Alexander Belyaev has cancer. The leading belyaev, a patient with cancer, lost a lot of weight. Andrei Malakhov. Live - Stella Baranovskaya

68-year-old weather forecaster Alexander Belyaev has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy.

The famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Belyaev told reporters about his serious illness. Earlier in the media there were reports that the leading weather forecaster was diagnosed with cancer.

Alexander Vadimovich confirmed to reporters that he was really experiencing health problems and shared his future plans.

According to Belyaev, he is preparing for a medical intervention. However, the man preferred not to name the diagnosis, making it clear that he did not intend to go into details.

"I'm ill now. In general, I have a very serious illness. I have completed a course of radiation chemotherapy and will have surgery. She will be somewhere in the fall, in September,” he said.

Alexander Belyaev was born in January 1949. After leaving school, he entered the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, where he graduated with a degree in Land Hydrology. While studying at the university, the future TV star tried his hand at the student theater.

In the late 1970s, Belyaev defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Zonal complex dependencies and their use in water-balance mapping." In the 1980s, Alexander Vadimovich became one of the first to visit China as part of a scientific delegation.

The first time a man came to television in 1998. He became famous thanks to weather forecasts on TV. Millions of viewers have fallen in love with the manner in which Alexander Belyaev shares the latest reports coming from the Russian Hydrometeorological Center. Fans of the man find her extremely friendly and trusting.

Leonid Parfyonov coined the nickname "professor" for his colleague, although Belyaev had never been involved in teaching.

On March 23, 1998, a weather forecast was released on the NTV channel, which was led by Belyaev. In the future, he combined his work on the air with the service of the Academic Institute of Geography, where he rose from an engineer to a member of the directorate.

Talking to reporters, Alexander Belyaev once admitted that it was hard enough for him to work in several places. Despite the fact that the man has a country house, decent amounts are spent on its maintenance. Close people - his beloved wife Nina, an architect and artist by profession, as well as an adult son Ilya - try to help the presenter solve such issues, as well as support him in all endeavors.

69-year-old NTV weather forecaster Alexander Belyaev has been battling lung cancer for more than six years. Previously, he managed to hide his illness, but in September 2017 Belyaev even had to quit NTV. All these six months he underwent four courses of chemotherapy and, apparently, the disease has receded. True, during this time Belyaev lost as much as 10 kilograms.

The producers invited me to try their hand again, - says Alexander Vadimovich. - I supported the idea, I already missed shooting. Now the team will see if I will look good enough in the frame, after all, the disease leaves its mark.

Belyaev himself is in a combat mood. He is sure that he will be able to return to a full life. It was not easy to tune in to victory: Belyaev’s mother and wife died of oncology. He also has type 2 diabetes.

Everything is going according to plan, - the TV presenter continues. - Now I'm preparing for the recovery operation. There is movement, I'm climbing up! The doctors of the Blokhin Cancer Center are very kind to me, they constantly monitor my health indicators. But it is too early to talk about a complete cure, unfortunately. Science is moving forward: if twenty years ago cancer was a sentence, today you can find a way out of any situation. First, when a person is diagnosed with cancer, he, of course, thinks about the help of specialists in Israel, Germany or Austria. But, secondly, it costs a lot of money. Why do I say "second"? Because there is the Herzen Institute and the Center on Kashirka - our doctors in this area may well compete with Western ones. Look for grandmas, healers of all stripes - simply waste time.

The host says that during the treatment he tried to spend as much time as possible outside of Moscow. Belyaev also said that he persuaded relatives to also check their health - it worked.

Outside the city, the air is different, - said Alexander Vadimovich. - Relatives worry about me, go to church. I am glad that they heeded my persuasion and decided to check the state of health. Ilya's son showed no signs of cancer. I'm waiting for my brother's test results!

In July, journalists reported that 68-year-old presenter Alexander Belyaev was struggling with a serious illness and was preparing for an operation. In the program "Andrey Malakhov. Live”, released on Thursday, September 7, the man broke the silence and frankly spoke about the illness and treatment.

The host of the program Andrey Malakhov met with Alexander Belyaev, who shared his story.

“Six years ago I was diagnosed with lung cancer. They did a CT scan and this is the result. Naturally, I was shocked at the time. I even quit smoking. And I didn't quit smoking because it was dangerous for my health, but because I couldn't smoke. Then they literally just returned me to the ground, ”the man said.

Alexander Vadimovich believes that before that, the weather seemed to warn him that he needed to pull himself together and take care of his health. “As I remember now, it was before the New Year. I was driving a car, there was such a terrible snowstorm in Moscow! .. Apparently, then God said: “Pay attention to yourself,” the TV star recalls.

According to Belyaev, it was only with age that he realized that he needed to be attentive to his health, regularly checked and followed the recommendations of medical specialists. “If it were possible to scroll back everything ... Especially since God told me about this six years ago. Naturally, I felt strange. Well, fool, go to the doctor, check. Just something, ”said the presenter.

The man urged viewers not to be afraid to consult doctors who can prevent the development of a serious illness in time. Belyaev also admitted that his illness develops against the background of type 2 diabetes.

“In two sessions of chemotherapy, I ate so many pills that I had not eaten in my entire previous life. Well, nothing, the doctors said: “You know, you have a positive trend. But the operation must be done. So, dear viewers, do not be afraid of doctors, these are holy people. I turned to our specialists,” he said.

Talking with Andrey Malakhov, Alexander Belyaev spoke about how the news of a serious illness changed him.

“I would like to be better. I don't know how much I have left. I would like your loved ones, your most beloved people who surround you and to some extent depend on you, so that they continue ... I would like to help them even more, ”said the weather forecaster.

According to Belyaev, over the past two years he lost his mother and wife. By the way, oncology. Both the one and the other. My son, the boy, however, he is already over forty, but for me he is a boy ... I think that his mother died of leukemia, and it is not clear what his father will receive ... Therefore, a child, if his parents are sick, must be seen by doctors . Let him sit an hour and half an hour at the doctor once again, but this can remove all problems. Therefore, the first thing I said: "Ilyusha, immediately go to the doctor." He told me: “What is it?” I told him: “Yes, they found cancer in me!” – shared Alexander Vadimovich.

The famous Professor Belyaev, from whom we have been learning the weather forecast for many years, in this issue of Live Broadcast will tell about his life and illness ... For the first time, Alexander Vadimovich will tell not only about the weather, but also about cancer, which he has been fighting for years. Lately, too often, we hear this terrible word "cancer", which has claimed the lives of many people. Watch the release of the talk show Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast - Professor Alexander Belyaev: forecast ... for life 07.09.2017

A month ago, a famous actress and director, a young talented violinist Dmitry Kogan, People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Ryumina died ... Few fans knew about the terrible diagnosis of these people. At the beginning of this week, another sad news came: Stella Baranovskaya, an actress who had recently been on the Live Broadcast program and talked about her victory over cancer, died. It is known that Stella was accused of allegedly inventing her illness and earning a lot of money from gullible people. Today Baranovskaya proved her innocence, but at what cost... at the cost of her own death!

Andrei Malakhov. Live - Stella Baranovskaya

On the Internet, you can now find dozens of photos with Stella Baranovskaya and her friend, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. Singers Anastasia Stotskaya and Zara, lawyer Katya Gordon, TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova published posts of grief on their blogs on Instagram - show business stars say goodbye to Stella and promise to take care of her son Dan, who has recently been living in the family of singer Zara. He does not yet know that his mother is no more ...

Earlier, in December last year, Stella Baranovskaya was a participant in the Live broadcast with Boris Korchevnikov and spoke frankly about her serious illness - leukemia. However, the girl was accused of fraud, as Stella did not provide any medical documents.

In the studio of the talk show “Andrey Malakhov. Live" - ​​intrapsychologist Maria Conte:

“I understand her, because I myself was in the same situation. They accused me of inventing the disease, they demanded reports, medical certificates, etc. from me. And I, like Stella, also resorted to alternative medicine - I flew to Peru to see a shaman.

The writer once defeated cancer:

“I am familiar with this too. They write about me on the Internet that I came up with everything that supposedly there was no cancer. And, although I never answer anyone, everything boils in my soul, I am very offended. And then I go to Father Alexander or Mother Elizabeth for confession and repent, I ask God for forgiveness for my thoughts ...

Alla Verber, business lady:

- Nobody wrote me nasty things - on the contrary, only words of gratitude and support. Fortunately, I have never been accused of allegedly promoting my illness.

Actor Alexander Kuznetsov was present in the December program "Live", where the main character was Stella Baranovskaya. A man will talk about his experience of fighting cancer:

My condolences to Stella's family, friends and relatives. Today, once again, there was a blow to our psychology. Unlike Stella, I did not give up traditional methods of treatment, but I was offered to fly to Brazil to be treated by a local healer "John from God" and I think you can not refuse what is coming your way. And he really helps, while John does not take money.

Professor Belyaev: forecast for life

This week, the candidate of geographical sciences and TV presenter Alexander Vadimovich Belyaev will have a serious operation. And this is what he tells Andrei Malakhov about himself today:

Six years ago I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I even quit smoking then - I was just in shock and could no longer smoke. It is very important, if you have such a terrible diagnosis, to remain optimistic and believe only in the best. And this faith works miracles.

- As for the weather: what difference does it make what it was like! The main thing is the weather in your heart, your soul, in your home and in a friendly company.

Zhanna Friske. Continuation

In this episode of the Live with Andrey Malakhov program, we will also remember the popular singer who left 2 years ago. The expensive medicine that was purchased for her was given to a young man with cancer - Kirill Menshikov. How has his life changed today?

In the Live studio - Zhanna's sister Natalya Friske. It was she who handed this drug to Cyril. Today the guy came to the show to talk about his life. Kirill Menshikov enters the hall not alone, but with his beloved wife and a baby in his arms:

“I started to feel much better after taking this medicine. I am still being treated, but today I can live a full life than before, when you all saw me bald.

Watch the online free edition Live with Andrey Malakhov - Professor Alexander Belyaev: forecast ... for life, aired on September 07, 2017 (09/07/2017).

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November 13, 2017

The country's telemeteorologist underwent another course of chemotherapy in September. Alexander Belyaev spoke about his health after a recent operation, and also admitted that he would have a long-term treatment.

Alexander Belyaev / photo:

In September of this year, the weather forecaster on NTV underwent another course of chemotherapy. A well-known telemeteorologist is already fighting lung cancer, but he only spoke about his illness this summer. Belyaev, having learned about his diagnosis, quit smoking, survived a long course of chemotherapy, and recently suffered.

“Despite some complications, the operation went well,” the host admitted. He explained that he would have to undergo more than one course of chemotherapy, and that he would also need to do several more operations. According to him, he lost 10 kilograms and feels better. Alexander Vadimovich did not hide the fact that doctors also noticed the positive effect of treatment on his health.

At the moment he does not work, but said that he wants to return to his old way of life and is now striving for this. Belyaev noted that every day he overcomes a distance of two kilometers, since he needs to walk more, he told about this. Recall that in September, the host of the weather forecast spoke with Andrey Malakhov and said that oncology can be cured, and also noted that the skill of Russian doctors is in no way inferior to foreign ones.

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