Eruptions on the sides of a child. Infectious eruptions in children. Rashes in a newborn

Rash - the reaction of the child's body to various changes: the appearance of allergies, the consequences of SARS and other inflammatory processes, and more. Below in the text, the causes of the rash on the body of a child will be spelled out, a photo with explanations.

Rash on the body of a child

A rash on the body of a child can appear for reasons of a different nature. Most often, these are the consequences or signs of the baby's painful conditions. It is important to note that a rash just doesn't appear. To find out the reasons, you need a visit to the doctor.

It is for the reasons for the appearance that the types of rash are distinguished. Classification example:

Allergic rash in children photo

An allergic rash in children (pictured) can appear for various reasons: as a reaction to a new product in the child's diet, or if the child has overeaten any product; for flowering plants, shrubs; on various fragrances or aerosols for the home.

The main difference between an allergic rash and a rash in other diseases is general condition of the child: temperature appears extremely rarely, the child is mobile, the appetite does not disappear. In general, the baby feels and behaves as usual.

When an allergic rash appears, you should consult a specialist. And also, parents need to remember that something new has been introduced in the life of the child: a new product, some kind of medicine or vitamins, and perhaps they went somewhere to rest, changed their place of residence. State all the information to the doctor, and then simply act on the basis of the recommendations for the child. In such cases, most often prescribed antihistamines. Without fail, all possible causes of this allergy are excluded from the life of the child.

Rash in a child all over the body without fever

There can be many reasons for this rash. For example:

All these diseases in most cases are not accompanied by fever. But rash in 99% is. And parents should not panic. A rash in a child all over the body without fever is just a response of the child's body to the virus inside it.

Also, the cause of the appearance of a rash without accompanying temperature can be "classic":

or :

What is the correct behavior of parents in this case. Firstly, no panic; second, immediately call a doctor for examination; thirdly, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the child in the future, transfer everything to a specialist. And lastly, strictly follow all prescribed instructions from your doctor.

The reasons for the appearance of a small rash on the body of a child, which looks like goosebumps (pictured):

The treatment of such a rash is prescribed by a specialist, based on the root cause of the appearance.

Rash with enterovirus infection in children photo

This type of infection is especially dangerous for children. Why? is an infection of "dirty hands". Namely, children, as you know, drag everything into their mouths, try everything, and in most cases they don’t wash their hands. As a result - . In adults, the onset of this disease is most often only from an infected person through touch.

The rash in children (pictured) is a set of small and medium-sized tubercles, collected in small clusters.

The mucous membranes, for example, the oral cavity, are the first to be affected. Then the rash spreads to the limbs (palms, hands, heels and ankles), then - throughout the body. Importantly, with this disease, the child may experience vomiting, nausea. And areas of the skin where there is a rash, itch terribly.

Treatment consists of taking antiviral drugs, of course, on the recommendation of a specialist after the examination. Each baby's progression is different. Basically, the disease lasts no more than 5-7 days, then, with proper treatment, the child recovers and fully recovers.

Rash on child's back

A rash on the back of a child is a common occurrence. The reasons for the appearance may be the following:

In each hotel case, a rash is a sign of painful changes. The rash may have different character and kind- small, large, in the form of papules, flattened, purulent or filled with liquid, etc.

Depending on the cause of the appearance, there will be appropriate treatment.

Rash on baby's stomach

The cause of a rash on the abdomen in a child can be, like the most common sweat, an allergic reaction or the appearance of an infectious disease. So is the result of a serious illness in the body of a baby.

In this case, it’s better not to hope that this is just. Better call a pediatrician at home Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Or he will give general recommendations for caring for the child so that the rash no longer bothers the baby.

An ambulance call is needed in the following cases:

  • There is a sharp increase in temperature after the appearance of a rash on the child's abdomen.
  • The rash takes on the character of abscesses with secretions.
  • The baby becomes lethargic, inactive, drowsy.
  • The appearance of a rash is not only in the baby, but also in other children or parents.

Various infectious lesions often lead to similar problems. In order to avoid possible complications, you should consult a doctor. The placement of the rash can vary. Any part of the body can fall into the zone of active rashes.

1.Rash in a child in the form of red dots most often provoked by allergic reactions. First of all, this is the diet, as well as clothing that is adjacent to the body. Often the rash is expressed as dotted spots of an oval or round shape. Its elevation above other parts of the body is not observed. The rash is only noticeable because of the color. The appearance of characteristic points occurs due to strong blood supply, they sometimes have edges and edges, and they can also be solid. The problem is divided into two main types:

  • roseola - the specificity of this species is considered to be a small size from 3-30 mm;
  • erythema - this subspecies is distinguished by significant sizes, which starts from 3 cm.

They are located most often in the chest area and have a characteristic bright scarlet color.
2. Rash in the form of pimples- this is the main reaction to various internal or external environmental factors. They occur due to allergies, as well as infectious diseases. This problem has different types and forms. May be represented by pustules that rise above the level of the skin and create a rounded void. Their dimensions are quite large, about 1-1.5 mm in height. The main cause of the occurrence is an allergic reaction, accompanied by redness and itching. A similar rash in a child can also be associated with a hereditary factor. This disease is often passed from mother to child. Stress also often provokes a similar skin reaction.

Dermatologists divide pathology into 4 categories:

  • Dry rashes- the formation of such redness occurs in the winter season, most often they are formed due to the compaction of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Treatment is carried out with cosmetics that remove dead particles and moisturize the cover.
  • Watery - their appearance can be caused by various reasons (consumption of poor-quality food, diathesis, use of bad cosmetics - creams, shampoos, foams, soaps). They are accompanied by severe itching. Often they are symptoms of chickenpox, rubella, measles, scabies and dyshidrosis.
  • Ulcers - a similar rash in the form of acne in a child may initially look like small red dots, but after a few days changes begin to form. Ordinary specks are filled with pus. A similar problem is often caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. It is required to undergo a clinical analysis of blood and urine, and then consult a doctor. It is necessary to abandon sweets so as not to create an active environment for the reproduction of pathogens.
  • Subcutaneous pimples - they occur due to clogging of the ducts with plugs that form from the sebaceous glands. Most often, this phenomenon goes away on its own, but if there are no changes, then it is still worth contacting a specialist.

3. Rash in the form of bubbles- Its manifestation can lead to a number of serious diseases.

  • Pemphigus - it can lead to death. Damage to the immune system begins to occur at the time of the body's struggle with healthy and strong cells.
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis is considered an autoimmune disease. Such an ailment manifests itself in the form of blisters and vesicles on the skin.

Similar types of infectious rash in children can be of two forms: they occupy about 50% of the child's body or form on different parts of it. They often appear in a separate area and form only small, itchy, rounded redness. Often occur due to systemic, skin or infectious diseases, as well as allergic reactions. After healing, the bubble will disappear and leave no traces. To start therapy, you need to identify the underlying cause and stage of the disease, for this you definitely need to go for an examination with a doctor.

4. Rash in the form of spots- It is represented by small reddenings of various colors. The color will depend on the skin pigment. If melanin is present, then, accordingly, the spots will be darker.

A similar type of skin rash in children is typical for such ailments as rubella, measles, scarlet fever, various diseases and skin tumors. The formation can be caused by various pathogens. This type of rash tends to coalesce into large patches. The lesion is often aggravated in the chest area. It should also be noted that pimples can appear due to contact, food and drug allergies.

Photo of the main elements of the rash

There are the following types of rash in a child:

characteristic location

Different types of skin rashes in children have their own locations. Rashes can be located on almost any part of the body, cause itching, irritation and even acute pain.

  • a rash forms on the elbows and arms, wrists, forearms;
  • can form on the legs, more often on the inside, the main reason for this is an allergic reaction to food, but there are also more serious cases;
  • rashes affect the face, and the cheeks are considered the focal center;
  • the trunk is also subjected to this process, often rashes are formed in the chest area, and also in the scapular area.

The reasons

The types of rash can be different, and the factor of their appearance is both the same and different, so you need to decide why it arose. For a child's body, this phenomenon is considered normal, as it is a reaction to external factors. There are main reasons why a rash may appear:

1. Allergic reaction- This is the most common factor and is most often caused by food, pollen, pet hair, cosmetics, clothing, drugs and insect bites. It is required to treat types of allergic rashes in children under the supervision of a doctor, since an uncontrolled reaction can develop into Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.
2. severe stress- there are cases when the baby is covered with significant spots due to intense experiences. After a while, they disappear on their own.
3. Insect bites- Even if the child does not have any type of allergy, a mosquito bite can leave unpleasant spots that are very itchy. Parents need time to notice the wound and treat it properly. Such a rash goes away on its own after some time. If uncharacteristic large spots were noticed in a baby after a bite, then there is an allergic reaction.
4. Mechanical damage- various types of rashes in a child without fever can form due to tight and tight clothing, while they pass on their own after a certain time.
5. Infectious diseases- small spots on the body can indicate infection with rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever, measles and even meningitis.
6. Violation of blood clotting- the baby's skin begins to become covered with small bruises and bruises.
7. Allergy to the sun or cold- this category is recommended to be considered separately, since the mechanism of such a reaction is significantly different from the standard reaction to cats or citrus fruits. This malaise can be attributed to seasonal problems.

When to Call a Doctor

Sometimes there may be little time to determine the type of rash in children, since the child may have a high temperature, so a doctor should be called immediately. In addition, the main danger factors include severe shortness of breath, swelling of the tongue and face, incredible headache, drowsiness, loss of consciousness and vomiting. In the case when the rash takes on a brown, maroon or black color, its elements are located, as it were, in the depths of the skin and do not turn pale when pressed, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Viral infections

Photos of the types of rash in children that provoke viruses are different, and they can be considered further. These pathologies include the following diseases.

1. Measles- with it there is a small rash, initially raspberry-red in the mouth, and then all over the body. Often there is such a phenomenon as the merging of elements that create irregularly shaped foci of influence. She has a high temperature. Very rarely, but still, the disease can be quite severe and lead to death. In the absence of vaccination, measles is very easily transmitted from person to person.
2. Rubella manifested by pink-red small spotted rashes that initially form on the head, and then are distributed throughout the body of the baby. There may be complaints of sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, nasal congestion, fever, and chills.
3. Chickenpox- it spreads, as a rule, from top to bottom, initially on the scalp, and then it is observed on the chest, back and other areas. It manifests itself as bright red small spots, which later degenerate into bubbles, and then burst and gradually dry out, forming crusts. If the case is neglected and severe, then scars may remain. Accompanied by slight itching.
4. Herpes- manifests itself in the form of grouped vesicular rashes inside the mouth or on the lips, which linger for several weeks. It also happens that this virus penetrates the nuclei of nerve cells, and the rashes pass into the chronic stage.
5. Infectious mononucleosis - It is expressed in the form of densely located light red or pink spots with a diameter of 6-15 mm, with this ailment they most often become painful. And then the occipital and cervical lymph nodes also increase. Almost always there is a sore throat, sometimes severe weakness, migraine, cough and fatigue begin to bother.
6. Enteroviruses- appear as bubbles and are distributed throughout the body.
7. Roseola- These are pink spots that do not begin to appear immediately, but after the temperature is normalized. This usually happens within 4-5 days. Most often affects babies from 6 months to 3 years.

Bacterial infections

A photo of the types of rash in children who have a similar infection is presented below.

1. Scarlet fever- manifests itself in the form of minor millet-like rashes, with increased color in the folds of the skin. Everything is accompanied by a slight itching, and as the rash subsides, plastic peeling forms. The disease is characterized by a pronounced change in the pharynx, a raspberry-red tongue and a sharp sore throat.
2. Meningococcal infection- quite quickly forms small "blots" of red-blue color, which resemble stars. There is always a high temperature.
3. Fungal lesions of the epidermis(trichophytosis, ringworm, ringworm). A clear sign of the presence is an annular formation that itches. Dandruff begins to form on the hair, possibly focal alopecia.
4. streptoderma- at the time of illness, large blisters begin to appear, in which purulent contents are present, often with a yellowish-brown dry crust.

allergic reactions

There are various types of rashes in children on the hands and throughout the body, which are provoked by malnutrition, natural ingredients or things, such diseases include the following ailments.

1. Hives- similar in appearance to nettle burns, appearing as raised bright red or pale pink blisters that suddenly appear and subside in the same way. With them there is a pronounced itching, extensive swelling is possible.
2.Atopic dermatitis(diathesis, childhood eczema, neurodermatitis) - this type of rash appears in children on the elbows, neck, face, and also occurs on the legs, under the knees. The epidermis turns red and begins to peel off, sometimes weeping crusts are also observed.

Other reasons

Very often, various rashes indicate a malfunction in the work of internal organs. It:

  • vascular ailments;
  • changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney failure.

infant acne- the problem occurs in the first year of life in children who are breastfed. It is a consequence of the activity of the sebaceous glands, and the cause is an increase in the level of maternal hormones.

Milia (whiteheads) - look like tiny "pearls" and are formed more often in infants. Pass by themselves, as they have a physiological nature.

Toxic erythema of the newborn are yellow blisters that may appear 2-5 days after birth. As a rule, no action needs to be taken.

Scabies- expressed in pairs of dots, most often in interdigital places. There is severe itching, the source is mites that affect the skin.

Types of rash in children under one year old

In small children, who are tightly wrapped or bathed incorrectly, prickly heat can often be found. It appears as a scattering of small non-itchy blisters of a red hue, which are concentrated in the natural folds of the skin.

Against the background of a tendency to allergies and immunodeficiency, diaper rash is formed, which is an area with a bright red, moist and swollen surface. Often located in the folds of the neck, buttocks and groin.

Often, diaper rash turns into gluteal erythema - this is a concentration of bright red erosions and nodules.

Often, a baby rash occurs due to an allergic factor, such ailments include urticaria and various dermatitis.

Toxic erythema, which forms in the first year of a child's life, is considered completely harmless. This is a mixed rash consisting of papules and vesicles. The rash will go away on its own within a few weeks.

Pemphigus of a newborn is a rather dangerous disease caused by staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or streptococci. After a slight reddening, blisters with a cloudy content begin to appear, which burst and form erosions. Often found on the thighs and around the navel.

Among the infectious diseases that cause the appearance of a rash, congenital syphilis can be distinguished, the main symptom of which is syphilitic pemphigus. In this case, the rashes are presented in the form of dense blisters filled with a clear liquid, which becomes cloudy over time. Inflammations are very often present on the trunk, face, and almost always on the palms and soles.

Urgent care

It is already known what types of rashes children have, now you need to figure out what to do in order to help your baby.

When, in addition to redness, the following symptoms are present, you should immediately call a doctor:

  • a significant and sharp increase in temperature;
  • the child has difficulty breathing;
  • there is a hemorrhagic stellate rash;
  • rashes cover the whole body and cause considerable itching;
  • begins loss of consciousness and vomiting.


In order to protect the baby from infection, you need to vaccinate him on time. In order not to get an allergic reaction, it is required to introduce complementary foods correctly and not to rush with new products. It is necessary to accustom your child to a healthy diet and harden. This will help to adjust children's immunity in the right way and the child will not have such problems.

If a rash has been noticed on the body, do not panic and call the doctor immediately. It is necessary to figure out whether the case is really critical or whether it is just a reaction caused by a chocolate bar eaten or an insect bite. For bathing, it is better to use decoctions of herbs, and buy clothes made of cotton fabric. Dyes also often cause a reaction on the body.

When an epidemic of rubella or chickenpox begins in the kindergarten, it is recommended to leave the baby at home, as the disease passes very quickly from infected sources.

In summer, it is imperative to ventilate the room, and then use a fumigator.

Do not allow children to squeeze pimples and open them. This often provokes the spread of infection.

Each parent is required to know the types of rashes and the causes of rashes in children in order to help the child in a timely manner.

If the baby has a fever, then you should definitely call the doctor.

Rash and redness on the skin is one of the most common reactions of the child's immune system to irritants. There are many reasons for the manifestation of such symptoms, ranging from infectious diseases or allergies, up to mechanical damage to the epidermis. You can understand what caused the problem in each case by the type and location of the marks. What skin reactions do children most often suffer from?

Types of rash on the body of a child with photos and explanations

Depending on the nature of the factor that provoked their appearance, the marks on the baby's skin may look different. This is clearly visible even in the photo. Under various circumstances, the rash in children takes one of the following types:

Type of marksPeculiaritiesProbable cause of occurrence
SpotsAreas of the epidermis that do not protrude above the skin surface with impaired pigmentation (often colorless)Syphilitic roseola, dermatitis, vitiligo, typhoid and typhus
Vesicles (vesicles)Fluid-filled round cavities up to 5 mm in diameterHerpes, eczema, allergic dermatitis, shingles, chicken pox (we recommend reading:)
Pustules (pustules)Small vesicles with clear boundaries and filled with purulent contentsFolliculitis, furunculosis, impetigo, pyoderma, acne
Papules (nodules and nodules)Brightly colored seals up to 3 cm or 10 cm in diameter, respectivelyPsoriasis, lichen planus, atopic dermatitis, eczema
blistersCavity elements of a rounded shape, spontaneously passing a few hours after the appearanceContact allergy, mechanical damage to the epidermis
ErythemaBright red spots with sharp borders, slightly rising above the surface of the skinFood and drug allergies, erysipelas, ultraviolet irradiation (more in the article:)
PurpuraSmall-point or large-scale (up to the formation of bruises) hemorrhagesHemophilia, capillary toxicosis, leukemia, Werlhof's disease, scurvy

Speaking about the reactions inherent in newborns, it is worth mentioning prickly heat in a separate line. These are specific rashes in the form of spots, vesicles and less often pustules, resulting from diaper rash and localized mainly under the hair on the back of the head, as well as on other parts of the head and body where sweating is difficult. From time to time heat prickly heat appears even in healthy babies. This is its main difference from urticaria and other types of rashes characteristic of newborns.

Features of a rash with allergies

The most difficult thing is to identify rashes provoked by an allergic reaction. Depending on the type of irritant (food, contact, medication, household, etc.), marks on the baby's skin can take on all kinds of types and change localization. How to identify the disease?

Allergies are one of the most common causes of a rash in a one-year-old or younger child. That is why, when it comes to a newborn, this diagnosis should be suspected in the first place. To confirm or refute their fears about a possible allergy in a baby, his parents will have to answer the following questions for themselves:

It will facilitate the diagnosis of the problem and the knowledge of exactly what forms the disease can take in a child. As a rule, childhood allergies occur in one of 2 scenarios:

  • Urticaria (we recommend reading:). The rash takes the form of blisters, the color of which can vary from pale pink to bright red. The visual effect is similar to what happens after a nettle burn, hence the name of the disease. Among the characteristic symptoms of the disease, swelling and severe itching of the skin should be distinguished. The rash with urticaria passes suddenly, just as it appears.
  • Atopic dermatitis (we recommend reading:). Alternative names - children's eczema, diathesis, neurodermatitis. With this type of allergy, the rash on the child's body is clearly localized. Most often, marks appear on the elbows, neck and head (both on the face and under the hair), a little less often on the legs, under the knees. Side effects are redness and peeling of the skin. Sometimes characteristic weeping crusts form over the rashes.

Infectious and non-infectious rash

It is very important to be able to determine allergies by the reactions of the epidermis. For this, knowledge of how, in principle, to distinguish between a rash of infectious and non-infectious origin is also useful.

It is possible to determine the nature of the disease accompanied by skin reactions by several side effects. For viral, bacterial and fungal infections, these are:

  • the patient has symptoms of intoxication;
  • cyclical course of the disease;
  • evidence that the case is not isolated (someone around the patient suffers from similar symptoms).

It is important to take into account the specific signs of each of these diseases. The following table lists the most common bacterial and viral infections that cause rashes in children, with explanations:

DiseaseExciter typeThe nature of the rashOther symptoms
Meningococcal infection (we recommend reading:)BacteriumPurple and red spots, localized mainly in the lower body and on the legsFever, nausea and vomiting, severe excitability or, conversely, apathy
Scarlet feverRashes in the form of small dots that appear on the upper body (on the chest and shoulders) and spread throughout the body, head under the hair and face, with the exception of the nasolabial triangleFever, swollen tonsils, severe sore throat
RubellaVirusPink spots of a round shape with a diameter of up to 5 mm, localized mainly on the arms, legs and torso (shoulders, sternum)Fever, swollen lymph nodes
Measles (we recommend reading:)Bright pink large spots that tend to mergeFever, loss of appetite, runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis
baby roseolaPitted pink rash that develops on the back and gradually spreads to the chest, abdomen, shoulders and armsThe temperature rises sharply to 39-40 degrees, gradually returning to normal
Chicken poxGradually changing appearance of pimples: from vesicular vesicles to blisters, breaking through and transforming into dry marks over timeElevated temperature

As for the causes of a non-infectious nature, the appearance of papular and other types of rashes on the skin is usually provoked by mechanical damage to the epidermis, for example, burns, insect bites, and allergies proper. Less commonly, a symptom is one of the side, uncharacteristic manifestations of a disease. For example, with arthritis or rheumatism, a small-dotted rash can form on areas of the body with problem joints. If the child is covered with purple, he probably suffers from problems with the circulatory system (hemorrhagic vasculitis, hemophilia), etc.

In children of about one month of age, unable to move independently, redness of the skin, accompanied by the formation of a vesicular or papular rash, indicates diaper dermatitis. This disease is not dangerous and is quite common. In the first years of life, about 60% of babies suffer from it. It is easy to treat diaper dermatitis: it is enough to bathe the child regularly and change diapers soiled by him in time so that the rash goes away on its own.

Rash accompanied by fever

Hyperthermia is usually the surest sign of infection. This symptom is included in the group of so-called signs of intoxication. In a number of individual cases, diseases of a different, non-infectious nature are also accompanied by an increase in body temperature and the appearance of a small rash. In addition, sometimes similar symptoms occur with allergies; a little less often - with thermal burns and bites of poisonous insects.

Rash with and without itching

Contrary to popular belief, not all skin rashes itch, so this symptom can be very important in diagnosing the disease. What ailments is it typical for? The most common causes of an itchy rash are:

Localization on different parts of the body

In most diseases accompanied by a rash, the affected areas of the skin have clear boundaries. Determination of the localization of rashes is an important element in the diagnosis of the disease. Even if the marks cover the entire body of the child in the later stages of the disease, information about where they began to spread will no doubt help determine the cause of the problem.

On the back

A rash that appears in the upper body of a child and then spreads throughout the body is a frequent phenomenon, characteristic of many diseases. Usually, the localization of marks on the back and shoulders of the baby indicates that the problem can be caused by:

  • viral infection;
  • violent allergic reaction;
  • diaper rash.

On the stomach

As a rule, the concentration of the rash on the front of the body also indicates the same causes (infection, allergies, sweating). However, sometimes the appearance of suspicious goosebumps on the baby's tummy can also indicate more serious health problems. Parents should urgently show the baby to the doctor if skin rashes are accompanied by:

  • rise in temperature;
  • the formation of ulcers;
  • drowsiness and apathy of the child.

On arms and legs

A white or colorless rash, localized mainly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limbs, may be evidence of the onset of an allergic reaction. If the marks are brightly colored, most likely the cause of their occurrence is an infection (monoculosis, measles, rubella, etc.). Slightly less often, prickly heat appears with red spots on the arms and legs of the baby.

On the face

The appearance of colorless marks on the head of a child (on the cheeks, forehead, around the mouth, etc.) is not necessarily an alarming symptom. Similarly, the baby's body tries to adapt to unfamiliar stimuli. A rash on a child's face may indicate mild diathesis, overheating, and other non-critical problems.

Parents should be alarmed only if the affected areas of the skin become bright red or the formation of blisters and pustules begins. Such symptoms often indicate that a harmful bacterium or virus has entered the body.

All over body

The ubiquitous spread of the rash indicates a severe lesion of the body. This is possible in 2 situations: with an infectious infection and a strong allergic reaction. In the first case, the rash will be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, in the second - itching on the marked areas of the epidermis. One way or another, both problems require immediate medical attention, and the task of the parents is to show the sick child to the doctor as soon as possible.

Every mother sooner or later asks the question: if a rash appears on the body of a child, what should I do? Sometimes rashes are a reaction to physiological changes in the child's body that are not dangerous, but there are also pathological causes of the rash that require immediate action to eliminate them.

Some parents simply ignore it, especially if the child has a rash on the body without a fever, and some begin to give various medications without consulting a doctor. Both in the first and in the second case, a mistake is made, because for some diseases it is very important to identify the cause of the rash as soon as possible and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What a rash might look like

A rash does not always appear in a child all over the body, very often it happens in a limited area. It is formed both symmetrically and asymmetrically, acquiring various forms:

  • Spots - a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of a different color (it happens to be white, red, pink, etc.). As a rule, spots do not protrude above the surface of the skin.
  • Bubbles and vesicles are small or large formations with fluid inside.
  • Papules - formations above the surface of the skin without a cavity inside. You can feel it well.
  • A pustule is a cavity with pus inside.
  • A plaque is a formation that has a large area and is raised above the skin.
  • Tubercles are formations that do not have a cavity and are well felt on palpation.

The color of the rash can also be different - from pale pink to crimson. A photo of the child is shown below.

Each type of rash can talk about completely different causes, so determining the location of the rash and its appearance is very important for making a diagnosis.

The reasons

If a rash appears on the body of a child, the causes of this condition are very diverse, but still they can be divided into main categories:

The symptoms of the rash are quite multifaceted. It depends on what reason contributed to it. Next, we will analyze what pathologies can cause a rash, and what signs they are accompanied by.

non-communicable diseases. acne in newborns

Approximately 20-30% of infants develop the so-called neonatal acne, characterized by the appearance of a rash on the body of a child without fever. The main location is the face and scalp, neck. The rash in this case looks like papules and pustules. It occurs due to the fact that maternal hormones affect the functioning of children's sebaceous glands. It does not require special care, with the exception of moisturizing and careful hygiene. It usually resolves on its own within the first 6 months of a baby's life.

Prickly heat

A rash that occurs in the warm season or with strong wrapping in clothes. The reason is the difficulty in the release of sweat and increased humidity when wrapping. Often occurs in places of diaper rash. With such a rash, there is rarely inflammation, but it causes discomfort, as it can be very itchy. It goes away quickly with proper care.

Atopic dermatitis

This is a disease that a large number of mothers face already during the first days of a baby's life. Dermatitis has a genetic predisposition and an allergic nature. It is characterized by the appearance of red itchy spots and dry skin. Rashes can cover both a small area - with a mild form, and spread over a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. In some cases, with an extensive presence of a rash in a child, traces of scratching appear all over the body, as unbearable itching occurs. As a result, a secondary infection sometimes joins dermatitis.

Since dermatitis has several stages of development, there are also many options for a rash with this disease. It can be spots, papules, vesicles, plaques, crusts. Sometimes, with untimely treatment, scars and age spots remain on the skin after rashes.

Rash during teething

Sometimes a baby during teething is worried about a rash located in the mouth area. It is a small pimple that appears due to increased salivation, and then the friction of this area. Such a rash does not leave behind any consequences and, as a rule, passes on its own. To make the healing process go faster, you can gently wipe the mouth area from saliva and prevent the child from licking dirty hands, as there will be a chance of infection.

Allergic rash in children

If parents notice a rash on the body of a child without fever, it is most likely an allergic reaction. Nowadays, people are surrounded by a huge number of all kinds of allergens. Children are most susceptible to them, therefore, at the first manifestations, it is necessary to identify the cause and get rid of the irritant. An allergic reaction is of the following types:

  • Food. When a child eats a product that is an allergen for him. Appears within approximately 24 hours. The rash in this case occurs on the face, abdomen, arms and legs of the child.
  • Household. In this case, the allergen can come from laundry detergent, chlorinated pool water, new shampoo, and many other household products.

An allergic rash looks like red spots on the body of a child, but sometimes plaques and scratches appear, since with such rashes skin itching is very disturbing. One type of rash in this case is hives - pink or red blisters that itch very badly. When combed, they increase in size and can merge with each other, forming large areas of damage. Symptoms, in addition to the rash, may include irritability, moodiness, runny nose, and cough.

In newborns, the allergen can enter the body with mother's milk. A nursing woman needs to review her diet as soon as possible. And there are also cases when allergies are provoked by the nutrition of the expectant mother during pregnancy. Sometimes there is a rash in a child all over the body. But after getting rid of the allergen, the rashes disappear very quickly. A photo of an allergic rash on a child's body is presented above.

Insect bites

After insect bites - a very common occurrence, especially in the summer. Many parents are afraid of red spots, which can be large and show through the skin. But they, as a rule, except for itching, have no third-party symptoms and consequences. But the exceptions are allergic effects on saliva and the poison of some insects. In this case, it is very important to give an antihistamine at the first sign of an allergy. Another dangerous phenomenon with a bite is an infectious type of disease, which is carried by some insects.

Infectious rash in children

The appearance of a rash in a child all over the body very often occurs due to infectious diseases. Some of them are common in childhood, because after the child is ill, he develops one hundred percent immunity. Very rarely there are cases of re-infection. If the rash appeared due to infection, then the symptoms will be fever and a small rash on the body of the child, chills, cough, runny nose, lack of appetite, and general malaise are also added here.

In childhood, the most common diseases accompanied by a rash are the following:

  • Chickenpox (chickenpox). This disease is highly contagious, easily transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks. General malaise, accompanied by a moderate fever, sometimes a slight pain in the abdomen, occurs 1-2 days before the onset of the rash. Then a small rash appears on the body of the child, which is located randomly, not affecting only the feet and palms. At first it looks like a red spot, which in the shortest possible time turns into a papule, and that, in turn, into a vesicle with an infectious fluid inside. At the site of its breakthrough, a crust forms naturally or mechanically (during combing). Rashes are accompanied by itching, but you can’t comb them, as you can spread the infection even more. Chickenpox is characterized by the fact that during the illness there are several rashes that are completely covered with a crust. Then they disappear completely, leaving small scars that disappear after a while. This happens about the tenth day after the start of the rash. During illness, it is not recommended to visit public places. After recovery, the child develops lifelong immunity to chickenpox. Re-infection occurs only due to reduced immunity and under stress.
  • Measles. A highly contagious infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Nowadays, measles appears rarely, mainly in the form of short outbreaks in certain regions. The latent form of the disease lasts about 2-4 weeks, then within about four days the first signs of the disease begin to appear, which are very easy to confuse with a cold or indigestion: cough, runny nose, loose stools, fever, which can rise up to 40 degrees. After this period, rashes begin, which are cyclical. First, white spots appear on the inside, which look like semolina. These spots are a very important symptom of measles. Then rashes appear on the face and neck, descend to the chest, shoulders, stomach and back, and then a rash appears on the body of the child on the legs and arms. On the fourth day, the primary signs begin to recede, and the rash subsides. At the site of the spots, the skin becomes brown, then begins to peel off and clears up after 7-14 days. During measles, the rash may itch a little, sometimes there are small bruises. Sometimes individual spots can merge into a continuous surface. It is worth noting that some manifestations of measles may occur within 10 days after the introduction of a live measles vaccine.
  • Rubella is a contagious viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period can last up to three weeks. At the end of this period, there may be a slight increase in temperature, general malaise, joint pain, cervical lymph nodes become inflamed. Then a small rash appears on the body of the child. It starts on the forehead and cheeks, spreads all over the body. Rubella favorite places are the areas around the joints, knees, elbows and buttocks. The rash in this disease does not affect the feet and palms of the child. After about four days, the rashes stop, and after a week there is not a trace of them left.
  • Roseola is a contagious disease that every infant can experience. The first signs will be fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. Then a small rash appears on the child's body, similar to rubella rashes.

  • Scarlet fever is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, there are no vaccinations against this disease. The latent phase lasts about a week. Then there is an increased temperature (up to 38-40 degrees), lymph nodes increase and symptoms of a sore throat appear. At the same time, the tongue is covered with a white coating. When cleared, it becomes a bright crimson color with pronounced papillae. After 1-2 days, a rash begins, which first affects the face, then the neck and everything else. Most of the rashes are in the groin, in the elbows, on the inside of the arms and legs, in the folds. At first, the rash has a bright color, but as the spots decrease, they begin to turn pale. A striking sign of scarlet fever is a pale nasolabial triangle against the background of bright red cheeks. This is due to the fact that the rash does not affect this area, and the skin in this place does not turn red. After 4-7 days, the rashes disappear, but leave peeling behind. Angina has to be treated for some more time.
  • Infectious mononucleosis is an infection belonging to the herpes viruses and is not highly contagious. Characteristic signs of mononucleosis are inflammation of the lymph nodes, enlargement of the spleen and liver, body aches, tonsils covered with plaque, fever. A rash with this disease occurs very rarely. If rashes nevertheless appear, they look like a small pink rash that does not itch and disappears without a trace within a few days.
  • meningococcal infection. This is a very dangerous disease that requires immediate therapeutic action, since delay is fraught with the death of the patient. Meningococcus is a bacterium that lives in the nasopharynx in 5-10% of people and does not cause concern. Due to viral infections or a decrease in immunity, an active phase of bacterial growth can begin, leading to dangerous consequences. Transmitted by air. When it enters the blood, it makes its way to the brain, causing meningitis. In this case, no rash is observed. The main symptoms are fever, drowsiness, vomiting, loose stools, hardness of the occipital muscles, confusion, the child cannot reach his chest with his chin. Symptoms develop very quickly. Meningococcus can also cause sepsis. It is very dangerous! The temperature can rise to 41 degrees and be accompanied by indomitable vomiting. Within a few hours, a rash appears, which has an uneven stellate shape and a bright purple or bluish color, itching is not present. Separate rashes can merge into one large dark purple spot. On the feet and palms, this fusion forms "socks" and "gloves". In such cases, the skin in these places may die. Sometimes meningitis and sepsis occur at the same time. Meningococcal infection is deadly! At the first symptoms, you should immediately go to the infectious diseases hospital. With this disease, every second is precious. Before the arrival of the ambulance, you need to lay the child on the floor, raising his legs, if he loses consciousness, lay him on his side, do not let him drink and eat.

  • Scabies. This disease is caused by the scabies mite. The rash is localized between the fingers, in the inguinal region, on the wrists, legs, buttocks and wherever there is thin skin. Rashes are accompanied by severe itching that occurs during the passage of a tick under the skin of a child. Scabies is highly contagious.

The difference between an infectious rash and a non-infectious one

An infectious rash is necessarily accompanied by additional symptoms, while a non-infectious one proceeds with virtually no external manifestations. So, a rash on the body of a child with a temperature will always talk about the infectious nature of the disease. Rashes without third-party symptoms do not pose a serious danger. A photo (without a temperature, the disease is not so dangerous) is not a very pleasant sight.

Itching without rash

Sometimes parents are alarmed by the situation in which the child itches, but external causes cannot be noticed. Itching of the body in a child without a rash can be for several reasons, but the final conclusion can only be made after seeing a doctor and passing certain tests:

A rash is not an independent disease, but a symptom. Therefore, first of all, you need to find the cause of the rash. It is not recommended to self-medicate even in situations where parents are sure that they know the reason. In any case, you should consult a doctor. Therapy will depend on the diagnosis and condition of the sick child:

  • If an allergic reaction is confirmed, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen and take antihistamines.
  • With chickenpox, treatment will be aimed at relieving symptoms - antipyretic drugs and antihistamines are prescribed to help relieve itching. Rashes can be cauterized with greenery. Bathing a child is allowed, but only gently pouring water.

  • With measles and rubella, treatment is also aimed at relieving symptoms - antipyretic at high temperature, cough and runny nose medicine, drinking plenty of water.
  • With mononucleosis, antihistamines, antipyretic and choleretic agents, vitamins and immunomodulators are prescribed.
  • Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that is treated with penicillin antibiotics. It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids, bed rest and drugs to relieve symptoms.
  • Meningococcal infection is the most dangerous bacterial type infection, in which there is a high risk of death. At the slightest symptom, you should immediately call an ambulance. Treatment is only stationary, it is impossible to relieve symptoms at home. For treatment, antibiotics, anticonvulsant therapy, cardiovascular agents, the introduction of saline solutions, etc. will be used.

Prevention of infectious diseases is vaccination. It is strictly forbidden to rip off the rashes, squeeze them out and comb them.

Dangerous symptoms

There are some symptoms that accompany a rash, and for which you need to call an ambulance without delay:

  • The rash covers the entire area of ​​the body.
  • There is unbearable itching.
  • There is a fever.
  • Accompanied by edema, vomiting, loss of consciousness and nausea.
  • The most dangerous sign is if the rash looks like stellate hemorrhages.


In most cases, the rash is not serious. But it is worth remembering the serious diseases that it can accompany. Therefore, if a rash appears on the body of a child with fever and other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Few parents know how to navigate the main symptoms of childhood infectious diseases and allergic reactions well. If red appears all over the body, then mom or dad usually doubt the causes of education. Even experienced specialists sometimes cannot distinguish between infectious and non-infectious rashes the first time. The cause must be determined as quickly as possible in order to provide timely and effective assistance to the child.

In medicine, skin rashes are called "exanthema". It is important for the doctor at the appointment to determine whether the red rash in a child is a consequence of an infection or skin disease (dermatosis). Specialists examine a small patient and note the morphological features and other characteristics of the exanthema. The first of the elements of the rash are spots, papules, blisters, pustules.

Roseola and spots occur in a limited area of ​​the epidermis, differ from healthy skin in color, and may slightly rise above it. A large-spotted rash of red or purple color is called "erythema". Nodules, papules resemble in shape a small cone or hemisphere without a cavity inside. Bubbles, blisters - cavity elements containing liquid inside. Shape - oval or round, color - from white to red.

If the child is covered with a red rash consisting of itchy nodules and blisters, then allergic reactions may be the cause. Irritants are chemicals, microbes, protozoa, helminths, their toxins.

Inside the pustule is a cavity filled with pus. Red dots and asterisks in the skin - hemorrhages - result from damage to a blood vessel. The primary elements of the rash evolve and secondary ones remain instead - hyperpigmented or depigmented areas, scales, crusts, ulcers.

Infectious exanthems

Viral, bacterial and fungal diseases, helminthiases are sometimes asymptomatic. Some do not require specific treatment. From the most dangerous infections, babies are vaccinated according to the national vaccination schedule.

Classic childhood diseases are 6 infectious exanthems: 1. Measles. 2. Scarlet fever. 3. Rubella. 4. Infectious mononucleosis. 5. Infectious erythema. 6. Sudden exanthema (children's roseola).

Acute inflammation in a child is often accompanied by fever. A typical rash on the body is formed with diseases such as chickenpox, rubella, sudden exanthema, measles, scarlet fever. Lifelong immunity is formed to most pathogens of infectious exanthems, a person becomes immune to them.

A home doctor should be called if:

  • the body temperature of a sick baby is above 38–40 ° C;
  • the rash spreads throughout the body, unbearable itching occurs;
  • vomiting, convulsions, myalgia, confusion appear;
  • the rash looks like numerous pinpoint and stellate hemorrhages;
  • rashes are accompanied by swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing, asphyxia.

It is forbidden to squeeze out pustules, open bubbles and blisters, scratch the crusts on the child's body. It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not comb the affected skin. Immediately before the arrival of a doctor or a visit to a specialist in a clinic, it is not recommended to lubricate the elements of the rash with brilliant green, Castellani liquid, or iodine.

Viral diseases with rash


Chickenpox affects children aged 2 to 5-10 years. The varicella zoster virus during primary infection provokes the formation of a characteristic rash on the body, represented by itchy papules, watery vesicles and drying crusts. Body temperature rises or remains normal.

herpes zoster

The disease is caused by the chickenpox virus. There is a painful and itchy rash under the armpits, on the chest, in the inguinal folds. Red papules are arranged in groups, give rise to vesicles.

Enteroviral disease

The rash occurs 3-5 days after the end of the incubation period of the pathogen. Spots and nodules of a bright pink color are formed on the body, which differ from rubella rashes in children in a variety of shapes and sizes. Other signs of infection with enterovirus: herpangina, fever, abdominal and headaches.

Mononucleosis infectious

Irregular spots are observed all over the body. The child has a fever, a sore throat, enlarged liver, spleen.


Round spots and nodules form behind the auricles, then cover the entire body. The evolution of the rash is the appearance of peeling, pigmentation disorders. Symptoms of measles also include fever, photophobia, conjunctivitis, and cough.


The lymph nodes on the neck increase, a small red rash forms on the child's body (dotted, small-spotted). Changes in the skin cover occur against the background of subfebrile or febrile temperature. First sprinkles the face, then red spots spread to the whole body. The pink-red rash disappears without a trace on the 2nd–7th day of illness.

Rash does not form in 30% of total rubella cases.

Erythema infectious

First, there is redness on the cheeks, resembling traces of slaps. Then the ruby ​​rash passes to the body. Gradually, the color of the spots darkens.

Exanthema sudden

The causative agents of the disease are viruses of the 6th type of herpes simplex. The onset is acute, then the temperature returns to normal, and after 3–4 days red spots and papules form. Rashes disappear without a trace in a day.

A streptococcal infection causes a small red rash on a child's body. The disease is accompanied by tonsillitis, general intoxication. First, roseola forms on the cheeks, then the rash passes to the trunk and limbs. Initially bright elements of the rash gradually fade.

"Flaming pharynx", a pale nasolabial triangle - the difference between scarlet fever and other classic childhood infections.


The rash is formed in the first hours of the disease or the next day. Spots, nodules stand out against the background of pale skin, become even more noticeable when they turn into hemorrhages. The body temperature rises greatly, the child has convulsions, lethargy, confused consciousness.


The disease occurs after a bite or scratch from the cat's claws and penetration through the wound of chlamydia. Inflammatory suppuration of the lymph nodes begins. Initially, red painless acne is observed on the body. In their place, pustules form, which subsequently heal without the formation of scar tissue.


The disease is caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Yersinia. With pseudotuberculosis, rashes appear from the second to the fifth day of illness (simultaneously). A small red rash in a child is localized mainly on the sides of the body and in the inguinal folds. Bright red roseolas, spots and nodules are located on the inflamed skin. A sick child experiences itching, he begins to edema in the form of "gloves", "socks", "hood". After the disappearance of the rash, pigment spots and peeling remain.

Borreliosis (Lyme disease)

The causative agent of the disease - a bacterium of the genus Borrelia - is transmitted by ticks. First, a large ring-shaped erythema forms at the site of the bite. Later, a rash may appear in the form of a cluster of blisters.

Skin leishmaniasis

The disease is caused by spirochetes, which are carried by mosquitoes. Characterized by the appearance of itchy papules on open areas of the skin. In their place, after a few months, ulcers that do not heal for a long time appear, then scars remain.


The causative agent of the disease is lamblia, the simplest organism. A rash occurs anywhere on the body in the form of clusters of spots and papules. Skin manifestations are called "atopic dermatitis" ("a" - denial, "topos" - a place, that is, not confined to a specific area of ​​​​the body). The child feels pain in the abdomen, does not eat well; tests may reveal biliary dyskinesia.

Reddening of the skin, the appearance of a rash and itching are accompanied by helminthiases. Most often, roundworms, pinworms, trichinella are found in children.


A characteristic sign of the disease is a red rash on the child's body without fever, but with severe itching. Small spots and blisters form between the fingers and on the wrists, in the navel, on the face along the migration of the scabies mite in the stratum corneum of the skin. When applied to the affected areas of sulfuric ointment, positive changes quickly occur.

The formation of blisters and other elements occurs after the bites of mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other insects. Dermatitis in such cases develops on exposed parts of the body. There is severe itching, the child combs the blisters and often introduces a bacterial infection.


Streptococci and staphylococci cause purulent-inflammatory skin lesions - pyoderma. So there are epidemic pemphigus of newborns, vesiculopustulosis, pseudofurunculosis. Pyoderma can be a complication of atopic dermatitis. Large spots are formed - up to 4 cm. Elements of a pink or red rash are usually localized on the hands and face.

Noninfectious red rashes

The nature of allergic rashes is diverse: most often spots and blisters of flesh or pink-red color, medium or large sizes are formed. Rashes are located on the chin and on the cheeks, on the limbs, less often other parts of the body are affected. Food and drug allergies are very common in pediatrics. If the action of the irritating substance continues, then the rash does not disappear, on the contrary, it increases.

There is a group of diseases of an infectious-allergic nature, for example, erythema multiforme exudative in children. Round spots and papules of pink or light red color form on the body. Sometimes the elements merge, there are peculiar "garlands" on the shoulders and on the chest.

The infectious form of erythema occurs as a reaction to herpesvirus, SARS, mycoplasma, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoan organisms.

The toxic-allergic form of erythema develops after treatment with antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfanilamide drugs. The trigger for this disease is sometimes associated with the administration of a serum or vaccine to a child. For a severe variety of erythema, the rash spreads to the whole body and mucous membranes. Numerous round spots, pink-red nodules are formed.

Urticaria is the most common allergic lesion. Occurs after an irritating substance enters the child's body immediately or after a few hours. Redness appears, itching occurs, then blisters, nodules, which differ in shape and diameter, form on the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

A red rash on the body of children with rheumatism, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is usually localized in the affected joints.

Allergic reactions must be prevented, and if failed, then properly treated. In most cases, the rash disappears after taking antihistamines or on its own without treatment. However, a visit to the pediatrician and dermatologist may be required in cases where the cause of the rash is unknown, the child experiences severe itching, pain, and the elements occupy large areas of the skin.

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