Seborrheic keratosis of the skin: treatment, prognosis, symptoms and possible causes. What is seborrheic keratosis of the skin: symptoms and how to treat the disease Seborrheic keratosis multiplex

There are many pathologies of the epidermis and one of them is seborrheic keratosis. Other names are prussic wart, seborrheic or senile keratoma. Such a disease causes unaesthetic, and sometimes physical inconvenience. For this reason, seborrheic keratosis is not ignored, but they turn to a doctor for a therapy appointment.

Keratosis is a pathology of the epidermis, characterized by the appearance of a neoplasm on the epidermis, which is of a benign nature. There are several types of the disease and one of them is seborrheic keratosis.

With the development of the disease, a seborrheic keratoma appears. Places of localization - face, lower and upper limbs, neck and epidermis of the head. Usually education does not occur singly, but in groups. At the first stage of development, the keratoma is a brownish or yellow spot.

Over time, the formation increases in size, a characteristic crust and dark brown color appear. The surface of the wart cracks. When the formation grows, pain occurs. Often, an increase in size is accompanied by bleeding and itching.

With seborrheic keratosis, senile keratoma can also appear, which occurs after 30 years. Places of localization - upper limbs, face and neck, less often - abdomen, chest or back.

Outwardly, the keratoma looks like a mole, but has a grayish-yellow or white tint. The formation increases in size over time and is sometimes accompanied by inflammation. The wart is benign in nature and rarely becomes malignant.

Reasons for the appearance

Causes of seborrheic keratosis:

  • Regular exposure to the sun for a long time. As a result, the epidermis does not have time to absorb ultraviolet radiation. This leads to a violation of cell formation, which causes skin proliferation and keratinization of the skin;
  • genetic predisposition. If the grandmother and mother had seborrheic keratoma, then there is every reason to believe that her daughter will also have it;
  • Deficiency in the body of nutrients. A provoking factor is also excessive consumption of fatty foods;
  • Predisposition to pathologies of the epidermis. If a person has constantly had to deal with dry or oily seborrhea throughout his life, then there is a high probability of developing seborrheic keratosis in adulthood;
  • Age changes. The disease develops after 30 years. At this age, the epidermis loses some of its protective properties, which leads to a complex adaptation of the skin to sunlight and cold.

What is dangerous?

The main danger is that seborrheic keratomas can at any time develop into malignant formations. This happens suddenly and outwardly the wart may not change.

The most dangerous condition is when a malignant oncology develops on the epidermis right under the keratoma. At the same time, the outward appearance of the wart does not change in any way. It is extremely difficult to diagnose seborrheic keratosis in the early stages of development, since the patient is not bothered by anything and he does not observe external changes.

As a result, the patient receives untimely medical care. Sometimes this leads to the fact that the pathology is detected in the later stages, when the tumor has metastasized, which is no longer a danger to health, but to the life of the patient.

If multiple keratomas appear on the epidermis, then this may indicate an oncological pathology of some internal organ. In this case, experts recommend performing a study not only of education, but also of the body as a whole.

Classification and characteristics of forms

There are several types of keratosis:

  • Follicular pathology. Symptoms of the disease - the appearance of nodules on the epidermis of a yellow or pink hue. Around the formations, the skin turns red and inflamed;
  • actinic pathology. The disease affects people over 45 years old with a light shade of the epidermis. Places of localization - uncovered areas of the skin. Pathology is characterized by small rashes of a gray or yellow hue, on the surface of which scales are present;
  • Horny keratosis or cutaneous horn. Outwardly, it is a formation of a conical shape with a dark or light shade. The pathology got its name because of the external resemblance to the horn of animals. Most often, education from a benign growth passes into a malignant form;
  • Seborrheic wart. Outwardly, it resembles a mole, but with cracks on the surface. Such a formation rarely develops into a malignant tumor.

There are also several forms of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • reticular formation, on the surface of which there are horny brushes;
  • a flat form, in which spots of bright dark shades are observed on the epidermis, which do not rise above the epidermis or rise, but slightly;
  • inflammatory type - characteristic features are swelling of soft tissues, redness of the epidermis near the formation;
  • irritable form - blood and mucus accumulate in the growth.

Symptoms of the disease

At the initial stage of development, seborrheic keratosis practically does not manifest itself in any way. Colorless spots appear on the epidermis, which can only be detected with a thorough examination of the skin. Over time, the formation changes its shade to a darker one, rises above the epidermis, a crust and cracks appear on the surface.

Formations have different colors. The palette of shades includes yellow, brown, black, burgundy and gray tone. Seborrheic warts have a diameter of 1 mm to 10 cm. Keratoma is sometimes accompanied by itching, burning and bleeding.

Pathology has pronounced manifestations, when the first signs and clear symptoms are found in adults, it is recommended to consult a doctor and a specialist, after conducting appropriate studies, will prescribe treatment.


Diagnosis of keratosis is to conduct an external examination, the appointment of appropriate studies:

  • Cytological analysis. For the study, a piece of growth is taken from the patient;
  • Ultrasound of the soft tissues on which the keratoma is located.

Seborrheic keratoma of the skindiagnosed during an external examination. An experienced doctor will not confuse pathology with other formations. Additional studies are carried out only to determine the benign or malignant nature of the pathology.


If a seborrheic keratoma is diagnosed, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. Do not try to remove the growth yourself. Any such manipulation can lead to unpredictable consequences. Injury to the keratoma threatens to accelerate the growth of the formation, the rapid reproduction of warts and the transition of the growth into a malignant tumor.

In most cases, the keratoma does not need to be removed and treated. The intervention of a surgeon is required in the following cases:

  1. if the formation experiences regular mechanical stress;
  2. if there is itching, burning, inflammation and bleeding;
  3. if the growth quickly grows and multiplies;
  4. in the event of pain in the area of ​​the affected epidermis.

Keratomas are also removed if they cause aesthetic discomfort. This is true if the growths have arisen on the face and open areas of the body.

Medications for seborrheic keratosis

At the initial stage of the pathology, the treatment of seborrheic keratosis is recommended to be carried out with special medications. The doctor prescribes the use of gels, creams, ointments and other similar products, which include cytostatics and active acids.

Such components destroy keratosis cells. Means are used only as directed by a doctor and under his supervision. The specialist must understand how the selected drug acts on education, correctly calculate the dose and evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen therapy.

Traditional medicine treatment at home

The method of therapy with folk remedies can only be used as directed by a doctor, since any self-treatment at home is a danger to the health and life of the patient.

For the treatment of seborrheic keratosis, aggressive folk remedies should not be used, as they injure the growth, which can cause cancer.

  • Propolis is softened and fixed with a plaster on the problem area of ​​the epidermis. The compress is renewed once a day. The bandage is worn constantly until the formation converges;
  • A small beet is peeled and rubbed into a fine grater. The resulting slurry is fixed on the affected area of ​​the epidermis with a bandage and a plaster. The tool is kept for four hours. The procedure is carried out daily;
  • Pork fat is melted and mixed with chopped celandine. The resulting ointment is treated with a problem area several times a day. The product is stored in the refrigerator.

In this video, you can see effective methods of treatment with folk remedies:

Surgical removal

There are several ways to surgically remove a keratoma. The choice of technique depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, his financial capabilities and the stage of development of the pathology. Ways to remove education:

  • Operational intervention. The essence of the procedure is cutting out all damaged soft tissues with a scalpel;
  • Laser removal of neoplasms. One of the most popular treatments for seborrheic keratosis. The essence of the procedure is burning out the build-up with a laser;
  • Treatment of build-up with liquid nitrogen. The procedure is safe and painless.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of seborrheic keratosis, doctors recommend the following preventive measures:

  • sunbathe less often and visit a solarium;
  • before going outside, treat the epidermis with protective equipment;
  • normalize unstable emotional background;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • to live an active lifestyle.

Seborrheic keratosis is a pathology of the epidermis that can provoke the development of cancer. To avoid this, you should consult a doctor immediately after the onset of the disease.

Keratosis is a group of diseases associated with coarsening and thickening of the skin. In fact, it is a benign tumor that often appears in the elderly. Outwardly, these formations strongly resemble papillomas and other growths, which significantly complicates diagnosis.

Features of the disease

Seborrheic keratosis is the most common type of this disease. As a rule, the disease manifests itself and develops in people over 40 years old, and more often even 50–60 years old, for which it was called senile warts or senile keratosis. According to studies, 88% of patients over 64 years of age have at least one focus of seborrheic keratosis, in persons younger than 40 years, in 25% of cases there is at least one focus.

Neoplasms develop in the upper layer of the skin, have a variety of shapes and sizes. Most often, skin growths are small - 0.2-6 cm, the color is flesh, black or brown. The spot protrudes above the level of the skin. Initially, it has a shape close to oval, but with development it becomes uneven. The surface of the wart is covered with rough crusty formations and peels off. There are both single and multiple.

Warts are quite sensitive: with a slight mechanical injury, and sometimes with a simple touch, the keratoma begins to bleed. If the keratoma is damaged, you need to consult a doctor - the probability of infection is very high.

The ICD-10 disease code is L82.

By itself, seborrheic keratosis is not particularly dangerous. It doesn't even show up all the time. However, with the formation of warts on the face, neck, open areas of the body, the disease causes severe psychological discomfort. In addition, keratomas can "mask" the manifestations of skin cancer.

Seborrheic keratosis tends to progress. The formations grow, become darker, the surface becomes more and more rough over time. Keratonic plugs appear. With a strongly convex shape, warts cause inconvenience: they are easily damaged when removing clothes, unsuccessful movement, and so on.

Description of the disease seborrheic keratosis is given in this video:

Classification seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis can manifest itself in different forms. Today, the following types of illness are distinguished:

  • flat- plaques have a bright dark color, but slightly rise above the level of the skin. This is especially well heard on palpation - on this basis, flat keratosis is distinguished from actinic;
  • reticular or adenoid. In addition to pigmented plaques, horny cysts appear on the surface. The formations form a kind of looped network;
  • irritated- looks like flat plaques of the corresponding color. When detecting an accumulation of lymphocytes in the surface layer of the dermis;
  • inflammatory- the neoplasm is accompanied by inflammation. As a rule, the most severe itching is observed and;
  • black papular- smooth, domed, dark brown. Most often observed on the face in patients from 20 to 40 years. This is usually found in those with dark skin;
  • "plaster"- a lot of light brown and gray spots of small size. The spots are flat and usually appear on the back of the hands and forearms, as well as the feet and ankles.

Seborrheic keratosis (photo)


Warts can appear on almost any part of the body: on the face, torso, limbs, scalp, even on the halos of the mammary glands. Never found on the palms, soles and mucous membranes. Black papular dermatosis is localized on the face.

As a rule, the localization of warts has no practical significance. The exception is the appearance of multiple foci, as it may be associated with acute leukemia, gastrointestinal cancer, and so on.


The mechanism by which seborrheic keratosis occurs is unknown. Its relationship with age is obvious: people over 75 have seborrheic keratosis without fail. Moreover, it can manifest itself both in the form of single formations and in the form of multiple spots.

A biopsy is ordered if cancer is suspected. Its essence is reduced to the collection of tissue formation and study them under a microscope.


Senile keratosis is not treated with medical methods - this makes no sense. When single small warts appear, creams and ointments containing retinoids, and sulfur are prescribed. Such a complex allows you to smooth out plaques, make them less convex and lighter. Also prevent the development of keratosis shock doses of ascorbic acid with prolonged use - up to 2 months. Use and.

Large ugly warts on the face and neck can be removed. The same applies to formations that are in places of close contact with clothing and cause inconvenience. There are a number of methods:

  • – freezing of keratomas and warts with liquid nitrogen. Now this technique is considered obsolete;
  • curettage - mechanical removal of small formations;
  • - the action of the current, effective for small warts;
  • laser removal is the most effective and painless treatment. Virtually no marks on the skin.

Removal of plaques is possible only after their origin has been confirmed.

From this video you will learn how such keratosis is removed with nitrogen:

Disease prevention

Since the mechanism of the disease is unknown, and the appearance of such formations in old age is inevitable, preventive measures cannot be taken. In general, it is recommended to eat a healthy varied diet and not abuse the sun.


Seborrheic keratosis is not dangerous and does not cause any discomfort, except for psychological, if a wart appears on the face. This is a benign formation and turns into malignant in very rare cases - as a rule, if horny keratomas appear.

However, in appearance, keratomas are difficult to distinguish from some forms of skin cancer, so it is necessary to examine the formations. A doctor is contacted in the following cases:

  • if the wart begins to grow rapidly;
  • if the keratoma has become inflamed and bleeds, especially if there are signs of suppuration;
  • if the wart clings to clothes and there is a risk of permanent damage - in this case it is better to get rid of it;
  • warts on the face are also offered to be removed if they cause moral discomfort.


The disease appears in old age, as a rule, in people over 40 years old. It does not pose a threat to life and does not cause any pain. It makes sense to take some measures to remove the wart only if they are in an inconvenient location.

Seborrheic keratosis, or senile, is an almost obligatory sign of old age. The mechanism for the appearance of senile warts has not been established, but the disease is not dangerous and does not pose a threat.

Which is manifested by excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. There are several types of this disease, seborrheic keratosis is the most common of them. In this article, we will talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of such a pathology.

General information

Most often, the disease develops after 40 years, in connection with this, the disease is called senile or hydrocyanic keratosis. The resulting tumors do not disappear on their own. Over the years, their color, shape, shape change. The disease can last and progress for decades.

Provoking factors

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin is manifested by benign skin formations (keratomas), which can be either single or multiple. To date, the reasons for this phenomenon have not been finally established.

Assumptions that the provoking factor of the disease may be exposure to the skin of sunlight remain unproven. The theory that pathology occurs in people with oily seborrhea or in those whose diet lacks vegetable oils, vitamins and excess animal fat is also unreliable.

Some scientists insist on the genetic nature of the disease. Since studies have shown that most often seborrheic keratosis, the treatment of which will be described below, develops in people in whose families such cases have been observed in relatives.

Such a pathology can develop as a result of various external and internal factors, namely:

Why is the disease dangerous?

Seborrheic keratosis is a benign tumor, but this pathology and aggressive types of skin cancer are still associated:

    Among the cells, keratomas can independently develop cancer cells, while remaining unnoticed.

    Seborrheic keratosis and cancer are sometimes so similar that they can only be distinguished by histological analysis.

    A large accumulation of foci of keratosis may indicate a cancer of the internal organs.

Symptoms of the disease

Seborrheic keratosis is manifested by single or multiple elements, which are most often localized on the anterior surface of the chest and back, in rare cases - on the face, neck, scalp, posterior surface of the forearm, dorsum of the hand, external genital organs. Very rarely, the disease affects the palms and soles of the feet.

The shape of the tumor is most often oval or round, the size is from 2 mm to 6 cm. The formations have clear boundaries and are often accompanied by itching.

Tumors are pink, yellow, dark cherry, dark brown, black. The surface of the neoplasms looks like a large number of scaly warts, covered with an easily removable thin crust, which begins to bleed at the slightest mechanical damage. Over time, the crust gradually thickens and can reach 2 cm, black dotted inclusions form in it.

Varieties of seborrheic keratosis

There are several types of this disease:

    Flat. With this form of the disease, highly pigmented plaques are formed, flat, slightly raised above the skin surface.

    Reticular. Symptoms of this form of pathology, along with highly pigmented plaques, are horny cysts on the surface of the skin.

    Irritated. In this case, lymph infiltration is diagnosed on the surface of the plaques. Plaques with such an ailment are usually flat in shape.

    Inflammatory. With this form of the disease, inflammatory processes are present in the neoplasms.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If seborrheic keratosis is diagnosed, treatment is not necessary - as a rule, neoplasms do not cause any particular inconvenience. However, you should consult a doctor in the following cases:

    The tumor begins to grow rapidly.

    The neoplasm causes inconvenience, as it constantly clings to clothes and is damaged.

    The growth became inflamed, began to bleed, there are symptoms of suppuration.

    The neoplasm was localized on the face or other visible parts of the body and thus causes moral suffering.


    First of all, the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient. In some cases, additional examination and biopsy of the neoplasm may be required.

    Histological examination makes it possible to exclude the development of diseases with similar symptoms, these include:

    Seborrheic keratosis of the skin: treatment

    Neoplasms in seborrheic keratosis do not affect the deeper layers of the skin, so they are relatively easy to remove. At the site of the growth after the removal procedure, an almost imperceptible scar may remain.

    Removal of seborrheic keratosis is carried out by the following methods:

    Seborrheic keratosis: treatment with folk remedies

    If neoplasms do not cause inconvenience, but there is still a desire to get rid of them, you can use alternative medicine recipes.

    So, if there is seborrheic keratosis, how to treat it with folk remedies? First of all, you will need to be patient, since the treatment in this case will be quite long (several months).

    The most effective methods:

What is seborrheic keratosis? Seborrheic keratosis is a common form of skin disease in middle-aged people. The disease lies in the fact that benign neoplasms begin to appear on the skin. Usually, these are small spots, the size of which reaches 2-3 cm. The color of such spots can vary from light beige, barely noticeable on the skin, to dark brown and black shades. The shape of the spots can be different, in some cases the neoplasms are convex.

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin can occur on almost any part of the body except the hands and feet. The tumor can be single or consist of several neoplasms located close to each other. Spots covering the skin are usually not uncomfortable, but itching can sometimes occur. With keratosis, keratinization of the skin surface begins, on which the neoplasm has arisen. Seborrheic keratosis develops at a slow pace, in most cases it does not develop into more serious diseases.

The reasons why the skin begins to suffer from keratinization and seborrheic keratosis develops are not yet known. There are points of view that the papilloma virus or an excess of sunlight can lead to the appearance of spots, but so far they have not been scientifically confirmed. Several factors have been identified that increase the likelihood that seborrheic keratosis will develop. These factors include heredity and age. After some research, it was found that the disease most often manifests itself after 40 years, and also that the risk of the disease increases if there are cases of seborrheic keratosis in the family.

Signs and symptoms of seborrheic keratosis

The main symptoms of the disease are single or multiple neoplasms that appear on the back or chest. Sometimes spots can cover the neck, face, forearm, occasionally appear on the scalp under the hairline. The size of the spots can vary from 2 mm to 6 cm, in most cases the shape is oval or round. If the neoplasm is convex, then most likely it will be accompanied by itching. The spots come in different colors, for example: pink, yellow, dark cherry, dark brown, black. The appearance of the spots is similar to scaly small warts, which are covered with a thin crust. If damaged, the neoplasm may begin to bleed.

Over time, a black dotted inclusion appears, the spot gradually becomes thicker, the size reaches 1-2 cm. Despite the fact that the tumor is soft inside, from the outside it becomes rough and acquires abrupt outlines. In some cases, the formation acquires a convex domed shape.


Neoplasms in form are divided into several types:

  1. Flat shape. A flat spot, which rises slightly above the skin, is sharply pigmented.
  2. Annoyed form. Histological examination under a microscope shows that the interior of the neoplasm is riddled with a large number of lymphocytes.
  3. Reticular, or adenoid, form. Several thin neoplasms that are connected to each other in the form of a looped network. Often the network has a cyst from the stratum corneum.
  4. Clear cell melanoacanthomas. A rare form of the disease, has a warty rounded surface. Signs: the neoplasm looks like a flat, wet plaque, it appears on the legs.
  5. Lichenoid form of keratosis. It looks like a tumor accompanied by inflammatory changes.
  6. Clonal form of keratosis. It is characterized by the presence of warty plaques with a nest inside the epithelial layer. The tumor consists of large or small pigmented keratinocyte cells.
  7. Benign squamous keratosis. It consists of an element of the epidermis and a single cyst of horny cells.
  8. Follicular inverted form of keratosis with little pigmentation. It is characterized by neoplasms associated with the epidermis.
  9. The shape of the skin horn. Has two types. A primary type that occurs for no apparent reason. A secondary view that appears due to inflammatory processes. The secondary type can develop into skin cancer.

Treatment of pathology

For the treatment of keratosis, you need to contact a specialist dermatologist.

If for some reason you want to remove these benign neoplasms, then you should not self-medicate, you need to see a doctor.

Only a doctor can accurately determine whether it is really seborrheic keratosis and, if necessary, send tumor cells for a biopsy.

Keratosis treatment may have the following:

  1. Cryodestruction. Affordable and fast. The neoplasm is frozen with liquid nitrogen, while capturing a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin no more than 1 mm. The method is used if you need to remove a lot of small neoplasms. After thawing, there may be problems with skin pigmentation at the site from which the keratoma was removed. It goes away after a while.
  2. laser way. During the procedure, the patient does not experience pain. A definite plus is that there is no surgical intervention. The best way is to remove the senile wart in a prominent place (face, neck).
  3. Electrocoagulation. This method is most often used in combination with curettage (removal of neoplasms with a curette).
  4. Removal of neoplasms with the help of chemicals. It is used very rarely due to the fact that scars often appear after stain removal.

Concomitant treatment, such as taking vitamins, is often prescribed. To determine the specific treatment, you need to contact a specialist. Prevention of keratosis is also prescribed by the attending physician. Traditional medicine can also be used to treat the disease.

Means of folk therapy

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin can be treated with folk remedies, but only after consulting a specialist:

  • Cut off the largest parts of the aloe leaf in the morning and pour over with boiling water. Then wrap in a thick cloth and put in the freezer for 3-4 days. After the end of the freezing period, cut the sheets into thin plates and make compresses overnight on the affected skin area. In the morning, after removing the compress, you need to wipe the wound with a solution of alcohol.
  • Take dried onion peel and pour a glass of table vinegar. Infuse the resulting mass for 2 weeks in a dark place. After the end of the infusion period, the resulting mixture must be filtered. Apply to neoplasms for 30 minutes.
  • Apply a small piece of propolis to the focus of the disease with a thin layer. Wrap with bandages and leave for a period of 1 to 5 days.

Preventive actions

  • proper nutrition, which will help the body get all the necessary substances;
  • use of moisturizing lotions and creams;
  • limiting the time spent under the open rays of the sun to avoid strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • using sunscreen;
  • compliance with safety regulations when working with chemicals.

The sooner treatment is started, the better the result will be, but if prevention is not carried out, then a recurrence of the disease is possible.

Keratosis is a pathological change in the stratum corneum of the skin, in which its regeneration is disturbed. It becomes thicker as the exfoliation of dead cells worsens. Seborrheic keratosis is the most common form of pathology.

General description of the disease

Seborrheic keratosis is accompanied by the appearance on the surface of the skin of multi-colored spots that rise above it or remain flat. Over time, the shade and shape of the neoplasms change, but they do not disappear on their own. Pathology affects more often the elderly, as they slow down the regeneration of the stratum corneum of the skin.

Keratomas are localized on various parts of the body: head, back, limbs. The growth may be single, but there are cases when the patient has an accumulation of formations. Seborrheic keratosis according to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision) has the code L82. Pathology develops over the years, but under adverse conditions, growths can degenerate into malignant formations. Seborrheic keratosis of the head is often found in elderly patients.

Reasons for the appearance

The exact causes of seborrheic keratosis are still unknown. However, experts have identified negative factors that trigger the pathological mechanism:

  • Heredity. Most often, the pathology is transmitted through the female line.
  • Predisposition to the development of oily seborrhea (on the scalp).
  • Excessive exposure to the skin of direct sunlight, chemicals. The epidermis becomes thinner, cells begin to form incorrectly, and it becomes vulnerable to negative external factors.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, as well as the use of large amounts of animal fats.
  • Frequent mechanical damage to the skin.
  • Chronic pathologies, problems with the functionality of the endocrine system, immune disorders.
  • Frequent use of hormonal drugs.
  • Pathological changes in the skin tissues of an unknown nature.

Sometimes seborrheic keratosis is difficult to distinguish from other pathologies, so the diagnosis must be differential so as not to miss the development of a malignant process.

Symptoms of keratosis

Keratosis is characterized by certain symptoms that cause physiological and psychological discomfort. The presented pathology has the following symptoms:

  • The presence of small spots, which in the early stages do not rise above the skin.
  • Gradual change in the shade of the neoplasm.
  • The loose structure of the keratoma, while its upper part exfoliates.
  • Pain syndrome when the formation is injured by a piece of clothing.

It is dangerous if the keratoma rises strongly above the skin. If it is injured, then this neoplasm can develop into a malignant tumor.

Disease classification

Seborrheic keratosis is not a life-threatening disease, but it needs to be treated correctly and on time. But before that, it is important to find out what form the neoplasm belongs to:

  1. Flat. Its feature is that it consists of unchanged pathological cells.
  2. Reticular. The formation is based on the connection of epithelial cells.
  3. Actinic. It develops after 45 years. The epidermis in this case has a light shade. Such formations are located on uncovered areas of the skin. Extensive rashes are characteristic of this type of pathology.
  4. clonal. The presence of this type of neoplasm is typical for elderly patients.
  5. Annoyed. A large number of leukocytes are present in the inner and outer parts of the keratoma. This type of neoplasm can be determined using histological analysis.
  6. Follicular (inverted). It is characterized by a small amount of pigment.
  7. warty. It has a rounded shape. It occurs on the lower extremities, and is rare.
  8. Lichenoid. Neoplasm is accompanied by an inflammatory process. In appearance, it resembles lupus erythematosus, lichen planus.
  9. Horny. It occurs very rarely, but it is dangerous because it can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Such a keratoma occurs in people over 60 years of age.

Depending on the type of disease, treatment for seborrheic keratosis of the skin is prescribed. You won't be able to deal with it on your own.

Features of diagnostics

Before starting treatment for seborrheic keratosis, you should consult a dermatologist. He can determine the disease by external manifestations, as well as the clinical picture. It is very difficult to determine the disease in the early stages. If the neoplasm grows too fast, the specialist will prescribe a histological examination of its tissues, as well as a biopsy. Such a diagnosis will help distinguish a keratoma from a malignant tumor or other skin pathologies.

What is the danger of the disease

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin is dangerous because neoplasms can quickly develop into a malignant tumor. At the same time, their appearance practically does not change, so the time favorable for treatment can be missed. The most dangerous is the development of malignant cells under the keratoma. In this case, cancer is detected in the later stages, when metastases are already present in the body. A large number of keratomas may also indicate the presence of an oncological process. Moreover, any internal organ can be affected.

Stages of development

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin develops in several stages:

  1. First. Dark spots appear on the surface of the skin. At this stage, they are located without rising. Over time, the spots merge. More often they are localized on closed parts of the body.
  2. Second. Small nodular papules form here. They have clear boundaries. The spots protrude slightly above the skin. There are no signs of keratinization of the neoplasm or peeling.
  3. Third. At this stage, a keratoma is directly formed, which looks like a bean. The color of the neoplasm changes - it becomes darker. When you try to scrape off the scales, bleeding wounds appear on the skin.

Seborrheic keratosis in children is extremely rare. The neoplasm grows slowly.

Features of therapy

Medical treatment of seborrheic keratosis of the skin is not effective. In most cases, patients do not seek help from specialists, since the pathology does not interfere with them. However, you should see a doctor if:

  • Ulcers, suppurations, wounds appeared on the damaged skin.
  • A person experiences severe itching or pain.
  • The neoplasm began to increase in size.
  • A keratoma appeared on an open area of ​​​​the body and is a cosmetic defect.
  • Keratoma is constantly susceptible to injury by clothing.

The most effective method of therapy is the removal of neoplasms. For this, the following methods are used:

  1. Laser burning. This method is affordable, safe and effective. For the procedure, a special apparatus is required, with the help of which damaged tissues simply evaporate. The advantage of the procedure is that after it there are practically no scars.
  2. Removal by radio waves. The presented operation has a considerable cost. To remove seborrheic keratosis, a directed beam of radio waves is used. The procedure requires anesthesia.
  3. Cryodestruction. In this case, liquid nitrogen is used to eliminate neoplasms. After treatment, the keratoma dies and falls off. After the operation, a large bubble appears on the damaged area, which cannot be eliminated on its own. During the recovery period, it opens itself, and healthy skin is visible under it.
  4. Cauterization of education by electric current. The intervention is performed using a special electric scalpel. To carry out such a procedure, you need to choose a clinic with a good reputation and an experienced surgeon. After removal of the keratoma, sutures are applied to the wound. The disadvantage of the procedure is its high degree of trauma and an increase in the recovery period.
  5. Chemical removal. It is produced with the help of caustic substances that are applied to the keratoma. This procedure is used extremely rarely, as it can give complications, leave deep scars.
  6. Mechanical removal by curettage. This grinding process is only suitable for flat neoplasms that do not rise above the surface of the skin.

With seborrheic keratosis, ointments are used only during the recovery period. Tissues after surgery regenerate quickly enough, but during this period, special hygiene rules must be observed and medicines should be used that prevent infection of the wound.

After removing the keratoma, it is necessary to wash the wound with special medicinal solutions that have an antiseptic effect: Chlorhexine, Belasept. After that, seborrheic keratosis is treated with ointments with antimicrobial action. Immediately after the procedure, a bandage is applied to the wound. It is necessary to ensure that dirt does not get into the operated area.

In order for the wound to heal faster, the menu should include vegetables, fruits, as well as other foods that contain a lot of vitamin C.

Alternative treatment of pathology

Alternative treatment of seborrheic keratosis can also be effective, but it must be long and permanent. Recipes of funds must be agreed with a dermatologist.

The following recipes will be useful:

  1. Vegetable oil. The product is boiled before use. Cooled oil is applied to the affected areas of the skin with rubbing movements. The procedure is repeated up to 5 times a day. The duration of the course is one month. Along with sunflower oil, it is allowed to use sea buckthorn or castor oil.
  2. Garlic. To prepare the product, you will need a head of garlic, which must be chopped and mixed with 3 tsp. honey. The mixture should be warm when used. Treatment of neoplasms is performed three times a day.
  3. Raw potatoes. The vegetable is ground on a grater, after which a compress is made on the affected skin. You need to keep it for at least an hour.
  4. Pure propolis. It is applied in a thin layer on spots and neoplasms. From above, the treated skin is covered with gauze. The compress lasts 5 days.
  5. Aloe leaves. In the morning, it is necessary to cut off the largest sheets and scald with boiling water. Next, the plant is wrapped in a dense cloth and placed in the freezer. After 3 days, the sheets are cut into plates of small thickness. The plant should be used for compresses. They should be applied at night. After the sheet is removed, it is necessary to wipe the skin with an alcohol solution.
  6. Onion peel. Raw materials are poured with a glass of vinegar and infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. After that, the mixture is filtered and applied to the keratomas for half an hour.
  7. Apple vinegar. Based on it, medicinal lotions are made. It is necessary to apply gauze with liquid to the affected areas up to 6 times a day. Therapy is carried out until a complete cure.
  8. Burdock. Requires 20 g of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. Burdock is filled with liquid and infused for 2-3 hours. A solution for compresses is used.
  9. Yeast. On their basis, dough is prepared. After it ascends, it is necessary to make a cake and fix it on the neoplasm. The compress is removed after 1.5-2 hours, after which the skin should be washed with warm water. The procedure should be repeated daily until the keratoma is gone.
  10. Celandine and pork fat. Both components are mixed and applied to the skin up to 4 times a day. You need to store this ointment in the refrigerator.
  11. Red beet pulp. It should be fixed on the keratome for 4 hours. The procedure is repeated every day.

Folk remedies are an effective method of dealing with pathology, but they should not be used on their own. First you need to make sure that there is no malignant process. Self-medication can only aggravate the skin condition.

Preventive measures

Since seborrheic keratosis is difficult to treat, it is best to prevent its development altogether. For this, it is worth observing the following preventive measures:

  • Eat right, including in the diet those foods that contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Fatty foods are best avoided or limited.
  • Use moisturizing lotions or body creams, especially after 30 years.
  • If you have to work with chemicals, then you need to do it carefully and use protective equipment.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, use sunscreen.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Stabilize your emotional state.

Seborrheic keratosis is a rather dangerous pathology that can transform into a malignant skin lesion. To prevent this, it is better to warn her. If she appeared, then do not hesitate to visit the doctor.

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