Useful properties of room geranium. Geranium: medicinal properties and contraindications

Geranium is an indoor flower that has become widespread. It can be found in almost every home. It is known that geranium (another name for the plant is zonal pelargonium) acquired not only thanks to beautiful multi-colored inflorescences, but also for its healing abilities.

Useful properties of pelargonium are determined by its composition. It contains vitamins (phylloquinone and ascorbic acid), starch, gum, anthocyanins, flavonoids, phytoncides, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, pectin, organic acids, carbohydrates, gallic acid, tannins and essential oils. All this contributes to getting rid of cellulite. The rhizomes also contain huge reserves of calcium, geranine and dyes.

Use in medicine

Official medicine has not yet recognized pelargonium. Therefore, it has found application only in traditional medicine, as well as in cosmetology. There is an opinion that geranium can harm the body. Let's try to figure out what prevails: benefit or harm. Useful properties show stems, leaves, flowers and rhizomes. They can be used both raw and dry. Flowers and leaves are harvested in summer, and rhizomes in autumn.

Action on the body

Geranium extract has many beneficial properties and comes in the form of tablets in foil blister packs. It was first obtained from the stems and oil derived from the distillation of geranium leaves and stems. This substance is found mainly in Fragrant Geranium (Pelargonium Graveolens) and has the following properties:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • stabilizes the activity of the circulatory system;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • dissolves salts;
  • stabilizes glycogen levels;
  • relieves pain (headache, dental, cardiac, neuralgic);
  • improves blood clotting;
  • stops bleeding (nasal, uterine, pulmonary, gastric, intestinal, hemorrhoidal);
  • helps to get rid of cellulite;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • heals wounds, burns, ulcers, bedsores, ears;
  • neutralizes snake venom;
  • neutralizes toxins contained in poor-quality food;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves insomnia and chronic fatigue;
  • improves mood;
  • cures infertility.

The extract also helps to get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidney stones. In case of poisoning, the stomach is washed with infusions and decoctions of room pelargonium. It is also used for otitis media, hypertension, neurosis, furunculosis, pharyngitis, rheumatism, pleurisy, thrush and cellulitis. With hypertension, the leaf of the plant is tied to the wrist in the place where the pulse is felt.

How does geranium heal?

If you start a plant in the house, you will see that the beneficial properties of the flower are manifested in the treatment of many diseases, and also relieve wrinkles and cellulite. To save yourself from a toothache, a geranium leaf is applied to an aching tooth for a quarter of an hour. With conjunctivitis and blepharitis, the eyes are washed with infusion, and lotions are made from it, and with cataracts, the juice is instilled into the eyes.

In case of skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), damaged skin is treated with infusion and lotions are applied to it. If boils, purulent wounds, or skin ulcers have formed, then the pelargonium leaf is tied to the wound, having previously been scalded with boiling water. The bandage is changed daily. To get rid of the itching that accompanies allergies, the leaves are washed well, crushed and rubbed on itchy places. The use of poultices contributes to the disappearance of calluses and getting rid of cellulite.

Useful properties will have pelargonium and colds. With a sore throat, the plants gargle with a decoction, and with a cold, the juice is instilled into the nostrils. In diseases of the joints, crushed leaves are applied at night to those places where pain occurs.

Useful qualities will have alcohol tincture. It is taken for goiter. With thrush, alcohol tincture is used for douching. It also relieves heart pain. With pleurisy, it is recommended to chew the leaves of the plant (2-3 pieces) with honey twice a day half an hour before eating.

The healing properties of room pelargonium are also manifested in diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis). For cavities, chewing the powder obtained from the roots of the plant will help stop tooth decay.

With otitis, a geranium leaf is kneaded and placed in the ear. It stops inflammation and relieves pain. Pelargonium will also benefit if ear pain occurs with an increase in atmospheric pressure. The crushed leaf must also be placed in the ear, previously lubricated with camphor oil. You can also place a geranium in a child's ear, but be careful.

In folk medicine, not only geranium extract is used, but also geranium essential oil. It will stop inflammatory processes in the nose, middle ear and throat, relieve migraines and toothaches, as well as cellulite, help with burns and nervous exhaustion. It can be instilled into the ear, nose, used for rinses and compresses.
Geranium essential oil relieves spasms from the vessels of the brain, treats neurosis and depression, normalizes hormonal levels, increases efficiency (mental and physical), and eliminates cellulite.

But the oil has contraindications. It cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation. In this case, pelargonium will not benefit, but harm.

The most pronounced medicinal properties of meadow and blood-red geraniums. Meadow geranium is able to have an exciting or depressing effect (depending on the dosage) on the central nervous system. In folk medicine, it has found application for the treatment of fractures and malignant neoplasms.

How to prepare medicinal preparations

Geranium exhibits medicinal properties in decoctions, tinctures, alcohol infusions and oils. You can experience their useful qualities for yourself.

Geranium is not only a beautiful flower, but also a real storehouse of useful substances. That is why this plant is widely used in folk medicine. But, even if you just put pelargonium on the windowsill in your home, it will help in the treatment of certain diseases.

In this article, we will look at what beneficial properties this culture has and how it can be used to treat various diseases. In addition, we will pay attention to contraindications to the use of geranium, so that the use of traditional medicine does not harm health.

What does a geranium look like

The appearance of the flower is familiar to almost everyone, because in the past this plant was extremely popular (Figure 1). It was often grown at home, in schools, kindergartens and clinics. It was believed that pelargonium has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and is even able to prevent an influenza epidemic. There is some truth in these words, since this plant really contains many substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Figure 1. Geranium and its healing properties

Outwardly, the culture resembles a small shrub with rugged leaves covered with small villi. When these villi are touched, the culture begins to emit a very characteristic aroma. Domestic species tend to bloom red inflorescences, but hybrids of other shades are also popular. In addition, there are varieties intended for growing in open ground or in hanging planters.

Composition of geranium

Pelargonium contains a huge amount of useful substances, which explains the popularity of this culture in folk medicine. So, it contains tannins, salts, starch and organic acids. The plant also contains anthocyanins, flavonoids, calcium and many essential oils. In addition, the composition includes a specific substance geranine, the properties of which have not yet been fully studied.

Most of the names of useful substances are incomprehensible to the average person, but scientists have already established that this plant is able to effectively deal with many ailments. So, the young leaves of the plant help to eliminate digestive problems, inflammation of the throat and nose, and the essential oil has a pronounced calming effect, helping to cope with depression and a nervous breakdown. In addition, infusions from this plant help to remove salts from the body and stop bleeding.

What diseases does geranium treat?

Ordinary homemade pelargonium can be called a real storehouse of healing substances. It is able to normalize blood pressure, improve blood flow and work of the heart muscle. It also effectively relieves headaches and regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (Figure 2).

But most often the culture is used to treat colds and inflammation of the throat, nose and ears. To get rid of a runny nose, it is enough to squeeze the juice from several leaves and drip it into the nose, and an infusion of the leaves can quickly relieve a sore throat.

Treatment of otitis media

People suffering from frequent otitis media will also benefit from ordinary homemade geraniums. To quickly relieve ear pain, just pick a few young leaves, rinse them under a stream of water and insert into your ear.

The tannins and beneficial trace elements contained in the leaves will not only quickly relieve a headache, but also help relieve inflammation.

Benefit and harm

The beneficial substances that make up geraniums are widely known for their beneficial effects on the body. They perfectly relieve pain and inflammation, are used as a prophylactic against colds, and also normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Figure 2. The benefits and harms of the plant

But this amazing plant also has some properties that can cause negative consequences for the body.

The harm of geranium is as follows:

  1. The plant is a strong allergen, and in the presence of individual intolerance, it can cause severe swelling.
  2. The substances that make up the flower thicken the blood greatly, so preparations based on them are not recommended for people with thrombophlebitis or other diseases associated with increased blood viscosity.
  3. Means from this culture are contraindicated for the elderly, young children and pregnant women.

In general, we can conclude that this is indeed a very useful flower, but before taking any preparations based on it, you should definitely consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of individual intolerance.

Action on the body

Not only geranium essential oil, but also the plant itself as a whole can have a positive or negative effect on the body. The most pronounced effect is observed for the circulatory and nervous systems.

For example, if you put this flower in the bedroom, a person will have a better rest at night and will not suffer from insomnia. In addition, essential oil can be used to scent rooms and as a prophylactic against colds. Pelargonium-based infusions strengthen the heart muscle, and you can quickly normalize blood pressure by simply applying a fresh leaf to your wrist.

Application in cosmetology

The amazing healing properties of pelargonium have found application not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also in cosmetology. For example, from this plant you can prepare a mask that effectively eliminates acne and acne.

To do this, you need to take two or three young leaves of the plant, mash them into a pulp and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. But since geranium is considered a strong allergen, before using such a remedy, you need to test for allergies by lubricating the skin on the bend of the elbow with a small amount of the mixture.

Essential oil of geranium

Separately, mention should be made of the amazing properties of the essential oil of this culture. It is widely used in folk medicine to relieve migraines, eliminate menstrual pain and quickly heal wounds.

A few drops of essential oil added to your cleansing water will help cleanse your skin. In addition, it can be used in various homemade masks on its own, or in combination with other essential oils.

Benefits and harms in the house

Even if you are not going to prepare tinctures or decoctions from geraniums, this culture can have a beneficial effect on your health if you just put it in the house. The aroma of pelargonium will repel insects and purify the air of bacteria. In addition, the smell of the flower has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, calms the irritated nervous system, relieves headaches and insomnia.

However, if there are children in the house, you should be careful decorating rooms with geraniums, as its smell can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that pets do not eat the leaves, as this can cause allergies in them.

Contraindications for use

Means based on this plant, like any other traditional medicine preparations, have certain contraindications that must be taken into account before taking the drug. For example, such funds should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and young children. It should also be borne in mind that pelargonium can cause a serious allergic reaction, therefore, before using any means based on it, it is necessary to check the body for individual intolerance.

Remedies from this flower are contraindicated in people with stomach ulcers and low blood pressure, as well as in patients with thrombophlebitis or other diseases associated with increased blood viscosity.

The author of the video will provide additional information about the beneficial properties of geranium.

Geranium is the most famous houseplant. This plant is easy to care for and propagate it will not be difficult. There are many varieties and types of geraniums.

Geranium is an annual and perennial plant with stems about 50 cm high. The leaves of the plant are a bright dark green color. Geranium flowers are very beautiful and large, in some species they are collected in inflorescences. And geranium leaves have a refreshing, mint and lemon scent. The leaves have a pattern, which is in the form of a white border or stripes of various colors.

And now geranium is the most favorite indoor plant among the rest. In almost every family on the windowsill you can see this beautiful, unpretentious, hardy flower.

Geranium also grows wild. It can be seen in the meadows of the Caucasus and Europe, in the southern mountains. Almost all types of geraniums have an average moisture requirement. In order for geranium to grow normally, it needs constant watering and loosening of the soil. The best soils for geraniums are acidic, neutral and slightly acidic soils. The main condition for the growth of each type of geranium (except marsh) is the absence of stagnant water. Geraniums are frost resistant.

Geranium blooms very beautifully. Umbrellas of flowers are located on a thin stem, and the leaves are very similar to a human palm. If the geranium has little light, it will reduce its flowering itself, and the flowers and leaves will become faded.

Geranium care and reproduction

Care. In order for geraniums to grow well, you need to create the right flower garden. And only in this case, dense geranium bushes will not allow weeds to grow. In May - before mass leaves appear - weeding of geranium flower beds should be done. Also in May, you need to loosen the soil, add fertilizers to it, you can also add ash. Further care is regular watering. When the flowers begin to fade, be sure to cut off the faded shoots. Geraniums, in which the leaves do not hibernate, need to cut off the above-ground shoots in September. Some types of geraniums need garters.

Reproduction. Geranium reproduces in two ways: vegetatively and by seeds. Each species bears fruit well. When the fruits ripen, the seeds spread throughout the field, which makes it difficult to collect the seeds. If the seeds are harvested in August, then they can be sown immediately in the ground (in this case, the seeds will have time to form seedlings before the start of frost). However, the best time for planting seeds is winter, because that's when the soil has already experienced frost. In May, many shoots will appear, and after a year you can see seedlings.

Quickly appeared seedlings must first be planted in a nursery. When the bush is already fully formed, it can be transplanted into a flower garden with a distance of 40 cm from bush to bush.

But still, the simplest and easiest way to grow geraniums is to divide the bush. This method is the most successful for varietal geraniums. The division of the bush is carried out either at the beginning of spring or at the end of summer (the second option is most suitable). In summer, it is much easier for a plant to shake off the roots from the soil and calmly plant it in another place. The gardener should look at the renewal buds, because if they are loose, rotten and parched, then a transplant is not necessary. During September, young roots will form on the delenki (they will overwinter with the plant). Many geraniums, with a few exceptions (Robert's geranium and others), are perennials. If the bush is not transplanted and does not divide, then it can please the gardener in the flower garden for about 12 years. And after 12 years, the geranium will show signs of aging, for example, dead parts will appear in the center of the bush. Therefore, without waiting for the aging of the plant, it is better to divide the bush 10 years after planting and transplant it to a new place.

The benefits of geranium

Geranium has a lot of useful properties for humans. For example, a plant releases bactericidal substances into the air. And these substances destroy various types of microbes, including staphylococcus aureus.

For medicinal purposes, use grass, flowers, roots and leaves of geranium. Preparations from this plant contain gallic acid, starch, pectin, tannins and gum, due to which they have a tightening effect on the human body. Geranium is an obstacle to the secretion of fluids in the body. Restenium is used for pharyngitis, nose and other bleeding as a hemostatic agent.

Geranium helps to get rid of insomnia, relieve fatigue, normalize the nervous system. Geranium tea is taken in case of bowel disorder or dysentery.

Essential oil of geranium

Taking the leaves of perennial geranium, geranium essential oil is obtained by steam distillation. The aroma of the oil is oily, warm, floral, slightly reminiscent of the aroma of a rose. The essential oil is light and fluid, colorless. Geranium treats inflammation of the ear, nose and throat, which is why it was called the “ear-nose-throat doctor” in the old days.

Geranium essential oil is a real antidepressant. It increases physical and even mental activity, relieves a person of feelings of inferiority. Geranium oil restores the skin after getting burns, various kinds of frostbite. They can treat rashes and dry eczema.

The oil has a property that normalizes blood microcirculation in the heart and blood pressure. It is used as a strong pain reliever. And also essential oil is successfully used to eliminate neuritis, radicular syndrome and neuralgia.

Geranium - oil for women! This is true, because this oil normalizes the hormonal process in the body, helps with premenstrual syndrome, relieves pain during menstruation. The oil also relieves depression. The same oil is used for inflammation of the mammary glands.

Geranium oil should not be used for more than 14-20 days. Never use it on an empty stomach!

Geranium diseases

Rarely, but still, geranium suffers from brown spotting and powdery mildew. So that the plant does not suffer from powdery mildew, it must be cut off after the flowering period (due to this, the new shoots will be stronger than the old ones). If the plant is sick with brown spotting, then you need to cut off the diseased leaves and burn them. Fungal diseases do not have a strong effect on the state of the plant itself.

Geranium treatment

Due to its enormous healing abilities, geranium is very often used in folk medicine. An infusion of the leaves of the plant helps with sore throat. A geranium compress is applied for osteochondrosis and sciatica. Geranium helps to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart.

Decoction of herbs and geranium roots
. He prepares easily. We take 1 tablespoon of dried geranium, pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on fire for 5 minutes. Then we cool everything and filter. The resulting volume of the broth must be brought to the original by adding boiling water. It is recommended to use the remedy 1-2 tablespoons at the time of eating 3 times a day. This decoction is taken for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Geranium juice for cataracts. If the cataract is at the initial stage, then geranium will help here. To do this, you just need to drip 1 drop of geranium juice into the corner of your eye every day. This juice will not only preserve, but also improve vision for many years to come. With suppuration and clouding of the eyes, this juice will also come to the rescue.

Honey water with geranium. With inflammation of the eyelids with this water, you need to wash your eyes early in the morning and in the evening. It is very easy to cook it. To do this, take 10 pieces of geranium leaves and grind them. Next, take a glass of water and pour the leaves, add 1 teaspoon of honey to them. We mix everything well and leave it overnight on a full moon - so that the light from the moon is on the glass. With this water, we wash the eyes with inflamed eyelids.

The Geranium family, which includes numerous species of geraniums from Europe and Asia and pelargoniums from southern Africa, has attracted human attention since ancient times. In honor was not only decorative geranium, the beneficial properties of plants with curly or lacy dissected foliage and flowers of all shapes and colors were well known in ancient Greece.

The history of the use of the medicinal properties of geraniums

Botanists know about 400 species of wild geraniums, whose range extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, from northern Europe to India. In folk medicine, several native varieties of geranium are used. The richness of the biochemical composition affects almost all members of the family, including indoor pelargoniums and hybrid varieties.

The systematic study of the medicinal properties of geranium began only in the second half of the 19th century. Attention to the culture was attracted by its popularity among the poor, and the plant was used so widely that the leaves, roots, and geranium flowers were used.

Today, traditional medicine and homeopaths confirm the experience of their ancestors and highly value geranium for its beneficial properties, activity against pathogenic flora, anti-inflammatory and regenerating qualities.

Active ingredients in geranium

Geranium rhizomes and its green aerial part are harvested as medicinal raw materials. It is here that the maximum amount of biologically active substances and compounds is concentrated.

The main treasure of plants from the genus of geraniums is geraniol, a valuable aromatic alcohol, which is part of the famous geranium oil. And besides it, the composition of plant materials contains:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • catechins;
  • a huge amount of tannins, the content of which in some cases reaches 4%;
  • compounds with antibacterial and antiviral properties;
  • carotene, vitamins K and C;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • alkaloids;
  • anthocyanins.

Most often used for medical purposes, meadow and blood red. But not only wild plants are rich in useful substances, the fragrant room geranium has almost less healing properties than its relative from the forest edge.

Medicinal properties of geranium and their application

Geranium has pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antiviral properties. Preparations based on plant materials can actively soothe, have a beneficial effect on working capacity, resistance to stressful situations, and insomnia.

Among the medicinal properties of geranium include the ability to:

  • prevent the occurrence of edema;
  • relieve pain and fever;
  • fight pathogenic microflora and inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • reduce blood pressure.

The plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, digestive tract and liver, urinary tract, genital area and kidneys. In folk medicine, geranium is used to treat osteochondrosis and.

Geranium is an effective antidepressant that calms, stabilizes the mental and psychological state, has a beneficial effect on working capacity and sleep quality.

Geranium oil properties and uses

The tool has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, which were appreciated by cosmetologists and dermatologists. Thanks to these properties of geranium oil, it is used in the treatment of acne, pustular skin lesions, cellulite and other cosmetic problems.

The ability of the plant to influence the processes of cell regeneration and the mild disinfecting effect determined the benefits of geranium for the treatment of psoriasis. Today, vegetable raw materials and oil are used in therapy:

  • difficult-to-treat eczema;
  • consequences of frostbite;
  • severe burns.

In addition, geranium oil is an effective remedy for migraines, insomnia, and irregular menstruation.

The use of useful properties of geranium in everyday life

Sometimes the activity of a plant causes a reasonable question among amateur flower growers: “Is it possible to keep geraniums at home? Will it have a negative impact on the atmosphere in the room?

Such fears are completely unfounded. Geranium plants really actively spread aromatic substances and phytoncides around them. This improves the air quality in the house, and the ability to neutralize toxic impurities and odors makes the flower indispensable in both big cities and rural areas.

A houseplant will not only decorate the interior, it will help to cope with annoying insects. For example, the smell of geranium is poorly tolerated by mosquitoes and flies.

And people in the presence of fragrant geraniums:

  • become calmer;
  • sleep better;
  • suffer less headaches and migraines.

The beneficial properties of geranium are also manifested in the garden. Garden species can be used as a means of controlling insect pests and weeds. Geranium phytoncides inhibit the activity of both. As a result, time and effort are saved for processing the garden and garden.

Harvesting of plant raw materials of geranium and its storage

The aerial part of the plant and geranium rhizomes can be collected and stored for future use. Greens are cut during flowering and carefully dried in the shade or in special dryers at temperatures up to 45 ° C.

It is better to dig up the roots in autumn, when they accumulate the maximum amount of active and nutrients. After cleaning from the soil, washing and drying, the rhizomes are cut into small fragments and dried at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C.

The beneficial properties of geraniums in dried roots last for two years, and in greenery - only up to a year.

Geranium Contraindications

With a mass of medicinal properties of geranium, contraindications to its use for medical purposes may seem insignificant. And yet, they are worth taking into account, especially if family members have a tendency to allergies, or we are talking about the treatment of young children.

Some people experience an allergic reaction to the aroma of geranium and its oil, which manifests itself in respiratory symptoms: pain in the eyes, runny nose, cough and sore throat. Even the most beneficial properties of geranium will not bring health if your health worsens due to allergies.

For children, all geranium-based preparations intended for internal use should only be used with the permission of the attending physician. External use is limited only by individual intolerance. These requirements apply in full:

  • to pregnant and lactating women;
  • to persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.

Do not abuse the treatment of folk remedies based on geranium and its oil for older people, as well as in the presence of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Video about the beneficial properties of geranium

Beautiful geranium flowers can be seen in meadows, vegetable gardens, pots with it adorn many window sills. But this plant not only gives aesthetic pleasure, it can be used in cooking, traditional medicine, home cosmetology. Why geranium is useful - useful properties will help get rid of many diseases, improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Geranium (Ivy Pelargonium) is a plant with antibacterial, antiviral properties. Its essential oils help to quickly cope with the signs of a cold, flu, support immunity. All parts of the plant have medicinal properties, they contain iron, manganese, ascorbic acid, mucous substances, organic acids.

Important! Traditional healers claim that geraniums can cope with any diseases - from the common cold to cancer.

What is useful geranium:

  1. Geranium odorous - a meadow plant contains a large amount of tannins. The leaves contain a lot of essential oils, vitamin C, the roots are rich in calcium. It is recommended to use it to dissolve salt accumulations in gout, kidney stones, rheumatism. It helps with insomnia, feverish conditions, dental diseases.
  2. Geranium blood red has anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic properties. Helps with dysentery, fresh leaves should be applied to wounds and scratches. In folk medicine, with its help, they fight against malignant neoplasms, are used in the treatment of fractures, with pathologies of the respiratory and digestive organs, and it helps with epilepsy.
  3. Lemon geranium is a natural antiseptic. Infusions and tinctures for external use help with dermatological diseases - eczema, scabies, abscesses, ulcers. A decoction will help with inflammation of the tonsils, rhinitis, otitis media. Fresh leaves can be used in cooking.

Pelargonium is a safe remedy for diarrhea in a child, it is used to treat the ear, runny nose and colds, even in very young children.

The main contraindications are increased blood viscosity, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, age-related constipation, gastritis with high acidity. Geranium has a strong smell, can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, so it is not recommended for pregnant women to use it.

Geranium oil - useful properties

The essential oil has absorbed all the best properties of geranium and contains phytoestrogens. It helps with infertility, restores the balance of hormones, normalizes the menstrual cycle. Oil extract - a powerful aphrodisiac - increases sexual desire, helps to relax during sexual intercourse.

Important! Oil can be added to the bath, aroma lamps, massage. The extract can be used internally and externally only after meals.

Healing properties of geranium oil:

  • improves blood circulation, lymph outflow, eliminates puffiness;
  • eliminates dryness, skin irritation, accelerates the regeneration process;
  • natural immunomodulator;
  • helps to cope with oily skin;
  • prevents dandruff, accelerates hair growth.

Pelargonium oil can improve the psycho-emotional state of a person, indispensable for the treatment of depression, mental and physical exhaustion. It is used to eliminate inflammatory processes in the ears, throat, nose, it helps with migraines and toothaches, and is effective in the fight against cellulite.

Geranium - a female plant, has anti-aging properties, helps to eliminate age-related changes. The easiest way to get rid of wrinkles, improve skin tone and color is to rub your face with ice from the juice of geranium leaves every morning.

Pelargonium is also useful for hair - it improves the structure of the strands, makes them shiny and elastic, eliminates itching and dandruff, and prevents hair loss. To prepare a decoction, pour 50 g of crushed raw materials into 500 ml of water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave in a closed container for an hour. Use three times a week to wash or rinse your hair. The duration of therapy is 2-3 weeks.

Facial mask against wilting - displace 20 drops of pelargonium oil with the pulp of one peach and 25 ml of heavy cream. Spread the mixture evenly over the skin, can be applied to the area around the eyes and décolleté. After 30 minutes, remove the mask with warm water, repeat the procedure twice a week.

To combat acne, you should prepare a mask of 20 g of green clay, 20 drops of calendula pharmacy tincture and 15 drops of geranium oil. The mass should be applied to pre-steamed skin, washed off after 20 minutes with cold green tea.

Useful properties for home

Geranium is a beautiful indoor plant, unpretentious in care. She has a very powerful positive energy, which helps to strengthen family relationships, find a soul mate for lonely people. Ivy pelargonium perfectly purifies the air, destroys microbes, staphylococcus bacteria, unpleasant odors, flower pots can be placed in any room. The aroma of geranium is not liked by mosquitoes, moths and flies.

Useful properties of a geranium flower for home comfort:

  1. Pink geranium is a symbol of a strong, happy marriage, eternal love. This plant is a powerful amulet against love spells, a faithful assistant for creative people.
  2. White geranium - helps to get rid of infertility, it is recommended to put it in the matrimonial bedroom. The flower will help improve the quality of sleep, after waking up there will be more strength and energy.
  3. Pelargonium with red flowers protects the house from scandals and quarrels. Its aroma helps to relax, relieve stress, get rid of fatigue and irritability.

The aroma of geranium helps to attract material well-being to the house, you can choose a plant with any color of flowers. But you need to take care of the plant correctly, if it wilts or gets sick, financial ruin cannot be avoided. You can lubricate your wallet with pelargonium essential oil, carry dried leaves with you.

Important! At home, it is better to grow ampelous geranium, fragrant, royal, blood-red pelargonium.

In folk medicine, roots, leaves, inflorescences of geranium officinalis are used. It contains calcium, tannins, anthocyanins, which allows you to effectively use it to eliminate edema, inflammation and pain.

Ordinary room geranium will help get rid of diseases of the respiratory and hearing organs, products based on it are used to treat tachycardia, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease. Infusions and decoctions of young leaves are useful for articular, renal, gastric pathologies, effectively eliminate bleeding, neuralgia, and improve sleep quality.

Important! At the first sign of a cold, it is enough to wrap the big toes with fresh geranium leaves and leave the compress overnight. In the morning, weakness will pass, the disease will recede.

With a runny nose, nasal congestion, you need to drip 3 drops of fresh juice from pelargonium flowers into each nasal passage. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. With conjunctivitis, 1 drop of juice should be instilled into the eyes. Juice is used for bleeding of various etiologies - uterine, nasal, hemorrhoidal.

  1. Fresh leaves of pelargonium will help with high blood pressure, poor blood flow, irregular heartbeat - you need to fix the leaf on your wrist for half an hour.
  2. In crushed form, they should be applied to the back with osteochondrosis, sciatica.
  3. Geranium effectively helps with otitis - just put a fresh leaf of the plant in the inflamed ear.
  4. With oncology, it is necessary to drink geranium infusion instead of water - pour 400 ml of 10 g of crushed leaves, leave for 8 hours. The entire portion of the medicine should be drunk during the day.


Alcohol tincture is prepared from 30 g of crushed leaves and geranium inflorescences, 100 ml of alcohol. Put the mixture in a dark glass container, put it in a dark place for 3 days. For heart and nervous diseases, insomnia, you need to take 3 ml of medicine in the morning and evening, after diluting it with a small amount of water.


Otar from the roots of pelargonium will help remove stones from the kidneys, normalize high blood pressure. Pour 250 ml of water with 6 g of crushed raw materials, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Leave in a closed container for an hour, strain, add water to the initial volume. Divide the portion of the medicine into 4 equal doses, drink during the day before meals.

For an anesthetic compress, it is necessary to grind 15 fresh leaves, mix the gruel with 50 g of rye flour, add 50 ml of camphor alcohol. Apply the mass on the affected area, insulate from above, you can leave it all night.

Blood red geranium is used for infertility in men and women. For infusion, you need to pour 5 g of crushed inflorescences into 220 ml of water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take 5 ml of medication for both partners once a day immediately after meals.

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