Nauseous, dizzy and stuffy all day. Feeling dizzy and sick: the reasons that it could be. What will the doctor prescribe

Each of us at least once experienced an unpleasant state of dizziness. The reasons that you feel dizzy can be different, physiological (normal and not dangerous) and indicating the presence of serious problems.

The head can be very dizzy, it may seem that everything is spinning around and it is not easy to stand without support on your feet. A person staggers and feels sick, it is important not to miss the time, finding out the causes of dizziness in a timely manner to treat.

In women, this vestibular disorder is observed more often than in men. But the representatives of the "strong" sex will also not interfere with reading this publication.

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Why dizziness, causes of vestibular disorder

Vertigo, or real dizziness, is a condition in which a person has an incorrect feeling about the movement of surrounding objects and objects, or the circular rotation of his own body. Some people additionally have a subjective feeling of faintness, they lose their stability. There is a state similar to intoxication.

Dizziness is central and peripheral. In the first case, the sensation is provoked by damage to the structures of the brain.

Peripheral vertigo is characterized by impaired functionality of the vestibular nerve. This condition should not be considered pathological if:

  1. it is provoked by the intake of certain medications;
  2. a person eats poorly, which is why his body contains an insufficient amount of glucose;
  3. it appears at high altitude or when riding a carousel.

However, there are cases when it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. You need to sound the alarm if:

  1. dizziness is accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  2. the pathological condition lasts more than an hour;
  3. the patient has additional symptoms: headache, weakness in the arms or legs;
  4. a person has been diagnosed with diabetes;
  5. fever, nausea or vomiting is present.

A timely visit to the doctor will help eliminate discomfort, and will also provide an opportunity to find out the cause of the woman's painful condition.

The female body is more prone to bouts of dizziness than the male body. It all depends on the characteristics of the female body, immunity, hormonal background and a number of other reasons.

Unpleasant sensations may occur rarely or appear several times a day. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of other symptoms, on the basis of which one or another disease or deterioration in health can be diagnosed.

Normally, this condition is present in pregnant women in the early stages, since their hormonal levels completely change, the load on all vital systems increases.

However, there are serious pathologies that contribute to the appearance of these symptoms:

  1. Malignant or benign neoplasm in the brain.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Violation of cerebral circulation (he does not eat well, the tissues do not have enough oxygen).
  4. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  5. Meniere's pathology.
  6. Problems with blood circulation in the vestibular apparatus.
  7. Traumatic ear injury.
  8. Epilepsy.

Important! Strongly expressed signs are given precisely by peripheral disturbances. The patient may additionally experience vomiting, increased heart rate, general weakness and increased sweating.

In this case, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor, although hospitalization is not required.

In some cases, this condition can also be considered a variant of the norm, for example, during the same pregnancy. This also happens in adolescents during a period of rapid physiological restructuring of the body, when the body is growing rapidly, and the heart does not have time to fully provide the necessary blood circulation rate.

Pathological dizziness and weakness are in the case of anemia, in which the overall level of hemoglobin in the body decreases. If a patient has a violation of cerebral circulation, then, in addition to dizziness, he has tinnitus, dots before his eyes, attention worsens.

Unpleasant sensations arise as a result of a hypertensive attack. In women, the cause of dizziness is neurocirculatory dystonia, which appears due to emotional or psychological instability, stress.

Unpleasant sensations of this nature are caused by a brain tumor in the early stages of development, an increase in intracranial pressure, and circulatory disorders due to poor heart function.

The intensity of symptoms increases in parallel with the progression of the pathology, so you should not hope that dizziness and weakness will go away on their own. The patient needs to be examined to confirm or refute the presence of a serious pathology.

The sudden appearance of dizziness is typical for thin girls and women who often exhaust themselves with diets. The lack of nutrients adversely affects the functioning of internal organs and systems.

When squeezing the carotid artery (due to osteochondrosis), there are prolonged bouts of dizziness. The same condition occurs due to rupture of the eardrum. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by sneezing and coughing.

Anxious or overly emotional people also have this problem - dizziness is psychogenic.

If the blood pressure is normal, but the woman is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, then dizziness will appear quite often. The cause of this condition may be poisoning or malfunction of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Mostly in women, dizziness is associated with the onset of early pregnancy. After conception, the body undergoes tremendous changes. All systems are preparing for carrying a baby. For a long time, the body will have to cope with a double load.

Most often, this condition occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, even if the pressure remains normal. However, if dizziness and weakness persists until the last trimester, then you should tell your doctor about it.

If the vestibular apparatus of a woman is weak, then she will be rocked in transport, on a swing. She can't ride carousels at all. There is no health risk in this.

However, if dizziness is caused by otitis media (inflammation of the ear), then the patient additionally feels severe pain in the affected area, her basal temperature changes.

Meniere's disease, which is an incurable inflammation of the inner ear, can provoke discomfort.

It's important to know! Some impairments to the functionality of the vestibular apparatus may be irreversible, especially if this part of the brain is seriously injured. And dizziness provokes otosclerosis - bone growth in the middle ear, if it affects the inner ear.

Attacks in this case are short-term and appear only when moving the head. Dizziness also appears due to vestibular neuronitis, which develops under the influence of a bacterial or viral infection.

Before important events, performances or events, women begin to worry a lot, experience stress. This condition contributes to the deterioration of blood circulation in the brain.

Oxygen starvation of tissues begins. This is what causes dizziness. Constant lack of sleep, chronic fatigue also negatively affect a woman's well-being.

The instability of blood pressure has a negative effect on the brain, as the blood vessels are constantly in good shape.

The woman also has other symptoms: general weakness, shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes, and pallor of the skin.

Pathologies such as osteochondrosis, diseases of the blood vessels and heart, and infectious lesions of the brain (encephalitis, meningitis) can cause dizziness. Such unpleasant sensations appear in patients with diabetes, epileptics.

In the second case, there are other symptoms: frequent loss of consciousness, increased heart rate, convulsions. The same effect is produced by renal failure, hypofunction of the thyroid gland. As for injuries, dizziness causes a concussion, a fracture of the pyramid of the temporal bone.

Other pathological conditions can also provoke dizziness:

  1. allergy;
  2. period before menstruation or postmenstrual syndrome;
  3. alcohol intoxication;
  4. stroke or cerebellar infarction;
  5. seasickness;
  6. vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  7. change in weather conditions;
  8. the period of breastfeeding (mother gives a large amount of vitamins to the baby);
  9. unusual visual stimulation;
  10. cupolithiasis is the formation of calcium carbonate aggregates in the cavity of the semicircular canals, which irritate the receptors of the vestibular apparatus.

Dizziness does not always indicate the presence of a serious pathology, but it will not hurt to get checked in the hospital.

Orthostatic hypotension is capable of provoking an unpleasant feeling of dizziness. It is not an independent pathology, but occurs as a result of somatic or neurological disorders.

It is characterized by a sharp drop in pressure, which is additionally accompanied by nausea, excessive sweating. Basically, the duration of the attack does not exceed 5 minutes. There are other causes of the pathological condition:

  1. damage to the visual organs;
  2. frequent exposure to traumatic psycho-emotional situations;
  3. anemia;
  4. violation of the regulation of the tone of blood vessels;
  5. temporal arteritis;
  6. atherosclerosis of cerebral or vertebral vessels;
  7. a sharp change in the level of adrenaline in the blood;
  8. the inability to focus the gaze on close objects, if before that the person looked into the distance;
  9. long stay at high altitude;
  10. doing hard physical exercise.

In most cases, frequent attacks of dizziness can be eliminated if the above factors are not allowed to influence.

If a person changes their position (getting out of bed or lying down) and they feel dizzy, this may be a sign of a drop in blood pressure. This condition is accompanied by weakness, nausea. The pressure drops to critical levels. The duration of the attack is small, only 3-4 seconds.

This type of dizziness is common in teenagers. They have a lack of blood flow to the brain. This condition is caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels. The body simply does not have time to monitor their functionality.

There are other reasons for this pathological condition:

  1. old craniocerebral injuries (especially those that were accompanied by a concussion);
  2. osteochondrosis or other orthopedic problems in the neck;
  3. violation of the functionality of the inner ear;
  4. problems with the heart rhythm (in this case, the body ejects an insufficient amount of blood or does not provide the optimal ejection force).

Interesting fact! Most patients may mistake some sensations for dizziness. The illusion of rotation of the body occurs only in a quarter of patients.

A large number of smokers complain of frequent dizziness, while they do not understand why this happens. The fact is that nicotine, penetrating the lungs, quickly enters the central bloodstream.

The poisoning effect of nicotine is primarily manifested in dizziness. Moreover, seizures can have different intensity. In addition, nicotine contributes to a sharp spasm of capillaries. As a result, there is stagnation of blood in the lower part of the body. Poor oxygen supply to the brain worsens the general condition of a person. Dizziness increases the increase in blood pressure.

As women age, they are more likely to complain of dizziness. The reasons for this are different. For example, magnetic storms have a negative effect, especially on women during menopause.

With age, natural degenerative processes occur in the body, including in the nervous tissue. The conduction of neurons deteriorates, which provokes dizziness.

After 50 years, changes in vascular tone and thinning of their walls join the general “bouquet”. There is a deterioration in the properties of blood - it becomes thicker, blood clots appear. Normal blood circulation in the vessels slows down, so the woman's body does not receive enough oxygen.

A migraine attack is also accompanied by dizziness. After 50-60 years, a woman is in menopause. At this time, serious hormonal changes occur in the body.

For example, the level of estrogen decreases, the woman becomes defenseless against various infections. Hormonal imbalance can cause dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms: increased sweating, constant hot flashes.

The head can be spinning not only in adult women, but also in adolescents. Pathology is provoked by inflammatory processes in the middle ear, migraine, anemia and low blood sugar, food allergies, and helminths.

The body of a teenager is growing rapidly physiologically, serious changes are taking place in the psychological sphere.

A teenager rebels, tries to enter society, try everything that is forbidden. Often in adolescence, girls try to smoke, use psychotropic substances, which ends not only with dizziness.

The increasing workload at school contributes to overwork, the emergence of mental overload. Physical overstrains are added, associated with too rapid growth of the body. Unjustified diets negatively affect the girl's body.

In adolescence, girls begin the menstrual cycle, that is, hormonal changes occur, which are not asymptomatic. During this period, the child must be closely monitored. To eliminate dizziness, it is necessary to find out the true causes of its occurrence. Self-medication is not recommended.

Important! If dizziness recurs too often, it is necessary to consult a therapist and a neurologist.

If a woman experiences frequent bouts of dizziness, she should definitely be examined. Only after the diagnosis has been clarified can any treatment begin.

But during an attack, you can help yourself on your own:

  1. If a person feels dizzy, it is better for him to lie down in bed and try to focus his eyes on a static object. In this case, the head should be above the level of the body. If it is not possible to take a horizontal position, then you should find a fulcrum and sit down. This will help prevent falls and injury.
  2. The victim needs to provide a good supply of fresh air. To do this, unfasten or remove tight clothing.
  3. Sharp movements of the head, body will have to be excluded. Do not quickly change position or turn around.
  4. People suffering from frequent dizziness are not recommended to climb to a height.
  5. If the attack is strong, a woman can be given 8-10 drops of Atropine solution.
  6. You should never leave the house without having breakfast. Even a light snack can help prevent an attack. Mint candy provides the same effect. You should always carry a piece of chocolate or other sweet in your bag so that you can normalize your blood glucose levels.

Therapy should be started only if an accurate diagnosis has been made.

For treatment, doctors may prescribe such drugs:

  1. anticholinergics: Scopolamine, Atropine(improve neuromuscular transmission of impulses);
  2. antihistamines: Meclizine;
  3. neuroleptics: Meterazine;
  4. antiemetic drugs: Cerucal;
  5. vasodilators: Vasobral, Nicotinil(they contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and the normalization of blood flow);
  6. benzodiazepines: Diazepam(they are necessary to calm the nervous system, and produce a slight hypnotic effect);
  7. vestibulolytic agents: Promethazine;
  8. glucocorticosteroids: Hydrocortisone(hormonal agents that help eliminate inflammation).

You should not get carried away with taking all these drugs. The combination of drugs must be correct. It is better not to use them on your own, so as not to worsen your own condition.

A good therapeutic effect is given by: massage, manual and vacuum therapy, acupuncture.

It is important to conduct competent vestibular rehabilitation. Specialists use methods to reduce a person's dependence on somatic and sensory stimuli, help restore normal coordination of movements.

Rehabilitation begins after the end of the acute period, and continues until a complete cure. Self-training of the vestibular apparatus will not interfere.

The patient will also need breathing exercises, which will eliminate the problem of hyperventilation of the lungs. It is also important to observe the correct diet and revise your diet. It is better to exclude coffee, strong teas, fatty and smoked foods from it.

To prevent recurrence, a woman needs to change her lifestyle: relax more, walk in the fresh air, go swimming or cycling.

Folk remedies will also help to cope with dizziness, but they should be used with the permission of the doctor. Helps well ginger tea, carrot juice and beets.

By itself, dizziness practically does not pose a danger to human health or life. But it can become a signal for the development of pathology in the body.

If the attacks are repeated often, and their intensity increases, it is necessary to consult with a therapist and a neurologist.

In particularly difficult cases, call an ambulance.

Doctor Evdokimenko. Video about why the head is spinning and how to be treated. The video is educational and informational. There are contraindications. Before using the recommendations and tips from the video and publication, be sure to consult your doctor!


  • Feeling of nausea with simultaneous dizziness
  • Why do you feel sick, nauseous and dizzy?
  • What causes nausea and dizziness?
  • Why do you feel sick when you are dizzy?
  • Seasickness causes nausea and dizziness
  • Cervical osteochondrosis - the cause of dizziness and nausea
  • Diseases in which nausea and dizziness
  • In what cases, feeling nausea and dizziness, you need to see a doctor?
  • Nausea and dizziness in women and men, causes
  • Feeling sick and dizzy in a child, causes
  • What to do when you feel very sick and dizzy, treatment of the problem

Periodically recurring nausea, which is accompanied by dizziness, is a signal of diseases or health-threatening changes in the human body. In the case of persistent dizziness with scotoma, it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist for examination as soon as possible after the detection of alarming symptoms.

In order to identify the source of deterioration in well-being, to understand why you feel sick and dizzy, accompanied by nausea and sudden weakness, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo an examination. The article discusses the answers to such questions as: why you feel sick, nauseous and dizzy, why dizziness and nausea appear in the morning, sutra, what could be the reasons and what to do when such painful symptoms appear. These symptoms indicate violations of the functioning of internal organs due to exposure to infections or diseases. Therefore, the sooner the cause of the ailment is diagnosed and treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a speedy recovery and prevention of complications.

Dizziness in combination with nausea, turning into vomiting, is typical for people with a weak vestibular apparatus. Most often, violations in his work are expressed through a deterioration in well-being while traveling in any of the modes of transport. It hurts and dizzy a lot - due to the unstable work of the vestibular apparatus, there is a delay in conveying to the brain the data that a person receives from the sources surrounding him. As a result, discomfort in the stomach and impaired coordination can occur, for example, when the gaze is focused on one point for a long time or when moving quickly to a considerable height.

More serious reasons for the appearance of a feeling of nausea, nausea, which can lead to vomiting, the appearance of dizziness, the onset of the symptoms described are recurring headaches, migraines and more serious diseases, including osteochondrosis of the cervical spine or tumor neoplasms in the brain. Dizziness and lightheadedness, nausea, when very sick, causes an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the inner ear in Meniere's disease. Painful symptoms that cause discomfort remind of themselves as a result of ear injury.

Why does nausea and dizziness occur? The head may be spinning with the occurrence of simultaneous nausea due to vestibular neuritis. A significant manifestation of these symptoms with the appearance of vomiting often worries people who have a weak vestibular apparatus. This, of course, causes inconvenience in everyday life. You can cope with constant attacks on your own, however, for a qualitative resolution of the situation, you should go to the hospital.

Violations of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, provoking nausea and scotoma, occur with a sharp change in posture or rapid movement. This is due to compression of the vertebral artery, which delivers blood to the brain. If the attack overtook you in a place where you can take a horizontal position, the best solution would be to lie down for a while. With the cessation of painful symptoms, you can carefully stand up, first rolling on your side. Such an algorithm of actions will ensure the termination of the clamping of the vessels transporting oxygen to the brain.

It has been statistically proven that about five percent of the world's population feels worse when traveling by sea. Nausea and vomiting, characteristic of vertigo, appear due to incorrect functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Similar symptoms in such people also appear when traveling by land transport and during flights.

Why dizzy and sick, weakness? There are many ways to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of seasickness. To take measures for treatment, first of all, it is necessary to seek the advice of a qualified doctor. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the doctor selects the most suitable medicines and procedures that allow you to overcome the manifestations of the disease without discomfort and gradually cure it.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is almost always displayed precisely through nausea and a fainting state. The source of these symptoms, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, is a disruption in cerebral circulation as a result of pinching of the arteries responsible for supplying oxygen to the brain. Why do you feel sick, your stomach hurts and your head is spinning? These signs and symptoms of osteochondrosis appear especially acute when turning the head. Darkness in the eyes, headache, tinnitus and imbalance are also indicators of the disease. If they are found, it is imperative and without delay to visit a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

Some people experience scotoma, nausea and dizziness in situations of increased nervous tension, under the influence of strong psychological stress and excitement. In this case, the state of health worsens under the influence of adrenaline splashed into the blood. These same symptoms appear when the hormonal balance is disturbed at the beginning of pregnancy. When the hormonal background fluctuates, in order to normalize his condition, the patient must follow the rules of a healthy diet and provide the body with vitamins.

When dizziness and nausea of ​​varying intensity appear regularly, and do not accompany the deviations of body functions described above, you should be examined by a doctor. Similar symptoms can be detected with head or neck injuries, brain damage or vascular diseases, osteochondrosis and many other diseases, so their constant occurrence should by no means be ignored. The main task of a person to maintain his health is to do everything that depends on him for the timely detection and treatment of the disease. Causes of nausea and severe dizziness. The most common cause of nausea and vomiting is a malfunction of the middle and inner ear. Also, often these same signs allow you to determine the course of otitis media. Such a disease, left without proper treatment, can provoke a rapid deterioration in hearing, which at some point cannot be stopped, and more frequent dizziness.

Feeling sick and dizzy after eating, causes. The described signs are noted by physicians with a deterioration in cerebral circulation, characteristic of migraines, encephalitis and Lyme disease. Similar symptoms accompany head bruises, concussions or tumor processes in it, as well as seizures of epilepsy. It is also characteristic of people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system, and also worries those who have low blood sugar levels. Discomfort is especially pronounced with long periods of time between meals. Through nausea with dizziness, hypo- and hypertension, as well as anemia, are also manifested. Through them, you can determine the occurrence of side effects of drugs. Taking into account the fact that nausea and dizziness appear in diseases of completely different origin and degree of danger to humans, when observing the systematic appearance of these symptoms, one should immediately contact a medical institution for examination.

What to do if you feel very sick, nauseous and dizzy?

Far from always people know what to do if severe dizziness and nausea.

To ease the discomfort caused by dizziness and nausea, you can take the following measures:

2 Dizziness accompanied by tremors can be overcome by eating a piece of chocolate or other sweets. This will help replenish the deficiency of glucose in the body and avoid hunger fainting. In such cases, it is important to clearly establish and observe the diet.

3 If the discomfort is caused by a lack of oxygen, to restore normal health, it is enough to ventilate the room in which you are, or go out into the fresh air.

4 Vertigo (motion sickness) is eliminated with the help of medications.

As indicated above, to accurately determine the source of the increase in nausea and dizziness, you should undergo a medical examination. You must first consult with your doctor. If you have a feeling of severe nausea, dizziness, body temperature rises, then you need to contact an experienced specialist as soon as possible. If this condition is repeated constantly, then first of all consult a neurologist. A neurologist can determine the cause of your poor health (nerve infringement, impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the spine). If no neurological problems are found, you should be examined by an otolaryngologist who can determine if you have problems with the functioning of the vestibular or hearing apparatus.

If these doctors do not reveal pathologies, while uncomfortable symptoms bother you, then you need to undergo a complete medical examination. Let your doctor know what exactly is bothering you. This will help determine the diagnosis and individually select the most effective treatment in a particular case. Self-medication carries a great health hazard if a person suffers from constant headaches and dizziness with severe nausea when diagnosing craniocerebral injuries, epilepsy, Minier's disease, panic attacks. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you contact the hospital for quality care.

Nausea and dizziness are not only unpleasant sensations, but also symptoms of many diseases. Let's consider some of them.

Migraine. Chronic neurological disease. Migraine attacks are characterized by a severe headache that throbs around the eyes and temples. Nausea and vomiting are added to the headache. Another painful spasm causes even a bright light or sound. A migraine attack lasts from several hours to three days.

It is believed that the main cause of migraine is genetic. Migraine is hereditary. People suffering from migraine should be aware of the factors that can trigger another attack:

1 skipping the next meal or insufficient fluid intake;

2 lack or excess sleep;

4 emotional stress, stress;

5 menstruation, taking oral contraceptives;

6 weather change.

Arterial hypertension. Chronic disease associated with high blood pressure. It can appear at any age, but in older people, hypertension appears more often. This is due to the fact that with age the elasticity of blood vessels decreases, their walls are easily stretched.

What is characteristic of hypertension?

1 throbbing headache;

2 nausea;

3 dizziness, feeling of "flies" before the eyes;

4 redness and swelling of the face.

These signs should serve as a mandatory signal to see a doctor. The danger of hypertension is that for a long time it can be asymptomatic. Lack of proper treatment can lead to a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure.

Symptoms when a child has pain and dizziness are very common. With a headache and colic in the abdomen of a child, the baby becomes passive, lethargic, after which more noticeable painful symptoms appear.

The main causes of headache, weakness and nausea in a child:

Nervous shock, stress, worries, overwork, all this can lead to the fact that the child will begin to fail, resulting in headache, nausea, sometimes even abdominal pain, weakness and increased overwork. It is especially difficult to study at school and endure such burdens for those children in the family who have problems in the relationship of their parents. Because any quarrels often affect the child first of all. If the parents do not know what to do, if the child has a headache, weakness and nausea against the background of nervous overwork, then the treatment of painful symptoms in such a situation will be very simple. Parents need to ensure peace, healthy sleep, minimizing stress.

Migraine in a child, a severe headache against the background of nausea and weakness, may be one of the consequences of the influence of heredity. Very often in the same family, parents and children at different ages experience the same painful symptoms. Migraine in a child very often manifests itself in the form of a severe headache, which may appear as a result of irritation to sounds, environment, certain situations. With migraines, in some cases, not only nausea is observed, but also vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, or frequent loose stools. Migraine attacks, both in a child and in an adult, can last for several hours and even days. Nausea and headache symptoms can also be caused by the flu, an infection, a severe cold, or a cold. Sinusitis and tonsillitis are also accompanied by severe headache and sometimes nausea.

What should be done to prevent hypertension?

1 Control your weight. Excess body weight increases the load on blood vessels and increases the risk of disease.

2 Eat right. Refuse or reduce to a minimum the consumption of fatty, fried foods. The daily diet must include fruits and vegetables. Bread is better than whole grain. Unsalted food cooked by stewing or baking will be useful.

3 Stop smoking.

4 Move more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to work instead of using public transport. Any feasible physical activity should become the norm.

Meningitis. A very serious and dangerous disease characterized by the occurrence of inflammation in the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. It can occur on its own or as a result of other diseases, head injuries. Meningitis is usually caused by bacteria or viruses.

The main manifestations of meningitis:

1 severe headache;

2 temperature increase;

3 nausea, vomiting;

4 dizziness, impaired consciousness;

5 light and sound phobia.

Meningitis develops abruptly, suddenly. Symptoms are so pronounced that the patient urgently needs medical attention. With timely access to a doctor and adequate treatment, meningitis can be cured within two to four weeks.

Meningitis can be prevented by:

1 vaccination;

2 exclusion of contact with sick people;

3 wearing medical masks during SARS and influenza epidemics;

4 washing hands before eating, after using the toilet - especially in public places.

Tumors of the brain. As a result of uncontrolled cell division, formations may appear in the brain. Tumors often begin their growth in the tissues of the brain - then they are called primary. In the case of metastasis of tumors from other organs to the brain, the tumors are called secondary. The most common causes of secondary tumors are: breast cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer. Brain tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors may not show themselves for many years. Malignant tumors sharply make themselves felt.

The symptoms are clear:

1 headache;

2 nausea and vomiting "fountain", which do not depend on food intake;

3 dizziness, sensation of tinnitus;

4 lethargy, indifference to life, impaired memory and attention.

Many others can be added to these signs: epileptic seizures, convulsions, impaired coordination of movements. With such a complex of symptoms, it is urgent to seek medical help. To confirm or refute oncological pathology, the doctor will prescribe a brain tomography. Brain tumors are treated with surgery. The operation to remove formations in the head is very complicated, but in this case it is indispensable. After a histological examination, when the nature of the tumor is already known, treatment is prescribed. Malignant tumors require chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These methods are used to reduce the risk of metastases and tumor recurrence. With timely access to a doctor, the prognosis for the treatment of brain tumors is very favorable.

Borreliosis. This dangerous infectious disease is caused by small insects - ticks. When they bite, the tick-borne encephalitis virus enters the human bloodstream. You can get infected with borreliosis in another way - if you accidentally crush the tick with your fingers. Then the infection enters the body through microtraumas on the skin of the hands. Borreliosis is not detected immediately. The first signs of illness appear two to three weeks after infection.

The following symptoms indicate the onset of the disease:

1 occurrence of redness at the site of a tick bite;

2 headache and muscle pain;

3 temperature rise;

4 nausea, urge to vomit;

5 scratching in the throat, dry cough.

If you start treatment with antibiotics on time, then borreliosis will recede even at the first stage of the disease. Without proper diagnosis and timely treatment, borreliosis can become chronic. Then serious consequences can appear: meningitis, arthritis, dermatitis. Due to damage to the nervous system, motor and speech functions may be impaired.

How to prevent the occurrence of borreliosis?

1 protect yourself with a tick-borne encephalitis vaccine;

2 when going out into nature, to places where ticks are likely to live, wear closed clothes, high boots; Treat open areas of the skin with special anti-tick preparations;

3 carefully inspect pets after walks in order to detect ticks in time.

If the tick is still found on the skin of a person or animal, then you need to try to remove it with tweezers. The movements should be twisting, not tearing - then it will be possible to pull out the tick without damaging it.

Stress, depression. Many doctors believe that the diagnosis of depression is often made for no apparent reason. However, the number of people suffering from depression is not decreasing. Not everyone can deal with stress quickly without health consequences. A bad mental state appears due to dissatisfaction with life, difficult events, loss of loved ones. Teenagers are prone to depression due to misunderstanding in the family, lack of moral support from parents, disappointment in first love, quarrels with friends. Parents need to remember that during the period of hormonal teenage changes, the child really needs love and attention.

Depression is characterized by the following symptoms:

1 sad mood;

2 lethargy;

3 lack of manifestation of emotions;

4 decrease in physical activity.

A person under stress often develops dizziness, nausea, a feeling of a lump in the throat or squeezing of the chest, and there is no appetite. Treatment is with antidepressants. Many people benefit from seeing a psychotherapist. Believers usually go to their spiritual mentor.

Ivan Drozdov 21.11.2017

Feeling dizzy and nauseous is familiar to everyone. The reasons for this condition are varied, almost all of them are caused by a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus or a violation of brain activity. Dizziness, weakness and nausea can occur after drinking alcohol or due to motion sickness in transport. At the same time, the causes of their appearance may lie in serious diseases that require immediate treatment.

The feeling of dizziness and nausea can be caused by physiological factors, external stimuli (triggers) and serious pathologies.

Physiological factors contributing to the appearance of dizziness with nausea:

  • Susceptibility to stress - dizziness and incoming nausea occurs due to a sharp release of adrenaline and vasospasm. Emotional people with a subtle and vulnerable psyche are most susceptible to seizures.
  • Natural hormonal changes that occur in women during the menstrual cycle, menopause, pregnancy.
  • Problems with focusing the gaze, when a person begins to feel dizzy with a feeling of nausea, peering into the distance. The reason can be both a physiological feature of the vestibular apparatus, and disturbances in its work.
  • Violation of blood circulation caused by a long stay in one position and its abrupt change.
  • Side effect or individual intolerance to drugs. Most often, nausea and dizziness from sedatives, muscle relaxants, strong antibiotics.
  • Lack of glucose, vitamins and microelements in the body, caused by metabolic disorders or malnutrition.
  • The natural aging process - frequent dizziness, supplemented by weakness and nausea, occurs due to reduced work of life-support systems and poor blood circulation.

Temporary ailments, accompanied by nausea, dizziness and weakness, can be caused by the following reasons:

  • severe alcohol intoxication followed by a hangover syndrome;
  • food or chemical poisoning;
  • motion sickness on boat trips, during air travel and transport;
  • staying at the top;
  • traumatic brain injury and the formation of intracranial hematomas as a result of this.

Serious pathologies, the symptoms of which are frequent dizziness with nausea, include:

  1. Arterial hypertension - the described symptoms occur at the time of the crisis, are complemented by ringing in the ears, palpitations, bursting pain in the head.
  2. Hypotension - abnormally low blood pressure is characterized by bouts of nausea, dizziness, sweating and weakness.
  3. VSD is a neurological disorder characterized by sudden changes in blood pressure.
  4. Hypoglycemia - a decrease in blood glucose levels leads to malnutrition of brain structures.
  5. Anemia (anemia) - a reduced rate of red cells in the blood leads to a lack of oxygen in the structures of the brain and the onset of symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, and pale skin.
  6. Meniere's disease is a pathology affecting the vestibular apparatus. The first sign of disruption of the vestibular system is systemic dizziness, which in advanced cases can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  7. ENT diseases - otitis media in chronic or acute form, labyrinthitis.
  8. Migraine - dizziness with bouts of nausea are common symptoms of an aura that occurs before a migraine attack.
  9. Intracranial hypertension - the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the brain and its pressure on certain nerve endings can cause bouts of nausea and dizziness.
  10. The vertebral artery syndrome, which occurs as a result of the development of cervical osteochondrosis, leads to brain hypoxia and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
  11. Infectious damage to the brain and its membranes caused by meningitis, encephalitis (including tick-borne). The condition is aggravated by fever, severe vomiting, impaired consciousness, unbearable attacks of headaches.
  12. Intracranial tumors - nausea and dizziness can be caused both by the pressure of the formation on certain centers, and by the toxic effect of cancer cells on all vital systems.
  13. A stroke is a serious condition in which there is a real threat to life or loss of vital functions with a low probability of their full recovery. In addition to severe dizziness and a feeling of nausea, a person at the time of an attack experiences vomiting, impaired speech and balance, and paralysis of the limbs.

Among the described causes of nausea with dizziness, it is important to identify the true one in order to take measures to eliminate it.

With the appearance of regular dizziness, aggravated by nausea and weakness, it is necessary to see a doctor and undergo an examination. The primary examination is carried out by the therapist, who, depending on the nature of the additional symptoms, can refer the patient for a consultation to one of the specialized doctors:

  • neuropathologist - in the presence of a complex of signs indicating disorders of the nervous or vascular system;
  • ENT doctor - in case of suspected diseases of the hearing organs and the vestibular apparatus;
  • infectious disease specialist - if there is a possibility of developing infectious diseases in the body (for example, tick-borne encephalitis, meningitis, rotavirus infection);
  • vertebrologist - in the presence of symptoms of diseases of the spinal system;
  • oncologist - if intracranial formations are suspected.

After the initial examination and clarification of complaints, the patient is assigned a number of studies, which may include:

  • laboratory blood tests;
  • measurement of blood pressure indicators in dynamics;
  • echo encephalography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • MRI or computed tomography;
  • audiography;
  • vestibulometry;
  • x-ray of the cervical vertebrae;
  • virological studies of smears and blood in case of suspected development of such dangerous diseases as tick-borne encephalitis or meningitis.

Passing a thorough examination will allow the doctor to determine the profile of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

If a person often feels dizzy and sick, he should know the simple rules of behavior when feeling worse and be able to help himself on his own.

To do this, at the time of the attack, do the following:

  • do not make quick and abrupt movements, but without haste and carefully find a solid support to sit down or lean on it;
  • normalize breathing by taking a few deep breaths through the nose and exhaling through the mouth;
  • with hypoglycemia, eat a piece of sugar or a sweet candy, drink warm sweet tea;
  • eat mint or lemon flavored candy if nausea with dizziness comes from motion sickness in transport;
  • move to fresh air if similar symptoms occur in a suffocating room.

With regularly occurring bouts of dizziness and nausea caused by kinetosis (sickness), the appearance of these symptoms can be prevented by taking an anti-nausea drug before traveling or climbing to a height. The nomenclature and dosage of such a drug should be determined by the doctor, having confirmed the diagnosis before that.

In cases where dizziness, combined with nausea and weakness, is a symptom of one of the diseases described, a serious approach to treatment is necessary. Depending on the type of pathology, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment, consisting of the following drugs:

  1. With hypertension - taking vasodilators and diuretics.
  2. In case of impaired blood supply and functional activity of the brain, a course of drugs that provide brain nutrition (neuroprotectors, B vitamins) and contribute to the normalization of blood circulation is recommended.
  3. With osteochondrosis - taking muscle relaxants, preparations with B vitamins and nootropic drugs, undergoing massage sessions and a course of physiotherapy according to indications.
  4. In Meniere's disease, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, since it is impossible to cure the pathology directly. Antihistamines, diuretics, sedatives, and antiemetics are among the drugs that relieve the feeling of nausea and dizziness.
  5. With labyrinthitis and otitis, a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary. With pronounced inflammation and suppuration, surgical intervention may be required.
  6. In infectious diseases of the brain (encephalitis, meningitis), complex therapy is prescribed, which includes antiviral, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs, as well as immunoglobulins.
  7. In case of alcohol or food poisoning, gastric lavage, adsorbents and diuretics are required.

Without a clear diagnosis and consultation with a doctor, it is not recommended to remove the described symptoms with folk remedies, since natural components can have side effects on the body and aggravate an already poor state of health.

Conditions such as nausea, dizziness, and loss of balance occur for various reasons. Most often this indicates that the person did not get enough sleep. But symptoms can also occur in other serious disorders in the body and can often be triggered by the appearance of a serious illness. The article describes in detail everything about why failures and disturbances appear in the human body.

Main symptoms

  • The head begins to spin in the early morning after a night's sleep.
  • Vision becomes weaker and manifests itself in the appearance of a "bag", as they say in the people.
  • Many people experience nausea during morning dizziness, and it manifests itself differently for each sick person.

These symptoms confirm the fact that the vestibular apparatus does not work in the right direction and there are failures in its work. The phenomenon can be accidental if a person abruptly gets out of bed, but in many cases this indicates the occurrence of a serious illness.

Very often disease provocateurs in the human body are in a calm state. In some cases, slight nausea appears as a normal phenomenon and may not be noticeable, in this case the person is not worried about anything.

What to do

If all the symptoms mentioned above appear, and they often appear and disturb a person, you cannot take measures on your own so as not to harm the body. There are many recommendations on the Internet about the disease, but they cannot be used, in this situation the specialist doctor will give the correct recommendation.

The necessary medicines and exercises will help eliminate morning dizziness forever, and this will be a great relief for the body. Measures must be taken even if the disease is not detected, so that a person feels normal in the morning.

A large and the first provocateur of flies, nausea and dizziness can be a quick rush after sleep.

In order to prevent the manifestation of symptoms, it is recommended to use the following recommendation: after waking up, you need to pull yourself up, while lying on your back, and then slowly turn to your right side. This procedure must be repeated with the opposite side and turn on the left side. Then get up and sit down at a slow pace, lean on the bed with your hands and take deep breaths, and only then you can rise to your feet.

Getting out of bed must be done responsibly., since at this time the vestibular apparatus is weak and sudden movements will lead the person to fall. In this case, serious injury cannot be avoided and therefore it is recommended to take care of yourself and avoid unnecessary and quick movements after waking up. It is necessary to lie down for a few minutes so that the body wakes up and does not lead to falls, nausea and dizziness.

Morning dizziness speaks of the appearance of many causes associated with dangerous diseases related to the brain, as well as organs located in the human body. But if there are no sudden movements after waking up, and the head continues to spin and is accompanied by nausea, you should immediately see a doctor, avoid self-medication and in no case try to help your body on your own.

After the examination, the specialist will definitely carry out work that will reveal a violation of the vestibular apparatus, and then tell you how to fix the problem and improve your health.

Many people who have been diagnosed with an ailment try to find the answer to the question and thereby not get rid of the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms. But with self-treatment, provocative diseases do not disappear, but begin to disturb more and more. In this case, the patient begins to feel unwell and this can lead to serious consequences, in some cases even death. Experts are not to be avoided., they are the first helpers who will come and save the human body. It is impossible to refuse the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Human health should be in the first place, it is more important than money and more important than work. Many sick people who have undergone treatment are grateful to specialists and feel much better. The doctor will be happy to provide the necessary assistance and help get rid of the symptoms forever. A competent specialist will always find the cause from which nausea, loss of consciousness and impaired coordination appeared. The situation can be aggravated by alternative treatment in an independent way.

It is better not to do anything, because after the symptoms disappear for a while, the disease from which they originated will develop more and faster. In this case, the disease is difficult to treat.

Weakness in the body and loss of balance can manifest itself at an inopportune moment. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what caused the failure. To find the source of the problem, all options are considered, taking into account additional signs.

Such phenomena always lead to confusion, if it is impossible to find an objective explanation for what is happening. Doctors in such situations are guided by a general principle. When both phenomena occur against the background of the health of the gastrointestinal tract, we can speak with full confidence about the relationship of both signs and the presence of internal pathology. It may be a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus, but other violations are not excluded.

Causes of dizziness

Characteristic symptoms occur even in healthy people if certain provoking factors act:

  • Hormonal changes. The most pronounced negative manifestations in expectant mothers and adolescents. Along with nausea and loss of balance, sometimes there is diarrhea, vomiting, and a fever may occur.
  • Strong excitement. Due to the release of adrenaline, vasospasm occurs, headaches and imbalance disturb.
  • Acute lack of glucose. Deficiency is often caused by a rigid diet that leaves the brain malnourished.

These points are referred to as physiological factors. In addition to them, there are a number of other serious violations.

Food poisoning

Why dizziness and nausea becomes apparent when the primary signs are sudden vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness without a noticeable increase in temperature. With intoxication, gastric and intestinal spasms are repeated repeatedly. With regard to discomfort in the stomach and failure of the vestibular apparatus, such phenomena persist until the body is completely cleansed of harmful substances. A similar condition is observed with a hangover.

The first aid measure is the release of the digestive organ from the remnants of food. To induce vomiting, drink water with potassium permanganate of a barely pink hue in an amount of at least one liter. Then they move on to detoxification and rehabilitation therapy by taking medications.

Head injury

Physical activity or banal negligence often ends with undesirable consequences:

  • Concussion from impact on a hard surface. If in the first few hours after the incident, the head begins to feel dizzy, nausea appears, the primary signs of the pathology are ascertained, requiring strict adherence to the treatment regimen and complete rest.
  • Diseases of the spine. A characteristic clinical picture is observed in osteochondrosis of the cervical region. Dizziness in such a situation becomes a constant symptom due to pinching in the deformed joints of blood vessels and nerve endings. The result of the violation is poor nutrition of the brain, lack of oxygen, minerals.


Weakness and dizziness are often normal for patients with this diagnosis. When blood sugar levels drop, the body's energy reserves are depleted, starvation of brain cells begins. In addition to the main signs, there is general weakness, trembling in the hands is felt. If hypoglycemia is not confirmed, other dangerous conditions should be ruled out, including a pancreatic tumor.

High or low pressure

Nausea can be due to a strong increase or a sharp decrease in the strength of blood flow in the vessels. Simultaneously with discomfort in the epigastric region, a headache occurs, it can freeze due to an increase in temperature. An additional negative symptom is the failure of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea, vomiting.

With a jump in pressure, the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases. When pathology develops, it may darken in the eyes, there is a violation of speech and acute spasm. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance.

oxygen starvation

As noted above, one of the reasons why the brain suffers is vertebral pathologies. Another provoking factor is anemia or anemia. You can talk about this condition when there is a deterioration in appetite or a complete refusal to eat, the skin turns yellow or becomes too dry.


As a rule, dizziness and nausea are companions of the first trimester.. Even with absolute health, the cardiovascular, circulatory, and nervous systems can fail. This is due to the increased work of the female body and active blood flow to the growing embryo. Hormonal imbalance completes the picture. In order not to provoke poor health, follow a number of rules:

  • Exclude a long stay in a stuffy room.
  • Do not allow overheating.
  • Avoid sudden changes in body position.

And also from the first days of pregnancy, nutrition is adjusted, planning a complete balanced diet with an abundance of vegetables, fruits, and protein foods. With this approach, it is possible to prevent the development of anemia, hypotension, hypoglycemia.

ENT diseases

Nausea can be due to the pathology of the inner or middle ear, otitis media. Ignoring the first negative signs is fraught with serious complications up to hearing loss. If you do not start treatment on time, even after the therapy, dizziness can persist permanently.

Encephalitis and Lyme disease

The sudden onset of symptoms indicates a violation of the blood flow to the brain. A similar clinical picture is diagnosed with epilepsy.


In addition to nausea and lack of balance, there is an increase in sleep duration. Additionally, dry mouth may be a concern. If the above symptoms are expressed, an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed.

Accurate diagnosis

To find the root cause of the problem, they plan a comprehensive examination, including a number of items:

  • Physical examination.
  • Echo and electroencephalography.
  • neurological tests.
  • Study of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Audiometry.
  • X-ray of the spine (if cervical osteochondrosis is suspected).
  • CT, MRI of the brain.
  • General clinical analysis of blood, urine.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Measurement of blood pressure.

Additionally, measures are prescribed to identify or exclude the symptoms of meningitis.


When nausea is diagnosed, dizziness and the condition is aggravated by fever, vomiting, urgent need to call an ambulance. Since further therapy is possible only in a hospital setting. It is important to completely eradicate the cause of the pathology. Then the effective elimination of negative symptoms is ensured.

Depending on the overall picture, one of the following therapy options is prescribed:

  • If hypertension is found, you need to take special medications - Clonidine, Captopril. Treatment is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Meniere's disease with damage to the inner ear and the development of a purulent inflammatory process in it, it is treated with diuretics, antihistamines, and sedatives.
  • Labyrinthitis or otitis media eliminate antibacterial drugs prescribed in conjunction with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. When the pathology is aggravated as a result of suppuration, surgical intervention is considered.
  • If tick-borne encephalitis is detected, for therapy, medicines are chosen that provide antiviral, immunomodulatory effects. Supplement the scheme with hormonal drugs that stop the inflammatory process.
  • With severe cerebrovascular accident showing vascular means. Good effect gives Trental.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. To eliminate the cause of nausea and dizziness, only tablet preparations are not enough. They are supplemented with therapeutic exercises, massage, physiotherapy procedures.
  • Drugs that remove toxins, antispasmodics and electrolytes are indicated if negative symptoms caused by poisoning. Recommended products include Atoxil, Smecta, Activated carbon, Polysorb, No-shpa.

When negative symptoms appear suddenly, you need to properly respond to the situation. It is important to avoid any sudden movements, including getting up from a lying or sitting position. In addition to a serious internal failure, this may be the body's reaction to hunger. If you have chocolate on hand, a piece of sweet product helps to cope with nausea and dizziness.


  • If dizziness appears abruptly, but there is no nausea, you can try to correct the condition by changing the position of the body.
  • A good preventive measure to stop an incipient attack is sweet tea that increases glucose levels.
  • When there is a negative trend with nausea, dizziness and serious diseases are excluded, it is worth visiting the fresh air more often. Thus, it is possible to saturate the body with oxygen.
  • If poor health is due to pregnancy, artichoke-based preparations and sorbents can be prescribed to eliminate nausea against the background of toxicosis. Mint tea works well and is easy to make. Any medicines and herbs for a future mother are allowed to be used only after consultation with a gynecologist.
  • To cope with malaise and prevent the aggravation of the condition, light gymnastics helps to increase the tone of the body. A 15-minute set of daily exercises is required. Start charging immediately after waking up.

You can do it according to the scheme below:

  • Focusing on a finger located 30 cm from the nose, they turn their heads in different directions, gradually accelerating the movement.
  • Holding playing cards in outstretched hands, they alternately look at each other without turning their heads.
  • With legs shoulder-width apart, slightly tilt the torso back and forth, left and right without rotation of the hip joint. Close your eyes before exercise.

When the described symptoms become the result of motion sickness and appear only when traveling in transport, taking special means will help save the situation. For children, it is better to plan a trip for a period of sleep.

Doctor's conclusion

With regularly recurring nausea and severe imbalance, only an experienced doctor can treat. At his discretion, it is possible to combine traditional and folk therapy. When the result is achieved, adhere to preventive measures. Without a systematic approach, there is a high likelihood of relapses and a gradual increase in discomfort.

When the patient is dizzy and nauseous, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This symptomatology is often associated with disorders in the functioning of the brain or vestibular apparatus.

It is not a separate disease, but only a clinical sign. Everyone's head was spinning at least once. This condition is not in all cases associated with any disease.

When nausea appears at the same time, a viral disease is a provoking factor. This pathology manifests itself both in childhood and in adulthood.

To know what to do if you feel dizzy and sick, you need to consult a specialist.

Nausea, dizziness and weakness: causes and treatment

Unpleasant sensations, when dizzy and sick, can provoke various reasons, regardless of age.

From this phenomenon, people begin to panic, since an unusual attack is often difficult to explain.

Experts believe that this is a violation in the functioning of the balance system, which includes sensory organs and the vestibular apparatus.

This system is controlled by the brain, which receives impulses from distant organs.

If the information is distorted, there will be a violation in the system. There will be initial symptoms: dizziness, weakness. Nausea indicates a loss of control.

Types of dizziness

This pathology is usually divided into 2 varieties.

Before starting therapy, the specialist must establish the real causes of discomfort, and then select the appropriate medications and make an appointment.

Types of dizziness:

  • When there is a peripheral variety of the disease, the head is spinning with concomitant symptoms: tachycardia, increased sweating. The attack lasts a short period of time, then the body will quickly return to its natural state, the symptoms of malaise will disappear.
  • When the head is very dizzy, the person loses balance, feels weakness in the body, arms and legs, then these symptoms indicate central dizziness.

Along with nausea, it is observed quite often, at this time speech disorders are found during the attack.

There are also failures in the functioning of the motor apparatus on the one hand.

The patient complains of unilateral weakness in the limbs. A common symptom of central failure is doubling.

This pathology is considered a warning to the body that there are malfunctions in the brain.

The reasons

The most popular causes associated with diseases that cause nausea, gag reflex, dizziness:

  • During cervical diseases (for example, osteochondrosis). Dizziness and nausea occur during movement, in particular with sharp turns, tilts, raising the head, cervical region. Strengthening of symptoms is likely in the process of changing the position of the body. Adjacent manifestations of the disease are pain in the cervical region, limitation of its mobility, staggering gait, numbness of the hands or feet or fingers on them. In difficult situations, orientation in space is disturbed.
  • When dizzy and sick, there is tinnitus, possibly Meniere's disease. The patient's condition worsens due to the appearance of the urge to gag reflex. As time passes, hearing becomes worse in patients, and its partial loss is likely.
  • Difficulties with the deterioration of auditory function are provoked by an inflammatory process in the middle ear. Labyrinthitis leads to nausea and dizziness. Such a condition requires timely examination and treatment. Without appropriate treatment, discharge occurs from the ear, and extremely often the disease ends in hearing loss.
  • When the head is spinning in the process of lifting and turning the head, nausea occurs, we can talk about vestibular neuritis. A characteristic feature of such a disease is that the attack appears unexpectedly, but develops rapidly. The patient returns to the natural state after 2-3 days. For a certain period of time, the patient experiences periodic dizziness.
  • Brain injury, swelling is also likely. Any injuries to the head and spine should be diagnosed, probably hospitalization is needed.
  • One of the signs indicating a stroke is a complaint that the patient is feeling sick and dizzy. At this time, unpleasant symptoms are formed rapidly, disturbing for a long period of time. The patient feels weak, he develops visual and speech disorders. Probably double vision, loss of susceptibility. The patient notes a lack of coordination.
  • Diseases of the muscles of the eyes lead to the appearance of a flickering image. A similar symptom can act as a cause of nausea and dizziness. When the flickering has passed, the patient's condition will also improve.
  • Benign positional vertigo is detected through a special test. During its implementation, the specialist monitors the occurrence of nystagmus - spontaneous twitching of the eyeballs. Their presence and the patient's feelings, which are associated with the manifestation of dizziness during the test, indicate the indicated pathological process.
  • Migraine. A disease during which the patient feels unbearable bouts of pain in the head. They are associated with a gag reflex and other neurological manifestations.
  • Tumors in the brain. They are a common provoking factor for dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Additionally, the patient may complain of discomfort in the head, deafness.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system lead to changes in blood pressure. Attacks of dizziness often appear during high and low pressure. They are associated with pain in the head, gag reflex.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract provoke improper processing of food products. At this time, the body suffers from a lack of iron or other necessary elements. Anemia is formed, in which the main complaints will be dizziness and nausea.

First aid

To avoid unpleasant symptoms, you must adhere to the following prescriptions:

  • You can not make any kind of sudden movements. For example, you should not abruptly get out of bed. When dizzy, it is permissible to change the position of the body.
  • Help in stopping an attack can be provided by a sweet candy that can restore the glucose content in the bloodstream. You can drink sweet tea or compote.
  • To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to use simple gymnastic exercises that make it possible to normalize the functioning of the body. It will be sufficient to devote approximately 20 minutes a day to this gymnastics. Best after sleep.
  • When dizziness and nausea overtook in transport, it is optimal to take drugs from motion sickness. If a long journey is expected, then it is advisable to fall asleep during the trip.
  • It is recommended to be outside more often.
  • To eliminate the symptoms of a hangover, you can also use special preparations: Medichronal.


When the patient often has dizziness and nausea, he must necessarily contact a specialist.

It is necessary to call for help without delay if there is a gag reflex and fever.

Such a pathological condition is not a separate disease, therefore it is possible to eliminate the symptoms only by removing the causes of its appearance.

Self-treatment in this situation can cause dangerous consequences. Treatment depends on the disease that provoked the pathology:

  • In order to counteract hypertension, drugs are used: Captopril, Clonidine. It must be taken into account that a sudden drop in blood pressure can be dangerous.
  • Meniere's disease, for example, does not have any therapeutic regimen. It is not possible to remove the pathological process itself. It is only necessary to use medications that eliminate the symptoms. In this situation, you need to take sedatives and antihistamines, diuretics.
  • When the cause of the pathology is labyrinthitis, then antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are used for therapy. When inflammation is associated with the release of purulent contents, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary.
  • If tick-borne encephalitis is present, the patient is prescribed serious drug treatment. For example, it is necessary to use immunoglobulins, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibacterial drugs.
  • If blood flow in the brain is disturbed, drugs are needed to restore it: Trental.
  • When osteochondrosis in the cervical region is the cause of the pathological process, then it will not be possible to achieve a positive result with pills alone. Massage and special gymnastic exercises help to improve well-being.


To prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant symptoms, the following preventive measures should be taken:

  • When a patient has a predisposition to "seasickness" or needs to go somewhere, then before traveling, one should not eat for several hours. It is necessary to drink a remedy for motion sickness.
  • It will also be useful to learn the recommendations of a nutritionist, subject to dietary nutrition. In this case, the patient will not feel weak and angry, as is observed with a lack of glucose and other trace elements.
  • To raise the hemoglobin content, improve the functioning of the immune system and saturate the body with vitamins, it is permissible to use Amosov's paste (a remedy that consists of dried fruits processed in a meat grinder, lemon with peel and walnuts with honey in the same amount).
  • In the presence of anxiety and negative emotions, special breathing exercises, certain types of meditation and various psychological techniques help.
  • Hangover syndrome is effectively eliminated by sweet and sour juices, fermented milk products, aspirin and various specialized medications.

Therapy for dizziness associated with nausea is prescribed by a specialist. It is permissible to use traditional medicine in combination with drug treatment.

But this must be done with extreme caution so as not to aggravate the situation. It is mandatory to adhere to preventive measures that help prevent the occurrence of relapses.

Useful video

Many patients do not take dizziness, nausea and weakness as a serious symptom, but attribute them to fatigue, malnutrition, magnetic storms, weather changes. However, nausea, weakness and dizziness can signal a serious diagnosis, so these symptoms should not be ignored.

The reasons

Dizziness is a sensation of movement and rotation of everything that is around the patient, which in reality is false. Most often with this condition, a person experiences bouts of nausea and vomiting. The causes of these symptoms include all diseases that affect the vestibular apparatus, space control, as well as diseases of the joints, muscle and bone corset.

Dizziness may be accompanied by:

  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • loss of balance;
  • veil before the eyes.

A person may experience pre-syncope, which negatively affects the vestibular apparatus and can provoke a fall, severe uncontrollable weakness in the legs, disorientation.

Vertigo has two types of manifestation: central and peripheral.

Causes of central vertigo include:

  • neoplasms in the region of the brain;
  • violations blood flow brain;
  • migraine;
  • shake brain;
  • epilepsy.

Causes of peripheral vertigo include:

  • violations related to dorsal brain;
  • failures in blood flow in the area of ​​the vestibular apparatus;
  • disease Meniere;
  • diseases spine;
  • inner trauma ear.

Weakness and dizziness

Weakness and dizziness can signal the following pathologies:

  • diseases hearts;
  • harbingers stroke in the form of hypertensive attacks;
  • violations blood flow into the brain;
  • low level hemoglobin, anemia;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia, as a consequence of stress;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • reduced sugar in blood;
  • poisoning;
  • side Effect after taking certain medications;
  • solar hit;
  • diseases oncological character at an early stage.

Teenagers may experience dizziness and weakness during puberty.

Dizziness in women

In women, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting can be caused by:

  • pregnancy;
  • nervous surge;
  • diabetes
  • diseases hearts;
  • menopause;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • strict diet, fasting;
  • diseases endocrine systems.

Dizziness in children

If a child has dizziness and nausea, then parents should definitely consult a doctor, since these symptoms very often indicate various disorders and diseases that can lead to:

  • inflammation and infections;
  • hereditary migraine;
  • different ENT diseases.


If dizziness is accompanied by severe progressive headaches and nausea, which comes with seizures, hearing loss, facial asymmetry, then most likely it signals the occurrence of an ischemia focus or neoplasm in the brain area.

Dizziness, which occurs in attacks and is accompanied by weakness, can be the cause of high blood pressure. But if fainting, slurred tongue, stiffness of movements are added to these symptoms, then you need to urgently call an ambulance, since all this can be a sign of an incipient stroke.

Diabetics may periodically experience dizziness with fainting, most often this occurs during a period of critical decrease in blood sugar. Experts recommend immediately calling an ambulance, and while waiting for the doctor, offer the patient something sweet.

Photophobia, nausea and dizziness are very common during severe migraine attacks.

Nausea, dizziness and increased sweating signal problems with the spine.

Pancreatin, cholecystitis, liver disease can also cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness. In this case, adequate treatment must be prescribed.

Nausea, vomiting and dizziness, which occur with noticeable frequency in women, may indicate an onset pregnancy, in which case a test will help to confirm or refute these assumptions.

Weakness and vomiting are signs of intoxication or poisoning with alcohol, poor-quality products, gas or smoke.

All symptoms must be checked, as it can also indicate other equally serious pathologies.


To diagnose symptoms such as nausea, weakness, dizziness, the specialist first collects the entire history. The doctor may ask about possible injuries, hearing, visual disturbances, and other pathologies and symptoms.

It is also worth talking about the drugs that have recently been taken. The specialist may inquire about alcohol and drug addiction.

The following studies are mainly assigned:

  • General analysis blood and urine.
  • ultrasonic study of the head and cardiovascular system. Confirm or refute diseases of the cardiac system, their course, pathologies.
  • Electroencephalography. Shows the presence of epilepsy and other diseases associated with brain activity.
  • Electrocardiogram. It will help to determine the heart rate, all changes in the work of the heart muscle, inflammation.
  • x-ray cervical spine. Identifies pathologists. from the musculoskeletal system.
  • Magnetic resonance brain tomography. It will help to identify heart attack and stroke, multiple sclerosis, pituitary adenoma.
  • neurological diagnostics is an opportunity to make or refute such diagnoses as migraine, insomnia, genetic pathologies, stroke, inflammation of the nervous system, osteochondrosis, multiple sclerosis.
  • Tonal audiometry. Detects hearing loss or hearing problems.

After all the examinations have been carried out, the specialist prescribes treatment.

What to do

If the patient suffers from various chronic diseases, he may periodically experience nausea, weakness, dizziness, malaise, and drowsiness. If all these symptoms were noticed together or separately, then most likely there was a sharp exacerbation of the disease.

In diabetes, this may mean that sugar has dropped significantly due to a large dose of insulin. If this happens, then it is imperative to contact your doctor and adjust the dose or receive instructions on how to behave in these cases.

With frequent and heavy loads, symptoms appear from overwork, in connection with this, it is necessary to take a break and properly distribute your forces.

An ambulance is urgently called in the following cases:

  • arose fainting;
  • severe dizziness ;
  • headache, dizziness combined with speech impairment, facial asymmetry, weakness in the limbs;
  • with decompensation hypertension and diabetes;
  • if increased with dizziness temperature and there was vomiting.

With nausea, dizziness and weakness, they initially turn to a therapist who, having studied the problem, will appoint a visit to a specialist of a narrow specialization. It can be: a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist.

If dizziness occurs suddenly, the patient is placed in the position lying down on any surface and be sure to open windows so that more fresh air enters the room. The temperature in the room where the patient is located should be within normal limits.

If fainting occurs, then be sure to use ammonia, which is dripped onto cotton wool and brought to the patient's nose.

If a person experiences a nervous state, overstrained, or he has a tantrum, then he is necessarily offered herbal sedatives or tranquilizers. Most often they use valerian, motherwort, etc.

With reduced pressure or hypotension, the patient is offered to drink sweet tea.

If a person suffers from diabetes, when sugar drops, it is worth offering him candy or sugar, this will help raise blood glucose levels, which will improve well-being.

How to prevent dizziness and nausea on your own

If nausea and dizziness occur, the following actions should be excluded:

  • slopes head, torso.
  • Sharp movement.
  • Abrupt change of position body.

Also, you should not move at this moment in those places where you can get injured when you fall in case of fainting or feeling as bad as possible.


The main therapy for dizziness and nausea should be prescribed by a doctor after identifying the diagnosis and finding out the causes of the symptoms. To alleviate the condition and reduce signs of poor health, a specialist may suggest the following medications:

  • Lorazepam;
  • Metoclopramide;
  • Betahistine;
  • Dramina.


If a person often feels nauseous, he feels heaviness and dizziness, then the following rules should be observed, which will relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • Exclude from your life alcohol and taking drugs.
  • Correctly eat, without overeating.
  • Take a break from taking some medicines, if it is not possible to exclude them completely.
  • Get into the habit of taking frequent walks in the fresh air. air.
  • fully get enough sleep.
  • Minimize stress, nervous tension.
  • Visit every six months doctor.
  • Avoid exacerbation chronic diseases.
  • Accept vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Monitor the health hearts, muscle and bone corset, spine and prevent head injuries.

It is also very important to play sports, lead an active lifestyle and be treated on time.

The appearance of nausea and dizziness is usually associated with disorders of the digestive tract. Meanwhile, the combination of such symptoms may indicate a number of serious diseases or organic disorders that require immediate medical attention.

Any pathological process that occurs in the body due to external influences or organic causes causes a physiological response (the rate of metabolic processes changes, energy costs are reduced to the maximum). These measures mobilize the protective properties of the body and its ability to withstand negative influences, the so-called reactivity of the body.

Nausea is a kind of reflex signal of distress, a sign of serious health disorders (in this case, disorientation), a physiological way of temporarily “turning off” the stomach and the entire digestive tract. As a rule, it is accompanied by an acceleration of the heart rate and slowing of breathing.

Balance Keepers

The ability to walk upright, maintain balance with closed eyes and in any position is provided by the vestibular, visual and musculoskeletal apparatus of a person in a complex through their nerve receptors. The signals coming from them are received by a special part of the brain - the cerebellum, the main analyzer that coordinates the work of this complex. A failure on any segment of the chain that conducts or generates nerve impulses can theoretically cause coordination disorders, including in combination with nausea.

About 80 diseases have this unpleasant symptom. Most often, it is caused by various functional disorders.

Why is the head spinning

Understanding how the mechanism of spatial orientation of each of us works, we can assume the following reasons for its failures:

  1. diseases of the nervous system responsible for the transmission of nerve signals to the brain (neuritis, neuronitis, diseases of the spine, consequences of head injuries, especially delayed ones, viral damage to the nervous tissue);
  2. diseases of the inner ear;
  3. ophthalmic diseases that cause distortion of visual images;
  4. circulatory disorders of the inner ear and brain;
  5. complications of a number of infectious diseases (inflammatory processes) in the form of edema and compression of the brain tissue.

The quality of the blood supply to the brain and inner ear depends on the amount and composition of the blood entering them, the configuration and size of the lumen of the vessels. These figures may be influenced by the following factors:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (failures in the rhythm of heartbeats, various defects, hypertension);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • anemia;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • starvation and dehydration;
  • intoxication (food poisoning, self-poisoning of the body due to renal and (and) liver failure, the effects of radiation and chemotherapy, cancer itself);
  • neoplasms localized in the brain and neck;
  • aneurysms of large cerebral vessels;
  • spasm, vasoconstriction of the brain (in elderly patients - atherosclerosis);
  • vertebral artery syndrome.

Blood viscosity is affected by the level of "bad" cholesterol.

When dizziness "hides" in the ear

The most important part of the vestibular apparatus is the so-called cochlea, which is part of the human inner ear, the size of a grain of rice. It is densely covered with nerve receptors that act as sensitive "touch sensors". The cochlea contains the so-called membrane and 3 semicircular canals, which are semicircles of microscopic hollow tubes oriented in 3 planes.

In the cavity of the cochlea are microscopic (the size of an erythrocyte) calcium crystals - otoliths. Figuratively speaking, otoliths are like fine sand in a closed vessel. When a person stands still, "sand" lies at the bottom of this vessel. When a person lies down, the sand begins to pour onto his wall, which takes a horizontal position. At the same time, its receptors are activated, the signals from which are transmitted to the brain in the form of nerve impulses: information about a change in position is “formed” there. Thus, the slightest movement of the otoliths causes a reaction of the receptors.

Important! The otolithic membrane and the system of semicircular tubules are supplied with blood from different "sources", and the membrane is more sensitive to its deficiency.

The physiological norm is the location of otoliths on the membrane. As a result of traumatic brain injury, excessive stress, or due to age-related changes, otoliths enter the semicircular tubules, activating the receptors located there. The brain receives inconsistent signals both from the tubules (about moving in three planes at once, since there are 3 tubules), and from the otolithic membrane. The inability of the brain to coordinate the movements of the body in such a situation causes disorientation.

Varieties of dizziness

Dizziness is a condition in which there is a sensation of movement around the body or movement of the body around surrounding objects. Allocate systemic (or true, cerebral) and non-systemic dizziness. Diagnostic techniques and therapeutic methods for these symptoms are fundamentally different.

Dizziness is classified as systemic, when the patient can clearly describe the nature of his sensations: rotation of the surrounding space to the right, left, a feeling of falling down, a continuous rise up. This is a symptom of damage to certain parts of the nervous system or the inner ear.

Non-systemic dizziness, strictly speaking, is not. It sharply differs from the systemic one in the severity and nature of sensations, they are fuzzy and very “approximate”: this is a short-term darkening in the eyes, a feeling of swaying, weakness in the whole body, faintness, unsteadiness and unsteadiness of gait.

This instability is often mistaken for true dizziness and fainting, when the floor literally "leaves" from under your feet. Pre-fainting is characterized by symptoms such as blanching and cold sweat. Headache can be a harbinger of loss of consciousness. Such conditions are a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

When it comes to endocrine disorders

Dizziness and nausea can signal endocrine disorders such as:

  • diabetes mellitus (sharp fluctuations in glucose levels are especially dangerous);
  • Hypothyroidism (an insufficiency of the thyroid gland) often accompanies loss of appetite, chilliness, dryness, and flaking of the skin.

Sudden changes in the hormonal background of a person can lead to an increase in the tone of the vascular walls.

Mental disorders

The sense of balance is the most ancient sense of man, therefore its loss causes panic and fear, sometimes even the fear of death.

Emotional overload, mental trauma, emotional distress, panic, anxiety, overwork often acquire "bodily" symptoms. Such symptoms are called psychosomatic pathologies. People prone to neuroses may experience negative olfactory or visual sensations, the result of which is the so-called psychogenic nausea.

Note! Depression and prolonged stress can cause dizziness. These causes even stand out in a separate category called depressive disorders.

The long-term nature of the symptom (up to several years) signals the psychosomatic nature of dizziness and nausea. Mental illnesses in rare cases cause taste hallucinations, taste perversions. Such symptoms are stopped by the appointment of sedatives.

Causes of dizziness, called systemic

Systemic vertigo causes a rather narrow range of diseases, the most common of which are:

  • Syndrome of benign positional paroxysmal (paroxysmal) vertigo (BPPV). It occurs with a sharp change in the position of the body, causing clearly conscious sensations. The disease is treated quite easily, and its manifestations are not intense. Possible short-term hearing loss in patients. Manifestations of such dizziness sometimes last up to 2 days. There are simple techniques, the so-called vestibular gymnastics - a maneuver by which the otoliths move to the so-called mouth (back to the otolithic membrane).

  • Meniere's disease characterized by such severe dizziness that a person is sometimes unable to move, work, get out of bed. Loss of stability in Meniere's disease is always accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting. The patient is disturbed by ringing (or noise) in the ears, up to hearing loss, and more often on the one hand. The disease is associated with the accumulation of fluid, swelling and inflammation of the semicircular canals. The disease requires intensive care (diuretics are prescribed to relieve swelling). A severe attack lasts 2-3 hours, then the patient's condition is completely normal until the next attack. In general, vertigo attacks are longer than with BPPV.
  • Damage to the nerves that conduct nerve impulses from the semicircular canals. Nerve damage can be toxic in nature (poisons, alcohol). Sometimes nerve lesions cause benign canal tumors, so-called neuromas. The miniature size of the semicircular tubules is the cause of the early onset of symptoms of neurinoma: a growing tumor quickly fills the volume of the canal, causing compression of the surrounding tissues and dizziness. Neurinomas can be observed in people of any age, and in women more often. Diagnosis of neuromas is easily carried out using CT and MRI.
  • Tumor, inflammatory lesions or stroke of the temporal region of the brain containing auditory analyzers. This area of ​​the brain is responsible for receiving and processing auditory sensations. Bilateral hearing loss or tinnitus in both ears is a sign of such lesions.

Diagnosis of systemic disorders of coordination involves the use of a number of instrumental studies.

Why non-systemic dizziness occurs

Non-systemic dizziness is caused by a wide range of diseases. The most likely causes of such dizziness are:

  • panic attack;
  • cardiac problems;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system associated with impaired coordination look like this:

  1. pain under the scapula, sudden general weakness in combination with shortness of breath may accompany myocardial infarction;
  2. a feeling of fullness in the head or a dull headache, combined with nausea, indicates a sharp jump in blood pressure.

If a heart rhythm failure leads to a loss of balance, this is a formidable sign indicating a deficiency in the blood supply to the brain. A clear control of the heart rate at such moments is vital.

vertebral artery syndrome

The term osteochondrosis refers to irreversible (usually degenerative) changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the spinal column. Osteochondrosis can cause a symptom such as dizziness, in case of narrowing (squeezing) of the largest vessel supplying the brain with blood. The narrowing of the artery is congenital, and for the time being does not reveal itself. Diagnosis of the state of the vessels of the neck is carried out by ultrasound. Blood flow disorders are less likely to cause herniated and displaced intervertebral discs (protrusion).

disturbing aura

Loss of coordination may precede migraine - unbearable throbbing pain, concentrated in half of the head or temples, eyeballs, neck. Along with other manifestations - visual (distortion of the contours of objects), auditory (ringing in the ears), sensitive (tingling, feeling of crawling), motor (involuntary twitching of the limbs, inability to take a certain position) - coordination disorders and a feeling of nausea make up the so-called aura ( a kind of overture), which in 20% of cases precedes an attack. The development (increase of symptoms) of the aura lasts 5-20 minutes and lasts about an hour. All of her symptoms are reversible.

Frequent migraine attacks can be the first signs of a brain tumor or a manifestation of congenital pathology in the form of vascular glomeruli, abnormal intertwining of brain vessels (malformations) and require medical attention, especially if the pain does not stop for more than a day.

Tick-borne encephalitis

Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral infection resulting from the bite of an encephalitic tick. With this disease, the gray matter of the brain is affected, persistent neurological complications occur. In the absence of adequate therapy, the disease leads to partial or complete disability of a person and even death.

All forms of this dangerous infection are accompanied by high fever (up to 38°-40°) for several days, increasing headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, increased skin sensitivity, involuntary muscle twitching.

The initial manifestations of the disease are very similar to the flu. The reliable fact of a tick bite, the intensity and specificity of the manifestations, coupled with laboratory data, make it possible to unambiguously make a diagnosis.

Hypertensive crisis

A hypertensive crisis is a sudden and rapid increase in blood pressure. The developed disease gives such neurological signs as dull pain localized in the back of the head, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, flashing black dots before the eyes. There may be a short-term loss of vision and short convulsions, chills, or, conversely, excessive sweating, weakness and a feeling of weakness.

A specific sign of an increase in blood pressure is redness of the face and an overexcited state of a person.

Important! Normal blood pressure values ​​are very individual, but complications in a hypertensive crisis can develop with any blood pressure.


Stroke is the most dangerous complication of hypertension, a consequence of a sharp increase in blood pressure. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation often lead to tragic irreversible consequences. Intensive therapy during the first hour of illness minimizes the consequences of a brain catastrophe. Compliance with the medical principle "the first hour is the golden hour" is vital here.

Common symptoms that, combined with dizziness and nausea, suggest a stroke:

  • profuse vomiting, especially dangerous in case of loss of consciousness;
  • slurred speech, difficulty forming words and understanding them, inability to focus on one subject;
  • complete inability to walk or partial loss of coordination;
  • numbness of half of the body, distortion of the face;
  • loss of consciousness.

Stroke survivors sometimes describe unusual sensations: as if something in the head bursts with a loud sound.

Over time, the symptoms of a stroke may worsen.

Important! 30% of strokes are hemorrhagic (associated with bleeding in the brain), which require urgent help from a neurosurgeon. This should be taken into account when choosing a medical institution.

Life threatening!

Dizziness is life-threatening in combination with the following symptoms:

  • temperature above 38º (meningitis);
  • double vision (pathology of the optic nerve, stroke);
  • violations of swallowing, speech and (and) hearing (a sign of a heart attack of various localization, a stroke);
  • numbness of some parts of the body;
  • increasing pain in the chest or under the shoulder blade;
  • prolonged vomiting leading to dehydration;
  • confusion or loss of consciousness, overexcitation, delirium.

These symptoms are reasons for immediate medical attention.

Dizziness while taking certain drugs

A number of anticonvulsant drugs affect the part of the brain that receives signals from the vestibular apparatus and can cause nausea and dizziness.

Some antibiotics are ototoxic.

Hypertensive crisis and dizziness can develop as a side effect of a number of drugs or as a result of the combined action of several drugs (in the case of mutual reinforcement of their action).

Features of diagnostics

Making a diagnosis for impaired coordination accompanied by nausea requires a non-standard approach, patient and thoughtful attitude of a qualified doctor and involves taking into account many nuances, including:

  1. pulse rate at the time of the attack;
  2. blood pressure indicators;
  3. the presence of intoxication (a study of the patient's lifestyle and work);
  4. the relationship of the appearance of a symptom with a change in the position of the head or a change in posture (to determine whether there is orthostatic hypotension);
  5. obligatory examination of the fundus;
  6. neurological tests.

The severity and correlation of all symptoms of the disease, established during a detailed survey of the patient, data from laboratory and instrumental studies provide a basis for making a diagnosis.

Diagnosis of BPPV

Diagnosis of BPPV is carried out as follows. To a person lying in a certain position, the doctor suggests making small-scale movements with the eyeballs to the right and left (the so-called nystagmus), following his hand. The signals of the auditory and visual receptors become chaotic and come into conflict with each other: the eyes of a person at rest fix the movement. This stimulates dizziness (the situation resembles motion sickness in transport).

The dizziness that arose in this situation is of a benign positional nature.

Note! BPPV is not accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

First aid for dizziness

A sudden loss of coordination is fraught with serious injuries leading to disability. First of all, a person who is dizzy should be seated, and it is better to lay down. If a person is indoors, it is necessary to create an influx of fresh air. To increase blood flow to the head, he should elevate his legs, using improvised items, such as a bag, folded clothes.

The risk of dizziness and nausea is increased by alcohol, stale air, heat, cigarette smoke, strong odors, and a full stomach. Drinking during an attack can stimulate vomiting, so it is best to get rid of dry mouth in case of thirst by rinsing the mouth.

To get rid of the attack as soon as possible, you should strongly squeeze your palms and do not close your eyes, but fix your eyes on a stationary object.

Note! A point massage of the center of the bridge of the nose (the point between the eyebrows) helps to stop the attack.

Even a single episode of severe dizziness should be a reason to visit a doctor.

The cause of dizziness and nausea lies, as a rule, at the junction of the pathology of the ear and the nervous system. There can be serious problems behind banal dizziness: it is extremely important to accurately and timely find out the cause and reliably eliminate it.

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