Plantain solution. Useful properties of plantain and contraindications: how to harvest and apply

Update: October 2018

Plantain belongs to the Plantain family, a genus of single and perennial herbs. The plant is widely distributed around the globe, many types of plantain are weeds.

The leaves are petiolate, collected in a single basal rosette, pierced with fibers along the entire length. The rhizome of the plantain is short, and the roots are cord-shaped. Peduncle erect, with small flowers. Numerous fruits are a box with many seeds.

The plant has nutritional value: it is used not only as vegetable feed for animals, but also added to salads, vegetable soups.

Medicinal properties

The rich healing properties of plantain have been known to mankind since ancient times. Raw materials from plantain are included in the active composition of many drugs and are used in most traditional medicine recipes. Medicinal species are considered plantain large and flea. In some countries it is grown as a separate medicinal crop.

Useful composition of plantain

The healing properties of plantain

Harvesting and storage of plantain

Collection of plantain

Collection is carried out in the summer, as well as in September, after flowering. Plantain is recommended to be harvested as a whole, along with roots and seeds. But, if it is the seeds that are of particular importance, one should wait for their full maturity, i.e. their acquisition of a brownish-brown color. The leaves are collected repeatedly during the season, they do not lose their useful properties.

For harvesting the plant, morning time and dry, not rainy laziness are chosen. The most valuable will be plants that grow away from roads and outside the influence of the scorching sun.

The plantain is carefully dug under the root and removed entirely. In the case of harvesting leaves, they are cut with scissors at a distance of a couple of centimeters from the ground.

Harvesting, drying, storage, freezing

  • The preparation includes rinsing under running water, dividing into the necessary parts (leaves, roots, seeds).
  • Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated place, excluding exposure to direct sunlight (canopy, attic, balcony). Parts of the plant are loosely laid out on a sheet of clean paper and dried until completely dry. Raw materials should be rotated periodically for better drying.
  • Freezing - this method of harvesting plantain is also allowed. The leaves of the plant, washed and completely dried from water, are frozen by deep freezing.
  • Plantain storage dry produce in cloth bags, paper bags or wooden boxes in a dark and well-ventilated place. Dry raw materials can be used within 24 months, frozen - within six months.
  • Preparation of juice - dilute freshly squeezed juice from petioles and plantain leaves with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1, store the liquid in the refrigerator for six months.

Plantain treatment

Plantain leaf, useful properties

  • Antiseptic - since ancient times, freshly picked green leaves have been used to disinfect and stop blood in minor wounds and abrasions. To do this, a clean sheet should be applied to the wound as a whole, or a few leaves should be crushed and applied to the wound in the form of a bandage.
  • Treatment of insomnia and neuroses- 3 tablespoons pour dry and pre-chopped leaves with hot water t 80 C (200 ml), leave for a couple of hours, strain and consume 1/3 cup three times a day.
  • Treatment of stomach ulcers, colitis, hypercholesterolemia- 1 tbsp. dry or 2 tbsp. fresh crushed plantain leaves pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take a quarter cup an hour before meals 4 times a day.
  • Treatment of hypertension, sexual dysfunction, uterine bleeding- Place 1 part of vodka and 2 parts of crushed fresh leaves in a glass container, shake, cork and insist in a dark place for at least 20 days. Take 5 ml (1 teaspoon) three times a day.

psyllium seeds

  • Treatment of cracks in the skin and mucous membranes(on the nipples, anal), treatment of inflammatory skin lesions. Pour dry plantain seeds with hot water, cover with a lid and let them swell, then grind. Apply this gruel to problem areas twice a day, cover with a sterile bandage on top.
  • Treatment of diabetes mellitus, infertility, hormonal deficiency. 1 tbsp plantain seeds pour a glass of boiling water and boil the composition over low heat for 5 minutes, cover, let it brew for half an hour. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day for 1-2 months in a row.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system, normalizing the level of bile acids, treating colitis, constipation. Pour 25 g of seeds with a glass of boiling water and shake with a mixer for 3 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day before meals. It is also allowed to take dry seeds on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. once a day with a glass of warm water. The course of treatment is at least 1 month.

Seed husk (cake)

It is obtained by splitting the boxes. Able to swell on contact with liquid. Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, intestinal dysfunction, hypertension. Safe cleansing of the body and weight loss. Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach twice a day, drink 1-2 glasses of warm water.

Plantain syrup

Treatment of dry and painful cough, SARS, colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal diseases. It is interpreted by traditional medicine as an effective remedy in the treatment of cancer of the stomach and lungs.

  • Recipe 1. Grind fresh leaves and petioles and put them in a sterilized jar, sprinkling with sugar. Close the filled jar with a lid and put in a cold place. The syrup is ready in 2 months. Should be stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp. three times a day before meals, you can dissolve the syrup in your mouth.
  • Recipe 2. 3 tbsp dry raw materials (leaves, seeds, roots) mixed with 3 tbsp. honey and 3 tbsp. boiling water. Put the mixture in a water bath and hold until the honey dissolves, turn off the heat, and leave the syrup to infuse. Take 1 tsp. 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

plantain juice

  • Treatment of gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, pyoinflammatory processes. Grind fresh leaves and cuttings of plantain and squeeze the juice out of the slurry with gauze. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day 20 minutes before meals for 1 month. In winter, juice diluted with vodka is taken in the same proportion.
  • Treatment of cervical erosion, wounds, cracks, cuts, trophic ulcers. Outwardly, the juice is used in the form of lotions or dressings: sterile gauze is soaked in the juice and applied to the skin. Locally: douching is done with juice or soaking a vaginal tampon with its installation for the night, as well as local baths.

Plantain herb: contraindications for use

  • Hypersecretion of gastric juice;
  • An ulcer of the stomach or intestines in the acute stage;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Tendency to thrombosis;
  • Allergic reaction to plantain.

Side effects

Usually this medicinal plant is well tolerated. Rarely, side effects occur: vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, as well as allergic reactions (difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, rash, dizziness, etc.)

Pharmaceutical preparations with plantain in the composition

  • Gerbion syrup with plantain- used for dry cough, as well as to accelerate the cleansing of the bronchi from sputum (see).
  • Mucoplant Syrup by Doctor Theiss- is prescribed as a mucolytic and expectorant drug.
  • Cough syrup Natur Product with plantain and coltsfoot- has a mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Plantain juice- is prescribed in the complex therapy of gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory infections, as well as for external and local use.
  • Mucofalk granules- indicated for the treatment of anal fissures, intestinal dysfunction.
  • Fibralax powder- is prescribed for the treatment of anal fissures, postoperative rehabilitation after interventions on the anorectal region, intestinal dysfunction.

The use of plantain large in folk medicine

Plantain, treatment with plantain in folk medicine

Plantain|Plantago major, Plantago lanceolata|Plantain

● Good day, dear friend - a reader of the blog "". Let's talk today about a medicinal plant - plantain. About how in folk medicine the treatment of various diseases with plantain is carried out.

There are several types of plantain. Most common and used plantain large(Plantago major), the leaves of which sharply taper towards the petiole, in contrast to the lanceolate plantain (Plantago lanceolata) - it has a smooth transition to a narrow leaf blade from the petiole. Plantain flowers are small, collected in erect spikes.

"It is interesting! Until now, the plantain has not fully revealed its properties and secrets. Not so long ago, experiments were carried out on mice, after which it was found that the introduced pectin polysaccharides from the leaves of the plant protect mammals from infection with streptococcus, which often causes pneumonia in them.

Used parts of the plantain and the content of active substances in it

● For medicinal purposes, in the months of June-September, the leaves are collected, dried, and medicines are prepared mainly for topical use. These include infusions, decoctions, powders (in gelatin capsules or open), drops for.

● Psyllium seeds and leaves contain mucous substances used to treat diseases of the digestive system, and the leaves are rich in iridoids (aucubosides) and polyphenolic compounds: flavonoids and esters, in particular verbascoside.

Healing properties of plantain and use in traditional medicine

● Psyllium iridoids and verbascosides are known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Extracts prepared from the plant, due to the antibacterial action, have an effective therapeutic effect on the human body.

Experiments on guinea pigs indicated the ability of plantain to relieve spasms and expand the bronchi; clinical observations in the treatment of chronic bronchitis in humans have yielded positive results.

● Clinical trials have shown a positive effect of treatment with psyllium and, as well, and all kinds.

Plantain has a softening effect for various rashes, scratches,. In the form of drops, it is recommended in the treatment of eye diseases with irritations of the conjunctiva.

● To date, there have been no reports of contraindications or side effects in the treatment of psyllium preparations at the recommended doses.

Traditional medicine recipes with plantain large

Treatment of psyllium for laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and asthma:

- drink 1-3 cups of infusion per day (one standard dose of psyllium powder per cup of boiling water, leave for five minutes);

- take before meals one gelatin capsule containing 280 mg of powder, in the morning, afternoon and evening;

- drink 30 drops of liquid psyllium extract three times a day.

Plantain treatment for cracks, scratches, insect bites:

- lubricate the affected areas with a cream with 4% plantain extract.

Treatment for psyllium irritated eyes:

- ready-made pharmacy eye drops: one to two drops a day three times in both eyes.

● Plantain : , ulcerative :

- pour 10 g of plantain seeds with a glass of hot boiled water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes, cool after that also for 10 minutes, then filter; take on an empty stomach once a day for a tablespoon of decoction;

- take one tablespoon of freshly squeezed juice from plantain leaves three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals;

- pour two tablespoons of crushed plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water and set to simmer under the lid in a water bath for thirty minutes, cool for 10 minutes, then filter; ⅓ cup before meals three times a day before eating for 10-15 minutes;

- prepare syrup: mix three tablespoons of fresh leaves with three tbsp. spoons of honey and insist 4 hours on a warm stove in a bowl with a lid; take a teaspoon of syrup four times a day for half an hour before eating.

● Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of crushed leaves and leave for 20 minutes. We take a tablespoon of infusion 3-4 times a day as an expectorant for colds, as well as in the form of lotions as an external remedy.

Infusion and juice from plantain leaves promotes rapid healing of wounds in the form of lotions for trophic ulcers, boils, abscesses. You can also, instead of lotions, apply clean, fresh plantain leaves, pre-wrapped in gauze, to problem areas on the skin. Fresh leaves are applied to sore spots with and.

● As an external hemostatic agent in folk medicine, a mixture of crushed and plantain, taken in equal parts, is used.

Stay healthy and God bless you!!!

Ecology of knowledge: Plantain is able to get rid of such diseases of the stomach as gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and this is not the whole list of diseases

Plantain is an excellent human medicine. It perfectly relieves inflammation, serves as an antiseptic, heals and heals wounds, has a positive effect on the secretory function of the stomach, relieves pain, and also has an expectorant and blood-purifying effect. It is used as a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. With the help of an infusion of plantain leaves, you can get rid of not only an ordinary cough or respiratory disease, but also serious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.

As a result of special phytochemical studies, it was found that plantain leaves contain components that affect cholesterol metabolism and serve as an anti-ulcer agent. And the alcoholic or aqueous leafy extract of the plant is indispensable for especially severe forms of ulcers. It is also noted that psyllium-containing medicines and the juice of its leaves (as well as the leaves themselves) contain antibacterial substances that help with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, pathogenic microbes of wound infection, hemolytic staphylococci, etc.

Plantain is able to get rid of such diseases of the stomach as gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and this is not the whole list of diseases that plantain can heal from. They are quite successfully treated and inflammatory diseases of the bladder, hemorrhoids, malaria, many skin diseases - rashes, acne, and sometimes lichen. And, of course, the well-known and indispensable remedy for skin damage is plantain. No folk remedy has such a healing property.

In addition, plantain juice accelerates the release of pus from the wound and helps it heal, relieves inflammation and increases granulation. Plantain juice is also indispensable for non-healing wounds and boils, as well as for first aid during injuries at work and in general.

Phytochemical studies have shown that the leaves of the plant contain substances that have an antiulcer effect and affect cholesterol metabolism. Fresh leaves and especially juice and preparations from it are used as a bacteriostatic drug that affects pathogenic microbes of wound infection, hemolytic streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, E. coli.

When using plantain juice for the treatment of wounds, the surface of the wound is quickly cleansed of purulent secretions, the inflammatory process is stopped, and granulations are rapidly growing.

As clinical observations have shown, fresh plantain juice is very effective in the first treatment of industrial or other injuries, as well as for getting rid of wounds that do not heal for a long time, phlegmon, boils.

Plantain is part of natural extracts and essential oils, which are a combination of traditional and scientific medicine. Such an alliance provides the maximum effect from the treatment of bronchitis, skin lesions, dyspepsia, diarrhea and dysentery. One of the most ancient plants is incredibly useful when used systematically.

The unique herb has a sedative effect, helps with mild forms of neurosis, increased irritability and insomnia. Its hypotensive property prevents the appearance of edema, reduces the load on the heart and blood vessels, and helps to reduce pressure.

The use of decoctions and syrups allows you to activate the work of the bronchi and excretory system, enhances the secretion of mucus in the bronchi, causing sputum liquefaction. Traditional medicine uses psyllium extensively. Take it for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and lung cancer, anthrax and whooping cough. Preparations containing plantain are prescribed to women with inflammatory processes of the internal mucous membrane and muscular membrane of the uterus, ovaries and with parametritis.

Studies have shown that the herb is useful for infertility when ovarian dysfunction is the cause. The treatment of uterine bleeding with plantain is also effective. Insist plantain for external use in case of problems associated with diseases of the oral cavity. Fresh grass in crushed form is applied to areas of the body with bruises, wounds, cuts. Decoctions treat chronic ulcers, relieve pain from burns. Lotions are suitable for removing boils, cleansing and disinfecting purulent wounds.

Adherents of alternative therapy claim that with the help of this medicinal plant, tachycardia and the formation of a large amount of urine (polyuria) can be eliminated. The use of plantain contributes to the normalization of potency in men, relieves headaches, soothes toothache and earache. There is evidence of the medicinal effectiveness of the plant in nephritis, enuresis, diarrhea.

In Russia, folk healers used plantain for a long time in the treatment of malignant tumors (in the form of compresses), orally for lung and stomach cancer. To do this, prepare such a remedy: the leaves are washed, finely chopped and mixed with an equal amount of granulated sugar, let it brew in a warm place for two weeks. Apply this infusion should be 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon 20 minutes before meals. In addition to all this, plantain leaves are used to treat respiratory diseases, infections, intestinal diseases and as a hemostatic agent, enveloping, expectorant and wound healing.

The leaves washed with boiled water should be well ceilingd - and can be applied to the affected areas of the skin with erysipelas, wounds, ulcers, carbuncles, you can also treat the diseased areas with an infusion of plantain leaves. The extract from the roots of the plant is used orally in the treatment of fever and cough of tuberculous origin, after the bites of insects, bees, vipers, as an analgesic and as a means of preventing the formation of tumors.

Infusion of plantain: 1 tablespoon of plantain is steamed with a liter of boiling water, aged over low heat for 10 minutes. A day after infusion, the composition must be filtered and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15–20 minutes before meals. Useful for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract

Powder from the seeds of the plant should be consumed 1.0 g 3-4 times a day 20-40 minutes before meals.

plantain juice

The juice from fresh plantain leaves is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of corneal wounds. Due to its antiseptic properties, it inhibits the growth of purulent-inflammatory processes, for example, with staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The use of juice is applicable in acute forms of gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis. You need to take 1 tablespoon of juice 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. A medicinal potion can be prepared for the winter by mixing juice with vodka in equal proportions.

Plantain juice is made from the leaves of the upper part of the large plantain. Juice helps if a person has a chronically inflamed colon or gastric mucosa (and at the same time low acidity). It is drunk three times a day fifteen to thirty minutes before a meal in a tablespoon. The total duration of the course of treatment is thirty days.

May-September is a favorable period for collecting grass. Juice can be obtained in a simple, long-known way. To do this, you need to take the leaves along with the cuttings, rinse with water, scald with boiling water and grind in a meat grinder. The raw materials are squeezed through the canvas (if the juice is thick, then it can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1), after which they boil for 1-2 minutes and take 1-2 tablespoons, diluted in half a glass of water with honey. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Plantain syrup

Winter is the time for colds, viral diseases, it is very important to stock up on medications in time. Plantain has an excellent effect, from which you can make an incredibly healthy syrup.

Natural liquid has superiority over synthetic preparations. For its preparation, you will need fresh leaves and shoots of the plant.

Recipe number 1: in crushed form, the raw materials are shifted in layers, sprinkled with sugar. Then the jar with the workpiece is tightly closed and stored in a cool room. The syrup will be ready in 2 months. It is gently expressed and given to children and adults.

Recipe number 2: 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials must be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with honey or sugar, hold the closed bowl with the mixture on a warm stove. After cooling, you can take 1 teaspoon of the remedy 4 times a day half an hour before meals for peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal diseases.

Decoction of plantain

A decoction of plantain is widely used to treat ailments in the intestines and stomach, as well as in diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis) and in the usual cough. The broth is made as follows: a glass of boiling water is mixed with two tablespoons of leaves of a large plantain (such a variety), covered with a lid on top, and then placed in a boiling steam bath and kept for about half an hour. The remedy must be allowed to cool, passed through gauze or a strainer and drunk ten or fifteen minutes before meals, half or a third of a glass of decoction three or four times a day. The same composition is used to wash the wound, as well as make a lotion.

A strong dry cough causes a lot of suffering and discomfort. To relieve seizures and soften sputum, decoctions prepared from the collections of various plants, which include plantain, are recommended.

Recipe number 1: you need to mix 3 tablespoons of plantain leaves, coltsfoot leaves and pine buds. 2 tablespoons of the mixture is poured into 300 ml of warm water and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Then the medicine must be removed from the fire, insisted for 1 hour in a dark place and taken 100 ml 2 times a day.

Recipe number 2: you should take 2 tablespoons of large plantain leaves, the color of black elderberry and common violet grass, mix everything well, add 250 ml of warm water, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, then wrap well and leave to infuse for about for 1 hour. Take this remedy 2 times a day, 100 ml.

Plantain infusion

Plantain infusion is indispensable for whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma due to its expectorant effect. An aqueous infusion of the leaves of the plant heals and disinfects abscesses, wounds, skin ulcers, boils and cuts. The juice obtained from the leaves helps with chronic gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the intestines and stomach. His recipe: to insist raw materials on vodka, taking yarrow and plantain in the same amount, and use it to stop the blood, to disinfect and heal various wounds.

The infusion is usually prepared from the tender parts of the plant - the leaves, poured with warm water and insisted for the time necessary to saturate, or kept for several minutes in a water bath, and then insisted.

Recipe number 1: you will need 3-4 tablespoons of crushed leaves and half a liter of not very hot water. The composition is insisted for about 1.5 hours and taken 1-2 tablespoons several times a day.

Recipe No. 2: 25 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, filtered and taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

plantain leaf

Plantain leaves help to disinfect the wound, and are also a hemostatic agent. To do this, the leaves of the plant must be washed, and then either applied whole to the wounds, or crushed and applied to it. The result will be a weakening of painful sensations, as well as stopped blood. Plantain is a sedative and is used for both insomnia and allergies. Plantain remedy: you need to mix a glass of very hot water with three tablespoons of plant leaves and leave for four hours, and then pass through a strainer or gauze, after which you can drink the medicine three times a day for a third of a glass.

The leaves contain aukubin glycoside, ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamin K. They contain enough bitter and tannins called methylmethionines. Fresh leaves contain flavonoids, mannitol, sorbitol, citric and oleanolic acids were detected. Raw materials are hygroscopic, so they should be stored in airtight containers. Means from plantain leaves are saturated with pectins, saponins and other beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the male sex glands. It is good to use leaves for colitis, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, and preparations from plantain leaves are also used to treat cholecystitis.

Studies conducted in the USSR and abroad have revealed the pharmacodynamic activity of the leaves of the plantain greater. Juice is squeezed out of fresh plantain leaves, an infusion and extract are prepared, which are used as a hemostatic, bacteriostatic, wound healing, expectorant and hypotensive agent. In severe forms of peptic ulcer, aqueous and alcoholic extracts of plantain leaves help very well.

Infusion of plantain leaves: 1 tablespoon of herb is brewed with one glass of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes. It is recommended to take the medicine one hour before meals, distributing the entire amount per day.

The effect of such a drug on the inhibition of the motor activity of the stomach, the antispasmodic effect of the drug, its ability to normalize the content of cholesterol, b-lipoproteins, lipids, phospholipids, and blood pressure has been experimentally proven.

Crushed or ground leaves of the plant are also used to stop the blood. It must be remembered that before using blood-stopping agents, an analysis for prothrombin is necessary, as well as a preliminary consultation with a doctor, otherwise it may be harmful to health by increasing the index, the result may be a stroke

psyllium seeds

Psyllium seeds are used to tighten nipple cracks in mothers who are breastfeeding, and seeds are also used to make poultices to relieve inflammation in diseases of the skin or mucous membranes. To do this, the seeds are placed in hot water, and then, after allowing them to swell, they are crushed. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus or female infertility, a decoction of seeds is used, it is taken three times a day for one or two months in a tablespoon.

The seeds of various types of plantains contain mucus. Fatty oil, oleanolic acid and nitrogenous substances are also found in them. Daily intake of seeds helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Psyllium seeds cleanse the body of bile acids, reduce blood sugar levels. A decoction of seeds is used for hormonal deficiency in women.

Infusion recipe number 1: 1 tablespoon of seeds is poured into 250 ml of water, boiled for five minutes and infused for 30-40 minutes. Apply the remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. A decoction is also suitable for men in order to prevent impotence and prostate diseases after 35 years.

Infusion recipe No. 2: 25 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, shaken for a long time, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Disorders of the stomach are treated with seed powder, which has a fixing property.

Decoctions and infusions of seeds are used for achilia, constipation and the presence of chronic spasms of smooth muscles. In this case, you need to take 1 tablespoon of seeds on an empty stomach and drink warm water.

Husk obtained by splitting the seeds of the plant. It is used for constipation, to treat skin irritations, and is widely used by Chinese and Indian doctors and healers to eliminate problems with the bladder. Peeled diarrhea, hemorrhoids. Husk helps to reduce pressure and restore the function of the cardiovascular system. The husk is rich in insoluble fiber - it is a mild laxative, the composition of the seed husk contains alkaloids, amino acids.

The husk is used along with the seeds as a thickener in cooking and cosmetics. When combined with water, it swells to form a glandular mass, excellent for stimulating the gastrointestinal tract, ideal for eliminating colon irritation and hemorrhoidal symptoms. The use of such a natural purifier promotes the release of toxins and toxins, reduces the risk of cancer.

The husk supports the reproduction of beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria, recommended for the normal functioning of the intestines. It is included in trendy diets: a property that causes a feeling of satiety, allows you to reduce weight. Healing husk should always be taken with water. Drink about 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day to prevent constipation and bloating.


Plantain is contraindicated in hyperacidity and excessive production of gastric juice, as well as in certain types of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. There are also some types of intestinal and stomach ulcers, in which psyllium preparations are contraindicated. Therefore, before using drugs based on plantain, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindication for treatment with this plant will be increased blood clotting, the presence of blood clots. Long-term use of psyllium preparations can cause high blood clotting and cause a tendency to thrombosis.

Another contraindication is the individual intolerance of this plant or allergic reactions to it. For this reason, allergy sufferers and asthmatics should be especially careful when starting treatment with psyllium preparations. To begin with, you can take small doses so that the body gets used to the new medicine, and thereby avoid severe allergic reactions. published

Plantain is a medicinal plant. And today, and tens of centuries BC, everyone knew about the amazing properties of this plant. Thousands of years ago, in ancient China, this miraculous herb was widely used to treat open cuts and wounds, as well as intestinal diseases. And all due to the fact that in its unique composition the plantain contains substances that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects.

The composition of the plantain includes such important trace elements as carotene, phytoncide, tannins, vitamins K and C. And thanks to the content of these vitamins, plantain leaves began to be used not only in pharmaceuticals, but even in cosmetology. Freshly cut psyllium leaf can be used as an excellent facial treatment that will leave the skin matte, clear and even. The simplest version of such a remedy can be boiled water with squeezed plantain juice in a ratio of one to one. The resulting lotion should be wiped with dry and inflamed skin. In addition, plantain has found its way into cooking, and is included in the recipes of many green soups, salads and dozens of vegetarian dishes.

What is useful plantain?

  • An infusion of medicinal plantain leaves has a positive effect on the function of the male gonads and is used to treat impotence.
  • With various skin inflammations, irritations and pimples, a mixture of yarrow and plantain leaves will certainly help. It is necessary to wash the leaves of yarrow and plantain, finely chop, dry in equal volumes, wrap in gauze and apply to the inflamed area.
  • Plantain helps with inflammation of the urethra. It is necessary to dry the psyllium seeds in the sun, add them in a volume of 7.5 g to boiling water and take them orally.
  • Plantain effectively helps the lungs and various bronchitis. This property has been recognized in it for a long time. As an aid to the treatment of these diseases, freshly prepared plantain syrup is used.
  • Also, plantain syrup is often prescribed as an expectorant, which also helps with coughing. This tool is indicated for use in children and adults. First of all, thanks to its pleasant and mild aftertaste, it will appeal to children.
  • It has excellent hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Plantain juice. The juice from fresh plantain leaves is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of corneal wounds. Due to its antiseptic properties, it inhibits the growth of purulent-inflammatory processes, for example, with staphylococcus aureus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The use of juice is applicable in acute forms of gastritis, colitis and enterocolitis. You need to take 1 tablespoon of juice 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. A medicinal potion can be prepared for the winter by mixing juice with vodka in equal proportions. Plantain juice is made from the leaves of the upper part of the large plantain. Juice helps if a person has a chronically inflamed colon or gastric mucosa (and at the same time low acidity). It is drunk three times a day fifteen to thirty minutes before a meal in a tablespoon. The total duration of the course of treatment is thirty days.

May-September is a favorable period for collecting grass. Juice can be obtained in a simple, long-known way. To do this, you need to take the leaves along with the cuttings, rinse with water, scald with boiling water and grind in a meat grinder. The raw materials are squeezed through the canvas (if the juice is thick, then it can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1), after which they boil for 1-2 minutes and take 1-2 tablespoons, diluted in half a glass of water with honey. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Plantain syrup. Winter is the time for colds, viral diseases, it is very important to stock up on medications in time. Plantain has an excellent effect, from which you can make an incredibly healthy syrup. Natural liquid has superiority over synthetic preparations. For its preparation, you will need fresh leaves and shoots of the plant.

Recipe #1: in crushed form, the raw materials are shifted in layers, sprinkled with sugar. Then the jar with the workpiece is tightly closed and stored in a cool room. The syrup will be ready in 2 months. It is gently expressed and given to children and adults.

Recipe #2: 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials must be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with honey or sugar, hold a closed container with the mixture on a warm stove. After cooling, you can take 1 teaspoon of the remedy 4 times a day half an hour before meals for peptic ulcer and gastrointestinal diseases.

Plantain based recipes

Recipe #1: taking 3 teaspoons of dry leaves in a glass of boiling water, they need to be infused for 6-8 hours and taken 1/3 cup half an hour before meals for gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers.

Recipe #2: you need to grind fresh plantain leaves, add 200-250 ml of water and bring to a boil. In the resulting mixture, add 3-4 tablespoons of natural honey and take this slurry 1 teaspoon hourly with a strong cold cough.

You can make a delicious tea with a characteristic smell and drink it to get rid of a cough.

Tea Recipe #1: 2-3 teaspoons of dried leaves must be poured with hot boiled water, insisted for 15 minutes and drunk in a glass 3-4 times a day, adding 1 teaspoon of natural honey.

Tea Recipe #2: it is recommended to pour 4 tablespoons of dried plantain leaves with 500 ml of hot boiled water, wrap and leave for 1.5–2 hours to infuse, then strain and take during the day in a warm form 4 times 1 tablespoon before meals. The course of treatment is seven days.

Decoction of plantain. A decoction of plantain is widely used to treat ailments in the intestines and stomach, as well as in diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis) and in the usual cough. The broth is made as follows: a glass of boiling water is mixed with two tablespoons of leaves of a large plantain (such a variety), covered with a lid on top, and then placed in a boiling steam bath and kept for about half an hour. The remedy must be allowed to cool, passed through gauze or a strainer and drunk ten or fifteen minutes before meals, half or a third of a glass of decoction three or four times a day. The same composition is used to wash the wound, as well as make a lotion. A strong dry cough causes a lot of suffering and discomfort. To relieve seizures and soften sputum, decoctions prepared from the collections of various plants, which include plantain, are recommended.

Recipe #1: you need to mix 3 tablespoons of plantain leaves, coltsfoot leaves and pine buds. 2 tablespoons of the mixture is poured into 300 ml of warm water and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Then the medicine must be removed from the fire, insisted for 1 hour in a dark place and taken 100 ml 2 times a day.

Recipe #2: you should take 2 tablespoons of large plantain leaves, the color of black elderberry and common violet grass, mix everything well, add 250 ml of warm water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then wrap well and leave to infuse for about 1 hour. Take this remedy 2 times a day, 100 ml.

Plantain infusion. Plantain infusion is indispensable for whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma due to its expectorant effect. An aqueous infusion of the leaves of the plant heals and disinfects abscesses, wounds, skin ulcers, boils and cuts. The juice obtained from the leaves helps with chronic gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the intestines and stomach. His recipe: to insist raw materials on vodka, taking yarrow and plantain in the same amount, and use it to stop the blood, to disinfect and heal various wounds. The infusion is usually prepared from the tender parts of the plant - the leaves, poured with warm water and insisted for the time necessary to saturate, or kept for several minutes in a water bath, and then insisted.

Recipe #1: you will need 3-4 tablespoons of crushed leaves and half a liter of not very hot water. The composition is insisted for about 1.5 hours and taken 1-2 tablespoons several times a day.

Recipe #2: 25 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour, filtered and taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Plantain tincture. For medicinal purposes, extracts are prepared from plant materials using alcohol or vodka. This is how the tincture is made. To do this, parts of the plant are crushed, poured into a dark glass dish, poured with an extracting liquid and tightly sealed. The tincture is aged for a certain time at room temperature in a place protected from light penetration, it needs to be shaken from time to time. Alcohol tincture can be stored for a long time, it is dosed as needed in the quantities indicated by doctors or traditional healers. Recipe for plantain tincture: 200 ml of plantain juice is required to pour 200 ml of vodka and infuse in a dark place for 15 days, then strain. Take this remedy 1 time per day at the rate of 10 kg of human weight 3 ml of tincture. The duration of the course is 3-4 weeks.

Plantain leaf. Plantain leaves help to disinfect the wound, and are also a hemostatic agent. To do this, the leaves of the plant must be washed, and then either applied whole to the wounds, or crushed and applied to it. The result will be a weakening of painful sensations, as well as stopped blood. Plantain is a sedative and is used for both insomnia and allergies. Plantain remedy: you need to mix a glass of very hot water with three tablespoons of plant leaves and leave for four hours, and then pass through a strainer or gauze, after which you can drink the medicine three times a day for a third of a glass.

The leaves contain aukubin glycoside, ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamin K. They contain enough bitter and tannins called methylmethionines. Fresh leaves contain flavonoids, mannitol, sorbitol, citric and oleanolic acids were detected. Raw materials are hygroscopic, so they should be stored in airtight containers. Means from plantain leaves are saturated with pectins, saponins and other beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the male sex glands. It is good to use leaves for colitis, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, and preparations from plantain leaves are also used to treat cholecystitis.

Infusion of plantain leaves: 1 tablespoon of herbs is brewed with one glass of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes. It is recommended to take the medicine one hour before meals, distributing the entire amount per day. The effect of such a drug on the inhibition of the motor activity of the stomach, the antispasmodic effect of the drug, its ability to normalize the content of cholesterol, b-lipoproteins, lipids, phospholipids, and blood pressure has been experimentally proven. Crushed or ground leaves of the plant are also used to stop the blood. It must be remembered that before using blood-stopping agents, an analysis of prothrombin is necessary, as well as a preliminary consultation with a doctor, otherwise it can be harmful to health by increasing the index, the result may be a stroke.

Plantain seeds. Psyllium seeds are used to tighten nipple cracks in mothers who are breastfeeding, and seeds are also used to make poultices to relieve inflammation in diseases of the skin or mucous membranes. To do this, the seeds are placed in hot water, and then, after allowing them to swell, they are crushed. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus or female infertility, a decoction of seeds is used, it is taken three times a day for one or two months in a tablespoon. The seeds of various types of plantains contain mucus. Fatty oil, oleanolic acid and nitrogenous substances are also found in them. Daily intake of seeds helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Psyllium seeds cleanse the body of bile acids, reduce blood sugar levels. A decoction of seeds is used for hormonal deficiency in women.

Infusion recipe number 1: 1 tablespoon of seeds is poured into 250 ml of water, boiled for five minutes and infused for 30–40 minutes. Apply the remedy 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. A decoction is also suitable for men in order to prevent impotence and prostate diseases after 35 years.

Infusion recipe number 2: 25 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, shaken for a long time, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Disorders of the stomach are treated with seed powder, which has a fixing property.

Decoctions and infusions of seeds are used for achilia, constipation and the presence of chronic spasms of smooth muscles. In this case, you need to take 1 tablespoon of seeds on an empty stomach and drink warm water.

Plantain contains tannins, enzymes and phytoncides, its leaves are rich in vitamins C and K, carotene and citric acid. The seeds of the plant contain saponins and oleic acids, which are necessary for the treatment of many diseases. The uniqueness of plantain lies in its analgesic, bactericidal and expectorant properties. It kills germs, inhibits the growth of bacteria, helping wounds heal faster.

Its beneficial properties have long been used in diseases of the female and male reproductive organs, with the help of it, sexual impotence and hormonal disruptions of the body are cured. With its help, they remove from a state of depression, correct the general emotional state of a person. The use of plantain juice helps to improve appetite, it normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines, treats ulcers and gastritis. For wounds, abscesses, fistulas, ulcers, abscesses and boils, it is good to use an aqueous infusion of plantain or.

The mucolytic properties of this herb help in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other lesions of the human respiratory system. With colds, temperature and flu, brewed plantain leaves perfectly help, they drink a decoction of them like herbal tea 3-4 times a day until a full recovery occurs. Also, the medicinal properties of plantain are simply invaluable for the treatment of certain cancers.

Plantain juice has a wide range of uses and many useful properties, but you should pay attention to some contraindications. The instructions for use indicate that you should not take it with increased acidity and a tendency to form blood clots. In cosmetology, plantain has also found its wide application. Various compresses and masks are prepared from fresh leaves and juice of the plant, which have an excellent moisturizing, anti-allergic and soothing effect on the human skin.

These cosmetic products reduce the depth of wrinkles, regulate the processes of sebum secretion, tone and tighten the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Infusions and decoctions are used to make hair silky and obedient. Young plantain leaves can also be used in culinary arts - they are added to cereals, casseroles and omelettes. They are cut into salads, very tasty cabbage soup is cooked with them, which not only have an interesting taste, but also contain a large amount of vitamin C and other useful substances.

The summer months of the year and the beginning of September are best suited for collecting plantain - this is exactly the time when 2 months have passed after the flowering of the plant. Collect not only its leaves - seeds and roots have no less medicinal value. It is advisable to collect the plant in the morning on dry days, after the dew on its leaves has already dried.

Plantain growing along roads where there is a lot of traffic is not worth collecting, as its effectiveness will not be high. And the leaves soaked in the exhaust gases of cars are completely dangerous to eat. It is best to collect a medicinal plant in ecologically clean places: near village houses, in vegetable gardens, in the forest or in wastelands. You can cut its leaves with a sharp knife, sickle or scissors.

The medicinal herb cut or dug up with roots should be dried in the attic or on a table under a canopy, having previously laid out the leaves, roots and seeds on separate sheets of clean paper. It is important that there is a constant supply of fresh air to the raw material, in order to avoid its decay and loss of useful properties. The dried plant is best stored in cloth bags or small wooden boxes.

For the treatment of the stomach and intestines: 3 teaspoons of dried leaves are brewed in 250 ml of boiling water. In case of damage to the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, a decoction is made from the dry crushed root of the plant in the proportion: 1 tablespoon of powder per liter of boiling water (cook for 3 minutes). Before use, these decoctions are infused for at least 8 hours.

For respiratory diseases, a weaker decoction of the herb is prepared - 1 tablespoon of the leaves is brewed in a saucepan with 200 ml of hot boiled water, boiled for 2-3 minutes and left to infuse. Take a ready-made broth, 1 tablespoon before meals. Note that this tincture cleanses the lungs and bronchi well and can even help quit smoking. It also helps with colds and sore throats in the treatment.

From a headache, a compress from a decoction of plantain leaves perfectly helps - the raw material is brewed in boiling water at the rate of 5 teaspoons per 200 ml of water, boiled for 2 minutes over low heat, infused for half an hour and filtered. Well, if your ear hurts, put a small root of grass in it, it will not take even 10 minutes for the discomfort to disappear.

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