sweetener, suitable for diabetics, does not cause caries), domifene bromide (an antiseptic and antifungal component with anti-inflammatory action), water, citric acid and other harmless ingredients. Since babies are generally not very disposed to swallowing unpalatable medicines, Nurofen for children is made in a pleasant orange or strawberry flavor, which is very helpful in the treatment.

The composition of Nurofen is absolutely safe for small children, which means that it can be given during teething from a very young age. However, before taking it for pain or fever, it is better to study the instructions and dosage.


For babies, this drug is available in two forms - as candles, as well as in the form of syrup. Candles are very convenient to use if the child is not in the mood to take medicine, or if the patient is sleeping and you do not want to disturb his peace. In addition, candles are absorbed much faster, which means their action is accelerated.

Nurofen can be used for teething from 3 months of life to 12 years. In addition to pain during the growth of milk teeth, it is used for acute respiratory infections, flu, various infections, the development of infectious and inflammatory processes, and other ailments accompanied by temperature. It is also useful to have Nurofen in the first aid kit if the child is prone to the following pain syndromes: headache and ear pain, pain in the throat, sprains, neuralgia.

The dosage of the drug for different ages is different:

  • at 3-6 months, you can give 2.5 ml of syrup throughout the day;
  • from 6 months to a year, the same amount of medicine can be increased up to 4 times in 24 hours;
  • at the age of 1-3 years, the dose increases to 5 ml 3 times a day;
  • a child of 4-6 years old is recommended to give 7.5 ml of Nurofen 3 times a day.
  • at 7-9 years, the amount of the drug increases to 10 ml 3 times within 24 hours.
  • at 10-12 years old, 15 ml of medication can be given with the same frequency.

If your home does not have measuring utensils, this will not be a problem, since the syrup comes with a special measuring syringe that will help you accurately calculate the dose.

The optimal time for taking the drug is 3-5 days. 3 days Nurofen can be used as an antipyretic, and 5 days as an analgesic. If after 5 days the fever and toothache does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The algorithm for taking the drug itself is extremely simple - you must first shake the container, then the liquid is drawn into a measuring syringe and poured into the child's mouth. After use, wash and dry the syringe for the next dose.


Like any other drug, Nurofen has its contraindications and side effects. In this case, the first is sensitivity to the main active ingredient - ibuprofen, or any other components of the drug.

Also, with toothache, Nurofen is undesirable to give if the child has hypersensitivity reactions: bronchospasm, rhinitis, urticaria, and other consequences that occurred after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The medicine is contraindicated in children suffering from diseases of the digestive system, such as ulcers, intestinal inflammation, or gastrointestinal bleeding. Babies with a blood disease or diagnosed kidney failure are also prohibited from taking this drug.

Dangerous consequences can cause taking Nurofen with gastritis, asthma, urticaria. Combining it with other antipyretic drugs or drugs that reduce blood clotting is also undesirable. To avoid side effects due to these factors, you must first consult with your doctor.

In general, if you correctly follow the dosage and indications for use, Nurofen can be very effective and, importantly, a universal remedy for your baby's malaise. However, do not be too lazy to contact your pediatrician before taking, as some concomitant diseases or therapies may provoke unexpected effects of this medicine.

What means to use during teething?

Teething in babies is a normal natural process. However, in most cases, it causes a lot of trouble for both parents and the baby. The high morbidity of the process makes the child lethargic, lifeless, constantly whimpering and especially capricious. Some adults are categorical about the use of drugs during this period, but in some cases they cannot be dispensed with.

Good “handy” tools to help cope with the discomfort of teething are finger massage of the gums and special teethers that are placed in the refrigerator before use.

On the shelves of modern pharmacies, you can find a lot of painkillers that are effective in the appearance of teeth in children. All of them are safe, but have a number of side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before use, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the instructions.

The help of painkillers is most often resorted to when the condition of the crumbs becomes excruciatingly painful. In such cases, the baby practically does not eat, cannot concentrate on anything, and even fall asleep peacefully. The medicine helps to calm the baby, relieve the sensation of pain and return to the usual mode of life.

If teething does not cause discomfort to the child, then painkillers are not recommended.

Very often, the process of the appearance of teeth in infants is accompanied by another unpleasant symptom - an increase in temperature. As a rule, the indicator in this case reaches a subfebrile mark, that is, 37-37.5 C. But each small organism reacts to the change in its own way, so there may be cases with higher rates - up to 38 C.

Before taking antipyretic drugs, it is necessary to observe the baby. If he is alert and active, then there is no reason for excitement and there is no need for medicine. It is not recommended to bring down the temperature below 38 C.

In rare cases, the temperature can reach 39 C and be accompanied by dangerous symptoms - difficulty breathing, convulsions and other symptoms. In such cases, emergency medical attention should be called immediately.

Every parent should remember that before making a decision to give a child this or that medication, a specialist consultation is necessary. In the case of teething, it is necessary to exclude other possible ailments with similar symptoms so that drugs do not “drown out” and aggravate the situation. It is enough to show the baby to the pediatrician, who will make an adequate assessment of the condition and give advice on the choice and dosage of the drug.

Can Nurofen be given to children?

The drug Nurofen is the choice of many specialists and already experienced parents. The fact is that it is multifunctional - it helps to relieve pain, reduce fever, and also improve the general physical condition of the child during teething and other unpleasant conditions. The drug can be used for children from the third month of life.

The main component of Nurofen is ibuprofen, the effect of which is already manifested in the first 30 minutes. after acceptance. The substance is in no way inferior in its effectiveness in pain relief and lowering the temperature to the common paracetamol. The effect of the drug is also quite long - up to 8 hours, but to a greater extent depends on the individual characteristics of a particular baby.

A huge plus of Nurofen is that it does not contain sugar in its composition, but at the same time it has a pleasant taste. This means that the drug is allowed for children with diabetes.

The use of Nurofen is appropriate for:

  • feverish conditions;
  • pain syndrome of any etiology (including headache, toothache, sensations when teeth appear);
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Since the indications for Nurofen include pain, including those caused by the appearance of teeth, the drug can be used as an analgesic, even if there is no increase in body temperature. The main rule is the observance of dosages corresponding to the age group and duration of administration.


Like any other drug, Nurofen has its contraindications:

  • individual allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer or erosion in the stomach;
  • inflammatory or infectious bowel disease;
  • internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ailments of the liver and kidneys;
  • bronchial asthma, since Nurofen is able to provoke bronchospasm;
  • rhinitis;
  • reduced level of hearing;
  • hypokalemia;
  • poor blood clotting or its disease;
  • children's age up to 3 months.

Parents should learn about contraindications and possible side effects when ignoring the recommendations from the pediatrician or from the instructions attached to the medicine.

Forms of release of children's Nurofen

The Nurofen company has a special line for children, which includes three forms of release of the drug. All of them are suitable for use in children of different age groups.

  1. Nurofen suppositories. This form is optimal for babies from 3 months to 2 years. Candles are good because they provide the baby with the necessary dose, excluding bust. The drug is effective for constant regurgitation, vomiting and loss of appetite.
  2. Nurofen in the form of a suspension. It does not contain dyes, sugar and alcohol, which means that the occurrence of an allergic reaction is minimized, and the drug is also recommended for children with diabetes. It has a pleasant sweetish taste and has a convenient syringe for dosing. The syrup is suitable for babies from 3 months to 12 years old and helps to cope with all the possible troubles that occur during these periods.
  3. Nurofen tablets. Suitable for children of the older group - after 6 years. The tablets themselves are designed to make it convenient and pleasant for the child to swallow them - a streamlined shape and a smooth icing on top.

When choosing a specific form of funds, parents should take into account the age category and individual characteristics of their crumbs, and also assume how convenient it will be to use the drug.

Nurofen in the form of syrup, according to statistics, is the favorite of most parents and the bestseller.

Admission rules

For children in whom the appearance of a tooth can bring significant inconvenience, Nurofen forms in the form of suppositories and suspensions are preferable. For the use of the drug, there are general recommendations for dosage and regimen:

  1. You should not give medicine to a child more than 3-4 times a day.
  2. The intervals between doses should be at least 6 hours.
  3. The duration of taking the drug is as follows: no longer than 3 days as an antipyretic and no longer than 5 days as an analgesic.
  4. When using suppositories, it is very easy to choose the dosage - 1 suppository at the allotted time is enough.

It is important to remember that ibuprofen is the active substance of the drug. When taken at the same time as some other drugs, it can cause a negative effect. Do not use Nurofen in combination with:

  • acetylsalicylic acid (with the exception of low dosages prescribed directly by the doctor);
  • other NSAIDs - the use of two or more drugs of this group increases the risk of side effects;
  • thrombolytic drugs and anticoagulants;
  • antihypertensive drugs and diuretics;
  • glucocorticosteroids due to an increased risk of peptic ulcer formation;
  • cardiac glycosides due to possible inhibition of cardiac activity;
  • quinolone antibiotics due to the risk of seizures.

Detailed recommendations on the required amount of the drug, the time of its use and possible combinations with other drugs can only be given by a qualified pediatrician. Self-medication can provoke side effects and other unpleasant consequences that can threaten the life of the crumbs.

Side effects

When using children's Nurofen in the form of suppositories or syrup, the development of side effects can be observed extremely rarely. Most often this happens with an inattentive approach, ignoring contraindications and non-compliance with the recommended dosages. The following negative consequences can be identified:

  1. Allergic manifestations - red rashes, itching, swelling, bronchospasm, atypical fever, anaphylactic shock.
  2. From the side of the nervous system - overexcitation, insomnia, headaches.
  3. The gastrointestinal tract can respond with vomiting and loose stools, pain in the epigastric region, the development of peptic ulcer and gastritis.
  4. From the side of the cardiac and circulatory systems - increased pressure and heart rate, leukopenia, anemia.
  5. There may be significant impairment of kidney function and urinary excretion.

It is important that if any uncharacteristic symptoms are detected, stop taking Nurofen immediately and consult a doctor for advice.

What can replace the drug?

Nurofen has medicinal analogues that have the same range of actions - analgesic and antipyretic. If there are contraindications or undesirable effects are detected, it can be replaced by other means, of course, after consulting a doctor.

Table: analogues

In addition to these drugs, there are a wide variety of both antipyretic and special analgesics that are designed to solve a specific problem. Only a specialist can prescribe a drug analogue of Nurofen.

Nurofen for teething without fever

The main effect of the suspension is aimed at lowering body temperature and pain relief. It is possible to use Nurofen during teething without fever, but the dose of the drug should be reduced. When resorting to taking the remedy in order to relieve pain in children, consult a pediatrician. When using Nurofen during teething without fever, the dose of a single dose of the drug should be less than the usual dose when the baby has a fever. Also, experts prescribe a gel for gums during teething.

Nurofen syrup and suppositories for teething in babies

Suspension based on ibuprofen, a potent drug, so it must be taken with caution. Nurofen syrup during teething has a quick effect on the body, being absorbed through the walls of the intestine. This explains the rapid action of the remedy.

You can use suppositories if the child has a fever and if the syrup does not help bring down the fever. Doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature with the drug to 38. In such cases, it is better to use candles. They have an effective effect on the body, Nurofen suppositories during teething reviews testify to this.

Reviews about Nurofen

  • At high temperature, the drug does not act for long, and in its absence, using the suspension as an anesthetic is just that. Pain at emergence removes or takes out on time. You can see it in a child right away. The action of the drug is better than any other tablets or gels. Pediatricians recommend giving Nurofen when teething reviews when they appear, it is recommended. It must be alternated with candles. To facilitate the impact on the body and effectively relieve the painful symptoms of the appearance of crumbs.
  • An excellent tool, but not suitable for everyone, so be careful with it and be sure to read the instructions before taking it. From pain and temperature helps better than all other drugs.
  • Each baby's body is individual and the drug helps someone, but not someone. We only use them. Helps with pain during the appearance and pain in general is excellent. It lowers the temperature well, even if you give the baby quite a bit of the drug.

New rule: teething - it doesn't hurt!

Nurofen is a universal drug from the category of NSAIDs. It is a non-narcotic non-hormonal analgesic. It is allowed to be used from 3 months of age. The medicine is widely used to eliminate pain, inflammation of the gums, temperature and to improve the general condition of the child when teeth appear. Its composition is specially selected taking into account the characteristics of the body of young children.

This is a powerful ibuprofen-based remedy. It will dry up the tears of your little one in 15-20 minutes, as it is very quickly absorbed through the intestinal walls and produces an analgesic effect that lasts 8 hours. The effect produced by ibuprofen is that it inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, and these are substances that are signaling pain and inflammation.

Nurofen is a popular children's antipyretic that also has an analgesic effect. In this regard, the drug is used for various conditions accompanied by pain, in particular, it is used to alleviate the condition of the child during teething. How to calculate the dosage correctly so as not to harm the baby, and in what cases is it better to refuse it?

Release form of the drug

Nurofen for children is available in various forms. This helps parents choose the best option for using the medication:

  1. Rectal suppositories. Nurofen in the form of suppositories is used in babies from 3 months to 2 years. Candles are convenient to use in such small patients. The optimal dosage allows you to speed up the process of drug administration - you do not need to measure the right amount, and also make sure that the child does not spit out the medicine or choke on it. Suppositories are also indicated in cases where the child is teething, and also if nausea and vomiting occur against the background of temperature (we recommend reading:).
  2. Syrup. This form of release is the most popular among parents of babies under 6 years old. At the same time, it can be used from 3 months to 12 years. The suspension has a pleasant sweet taste due to the addition of maltitol syrup. This dietary supplement is approved for use by people with diabetes. In addition, flavoring is present in the syrup - strawberry or orange, but there are no dyes. The bottle is equipped with a special dispenser, which is convenient to measure the desired amount of the drug.
  3. Tablets. They are most often used for children over 6 years of age who can already swallow the medicine. For ease of administration, the tablets are oblong in shape and coated with a smooth shell.

Nurofen in the form of suppositories is most convenient for use during teething in infants

When is Nurofen used?

The basis of Nurofen is a substance such as ibuprofen, which is used to relieve high fever in children, along with paracetamol. Ibuprofen works extremely effectively - it often becomes the salvation of mothers in cases where paracetamol does not help (we recommend reading:). Its action is quite long - up to 8 hours. Nurofen is shown:

  • at high temperature;
  • pain of any type - headache, muscle, ear, toothache, including discomfort during teething;
  • infectious diseases, various inflammations.

Nurofen is an analgesic akin to analgesics, that is, it can relieve pain. As a result, it is allowed to use it during teething, even if the child does not have a fever (more details in the article:). It is only important to strictly observe the dosage of the drug and not to give to children weighing less than 5 kg.

Method of application and dosage

In this section, we will talk about the rules for using Nurofen in the form of suppositories and suspensions. How many times a day can the medicine be given? What should be the dosage? The dose of the drug depends on the age of the patient, as well as body weight. We give general recommendations for the use of the drug.

Pain during teething can be in children of different ages, this must be taken into account when using painkillers, choosing the dosage

In order not to make a mistake in the dosage of the suspension, you should know the rules for using the dispenser. You need to act like this:

  1. Shake the bottle well first.
  2. Press the cap and turn it clockwise to remove the cap.
  3. The dispenser in the form of a syringe has divisions - 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 ml. 5 ml of the suspension contains 100 mg of ibuprofen, 10 - 200 mg. The dispenser should be inserted into the hole on the bottle neck.
  4. After that, the bottle must be turned upside down and the syrup must be drawn into the dispenser until it reaches the desired mark.
  5. Turn the bottle upside down again, remove the dispenser from the neck. A soft click should be heard.
  6. Then you can pour the medicine from the dispenser directly into the child’s mouth, or you can first squeeze it into a spoon, and only then give it to the baby.
  7. Wash and dry the dispenser, taking it apart.

If you decide to use candles, you should also strictly adhere to the dosage. Rules for the use of suppositories:

  • babies from 3 to 9 months weighing up to 8 kg are prescribed 1 candle, which can be placed every 8 hours, but not more than 3 times a day;
  • children from 9 to 24 months (8-12 kg) 1 suppository no more than 4 times a day.

Each suppository contains 60 mg ibuprofen. Per day, its amount should not exceed 180 mg for babies weighing up to 8 kg, and 240 mg for children from 8 to 12 kg. It is not recommended to use Nurofen for more than 3 days in a row (in some cases this period is extended up to 5 days). Parents of babies from 3 to 5 months should be especially careful. If fever and pain do not go away within a day while taking the drug, its use should be stopped and consult a doctor.

When teething, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child, especially younger ones.

What are the contraindications?

Nurofen for children, like many other medications, has contraindications. Before giving a child medicine, you should study their list:

  • intolerance to one or more components of the drug;
  • diseases of the stomach - ulcer, erosion of the walls;
  • bowel disease - inflammation, infection;
  • problems with the liver, kidneys;
  • stomach, intestinal bleeding;
  • bronchial asthma - there is a risk of bronchospasm;
  • hearing loss;
  • blood diseases, disorders of its coagulability;
  • hypokalemia;
  • body weight less than 5 kg, if we are talking about a suspension, and less than 6 kg, if we are talking about suppositories.

Special marks

Nurofen should not be combined with certain drugs. Their list is presented below:

  • aspirin, unless prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the use of ibuprofen;
  • other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to eliminate the risk of side effects;
  • anticoagulants and thrombolytics;
  • diuretics, antihypertensive drugs;
  • increase the risk of developing peptic ulcer glucocorticosteroids;
  • to avoid oppression of cardiac activity, do not use together with cardiac glycosides;
  • there is a risk of seizures if Nurofen is used together with quinolone antibiotics.

As you can see, Nurofen should not be prescribed to your child on your own. It is better to consult a competent pediatrician who will give recommendations on the use of this drug, or prescribe another remedy.

If side effects occur, the drug must be replaced with another one more suitable for the child.

Very rarely, side effects are observed when using the drug. Basically, problems arise when the instructions for the medicine are not carefully studied, or when parents use Nurofen uncontrollably for more than 5 days. However, we list the possible side effects:

  • allergies - itching, dermatitis, urticaria, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock;
  • sleep disturbances, dizziness, headaches, hyperactivity;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, development of gastritis and even ulcers;
  • anemia, leukopenia, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure;
  • failure of kidney function, disruption of the urinary system.

If an atypical reaction of the body occurs, you should stop taking the drug. Then seek advice from a pediatrician.


If Nurofen is not suitable for any reason, you can look for a replacement for it. Today in pharmacies there are a number of drugs of similar action. Some of them can be used without prescription - for example, Dentokind, Viburkol. We have compiled the most relevant remedies in the table, one of them the doctor can recommend.

There are many drugs for pain relief during teething, for example, Dentokind

NameThe formPatient's ageIndications
Panadol for childrenSuppositories, syrupAllowed from 2 monthsAntipyretic, relieves pain. The active ingredient is paracetamol
Dentokind (we recommend reading:)TabletsCan be used from 2 monthsHomeopathic remedy, relieves pain and discomfort during the period of dentition
ViburkolCandlesAllowed from 0 monthsGentle homeopathic remedy based on chamomile. Indicated for low temperature, discomfort, pain of various etiologies
Dantinorm Baby (we recommend reading:)DropsAllowed from 2-3 monthsContraindications - individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug

We have listed only a small part of the drugs that can help a child during teething. In addition to antipyretics in the form of suppositories and suspensions, pharmacies offer a variety of gels and ointments intended for topical use. Usually the doctor recommends using them in combination.

Nurofen acts quickly, its use is justified in cases where it is impossible to consult a doctor. However, you should not give the drug to a child who complains of pain in the abdomen. The medicine can relieve pain that is a symptom of appendicitis or other serious conditions.

Toothache is an extremely unpleasant sensation familiar to many people. It occurs due to a violation of the structure of the tooth and exposure of the nerve.

In such cases, the pain syndrome manifests itself after exposure to certain stimuli (for example, when drinking cold water or eating hot food).

The nature of sensations is different (shooting, throbbing, aching pain).

In any case, a person, faced with such a problem, tries to find a quick way to solve it. Nurofen for toothache - an effective, efficient and inexpensive drug from the group of non-steroids.

It helps to eliminate severe pain, and contains the active ingredient ibuprofen. This article will tell you how to use the medication correctly.


Nurofen belongs to the new generation of medicines. Its action is aimed at relieving heat, eliminating the inflammatory process and pain relief. Such a wide range of influence is achieved due to the active substance ibuprofen.

Capsules Nurofen Express

In pharmacies, Nurofen against toothache is sold in various forms:

  • tablets;
  • syrups;
  • solutions (suspensions);
  • capsules.

Indications for the use of Nurofen are:

  • inflammatory diseases (arthritis, osteochondrosis);
  • headache;
  • pain during childbirth;
  • toothache (in this case, the drug is especially effective because it acts directly on the focus of inflammation).

In addition to the analgesic effect, the medicine also helps to remove edema. The principle of action of Nurofen is based on blocking the processes of formation of substances that contribute to the development of inflammation, fever and pain (in medicine they are called prostaglandins). This mechanism allows the use of a drug for the rapid elimination of toothaches of a different nature.

To stop the pain syndrome, it is enough to take 400 mg of Nurofen. The analgesic effect occurs 20-30 minutes after taking the medicine.

Elimination of toothache

Does Nurofen help with toothache?

The drug Nurofen is universal and has a complex, multidirectional effect.

The main purpose of the drug is the fight against pain.

But the drug has additional properties that allow you to normalize the temperature and stop the inflammatory process.

Nurofen for toothache (reviews confirm this) has proven its effectiveness. Nurofen helps with toothache in children and adults.

In adults

Pain in the oral cavity appears under the influence of various reasons. The anesthetic drug Nurofen is used both in emergency cases (for example, when it is not possible to visit the dentist right away, but), and after medical manipulations in the dentist's office.

Nurofen helps an adult cope with pain in the following cases:

  1. when the nerve of the tooth is affected by carious elements;
  2. with the development of infectious, their swelling and bleeding due to;
  3. after removal of a dental cyst;
  4. with inflammation in the inner part of the tooth, provoked;
  5. during the rehabilitation period (when painful sensations develop at the site of the lost element and the temperature rises);
  6. elimination of the problem of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel and discomfort that arose after whitening manipulations.

Nurofen is suitable for relieving pain in those moments when there is no opportunity to visit the dentist. But the patient must remember that pain is only a symptom, and the drug does not help to remove the cause of its appearance. And therefore it is necessary to go to the dentist as soon as possible and undergo a course of treatment.

In children

In childhood, pain in the oral cavity occurs for a reason. The pain syndrome has a different intensity or is completely absent.

The baby behaves restlessly, saliva is plentiful, the temperature rises, the gums swell and become red. Pain provokes sleep disturbances crumbs, capriciousness and loss of appetite.

Suspension for children from 3 months

To relieve discomfort in such cases, pediatricians recommend using Nurofen for children with toothache (the dosage of the drug is given below) in the form of suspensions or syrup.

The drug minimizes the unpleasant symptoms that accompany teething. The active ingredient ibuprofen gently affects the baby's body, has a calming and antipyretic effect, brings the crumbs back to normal.


The dosage of Nurofen depends on the patient's age and weight indicators. For example, the daily dose of the drug per 1 kg of body weight should not be more than 30 mg, and no more than 5-10 mg / 1 kg should be taken at a time.

For children aged 6 months and weighing 7 kg, the dosage of Nurofen is increased to 40-50 mg at a time (this amount corresponds to 2.5 ml of the drug suspension).

With age, the dose of the drug increases and is:

  1. for children older than 1 year- 5 ml of suspension at a time;
  2. for kids 4-6 years old- 7.5 ml of medicinal solution;
  3. for children aged 10 the amount of a single dose of the drug should not exceed 10 ml;
  4. for children over 11 years old The optimal rate of taking Nurofen at a time is 15 ml.

The tablet preparation dissolves quickly in water and is easily absorbed through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Relief of the condition occurs after 15 minutes, and after half an hour the patient completely forgets about the pain.

The drug should be stopped no later than 3 hours before visiting the dentist.

Contraindications for use

Nurofen can not always be used, there are several contraindications to the use of this drug, among which are the following:

  1. individual intolerance to non-steroidal painkillers;
  2. bleeding, peptic ulcer, problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. asthma, bronchitis, other respiratory diseases;
  4. violation of the proper functioning of the organs of hearing and vision;
  5. pregnancy and lactation;
  6. systemic diseases of blood vessels, kidneys, liver, heart.
  7. violation of the synthesis of individual enzymes.

The appointment of the drug is made by the doctor, having previously familiarized himself with the patient's medical history, the individual characteristics of his body. It is better not to self-medicate, because serious and adverse consequences for the body can occur.

It is necessary to use Nurofen for pain relief after carefully reading the instructions that come with the drug. It must be remembered that this potent medicine has side effects.

Side effects

Uncontrolled intake of Nurofen tablets or suspensions causes side effects, these include:

  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased concentration and severe dizziness;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • itching, small allergic rashes and redness on the skin;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

If a complex of the listed signs appears, the medication should be stopped immediately. The instruction recommends taking Nurofen for no more than 3 days. This time is enough to reduce pain and visit the dental office.

If the patient takes Nurofen in combination with other drugs, then the compatibility of these drugs with each other should be taken into account.

To avoid adverse effects, you need to get expert advice.

The only thing with which you can take an anesthetic drug without fear for your health is dietary supplements and a complex of vitamins.

The above side effects in childhood (when the baby is teething) appear stronger and brighter.

This happens because the symptoms coincide with the general negative state of the crumbs. It is necessary to start taking Nurofen to relieve pain in a child carefully, monitoring the reaction of his body and informing the doctor about all pathological signs.

Nurofen is an effective remedy and is recommended for use in the presence of toothache. Taking the medication must be agreed with the attending physician. Only in this case the therapeutic process will be safe and effective.

Useful video

There are at least 7 steps to relieve a toothache without resorting to pain pills and doctors:

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