The best plastic surgery after terrible accidents. Consequences of plastic surgery. Skin like a baby

People resort to plastic surgery for various reasons. Some people are forced to resort to them because of injuries or birth defects - in this case, surgical intervention is justified. But many go under the knife for other purposes - in the hope of prolonging their youth, changing some parts of their body or face, eliminating imaginary flaws, creating a certain image, or simply becoming a different person. These reasons are unreasonable, and the result of such interference is deplorable. Let us consider in more detail examples of what people who did plastic surgery for these reasons came to.

1. Plastic surgery as an attempt to escape old age.

The modern world is full of aging beauties and handsome men who seek to prolong their youth by artificial means. Among them are both media personalities and ordinary people. It would seem that there is a natural and correct way to prolong youth - not to grow old in soul, lead a healthy lifestyle, constantly develop and do what you love. But here's the problem - this path is quite difficult, while there is an easier way to rejuvenate in a matter of days - plastic surgery of the face and body. Only this is a rather expensive method, and the result looks very unnatural, and therefore unattractive, not to mention unsuccessful cases of operations. So, here are illustrative examples of how people "transformed" after plastic surgery. Compare the before and after photos and decide for yourself if it's worth it.

2. Plastic surgery to create a certain image.

Plastic surgery is resorted to not only by those who dream of preserving youth, but also by those who simply want to change the appearance given to them by nature as they see fit. For some reason, they perceive their face and body as a field for experiments, or as a blank slate on which you can draw whatever you want, or as plasticine, from which you can mold whatever you want. They find some strange self-expression in it. But the problem is that the face and body are not the kind of material from which you can endlessly fashion something. If a person does not succeed in drawing, he can erase it, paint over it, or simply throw it away by taking another sheet of paper. But this will not work with the body - it is one for a person for life. And any manipulations with him do not pass without a trace. Those who do not understand this are fools and will be severely punished by life for their stupidity.

3. Changing individual parts of the face and body with the help of plastics and injections.

Have you heard the expressions “More is not better” and “Perfect is the enemy of good”? Some didn't hear. When people with a fairly good appearance by nature begin to “improve” it, then, as a rule, nothing good comes of it. Especially if you do not see the measures in your zeal. The fashion for big breasts or big lips pushes women and girls to make various changes that they make to their bodies in order to meet the standards. However, more does not mean better. Doesn't mean at all. See for yourself:

Based on the examples listed - and this is only a small part of such cases - we can conclude that people set themselves the wrong goals and achieve them in the wrong ways. They completely lack at least some understanding of the consequences of their actions and they create their own problems for themselves. They are catastrophically unintelligent.

About 17 million plastic surgeries are performed worldwide every year, most of them facelift and breast augmentation. Men also turn to plastic surgeons for help.

Plastic surgery is not a cheap “pleasure”, therefore, mostly rich people from the world of show business do plastic surgery. Unfortunately, the end result does not always justify the expectation, and then the victims of plastic surgery appear. We will tell about the most famous of them.

Unsuccessful plastics of Masha Malinovskaya

Now it is difficult to recognize in a socialite with a silicone bust and Botox-filled lips a young Smolensk girl who came to conquer Moscow in 2002. Masha Malinovskaya underwent several plastic surgeries and completely "redrawn" her appearance.

The upper lip of the socialite, after several unsuccessful plastic surgeries, became like a hare, but Masha was already afraid to correct it. A huge silicone bust looks unnatural against the backdrop of Malinovskaya's thin figure.

Masha wanted to reduce the size of her breasts, but as a result, one breast of the star became one size larger than the other. Malinovskaya, in desperation, turned to a well-known plastic surgeon for help, who corrected the mistakes of her colleagues. After that, Masha said that she would never do plastic surgery again.

Doll appearance of Masha Rasputina

Fans were shocked when they saw the changed appearance of Masha Rasputina after plastic surgery. The singer not only increased her already large breasts by several sizes, but also completely changed her facial features. Masha has new eyes, chin, nose, lips, and implants are now inserted into the singer's cheekbones.

Updated Masha had to paste a new photo in her passport, because she became a completely different person. Fans also had to get used to the new look of the idol.

The mutilated appearance of Vera Alentova

Actress Vera Alentova could not come to terms with creeping old age in any way and decided on a whole series of plastic surgeries, as a result of which a circular facelift, lip augmentation, eyelid and chin correction, and a change in the shape of the nose were performed. The first procedure was successful, but the second operation disfigured the appearance of the once beautiful actress.

Surgeons explained the unsuccessful plastic surgery with too stretched skin. It took a very long time for Alentova's appearance to begin to return to normal. Experts say that the actress needs another operation to correct previous shortcomings, but Alentova is not yet ready to take such a risky step.

"Rubber" face of Lyudmila Gurchenko

Lyudmila Markovna was very sensitive to old age, so no one was surprised that the actress became a regular client of plastic surgery clinics. Gurchenko's hopes to restore beauty had the opposite effect, and in the last years of the star's life, her face turned into a rubber mask.

Repeated surgical interventions affected the elasticity of the skin, so Gurchenko's facial features swam, skin roughness appeared. Lyudmila Markovna could not even close her eyes completely after the braces, because of which her vision deteriorated sharply. The heart of the star suffered greatly from multiple anesthesia.

Shocking lips of Michaela Romanini

Michaela Romanini was known as an Italian beauty and socialite. Her beauty was admired not only at home, but throughout Europe. But Michaela felt that her lips were too narrow, and 30-year-old Romanini decided to increase them slightly. One plastic surgery was not enough for the socialite. With subsequent surgical interventions, the contour of the lips of the “beauty” swam, and the skin and facial muscles lost their elasticity.

Attempts to restore the former beauty with Botox injections were in vain, and Michaela joined the ranks of the victims of plastic surgery. Despite everything, Romanini considers herself attractive, although for many her appearance is terrifying.

Sylvester Stallone's crooked smile

The famous Sly decided on plastic surgery in order to continue his acting career. But the unsuccessful operation, which was performed on him in 2006, completely changed the appearance of the actor. Sylvester wanted to fix everything and regain his former appearance, but the doctors said that there was no turning back.

Sylvester Stallone has undergone too many plastic surgeries, and the skin on his face after regular procedures cannot fully recover and is very swollen. During one of the operations, the star's facial nerves were damaged, so Sly's smile is crooked.

Michael Jackson is a black guy with a European face

The idol of millions of music lovers around the world, Michael Jackson, all his adult life dreamed of a European appearance and white skin. Jackson claimed to have a rare disease, vitiligo, which made his skin lighten. In fact, he became "white" with the help of plastic surgery.

Jackson dreamed of getting rid of the Negro nose, so this organ suffered the most from plastic surgery. After multiple operations, the singer's nose began to "fall through", and at one time Michael Jackson even wore a bandage on his face to hide his nose, or rather, his absence.

Unrecognizable Mickey Rourke

Hollywood actor Mickey Rourke could not even imagine that the desire to remove the scars received during boxing matches from his face would completely change his life and appearance. In 2008, Mickey confided in an unprofessional amateur plastic surgeon who disfigured his face.

Each subsequent plastic surgery to restore its former appearance ended in failure, and now Mickey is very difficult to identify, and the face of the star terrifies fans.

Horrible face of Donatella Versace

After Donatella Versace headed the Versace fashion house, the woman decided to slightly correct her lips, nose and increase her bust size. There were no problems with the bust, but Donatella's face acquired terrible repulsive features.

Versace thought that subsequent plastic surgery would restore her beauty, but the effect was the opposite. It was not possible to correct the previous mistakes of the surgeons, so Donatella will have to be content with a repulsive appearance until the end of her days.

Socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein

Jocelyn Wildenstein decided to have plastic surgery to keep her billionaire husband Alec Wildenstein, who was a fan of hunting lions. Jocelyn thought that if she became like a lioness, then her husband would stay with her for the rest of her life. But the woman miscalculated. Seeing the "cat" appearance of his once beautiful wife, the billionaire ran away from her to a young Russian model, Lyuba Stupakova.

After the dissolution of the marriage in 1999, Jocelyn received from her husband a settlement of $ 2.5 billion, as well as annual alimony in the amount of $ 100 million. Such large sums allowed Jocelyn to continue experimenting with her appearance, and now Wildenstein tops the list of the most terrible victims of plastic surgery.

Dysmorphophobia, that is, a persistent aversion to one's own body, is a relatively rare mental disorder. As you can see, Hollywood stars suffer from it too. The editors of the site invite you to get acquainted with other mental illnesses that foreign celebrities suffer from.
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Plastic surgery is a very dangerous occupation, many women and men disfigure their faces by going to the wrong doctor or having too many surgeries. In the photo in this article, you can see what your face can turn into if you do not approach this issue wisely.

Nikki Cox

This case does not look as bad as all the following examples, but if you compare the photos before and after, you can see a huge difference. Nikki Cox definitely picked the wrong doctor as she went from supermodel to living mannequin. That is why Botox injections are a very dangerous path in which either everything goes well, or a similar result is obtained.

Daryl Hanna

Daryl Hannah was one of the most chic women of the eighties. But as people age, their bodies begin to change without giving any advance signals. And some women are taking drastic measures. In Daryl's case, things didn't go as planned, and she ended up looking even older as a result.

Jian Feng Sues Wife for Scary Children

A Chinese man sued his wife (and won) when he noticed that his children had terrible facial features that were characteristic of his wife - and which he did not know about until recently. Plastic surgery may change your appearance, but it still doesn't change your DNA.


If you look closely at this photo, you will see that this woman has rough edges on her face that should be smooth. This is caused by the formation of scar tissue from braces. However, even if your doctor has done a lot of braces for you, but with high quality and successfully, their traces will not be visible. What's more, post-op care also plays a very important role, so your plastic surgery doesn't end on the operating table.

Jacqueline Stallone

This woman is the mother of the famous actor Sylvester Stallone. Jacqueline, aged 93, deeply regrets having decided to get so many plastic surgeries - she admits that she has had many injections of Juvederma, a Botox analogue used mainly for the cheeks. And now she herself says that she looks like a chipmunk stuffing her mouth with nuts.


This woman definitely has a lot of puffy lips. In general, there is a special product that is used to temporarily increase the volume of the lips, and the only side effect is a slight tingling. You can also use lipstick a little further than the lip line to make them appear fuller. But pumping them with various substances is not recommended, otherwise the result will be the same as in the photo.

Christina Ray

At the moment, Christina holds the Guinness World Record for the largest lips. She's had over a hundred injections that make her lips look like they've been stung by a swarm of bees. But at the same time, unlike many people who have made themselves unsuccessful plastic surgery, Christina does not regret what happened - apparently, the operations were successful for her, and this is exactly the look she aspired to.


One of the biggest fears of plastic surgery is the fear of not looking like a person. After all, after plastic surgery, you cease to be human by 5 percent, and every time you go under the knife, more and more plastic appears in you and less and less human remains. A good doctor will tell you exactly what you need to fix, and most importantly, when to stop. But there are too many bad doctors who only care about money.


You can observe another result of unsuccessful plastic surgeries, which you obviously do not want to have if you decide to go to a plastic surgeon. That is why it is very important to find a good reliable doctor who does not chase after your money and will not persuade you to new operations. You shouldn't try to get discounts, as you could end up with something far worse than an empty wallet.

Pete Burns

Most of the plastic surgery with a terrible outcome is on the lips. Pete Burns, founder and vocalist of the band Dead or Alive, has become another victim of such plasticity. At the same time, Pete himself is happy with what he sees in the mirror - he said that he knows that his face can literally fall apart, but this will not stop him from new operations.

Michaela Romanini

Botox and lip injections are considered lunchtime surgeries, as they can take no more than half an hour. Botox is actually a toxin that smoothes out wrinkles but paralyzes the muscles in your face. Michaela Romanini had a lot of Botox injections, which smoothed out her wrinkles, but then immediately went to sunbathe, which gave her even more wrinkles. She herself admitted that she was addicted to plastic surgery, and as a result, from one of the most charming secular lionesses in Europe, she turned into something unrecognizable.


There is another example of a catastrophically poorly done work with someone's lips. Lips are most often the first thing that catches the eye, but if the lips occupy half of the face, then something is clearly wrong here.

Donatella Versace

Donatella Versace was once a very beautiful woman. However, she is now a walking example that being overweight in anything can end badly for you. And because of the large number of plastic surgeries and excessive tanning, the once-beautiful lady looks like a sun-dried fruit. But at the same time, Donatella herself believes that she looks great, takes care of herself, her skin and hair.

Amanda Lepore

Plastic surgery consists of many stages, each of which can be both scary and painful. Amanda Lepore talked about how painful her operations were, but with her original appearance, there was no point in doing everything she did - including breaking her ribs to look thinner.

Hang Mioku

Once upon a time, Hang Mioku was a beautiful Korean model. However, age took its toll, so she began to inject silicone, which she became addicted to. When her doctors refused to give her further injections, she began buying silicone and a special oil on the black market, pumping it under her skin, making her face look terrifying. Attempts to fix everything gave little - the damage that Han inflicted on herself can no longer be restored.

Surgical intervention in the human body is an extreme measure to stabilize his health and well-being.

This also applies to plastics. But recently, plastic surgery has ceased to be taken seriously.

Those who really want to change forget that they risk their health a lot. Yes, and one hundred percent result is unlikely to be guaranteed to anyone ...

The disfigured bodies and faces of people prove that unsuccessful plastic surgery can be very unaesthetic and even terrifying.

The most terrible thing is that people who, in principle, do not need plastic surgery, most often decide on plastic surgery. They have a normal and even beautiful appearance.

For the rest of their lives, these people will remain with such a terrible appearance. And what do you think, is “such beauty” worth such sacrifices ...

The most shocking plastic surgeries: photos

The most shocking plastic surgery: the mother of the famous actor Sylvester Stallone Jacqueline Stallone wanted to look younger. Although the surgeons warned the woman about the possible consequences and allergic reactions ... Stallone's mother not only did not look younger, but also acquired the status of one of the ugliest women in the world.
Most Shocking Plastic Surgery: Elvis Presley's widow, Priscilla Presley, suffered a facelift.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: The Bogdanov brothers before plastic surgery
The most shocking plastic surgeries: The Bogdanov brothers - in the past, handsome, got hooked on plastic and experimented with appearance for 20 years, achieving a terrible result ... Now men look ugly.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: seventy-year-old Lyudmila Gurchenko, a famous Soviet film actress, changed terribly after plastic surgery. Such a beautiful actress turned into something incomprehensible and unrecognizable for viewers and fans. Obviously, a facelift and lip correction did not return Gurchenko to his former youth.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Donatella Versace is the case when, having tried plastic changes once, a person can no longer stop ... After one successful facial plastic surgery, all other operations only distorted Donatella's femininity and naturalness.
The most shocking plastic surgery: Hang Mioku, a resident of Korea, also became a plastic "addict". Against the background of the desire to change, the woman received a psychological dependence. After the doctors refused to operate, the Korean woman herself injected sunflower oil under the skin with syringes, which made her face swollen and terrifying.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Dennis Avner - this man received such an ugly appearance not by mistake of doctors, but of his own free will, wanting to turn into a "cat". Avner also had mental disabilities, because when the new look most resembled cat features, the man committed suicide.
The most shocking plastic surgery: Amanda Lepore (seventeen-year-old Armand Lepore) had the first plastic surgery in order to enhance the image of a trans diva. As a result of all subsequent operations, the guy became a woman completely, but his face is unlikely to have acquired real feminine features ...
The most shocking plastic surgery: Jocelyn Wildenstein - the wife of a billionaire decided to try on the mask of a lion - her beloved animal husband. After plastic surgery, the woman looked terrible, and her husband divorced her.
The most shocking plastic surgery: Vera Alentova - a famous Russian actress, after numerous facelifts and changes to maintain youth, now looks like this. After an unsuccessful plastic surgery, Alentova became a hostage to her appearance. Now she has an unequal shape and size of her eyes and lips swollen from scars, which is very noticeable when compared with old photographs of the former beauty movie.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: Mickey Rourke made his first plastic surgery because of an unsuccessful boxing tournament. Further, Mickey Rourke, like most stars, decided on plastic surgery to maintain youth. But for this actor, everything turned out just the opposite.
Most shocking plastic surgeries: Mihaela Romanini, one of the most beautiful women in Italy in the past, has become like a man after several plastic surgeries. At almost 50 years old, a woman's lips occupy half of her face, and the new ugly appearance is frightening.
Most shocking plastic surgery: Model Farrah Abraham also overdid the changes. The girl so wanted to become even more beautiful that instead of a successful correction, she received a terrible painful appearance and lost a successful career.
The most shocking plastic surgery: Pete Burns - shocking singer from England wanted to stop with plastic surgery, but the changes were already irreversible. In retaliation, the singer won a lawsuit against the surgeon who disfigured him.
The most shocking plastic surgeries: the reincarnation of Michael Jackson is one of the most significant in show business, because, having done 50 operations, the musician turned from a handsome man into a man with a doll face. Plastic surgery not only changed the appearance of the singer, but also had a detrimental effect on his health. In the last days of his life, the king of pop could only go out to the audience wearing a mask.

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