Ultrasound of the inguinal lymph nodes. When is an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck prescribed? Where to do an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck

Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck is an integral part of the diagnosis, which allows you to identify the transformation of their structure, the ability to move, density, size. In addition, ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes of the soft tissues of the neck helps to determine the ratio of tissue components (length, width, echogenicity).

Lymph nodes in the neck are an important component of the immune and hormonal systems of the whole body and neutralize the effects of foreign organisms with their work. Infectious diseases of a different nature lead to their inflammation, changes in structure and disruption in work. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck is prescribed to the patient most often if a developing pathology is suspected and to detect it at an early stage.

Ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes, which can be performed repeatedly on modern equipment for people of any age without health risk, gives the most accurate results, which allows you to quickly diagnose the pathology and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Indications for ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes are as follows:

  • in the area of ​​lymph nodes with tactile contact;
  • visually determined asymmetry of the lymph nodes;
  • structural change (compaction, reddening of the area near them);
  • difficulty and pain when making swallowing movements;
  • general deterioration of the patient's condition;
  • repeated stroke;
  • pain in the neck;
  • noise in ears;
  • numbness of the upper and lower extremities;
  • chills;
  • violations of blood flow in the vessels of the neck;
  • excessive mobility of the lymph nodes during palpation.

An ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes is prescribed for a child in case of their visualization, mobility, redness of the area around the inflamed lymphoid tissues, and also if their structure has changed and they are painful when pressed. At the same time, the child himself constantly complains of headaches, sleep disturbances, and rapidly developing swelling of the face is observed.

Also, the reasons why the doctor may write out a referral for an ultrasound include:

  • abnormal size of lymph nodes 2 weeks after respiratory illness;
  • difficult process of inhaling air, especially complicated by an increase in body temperature.

What diseases are detected by the study of lymph nodes in the neck

Ultrasound of the soft tissues of the neck is prescribed to assess the state of the lymphatic system and diagnose pathological conditions (enlargement, inflammation) that structurally change it, as well as when certain types of diseases are suspected:

  1. Tuberculosis.
  2. Purulent-inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Oncology.
  4. Leukemia.
  5. Mononucleosis.
  6. Tonsillitis.
  7. Mumps.
  8. Chickenpox.
  9. Syphilitic affection of the lymph nodes.

Preparing and conducting an ultrasound examination

With the above ailments, the patient is shown to urgently contact a therapist, who, after examination, will write out a referral for an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes, send him for a consultation to a more narrow-profile specialist and prescribe tests.

Most people are critical of the study, therefore, in order to avoid ignoring the patient's referral to undergo an ultrasound examination, the doctor should conduct an explanatory conversation and explain to the patient what the ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck shows and what the consequences of refusing to conduct this study may be.

Special preparation before undergoing an ultrasound of the neck is not necessary, except for refraining from drinking alcoholic and energy drinks on the day of the study, as well as from physical activity. At the appointed time, the patient comes to the study. In the office in which this manipulation is performed, he (the patient) lies down on a couch or is placed in a specialized chair, a small pillow, no more than 5 cm thick, is placed under his shoulders, and he turns his head away from the researcher, thereby opening the area for manipulatory actions.

To improve the contact of the sensors with the skin and reduce the errors of the examination, a special gel is applied to the open surface of the neck, after which the doctor starts working with the manipulator, and the result obtained is displayed on the monitor and recorded at the same time. To obtain the most accurate data, ultrasound of the neck and lymph nodes is performed for half an hour in several projections. This procedure does not cause allergic reactions later and is well tolerated by both adults and children.

If, during these manipulations, the doctor reveals that some areas are hypoechoic, then the patient will certainly be issued a referral for a number of additional studies: biopsy, radiography, fibrolaryngoscopy, and an aspiration puncture is also prescribed.

Deciphering the ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the neck

Taking into account that the initial stages of the disease of the lymphatic system in most cases are asymptomatic, and ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the neck only shows the focus of the pathology, without clarifying their nature, it is very important not to decipher the results on your own, but to trust the specialist. The interpretation of the results of the study of the lymph nodes is carried out by the attending physician and involves the evaluation of the totality of the patient's analyzes and ultrasound data.

Traditionally, the following indicators are viewed: the size of the cervical lymph nodes, their structure, localization, the ratio of length and thickness, number, shape. The doctor also evaluates echogenicity, the lumen in the vessels supplying blood to the brain, and the presence or absence of abnormal formations.

Lymph nodes in the neck are hypoechoic formations with a denser central part, being in a normal state, they are oval or ribbon-shaped and do not exceed 1.5 cm in length.

With lymphadenitis, there is a uniform increase in the length and thickness of the lymph nodes and their vascularization. If the lymph nodes are affected by metastatic formations, then they are not rounded, deformed and become structurally homogeneous.

Ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes of the neck has numerous advantages. In addition, it is affordable, painless and highly informative, which makes it superior to other diagnostic methods. Therefore, do not refuse the diagnostics prescribed by the doctor and check the soft tissues of the neck and lymph nodes if you feel discomfort in this area, since the disease detected at an early stage is much easier to cure.

Ultrasound of the lymph nodes is a non-invasive examination method to identify the causes of pathological processes. Ultrasound is the most accurate and safest way.

Ultrasound can detect an increase in the size or inflammation of the lymph nodes

general characteristics

Lymph nodes in a normal state do not bother a person. On palpation, not all groups of peripheral lymph nodes are palpable, and in order to identify their condition, it is necessary to conduct an examination.

The normal size of an organ is up to 10 mm in diameter. However, with the course of any chronic diseases, it can expand up to two centimeters. The examination shows compaction, structure, mobility, change in shape, enlargement of the lymph nodes. It is often combined with Doppler ultrasound to determine the direction of blood flow. The main advantage is the affordable price.

Lymph nodes increase in size in chronic diseases

Types of examination

The procedure is divided into the following types:

Inguinal lymph nodes increase in size in inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

Indications for carrying out

The study must be carried out in the following pathological conditions:

  • Chronic cold.
  • Recovery after infectious and viral diseases.
  • Causeless inflammation of the nodes.
  • Asymmetric swelling on palpation.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Probing the nodes of the thoracic, subclavian, ulnar and chin zones.

Ultrasound is prescribed if swelling is detected during palpation of the lymph nodes

Contraindications for the procedure

There are no absolute restrictions. Doctors do not recommend performing without special reasons in the early stages of pregnancy, when the vital functions of the child are laid. Inflammation, redness, itching and peeling of the skin, abrasions, burns in the area of ​​the sensor are relative contraindications, in which the procedure is postponed to a later period.

Preparation for the procedure

To make an ultrasound of superficial organs, special preparation is not required. The survey can be carried out at any time. Wear comfortable clothes and grab a towel to remove any remaining gel.

It is necessary to prepare for ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the retroperitoneal and abdominal region. The day before, you need to limit the consumption of bread, legumes, milk, vegetables and fruits. Such products lead to increased gas formation. Adults and children are advised to take a tablet of activated charcoal or other enzymes a couple of hours before the start of the examination. The newborn does not need to take drugs. The last meal should be no later than 6-7 hours before the appointed time.

Before an ultrasound of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes, it is recommended to drink an activated charcoal tablet.

How is the examination

The procedure begins with the application of a special acoustic gel to the study area, after which scanning is started. Ultrasonic waves penetrate the tissue through the sensor, and the computer records the readings of the reflection of these waves. During the ultrasound, the doctor will ask you to hold your breath.

For peripheral groups, linear sensors with a frequency of 5-12 MHz are used, and for deeply located organs, convex equipment with a frequency of up to 5 MHz is used. The total time of the event is no more than 20 minutes. When doing an ultrasound, the patient does not feel any discomfort.

Children under 7 must be accompanied by one parent.

During the examination, ultrasonic waves penetrate human tissues


After completing the procedure, the process of decoding the images follows. In a few hours, the doctor will be able to answer the question "what does the examination show." During normal operation, nodes are clearly visible. Their contours are not interrupted, the structure looks smooth, no increments are observed.

The altered forms of the enlarged lymph node are fixed by an inhomogeneous capsule, an indistinct outline, a dense consistency, and an accumulation of salt stones. If the organ does not signal pain, but is only enlarged, then the development of a virus or infection is likely. With the existing pain and inflammation of the node, a weakening of the immune functions of the body is possible. If the pictures show adhesions and seals, then a tumor neoplasm develops.

The image of the retroperitoneal organs reveals cholecystitis, empyema, hepatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, narrowing of the ureters, pyelonephritis, etc. Pictures of the neck area allow diagnosing lymphoma, sarcoma, actinomycosis, Cesari's disease, syphilis, tuberculosis, etc.

Ultrasound results are displayed on the screen and serve as the basis for making a diagnosis.

Tumor neoplasms are determined by ultrasound of regional lymph nodes. All these pathologies affect the lymph nodes. Most often, according to the results of the study, inflammatory pathologies of the throat, nose, and ears are recorded.

Examination of the neck allows you to refute or confirm angina, laryngitis, tonsillitis, chickenpox, red and measles. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes above the collarbone helps to identify mononucleosis, Lyme and Hodgkin's disease, cytomegalovirus. An increase in lymphoid tissues in the groin indicates syphilis, HIV, or oncology.

Errors in diagnosing diseases using ultrasound of regional lymph nodes are unlikely, but possible. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the cyst and abscess manifest themselves in the same way.

What causes inflammation of the lymph nodes, see the video:

Lymph nodes are an essential component of the hormonal and immune systems. Pathologies of the cervical lymph nodes are a fairly common phenomenon. Their inflammation can manifest itself as a complication after dangerous diseases, or simply be a signal to weaken the immune system. Each change in the state of nodes is only one of the symptoms of some larger disease.

Do ultrasound of the lymph nodes in the neck for adults and children with inflammation is the most frequently asked question. There are few ways to monitor these pathological processes, one of them is ultrasound.

The neck allows the attending physician to painlessly, easily, quickly and accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment to the patient.

Having done this procedure, specialists immediately detect the presence of altered cervical lymph nodes by ultrasound photo.

This procedure can be prescribed in many cases. They are:

  • pain on palpation (palpation) of the neck on the sides. To be more precise, the chains of lymph nodes are located behind and in front of the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the cervical region;
  • the appearance of asymmetrical swelling and seals in the area of ​​the lymph nodes;
  • a noticeable increase in lymph nodes in size;
  • clearly limited redness and an increase in the degree of temperature in the zone of the lymph nodes, which persists for more than two hours;
  • noticeable discomfort when swallowing pieces of solid food;
  • non-special tilted position of the head, forced due to pain;
  • uncharacteristic for the usual state of mobility of the lymph nodes;
  • long-term headaches, weakness, spleen;
  • sleep disturbance, drowsiness or insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • suspicion of tumor and inflammatory processes in the lymphatic system, abscess, the possibility of benign or malignant neoplasms in the areas of internal organs, oncological diseases of tissues and organs in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

It should be pointed out that The healthy size of a lymph node ranges from 0.5 centimeters to 1.5 centimeters.

Attention! If you have any of the above symptoms, you should immediately visit an ultrasound examination of the cervical lymph nodes and consult a specialist!

Groups of lymph nodes in the neck

There are several most important groups of lymph nodes that you need to pay special attention to. You should consult which lymph nodes are bothering the patient in order to take into account all the features.

There are different types of lymph nodes in the human body:

  • anterior and posterior cervical;
  • ear and occipital;
  • chin and mandibular.

How to prepare for the examination?

Special preparations for the procedure of ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck do not need to be carried out. The patient can take the examination at any time convenient for him.

The necessary and only important conditions are: the calmness of the patient, the absence of nervous thoughts and sensations. To do this, the patient must try to avoid unnecessary stress and shock.

If the skin in the area of ​​the ultrasound sensor is damaged in some way (redness, wounds, peeling), then the examination cannot be performed.

Young children do not need to take drugs and pharmaceuticals the day before the examination (if the attending doctor allows it). The last meal before the ultrasound should be done 6-7 hours before the ultrasound.

How do they do it?

The ultrasound procedure itself lasts a maximum of 15 minutes and proceeds as follows:

  1. A special gel is applied to the skin of the patient's neck.
  2. On the prepared area, the doctor conducts an ultrasonic sensor - a device that is a manipulator, scans and displays an image on the screen.
  3. The remains of the gel are washed off the patient, and the results of the procedure are handed out in writing.

Examination of the lymph nodes in the neck of a child

Cervical lymph nodes in children have their own characteristics. Let's see what the study shows.

The limit of the norm is the size of the node, equal to one centimeter. If the lymph node has a dimension of 1.5 centimeters, then it is advisable to visit an ultrasound examination. Lymph nodes larger than 2 centimeters in diameter require immediate action and prompt treatment to avoid more serious consequences.

If the inflammatory process manifested itself after or during any viral disease, you should not worry. In 90% of cases, this phenomenon will pass when the child recovers. But still it is recommended to visit a specialist.

Reference! In young children, the immune system is only at the stage of development, therefore, their lymph nodes can become inflamed much more often than in adults.

What ultrasound shows: decoding

The written results that the patient received after the examination should be deciphered. For this, the diagnostician sends the patient to the therapist. If necessary, he prescribes further treatment and various pharmaceutical preparations.

But if the patient has an ultrasound protocol on hand, then he can analyze it independently according to certain criteria:

  1. If the diameter of the node is increased by 1-2 cm (slightly), the boundaries are just as clear and even, and the density of the tissue is reduced, then the patient has non-purulent or serous lymphadenitis.
  2. With a significant increase in the width of the node, a decrease in the density of its tissues, blurring of its boundaries and the acquisition of an uneven shape, purulent lymphadenitis is observed.
  3. With a significant increase in the density of the tissues of the lymph nodes, an increase in their size and maintaining the correct shape, metastatic lesions of the lymph nodes can be diagnosed.

Possible restrictions

This procedure - ultrasound of the cervical region - has no contraindications. The exception is any individual intolerance, which should be consulted with a specialist.

What is an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck, what does this study show and what diseases can be determined with its help? Such questions can often be found on forums on the Internet, and doctors hear them daily in their offices. Ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes located in the neck is a highly accurate and effective method for determining the state of the lymph nodes, in order to diagnose diseases, as well as to control the dynamics of the treatment of ailments, which are accompanied by changes in the relevant organs.

Despite its informativeness, ultrasound examination of the cervical lymph nodes is not the main method for diagnosing the underlying ailment, but is only part of an additional examination of the patient, which allows confirming a working diagnosis. Ultrasound has several advantages, including its availability, painlessness, harmlessness and accuracy.

More accurate in terms of diagnosis is only magnetic resonance imaging - an x-ray technique based on obtaining step-by-step sections of internal organons in order to determine their pathological changes.

What clinical cases are indications for neck ultrasound?

Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck is performed to confirm some diagnoses, which are accompanied by changes in the structural elements of the lymphatic system, assess their condition and conduct differential diagnosis of various pathological conditions.

The ultrasound method for examining the cervical lymph nodes is most often used in relation to patients with suspicions of the following pathological conditions:

  • neoplasms and malignant tumors of the lymphatic system (lymphomas, lymphosarcomas);
  • metastasis as a result of the progression of cancerous tumors of the chest, larynx, esophagus, upper respiratory tract, skin, and the like;
  • tuberculosis;
  • leukemia;
  • abscesses and purulent-inflammatory processes in the neck area;
  • syphilitic lesions of the lymph nodes;
  • complicated forms of fungal diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • actinomycosis;
  • leprosy;
  • infections with lesions of the oropharynx;
  • mononucleosis.

Cervical lymphadenitis or inflammation in the lymph nodes of the specified area is not always an indication for ultrasound. The study is not recommended for patients in whom the reaction of the lymph nodes is temporary due to GRVI, influenza, as well as inflammations that are localized in the oropharynx area.

Ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck is indicated only in cases where changes in organs do not regress within 2 months after the cure of the underlying disease, the formation of a conglomerate of nodes, their suppuration, and an increase in size.

Sometimes this study can be a key moment in determining the true nature of the disease, even in cases that are quite difficult in terms of diagnosis. Today, ultrasound and MRI of the lymph nodes of the neck are the main methods that allow with absolute accuracy to assess the state of organ structures and determine their pathological changes.

Research methodology and diagnostic value

Ultrasound diagnosis of lymph nodes located in the neck can be applied to almost all patients, regardless of their age and the presence of concomitant diseases. The technique is a study that is absolutely harmless to human health, which does not require special preparation for the procedure.

In addition, ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes is a painless method that is well tolerated by adults and children.

The procedure lasts about 15-30 minutes, during which the diagnostician runs a special sensor over the surface of the neck and evaluates the results of this scan, displayed on the monitor. The sensor must first be lubricated with a gel-like substance and firmly attached to bare skin. The image on the screen appears due to the reflection of sound waves from the lymph node, which allows you to get a clear picture of the organ and evaluate its main parameters.

What does an ultrasound of the lymph nodes of the neck show? At the end of the procedure, the doctor gives the patient a special sheet with the results of his examination, which contains information about the size of the lymph nodes, their shape, location, as well as structural features and echogenicity. The diagnostician also takes into account whether each cervical node is paired, whether it is soldered to the surrounding tissues, whether it is part of a conglomerate, and the like.

To clarify the diagnosis, a sick person may be shown to conduct a magnetic resonance analysis, which will confirm the changes in the cervical nodes detected during the ultrasound examination.

Currently, it is possible to undergo an ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes of the neck in public medical institutions, as well as in private clinics and diagnostic rooms. Naturally, the cost of the examination in different cases may vary, but in general it is quite affordable for most citizens of our country.

In the medical centers of the site, you can undergo an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes of various localizations. Ultrasound examinations are very informative and economical (for example, in comparison with MRI), can be used repeatedly without consequences for the body, and preparation for examinations will require a minimum of effort.

The cost of ultrasound of the lymph nodes of one group is 850 rubles.

With ultrasound, unchanged (normal) lymph nodes of some localizations are not visualized, since they do not differ from the surrounding tissues. And if changes have occurred in the lymph nodes, then the specialist will determine the main parameters:

  • localization (location);
  • the total number and relationship with each other (soldered or not);
  • dimensions;
  • outlines, contour clarity, structural features and the presence of blood flow in the node;
  • mutual connection with nearby organs and tissues and the system of blood vessels.

The role of lymph nodes in the human body

A lymph node is a specific natural formation on the path of lymph flow in the tissues of the human body. Its main task is to promote the growth of immune resources, ensuring the return of proteins, salts, metabolites and other elements of the tissue structure back to the circulatory system with the flow of lymphatic fluid, as well as the retention of pathogenic microorganisms and altered cells that have entered the lymphatic system - i.e. they act as filter elements.

The lymphatic system is represented by an extensive network of vessels of the same name with small components of a soft-elastic consistency along their course - nodules. An increase in the size of the lymph node, detected by ultrasound, depending on the location, indicates a malfunction in the body, and may indicate which organ or system needs additional diagnostic examination. Most often, deviations in the state of the lymph nodes are not independent diseases, but they indicate certain problems that need to be promptly eliminated in other organs and systems.

When should I undergo an ultrasound of the lymph nodes?

This ultrasound should be done in the following cases:

You have found an increase, soreness of the superficial lymph nodes.

With blood diseases.

There is a suspicion or formations have already been found in:

  • scrotum;
  • thyroid gland;
  • mammary gland;
  • salivary glands;
  • liver,
  • pancreas,
  • kidneys;
  • lungs;
  • uterus and ovaries;

Also, ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes is indicated for inflammatory diseases of different localization.

It should be remembered that the lymph nodes can be affected by autoimmune and tumor processes of various organs and tissues, so be sure to pay due attention to their study!

Preparatory measures before ultrasound of the lymph nodes

This is one of the easiest studies for the patient, characterized by safety and effectiveness. No special preparations are needed for it, no matter what type of research you have been assigned.

An exception is the study of l / in the retroperitoneal space (along the abdominal aorta, iliac vessels). In this case, within 2-3 days before the procedure, patients should follow a diet that excludes foods rich in toxins, remove foods that promote gas formation in the intestines, and carbonated drinks from the diet. On the eve of the procedure, you need to have a light dinner (no later than 20 hours). A day before the study, it is advisable to do a cleansing enema. The study can be carried out on an empty stomach, but breakfast should be light.

What does an ultrasound of the lymph nodes show?

The shape, size, clarity of contours, echogenicity (the degree of echo density of the tissue), the internal structure and the possible presence of altered blood flow, the relationship of nodes to surrounding organs and tissues, as well as to each other - these are the factors that will become the area of ​​study for the diagnostician. Deviation from the standards is a reason to seek qualified medical care.

If you are worried about the condition of the lymph nodes, notice an increase in their size, soreness, then ignoring the problem or self-medicating can have a very negative impact on your health. Remember that diagnostic procedures will help to identify not only inflammatory and infectious diseases, but also many autoimmune diseases and tumors.

To exclude or confirm their development, ultrasound of the regional lymph nodes responsible for the outflow of lymph from various organs and systems is usually recommended. For example, ultrasound of the lymph nodes above the collarbone can help in the diagnosis of diseases of the thyroid and mammary glands, the esophagus.

Ultrasound of axillary lymph nodes

Such a diagnosis is of great importance for mammology. An increase in nodes accompanies a developing inflammatory or oncological disease.

Ultrasound of inguinal lymph nodes

An increase with a change in the structure of the lymph nodes in the inguinal regions is observed with inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, health problems of the lower extremities can be detected thrombophlebitis, the presence of infected lesions on the skin, non-healing ulcers, erysipelas.

Where to get an ultrasound of the lymph nodes

You can perform high-precision examinations and get comprehensive consultations in any of our centers. Choose a convenient location for you and sign up for an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes in Moscow (M. Polezhaevskaya, M. Varshavskaya, M. Dynamo), Solntsevo and Novo-Peredelkino by phone numbers listed in the contacts section, or through the online form on the website.

Benefits of ultrasound in our clinics

  • Modern equipment for ultrasound diagnostics with high-precision sensors.
  • Professional diagnosticians.
  • Maximum accuracy and reliability of research.
  • Detailed explanation of the results of the diagnostic procedure to patients.
  • Affordable pricing policy.
  • Cozy and inviting environment.

In our medical centers, a very affordable price for ultrasound of the lymph nodes is set.

You can sign up for an ultrasound scan of the lymph nodes at the medical centers near the Polezhaevskaya metro station, the Dynamo metro station (on the Khodynka field), the Varshavskaya metro station, as well as in Solntsevo and Novo Peredelkino.

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