Proven ways to treat flux at home. Recipes for Fast Breakthrough Flux: What to Make at Home? Cold compress with flux

Running diseases is extremely harmful and dangerous for the body, this is especially true for diseases of the oral cavity. Most of them sooner or later lead to flux, an extremely unpleasant inflammation, often leading to complete tooth extraction.

Flux on the gum: what is it?

How to treat flux on the gums at home

It is really impossible to cure periostitis at home, the very cause of inflammation cannot be removed without the intervention of specialists. But to alleviate the symptoms and help the patient reach the dentist, if it is impossible to contact him immediately, home and folk remedies will be able to. In detail, we have already written.

As soon as the opportunity arises to be at the dentist, do not hesitate to do so.

Treatment with folk remedies


An effective remedy for relieving pain in many diseases of the oral cavity is sage. This herb has disinfectant and analgesic properties. With periostitis, you need to rinse your mouth with an infusion of this plant. To prepare the infusion, you need to brew a tablespoon of sage in a glass of hot water and let it brew for an hour.

In addition to rinsing, you can simply soak a cotton pad in sage infusion and apply to the aching tooth. Sage kills pathogenic bacteria and slows down the spread of infection.

Important! It can be mixed with green tea or added to the infusion of salt.


Sometimes, with diseases of the teeth, it is advised to make a garlic compress. You just need to take and crush or pass a couple of slices through a meat grinder and attach to the sore spot until the discomfort becomes less noticeable.

However, many sources advise mixing garlic juice with vegetable oil or honey. It is not recommended to do this, these products do not show any useful properties in this situation.

Tincture of calendula

You can rinse your mouth with tincture of calendula in alcohol. To prepare the solution, one teaspoon of the tincture should be diluted in a glass of water. has anti-inflammatory properties, it is often used to treat boils and abscesses.


On the basis of lemon balm, you can also prepare an excellent rinse solution. Usually take 4 tablespoons for two cups of boiling water. Insist should be within four hours, carefully strain. kills germs and soothes inflamed tissues.

Salt and soda

Salt and baking soda have antibacterial properties. Both substances are suitable for the preparation of mouthwash solutions. 2-3 teaspoons of salt or soda should be diluted in a glass of warm boiled water.

Important! All these remedies, although they relieve pain, do not treat the main cause of the disease.

If you need to bring down the temperature

Since periostitis causes fever, it is sometimes important to bring it down. Although it is not recommended to do this, it is easier for the body to fight infection with a high temperature, sometimes it is necessary.

It is best to use cold compresses. It is enough just to wet a small piece of cloth that absorbs moisture well with cold water and apply it to the patient's forehead. Do not apply pure ice.

A decoction based on linden and mint will help from the temperature. Herbs should be poured with hot water and boiled for ten minutes. Then let it brew for half an hour, strain. The decoction should be drunk hot.

Wiping with alcohol or vinegar is not advised; many doctors have a negative opinion about these methods. It is believed that they, on the contrary, exacerbate the situation.

Important! It is necessary to lower the temperature only in extreme cases, its decline can increase the inflammatory process and weaken the body, if the problem itself is not treated.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment follows after surgery and removal of the tumor. Although these funds can also help to stretch for some time before visiting the dentist, if folk methods do not inspire due confidence.

The essence of these funds in the antiseptic and antibacterial action.

  1. Chlorhexidine, widely used in dentistry due to its powerful antimicrobial action, is suitable for rinsing the mouth.
  2. Nimesil or Diazolin are prescribed for pain relief and removal of edema, they can significantly remove swelling and pain.
  3. After surgery, Diclofenac is recommended. This is a strong analgesic drug, it is harmful to take it for a long time, it negatively affects the digestive system.
  4. Vishnevsky's ointment helps to remove pus. This remedy, based on birch tar and castor oil, literally draws out pus.

A compress from the ointment should be kept on the sore spot for several hours. In addition, compresses can be done after the operation to prevent further inflammation.

After the operation, Levomikol is suitable, which provides tissue regeneration and successful healing.


The flux is caused by an infection, so antibiotics are prescribed to treat it and prevent an increase in the area of ​​​​inflammation. For example:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

It doesn't follow on its own. Usually, before taking them, they take tests and consult with a specialist. Their reception without surgical intervention will be useless.

Antibiotics have many contraindications, taking them can harm the body's immunity as a whole. Here's something to keep in mind.

Important! Despite the abundance of funds to relieve pain and inflammation, it is not necessary to delay with medical help. Over time, periostitis only intensifies.

Consequences and prevention of the disease

If the flux is not treated in time, then phlegmon may occur - a diffuse purulent inflammation that is life-threatening for the patient. It is much easier to eliminate a small source of infection than to restore a large area.

Folk and home remedies cannot cure the disease itself thoroughly. But they are effective for relieving unpleasant symptoms, they will help to endure the dentist, if it is not possible to get to him as soon as the tooth is inflamed.

Often, the human fear of doctors is much stronger than the fear of serious inflammation and the possibility of losing a couple of teeth or suffering much more seriously. Periostitis is a really dangerous disease, you should not rely on rinsing and taking painkillers usually.

The appearance of a flux already indicates that ordinary caries has been launched to an incredible degree, and it is simply impossible to postpone urgent treatment any longer.

To never get into such a situation, you must follow all the rules of prevention. Timely visits to the dentist at least twice a year, thorough oral hygiene, taking calcium supplements, a large amount of healthy foods like fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet - all this will help to avoid such troubles as periostitis.

In dental practice, the flux is called odontogenic periostitis. The essence of the disease is that “thanks to” the infection that has penetrated through the aching tooth, edema forms under the gum.

It is provoked by a pathological purulent-inflammatory process of the periosteum that has developed due to infection. The word "fluss" is translated from German as a stream, flow.

This name is quite consistent with the problem, since in a state of disrepair can spontaneously open, and then the pus comes out.

Most people with this problem go to the dentist immediately. However, situations may arise when a person simply does not have the opportunity to contact a dental clinic in the near future.

For example, this is a business trip to remote areas or a camping trip. In such a situation, you can use one of the most affordable "home" methods of flux treatment, including also medication.

Folk recipes and methods

First of all, you should talk about folk recipes. It uses the beneficial properties of many medicinal plants, as well as their combinations in various proportions. They quite successfully help to fight this disease, both in adults and in children.

Some of these methods are recommended by doctors themselves., especially by prescribing a list of medical and restorative procedures simultaneously with the use of professional techniques.

It is these methods of dealing with flux at home that are given more attention here, since they are the simplest of all available.

It should also be noted the safety of using the vast majority of these tools and methods. If you follow the simplest recommendations correctly, then such treatment will definitely not bring harm.

The only thing to note when talking about precautionary measures is to check for the absence of an allergic reaction to one of the components.


One of the indispensable components of folk methods of treatment is frequent rinsing of the mouth using a variety of tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants, as well as some solutions.

Most of these drugs have an antibacterial effect. They also help relieve general inflammation, thereby reducing the intensity of pain.

Soda with salt

This recipe can be called basic in the case of not only home treatment, but also recovery from various dental problems and ENT diseases.

In a glass of warm water, mix half a teaspoon of soda and salt. The dissolution must be complete.

Rinse should be once every half an hour in case of severe inflammation and neglect of the problem. If the flux is noticed at the initial stage, then the intensity of the procedures can be reduced by 2-3 times, that is, rinse once every hour and a half.

The use of these two components at the same time will prevent the development of the inflammatory process and reduce it.


The dried flowering tops and leaves of the sage herb are successfully used in the fight against a variety of inflammatory processes, even internal ones. When fluxing, use the tincture of this plant.

  • To do this, it is necessary to brew in one and a half glasses of boiling water. two tablespoons of sage itself (about 10 grams) and one tablespoon of dry mustard herb.

    When the tincture has cooled sufficiently, it should be well drained. Rinsing is carried out quite often - 8 times a day, that is, approximately every two hours.

  • Another recipe calls for mixture of sage, oak bark and St. John's wort. Each plant needs to take 50 grams. All this is brewed in a large amount of boiling water (about a liter).

    When the tincture is filtered and cooled, it is used for rinsing every hour and a half.

  • Another use case sage - mix 60 grams of herb with the same amount of green leaf tea and brew in one liter of boiling water.

    This tincture can be used at a higher temperature, meaning there is no need to wait for it to cool to room temperature.

Birch buds

Essential oils and other components of birch bud decoction have antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects. It is thanks to this that the tincture with their use is successfully used for the treatment of flux.

  • To cook it you need take 60 grams of the kidneys themselves, periwinkle, angelica and peppermint s. The resulting mixture is poured with boiling water (a little more than a liter), cooled, settled and filtered. Rinse your mouth with this tincture 6 to 8 times a day.
  • Another version of the same tincture is alcohol. In this case the mixture should be infused in a solution of alcohol (about 40%) for about a day or two. The effect is enhanced with the help of alcohol, which is an excellent disinfectant.

    Before rinsing, the tincture is diluted with boiled water at room temperature - 1-2 tablespoons per glass.

Notes on rinse ingredients:

  • Mustard plaster is used as a fairly strong pain reliever.
  • St. John's wort contains a lot of useful components, thanks to which it is used as an analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic. It also speeds up regeneration.
  • Tannins, as well as some enzymes contained in the oak bark, have a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms, and also reduce tissue inflammation.
  • Angelica exhibits strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Peppermint, among other things, has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • Periwinkle is used as a sedative, antimicrobial, vasodilator.

In addition to the above plants, elderberry, chamomile, lemon balm, rue, and so on can also be used to prepare a decoction or tincture for rinsing the mouth with flux.

Ointments and compresses

In this section, we should first of all mention cold compresses, as an excellent remedy for swelling and relief of the condition.

Cold helps to stop the active development of inflammation. With its help, all the processes taking place in the tissues are locally slowed down.

It needs to be added that any compresses used should never be hot. For the most part, room temperature is sufficient.

The fact is that when tissues are heated, especially inflamed areas, the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria that provoke this process is accelerated.

Any infusion or rinse solution prepared earlier is suitable for preparing a compress. Gauze, folded several times, is well moistened in the finished tincture and applied directly to the site of edema.


Soda is also used as a component of the compress. A teaspoon of baking soda is placed in a dense but small gauze swab.

Immediately before use, gauze is moistened with water. Keep such a compress for about an hour, after which you must additionally rinse your mouth..


The medicinal properties of cabbage make it possible to use its leaves also in the fight against flux. A clean, dense leaf of ordinary white cabbage is boiled in water for several minutes.

After cooling, the sheet is applied to the cheek in the area of ​​​​inflammation and swelling. The leaves cannot be reused, including for food.


To prepare a compress, squeeze the juice from one whole onion. A piece of gauze folded four to eight times is soaked in the resulting liquid (you can take an ordinary bandage, not even sterile). The compress is applied for half an hour to an hour.

eggs and sugar

Sugar is a long-standing natural preservative. That is why its mixture with egg yolk, as well as a spoonful of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower), can be used as a filler for a compress.

Prepare it, as in other cases, using a gauze swab. But you need to keep on the gum much less time - only about 20 minutes.


To prepare an effective ointment, you can use a specially prepared antibacterial mass, which will require honey and rusty nail. It doesn't have to be a nail.

You can take a piece of iron wire or another iron product on which oxide has formed, that is, rust.

The metal must be strongly heated over the fire. After that, it is placed in fresh honey, previously poured into a small saucer.

As a result, a black mass is used, which is formed around the rusty metal in combination with honey. She is black.

Medical options

At home, you can also use some professional techniques, in particular, drug therapy. First of all, this taking a course of antibiotics.

However, without consulting a doctor, this is highly undesirable.

Also, such solutions are well suited as a means for therapeutic rinsing:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Vinylin;
  • Hexoral;
  • Hepilor and others with antimicrobial activity.

You can also use crushed Furacilin tablets.

First aid in case of opening an abscess

In the event of a breakthrough of external tissues, pus comes out. On the one hand, pain is reduced and swelling subsides, so it seems that the problem with the flux has been solved. However, on the other hand, this is a sign that the previous actions were not enough.

In the case of opening the site of an abscess at home, when it is not possible to consult a doctor and solve the problem radically, the resulting wound should be thoroughly washed.

This is necessary in order to remove pathogens and their metabolic products. In this way, much more serious consequences can be prevented.

To do this, you can use all the same previously prepared and very well-strained tinctures and decoctions. Mostly, sage is used as the main component, but you can also use other plants and a soda-salt solution.

Of course, home therapy recipes using folk methods (aloe juice, iodine, soda, salt, etc.) are effective, but in any case, you will need to contact a dental clinic for a simple operation to stop the flux. How it happens - watch the video:

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Our grandmothers know how to treat flux with folk methods. For these purposes, they use the most original, and sometimes even strange ways. However, the modern concept of combating such a disease lies in the prevention of pathology, as well as in the correct drug treatment of the inflammatory process. Let's study the problem in more detail.

Dental flux (periostitis of the odontogenic type) is a purulent inflammatory disease that affects the subgingival and subosseous part of the jaw. Dental pathology can occur at any age due to inflammatory processes in the tooth root. A purulent sac is formed on the gum, which will expand over time and increase in size.

At the initial stage, the disease can be cured quickly and with the use of a minimum set of medications. If the pathological process is not stopped in time, then the destruction can lead to the complete loss of the tooth and part of the bone tissue.

In this regard, after the elimination of the focus, the patient will have to implant the tooth. This process is long, painful and expensive. It is much easier to get rid of the flux in a timely manner than to deal with its negative consequences for a long time.

Reasons for the development of periostitis

There are a lot of reasons why flux occurs. Most often, these are teeth damaged by caries. Inflammation can develop due to trauma to the mucous membrane of the gums or skin. When irritated, the gum canal becomes an ideal breeding ground for microbes. Even banal boils and carbuncles near the jaw can lead to the development of a complex infectious process. Angina is another source of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main condition for the development of the flux is the presence of infectious agents, as well as the presence of "paths" for the pathogen to enter the focus. If a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacilli is formed in the oral cavity, bacteria can quickly eat away at the pulp and “attack” the periosteum.

There is another option when periostitis occurs. If a temporary filling with arsenic is left for a long time and not removed in time, then the chemical will begin to corrode the pulp over time. This circumstance will contribute to the development of the flux.

Clinical picture

A key symptom indicating the development of periostitis is toothache. If you press on the affected area (for example, while chewing food or biting off something), then the pain increases several times. At the same time, the mucosa and surrounding tissues are edematous, hyperemic, painfully reacting to any stimuli (not only mechanical, but also temperature).

Many, noticing the flux on the gum, begin to treat it at home. This makes sense if the inflammatory process has just begun to develop. Over time, a protrusion filled with purulent contents forms on the gum.

If the flux is located on the upper jaw, then the cheeks will swell, and sometimes the lips. Also, the eyelids and infraorbital region may be involved in the pathological process. When the inflammation is severe, the lymph nodes react accordingly, and the vessels of the lymphatic system may be damaged. Thus, the entire face or neck will swell.

Severe disease: key features

If you do not know how to treat the flux, or do not seek help in a timely manner, the symptoms from local ones are transformed into a global malaise. The body can react to the developing infectious process by increasing the temperature. Usually, these are low-grade indicators - about 37.5 degrees Celsius. Over time, the malaise may increase, a person suffers from fever (up to 39 - 40 degrees).

The amount of pus and damaged or even destroyed tissues will only increase over time. The pathological process from the gums will switch to the jaw bone, then to the soft tissues between the muscles, and soon to the muscle tissue itself.

How quickly the disease will progress is difficult to say. It largely depends on the supporting qualities of the human body, the strength of the immune system, the patient's lifestyle, and treatment methods.

The pathological process goes through a number of stages.

  1. At an earlier stage, the abscess is completely absent. Inflammation is eliminated with antibacterial agents and anti-inflammatory drugs. Having found the initial stage of the flux, you need to consult a doctor: he will tell you what to do. You can try to solve the problem at home. The main thing is not to ignore the problem. The process is much easier to stop at the initial stage.
  2. The second stage is purulent. Such a flux, how to treat at home is already dangerous, and not to follow the recommendations of the attending physician after an emergency intervention. The purulent sac with all its contents is removed by the dentist under aseptic conditions of the dental office. The home format of treatment is no longer relevant.
  3. The third stage is a flux burdened with phlegmon or abscess. Treatment will last longer and require more radical measures.

The second stage requires not only the intervention of a dental surgeon, but also a long recovery. The patient must monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity and the wound channel itself.

The most serious and dangerous stage of periodontitis is diffuse purulent inflammation. Pus with pieces of dead tissue penetrates into the facial sections and intermuscular space. The neck and internal organs are affected. Phlegmon is dangerous to human life. No folk method will help to cope with the problem. The patient is shown immediate hospitalization in a hospital.

The dangers that are fraught with periostitis

The course of periostitis can be complicated by phlegmon, which, without immediate treatment, can be fatal. The second and third degrees are dangerous if the patient's immune response is severely weakened. An elderly person or a child can also hardly tolerate a flux, accompanied by a purulent protrusion.

Main complications:

  • abscess;
  • phlegmon.

The main signs indicating the development of phlegmon: the jaw is limited in movement, speech worsens, it is not possible to breathe freely. The face suffers - there is a pronounced asymmetry. The body temperature rises (from subfebrile marks it passes into persistent high hyperthermia).

A severe neglected flux is categorically unacceptable, both to treat at home and to completely ignore the disease, hoping that sooner or later the inflammation will begin to decrease. Only a competent doctor can cure such an ailment.

In no case should you do the following procedures and manipulations:

  • you can not heat the affected area;
  • it is forbidden to apply any pressure bandages;
  • without instructions from the attending physician, it is unacceptable to take antibiotics and other specific medicines in a chaotic manner.

Before going to the doctor, it is better not to drink any drugs. The intake of any pharmacological products can significantly blur the clinical picture, which will complicate the process of differential diagnosis with subsequent diagnosis.

The main methods of flux treatment

Modern dentistry offers two methods of flux treatment - medical (conservative) and radical (surgical). The drug technique is relevant only in the early stages of the development of the disease. Also, pharmacological products are prescribed during the period of postoperative recovery and adaptation.

Surgical intervention is necessary if a full-fledged purulent focus has already formed. The disease is considered advanced. The patient can lose a tooth, and in some situations even death is possible.

Key aspects of drug therapy

Therapy of periostitis consists of the following steps.

  1. Removal of edema and elimination of the inflammatory focus. For this, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are used.
  2. Treatment of the disease or pathological condition that is the root cause of the flux (caries, for example).
  3. Correction of the immune response, general health improvement, total sanitation of both the oral cavity and the whole organism.

Features of surgical treatment

If no antibacterial or anti-inflammatory agent helps to stop the pathological process, one should resort to prompt measures. Key stages of surgical care for a patient with periostitis.

  1. The doctor opens the abscess by incising the gum. The pus itself is removed first, and then the bag that served as a container for the exudate.
  2. So that the ichor and possible residual secretions can freely leave the operating cavity, the doctor establishes a temporary drainage of the gums.
  3. If the tooth is so damaged that it cannot be restored or saved, it is immediately removed. In the future, the patient is shown prosthetics of an artificial tooth element.

Further treatment tactics will depend on the patient's well-being, the characteristics of the course of the underlying disease, and the degree of tissue damage. The doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs to prevent the development of complications, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as restorative and immunomodulatory drugs.

When the cause is established, the diagnosis is clear, you can immediately begin treatment. It has already been stipulated that at the initial stages treatment is also possible at home. The main thing is that the impact on the affected area is carried out competently and thought out. Some folk methods are quite suitable even for use in modern therapeutic regimens for patients with flux.

Rinsing: what herbs are best to use

Rinsing helps to cope with inflammation and swelling, both at the first stage of the formation of the disease, and after surgery to sanitize the oral cavity. Ready-made asepsis can be purchased at a pharmacy. Some people prefer to prepare disinfectant solutions on their own.

Most popular herbs:

  • St. John's wort;
  • Oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • mustard plaster;
  • birch buds;
  • mint;
  • angelica;
  • sage;
  • yarrow.

The most effective combination is St. John's wort, sage and oak bark. The proportion is 3:2:1. Dry plant mass is poured with boiling water (1 liter) and left to infuse for at least 30 minutes. You can rinse your mouth every 20-40 minutes. Minimum - 8 times a day.

You can also cook each of the herbs separately. For 200-250 ml of water you need 2-3 teaspoons of dry grass. The mixture is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for about half an hour. Rinse your mouth as often as possible.

Treatment of inflammation with soda solution

Another fairly popular treatment option is rinsing the mouth with soda solution. In a glass of warm water dissolve about 6 grams of salt and that amount of salt. In some cases, you can add a few drops of iodine. However, such a solution will be extremely "aggressive". It is better to rinse your mouth no more than 1 time for 1.5 hours.

The relevance of flux therapy with ointments

Healing ointments are also widely used to treat flux. Most often, complex agents are prescribed that have a pronounced antibacterial effect, eliminate swelling and inflammation, and also disinfect surfaces.

The most popular preparations for the treatment of flux:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Metrogildent;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Levomekol.

It is better to entrust the choice of ointment to the doctor. He will be able to choose a drug that will solve the problems of each individual patient to the maximum.

Basics of antibiotic therapy and important taboos

The fact that it is impossible to do any compresses has already been stipulated. Warming the affected areas will only speed up the development of the infection, and the inflammation will increase. Also, self-medication with antibiotics can be attributed to the taboo. Do not confuse these products with disinfectants and antibacterial agents for local action. They should be used as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe antibiotics. The most common drugs of choice are:

  • penicillins;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • tetracyclines.

The most popular antibiotics are Ciprolet, Amoxiclav, Doxycycline, Flemoxinsolutab, Ciprofloxacin.

Is it possible to pierce the tumor?

It is unacceptable to pierce a purulent protrusion on your own. You can not put pressure on the focus, apply compression bandages and be introduced in any aggressive way into the structure of the bag. If the lesion opens on its own, you should immediately consult a doctor.

He will be able to produce a complete cleaning of the pathological area. As a first aid, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with any disinfectant solution.

Recovery period

It will take some time for tissue repair. The longer the disease was ignored, the longer the recovery period will take. In general, in the first and second stages of the disease, the prognosis is always favorable.

In the second and third stages, sometimes a prosthetic tooth is required, which will further slow down the recovery process.

The last step of the flux is the most difficult. The patient not only experiences discomfort from a running inflammatory process, but can also die from a huge phlegmon. The patient is required to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his instructions exactly.

Main preventive measures

The main postulates of preventing the development of periostitis are as follows:

  • prevent caries;
  • timely treat all dental diseases;
  • do not start any infectious processes in the body;
  • try not to injure the mucous membrane;
  • remove tartar in a timely manner.

The potential of the immune system also plays an important role. You need to take care of your health comprehensively so that all organs and systems work smoothly.


The question of how to treat a flux is best addressed to a specialist. This unpleasant disease is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Wrong actions and unwanted manipulations can only aggravate the situation, but, on the contrary, a timely visit to the doctor will allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of the problem.

Some people know firsthand what a flux is. This inflammation of the oral cavity is considered a common ailment. The cause of the flux (periostitis) is a carious tooth, mechanical trauma to the gums, or an infection that provoked the inflammatory process. To eliminate swelling of the gums and cheeks, which cause pain and discomfort, sometimes cause weakness and fever, it is advisable to consult a doctor. But if there is no opportunity or time to visit a dentist, then you can get rid of the problem at home.

There are a number of folk remedies that allow you to effectively overcome the flux. Their use is permissible in domestic conditions.

  • Start with a cool compress. It is applied to the swollen cheek. This will minimize the pain:
  • A quick way to eliminate the flux is salt and soda. It is not difficult to prepare such a mixture. A teaspoon of soda and salt is diluted in a glass of warm water. Then add 5 drops of iodine, mix. Rinse the mouth every hour with a warm solution. It is desirable to keep the fluid longer in the affected area. Soda will have a softening effect, salt will relieve pain and swelling.
  • Lotions of soda and salt will benefit. A small amount of such ingredients is applied to cotton wool, moistened in warm water, applied to the site of inflammation.
  • Soda compresses will also provide first aid. Cotton wool can be shaped into a circle, sprinkled with baking soda (1 tsp). Then the cotton wool is rolled up so that the soda is inside. Then it is lowered into warm water, put on the cheek, directly to the place of the flux. If you hold the cotton wool for three hours, then the swelling will disappear the next day.

The use of herbal preparations

Some plant-based folk remedies can effectively eliminate swelling and soreness, relieve inflammation and soothe the tooth. They have powerful deodorizing and antimicrobial properties. Mouth rinses will give excellent results and help eliminate dental flux in the shortest possible time. For example, lemon balm, sage, as well as herbal preparations, which they are part of, will have a positive effect on immunity. As a rule, the following agents are used against flux:

  • Dried sage (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (500 ml), insisted for about an hour in a water bath. The product is then allowed to cool to room temperature. The resulting medicine is rinsed in the oral cavity three times within an hour.
  • Oak bark is mixed with sage (2 tablespoons each), St. John's wort (3 tablespoons) is added. The collection is brewed with boiling water (1 l), cover the container with a lid, leave to brew for half an hour. The resulting product is filtered, rinse your mouth seven times a day. The solution is applied hot.
  • In a small container, gorichnik, eryngium and sage are mixed (1 tbsp each). Pour hot water (300 ml). The container is tightly closed, removed to infuse for two hours in a dark place. Rinse is carried out twice a day. You can also soak cotton wool in this infusion and apply directly to the aching tooth.
  • Melissa (100 g) is poured with boiling water (1 l), tightly covered with a lid, wrapped in a warm towel for one hour. The oral cavity is rinsed every two hours.
  • Sage, oak bark and lemon balm are mixed in equal amounts, covered with boiling water. When the solution has cooled, it is used to rinse up to ten times during the day.
  • Periwinkle, birch buds and angelica (50 g each) are mixed with mint (100 g), hot water (1 l) is poured in, insisted for an hour, the mouth is rinsed 8 times a day.
  • Green tea is mixed with sage in an equal portion, boiled water (200 ml) is added, insisted for half an hour. Then the agent is filtered, salt (0.5 tsp) is added, all this is stirred. During the day, rinse the mouth with a hot solution.
  • Hyssop grass (2 tbsp) insist two hours in one cup of boiling water. The product is carefully filtered, allowed to cool. Then add vinegar (10 drops). Rinse the oral cavity with the resulting product.
  • Oak bark (2 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (500 ml), insisted for half an hour. Rinse every two hours to eliminate the pain of the flux.
  • Also, the use of decoctions from pharmaceutical chamomile, calendula flowers, cabbage leaves, medicinal sweet clover, calamus will also benefit. These decoctions will get rid of the flux.

    Treatment with tinctures

    Alcohol tinctures will help eliminate the flux. You can buy them at drugstores or make your own. To do this, propolis (90 g) is carefully crushed, 500 ml of vodka is poured into it. This mixture is placed in a dark place, insisted for two weeks, shaken periodically. The resulting medicine is filtered, stored in the refrigerator. Apply as follows. Tincture is impregnated with a cotton ball and applied at night between the cheek and gum. This allows you to eliminate the tumor literally in one

    day. After a while, the pain will also go away. You can additionally chew propolis throughout the day. This will allow you to quickly get rid of the pain.

    Application of ointments

    In the treatment of flux, ointments are often used, which are prepared at home. They help to minimize pain and eliminate the inflammatory process. The most effective are the following:

    • Dried calendula flowers are crushed and mixed with unsalted butter in a ratio of one to five. Then applied directly to a cotton ball, applied to a sore spot at night.
    • Vegetable oil (50 g) is boiled over low heat, propolis (20 g) is added. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it is placed for three hours in a cool place. Then apply twice a day to the inflamed area.
    • Olive and linseed oil (50 g each) are placed in a container, beeswax (50 g) and honey (1 tablespoon) are added. The resulting mass is brought to melt the wax by means of a water bath. Then the mixture is removed from the fire, honey is added, left to cool. The finished ointment is applied to a cotton pad, applied to the flux, kept for two hours.

    With throbbing pain, a cotton pad is soaked in the juice from one onion, then applied to the periostitis. Onions are a natural antibiotic that will quickly eliminate unfavorable microflora, relieving a person of pain and inflammation.

    Another option would be to use garlic. It is applied directly to the wrist. Garlic slurry is prepared, distributed on a gauze bandage. Then applied to the arm opposite the affected side. The garlic itself should not come into contact with the skin.

    The above methods will help get rid of the flux. But such a disease is quite serious, therefore, in order to avoid complications, it is better to visit a doctor.

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