School newspaper. Headings. Interesting school newspaper: original solutions

Journalism at school

The children's and youth press has become a massive and ubiquitous phenomenon in our lives. A rare school, especially a gymnasium, a lyceum, a district or city House of Creativity, does without issuing its own newspaper, magazine. Children and adolescents need periodicals, but not only weeklies with fairy tales and rhymes, but in such publications where they themselves would collaborate and where important and interesting topics for them would be touched upon. And what is important for children and adolescents, they themselves must say. That is why many schools publish their own newspapers.

Who needs a school newspaper when there are many other children's and teen publications? Of course, the school press cannot compete with the central buildings. But that is not her job at all. Does the newspaper exist only to report the news? The school newspaper can now be considered as a means of creating a real strong creative team in the school, as a means of forming public opinion, a means of education, etc. For active, inquisitive children, the school newspaper is a kind of catalyst and generator of ideas. And the content of the school newspaper is school life in the broadest sense. This is the circle of children's interests, their worries, searches, their common joys and sorrows, doubts and discoveries, this is a kind of school chronicle.

Despite being busy at school and sports sections, every teenager has free time. Many children give their passion for cinema, photography, communication, try their hand at writing articles for the school wall newspaper. How to combine the interests of children and preparation for a possible future profession? How to find like-minded people? How to be actively involved in school life? One of the options for resolving these issues is the creation of a school press center, where a printed school newspaper will be published.

School press center

What does the school press center do? First of all, it brings together the entire school press. And not only unites, but coordinates the work, exchanges experience, organizes the studies of juniors. The school press center also conducts sociological surveys and research among students, parents and teachers.

The press center organizes: classes at the school (studio, circle) of junkors, creative reports and competitions of junkors, young writers, debates and discussions, excursions to local newspapers, reviews of wall newspapers.

The press center plans and prepares visiting editorial boards and press landings, press raids, reader “conferences”, open letter days.

The press center holds: junkor meetings, press conferences and meetings with interesting people at the “round table”, zhurfixes, junkor games and holidays, junkor consultations, exhibitions of drawings and photographs, Week of Youth and Children’s Printing (traditionally held in May of each year. During the week, readers' conferences, press cocktails, meetings with journalists and writers, guided tours, etc.).

The press center is responsible for the timely release of the school newspaper, promotion of central and other children's and teenage publications.

How to create a newspaper?

So you've got an idea - create a school newspaper . The main thing here is to carefully consider the concept of the publication. This means that your newspaper should have fresh ideas - new ways of presenting old topics and new topics presented with taste. Ask yourself the following questions: What should be covered in the newspaper? How should it be done? How can a newspaper respond to the needs of its readers? And finally, one little trick - never be afraid to steal a good idea. But at the same time, remember: the practice of copying other school newspapers for a good publication is unacceptable. Find your specific forms of information work. The newspaper should be a provider of interesting information, with a fresh, original, unexpected look at the topic. Starting to create a newspaper, consider the characteristic feature of the school publication - its closest connection with readers. The newspaper is the closest publication to the student. The guys should perceive the newspaper as their own, native, in which you can always turn to with your problems, write. The success of the school newspaper depends precisely on the connection with the audience.

In order for a newspaper to make a good impression on the reader, it must have: 1. Original and fresh content. First of all, you should have something valuable and new to say. 2. Independent views. The beliefs of the newspaper, its position on this or that issue are very important. 3. Attractive voice. The voice of a newspaper is the tone set by the general style of its stories.

You will, of course, be thinking about all these issues with a friendly editorial team.


Creation of the editorial board and its composition. In order for the school newspaper to be published regularly, it is necessary to create a permanent editorial office. The editorial staff is everyone who publishes one newspaper: journalists, photojournalist, designer, layout designer and others, headed by the editor. At the same time, the editor needs to be a good organizer - he will have to unite many guys, junkors around the newspaper. How many junkors should there be? It depends on the structure of the edition. You can build the work as in real editions, organize departments: for example, the school life department, the sports department, the information department, the creative department, etc.

Who does what in the editorial office?

The editor is the most important person. His main duty is to make sure that the newspaper comes out on time and is interesting to read. The editor is responsible for everything and everyone, thinks about what articles will be in the issue, edits the manuscripts (originals), monitors the execution of all work, the release of each issue of the newspaper, and resolves all important and controversial issues.

Executive Secretary(otvetsek) - the one without whom the newspaper will not come out either, because the answerer literally determines what each number should be like: on which page and in what place this or that material will stand, which lines will highlight it, in what font each text will be typed and a title, where a drawing or photograph will be placed, whether the material will fit into the issue or it is better to cut it - these and other questions (of course, together with an experienced editor and assistants) are decided by the responsible section, making up the layout of the issue.

Junkors- those who collect information, process it and write articles, interviews, etc. for the newspaper. Of course, everyone has their own tastes and preferences, we are not equally versed in different things. Therefore, one likes to write about sports, the second about environmental issues, the third is chasing impressions for travel notes.

Designer– develops the design of the issue, the cover of the newspaper, creates illustrations for texts, develops new styles and design options for the newspaper, etc. It would be nice for him to be able to work in the graphics programs Adobe Rhotoshop, Corel Draw, etc.

photojournalist- the one who is ordered to illustrate the materials and who can also write their own materials.

Typesetter- carries out the layout of the newspaper, is engaged in the layout of the publication and its release.

Such a composition of the editorial staff may be in your school press center.

Editorial work

The main business of the editorial office is the release of the school newspaper. However, in addition to the newspaper, the guys can publish supplements in different languages, publish literary and journalistic almanacs, etc. But now we will talk about the newspaper, as well as about the forms of editorial work that can help to produce an interesting publication.

First of all, the editorial team should discuss the structure of the school newspaper.

newspaper structure. You need to consider what direction your newspaper will take. What will be the content and style - strict and official? bright and sharp? The next step is creating a newspaper model, discussing headings, possible departments, newspaper genres, drawing up a plan, thinking about topics, distributing work within the editorial office, etc.

Plan. The editors will make their task easier if the release of the newspaper goes according to plan. A newspaper published from time to time, filled with materials reprinted from other newspapers and magazines, will not be of much interest to the children. The editors should think over the line, strategy and tactics of the newspaper on all issues. The task is to always be in the thick of things, to make the school newspaper relevant and topical. The plan of the newspaper consists of two parts: the structure, that is, the order in which its content goes, and the design, the appearance of the newspaper. By the time you start thinking about these things in detail, you should decide on the content, format, "face" of the newspaper, form and volume.

Perhaps all this work will seem complicated to you, questions will arise, how to make a layout, from which side to approach the design of your publication, etc. Don't give up. Everything can be learned. Organize a junior school in your press center and ask for help from schools (lyceums, gymnasiums and even city institutions) where newspapers are already being published. Conduct theoretical lessons combined with practice. It is advisable to invite professional journalists, printers, poets or writers, interesting people to the classes. Design classes can be conducted by a professional artist, designer. But it is not necessary to reduce all the work in the cadet's school to "professional" training. It is important to acquaint the cadets with the basics of newspaper business. There is no need to make them journalists. In the end, it is not so important whether the guys will write notes and reports according to all the rules. It is important that the junkors take an active part in those matters that they will later talk about in the newspaper.

What to write to the guys? Where can I get a theme for materials? Topics around us. But often the guys have no idea what to write about in the newspaper. And you can write about almost everything. About, for example, how the guys study, how they play sports, about their favorite circle, about their friend. And do the guys worry about a few questions. Often they discuss whether adults are always right, where cruelty comes from in people, how to deal with injustice, who can be considered a true friend. Shouldn't this be a topic for a post? The children want to get an answer not from adults, but from their peers, to compare their own view of the problem with the opinion of classmates. I want to learn to think, argue, prove. Write about it. Most importantly, try to make the newspaper interesting: intrigue the reader with articles about interesting events, discussions on the pages of the newspaper of difficult problems of youth life, involve readers in discussions, print school advertisements, stories with sequels, photo reports, etc.

Contests enrich the editorial portfolio. Use games, fun, playful hoaxes, practical jokes or contests in the newspaper (for example, for the shortest humorous story). Organize, for example, the Pentathlon of the witty, the Competition of young encyclopedists, or an editorial campaign dedicated to some issue, etc. (see Appendix No. 1)

In addition to the so-called current material, the newspaper must also have a spare, “backlog”. The value of a newspaper depends on the wealth of its editorial portfolio. The editors must take care of diversity: long articles should be replaced by short ones, serious ones by humorous ones, difficult ones by light ones. Let's say there was a play at school or a tour was held. As many as four correspondents wrote about it. What is better: to give all four articles in one issue or one in different issues? You can make a thematic selection out of them or open a “Round table” section on the topic ... A newspaper is like a bouquet of different flowers. How much more beautiful it is when there are so many to choose from!

How to distribute work? To preserve the creative potential of the publication, it is worth creating an editorial board with a strict distribution of positions, attracting as many authors of different ages as possible; constantly engage in the study of reader demand, professional development.

The newspaper should have different headings, topical material, a chronicle should be placed. If you can give different sections in your newspaper, do not limit yourself to the usual ones, publish, for example, such thematic blocks: news, sports, business, work, books, culture, television, computers, environment, media, family problems, travel, announcements, foreign news, leisure, posters, fashion, miscellaneous messages…

Each yunkor can have his own diary, in which he enters information on his topic. Let one record the name days and birthdays of fellow students, the other collect information about tests or write down events at a big break, the third reports on the lessons of mathematics, geography, etc. Someone can take on a rubric about books, about teachers, about the youth environment of the microdistrict. Probably, new headings will appear, and some of the old ones will die off.

Does the editor have to write? Not necessary. But it’s good if he knows how to write himself when something is needed, but he couldn’t find the artist in time.

Useful tips for the editor. When accepting children as junkors, ask yourself: what reasons make a child take a pen and paper and draw his first lines?

Pleasure from communication, from the results of labor, from a new type of knowledge acquired, awakens the desire to be recognized. It is important to notice the child's abilities, to give him the opportunity to open up, to feel needed, the best. The first works of the authors cannot be roughly edited. Insecure children, when trying to impose someone else's opinion on them, close down and lose interest in work. These guys do not like their names and sign with pseudonyms. It's OK. It will pass with time. With children, work is needed not only individually, but also collectively: “round tables”, editorial meetings, where everyone has the right to vote, the right to defend their topic. At first, some of the guys sit in silence, but after a while there is no trace of shyness: in adolescents, even the voice becomes stronger, speech is clearer. The motives for your further actions will be the responsibility, recognition and praise of the junkors.

A few words about awards. What should be the rewards? The editorial office of the school newspaper is not rich, so the awards cannot be valuable. Experience has shown that a very pleasant reward is a commemorative postcard. A postcard with the corresponding picture is selected, and approximately the following inscription is written: “ Resolution of the editorial board... (newspaper name) ... (name and surname) a commemorative postcard is awarded… (date) … (signature)”. You can also write what the card is awarded for (“ For participation in the competition”, “In memory of a year (semi-annual) joint work”, “On the anniversary of the tenth (twentieth) article”).


This is one of the most important questions. Where to get money to publish a newspaper? Several questions should be resolved here: What will your newspaper be like - color or black and white, what format? Ask for help or try to publish a newspaper on your own?

1. In black and white and A4 format, it will cost incomparably cheaper.

2. For help, you can contact the parent committee or the city print publication.

3. Another option (used, however, rarely) is corporatization. The press center of the school issues shares for a certain amount, distributes them among students, teachers, collecting money for the purchase of paper and other expenses.

Whatever funding method you find, it can be made useful for the newspaper. It all depends on your communication skills desire.

Do not forget about advertising publications. Print flyers advertising a new issue, after the release, conduct a survey in order to find out the general opinion about the newspaper. If your newspaper is going to be sold, after a few issues have been published, think about where you can invest the money from the sale. It is most rational to spend part of the funds on the purchase of paper, ink for printing, and the necessary stationery. Some of the money may be used to reward the most attentive and active junkors, their assistants and readers. And finally, a very important point - to spend on charity. You can send to an orphanage, to help the disabled. The main thing is that you help people in need and add respect to the newspaper.

Before starting to work on a newspaper, it is useful for future journalists to take a course of initial training.

Types of school newspapers

NEWSPAPER-APP. This is a satellite newspaper that is published by guys working in certain areas (sports, local history, national culture, etc.)

NEWSPAPER-LIGHTNING. A special type of newspaper. It contains emergency information about one or more events in the life of the school community (class) (i.e. "lightning" - a special edition of the newspaper with a message about an important event). Information "lightning" requires an immediate response. “Lightning” can be released: a) when the school (class, person) has some important, urgent, new business and you need to figure out together how best to do it; b) when unforeseen circumstances, serious difficulties arose in the life of the school (class), and it is necessary to decide together how to overcome these difficulties; c) when some event happened, etc. Next to the “lightning” newspaper, you can install a “mail” box for suggestions, wishes, opinions. "Lightning" does not tolerate a template, a standard in design. Each release must be original. "Lightning" attracts the attention of everyone. Here you should not be afraid of bright colors, you need to give a catchy title, sharp drawing or photo. Newspaper-"lightning" should not hang for a long time. And most importantly - do not release it for a minor reason.

BATTLE SHEET. An operational newspaper published at the site of an event. The name itself contains the essence of these issues - combativeness, speed, efficiency. “Combat” means that this newspaper, like no other, should be operational. It is released along the way - during a subbotnik, labor landing, some kind of operation, action, during a meeting, etc. “Leaflet” means that this newspaper is small, it contains only one or two notes. It can be an interview or a note and a feuilleton (and other options). It’s good to do part of the work related to the release of the battle sheet in advance - come up with heading options, design - frames, drawings, etc. The battle sheet can be done on colored paper (or background), and the notes themselves can be placed on a white background. Efficiency in issuing a combat leaflet requires brevity of the presentation of the material, a clear position, and accuracy in the presentation of facts.

"LIVING NEWSPAPER". The history of the "living newspaper" began during the civil war. Her appearance is easily explained. People were drawn to political activity, knowledge, but there were few literate people. So there was a newspaper that did not have to be read, it was watched and listened to. This newspaper-agitation, unusual in form, has not lost its relevance even now. "Live Newspaper" is a series of short speeches, each of which reveals the content of the topic in its own way. “Live Newspaper” is a thematic newspaper that shows pressing problems. It can be devoted to the problems of the world, ecology. A living newspaper program can retain the form of a printed newspaper—it can have a headline, a chronicle, notes, satire, and humor. All material is demonstrated using expressive means and techniques - posters, slogans, slogans, skits, dialogues, dances and recitations, friendly cartoons and shadow pictures. You can use riddles, ditties, built on your own material. Relevance and topicality are important for a “living newspaper”.

PRESS BULLETIN. This is a newspaper that informs the reader about the course of some event, highlighting its most important moments, giving an assessment, summing up. The press bulletin is issued at rallies, festivals, during competitions, press conferences, etc.

This is operational work. A significant part of the notes in the press bulletin carries information about how the rally or festival is going, tells about its guests and participants. All messages in this issue are very short, sometimes written in a "telegraphic" style.

EXCHANGE NUMBER. This is a newspaper that is made for your friends, a team of guys with whom you are friends. It is usually prepared jointly by the editorial board of the newspaper of another school. The goal is to help friends publish a good newspaper, to learn for themselves.

One of the areas of using ICT in extracurricular activities in our gymnasium is publishing - the release of the school newspaper “FRESH generation”.

What is a school edition?

  • Tribune for expressing your point of view?
  • Effective informative tool?
  • Space for generational convergence?

The school newspaper for students is a great opportunity to realize their creative abilities, it is a place for self-expression of those who have something to say to the whole world: school poets, writers, artists, project authors ...

The purpose of the newspaper is not just to reveal the creative abilities of students, to cover school events, to create a lively, actively working information environment, but also to demonstrate the technical capabilities of new information technologies in education. Children successfully master the Corel Draw program, with the help of which they make up each issue of the newspaper, draw up the design of the newspaper. They successfully master the possibilities of not only vector graphics, but also raster graphics - they prepare images for publication in a newspaper. To this end, consultations and lessons on vector and raster graphics, training in Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop programs are held. The above programs are not considered in the course of computer science and information technology, so students often have to acquire knowledge and skills themselves.

Thus, students not only consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons of computer science and information technology, but also actively improve their professional level in the field of new information technologies.

School newspaper for parents:

This is an opportunity to feel the involvement in the school life of the child;

This is the realization that your child understands the relevance of his role and learns to make decisions.

Until December 2005, gymnasium No. 65 traditionally had one type of printing - a wall newspaper.

In December 2005, having gathered around a group of active guys, together with the association of young journalists in the gymnasium, the first issue of the newspaper “FRESH Generation” was made up. Literally, the name of the newspaper is translated as “fresh generation”, “new generation”.

Each school is a small state with its own laws, traditions and course of life. Each such state is unique in its own way. Our gymnasium is no exception, so the task of the editorial board is to be able to tell about this life in such a way that the newspaper will interest both students, teachers and parents. There are 728 students in the gymnasium, you can imagine how many hidden talents can be found among them.

Our newspaper is already 3 years old. During this time, she united very different children around herself: different in age, temperament, passions, but, no doubt, gifted and talented, and most importantly, caring and willing to make life at school interesting and eventful.

If you carefully leaf through the newspaper, it is easy to see that the articles reflect a wide range of problems, from intra-class and intra-school to universal and acute social problems. Of course, not all works and not always were literary masterpieces of the Russian scale, although, undoubtedly, there were very interesting ones.

Even if not all works are perfect, something still doesn't work out, but the guys learn journalistic skills, receive serious professional training - and this is the most important thing. The school newspaper really plays a big role in the lives of the teenagers who publish it. It contributes to the maturation of the children, their upbringing, and also helps the emergence within the walls of the gymnasium of a sustainable mini-society, a working model of the modern world. Each of them has the opportunity to reveal their potential, learn to boldly express their creative ideas, which means they gain freedom of feelings, thoughts - the freedom that our not very remarkable everyday life limits to the framework of “permitted” and “unacceptable” ...

Another important quality that our newspaper “cultivates” is responsibility. After all, working in a team is a serious and difficult matter ... Everyone takes on the work that is “in his power”. The skills of cooperation acquired by us, the ability to maintain a single working mechanism, to be its indivisible links are important, indispensable qualities necessary for adult life.

The main principles of our publication are continuity and continuous improvement. We look to the future with optimism, because we believe that everything is decided by ideas and people who embody them. We see constant development as one of the main criteria for the implementation of these ideas - to be open to new experience, knowledge, technologies, to strive for improvement and renewal. And another very important, distinguishing feature of the school edition is sincerity. After all, the school newspaper cannot be untruthful - this is the pocket mirror that helps us look at ourselves, draw the attention of adults to the life of schoolchildren ...

The newspaper comes out twice a month, and always finds its reader among both children and adults.

Problems? Who does not have them ... The main one is time. The publishing project is created, maintained and supported by a teacher and schoolchildren who actually work at full teaching load, whose daily teaching load is also huge. So the selection of material, and writing articles, and editing, and layout are carried out solely out of love for their work and in their free time.

The second problem is project support. The project is absolutely non-commercial, but at the same time it requires costs and money and time. So far, such a big project is supported only by the school administration, which does everything it can for us.

Understanding that the school publication is unprofessional, sometimes speaking in an adult way, sometimes naively, childishly, we, however, believe that it is extremely necessary for a modern school. As an attempt to participate in a real, serious business; as an attempt to overcome the notorious issue of “fathers and children” and find mutual understanding between adults and young people; as an attempt to explore society; as an attempt to cooperate with younger and older, children and adults, students and teachers; as an attempt to engage in an interesting, exciting, productive business. And for this we already have everything! But, of course, there are a number of things that could significantly expand our capabilities, raise the level of the publication, make it more complete, more interesting, more relevant to the needs of such a rapidly changing world.

What does the FRESH generation dream about? About school mini-typography.

The famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said: "The newspaper is the second hand of history." And what is sk. newspaper? What is its main function? Maybe this is a platform for self-expression of creative students? Or a school history? By thinking deeply WHY you are creating a newspaper, you can avoid many mistakes at the stage of creating a publication.

One of them is that the newspaper becomes the paper version of the school website. Do you think the reader will be interested in the information that he has already read a few days before the release of the "new" issue? The answer is obvious. Tip number 1: the newspaper should not duplicate information from the school website.

And from other sites on the Internet too. The history of holidays, horoscopes, posters of events - all this is not directly related to school life. Write original, original articles. Create an exclusive! Your content must be unique. And that's rule number 2.

So what to write about, you ask? The answer is simple: write about YOUR school. And the more uninteresting this information will be for readers not associated with your publication, the better. Let the notorious “everyone has it and it is necessary” be the reason for creating the newspaper. Create it with passion!

Tip #3: One number one topic. This approach allows you to arrange the material logically, sequentially. The chosen problem can be consecrated completely, from all sides. There are many examples of topics: adaptation, success, family, food.

Using the last topic as an example, I will tell you what information can be used for a newspaper. For example, you can conduct a survey and find out: what is the most favorite dish in the dining room for schoolchildren? And then take the recipe for this dish from the chefs. Recipes for favorite dishes can be taken from teachers. I'm sure there are real chefs among us.

An excellent material would be an article from the heading “Understudy of school professions”. Believe me, this task is fraught with a lot of educational moments: starting from career guidance, ending with the fact that schoolchildren begin to appreciate and respect the work of service personnel more.

And how can one not remember, speaking of food, the tempting smell from the girls' technology room? A photo report from labor lessons with step-by-step instructions will be accepted by the readers of the newspaper with a bang. And you can interview a technology teacher and find out: who, as a culinary specialist, does she like better - Urgant or Vysotskaya?

There is a lot of talk about the project activities of students. Projects are being created. Actively. But often outside the classroom are not covered. Everything in the paper! “Kitchen phraseological units”, family project “Cooking a dish for mom by March 8”. All come here!

Use an unusual submission format. For example, a test drive. Find out by experience which portfolio is the most convenient for the student. Compiling a top. Top 5 most preferred professions among current 11th graders. Flash polls: what do schoolchildren think they can do during the holidays?

The experiment is very popular. For example, on the eve of October 5, one might ask the question: what does a teacher's child look like in numbers? Our experiment showed that for 1 shift a teacher walks an average of up to 2 km along the school corridors. And a set of 5 packs of notebooks is equal in weight to a 5 liter bottle of water.

As you can see, there are many informational occasions. Any thing that has fallen under the sight of a journalist can be fraught with fascinating material. Even a slipper accidentally left by a first grader near the locker room. For example, we found out that Cinderella Masha the confused may not worry about the safety of lost things. After all, the lost and found office is open from morning to evening.

Doors can become an object of attention. They regulate our whole life: sometimes they hide something, sometimes they open up entire worlds. We pass by them every day without even noticing how different they are. For example, the door to the school shooting gallery is the narrowest, the door to the dentist's office is the most intimidating, and the door to the dining room is the most attractive. What are the doors in your school?

One more piece of advice. Make out all statistical data, ratings in the form of infographics. Believe me, even adults find it difficult to perceive text stuffed with numbers and percentages. Even more so for children. Infographics are just about complex.

Every school newspaper has a heading called "People Who Surprised Us." The usual interviews with Olympiads and athletes are boring. They often do not reveal the personality from different angles. Try, for example, taking a picture of the contents of your character's briefcase. The results will be interesting! After all, every detail can reflect the inner world of a person!

Actively involve yesterday's graduates in the creation of the newspaper. Their connection with the school is still strong. But there are also many new impressions from student life. Let them share them with 11th graders. And they will tell you how studying at a university differs from school everyday life? Is it true that at first you work for the record book, and then it works for you? How to get vending machines? And most importantly, how to pass the exam and choose a university?

Families of schoolchildren are also actively involved in cooperation. Such a connection between generations allows us to find many points of contact. For example, sports grandmothers of second-graders can tell about the norms for passing the TRP and badges of various degrees from the pages of a school publication.

And one more tip: expand the boundaries of your contacts. Participate in competitions, rallies, olympiads in journalism. An excellent event in the conditions of our city is the regional media forum "Breakthrough". You can show yourself and look at others. And also to communicate with the sharks of the pen. They are happy to share advice with young correspondents.

Speaking about the creation of a high-quality school publication, it is mono, of course, to touch upon the acute issues of logistical support. Yes, you need a color printer, you need a SLR camera, modern computers. Unfortunately, this is not available to every school. However, the most important resource for creating an interesting newspaper is talented, enthusiastic students.

K.D. Ushinsky said: "A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit." Much depends on our actions, dear colleagues. And I want to wish: light with love!

Nowadays, the mass media have a serious impact on the life of the younger generation. How to help a child not to get lost in such a stream? The school newspaper will be an excellent option for mastering the child's skills and information work skills.


The creation of a school newspaper is a responsible event, involvement in which allows you to develop communication skills and teamwork. In addition, such an activity is an excellent means of education, a good incentive to increase interest in the educational process. How is a school newspaper created? Schools try with its help to inform children and their parents about the most interesting events taking place in the life of an educational institution.

Work on regular news releases is connected with the direct participation of schoolchildren in various social events, consideration of serious social problems, and the expression of their own point of view about the events taking place in the school.

Periodical printed edition

The school newspaper is a periodical that publishes materials on all current events. The issue volume ranges from 2 to 50 pages. Unlike other periodicals, the school newspaper can be published once a week, a month or a quarter. Different styles and genres in its design are acceptable. Most of the space should be allocated to journalistic works and operational information. For example, interviews, essays are popular, in which there is a story about teachers, the best students of an educational institution.

The school newspaper is a great start for future poets and writers, correspondents. Such materials can be dedicated to a public holiday or an interesting event organized in a particular educational institution.

Newspaper classification

They are usually divided according to the frequency of release into daily, weekly, monthly options. For the school, the monthly option is considered optimal.

Depending on the scale of readers and the area of ​​distribution, newspapers are divided into regional, district, local, large-circulation, nationwide. Within the framework of an educational institution, a local version is expected to be released

By the nature of the issue, such a publication is a mixture of entertainment, commercial, and advertising. The founder of the school newspaper is an educational institution, so the target audience will be schoolchildren, teachers, parents of students.

The hallmark of any publication is its title. It should be bright, memorable, unusual. For example, the school edition can be called:

  • "For you and for friends."
  • "School BOOM".
  • "Our Friendly Family"
  • "The Planet of Our Friendship".

In order to come up with a name for the newspaper, you can announce a competition at school.


Ancient handwritten books became the prototype of the modern newspaper. Julius Caesar published the Acts of the Senate, and in 911, Jin Bao appeared in China. A lot of time has passed since those distant times, but the newspaper has not lost its relevance and relevance among readers.

In a school life filled with bright and interesting events, a printed edition is an excellent way to systematize all events. Currently, young publicists and poets, photographers successfully publish their printed editions in almost all Russian schools.

Quite often, children are engaged in issues of the school newspaper as part of additional education. For example, a school of young journalists is being created in an educational institution, whose duties include thinking through the layout, content, as well as the direct release of the school print edition.

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