Orbital period µs. International Space Station (ISS)

The International Space Station (ISS), the successor to the Soviet station Mir, is celebrating its 10th anniversary since its inception. The agreement on the establishment of the ISS was signed on January 29, 1998 in Washington by representatives of Canada, the governments of the member states of the European Space Agency (ESA), Japan, Russia and the United States.

Work on the International Space Station began in 1993 .

March 15, 1993 Director General of the RCA Yu.N. Koptev and General Designer of NPO "ENERGIA" Yu.P. Semenov approached the head of NASA, D. Goldin, with a proposal to create the International Space Station.

On September 2, 1993, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.S. Chernomyrdin and US Vice President A. Gore signed a "Joint Statement on Cooperation in Space", which, among other things, provides for the creation of a joint station. In its development, RSA and NASA developed and on November 1, 1993 signed the "Detailed Work Plan for the International Space Station". This made it possible in June 1994 to sign a contract between NASA and RSA "On supplies and services for the Mir station and the International Space Station."

Taking into account certain changes at the joint meetings of the Russian and American sides in 1994, the ISS had the following structure and organization of work:

In addition to Russia and the USA, Canada, Japan and the countries of European cooperation are participating in the creation of the station;

The station will consist of 2 integrated segments (Russian and American) and will be gradually assembled in orbit from separate modules.

The construction of the ISS in near-Earth orbit began on November 20, 1998 with the launch of the Zarya functional cargo block.
Already on December 7, 1998, the American Unity connecting module, delivered into orbit by the Endeavor shuttle, was docked to it.

On December 10, hatches to the new station were opened for the first time. The first to enter it were Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev and American astronaut Robert Cabana.

On July 26, 2000, the Zvezda service module was introduced into the ISS, which at the station deployment stage became its base unit, the main place for the life and work of the crew.

In November 2000, the crew of the first long-term expedition arrived at the ISS: William Shepherd (commander), Yuri Gidzenko (pilot) and Sergey Krikalev (flight engineer). Since then, the station has been permanently inhabited.

During the deployment of the station, 15 main expeditions and 13 visiting expeditions visited the ISS. At present, the crew of Expedition 16 is at the station - the first female ISS commander, American, Peggy Whitson, ISS flight engineers, Russian Yuri Malenchenko and American Daniel Tani.

Under a separate agreement with ESA, six flights of European astronauts were carried out to the ISS: Claudie Haignere (France) - in 2001, Roberto Vittori (Italy) - in 2002 and 2005, Frank de Winne (Belgium) - in 2002, Pedro Duque (Spain) - in 2003, Andre Kuipers (Netherlands) - in 2004.

A new page in the commercial use of space was opened after the flights to the Russian segment of the ISS of the first space tourists - American Denis Tito (in 2001) and South African Mark Shuttleworth (in 2002). For the first time non-professional astronauts visited the station.

The creation of the ISS is by far the largest project implemented jointly by Roscosmos, NASA, ESA, the Canadian Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

RSC Energia and the Khrunichev Center are participating in the project on behalf of the Russian side. The Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (TsPK), TsNIIMASH, the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMBP), Zvezda Research and Production Enterprise and other leading organizations of the Russian rocket and space industry.

The material was prepared by the online editors www.rian.ru based on information from open sources

The ISS is the successor to the MIR station, the largest and most expensive object in the history of mankind.

What is the size of the orbital station? How much does it cost? How do astronauts live and work on it?

We will talk about this in this article.

What is the ISS and who owns it

The International Space Station (MKS) is an orbital station used as a multipurpose space complex.

This is a scientific project in which 14 countries take part:

  • Russian Federation;
  • USA;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Belgium;
  • Japan;
  • Canada;
  • Sweden;
  • Spain;
  • Netherlands;
  • Switzerland;
  • Denmark;
  • Norway;
  • Italy.

In 1998, the creation of the ISS began. Then the first module of the Russian Proton-K rocket was launched. Subsequently, other participating countries began to deliver other modules to the station.

Note: in English, the ISS is written as ISS (decoding: International Space Station).

There are people who are convinced that the ISS does not exist, and all space flights are filmed on Earth. However, the reality of the manned station was proven, and the theory of deception was completely refuted by scientists.

The structure and dimensions of the international space station

The ISS is a huge laboratory designed to study our planet. At the same time, the station is home to the astronauts working in it.

The station is 109 meters long, 73.15 meters wide and 27.4 meters high. The total weight of the ISS is 417,289 kg.

How much does an orbital station cost

The cost of the object is estimated at 150 billion dollars. This is by far the most expensive development in human history.

Orbit height and flight speed of the ISS

The average altitude at which the station is located is 384.7 km.

The speed is 27,700 km/h. The station performs a complete revolution around the Earth in 92 minutes.

Time at the station and crew working hours

The station operates according to London time, the working day for the astronauts begins at 6 am. At this time, each crew establishes contact with their country.

Crew reports can be listened to online. The working day ends at 19 pm London time .

Flight path

The station moves around the planet along a certain trajectory. There is a special map that shows which section of the path the ship is passing at a given time. This map also shows different parameters - time, speed, altitude, latitude and longitude.

Why doesn't the ISS fall to Earth? In fact, the object falls to the Earth, but misses, as it constantly moves at a certain speed. It is required to regularly raise the trajectory. As soon as the station loses some of its speed, it gets closer and closer to the Earth.

What is the temperature outside the ISS

The temperature is constantly changing and directly depends on the light and shade environment. In the shade, it stays at about -150 degrees Celsius.

If the station is located under the influence of direct sunlight, then the temperature overboard is +150 degrees Celsius.

Temperature inside the station

Despite fluctuations overboard, the average temperature inside the ship is 23 - 27 degrees Celsius and completely suitable for human habitation.

Astronauts sleep, eat, play sports, work and rest at the end of the working day - the conditions are close to the most comfortable for being on the ISS.

What do astronauts on the ISS breathe?

The primary task in creating the ship was to provide the astronauts with the conditions necessary to maintain full breathing. Oxygen is obtained from water.

A special system called "Air" takes carbon dioxide and throws it overboard. Oxygen is replenished by electrolysis of water. The station also has oxygen tanks.

How long is the flight from the spaceport to the ISS

In terms of flight time, it takes a little more than 2 days. There is also a short 6-hour scheme (but it is not suitable for cargo ships).

The distance from Earth to the ISS is between 413 and 429 kilometers.

Life on the ISS - what astronauts do

Each crew conducts scientific experiments commissioned by the research institutes of their country.

There are several types of such studies:

  • educational;
  • technical;
  • environmental;
  • biotechnology;
  • biomedical;
  • study of living and working conditions in orbit;
  • exploration of space and planet Earth;
  • physical and chemical processes in space;
  • exploration of the solar system and others.

Who is on the ISS now

At the moment, the composition continues to keep watch in orbit: Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopiev, Serena Auñón-Chancellor from the USA and Alexander Gerst from Germany.

The next launch was scheduled from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on October 11, but due to an accident, the flight did not take place. At the moment, it is not yet known which of the astronauts will fly to the ISS and when.

How to get in touch with the ISS

In fact, anyone has a chance to contact the international space station. This will require special equipment:

  • transceiver;
  • antenna (for the frequency range of 145 MHz);
  • rotary device;
  • a computer that will calculate the orbit of the ISS.

Today, every astronaut has high-speed Internet. Most specialists contact friends and family via Skype, maintain personal pages on Instagram and Twitter, Facebook, where they post stunningly beautiful photos of our green planet.

How many times does the ISS circle the Earth in a day

The speed of rotation of the ship around our planet - 16 times a day. This means that in one day the astronauts can meet the sunrise 16 times and watch the sunset 16 times.

The rotation speed of the ISS is 27,700 km/h. This speed does not allow the station to fall to Earth.

Where is the ISS at the moment and how to see it from Earth

Many are interested in the question: is it possible to see the ship with the naked eye? Thanks to its constant orbit and large size, anyone can see the ISS.

You can see the ship in the sky both day and night, but it is recommended to do it at night.

In order to find out the time of flight over your city, you need to subscribe to the NASA newsletter. You can monitor the movement of the station in real time thanks to the special Twisst service.


If you see a bright object in the sky, it is not always a meteorite, comet or star. Knowing how to distinguish the ISS with the naked eye, you definitely can't go wrong with a celestial body.

You can learn more about the ISS news, see the movement of the object on the official website: http://mks-online.ru.

Observation from ISS webcams of the Earth's surface and the Station itself online. Atmospheric phenomena, ship dockings, spacewalks, work inside the American segment - all in real time. ISS parameters, flight path and location on the world map.

On the Roscosmos video player now:
Equalization of pressure, opening of hatches, meeting of crews after docking of the Soyuz MS-12 spacecraft with the ISS on March 15, 2019.

Broadcast from ISS webcams

NASA Video Players No. 1 and No. 2 broadcast images from the ISS webcams online with short breaks.

NASA Video Player #1

NASA Video Player #2

Map with ISS orbit

NASA TV video player

Important events on the ISS online: dockings and undockings, crew changes, spacewalks, video conferences with the Earth. Scientific programs in English. Broadcast recordings from the ISS cameras.

Roscosmos video player

Equalization of pressure, opening of hatches, meeting of crews after docking of the Soyuz MS-12 spacecraft with the ISS on March 15, 2019.

Description of video players

NASA Video Player #1
Broadcast online without sound with short breaks. Broadcast recording was very rarely observed.

NASA Video Player #2
Broadcast online, sometimes with sound, with short breaks. Broadcast recording was not observed.

NASA TV video player
Broadcast of recordings of scientific programs in English and video from the ISS cameras, as well as some important events on the ISS online: spacewalks, videoconferences with the Earth in the language of the participants.

Roscosmos video player
Interesting offline videos, as well as significant events related to the ISS, sometimes broadcast online by Roscosmos: launches of spacecraft, docking and undocking, spacewalks, return of crews to Earth.

Features of broadcasting from ISS webcams

Broadcast from the International Space Station is conducted online from several webcams installed inside the American segment and outside the Station. The sound channel is rarely connected on ordinary days, but it always accompanies such important events as docking with transport ships and ships with a replaceable crew, space walks, scientific experiments.

From time to time, the direction of webcams on the ISS changes, as does the quality of the transmitted image, which can change over time even when broadcasting from the same webcam. During work in outer space, the image is more often transmitted from cameras installed on astronauts' spacesuits.

Standard or gray screensaver on the NASA Video Player #1 screen and standard or blue The splash screen on the NASA Video Player #2 screen indicates that the Station's video link with the Earth has been temporarily interrupted, and the audio link can continue. Black screen- ISS flyover over the night zone.

Sound accompaniment rarely connected, usually on NASA Video Player #2. Sometimes include recording- this can be seen from the discrepancy between the transmitted picture and the position of the Station on the map and the display of the current and full time of the broadcast video on the progress bar. The progress bar appears to the right of the speaker icon when hovering over the video player screen.

No progress bar- means the video from the current ISS webcam is broadcast online. See Black screen? - check with !

When NASA video players freeze, a simple page refresh.

Location, trajectory and parameters of the ISS

The current position of the International Space Station on the map is indicated by the symbol of the ISS.

The current parameters of the Station are displayed in the upper left corner of the map - coordinates, orbit altitude, movement speed, time to sunrise or sunset.

Symbols for MKS parameters (default units):

  • Lat: latitude in degrees;
  • lng: longitude in degrees;
  • alt: altitude in kilometers;
  • V: speed in km/h;
  • Time before sunrise or sunset at the Station (on Earth, see the border of chiaroscuro on the map).

The speed in km/h, of course, is impressive, but its value in km/s is more illustrative. To change the ISS speed unit, click on the gears in the upper left corner of the map. In the window that opens, on the top panel, click on the icon with one gear and in the list of options, instead of km/h select km/s. You can also change other map options here.

In total, we see three conditional lines on the map, on one of which there is an icon of the current position of the ISS - this is the current trajectory of the Station. The other two lines indicate the next two ISS orbits, over the points of which, located at the same longitude with the current position of the Station, the ISS will fly over in 90 and 180 minutes, respectively.

The scale of the map is changed with the buttons «+» And «-» in the upper left corner or normal scrolling when the cursor is on the map surface.

What can be seen through the ISS webcams

The American space agency NASA is broadcasting online from the ISS webcams. The image is often transmitted from cameras aimed at the Earth, and during the ISS flight over the daytime zone one can observe clouds, cyclones, anticyclones, in clear weather the earth's surface, the surface of the seas and oceans. Details of the landscape can be clearly seen when the broadcasting webcam is directed vertically to the Earth, but sometimes it can be clearly seen when it is directed to the horizon.

During the flight of the ISS over the continents in clear weather, river beds, lakes, snow caps on mountain ranges, and the sandy surface of deserts are clearly visible. Islands in the seas and oceans are easier to observe only in the most cloudless weather, since from the height of the ISS they look little different from clouds. It is much easier to detect and observe atoll rings on the surface of the oceans, which are clearly visible with little cloud cover.

When one of the video players broadcasts an image from a NASA webcam pointed vertically at the Earth, notice how the broadcast image moves in relation to the satellite on the map. This will make it easier to catch individual objects for observation: islands, lakes, riverbeds, mountain ranges, straits.

Sometimes the live image is transmitted from webcams directed inside the Station, then we can observe the American segment of the ISS and the actions of the astronauts in real time.

When some events take place at the Station, for example, dockings with transport ships or ships with a replaceable crew, a spacewalk, the broadcast from the ISS is carried out with an audio connection. At this time, we can hear the conversations of the crew members of the Station among themselves, with the Mission Control Center or with the relief crew on the ship approaching for docking.

You can learn about upcoming events on the ISS from media reports. In addition, some scientific experiments carried out on the ISS can be broadcast online using webcams.

Unfortunately, webcams are installed only in the American segment of the ISS, and we can only observe American astronauts and their experiments. But when you turn on the sound, Russian speech is often heard.

To enable sound playback, move the cursor over the player window and left-click on the speaker image with a cross that appears. The audio will be connected at the default volume level. To increase or decrease the volume of the sound, raise or lower the volume bar to the desired level.

Sometimes, the soundtrack is connected for a short time and for no reason. Audio transmission can also be turned on when blue screen, during the disconnection of video communication with the Earth.

If you spend a lot of time on your computer, leave the tab open with sound on on your NASA video players, sometimes look at it to see the sunrise and sunset when the earth is dark, and parts of the ISS, if they are in the frame, are lit by the rising or setting sun . The sound will make itself felt. Refresh the page if the video stream freezes.

The ISS makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 90 minutes, once crossing the night and day zones of the planet. Where the Station is at the moment, look at the map with the orbit above.

What can be seen above the Earth's night zone? Sometimes flashes of lightning during thunderstorms. If the webcam is pointed at the horizon, the brightest stars and the Moon are visible.

Through the webcam from the ISS, it is impossible to see the lights of night cities, because the distance from the Station to the Earth is more than 400 kilometers, and without special optics, no lights are visible, except for the brightest stars, but this is no longer on Earth.

Watch the International Space Station from Earth. See interesting ones made from the NASA video players presented here.

In between observations of the Earth's surface from space, try to catch or decompose (quite difficult).

2018 marks the 20th anniversary of one of the most significant international space projects, the largest artificial inhabited Earth satellite - the International Space Station (ISS). 20 years ago, on January 29, the Agreement on the creation of a space station was signed in Washington, and already on November 20, 1998, the construction of the station began - the Proton launch vehicle was successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the first module - the functional cargo block (FGB) "Zarya ". In the same year, on December 7, the second element of the orbital station, the Unity connection module, was docked with FGB Zarya. Two years later, a new addition to the station was the Zvezda service module.

On November 2, 2000, the International Space Station (ISS) began its work in a manned mode. The Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft with the crew of the first long-term expedition docked with the Zvezda service module.The rendezvous of the ship with the station was carried out according to the scheme that was used during flights to the Mir station. Ninety minutes after docking, the hatch was opened and the ISS-1 crew stepped aboard the ISS for the first time.The ISS-1 crew included Russian cosmonauts Yuri GIDZENKO, Sergei KRIKALEV and American astronaut William SHEPERD.

Arriving at the ISS, the cosmonauts carried out re-mothballing, retrofitting, launching and tuning the systems of the Zvezda, Unity and Zarya modules and established communication with mission control centers in Korolev and Houston near Moscow. Within four months, 143 sessions of geophysical, biomedical and technical research and experiments were performed. In addition, the ISS-1 team provided dockings with Progress M1-4 (November 2000), Progress M-44 (February 2001) cargo spacecraft and the American Endeavor shuttles (December 2000) , Atlantis ("Atlantis"; February 2001), Discovery ("Discovery"; March 2001) and their unloading. Also in February 2001, the expedition team integrated the Destiny laboratory module into the ISS.

On March 21, 2001, with the American space shuttle Discovery, which delivered the crew of the second expedition to the ISS, the crew of the first long-term mission returned to Earth. The landing site was the J.F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA.

In subsequent years, the Quest lock chamber, the Pirs docking compartment, the Harmony connection module, the Columbus laboratory module, the Kibo cargo and research module, the Poisk small research module, Tranquility Residential Module, Dome Observation Module, Rassvet Small Research Module, Leonardo Multifunctional Module, BEAM Convertible Test Module.

Today, the ISS is the largest international project, a manned orbital station used as a multi-purpose space research complex. The space agencies ROSCOSMOS, NASA (USA), JAXA (Japan), CSA (Canada), ESA (European countries) are participating in this global project.

With the creation of the ISS, it became possible to perform scientific experiments in unique conditions of microgravity, in vacuum and under the influence of cosmic radiation. The main areas of research are physical and chemical processes and materials in space, Earth exploration and space exploration technologies, man in space, space biology and biotechnology. Considerable attention in the work of astronauts on the International Space Station is given to educational initiatives and the popularization of space research.

ISS is a unique experience of international cooperation, support and mutual assistance; construction and operation in near-Earth orbit of a large engineering structure of paramount importance for the future of all mankind.





On November 20, 1998, the Proton-K launch vehicle launched the first functional cargo module of the future ISS Zarya. Below we describe the entire station as of today.

The Zarya functional cargo block is one of the modules of the Russian Segment of the International Space Station and the first module of the station launched into space.

Zarya was launched on November 20, 1998 on a Proton-K launch vehicle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The launch weight was 20.2646 tons. 15 days after the successful launch, the first American Unity module was attached to Zarya as part of the Endeavor shuttle flight STS-88. During three spacewalks, Unity was connected to Zarya's power supply and communication systems, and external equipment was installed.

The module was built by the Russian GKNPTs im. Khrunichev commissioned by the American side and legally belongs to the United States. The module control system was developed by Kharkiv JSC "Khartron". The Russian module project was chosen by the Americans instead of Lockheed's proposal, the Bus-1 module, due to lower financial costs ($220 million instead of $450 million). Under the terms of the contract, the GKNPTs also undertook to build a backup module, FGB-2. During the development and construction of the module, the technological reserve for the Transport Supply Ship was intensively used, on the basis of which some modules of the Mir orbital station had already been built. A significant advantage of this technology was the complete energy supply from solar panels, as well as the presence of its own engines, allowing maneuvering and adjusting the position of the module in space.

The module has a cylindrical shape with a spherical head compartment and a conical stern, its length is 12.6 m with a maximum diameter of 4.1 m. kilowatt. Energy is stored in six rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries. "Zarya" is equipped with 24 medium and 12 small engines for adjusting the spatial position, as well as two large engines for orbital maneuvers. 16 tanks attached to the outside of the module can hold up to six tons of fuel. For further expansion of the station, Zarya has three docking stations. One of them is located aft and is currently occupied by the Zvezda module. Another docking port is located in the bow, and is currently occupied by the Unity module. The third passive docking port is used for docking supply ships.

module interior

  • Mass in orbit, kg 20 260
  • Body length, mm 12 990
  • Maximum diameter, mm 4 100
  • Volume of sealed compartments, m3 71.5
  • Span of solar panels, mm 24 400
  • Area of ​​photovoltaic cells, m2 28
  • Guaranteed average daily power supply voltage 28 V, kW 3
  • Mass of refueling fuel, kg up to 6100
  • Duration of operation in orbit 15 years

Module "Unity" (Unity)

December 7, 1998 Space Shuttle Endeavor STS-88 is the first construction mission carried out by NASA under the International Space Station assembly program. The main objective of the mission was to deliver into orbit the American Unity module with two docking adapters and dock the Unity module to the Russian Zarya module already in space. The shuttle's cargo bay also contained two MightySat demonstration satellites, as well as an Argentine research satellite. These satellites were launched after the shuttle crew had completed work related to the ISS, and the shuttle undocked from the station. The flight mission was successfully completed, during the flight the crew performed three spacewalks.

Unity, English Unity (translated from English - "Unity"), or English. Node-1 (translated from English - “Node-1”) is the first all-American component of the International Space Station (legally, the Zarya FGB, which was created at the Khrunichev Center under a contract, can be considered the first American module with Boeing). The component is a sealed connection module, with six docking nodes, in English called English. nodes.

The Unity module was launched into orbit on December 4, 1998, as the main cargo of the Endeavor shuttle (ISS 2A assembly mission, STS-88 shuttle mission).

The connection module became the basis for all future US modules of the ISS, which were attached to its six docking nodes. Built by The Boeing Company at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, the Unity was the first of three such connector modules planned. The length of the module is 5.49 meters, with a diameter of 4.57 meters.

On December 6, 1998, the crew of the shuttle Endeavor attached the Unity module through the PMA-1 adapter tunnel to the Zarya module previously launched by the Proton launch vehicle. At the same time, in the docking work, the Canadarm robotic arm installed on the Endeavor shuttle was used (to extract the Unity from the cargo compartment of the shuttle and to drag the Zarya module to the Endeavor + Unity bundle). The final docking of the first two modules of the ISS was carried out by turning on the engine of the Endeavor spacecraft

Service Module Zvezda

The Zvezda Service Module is one of the modules of the Russian Segment of the International Space Station. The second name is the Service Module (SM).

The module was launched on the Proton launch vehicle on July 12, 2000. Docked to the ISS on July 26, 2000. It represents the main contribution of Russia to the creation of the ISS. It is a residential module of the station. In the early stages of the construction of the ISS, Zvezda performed the functions of life support on all modules, altitude control over the Earth, power supply to the station, computer center, communications center, and the main port for Progress cargo ships. Over time, many functions are transferred to other modules, but Zvezda will always remain the structural and functional center of the Russian segment of the ISS.

This module was originally developed to replace the obsolete Mir space station, but in 1993 it was decided to use it as one of the main elements of the Russian contribution to the International Space Station program. The Russian Service Module includes all systems required to operate as an autonomous manned spacecraft and laboratory. It allows a crew of three astronauts to be in space, for which there is a life support system and an electrical power plant on board. In addition, the service module can dock with the Progress cargo ship, which delivers the necessary supplies to the station every three months and corrects its orbit.

The living quarters of the service module are equipped with crew life support facilities, there are personal rest cabins, medical equipment, exercise machines, a kitchen, a table for eating, and personal hygiene products. The service module houses the station's central control post with control equipment.

The Zvezda module is equipped with fire detection and extinguishing equipment, which includes: the Signal-VM fire detection and warning system, two OKR-1 fire extinguishers and three IPK-1 M gas masks.

Main technical characteristics

  • Docking nodes 4 pcs.
  • Portholes 13 pcs.
  • Module weight, kg:
  • at the stage of withdrawal 22 776
  • in orbit 20,295
  • Module dimensions, m:
  • length with fairing and intermediate compartment 15.95
  • length without fairing and intermediate compartment 12.62
  • diameter maximum 4.35
  • width with open solar panel 29.73
  • Volume, m³:
  • internal volume with equipment 75.0
  • crew interior space 46.7
  • Power supply system:
  • Solar array span 29.73
  • operating voltage, V 28
  • Maximum output power of solar panels, kW 13.8
  • Propulsion system:
  • marching engines, kgf 2×312
  • attitude thrusters, kgf 32×13.3
  • mass of oxidizer (nitrogen tetroxide), kg 558
  • mass of fuel (NDMG), kg 302

The first long-term expedition to the ISS

On November 2, 2000, its first long-term crew arrived at the station on the Russian spacecraft Soyuz. Three members of the first ISS Expedition successfully launched on October 31, 2000 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on board the Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft and docked with the ISS service module Zvezda. After spending four and a half months on board the ISS, the expedition members returned to Earth on March 21, 2001, on the American space shuttle Discovery STS-102. The crew performed the tasks of assembling new components of the station, including connecting the American Destiny laboratory module to the orbital station. They also conducted various scientific experiments.

The first expedition launched from the same launch pad at the Baikonur cosmodrome, from which Yuri Gagarin set off 50 years ago to become the first man to fly into space. A three-stage 300-ton Soyuz-U launch vehicle lifted the Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft and crew into low-Earth orbit, allowing Yuri Gidzenko to start a series of rendezvous maneuvers with the ISS about 10 minutes after launch. On the morning of November 2, at about 09:21 UTC, the spacecraft docked at the Zvezda service module docking port from the side of the orbital station. Ninety minutes after docking, Shepherd opened the Star's hatch and the crew entered the complex for the first time.

Their primary tasks were: launching a food warmer in the Zvezda galley, setting up sleeping quarters and establishing communication with both MCCs: in Houston and Korolev near Moscow. The crew contacted both teams of ground specialists using Russian transmitters installed in the Zvezda and Zarya modules, and a microwave transmitter installed in the Unity module, which had previously been used for two years by American controllers to control the ISS and reading the system data of the station when the Russian ground stations were outside the reception area.

In the first weeks spent on board, the crew members activated the main components of the life support system and reopened all kinds of station equipment, laptop computers, work clothes, office supplies, cables and electrical equipment left for them by previous shuttle crews who had conducted a number of supply transport expeditions to the new complex for the past two years.

During the work of the expedition, docking of the station with the Progress M1-4 cargo ships (November 2000), Progress M-44 (February 2001) and the American shuttles Endeavor (December 2000), Atlantis (" Atlantis"; February 2001), Discovery ("Discovery"; March 2001).

The crew carried out studies on 12 different experiments, including Cardio-ODNT (study of the functional capabilities of the human body in space flight), Prognoz (development of a method for the operational prediction of dose loads from cosmic radiation on the crew), Uragan (working out ground-based - space system for monitoring and predicting the development of natural and man-made disasters), "Bend" (determination of the gravitational situation on the ISS, operating conditions of equipment), "Plasma Crystal" (study of plasma-dust crystals and liquids in microgravity), etc.

By furnishing their new home, Gidzenko, Krikalev, and Shepherd set the stage for an extended stay in space and extensive international scientific research for at least the next 15 years.

ISS configuration during the arrival of the first expedition. Station modules (from left to right): KK Soyuz, Zvezda, Zarya and Unity

Here is a short story about the first stage of the construction of the ISS, which began back in 1998. If you are interested, I will be happy to tell you about the further construction of the ISS, expeditions and scientific programs.

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