Woman after 30 years changes in the body. New in diaries. Your menstrual cycle will work like clockwork

Judging by the statistics of my audience, most of the readers, like me, are in the 30+ age category. In my opinion, the best age for a woman, but the article is not about that, but about the fact that after 30 years you need to monitor your health a little more carefully than before 🙂

Maintaining a healthy weight

Preservation of youthful skin

Prevention of bone loss,

Reduced stress levels.

Regular check-ups and good habits will help keep your spirit, mind and body in good spirits and lay the foundation for health for decades to come.

How can your body change?

Many women in their thirties begin to gain the weight because metabolism slows down. To maintain a healthy weight, it is important to:

Stick to an exercise program that includes aerobic activity (walking, jogging, cycling or swimming),

Eat a balanced healthy diet, avoid added sweeteners and processed foods, eat more plants: fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, grains, legumes, nuts,

Monitor the quality of sleep: do not sacrifice it in favor of something else, sleep for a minimum continuous 7-8 hours a day.

Starts after 30 bone loss which can lead to thinning of the bone tissue - osteoporosis. Your muscles also begin to lose tone, which can eventually affect harmony, strength and balance. To prevent bone and muscle loss:

Make sure your diet is rich, and that doesn't mean dairy. Read more about this;

Load your body with aerobic exercise (30 to 60 minutes of moderate activity per day, such as brisk walking) and be sure to strength training (2-3 times a week).

You may experience stress more often than before: career, raising children, caring for parents. Carefree years left behind .... Stress is unavoidable, but it is important to understand that you can learn to manage your body's response to stress. Consider taking up meditation. It's very simple. Learn more about how to get started. In addition to practicing meditation, try to:

Be physically active

Don't smoke (if you smoke find a way)

If you drink alcohol, limit

Make time yourself and your favorite activities.

Questions to the doctor

Having a doctor you trust is very important. At your next appointment, ask the following questions:

  1. How to improve the diet, what types of activities suit me? (To help your doctor, keep a food and exercise diary for a week.)
  2. When and what regular check-ups do I need to have?
  3. Do I need self-examination and how do I do it?
  4. How to prevent osteoporosis? How Much Calcium Do I Need?
  5. How to take care of your skin to reduce the signs of aging? How to do a monthly mole checkup?
  6. Can you recommend a program to help quit smoking?
  7. Should I change my contraceptive method?
  8. How to reduce stress?
  9. Does insurance cover the examinations you recommend? If I don't have insurance, what are my options?
  10. Whom and when to call to find out the results of the examination? Remember: always ask and get a detailed answer about the examinations you are undergoing. Don't fall into the "no news is good news" trap. You may not be told the results, but you should find out about them yourself.

Preventive screening examinations

Recommendations on this topic vary, so be sure to talk to a doctor you trust. I was guided by the data of American specialists, including the American Cancer Society. Listed below are preventive screenings recommended for women over 30 years of age. In addition, consult your doctor about which diseases you are most at risk of.

Blood pressure measurements to check for hypertension

Blood pressure should be measured at least once every two years - or more often if it is above 120/80.


Check your blood cholesterol levels every five years, or more often if you have risk factors for heart disease.

Clinical breast examination

Come every year. Breast self-examination complements the examination, although it plays a small role in the detection of breast cancer. If you decide to do a monthly self-examination, ask your doctor how to do it.

Dental checkup

Visit the dentist regularly. Examinations can help detect early signs of not only oral problems, but also bone loss. Don't neglect professional teeth cleaning every 4-6 months.

Diabetes screening

Ask your doctor how high your diabetes risks are. For example, if your blood pressure is above 135/80 or you are taking medication to lower it, it is best to have your blood sugar checked.

Eye examination

Get a complete eye exam twice between the ages of 30 and 39. If you already have vision problems or have been diagnosed with diabetes, you should visit your ophthalmologist more often.

Cervical smear and pelvic examination

Get a pap smear every three years for oncocytology and for human papillomavirus every five years. Identified pathology based on the results of previous examinations, HIV, several sexual partners, a weakened immune system - all these are reasons to be examined every year.

Do not confuse a regular examination by a gynecologist with a smear for oncocytology. The results will help prevent or detect early cervical cancer. Annually undergo a gynecological examination and take tests.

Thyroid test (thyroid stimulating hormone)

Skin screening to prevent skin cancer

See a dermatologist every year, check your moles monthly, and protect your skin from the sun. If you have had skin cancer or have a family member who has been treated for melanoma, ask your doctor what tests to get.

After the age of thirty, many women begin to experience health problems. Particular attention should be paid to sudden weight gain, hair loss or suspicious moles, as it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it, writes Business Insider.

Most modern women every day have to cope with a million tasks of career, self-development, family, children, pregnancy, personal life. Not surprisingly, health often takes a back seat. And this is a big mistake.

Women aged 30+ are recommended to pay maximum attention to their health - to undergo an examination, get vaccinated, visit the right doctors. It is important to learn to listen to your body in order to understand in time that something is wrong. Here are the main signs that signal that something is wrong with your body:

You have gained weight that is almost impossible to lose

Excess weight is a nightmare for women of all ages, but at the age of 30, the metabolism slows down and kilograms go away much more slowly. According to research, women in their 30s should engage in aerobic exercise, such as walking, running, or cycling, to stimulate a slow metabolism. Eat wholesome, healthy foods that are low in saturated fat, rich in fruits and vegetables, and try to avoid highly processed foods and unhealthy snacks.

However, metabolism is not always to blame for extra kilos. If you eat right, exercise, sleep well, but the pounds don’t even think of leaving, then your thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, or food intolerance may be the reason for this. Weight gain is not part of aging at all. Visit your doctor regularly, get your hormones and thyroid checked to make sure you're all right.

New or changing moles or spots on the skin

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Hours spent in the sun or in a solarium can backfire on you as soon as you exchange your fourth decade. According to the American Society for Cancer Research, melanoma (skin cancer) is the most common cancer in women under the age of 30. If you have had melanoma in your family, you are at risk even at a younger age.

Without treatment, melanoma can spread very quickly throughout the body and be fatal. See your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms:

A new or changed mole, spot, or area of ​​skin, including if the skin is thickened and looks like a scar;

Dark line under the nail

The finger on the leg or on the hand is "encircled" by a strip of darker skin.

Remember the main signs of skin cancer:

  • Asymmetric shape - areas of the skin affected by melanoma, often asymmetrical in shape.
  • Border - melanoma usually has jagged edges that are difficult to identify
  • Color - Moles can be multi-colored (blue, black, brown, tan) or uneven in color. Safe moles are usually one color (brown, tan)
  • Diameter - look for moles larger than 6mm in diameter (about the size of a pencil eraser)
  • Dynamics - if you notice changes in the color, shape, size of a mole, consult a doctor immediately.

You cannot get pregnant

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Fertility problems usually start after the age of 30. Ovulation occurs slightly less often, the number and quality of eggs decrease, and the risk of chronic diseases increases.

However, age is not always the cause - you may have a hormonal imbalance, a tumor or cyst, or an undiagnosed thyroid disorder. If you are unable to conceive, then seek diagnosis and treatment as the problem can be easily resolved.

vaginal bleeding

Irregular periods or heavy bleeding can sometimes happen and this is normal. Very often, stress causes these kinds of changes that occur in the body without our knowledge. In premenopause, which usually occurs in your 40s, heavy periods can become common as progesterone levels drop and estrogen levels rise. However, if this happens in 30+, then such symptoms may indicate serious disorders.

Bleeding can indicate polyps, tumors, and even cancer when you reach the age of 35. If you're bleeding between periods, it could indicate pregnancy, and bleeding after sex could be a symptom of an infection, precancerous condition, or even cancer.

Hair loss

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Most women lose 50-100 hairs a day. However, excessive hair loss indicates that there is no more hair growing in the follicle and this is a big problem. At the age of 30+ years, hair loss can be caused by stress or having children, but it is also a signal that the body is lacking in important nutrients.

Hair loss in women over 30 is usually caused by iron deficiency. Since menstruation depletes a woman's iron stores, women are advised to take 18 mg of iron per day, which is 10 mg more than men.

May indicate a lack of vitamin D, which can lead to diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, breast and colon cancer. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and strong bones. More than 50 percent of women suffer from bone disease due to a lack of vitamin D.

Are you having or getting worse breathing problems?

Approximately 18% of women aged 25 to 44 smoke tobacco. And while most lung problems caused by smoking are diagnosed in older people, women who smoke in their 30s are at risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, emphysema, stroke, leukemia, asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. . If you stop smoking before the age of 40, then this reduces excess mortality by 90%, and if you stop smoking before the age of 30, then by 97%. In addition, smoking greatly affects a woman's ability to conceive.

After 30 years, a woman should reconsider her diet, it is necessary to consume vitamins for women. The beauty of a woman does not change, but health can be undermined, and the psyche also suffers from this. The science of psychology will help to cope with all these problems.

At this age, a large number of women experience hormonal disruptions, and all because they gave birth to children. A woman may suddenly begin to feel unwell. It is especially necessary to carefully approach the health of your breasts, as well as the thyroid gland. In general, it is necessary to pay attention to health, and not only of the body, but also of the soul.

After 30 years, women have frequent migraines. They can be caused by both food and any smells, and stress can also cause pain.

Menstruation is also a very common cause of headaches. In such cases, it is necessary to take painkillers and sit or lie down in a dark place for several minutes.

In women with heavy discharge during menstruation, anemia is observed, in which case it is necessary to undergo an examination. If you have anemia, then you need to consume more iron-rich foods.

After thirty years, fatty tissues begin to grow in women on the chest, so it is sometimes very difficult to determine the presence of tumors. It is necessary to visit doctors such as a mammologist and a gynecologist more often. It is especially important to check the breasts for those women who at this age decide to have a baby. But if you suddenly have a tumor on your chest, do not panic.

About 95% of tumors are benign. The woman undergoes a simple operation, in which there are no complications.

Also often women suffer from an enlarged thyroid gland. This phenomenon affects women much more often than men. Often, an enlarged thyroid gland is found in women who are breastfeeding, as they give all the vitamins to the child. In this case, it is simply necessary to take iodine-containing vitamins for nursing mothers.

Once a year, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the organs.

Nowadays, for women after thirty years, special vitamin complexes have been developed that maintain the body in a healthy state. Such vitamin complexes necessarily contain vitamin D, as well as calcium. These two vitamins together bring many benefits to the entire body. To enhance blood clotting, you need to take vitamin K. In order to prevent osteoporosis, you need to take boron. Also, women over thirty simply need vitamins A and E, and the well-known vitamin C.

Such measures are necessary, since a woman will experience a malfunction in the hormone system, and vitamins will help to cope with it.

Even a woman after thirty years simply needs to take calcium.

Starting from the age of thirty, a woman needs to reconsider her diet, consume less fatty foods, and eat the right food. Meals should be five times a day, but in small portions. It is also necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed per day, they should be no more than 2000.

In the morning, you need to eat foods that contain a lot of protein. These products include scrambled eggs. During the day you can eat soups, and in the evening stewed fish.

But if you are constantly in a tense state, you need to eat a few slices of dark chocolate a day. This will help you calm down and direct your mood in the right direction. If you understand that you just need a diet, but you can’t give up sweets, then sit on a chocolate diet.

Former harmony, beautiful ladies are especially sad about it ... Some try to tighten their belts in the truest sense of these words and squeeze themselves into outfits that are small, believing that a tight-fitting silhouette will reduce such distressing volumes. Others give up and admit that the size of the clothes is growing, as well as age, while others begin a bold struggle.

Well, the free silhouette of a well-chosen outfit looks much more elegant and appropriate on a woman over 30 than the one that is “almost or not enough.” However, buying clothes in a large size and calming down on this is also not an option, because, having relaxed, in another six months we will turn to an even larger size, etc. So, we choose what exactly and completely corresponds to our forms (in no case “for growth”, “suddenly I will get better”) and join the group of ladies who are fighting. Do not forget to regularly praise yourself for courage, diligence, and even for the most modest successes.

Changes taking place in your body

With age, not only the appearance changes, but also internal changes occur in the body. The metabolism slows down, fewer calories are burned than in youth. Hormonal changes also occur. The skin loses its natural elasticity and fine lines begin to form. These changes do not appear suddenly in one day. They happen gradually. Therefore, you need to take measures that will help slow down the aging process of the body and body.

Sudden changes in weight in your 30s can take a toll on your skin, exposing it to flabbiness or causing stretch marks. Therefore, be sure to use age-related cosmetics not only for the face, but also for the body. Do not forget about folk recipes for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, increasing its elasticity. Will be useful.

Control of hormonal changes is an attentive attitude to yourself, regular (once every half a year) visits to the gynecologist and tests for hormones, the need for which is increasing. If you use oral contraceptives, which should be changed from time to time, according to changes in your hormonal background. Another important point, we have already mentioned above, is the need for positive impressions, your good mood.

Good habit beyond age - fitness

One of the most effective means of maintaining health and youth is physical exercise, which will improve muscle tone and increase skin elasticity and firmness. Physical exercise relieves stress and nervous tension by releasing endorphins. If you are over 30 years old, then you need to think not about a cozy sofa with pillows, but about physical activity, especially if after this age you plan to get pregnant. For those who return youth to the body and in thought, the Name Woman recommends paying special attention to group yoga classes, a swimming pool, as well as home exercises with a fitball.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition for harmony is not a hunger strike, fasting days are acceptable and necessary, but not more than 1 time per week. Be careful with yourself.

First of all - do not eat up, learn to listen to your body and eat as much as it really needs. A very useful maneuver is only in solitude, in silence and slowly. So are you bored? Perhaps, but it is this approach that is more useful, the body is not distracted, and you form the right eating habits, it is in this situation that it is worth remembering what we eat to live, and not vice versa.

Eliminate junk food from your diet (spicy, fatty, dry food, ready-made sweets with an off-scale number of dyes and e) and bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. In addition to the accumulation of excess weight, bad habits provoke the occurrence of a number of diseases. The assertion that smoking helps to fight kilograms is a myth that has become entrenched not due to the process itself, but to the stress and weakening in the body that accompanies it.

Drink enough water (6-8 glasses a day, in no case cold, slightly warm), which maintains the water balance of the skin and body and removes toxic substances.

Include vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in your menu, do not be afraid of "calorie" bananas and grapes, just alternate them in a reasonable amount with other fruits, grapefruit and celery stalk should be your best friends. Dairy products are rich in calcium (the lack of which is a direct path to arthritis), so do not forget about them. Proper nutrition is very diverse, and not only useful.

The most important thing is that all the necessary changes for the better occur gradually. The body needs time to get used to a new way of life. But this is not a reason to postpone, but the need to start now. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will help you maintain your youth, attractiveness and health.

Lyudmila Sagaydak


Each of us wants to maintain beauty and attractiveness throughout life, and they, as you know, are directly related to physical and mental health. The main problems that overtake women with age are hormonal dysfunction and endocrine system disorders, which, along with other causes, lead to obesity and the development of more serious diseases.

Unhealthy diet has a negative impact on health. Usually 30-year-old women work a lot, and therefore do not pay due attention to the quality of food and diet. Sandwiches, hamburgers, french fries, which are washed down with sweet carbonated drinks or instant coffee, become familiar dishes.

Such foods, containing a huge amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, have a constant stimulating effect on the pancreas. Often this becomes the cause of such a formidable disease as diabetes mellitus. Also, we should not forget that elevated blood sugar levels reduce the activity of the body's immune system.

No less dangerous for women after 30 years is the tendency to increase the use of alcoholic beverages. No wonder the term "weekend alcoholism" has become increasingly used. Alcoholic drinks suppress the protective functions of the body and prevent the formation of new cells.

Unfortunately, the pace of modern life is not conducive to a good rest. Less and less time people spend on sleep, forgetting that it is during it that active cell restoration takes place. The sad result of lack of rest is chronic fatigue syndrome, which has become a real scourge of our time. So, in order to be in good shape and maintain beauty for many years, you should follow a few simple rules, discussed in detail in this book. On its pages you will find information on how to organize proper nutrition, eating food on time and including as many fruits and vegetables in the diet as possible. At the same time, unhealthy carbohydrate-rich foods should be avoided. This will help to avoid the occurrence of many ailments, the most common of which is obesity.

In addition, the book contains a lot of useful information regarding the solution of problems that await a woman after 30 years. It also contains recipes of traditional medicine to combat various diseases caused by hormonal imbalances, as well as a large number of diets with which you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also improve your body.


Hormones are one of the most important components of the most complex system that the human body is. Recently, scientists around the world have paid great attention to the study of factors associated with hormonal dysfunctions. And this is not accidental, since, as it turned out, many human conditions are explained by the level of production of a particular hormone.

Classification and functions of hormones

Hormones are biologically active substances produced by various glands in the body. They are able to have a huge impact on the processes of human life and are a necessary component of each of the internal systems. So, it is hormones that perform a controlling function over the human genetic apparatus, in addition, they ensure the development of tissues, adaptation to environmental conditions, and the organization of mental activity. Hormones are also responsible for the reproduction of the human individual and the proper development of his offspring. It should be noted that these substances are effective even in the smallest concentrations.

We list the main hormones: adrenaline, angiotensin, gastrin, glucagon, dopamine, insulin, melatonin, oxytocin, secretin, testosterone, thyroxine, estrogen. Some hormones are produced simultaneously in different organs. So, insulin is formed not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in the central nervous system.

Once produced, hormones are transported to their destination in a variety of ways, ranging from thousandths of a millimeter to tens of centimeters. They are usually transported through intercellular or intracellular fluid, as well as through other fluids present in the body.

The functions of hormones differ not only depending on their type, but also on the location. So, one and the same hormone can transmit information in the place where it is synthesized, affect nearby tissues by penetrating into the intercellular fluid, affect the functioning of fairly distant organs and tissues through fluids circulating in the body (for example, blood), affect organs and tissues and at the same time cause opposite effects in them. Surprisingly, the same hormone can cause different reactions even within the same cell. It all depends on the state of the cell and the concentration of the hormone.

Hormones differ in their chemical nature, but the mechanisms of their action on the body are usually similar. So, for example, all hormonal reactions are initial, early and late, and the consequence of the action of any hormone is the activation of intracellular calcium and energy metabolism, as well as an increase in secretory function. Hormones play an essential role in physiological processes. They determine the cycles of sleep and wakefulness, the synchronization of daily metabolic processes, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions, as well as the growth rate of the human body.

Hormones are mainly produced in the thyroid and parathyroid glands, central nervous system, pineal gland, adrenal glands, adenohypophysis, hypothalamus, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, blood, liver, ovaries, testicles, placenta. In the body of a healthy person, they are synthesized exactly as much as is necessary for its normal functioning. Therefore, a person does not need to receive hormones from the outside. Taking drugs containing hormones can cause dysfunction and lead to serious consequences. That is why such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.

They began to closely study and describe hormones at the beginning of the 20th century, after scientists managed to establish the structure of catecholamines. Soon the structure of sex hormones was studied, the process of classifying steroids began. A little later, scientists found out the structure of cortisol, testosterone, estrogens, adrenal androgens and progesterone. Of the group of peptides, insulin was the first to be studied. Hormones are classified according to the place of their synthesis in the body. However, this is not always convenient, since some of them are produced in some glands and secreted into the blood in others. Attempts are being made to classify hormones according to their chemical nature. In this case, protein and peptide, which are derivatives of amino acids, steroid, as well as eicosanoids, differ. The protein and peptide groups include hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus, such as growth hormone, corticotropin, thyrotropin, thyroliberin, somatoliberin, somatostatin, etc. This group also includes pancreatic hormones - insulin and glucagon.

The group of hormones that are derivatives of amino acids (mainly the amino acid tyrosine) includes such low molecular weight compounds as adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are produced in the adrenal medulla, as well as thyroid hormones (thyroxine and its derivatives).

The steroid group includes fat-soluble hormones produced by the adrenal cortex - corticosteroids, sex hormones such as androgens and estrogens, and the hormonal form of vitamin D.

Eicosanoids are hormone-like substances that have a local effect. They are derivatives of the polyunsaturated fatty arachidonic acid and are divided into 3 subclasses: thromboxanes, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes. These unstable compounds are insoluble in water. They affect cells located near the site of their synthesis.

It has now been proven that hormones affect many factors in a person's daily life. Mood, well-being and, as a result, stability and success in work depend on them. It is hormones that affect the process of human thinking, are responsible for many actions, as well as for emotions such as love, hate and fear. These substances regulate the growth of the human body, provoke many physiological needs, such as, for example, hunger.

According to some scientists, it is on the basis of hormonal balance that the habits and character of the individual are formed. In our time, about 150 hormones are known to science. However, scientists suggest that this figure is not final and in fact there are much more of them. The mechanism of action of all hormones is the same - they function with the help of receptors through which they transmit information to the cells of organs. Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands and mainly move through the circulatory system.

So, the genitals produce male and female steroids, the pancreas produces insulin, due to which the process of regulating blood sugar levels occurs, and the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which is a stress hormone.

There are hormones that affect the behavior and emotional state of a person. For example, progesterone (sex hormone) has a calming effect, cortisol is needed in stressful situations, and serotonin helps to improve mood. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by many reasons. So, the work of the endocrine glands, and consequently, the level of hormone synthesis is influenced by a genetic predisposition, which means that a reduced or increased level of production of a particular hormone can be inherited. But in addition, the lifestyle of a particular person has a great influence on the hormonal background. Sports, nutrition, positive and negative emotions, and stress play an important role here. For example, it is known that overweight people have a marked increase in the level of estrogen in the blood.

In the human body, there is often a complex interaction of genes, hormones and external factors. So, in many women after 30 years, the content of cortisol in the blood gradually begins to rise. By the time of menopause, its concentration corresponds to those in people with pronounced depression. However, not all women are susceptible to it. In order for it to develop, several factors must act at once - a genetic predisposition and psychological trauma associated, for example, with divorce or the growing up of children who, becoming independent, leave their home.

The first major hormonal change in the human body is associated with the process of puberty. Until now, science does not know what mechanism begins to operate in the eighth year of a child's life and leads to the fact that the hypothalamus region of the brain provokes an increased synthesis of sex hormones. According to one theory, the starting point for this process to begin is the accumulation of a certain amount of fat by the body. During puberty, the psyche of adolescents is unstable. In boys, aggression can be traced, their character becomes more decisive, which is explained by the increased content of the testosterone hormone in the blood. Girls experience sudden mood swings, which are responsible for the hormone estradiol.

In the future, sex hormones have an increasing influence on the emotional sphere of the individual. They are responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, the attractiveness of a person depends on them.

The hormone oxytocin is produced only in the female body. Its concentration in the blood of nursing mothers is especially high. Not so long ago, scientists found that this substance has a huge impact on harmony in marital relationships. A high concentration of this hormone makes women more accommodating and cheerful, they become more attentive to others.

A child's performance in school is also largely dependent on hormones. It has been proven that a large number of strogen receptors in the brain have a beneficial effect on the child's ability to learn, and with a decrease in the blood level of the hormones T3 and T4, which are synthesized by the thyroid gland and regulate the process of energy metabolism in the body, the ability to concentrate may decrease in children.

The male hormone testosterone is responsible for professional success. With age, its level in the blood decreases, but the body quickly gets used to the changes that have occurred. However, during this process, bone and muscle mass, as well as sexual desire, decreases.

The mechanism of action of hormones

So, hormones are substances that are the secretion product of the glands of the endocrine system and other organs, which are released directly into the blood and have a high physiological activity. Hormones are carried by the bloodstream to certain organs, where significant physiological changes occur under their influence. The same hormone can act on several organs at the same time. Some of them work only in combination with each other. For example, growth hormone does not act separately from thyroid hormone. At the cellular level, hormones act either through receptors on the cell membrane (this applies to water-soluble hormones) or through receptors in the cytoplasm of the cell (if the hormones are fat-soluble). The cell reacts to the substance of the hormone only if it is sensitive to it.

Factors contributing to hormonal imbalance and leading to obesity in women after 30 years

Each person has a unique, individual set of genes that determines their appearance, including the ratio of height to weight. So, if all members of the family are not tall and have a dense physique, it is difficult to expect that an elegant long-legged fairy will suddenly appear in it. Although, of course, there are exceptions, and the genotype can suddenly bring an unexpected surprise. Concern in a woman of any age should cause both sharp fluctuations in weight, and a gradual, but incessant increase in body weight. The reason for this can be malnutrition, which ultimately leads to hormonal imbalance. However, before going on a diet, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

In the vast majority of cases, the root cause of overweight is an unhealthy lifestyle, which has recently become very typical for urban residents. A sedentary lifestyle and a minimum of physical activity lead to the fact that the energy produced by the body as a result of food processing is not used, but “stored” in the body in the form of body fat. Chronic overeating leads to disturbances in the functioning of the center of appetite, which is located in the brain. The next stage is a violation of lipid metabolism, and then metabolism.

Experts name several reasons leading to obesity. First of all, this is a hormonal imbalance, which may be due to the pathology of one of the glands of the endocrine system or changes caused by various reasons in it. Very often, the problem of overweight is observed in women suffering from diabetes, diseases of the gonads or adrenal glands, as well as some diseases of the brain, such as hypothalamic syndrome. It should be noted that in such cases, fat is deposited on the body in a special way - according to the male type. At the same time, most of all it is on the stomach, chest and face.

With the progression of the disease, secondary sexual characteristics may change - the voice coarsens, vegetation appears on the body, and menstrual irregularities are observed. The reason to seek help from a doctor should be a combination of the following symptoms: the appearance of acne, a decrease in the volume of hair on the head, an increase in fat deposits in the abdomen, the appearance of vegetation on the body, changes in the menstrual cycle. They may indicate excessive production of testosterone, a male hormone. In violation of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), symptoms such as constant chills, brittle nails and hair, the appearance of fatty deposits on the buttocks and abdomen, and excessive dryness of the skin are observed. The thyroid gland regulates the rate of the metabolic process in the body, therefore, if its activity decreases, a person's weight increases. In addition, the intake of certain medications, such as antidepressants, hormonal oral contraceptives, and steroids, can also cause obesity.

Often, obesity begins due to an immoderate addiction to food (morbid obesity). Regular violation of the diet leads to a violation of lipid metabolism.

And finally, psychological problems can lead to obesity, such as stress, when a person begins to uncontrollably absorb food, which causes weight gain. According to scientists, obese people do not distinguish between hunger and anxiety.

Often, women begin to gain weight during pregnancy, and their weight does not return to normal after childbirth, but only continues to increase. This is explained by the fact that during such a period the body largely loses its ability to burn fat. This happens for the reason that the bearing of a child and its further feeding requires additional energy reserves, which accumulate in the form of body fat. Such a process is a kind of atavism inherited by man from the time when food was not as affordable as it is now. Studies have shown that the more children a woman has, the more obese she is.

Quite often, the problem of excess weight is associated with hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body during menopause. This period is characterized by the transition of the organism to the stage of cessation of the generative function. In addition to this, there is an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat and its redistribution. The fact is that in a woman at this age, the ovaries stop producing the hormone estrogen, and adipose tissue begins to produce it. Recent studies have shown that during menopause, some increase in fat mass is more good than bad. In thin women, the symptoms of menopause are much more pronounced.


As mentioned earlier, during pregnancy, special conditions are created in the woman's body for the accumulation of additional energy, and, consequently, for the development of adipose tissue. Fat is usually deposited in the thighs, mammary glands, abdomen and buttocks. It should be noted that in this way nature also provides for the protection of the fetus. Often during pregnancy, there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism and increased production of glucocorticoid and female sex hormones. In such cases, it is recommended to carry out activities aimed at normalizing metabolic processes and creating a negative energy balance. A huge role in this is played by the mode and nature of nutrition. All efforts should be directed to increasing physical activity and reducing the caloric content of food consumed. So, pregnant women who are prone to obesity are recommended to introduce into the diet foods that contain a sufficient amount of protein in the absence of easily digestible carbohydrates and low fat content.

Often in such cases, excitability of the food center is observed. In order to reduce it, it is recommended to eat often (5-7 times a day), but in small portions. In this case, the food should be low-calorie, but occupying sufficient volume in the stomach. Thus, the feeling of hunger is leveled. It is important to exclude from the diet foods that increase appetite and excite the food center, as well as foods that activate the digestive and absorption function of the intestine. For short women, the value of the diet is reduced by 10%, and for tall women, it is increased by 10%. It should be remembered that protein foods contribute to the feeling of satiety. However, when consumed in excess, proteins turn into carbohydrates. For women prone to obesity, the amount of protein in the diet is determined at the rate of 1–1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. At the same time, at least half of the proteins eaten must be of animal origin.

As you know, carbohydrates are the source of formation of adipose tissue, the daily norm of which should be reduced to 200 g. Particular attention should be paid to easily digestible carbohydrates contained in rich and confectionery products, cereals and some fruits and berries. However, it should be remembered that a sharp decrease in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is poorly tolerated by most people. For this reason, foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates are recommended to be replaced with foods containing slowly digestible carbohydrates. These products include rye bread, turnips, cabbage, lettuce, etc. In addition, the amount of fat in the diet should be significantly reduced, which should not exceed 40% of the energy value of the daily diet. It should be remembered that they have a suppressive effect on the endocrine function of the pancreas, thereby slowing down the formation of fats from carbohydrates.

Pregnant women who are prone to obesity are advised to eat less salt and reduce their daily fluid intake. Doctors also advise avoiding spices, seasonings and spicy foods.

During pregnancy, progression of obesity is often observed, in which body weight increases by more than 20 kg. At the same time, even in women with severe obesity, weight gain should not exceed 6 kg. It is known that in pregnant women who are not obese, the increase is 10-12 kg, of which about 4 kg is due to an increase in the mass of adipose tissue, which is used as a reserve for the energy consumption of the expectant mother. In obese women, pregnancy very often occurs against the background of various complications. The risk of developing early toxicosis, as well as the threat of miscarriage, increases sharply. Preeclampsia (late toxicosis) is very often observed, as well as weak labor activity, which directly depends on the degree of obesity. Due to the weakness of labor, obese women are shown a caesarean section. In the postpartum period in overweight mothers, endometritis, thromboembolism, and bleeding become frequent complications.

All therapeutic measures for obese women should be aimed primarily at restoring disturbed metabolic processes in the body and creating a negative energy balance. This is possible with the right regimen and nature of nutrition and increased physical activity. In order to prevent excess fat deposition, daily morning exercises should be carried out, as well as therapeutic exercises, which increase energy consumption.

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