Substances incompatible with alcohol. Drugs incompatible with alcohol

The question of which drugs should not be taken with alcohol is quite common. Antiviral, antihistamines have become commonplace, so you need to know exactly what mixing is acceptable, and what you should not use together, because sometimes the combination of medicine and alcohol can be deadly.

In most cases, the question of which drugs cannot be combined with alcohol can be answered with everyone. This is due not only to the directly negative consequences of chemical reactions, but also to the very philosophy of medicines. Whatever pills you take, their main task is to correct your health. Quite illogical in such a case, when the body needs careful care, it seems to be destroyed by alcohol, and any alcoholic drink does just that.

In pharmacology, there are drugs whose compatibility with alcohol is impossible, as this can lead to death. Many people know that after alcohol, a person experiences a kind of local anesthesia. In this case, the constant use of alcohol can cause a permanent effect. The combination in this case can lead to serious consequences, the symptoms of which a person cannot feel due to the anesthetic effect of alcohol. Most often, there are three reactions that occur when combining drugs and alcohol:

  • strengthening their action;
  • reducing their influence;
  • identification of uncharacteristic properties for the drug.

The main danger, according to which it is not recommended to combine any drugs, is that you cannot for sure and accurately predict exactly how the alcohol taken will affect this or that pill and how it will affect your well-being.

Categories of drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as painkillers and antipyretics, are used in the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, any drug containing paracetamol, if combined with alcohol, leads to a pronounced hepatotoxic effect.

The combination of ethanol and tablet components leads to the formation of substances hazardous to the liver. Regardless of how the combination of drugs with alcohol occurs (on an ongoing basis or sporadically), the toxic effect will be serious.

If you have been prescribed an antipyretic, it is already forbidden to drink, since the body is weakened by the infection, but if this does not stop you, you need to check the composition of the prescribed drug for the absence of paracetamol. If the medicine contains it, it is dangerous to drink alcohol while taking it.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to relieve inflammation in the body and thus eliminate pain. Can you drink alcohol while using them? It's also impossible. Combining aspirin and ibuprofen with ethyl alcohol is a possible route to an ulcer. The fact is that such drugs are initially at risk for the gastric mucosa, so they are prohibited for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. They reduce the rate of thrombus formation, and, accordingly, the risk of peptic ulcer disease increases, the main danger of which is internal bleeding.

With the intake of aspirin the next morning, in order to get rid of a hangover, you also need to be careful. You can take such medicines only 10-12 hours after the last glass. It is better to pay attention to enterosorbents, which will remove toxins from the body, eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Antibiotics are used in medicine quite often, it is not surprising that people are interested in the interaction of drugs in this group and alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is processed in the human body in two stages. First, acetaldehyde is formed, a very dangerous substance for the body, which at the second stage of purification turns into acetic acid.

It is because of the aldehyde that all those unpleasant hangover symptoms appear. The combination of antibiotics and alcohol leads to problems with the metabolism of the latter. Some groups of such drugs disrupt the enzyme. Because of this, the concentration of toxic decomposition products of ethanol increases in the body. As a result, this combination can lead to an incredible hangover. Moreover, these symptoms should not be expected the next day, but immediately after drinking alcohol.

The same effect is observed during encoding. The drug that causes all these unpleasant reactions is disulfiram. A reaction similar in effect is found with antibiotics such as metronidazole and tinidazole.

Do not forget also that the restriction on the use of antibiotics is valid not only during the period of admission, but also within a week after the completion of the course. Regardless of the form in which you use antibiotics (in the form of tablets or eye drops), the reaction of the body will be strictly negative.

Runny nose and allergies

Vasoconstrictor drops are often used in the fight against a runny nose, despite the fact that they cannot be used as a treatment, they only serve to relieve unpleasant symptoms in the form of nasopharynx or congestion. It does not occur to many that such drugs are incompatible with alcohol. It would seem that he dripped drops into his nose and drank a glass of wine, what could be the connection here?

However, do not forget that all chemical reactions occur in human blood, which is not so important, the active ingredient got into it through the mucous membrane of the stomach or nasal sinuses. All vasoconstrictor drops use substances like adrenaline. Ethyl alcohol acts on the adrenal glands so that they begin to secrete more adrenaline.

This combination of an artificial adrenaline-like substance and your own leaves much to be desired for the heart. The effect of this combination can be high blood pressure and severe tachycardia.

Many people know that the consequences of taking antihistamines with alcohol are very deplorable, regardless of the alcohol consumed. Do not forget that ethanol, regardless of the form of serving (wine, vodka, beer), is itself an allergen and can increase the allergic reaction to other substances.

The first generation antihistamines use substances that act as a tranquilizer with a sedative effect. Combining with alcohol can lead to an increase in the effect of both substances.

Antihistamines of modern production do not use substances that cause drowsiness. However, all three groups use substances that disrupt the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, so there is an increase in toxic effects on the liver. For its part, ethanol can reduce the antihistamine effect, the consequences of such a decrease can reach Quincke's edema.

Antidepressants and tranquilizers

Alcohol has a depressant effect, since when it breaks down, CNS depression occurs. Therefore, taking alcohol and antidepressants is essentially a pointless exercise. Yes, immediately after drinking alcohol you will feel a surge of activity, your mood will rise. This is due to the mechanism of adrenaline production already described above. However, the effect will not last long. After this, a severe depression will set in.

The worst combination with alcohol is in antidepressants belonging to the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. In this case, the effect of the combination of antihistamines and alcohol is repeated - an increase in the amount of adrenaline. This is fraught with a number of violations in the work of the heart, up to a stroke.

Another point worth remembering. Some types of beer and wine contain tyramine, the properties and structure of which are close to adrenaline. Usually there are no problems with the processing of tyramine, but this process is disrupted by MAO inhibitors. In this case, tyramine enters the blood. The effect is comparable to taking adrenaline.

One of the most dangerous is the combination of antipsychotics and alcohol, alcohol with tranquilizers. Ethanol and drugs representing the group of benzodiazepines lead to depression of the central nervous system. If taken together, the effect will be enhanced. As a result, a person feels intoxication that exceeds the usual with the same dose of alcohol. Drowsiness is connected to this, movements become beyond the control of a person. This can cause breathing to stop. Often a person falls into a deep sleep, in which he runs the risk of suffocation due to vomit that has not come out.

Insulin and other hormones

With a disease such as diabetes, people have to constantly monitor their sugar and use various medicines. One of the properties of ethyl alcohol is to lower blood sugar levels. For people suffering from diabetes, the combination of alcohol and a sugar-reducing agent or insulin is dangerous by a sharp drop in glucose.

No less dangerous for diabetics is the state of hypoglycemia, in which the glucose level drops to critical levels. This condition is also dangerous for healthy people. It usually manifests itself when drinking on an empty stomach.

The initial stage of hypoglycemia is characterized by fever, weakness, increased sweating, tachycardia. If the above range of symptoms is not noticed immediately, the final destination may be the morgue, where you will go after a hypoglycemic coma.

Taking hormonal pills has long been the norm for women who want to eliminate unwanted pregnancies. When taking hormonal drugs, a special scheme is observed, the break is only seven days, respectively, the question arises, can hormonal drugs and alcohol be combined? After all, you will not plan parties for seven days of rest from hormones.

However, hormonal pills and alcohol consumption are incompatible things. The combination of hormones and alcohol can be dangerous in terms of devastating toxic effects on the liver, since oral contraceptives are at risk for the liver.

In addition, the main problem of such joint use is the nullification of the contraceptive effect. The fact is that alcohol, when exposed to the liver, activates the production of cytochromes. These enzymes are used by the body for general detoxification. Oral contraceptives are also considered toxins for the body, as a result, alcohol can trigger the production of cytochromes, which will gradually remove hormone components from the blood, reducing or eliminating the effect of the drug.

List of drugs incompatible with alcohol and possible risks to the body. There are drugs that, even with the use of a small dose of alcohol, give a severe reaction to the body. Incompatibility of drugs and alcohol: causes First of all, it is simply illogical - to correct the state of health with the help of drugs and at the same time harm the body by drinking alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol if you are undergoing treatment with the following groups of drugs: sedatives, hypnotics, anti-inflammatory, tranquilizers; If you drink alcohol and take pills at the same time, then alcohol will definitely change the effect of the latter. It will either reduce the effectiveness of the drug, or increase its effect on the body. In addition, alcohol can distort the effect of the drug so much that it changes its properties. In this case, it is very difficult to predict what the reaction of the body will be. For example, if you mix alcohol with tranquilizers or sleeping pills, then such a “cocktail” will enhance the effect of drugs: very pronounced drowsiness appears, there is a violation of coordination of movements, a change in the state of consciousness. In addition, the influence of alcohol increases: a person gets even more drunk, breathing is oppressed. In extreme cases, a coma may occur; antibiotics; Antibiotics An extremely dangerous combination is obtained if antibiotics (especially the fluoroquinolone group) and alcohol are taken at the same time. Firstly, alcohol changes the properties and action of the drug, and secondly, it enhances their toxic effects on the human body. The consequences can be sad: headache, dizziness, increased heart rate, jumps in blood pressure, suffocation, cold sweat or, conversely, fever, vomiting, nausea; antihistamines. Do not take alcohol with allergy medications, as this can lead to hallucinations, depression, or motor agitation. In addition, the state of intoxication is greatly enhanced. Consequences of the joint use of alcohol and drugs Antidepressants The combination of alcohol and other groups of drugs leads to dangerous consequences: antidepressants; Alcohol not only neutralizes the effect of drugs, but also causes complications in the form of increased heart rate, a strong increase in pressure, up to a hypertensive crisis. The danger is aggravated by the fact that this condition lasts up to 2 weeks; antipyretic drugs; If you combine alcohol and antipyretic pills, then alcohol enhances the negative effects of drugs on the liver, thereby increasing the risk of developing any inflammation or ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract; diuretic drugs; If you drink alcohol while taking diuretics (these can be pills or herbs), it can cause severe indigestion and vomiting, lower blood pressure. In extreme cases, this can provoke the development of an acute stage of pancreatitis and even heart failure; analgesics; Alcohol and analgesics should not be consumed, as this causes a negative reaction, which is usually accompanied by headache, ringing and tinnitus, tachycardia is observed, and the general condition is lethargic. Some people experience vomiting and nausea; cardiovascular drugs; Cardiovascular drugs This group includes all drugs that dilate blood vessels, as well as any other antispasmodic drugs. Alcohol tends to dilate human blood vessels, and in combination with drugs of this group, this effect increases many times over, which leads to acute vascular insufficiency. The condition is accompanied by dizziness, a sharp drop in pressure, fainting. In the most extreme case, a fatal outcome is not excluded; drugs that reduce blood clotting; Alcohol enhances the effect of this group of drugs, which can cause profuse bleeding and, as a result, hemorrhage in vital organs (including the brain). In the extreme case, the result of an ill-considered combination of alcohol and drugs is paralysis; hormones. Alcohol itself disrupts the endocrine system. In addition, it provokes an even greater production of certain hormones. As a result, these hormones are added to those that enter the body from the hormones taken. As a result, the risk of developing thrombophlebitis, the appearance of a stomach ulcer (or exacerbation of an existing one), the appearance of seizures increases. Alcohol and Medications: A Dangerous Combination While it's best to stay away from alcohol when taking any medication, there are some medications that are especially dangerous when combined with alcohol. Below you can find this list and possible complications: “Acetylsalicylic acid”, or “Aspirin”; A “cocktail” of these two substances is very irritating to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to heartburn, exacerbation of ulcers, etc.; "Analgin"; The anti-inflammatory effect that the drug carries is enhanced, but at the same time, there is a high probability of a toxic effect of the drug on the bone marrow; “No-shpa” (“Drotaverin”); On the one hand, the drug prevents the absorption of alcohol, but at the same time, the relaxing effect on smooth muscles is enhanced; "Paracetamol"; This includes all tablets containing paracetamol: Panadol, Fervex, Coldrex, Citramon (and its analogues). Alcohol greatly enhances the toxic effects on the nervous system and liver of these drugs; "Nolitsin", "Tsiprolet" and their analogues. The compatibility of drugs with alcohol is absolutely excluded for the reason that the probability of depression of the central nervous system increases sharply. In extreme cases, coma is possible. What drugs are alcohol incompatible with In addition to the above list, alcohol is fraught with mixing with a number of other drugs: “Metronidazole” (“Trichopolum”); Compatibility of drugs with alcohol leads to a hangover. The only difference is that you do not have to get drunk and wait for the next morning, because even a small dose of alcohol will be enough. In extreme cases, this combination can lead to severe intoxication, dangerous to health and life; "Amitriptyline"; At best, you will pass out if you mix alcohol with this medicine. At worst, it will lead to life-threatening depression of the central nervous system; "Benzohexonium"; The compatibility of the drug with alcohol is excluded due to the fact that the pressure drops sharply. It can drop to a critical point, when there is already a direct threat to human life; "Diprazin", "Dimedrol"; The effect that is achieved when these drugs are combined with alcohol is familiar to many: instant intoxication, even from a small dose of alcohol; "Indomethacin"; As a result of the combination of alcohol with the drug, inflammatory processes develop in the gastrointestinal tract, an ulcer may appear or worsen; "Ketotifen"; If you drink alcohol during the course of treatment with this drug, then alcohol intoxication increases many times over, respectively, the body gets severe poisoning; "Clonidine"; When two substances are combined, there is a sharp decrease in pressure, loss of consciousness. The condition is very dangerous for human life; "Levomycetin"; If you mix alcohol with pills, there is difficulty in breathing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and heat, at the same time the person is chilled, the face turns red; "Tofranil", "Tavegil", "Suprastin", "Tazepam"; The combination of these antihistamines with alcohol leads to pathological intoxication, weakness, increased drowsiness; "Phenazepam"; A very dangerous combination. Breathing is severely suppressed, a person may lose consciousness. In extreme cases, death is possible; "Furazolidone"; If you combine this drug with alcohol, then severe poisoning awaits you; "Cemetidine". As a result, if you mix it with alcohol, you will experience severe intoxication, poisoning of the body. In addition, there is a severe headache, a feeling of heat in the body, redness of the face. The combination of alcohol with drugs is very fraught with human health and life. Therefore, do not rush to drink alcohol if some holiday falls during your treatment, and consult your doctor. Always be aware of what side effects may otherwise occur. Take care of your health!

In the treatment of any disease, there is one of the rules that many simply forget about: alcohol and drugs are incompatible concepts. It can be said that they are mutually exclusive, and their joint reception is highly undesirable. Why is it such a strict taboo? The answer is simple: alcohol, even in small quantities, affects the behavior of the active substances of the medicinal product. Its action can turn in unpredictable ways. This is confirmed by the numerous reviews and stories of patients and doctors who have encountered such cases in their practice. Figuratively, the consequences of joint intake can be divided into two groups: a change in the body and, conversely, drugs begin to manifest themselves from the other side. Let's look into this in more detail.

Alcohol changes the effects of medications

In pharmacology, there are medications that cause a very severe reaction on the human body, even with a small dose of alcohol in the blood.

Many people know the fact that if a person is addicted to alcohol, then local anesthesia, which, for example, is used in dentistry, does not have the necessary effect on him. Why is this happening? In a drinking person, mechanisms are running in the body that affect all systems and organs. This is what leads to such consequences. But today we will consider the effect of the pill on alcohol.

The latter can affect the action of the drug in our body in any way:

  • enhance their effect;
  • reduce their influence;
  • give completely different, uncharacteristic qualities for this drug.

But the danger is that it is quite difficult and almost impossible to predict how alcohol pills will behave when taken together. This largely depends on the characteristics of a particular medication, and alcohol, as well as the body as a whole.

Let's look at some examples:

  • Many of us have seen scenes in crime films in which the heart drug Clonidine was slipped into alcoholic drinks. For some, this "cocktail" became a strong sedative that plunged them into deep sleep. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who have experienced such a mixture for themselves. But for some people, it became deadly. This is a prime example of something different. Risky may be the compatibility of other cardiac drugs, for example, Trimetazidine.
  • Taking sleeping pills (barbiturates) with alcohol is considered quite dangerous. The fact is that ethanol affects the body like a drug, slowing down the physiological processes in it, and at the same time contributes to a faster and more complete penetration of the substances of the drunk drug into the brain cells. Death in this case occurs from respiratory depression. And even low doses of sleeping pills and alcohol have such an effect.

  • Do not drink alcohol if you are taking antihistamines containing ketotifen. Their combination can have bad consequences for the nervous system. Ketotifen in combination with alcohol can cause hallucinations, lead to inhibition of motor activity. With an increase in dosage, loss of consciousness with respiratory depression is possible. Ketotifen itself is not dangerous. Feedback on its use in treatment is positive. It helps with various allergies, is part of the treatment of bronchial asthma. But ketotifen in combination with ethanol can take a dangerous outcome for the patient. The consequences of such mixing can only be predicted: how the body will behave remains a mystery to the last.
  • Do not combine antidepressants with alcohol-containing drinks. Medicines of this series have a special enzyme (MAO) that binds biologically active substances in a person - dopamine, adrenaline, serotonin, histamine, which allows you to stay in high vitality for longer, in high spirits, which helps to quickly get out of a depressive state. If a person takes alcohol, which, in turn, acts as a depressant, then at best there will be a result - this is the inactivity of the drug. At worst, it is an increase in the level of adrenaline, which leads to wear and tear of the heart muscle, jumps in blood pressure, and spasms of small vessels. This is the outcome of mixing medicine and alcohol.
  • It is also quite difficult to say what the consequences will be when taking antibiotics and alcohol. But studies have shown that the compatibility of these drugs is very toxic to the body. The antibiotic itself is too heavy for the liver. And alcohol and medicine, taken together by a person, double this negative effect. Reviews of the negative impact are widely described in the literature.

  • The list of incompatible drugs with alcohol can be continued with oral contraceptives. Alcohol-containing products can be very harmful here and turn into an unwanted pregnancy. The fact is that alcohol activates the production of special enzymes (cytochromes) in the liver. They help detoxify our entire body. Oral contraceptives fall under the cleansing action of this enzyme. In some situations, it may happen that the hormone-containing tablet will be taken apart by cytochromes and excreted from the body without having the necessary effect.
  • It is also not worth combining the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs with alcohol-containing drinks. This group of drugs includes drugs for rheumatoid arthritis, for example, Indomethacin, Metindol, Iindocide. Such drugs with alcohol greatly affect the state of liver cells, act as the strongest hepatotoxic substances. By itself, Indomethacin hits this organ, and alcohol can increase this side effect. In addition, numerous reviews of doctors indicate an increased likelihood of stomach bleeding. Therefore, you can not drink alcohol while taking it. If you follow this rule, then Indomethacin or other anti-inflammatory drugs will be more easily processed by the body and not cause severe intoxication. The well-known Paracetamol has the same effect. But an Aspirin tablet, drunk after a glass of vodka, is a direct path to the development of stomach ulcers.

As you can see, the list of medicines is quite large, and the negative consequences of the joint use of alcohol and pills will be quite serious, and in some cases it can be fatal.

How can a drug change the effect of alcohol?

Some drugs are incompatible with alcohol due to their effect on the effect of ethyl alcohol on our body. To understand why this happens, you need to understand the entire path that alcohol takes in our body. The decomposition of alcohol in the human body takes place under the influence of certain enzymes. It is they who convert ethanol to acetaldehyde, which is very soon broken down into acetic acid by the action of other enzymes. It breaks down into water and carbon dioxide.

It is acetaldehyde that is responsible for the symptoms of a hangover in this chain. This is a fairly toxic breakdown product of ethanol. If there is a lot of it in the body, then the person feels headaches, nausea, general weakness.

It turns out that some drugs contain substances that block the release of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of acetaldehyde, which leads to a severe alcohol hangover, which is quite difficult to get out of.

This can happen if you take certain antibacterial drugs with alcohol:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Ketaconazole;
  • nitrofurans (Furazolidone);
  • cephalosporins;
  • sulfonamides (everyone knows Biseptol).

To feel all the delights of alcohol intoxication, one glass and one tablet is enough.

Significantly enhances the effect of alcohol on the body, namely, it increases if it is drunk together with caffeinated drugs.

This component is found in almost all cold remedies that help reduce the symptoms of the disease. Combining ethanol and such drugs is not worth it, since even from a small amount of alcohol drunk a person quickly gets drunk, which is associated with the peculiarities of the interaction of these two components. This should always be remembered.

Many, having frozen or feeling the first signs of a cold, try to “warm up” with strong drinks, perceiving alcohol as a medicine, and after an hour or two, when the temperature rises, they knock it down with caffeine-containing products.

This is where an undesirable reaction manifests itself, the outcome of which can be severe intoxication and intoxication.

Cardiovascular drugs and alcohol

Today, problems with cardiovascular diseases are in the first place among all the ailments of mankind. At the same time, the diseases themselves can be attributed to quite dangerous for humans. Every year, new medicines appear on the shelves of pharmacies, which are characterized by increased efficiency, but along with it, addiction to them among patients is growing. Many patients with these problems are on ongoing drug support. These drugs include Trimetazidine and its analogues. It is prescribed for heart problems, vascular disorders. Reviews about the reception of this tool are quite good. Trimetazidine and its derivatives help to normalize metabolic processes in the myocardium, relieve existing dizziness in case of problems with blood vessels. But with this treatment, alcohol is strictly prohibited. Trimetazidine and alcohol-containing drinks are dangerous to use together.

People suffering from jumps in pressure indicators, with heart problems, should be especially careful about alcohol-containing drinks and their consumption. If they are taken simultaneously, then alcohol begins to act as a powerful catalyst.

For example, Trimetazidine and ethanol, when taken together, give the following side effects:

  • decrease in pressure in the aorta;
  • the outcome will be a deterioration in the blood supply to the heart muscle;
  • development of heart failure.

In some cases, trimetazidine and alcohol can be fatal. Therefore, people who have problems with the cardiovascular system should be careful. The result of such mixing can be life-threatening.

Mixing alcohol and a drug is dangerous both for health and for the life of the patient as a whole. It is very important to remember what side effects may occur. Therefore, drinking alcohol during treatment is strictly prohibited. Take care of yourself and your health!

Good afternoon! Ahead of the long New Year holidays: parties, meetings, feasts, visiting each other. The temptation to "take on the chest" is great. But often at this time you also have to drink medicines: from antibiotics to hormonal ones. Is it true that if you combine alcohol and drugs, a lethal outcome is quite possible? You should know the answer today.

Friends, I'll start with a story from life. A few years ago there was a New Year's corporate party. Everyone had fun, danced round the Christmas tree, of course, before that, with a glass of champagne, having met Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. I did not immediately notice the young colleague crouching at the table. Her face was like a tomato, she was sick, she could not get up. Poisoned? Yes! A few hours before the holiday, as prescribed by a doctor, she drank one tablet of Trichopolum (Metronidazole). The evening ended for her (and for me as well!) and we went to the hospital in an ambulance.

  1. Disulfiram drugs for the treatment of alcoholism. These include tablets Teturam, Esperal, Antabuse, Colme drops. If, against the background of their intake, alcohol enters the body, tachycardia, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, a sharp rush of blood to the face, and diffuse sweating develop. Often, if the dose of the drunk is large, discomfort in the region of the heart, extrasystole, a feeling of imminent death joins. Of course, we, narcologists, sometimes conduct a “disulfiram” test in a hospital to reinforce the patient’s fear of drinking alcohol. This cannot be done at home, as it is deadly.
  2. Antifungal and antiprotozoal drugs- Metronidazole (Trichopolum), Clotrimazole. Their combination with alcohol resembles the "disulfiram" reaction described above. By the way, these drugs were previously successfully used for the treatment of alcoholism in narcology.
  3. Drugs that reduce blood clotting. If these drugs are combined with vodka, their effect will increase dramatically, which means massive bleeding will develop. Finally, death!
  4. Hormonal drugs (prednisolone). By themselves, these drugs are very "serious", and if you also "abuse" alcohol against the background of their intake, this will provoke an exacerbation of ulcers, convulsions, thrombophlebitis.
  5. NSAIDs- analgin, aertal, indomethacin, paracetamol. Remember! Paracetamol ("Panadol", "Coldrex"), together with alcoholic beverages, even in small doses, can cause jaundice, as it becomes a real "poison" for the liver. Did you know that ordinary analgin sharply slows down the absorption of alcohol in the body, thereby increasing and prolonging intoxication. "Experienced" alcoholics have long enjoyed this feature. Often, the combination of NSAIDs and alcohol causes tinnitus, lethargy and heart rhythm disturbances, exacerbation of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
  6. Sulfonamides (Biseptol) and antibiotics- first of all, it is Doxycycline, Rifampicin, Levomycetin. The therapeutic effect is "perverted" if, in parallel with the treatment, alcoholization occurs. Moreover, the effect of the pills can either completely disappear or turn into an overdose. Often associated with dizziness and headache, nausea and flushing of the face. Remember not to mix alcohol with antibiotics!
  7. Antihistamines- Diphenhydramine, Suprastin. In combination with alcohol, depression of consciousness develops, hallucinations may appear, and the state of intoxication sharply increases.
  8. Diuretics (diuretics) and drugs that lower blood pressure. Alcohol accelerates the absorption of tablets from the stomach and intestines, the concentration of the drug in the body becomes higher than the permissible one and this leads to diarrhea, vomiting, a sharp drop in blood pressure and even loss of consciousness.
  9. Clonidine. Everyone knows about this combination with alcohol. Remember the heroine of Alexandra Zakharova, a certain citizen Rukoyatkina in the film "Criminal Talent". Remember? She secretly added Clonidine to men's alcohol in a restaurant, and when their pressure dropped sharply and they passed out, she robbed them?
  10. Sleeping pills (Nitrazepam), tranquilizers (Diazepam), neuroleptics (Truxal, Aminazine, Haloperidol). I'm pretty sure you've heard of a way to increase and prolong intoxication with a couple of Phenozepam tablets. This often causes severe intoxication of the body and even cerebral coma. Be sure to read. Learn a lot! The "favorite" way to die in women is a combination of sleeping pills and alcohol.
  11. Antidepressants(Amitriptyline, Azafen, monoamine oxidase inhibitors). In combination with alcoholic beverages, the pulse increases sharply, blood pressure rises, and increased anxiety and excitability, which persist for 2 weeks after alcoholization, can cause voluntary death.
  12. Drugs to lower blood sugar in diabetes. If you recently took a shot of insulin, and then “tipped over” a glass, sugar will drop sharply and hypoglycemic coma may develop.
  13. Coldrex, Theofedrine, Coldact, Ephedrine, Caffeine. When combined with alcohol, these drugs cause a sharp jump up in pressure numbers, which means that the threat of a stroke increases.
  14. Nitroglyceroin. If you have a heart attack and you take nitroglycerin (nitrospray), and then alcohol, after a while the pain syndrome will increase significantly.

Do you want an experiment? Drip the most common vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, for example, Naphthyzin. Now have a glass of beer. Wait a bit. In a few minutes, you are provided with a terrible throbbing "tearing" headache and a pressure surge. Changed your mind?

The answer is obvious. Of course, immediately after drinking - no! It is better to skip taking the drug. Safer.

And when then? The body must be cleansed. The faster the better. Drink more water, you can take Activated charcoal or Enterosgel. At least a day later, you can resume taking the drugs. It's better to consult with your doctor.

Are there tablets compatible with alcohol?

There are such medicines. Here are some:

  1. Activated charcoal is combined with alcoholic beverages without serious consequences.
  2. Glycine. This drug can even help! Some doctors recommend taking (dissolving) 1-2 tablets of Glycine every hour throughout the feast. This will significantly ease your condition in the morning and protect your brain from the negative effects of alcohol. Glycine is successfully used in narcology.
  3. Phenibut. Another "favorite" drug of narcologists. Very often it is prescribed for the treatment of hangover syndrome. The dose, of course, must be determined by the doctor. Read more about this medicine.
  4. Enterosgel. This is a modern enterosorbent, selectively, like a sponge, absorbing the decay products of alcohol. Interestingly, the natural intestinal microflora, vitamins and beneficial trace elements are not absorbed by Enterosgel. Available in a tube in the form of a paste. By the way, the "experienced" advise to use a couple of spoons of Enterosgel before the start of all the feasts, supposedly then the intoxication is "light", and in the morning you can go to work without any problems. Try it.

Are we drawing conclusions? Never drink alcohol while taking medication! Your treatment will definitely not give the desired effect, and the consequences of such a “tandem” will be negative, sometimes fatal. I hope you are convinced that alcohol and drugs are incompatible together, this is often fatal!

It's no secret to you that mixing alcohol with pills is, to put it mildly, not the best idea?

According to a study published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42% of people still mix them occasionally. Moreover, most often among the medications they take come across those that are, in principle, very dangerous to combine with alcohol: pressure pills, sleeping pills, antidepressants, muscle relaxants and painkillers.

"All of these types of pills react with alcohol, which in turn can lead to unexpected (and unpleasant) effects," said study co-author Aaron White of the National Institute of Alcohol Addiction. - For example: both painkillers and alcohol cause drowsiness and slow reaction times, severely slowing down the brain.

Together they make for a literally killer combo that can just shut him down - to the point of being fatal."

And this may be the most terrible, but, alas, not the only warning. “We must not allow the effect of alcohol and pills to sum up! For example, if you swallow a couple of decongestant tablets that constrict blood vessels and “grind” with strong alcohol, their effects will overlap, and the risk of internal bleeding will increase significantly! White warns. “Even some relatively “innocent” pills, say, for a cold, when combined with alcohol, can lead to serious consequences, such as problems with the kidneys, liver or stomach.”

What if you are taking pills, and ahead is a corporate party, inevitable like death and taxes? In other words, how to minimize the damage if you still have to drink?

“It depends a lot on how much you are going to drink and the duration of the pill,” explains the scientist. - In order to “process”, say, a glass of wine, your liver needs about an hour and a half. If at ten in the evening at dinner you plan to drink three glasses of red, and at twelve - to take sleeping pills, you are at great risk: it is likely that the effect of unremoved alcohol will add up to the effect of the pills.

And no, this does not mean that your sleep will be even stronger. Quite the opposite: people who mixed sleeping pills with alcohol suffered from exhausting restless dreams and nightmares.

“The only right decision in this case would be to consult a doctor or pharmacist about the period for which the drug is excreted from the body - and “take it on the chest” only after its expiration. In addition, be sure to read the contraindications, as well as the principle of the drug. You will see there effects similar to the effects of alcohol - watch out!

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