Wild strawberry, useful properties, strawberry leaves, benefits, treatment. Useful properties of products How to properly dry meadow strawberries

Strawberry berries are dried and then used for medicinal purposes. To do this, they are collected either early in the morning, when the dew has come down, or at the end of the day, and then freed from the stalks. Ideally, it is best to first pour out the strawberries in a thin layer and dry them in the sun under a canopy, and only then dry them in an oven or oven at a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Although, of course, you can immediately put the strawberries in the oven and dry there at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. When the berries stop sticking to your hands, you can consider them completely dried.

Dried strawberries have a bright red color, pleasant aroma and sweet and sour taste. Most often, an infusion is prepared from them, which is taken 3 times a day for 1 / 3-1 / 2 cups: 2 tbsp. spoons of berries are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, kept for 30-40 minutes, and then filtered.

Keep dried strawberries follows in tin boxes. The shelf life of berries is 2 years.


1. It is considered advisable to systematically use the juice of fresh strawberries or the infusion of dried berries and leaves in the treatment of diabetes.

2. An infusion of dried strawberries is used for a general breakdown, as well as a vitamin and tonic remedy.

3. In folk medicine, the leaves, roots and berries of wild strawberries in fresh and dried form are used as a diuretic, which promotes the release of salts from the body, for certain diseases of the joints, gout, diseases of the liver and spleen, atherosclerosis.


Preparations containing strawberries (berries), as well as strawberries themselves, are contraindicated in:


hyperacid gastritis;

Since ancient times, man has been hunting and gathering, and not the last place in his menu was occupied by berries, fruits and fruits, in particular, wild strawberries. Our forefathers could only speculate about its useful properties, but with the development of science and natural science, it was confirmed that this berry, exuding an unsurpassed smell and unimaginably appetizing berry, can provide help in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments.

It is suitable both fresh and dried. In addition, its leaves are also of medical interest.

Composition and properties

Useful properties of both fresh and dried strawberries are inexhaustible. It contains vitamins C and group B, organic acids, tannins, pectin, nitrogenous substances, alkaloids, as well as a large number of minerals - steel, cobalt, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, chromium, aluminum, selenium, nickel, iodine, etc. .

Calcium in its composition is easily assimilated, which makes it possible to advise it for children to use; tea is required for a growing skeleton and bones. There is virtually no sugar in its composition, but there is natural glucose and fructose, which determines the dietary properties of this berry. Dried strawberries are used to improve digestion, quench thirst and hunger, eliminate inflammation and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, biliary and urinary tract. Experts advise eating it for gastritis, colitis, dysentery, atherosclerosis, various types of asthma, hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding.

Dried strawberry leaves also have clear beneficial properties. They are able to stop the blood and have a mild diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic and antitumor effect. A decoction of the leaves is used for respiratory infections, fibroids and other gynecological problems associated with menstrual irregularities in women.

The use of dried wild strawberry leaves has the right result in leukemia. To do this, the plant is harvested during flowering and dug up together with the roots. Raw materials are crushed and 1 of its tbsp. l. Pour in a glass of freshly boiled water. Drink as tea 2-3 mugs a day, adding honey if desired.

In this case, the weekly course of treatment is alternated with a weekly break, and so on until complete recovery. And if there is a malignant tumor in the nasopharynx, then this decoction is gargled. Strawberries are taken not only internally, but also externally, using fresh and dried berries to treat acne, eczema, small wounds, whiten age spots and prolong skin youth and beauty.

How to dry and preserve strawberries

There are several recipes for drying strawberries. Ground parts and berries are allowed to dry on traditional cotton fabric in a well-ventilated place. At the same time, the weather should be clear, but direct rays on raw materials should be avoided. At night it is allowed to bring it into the house, and in the morning it can be moved again.

As a rule, after a couple of weeks it is allowed to get dried strawberries. Recipes for the purchase of dry raw materials also include drying in the oven. It is necessary to warm the cabinet to a temperature of 35 ° C and put the berries on a baking sheet.

An hour is enough for them to dry out, later it is allowed to increase the temperature to 60 ° C and simmer for another couple of hours. After this time, it is allowed to use raw materials for their intended purpose, for example, to prepare an infusion of dried berries and shoots.

With the origin of special household helpers in the kitchens of modern housewives, drying berries, fruits and vegetables has become even easier. If you have a fruit dryer or air grill, then you can use it for these purposes. Observantly read the instructions for the device and do as it is written there. Dried strawberries, cooked correctly, have a dark scarlet color and sparkling seeds.

How to positively protect dried strawberries?

Previously, it was placed in special linen bags, but this did not help the berry from all kinds of pests. Today, special cans are sold for bulk products, and it is recommended that they be used for these purposes. In addition, it is allowed to store berries in glass containers for 2 years.

cooking recipes

The use of leaves and berries found its reflection in these recipes for the preparation of healing infusions and potions:

  • Oily and compound skin is recommended to be wiped with an alcohol infusion based on strawberries. Pour a glass of berries with 1.5 glasses of vodka, insist in the refrigerator for a month, and then strain and apply for facial skin care;
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 2 tbsp. l. pour ground parts in a thermos with a glass of boiling water in the evening, and in the morning strain and take during the day as tea after meals, 1/3 cup;
  • For diseases of the genitourinary system and disorders of water-salt metabolism, steam 20 g of dry pre-ground raw materials with a glass of heated water, put the container on fire and boil for 5-10 minutes. Infuse for 2 hours, then filter and bring the volume of liquid to the original. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times during each waking time;

To improve health and with beriberi, a couple of strawberry leaves and a few berries are thrown into ordinary tea, and they drink such a drink throughout the day.

Do the same for you, and then you will have to go to the doctor about your health much less often. Be healthy!

Strawberries have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The diuretic properties of strawberries are due to their high potassium content. An infusion of strawberry leaves is non-toxic, it dilates blood vessels. improves heart function. Strawberries are a wound healing and cosmetic remedy known since ancient times.


Strawberry tea promotes the excretion of salts from the body in case of gout, arthritis and arthrosis.

Strawberries are also useful for women's health, it can be used for uterine bleeding and as a means of reducing the permeability of blood vessels and toning smooth muscles. Strawberries are also used for anemia during pregnancy and in young children.

Due to the powerful phytoncidal action, it is externally used for hemorrhoids and for the treatment of purulent, weeping and long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Strawberries make fragrant, delicious tea of ​​rich color, with a large amount of vitamin C, which is simply indispensable in winter and during beriberi.

Since time immemorial, strawberries have been valued as tasty, nutritious and wonderful medicinal plants. Folk wisdom says: "In a house where there is strawberries, the doctor has nothing to do!"

Hurry up to buy strawberries and health will come to your home!

Common name: forest strawberry, victoria

At the end of May, small bushes covered with white flowers appear in forest clearings and edges - this is how wild strawberries, beloved by everyone, bloom. In June, she will delight adults and children with fragrant berries.

Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant with creeping shoots. The strawberry leaf is trifoliate, on a high stem, the inflorescence is a multi-flowered corymb with white petals. Strawberries are juicy, rich red hue, have a unique aroma and pleasant taste.

Strawberries grow throughout the European part of Russia, found in Siberia and Central Asia. In nature, there are several varieties of wild strawberries. Everyone knows the nutritional properties of the berry, but the strawberry leaf is no less useful.

Chemical composition

Strawberries are a real storehouse of biologically active substances. They contain: glycosides and flavonoids (which strengthen capillary walls), ascorbic acid, catechins, essential oils, alkaloids, tannins, carotene.

Strawberries are rich in organic acids, various minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc.). And the content of vitamin C in a strawberry leaf reaches 300 mg, which is exactly 6 (!) times higher than the content of vitamin C in strawberries.

Mode of application

Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of strawberries in 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Drink 3-4 times a day before meals, store in a cool place for no more than a day

Decoction: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry strawberries pour 1 cup of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist 10 minutes and drink half a glass of a glass 3 times a day before meals.


Individual intolerance.

Composition of the product

Strawberry berries.

Where could I buy?

If you want to order dried strawberries, the Russian Roots herb store is at your service! The website of the store has a convenient catalog where you can choose the product of interest and place an order. All products presented in the store have quality certificates.

You can pick up an order at one of the Russian Roots phyto-pharmacies, which are located in Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as arrange postal delivery if you live in another region of the Russian Federation.

Hello dear readers!

Many of our hostesses begin to prepare for winter from the first summer days in order to save more vitamins for the family. And one of these optimal options for preparations is dried strawberries, where all the useful properties and taste characteristics of fresh berries are preserved to the maximum.

This product takes up little space, keeps well and is used as a natural vitamin supplement for various desserts or pastries in cooking. And how pleasant it is to warm up in cold weather with a glass of fragrant strawberry tea.

After all, such a vitaminized drink with a delicate taste of summer can not only invigorate a person for the whole day, but also really boost immunity, which is very necessary for each of us in winter or during the off-season.

In order for you to learn more about dried strawberries, we will talk with you about their nutritional and energy value. You will learn what it consists of, what positive qualities it has, how its use affects the human body, where it is used and how to cook this dried berry yourself at home. Interesting? Then stay on this page!

Dried strawberries are not only a continuation of the summer pleasure that we received during the season from delicious juicy fragrant berries, but also a valuable storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Since in these dried fruits persist practically unchanged:

  • potassium;
  • boron;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • Selena;
  • chlorine.

The calorie content of 100 grams of dried strawberries is about 290 kcal. And thanks to the unique combination of biologically active nutrients, this natural product has excellent:

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. Wound healing;
  3. Immunostimulating;
  4. Antimicrobial;
  5. Antiseptic;
  6. Diuretic;
  7. antipyretic;
  8. Hematopoietic;
  9. Anti-inflammatory;
  10. regenerating;
  11. antidepressant properties.

The whole range of these useful properties, according to many experts, helps people:

  • Tone up the nervous system.
  • Relieve depressive stress.
  • Stimulate the thyroid gland.
  • Increase hemoglobin.
  • Restore water-salt balance, intestinal microflora, skin elasticity, impaired metabolism.
  • Improve the work of the digestive tract.
  • Prevent the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Eliminate hemorrhoidal formations.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Remove toxins, radionuclides from the body.
  • Remove puffiness.
  • Stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Strengthen gums.
  • Lower blood sugar levels.
  • Increase sexual activity.
  • Activate memory and mental activity.

Therefore, today doctors, along with protocol practice, recommend using dry strawberries in parallel for treatment:

  1. periodontal disease;
  2. anemia;
  3. gout;
  4. flu;
  5. hypertension;
  6. Colds;
  7. gastrointestinal disorders;
  8. atherosclerosis;
  9. Cancer of the esophagus;
  10. insomnia;
  11. scurvy;
  12. eczema;
  13. constipation;
  14. Cardiovascular pathologies;
  15. Rheumatism;
  16. acne;
  17. cystitis;
  18. Diseases of the respiratory system.

How to dry strawberries yourself?

To get high-quality dried strawberries, and the process itself went right, no matter which recipe you choose, you must follow certain rules.

  1. For drying, you can take both cultivated varieties and wild berries without traces of damage.
  2. They should be:
  • correct form;
  • Intense red color;
  • Not overripe;
  • Solid texture;
  • Sweet tasting, no moldy or musty smell.
  • The best option here would be fruits collected with your own hands in the country or in the forest.
    • Separate the prepared berries from the stem;
    • Rinse them well under cool running water;
    • Lay the berries out on a paper towel to dry thoroughly.

    And then carefully cut each berry into thin 3-5 mm even slices, and then proceed directly to the process itself.

    In general, drying strawberries at home can be done in several ways. I will talk about the simplest and most popular ones further.

    On air

    This is the easiest way to dry strawberries that our grandmothers used. They simply strung small berries on a string, hung them up and dried them simply in the sun.

    And as another option, you can spread the strawberry slices on a dense sheet of whatman paper, under which there are several layers of old newspapers on a flat surface. Such protection is necessary so that printing ink does not get on the finished product.

    Here, the juice released from fresh berries must first be absorbed into the paper, and then soak the newspapers. The latter need to be changed every 5 hours, and the berry itself should then be turned over. The drying time of strawberries according to this recipe is four days.

    In an electric dryer

    Today, the most suitable option for drying strawberries, as well as at home, is an electric dryer. It is successfully used by modern housewives for harvesting healthy berries. This process is quite simple, convenient and optimal.

    For it to be carried out directly:

    1. Arrange prepared fresh strawberry slices loosely on perforated trays.
    2. Set the equipment to a mode no higher than 60 degrees in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of ripe berries.
    3. Start the electrical appliance.
    4. During the drying process, it is necessary to change places of the pallets from time to time: the upper - to the bottom, the lower - to the top, to ensure even drying of the strawberry slices.

    For one bookmark in an electric dryer, you can dry up to 2 kilograms of fresh berries. You can spend up to 12 hours on this, and get about 140 grams of dry product at the output.

    You can watch the whole process of harvesting strawberries in an electric dryer in the following video.

    Summing up my opus, I want to warn you that you should use dried strawberries in your diet it does not follow people with:

    • allergies;
    • Increased acidity;
    • Hepatic colic;
    • Chronic appendicitis.

    With caution, this dried fruit should be consumed by children, pregnant women or women during the lactation period. Otherwise, this delicious delicacy is possible for almost everyone.

    It can be used to make cakes, mousses or cocktails; add to various cereals, cottage cheese, yogurt; it goes well with cream in gourmet desserts.

    And this natural product is used in traditional medicine recipes. At the same time, you can not only make it yourself, but also buy it at an affordable price in a supermarket or a specialized online store.

    The main thing in everything is to follow the measure, do not forget about contraindications and follow the storage rules.

    Good luck to all! See you!

    As soon as this fragrant berry ripens, everyone immediately rushes into the forest. People collect full baskets of strawberries to make jam. And after all, few people know that strawberry leaves are no less useful than the berry itself.

    Wild strawberry grows in clearings, in light forests, in clearings, edges, grassy slopes.

    Berries, flowers, leaves and even rhizomes have healing and beneficial properties.

    Useful properties of strawberry leaves

    • The leaves contain flavonoids: quercetin, rutin, quercitrin.
    • Strawberry leaves contain essential oils, tannins, pectins, as well as acids: chlorogenic, glucuronic, fumaric, salicylic, coffee, quinic.
    • The leaves are rich in vitamins A, B, C.
    • Strawberry leaves have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, choleretic, diuretic properties.
    • They have analgesic, wound healing and antiseptic effects.
    • An infusion of strawberry leaves dilates blood vessels.
    • Dry and fresh leaves are able to remove salts from the body, therefore they are used for gout, arthritis. The leaves are used for diarrhea, gastritis, hepatitis, sclerotic vascular lesions.

    Strawberry leaves are harvested during flowering before the appearance of berries, which occurs in May - June.

    Harvesting is carried out in ecologically clean areas far from highways and industrial enterprises.

    For the collection of leaves choose dry, sunny, settled weather. It’s good if a little rain had passed a few days before, which washed the leaves from dust and dirt.

    Leaves are harvested without petioles, cut with scissors. Petiole length not more than one centimeter is allowed.

    How to dry strawberry leaves

    Strawberry leaves are laid out on decks or on burlap in the shade, where the sun's rays do not fall, and dried with a sufficient supply of fresh air.

    The best raw material is obtained after drying in an attic under an iron roof, which is easily heated by the sun, and with good ventilation. Then, with sufficient heating, the raw material dries quickly and turns out to be of high quality.

    Leaves can also be dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 45 °.

    Well-dried leaves are easily rubbed in the palms, and the cuttings break.

    Ready raw materials are stored in glass jars with a lid, in paper bags or in canvas bags. Shelf life of raw materials is 2-3 years.

    How to dry strawberry leaves for tea

    • Freshly picked strawberry leaves are laid out in the shade and dried.
    • Then each leaf is twisted between the palms until the juice begins to stand out.
    • Then these tubes are laid out on a baking sheet or in other suitable dishes with a layer of five centimeters, covered with a damp cotton cloth and left at a temperature of 26-28 ° for 6-8 hours for fermentation (chemical reaction).
    • Fermentation can be considered complete when the raw material acquires a berry smell. Then the resulting mass is dried in an oven at 90 ° for 40-60 minutes or simply in the air, but not in the sun.
    • Strawberry leaves prepared for tea are put in a jar with a screw cap and stored in a dry, dark, cool place.
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