Seeing multi-colored in a dream. Colored dreams: the norm or a dangerous symptom

A dream is our personal subjective perception of the images of the reality around us, arising in the mind of a sleeping person. Dreams arouse our curiosity, and sometimes even plunge us into violent delight or horror, depending on whom, what emotional color the images seen in them had.

Those who have color dreams very often claim that the meaning of the picture they saw in a dream is completely incomprehensible to them, but the emotional response to what they see in a dream is very pronounced after waking up. All dreams are closely connected with our conscious life, they convey some messages to us. Surely we all noticed that in the evening the level increases, while in the morning everything returns to normal. This happens because dreams help us to reset the emotions and experiences accumulated over the whole day so that the next day we go with “clear” thoughts.

What do colored dreams mean?

Dreams have always been and are something mysterious and unknown, so people very often had various thoughts on this topic, some of which were scientifically verified, and some have remained unsolved to this day.

Sleep without dreams does not exist, we see them throughout the night. There are people who have color dreams, while for others they may look like a black and white movie. Studies have proven that it is normal to dream in color. The intensity and color solutions of the symbols that come to us in a dream depend on the emotional state of the person at the moment. If your life is filled with a mass of bright events, then dreams will be like that. Monotony, daily routine and chronic fatigue provoke black and white dreams. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the imagery and color of the dream, and the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for their frequency. If a person is well, which is very often observed in left-handed people, then their dreams are very emotionally saturated, with a wide range of colors.

It has been proven that people who dream in color have a creative nature and can show themselves well in any kind of art or simply have a craving for beauty.

There is an opinion among the people that color dreams are a sign of schizophrenia, but it is fundamentally at odds with the opinion of scientists on this matter. Pleasant and joyful events in any person can cause colorful dreams, regardless of his age or occupation. Experts say that especially vivid and rich dreams can only be a sign of borderline mental states and nothing more at the theoretical level. Therefore, if you had a colored dream, then you should not immediately run for help to specialists - psychiatrists, because this is quite normal. If we consider that color sleep is a sign of insanity or schizophrenia, then most musicians, writers, scientists and simply talented individuals were mentally ill people. According to statistics, more than 20% of people on the globe see color dreams regularly. There is a lot of information about discoveries committed by a person during sleep, recall at least the periodic table.

Another well-known fact is that supposedly only highly intelligent people can see color dreams. This fact was scientifically refuted by Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases at the Medical Academy Elena Korabelnikova. According to the results of her research, dreams are seen by people of all socio-economic strata. The degree of intelligence can affect the intricacy of the plot seen in a dream. The more educated a person is, the more twisted the script of his dream is and the more events there are in it.

We wish you vivid dreams!

When we wake up, usually the first thing that comes to our mind is memories of. At first you remember, and then you remember a certain moment, and you understand what you saw color dream. Why do we see colored dreams, and how do they affect us? Let's try to dispel a few myths about them.

Myth one.

Some people only dream in black and white. Colourful dreams see all people without exception, just some of them are weakly colored. This is due to the fact that the saturation of colors corresponds to the strength of human emotions, and some people are simply not subject to the power of feelings.

However, research suggests there is a link between mental health and color dreams.

Professor Bravin Stent conducted an interesting study involving people aged 25-47 years. All volunteers were divided into 3 groups: the first included people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, the second - the owners of hereditary signs of schizophrenia, the third - healthy people.

It turned out that schizophrenics see painted dreams and remember them 20 times more often than healthy people. People who have a family history of schizophrenia are also more likely to have colored dreams.

Myth two.

Colored dreams are dreamed by people who suffer from mental disorders. This is an outdated myth of the Soviet times, the founders of which were doctors. Unfortunately, it has become entrenched in the subconscious of people. In defense of those who dream in color, let's say that this is a wrong assumption, and it is only due to the insufficient level of development of research in the field of sleep. Now we can safely refute the assertion that such people are mentally ill.

The strength of emotional stress can be determined by the colors that are most saturated in a dream. For example, red tones mean increased human aggression, while brown tones, on the contrary, indicate weak arousal. If you analyze the whole gamut of sleepy colors, you can understand what a person feels.

Thus, a vicious circle is obtained. Colourful dreams can affect a person's behavior and mood, and experienced events, on the contrary, affect the coloring of dreams. Do you want a colorful dream? Saturate your life with bright colors!

Another observation - most often people of creative professions see color dreams. For example, artists often find images of their future paintings in dreams. In general, this is a great time to see something new. Images, situations, a riot of colors - all this can be found in considerable quantities in a dream.

If creative people did not succumb to emotional outbursts, their works would be monotonous and not interesting. Using the example of artists, it can be argued that colored dreams become an excellent source of ideas. So do not "hide" from emotional experiences and unusual events - they will help make your dream vivid, and sleep, in turn, will affect your mood.

Memorable dreams with an unusual plot are manifestations of higher nervous activity that have not been fully studied from a scientific point of view. At least once in a lifetime, every person was deeply impressed by a dream he saw. And he probably wondered - who dreams in color, and who dreams in black and white?

Dreams reflect the external reality, which is intertwined with the features of the inner world of a person, which has been formed from the moment of his birth. From the point of view of physiology, in a dream there is a sorting of information received from the environment with the help of several thousand nerve impulses coming from the analyzer receptors. During sleep, when the brain is disconnected from external stimuli, that is, it ceases to analyze the external environment, the threshold for the penetration of nerve signals coming from internal organs decreases and a person develops the ability to perceive what was ignored in the waking state.

Black and white dreams come from the near subconscious and in most cases help to realize personal problems and contradictions in relationships. People who see black and white dreams more often are rational, have an analytical mindset and are not prone to the manifestation of strong emotions. Even in sleep, their left hemisphere is working hard, digesting the information received, and producing solutions to the tasks.

Color dreams are the result of imaginative thinking, therefore those who see color dreams are creative people with a developed imagination. Seeing dreams in a variety of colors, they learn the experienced emotions.

Theories of the emergence of color dreams

Why do some people have color dreams all the time, while others rarely see them? The opinions of scientists on this issue are divided, so today there are several theories of the origin of color dreams.

  1. Dreams in color are an individual feature of the body, that is, all people are divided into those who see color dreams or only black and white dreams. However, modern research has proven that all people have the ability to see color dreams, which differ in qualitative characteristics: the intensity of colors, different colors.
  2. All dreams are originally colored, that is, black and white dreams do not exist. According to this theory, all people see only color dreams, but after waking up they do not always remember the color scheme of the dream, so they tend to think that they saw a black and white dream.
  3. Such dreams arise as a result of the so-called projection, since a person sees the surrounding world in many colors and, therefore, thinks in color images.
  4. Dreams in different colors are pathological products of the brain, so they are dreamed by people with lesions of the nervous system, suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders - schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, neuroses, severe forms of depression. This theory, which was initially a priority among numerous theories of the origin of color dreams, was not further confirmed. Modern research has proven that ordinary people who are not prone to mental disorders regularly see colored dreams.
  5. Dreams in color is an acquired ability of the brain that has arisen in modern society due to the advent of color cinema. This theory, put forward by American scientists, was formed on the basis of social surveys of representatives of different age groups. Thanks to this, it was found that young people under 30 years old, who are active fans of modern films and often watch TV, see color dreams much more often than the older generation. People over the age of 50 watched black-and-white films as children, so they are less likely to dream in color. However, this theory has rebuttals: scientists are not completely sure whether dreams are originally black and white and are colored in different colors due to memories, or they are originally colored.
  6. Dreams are a product of higher nervous activity, characteristic of people with high intelligence. This hypothesis was refuted by Professor Elena Korabelnikova. She proved that the coloring of dreams depends not so much on the ability to mental activity, but on such individual characteristics as emotionality and impressionability. The level of intellectual development determines such a characteristic of a dream as a storyline: the better a person is educated and knows more, the more intricate and interesting his dreams will be.

Features of color and black and white dreams

  1. The role of the left and right hemispheres of the brain for color dreams is different. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the brightness and imagery of color dreams, and the left hemisphere is responsible for the frequency of occurrence of color dreams. If the right hemisphere, which is traditionally responsible for creativity, thinking, intuition, is well developed and dominates over the left, a person will see more emotionally colored, varied dreams. Representatives of creative professions, primarily artists and musicians, who think in images, see very interesting and most vivid dreams.
  2. A direct dependence of the color scheme of a dream on the emotional mood preceding sleep has been established. If the day was difficult, filled with negative emotions, then the dream will be black and white or gray. Experienced pleasant emotions are "translated" into the subconscious and portend color dreams. However, a color dream that is not always dreamed is necessarily positive, just like a black and white dream does not always carry a negative semantic load.
  3. The prevailing color scheme of sleep can tell a lot about the hidden, unconscious desires of a person. The color of a dream is a kind of indicator of consciousness, and can signal a state of health, hidden fears and experiences, and the physical state of the body.
  4. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity see color dreams more often than men. This is due to the fact that they are inherently more emotional and impressionable natures.

Can black and white dreams be colored?

In order to “colorize” dreams, scientists suggest following simple recommendations:

  • it is necessary to develop in every possible way the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity and imagery of thinking; for this, you can write and make movements with your left hand;
  • an interesting, eventful life, where there is no place for boredom and monotony - a prerequisite for the emergence of color dreams;
  • the ability to be a positive person, enjoy simple things and every day stimulates the development of emotional intelligence necessary for the production of colored dreams;
  • a sufficient amount of sleep makes dreams positive, and, in most cases, color; if a person experiences chronic fatigue due to systematic lack of sleep, then he often has nightmarish, black-and-white dreams.

List of used literature:

  • The Epistemology of Descartes (fulltext) Classic philosophy on the difference between the real and the dream world
  • The International Association for the Study of Dreams Research About Dreams and Dreaming
  • Beskova I. A. The nature of dreams (epistemological analysis) / RAS, Institute of Philosophy. - M., 2005

Dreams remain a little-studied area of ​​human life and often become the basis for numerous theories. One of them says that only brilliant people or schizophrenics see bright and colored dreams, and black and white dreams are the prerogative of ordinary people. At the same time, almost everyone saw color dreams in their lives. However, some cannot say at all what flowers their dreams are painted in.

The Village asked the experts what determines the color perception in a dream.

Inna Ganzeeva


I recently read about an experiment by scientists in Texas. Professor Bravin Stent conducted a study with a group of volunteers aged 25-47 years. He divided all men and women into three groups. The first included people diagnosed with schizophrenia, the second - the owners of hereditary signs of this disease, and the third - healthy subjects. It turned out that schizophrenics are 20 times more likely to see colored dreams and nightmares.

They tried to repeat experiments of this kind, and the figures, to put it mildly, varied. Simply put, these statistics are simply far-fetched. From my own experience, I can say that there is no relationship between your normality and the color of dreams: almost all of my patients see color and black-and-white dreams alternately. Science does not know if the dollar exchange rate, magnetic storms, mood, season or diet affect this.

Also, for a long time, the theory was spreading that only highly intelligent people watch color dreams. This controversial hypothesis of American scientists was refuted by Elena Korabelnikova, professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases at the Medical Academy. She conducted research and found that brightly colored dreams can be seen by impressionable and emotional people of any intellectual level.

Roman Buzunov

somnologist, President of the International Public Organization "Association of Somnologists", Head of the Sleep Medicine Center of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Clinical Sanatorium" Barvikha "" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Alas, while medicine knows too little about dreams to give an unambiguous answer to this question. We have to be content with speculation. And this is quite understandable: humanity has been dreaming for thousands of years, but the age of somnology (the science that studies sleep and its disturbances) is only a little over half a century. In this short period of time, we have not yet managed to solve all the mysteries of sleep.

What are dreams? According to modern concepts, dreams are a product of the brain's nighttime work. Contrary to the belief that the whole body rests at night, the brain of a sleeping person works almost more actively than during the day. For the brain, sleep is a complex multi-stage process during which it needs to perform many important functions.

In a dream, important hormones are released: somatotropin (growth hormone), testosterone and others; the body is "scanned" for problems and violations, which are immediately eliminated. Cells responsible for immunity are intensively formed, energy resources are replenished. Finally, sleep performs an informational function: during it, the information received during the day continues to be analyzed and transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory. This is a process that occurs during the so-called REM stage of sleep, and is accompanied by the appearance of dreams. From the general information flow processed by the brain, individual images and sensations are singled out, which in a chaotic manner add up to dreams.

All people have color vision, but some of us see dreams in color, and some in black and white. Various hypotheses have been put forward in attempts to explain this phenomenon. For example, it is believed that people who have reduced vision see dreams in "poor quality", that is, in black and white. There is also a version that color dreams are somehow connected with the advent of color television. Like, earlier, when TVs were black and white, people usually had monochrome dreams, but now, when we are surrounded by color screens, there are more of us who dream in color. Another interesting misconception: some are sure that the color scheme of dreams can change depending on the diet. Allegedly, in order to see rich, "sunny" dreams, you need to eat more oranges, tangerines and other bright foods. There are other explanations, but all of them are either unambiguously wrong or have not yet been proven.

The question of color and black and white dreams quite ambiguous also because many people do not even know what kind of dreams do they have

Today it is known for sure that color perception in a dream depends on the human psyche. For example, a study was conducted abroad, during which scientists deduced a pattern: emotional people often have color dreams, while pragmatic and rational people usually have black and white dreams. Another fact: the perception of colors in a dream changes with different mental illnesses. With schizophrenia, psychosis, dreams become brighter, and with depression, on the contrary, they “fade”. But this does not mean at all that colored dreams are the path to schizophrenia.

The perception of colors in a dream also depends on the work of the brain, or rather, on its changes under the influence of various chemicals. For example, smokers and people who take sleeping pills see colored and more vivid dreams. According to some observations, drugs from the statin group (drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels) have some effect on dreams: when they are abruptly canceled, dreams become brighter.

The question of color and black and white dreams is also rather ambiguous because many people do not even know what kind of dreams they have. Ask ten people about this, and more than half of them will find it difficult to answer. And even those for whom this question will not cause difficulties cannot be sure that they are right. Imagine: a person dreams of a familiar object, for example, a yellow mug. Even if in a dream he sees it in black and white, after waking up he will be sure that the mug is yellow, because the brain identifies this object and completes the image with the necessary details.

Perhaps we dream of black-and-white and color dreams mixed up, we just don’t notice it, because a person remembers only a small fraction of the dreams he saw.

I can only say with confidence that from a medical point of view it does not matter whether a person has color dreams or black and white. This has no effect on the character, state of health and any other parameters.

Illustration: Olya Volk

Why dream in color

All dream. Someone sees them in black and white, and someone has bright colorful dreams. Waking up after such a dream is pleasant, the mood is not overshadowed by anything, the person is full of strength. Let's deal with the question of why color dreams are dreamed.

Causes affecting the color of dreams

  • Emotional condition. Scientists have found that this directly affects not only what kind of dreams we see, but also how they are colored. If a person lives a busy life, does not suffer from depression and enjoys every day, his dreams will reflect all these factors. Conversely, if you are tired, your emotional state is far from normal, and you experience a feeling of apathy, then your dreams are likely to be gray, dull.
  • Creative people see color dreams much more often than anyone else. Their rich imagination itself contributes to this process. And impressionability and emotionality adds colors.
  • It is also believed that such dreams are visited only by people with high intelligence.
  • There is an opinion that color dreams are directly related to the age of cinematography. Although to believe or not in such a fact, the question is doubtful. Studies conducted by scientists have revealed that the younger generation sees vivid dreams more often than people at a more mature age. This is directly related to watching movies. And since the older generation had the opportunity to watch only black and white films, the conclusions were drawn accordingly.
  • Psychological condition. Doctors also put forward a hypothesis about who has colorful vivid dreams. They, according to experts, are a deviation from the normal state of a person. So, if you see non-black and white dreams, simply put, you have mental problems or you suffer from schizophrenia. Such a hypothesis appeared after a series of studies by Professor Bravin Stent, but today many scientists refute this theory.

And yet our science cannot give an exact answer to the question « Why do I have colored dreams all the time? » There are many conjectures and assumptions around this topic, but not one of them has yet been fully proven. Some believe that dreams do not have color, and they take on colors already in your imagination. Based on what we want to see. A good dream our subconscious will paint in bright colors, while a gloomy one will endow it with dark, gray colors. Remembering what you dreamed about, you involuntarily add bright accents and colors. And by the way, even if you do not remember that you had a dream at night, this does not mean at all that it is true. During the night, a person sees several stories at once, and only a few of them he manages to remember.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting sleep, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 03/07/2019

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