What does mean erythrocyte volume mean? The average volume of erythrocytes is reduced

The mean volume of an erythrocyte is part of a clinical blood test. In the world, there is a generally accepted designation for this indicator - MCV, which means the average volume of a blood component, in this case, an erythrocyte. With the help of analysis, it is possible to establish the number of these particles and their volume, as well as to estimate the dimensional indicators of this element.

In some cases, the results are not informative, because the blood formula deviates due to certain reasons. For example, with anisocytosis, the size of blood cells is changed, and with poikilocytosis, their shape is changed. Such deviations will not make it possible to fully and reliably perform the analysis. Red blood cells are the most important components of the blood. They are involved in many physiological processes:

  • carry oxygen and carbon dioxide, thereby participating in respiration;
  • transport the amino acids and fats selected by the body to the tissues, nourishing them;
  • carry enzymes;
  • regulate the balance of acid and alkali;
  • remove toxins;
  • participate in fibrinolysis, determine the constancy of blood counts.

Why is it important to know the MCV?

The main purpose of this study is to specify blood problems, because hematological pathologies can be recognized by MCV. Most often, they resort to analysis in the case of a preliminary diagnosed anemia in order to confirm or refute the presence of the disease. Also, the analysis helps to diagnose a microcytic problem associated with an acute lack of iron.

With a deficiency of cyanocobalamin, the analysis may indicate macrocytic anemia.
In addition to disorders of the anemic type, the results of the analysis demonstrate the features of water and electrolyte constancy. This is very important, especially if the problem lies in the intracellular or intravascular sector. With an increase in the average values ​​of the erythrocyte volume, hypotonic disorders are suspected, and with a decrease in the norm, dehydration.

The sampling procedure

Conducting an MCV analysis is not a specific procedure. It is carried out as part of a clinical blood test. Analysis requirements are standard. The patient needs to donate blood in the morning, preferably before eleven o'clock. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach; it is better if there are no heavy physical exertion and emotional stress before the procedure. Blood is almost always drawn from a vein, but sometimes an arterial blood draw may be necessary.

Definition of indicator

MCV is measured in two units - cubic micrometers and femtoliters. The latter value was used in Holland to measure liquids containing alcohol, now femtoliter measurement is successfully used in determining blood parameters.

The method for determining MCV is the passage of blood cells through the smallest special openings of the hemoanalyzer. At the end of the analyzer, you can see how red blood cells are distributed in the total blood volume. The numerical indicator is calculated according to the following formula: the hematocrit is multiplied by ten and divided by the number of red blood cells multiplied by ten to the sixth power.

The norm of the indicator in different age groups

The standard value taken as the norm is from eighty to one hundred femtoliters. If the erythrocytes fit into this amplitude, then they are normocytes. An indicator below eighty is a microcyte, and above one hundred is a macrocyte. The average volume of an erythrocyte can change during a person's life. Newborn children have an indicator of about one hundred and twenty-eight, but soon the average volume of red blood cells returns to normal. At the age of one year, the indicator falls slightly below the norm - about seventy-five - seventy-seven femtoliters, but already at five years old it again reaches the norm.

MCV is not the same for women and men, but there is no big difference in these indicators, they are included in the norm from 80 to 100. If we are talking about clarifying the type of anemia, then when determining the average volume of an erythrocyte, both the color index and the hemoglobin content are taken into account. With a decrease in the intensity of the color color of the blood, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin or a supersaturation of the body with lead is suspected. With a brighter color, you can suspect a lack of folic acid. The interpretation of the results of the analysis is carried out by a specialist doctor.

Causes of a decrease in the average volume of erythrocytes

If laboratory tests show a decrease in the indicator, then the doctor may suspect a violation of the water-electrolyte balance, which in turn indicates dehydration. At the same time, the body does not have enough fluid, and, consequently, the average volume of an erythrocyte decreases.

Also, a decrease indicates hypochromic and microcytic anemia, provoked by a violation of hemoglobin production. As you know, it is hemoglobin that affects the size and shape of the erythrocyte. If there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood, then the red blood cells will be much smaller. Such an analysis helps to identify a very severe pathology associated with problems in the synthesis of hemoglobin in the body - thalassemia.

Reasons for an increase in the blood count

If the average erythrocyte volume is increased, this indicates a lack of vitamin B12. In this case, the proportion of erythrocytes in the blood decreases, but they themselves acquire gigantic forms by their standards. A slight deviation from the norm towards an increase may be associated with smoking, taking hormonal contraceptives, alcoholism.

Interestingly, with alcoholism, hemoglobin in such patients is within the normal range, but blood tests diagnose macrocytosis. This indicator can be returned to normal if you do not drink alcohol for three months. Also, the average volume of an erythrocyte increases with diseases of the bone marrow, liver pathologies, and disruption of the endocrine system.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, one must take into account the amount of each enzyme blood.

The main parameters are determined during the general blood test.

Mcv is an abbreviation that stands for the average volume of red blood cells.

This analysis can reveal diseases of the circulatory system. Many of them are evidenced by a reduced level of Mcv.

McV is average volume index erythrocytes. The indicator is determined by dividing the total number of cells by the number of red blood cells. With a decrease in McV, we can talk about anemia. This indicator is divided into types.

MCH indicates the level of hemoglobin in one red blood cell. MCHC measures the volume of hemoglobin per total mass of red blood cells. RDW-CV characterizes the width of the distribution of red blood cells.

Blood test formcv will not always show a constant value. Norms change with age. At the birth of a child, the mark of 112 units is considered the limit. During the first year of life, Mcv drops to 75 units. Up to ten years, the parameters should not exceed 94 units.

In adulthood, the norms can also be different. They directly depend on the specific age and gender. For example, in women from 18 to 45 years old, results from 81 to 100 units are considered normal. In men of the same age, the norm is much lower. On average, they are 90 units.

During pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body undergoes significant changes.

Under the pressure of the fetus, the organs begin to shift, which can cause discomfort. Hormonal changes and blood composition. The latter can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

This is a fairly common occurrence in pregnant women. It is based on the lack of iron in the body. The gap is filled by taking special vitamin complexes. However, only a doctor can prescribe treatment, depending on individual woman's blood counts.

In the presence of the disease in pregnant women, there is a general deterioration in well-being. There may be dryness of the oral mucosa, tingling in the tongue, or worsening of the condition of the hair, nails, and skin.

The child has

Blood diseases may also occur in childhood. The most common is anemia. It can form for a number of reasons.

Video: what are the blood test standards?

The most important reason is the slow formation of red blood cells in the cells. It is possible that there is not enough hemoglobin in the erythrocyte cells or their destruction occurs with great intensity.

In most cases, anemia in childhood is caused by acute iron deficiency in the body. In some situations, anemia occurs when there is a large loss of blood caused by various tissue damage. In any of these cases, the child must be hospitalized in order to carry out comprehensive treatment measures.

What does it mean?

The Mcv level in the results of a complete blood count should be normal. If the indicators are below the norm, then it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment to restore Mcv.

In the process of analyzing the results, other parameters are also evaluated. Only after that everything is compared with the symptoms, and the final diagnosis is made.

In most cases, a sharp decrease in blood Mcv indicates the development of anemia. Red blood cells decay too quickly or do not have time to reproduce their replacement. Together with that characteristic symptoms appear which are most often expressed as follows:

  1. Pale complexion;
  2. General loss of strength;
  3. Dizziness;
  4. fainting;
  5. Lack of appetite;

How to raise?

The best way to bring the Mcv back to normal is to take individually prescribed medications. These include drugs that contain iron. Along with this, the patient is shown strictest diet.

First of all, it is necessary to introduce foods rich in the necessary vitamins and minerals into the diet. The most useful products in this case include prunes, beef, lamb, legumes, dried apricots, green vegetables. It is very important to limit the use of iron inhibitors.

These include products that slow down iron absorption process. The most pronounced inhibitor is cow's milk. That is why children need to introduce it gradually, not completely replacing breastfeeding.

Vitamin C is of great importance in the process of mineral metabolism. In order for iron to be better absorbed, 250 grams of vitamin C should be consumed daily. Various algae also have a very good effect on blood composition.

To date, there are many types of dietary supplements, including one or another type of algae.

Do not refuse to eat various spices and herbs. Iron levels are positively affected by parsley, alfalfa, burdock root and nettle. However, it should be remembered that before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. Otherwise, its symptoms will remind of itself repeatedly.

Increasing McV

Not only a decrease in the level of McV, but also its increase is subject to treatment. The reason for this phenomenon is considered lack of vitamin B12. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and an increase in their volume. Small fluctuations in Mcv upwards can occur against the background of smoking or taking hormonal drugs.

Also, the indicator can increase with regular alcohol consumption. The McV level returns to normal after the cessation of alcohol intake. The problem in this case can be observed from the endocrine system, bone marrow or liver.

In this case, treatment will be effective, which involves taking medications that increase vitamin B12 levels. In more serious cases, medications are prescribed on an individual basis.

The results of a general blood test indicate the composition of the blood and other indicators that can be considered as a symptom of pathology or its absence, as such. Much attention is paid to erythrocytes - red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

The mcv analysis indicates the average volume of red blood cells in the blood.

mcv analysis value

The mcv index in the results of a blood test shows the number and size of red blood cells contained in the body.

It is noteworthy that in an adult, mcv in the blood does not change without a reason, this is recorded only in young children. An increase or decrease in the level of red blood cells in the body can be a symptom of a developing pathology, which is worth making an effort to treat.

Indications for analysis

The mcv blood test is not the only one. To clarify the diagnosis, the therapist may require you to retake it or send it for additional tests.

MCV is informative in two cases:

  • in order to diagnose one of the types of anemia;
  • to determine the type of violations of the water-salt balance. People are often sent for such an analysis in the presence of various intestinal infections, acute respiratory diseases and SARS.

Other, no less serious, reasons for passing the analysis may be:

  • failure of the hormonal system;
  • metabolic problems;
  • overweight;
  • increased blood sugar or diabetes;
  • a sharp and unreasonable decrease in the level of the immune system.

The results of mcv analysis often help to identify such deviations:

  • normochromic anemia. It is fixed when pathologies appear in the bone marrow, sometimes it is caused by chronic diseases;
  • macrocytic anemia. It is characterized by an excessive increase in mcv. Red blood cells increase in size due to insufficient amounts of vitamin B and folic acid;
  • microcytic anemia. In this case, the disease occurs due to a lack of iron in the blood.

Normal MCV values

Age, gender

Average volume
MCV, fl

1 day - 14 days 88,0 - 140,0
14 days - 4.3 weeks 91,0 - 112,0
4.3 weeks - 8.6 weeks 84,0 - 106,0
8.6 weeks - 4 months 76,0 - 97,0
4 months - 6 months 68,0 - 85,0
6 months - 9 months 70,0 - 85,0
9 months - 12 months 71,0 - 84,0
12 months - 5 years 73,0 - 85,0
5 years - 10 years 75,0 - 87,0
10 years - 12 years 76,0 - 90,0
12 years - 15 years Women 73,0 - 95,0
Men 77,0 - 94,0
15 years old - 18 years old Women 78,0 - 98,0
Men 79,0 - 95,0
18 years old - 45 years old Women 81,0 - 100,0
Men 80,0 - 99,0
45 years - 65 years Women 81,0 - 101,0
Men 81,0 - 101,0
65 years - 120 years Women 81,0 - 102,0
Men 83,0 - 103,0

In children under the age of 10, the index may fluctuate and be inaccurate, later it returns to normal (80-100 fl).

MCV above normal

If the results are higher than normal, then this indicates the development of macrocytic anemia. It can be directly related to diseases such as:

  • drug intoxication;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • lack of iodine or iron in the body;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • oncological process of the red bone marrow;
  • prolonged alcoholism;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas.

Provoke an increase in mcv can:

  • long-term use of birth control pills that affect the hormonal background;
  • addiction to cigarettes and tobacco products;
  • prolonged contact with toxic substances (work in hazardous production);
  • taking medications that increase the level of mcv in the blood.

If left untreated, macrocytic anemia can lead to frequent fainting, feeling unwell, and low blood hemoglobin levels. Particularly at risk are:

  • people who eat poorly, lead a sedentary lifestyle and ignore sports;
  • patients with chronic liver failure;
  • people with a genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • men over fifty-five who abuse alcohol.

Experts identify some signs by which it can be understood that a person has too high a volume of red blood cells:

  • unhealthy pallor of the lips;
  • pain in the abdomen for no particular reason, which appear very often;
  • the presence of tachycardia (too fast heartbeat), even when a person is at rest;
  • yellowish skin.

If you find yourself with similar symptoms or if you detect an increased level of mcv in the blood, you should urgently consult a general practitioner for appropriate treatment.

MCV below normal

Analyzes showing that the volume of red blood cells is below normal also indicate pathology. Experts name a number of reasons that can lead to such results:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient amount of water consumed;
  • development of different types of anemia;
  • lead intoxication;
  • the presence in the body of malignant formations, tumors;
  • taking medications that affect test results.

In medical circles, a disease in which the level of red blood cells in the body decreases is commonly called microcytic anemia. The peculiarity of the disease is that erythrocytes do not perform their transport function, i.e. they do not deliver oxygen and other useful substances to the cells of the body in the right amount.

With this pathology, a characteristic clinical picture is observed:

  • constant fatigue;
  • increased irritability, nervousness;
  • decreased concentration and performance;
  • distraction;
  • memory deterioration.

A decrease in the volume of red blood cells is always observed with various kinds of blood loss.

pregnancy and mcv

During pregnancy, due to the increased consumption of iron by the body, microcytic anemia can develop. This condition can negatively affect both the health of the unborn child and the well-being of the mother.

Some experts are convinced that mcv indicators are directly related to the psychological state of a person.

Features of the analysis

Today, the mcv study is included in the general blood test or can be performed separately from other indicators. In order to donate blood, the patient must come to the procedure room, where a laboratory assistant or nurse will take blood samples from a finger or vein. Blood sampling is carried out in accordance with all the rules of the sanitary and epidemiological regime (SanPiN).

The patient is required to comply with the following rules:

  • you need to donate blood on an empty stomach (5-12 hours after the last meal);
  • at the time of delivery, the woman should not be menstruating;
  • normal health. It is forbidden to take blood samples if the patient feels unwell, is in a coma or cardiological shock.

Blood cells are divided into protective and transport. Protective cells include leukocytes and platelets. Transport erythrocytes.

What are erythrocytes

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. The main function they perform is the transport of blood gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen) from the tissues to the lungs and vice versa.

To assess the state of these cells, some constant indicators are determined. These include the amount of volume, their size and shape.

The number of erythrocytes is determined in the general blood test. The size and shape of the cells - with a microscopic examination of a blood smear. And the average volume of red blood cells and the concentration of hemoglobin are determined only with special studies. Based on the data obtained, their functional features are judged.

In some diseases, various indicators of these cells may change.

How can you determine the average volume of an erythrocyte? For this, an extended general blood test is used, in which it is possible to determine the volume of one cell.

Research of erythrocytes

The determination of the average volume of erythrocytes is carried out by mathematical calculation. The indicator is determined by dividing the hematocrit by the average number of red blood cells.

This indicator plays a decisive role in the diagnosis of anemia with a change in the size of red blood cells, which leads to their inferiority and impaired physiological function. In this regard, the development of a clinical picture corresponding to each disease is observed.

A normal indicator is a volume of about 90 femtoliters. An increase in this number is observed with the development of macrocytic anemia. A decrease in volume leads to the development of microspherocytosis and microcytic anemia. Such erythrocytes quickly die due to their inferiority.

The average volume of erythrocytes is reduced precisely in these diseases. This is provoked by a lack of certain nutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of red blood cells.


As mentioned, the main diseases in which the average volume of erythrocytes is reduced are anemia. All of them differ in the lack of a certain substance, which leads to improper formation of red blood cells and, accordingly, a violation of their function. It was mentioned above that erythrocytes are the main transport elements of blood, i.e., in the first place, oxygen delivery and exchange with carbon dioxide will be disturbed.

Allocate such types of anemia as iron deficiency, thalassemia. All these diseases, with untimely provision of medical care, can lead to significant violations of all systems and organs of the patient. It is possible to involve other elements of hematopoiesis in the pathological process.

This problem is mainly dealt with by hematologists, although the primary diagnosis of these diseases should be carried out by district therapists.

Why do these anemias develop, and what manifestations are characteristic of each of them? Why does it happen that the average volume of erythrocytes is lowered?

Anemia associated with a lack of iron in the blood

The most common is iron deficiency anemia. This type of pathology develops as a result of a violation of the synthesis of hemoglobin, the main transport protein contained in red blood cells. This molecule is responsible for binding the oxygen inhaled in the lungs and transporting it to the tissues.

Iron is the main ion needed to build the hemoglobin molecule. With its lack in order to compensate for the need for oxygen, the body begins to produce small red blood cells (i.e., the qualitative function is replaced by the number of cells).

All these red blood cells are smaller than normal in size. Accordingly, the average volume of erythrocytes is reduced in each cell. Such elements cannot fully supply tissues with oxygen, which provokes the development of the corresponding clinical picture.

Despite the fact that red blood cells are formed much smaller than they should be, their number remains within the normal range. It proceeds and is treated the easiest of all the above forms of anemia.

MCV (from the English mean corpuscular volume) is one of the erythrocyte indices, which shows the average volume of erythrocytes. This indicator is able to characterize the entire population of erythrocytes in the blood. The calculated measure indicates the average volume that one erythrocyte occupies. The value of this index is calculated by the formula: hematocrit in percent, multiplied by 10 and divided by the total number of red blood cells in the blood. In most laboratories, MCV is measured in cubic microns (µm2) or femtoliters (fl).

The change in the erythrocyte composition of the blood is one of the main laboratory criteria in the diagnosis of anemia, therefore, the calculation of the average volume of erythrocytes in combination with other indicators of a clinical blood test is used for differential diagnosis, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment of anemia and diseases of the hematopoietic system, determining water and electrolyte imbalance.

MCV in a blood test is calculated automatically using a hematology analyzer, which determines the average value of the volume of all measured erythrocytes.

Red blood cells and their function in the body

Erythrocytes are red blood cells containing hemoglobin. Their main function is the transport of oxygen and carbon monoxide between the lungs and tissues of other organs. In addition, erythrocytes are involved in immune system reactions, play a significant role in maintaining acid-base balance, serve as a means of transporting nutrients (glucose, amino acids, salts, fatty acids) and decay products (uric acid, urea, ammonia, creatine).

Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. Their life cycle is 120 days, after its completion, erythrocytes are metabolized by cells of the liver, spleen and bone marrow. They are replaced by young forms of red blood cells called reticulocytes. Before entering the microvasculature, cells go through several stages of development, during which their shape, size and chemical composition change. For the normal synthesis of red blood cells, sufficient intake of vitamin B12, iron and folic acid is necessary.

Mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated cells that have the shape of biconcave discs, which allows them to penetrate into the narrowest and most curved sections of the vascular bed. Due to the plasticity of erythrocytes, the viscosity of blood in small capillaries is much less than in large ones.

The average diameter of a red blood cell in an adult is between 6.8 and 7.5 microns. Red blood cells with a diameter of less than 6.8 microns are called microcytes, and a condition in which the size of peripheral blood red blood cells is significantly smaller than normal means the presence of microcytosis. The presence in the blood of abnormally large, with a diameter of more than 8 microns, erythrocytes (macrocytes) makes it possible to suspect macrocytosis in a patient.

The determination of the erythrocyte index is performed as part of a general blood test, however, it can also be prescribed as a separate study.

The indicator of the average volume of erythrocytes has a diagnostic value in assessing micro- and macrocytosis, it is used in calculating the average content and concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes.

Normal MCV values

The norm of the MCV indicator in the blood test varies depending on age: in newborns it is maximum, in children in the first days and months of life its range is somewhat wider than in adults, after a year the indicator decreases, and by the age of 18 it is fixed at a level of 80 to 100 fl. This means that with age, the level of the average volume of erythrocytes becomes lower. In men and women, the MCV norm and the interpretation of the blood test will also be different. In addition, the norms of blood parameters may vary depending on the method of determination, laboratory, units of measurement.

Normal MCV values ​​by gender and age

Girls - up to 128 fl

Boys - up to 128 fl

Girls - up to 100 fl

Boys - up to 100 fl

From 1 week to 1 year

Girls - 77-79 fl

Boys - 77-79 fl

Girls - 72-89 fl

Boys - 70-90 fl

Girls - 76-90 fl

Boys - 76-89 fl

Girls - 76-91 fl

Boys - 76-81 fl

Girls - 79-93 fl

Boys - 79-92 fl

Women - 82-96 fl

Men - 81-93 fl

Women - 91-98 fl

Men - 80-93 fl

Women - 80-100 fl

Men 81–94 fl

Women - 82-99 fl

Men - 82-94 fl

Women 80-100 fl

Men - 81-100 fl

65 years and older

Women - 80-99 fl

Men - 78-103 fl

An increase or decrease in the MCV in the general blood test may indicate various diseases and pathological conditions, for example, a violation of the water-salt balance: with a decrease in the average volume of erythrocytes, the violations are hypertonic in nature, and with an increase - hypotonic.

The average volume of red blood cells often decreases during pregnancy in women who are iron deficient.

Reasons for an increase in MCV

An increase in MCV in the blood may indicate a lack of vitamin B12, a lack of folic acid, the development of hyperchromic or macrocytic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, pathologies of the liver, bone marrow, renal failure, myxedema, hypothyroidism. The indicator of the average volume of erythrocytes can be increased in case of methanol poisoning, alcohol abuse, smoking, taking certain medications.

A false increase in the mean volume of erythrocytes can occur with hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis, cold agglutination of erythrocytes.

MCV in the blood test is low

The MCV indicator can be lowered in the case of microcytic anemia (iron deficiency, sideroblastic), hypochromic anemia with a lack of hemoglobin, thalassemia, in renal diseases that increase the level of erythropoietin, hypertensive dehydration, blood loss, conditions accompanied by a violation of the formation or increased destruction of red blood cells, liver diseases associated with tissue changes, erythremia, hypothyroidism, oncological and autoimmune diseases. The average volume of red blood cells often decreases during pregnancy in women who are iron deficient. The reason for the low rate may be lead poisoning, mechanical hemolysis, the presence of giant platelets.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, additional studies are prescribed: biochemical blood test, determination of hormone levels, detection of tumor markers, immunological tests, ultrasound and others.

How is an MCV blood test done?

The determination of the erythrocyte index is performed as part of a general blood test, however, it can also be prescribed as a separate study.

The value of the MCV index is calculated by the formula: hematocrit in percent, multiplied by 10 and divided by the total number of red blood cells in the blood.

Blood sampling is performed on an empty stomach, after a night fasting period of at least eight, and preferably ten to twelve hours. On the eve of the analysis, it is recommended to refrain from excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress, to exclude physiotherapeutic procedures.

MCV in a blood test is calculated automatically using a hematology analyzer, which determines the average value of the volume of all measured erythrocytes. The method of manual calculation, in which the laboratory assistant himself counts the cells and makes calculations according to the formula, is rarely used.

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