The danger of coronavirus infection in dogs. Coronavirus in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment

Coronavirus in dogs is a pathology of animals of an infectious nature. A latent course is observed in adults. It proceeds in the respiratory and intestinal form, it is difficult for puppies to tolerate. Treatment is aimed at stabilizing the body and eliminating symptoms. There are no specific drugs for coronavirus.

What is this disease?

Canine coronavirus (CCV) is similar to and dangerous to cats. When a coronavirus infection is diagnosed in dogs, all pets are isolated and tested for the possibility of infection.

The reservoir of Coronaviruses infection is sick pets with severe signs of the disease, or who are virus carriers with a latent course of CCV.

The virus is localized in the gastrointestinal tract, damaging the epithelium, provoking atrophy of the villi. Simultaneously with the change in the structure of the CCV epithelium of the large intestine, it acts on the mesenteric lymph nodes.

Coronavirus infection is widespread everywhere, antibodies to the disease are found in 60% of domestic dogs. In crowded conditions, CCV is detected in dogs regardless of breed and age.

Veterinarians consider coronavirus enteritis in a puppy as a secondary pathogen. There is doubt that CCV acts as a primary pathogen. Although it is isolated from sick animals.

The incubation period for coronavirus is up to 7 days. Antibodies to CCV in the blood are detected on the 5th day. Coronavirus is actively released outside after 2 weeks. The first to be infected are dogs with a low immune status, who have undergone stress or are constantly in it, kept in poor conditions.

Ways of infection

More often, animals with the intestinal form of CCV come to the veterinary clinic, you can “catch” the virus when:

  • contact with a virus carrier;
  • sniffing marks and feces on a walk;
  • food and water intake after sick dogs.

RCoV infection occurs when the virus is shed when sneezing or coughing. Mass infection is observed in places of overcrowding of dogs, packs, kennels, overexposure. The virus enters the upper respiratory tract with subsequent localization in the small intestine.

CCV is able to bypass cell membranes, increase in numbers and negatively affect blood vessels. As a result, edema and hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract develop, digestion is disturbed. Endoscopic examination revealed foci of necrosis, erosion.

Coronavirus persists in the external environment for a long time without losing pathogenic properties. After the treatment of the disease, the dog's habitats, care items, personal items are disinfected.

Intestinal lesion

CCV - coronavirus enteritis, the pathogen is localized in 2/3 of the small intestine, gastrointestinal mucosa, in the mesenteric lymph nodes. In a mild or latent form, gastroenteritis occurs, sometimes other intestinal pathologies join CCV, then the severity of the course of the underlying disease is exacerbated. Mortality purely from CCV is rare.

The clinical picture of infectious enteritis is variable, many signs are hidden. Observed:

  • anorexia;
  • apathy;
  • nausea;
  • rarely - a feverish state.

Sometimes there is simultaneous vomiting, diarrhea with yellow-green feces, watery, often with an orange tint.

Prolonged diarrhea with the development of dehydration is observed in weakened dogs with low immunity. The condition is dangerous for puppies, if left untreated, death occurs.

Respiratory damage

It is designated by the abbreviation RCoV, it was first identified at the beginning of the 21st century, it has no dangerous course. Transmitted by coughing, sneezing in puppies and adult animals. This “cog” in the complex of infections is grouped by veterinarians into the pathology group “kennel cough in dogs”.

During the examination, herpes, adenovirus, parainfluenza, mycoplasmosis, streptococcus, bordetelliosis are found.

Symptoms of the respiratory form of coronavirus are similar to SARS, but are not diagnosed as a single disease.

The reservoir of the virus is sick animals, they must be isolated in quarantine, the room where they were disinfected. The carrier of RCoV is people caring for dogs, the virus can be on hands, shoes, clothes.

Coronavirus in puppies and dogs from a year is manifested by symptoms:

  1. Discharge from the nose (catarrhal, purulent).
  2. sneezing;
  3. Cough.

An increase in temperature is a rare symptom associated with the addition of bacterial microflora or a complication of RCoV pneumonia. Dogs with strong immunity look healthy on the outside, but the virus is actively shedding into the external environment.

There is no exact timing for the latency period for RCoV. In fact, it takes 2-3 days for the development of the respiratory form of coronavirus. The mild course of the disease ends within 7-14 days.

Treatment options for RCoV have not been defined. Specific antiviral therapy has not been developed, symptoms are often relieved, alleviating the condition of the dog and minimizing the spread of the virus within the pack.

Antibiotics are effective for complications (pneumonia, etc.), the dog is isolated for up to 3 weeks, if necessary, placed in a hospital in a separate box.

Coronavirus: diagnosis and examination

The main disadvantage of coronavirus infection is the diversity of symptoms and the similarity of the clinical picture with many diseases. Coronavirus is differentiated from canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis by using ELISA, PCR, ICA methods. They are highly sensitive and in 95% of cases the diagnosis is not difficult.

Without examination of faeces, isolation of virions and electron microscopy data, a conclusion cannot be made.

Treatment for coronavirus in dogs

Treat the animal begin at the first sign of malaise. Puppies up to 4-5 months old are placed in for 2-5 days, especially with sporadic cases of diarrhea and vomiting. Severe dehydration requires the use of fluid therapy, otherwise it is difficult to stabilize the water balance.

With RCoV and CCV, symptomatic treatment is carried out, the negative effect of the virus on the pet's body is suppressed and its condition is alleviated.

With RCoV give:

  • vitamins;
  • mucolytics, expectorants;
  • immunomodulators;
  • hyperimmune sera;
  • use saline.

Be sure to humidify the air, ventilate, viruses do not like clean rooms and air movement. The addition of secondary microflora is excluded, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed.

With CCV give:

  1. Drugs that protect the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Antiemetics.
  3. Medications that relieve pain and spasm.
  4. Stimulating immunity.
  5. Anti-edema drugs.

Antibiotics are prescribed according to indications, with severe dehydration and malnutrition, droppers with solutions of electrolytes, glucose, etc. are used. Parenteral nutrition is included when the dog refuses food for 2-3 days.

There is no clear treatment regimen for coronavirus in dogs. Vaccines have not been developed, in fact, there is no need for vaccination due to the low risk of death. In some cases, they make "Multican", "Duramune MAX 5 L4 CV". In RCoV, CCV vaccines are not effective.

A dog with coronavirus is not dangerous to humans, although a breeder can become an unwitting carrier of the virus to a pet. Simple rules for keeping sick dogs and timely contacting a veterinary clinic will help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Coronavirus is a disease of viral origin that dogs are susceptible to. There are two main types of coronavirus:

  • intestinal;
  • respiratory.

But many veterinarians and scientists are inclined to believe that in reality there are many more types of coronavirus.

In most cases, this disease does not pose a mortal threat to the life of the dog, a serious danger arises only when secondary ailments are added to the coronavirus.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus

In adult animals, most often this disease has no symptoms. But there are times when symptoms in dogs sick coronavirus, still appear, these include:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • decrease in activity;
  • weight loss.

The animal usually vomits first, followed by severe but short-lived diarrhea a few days later. At the same time, the feces are watery with a yellow-greenish tint, while there are no blood impurities. Very rarely, but still there is a fever. With an intestinal form of coronavirus, the main symptoms are severe weight loss and decreased activity.

Sometimes an animal with a coronavirus may experience minor breathing problems, this happens against the background of a weakened immune system. In puppies, the most common symptoms are dehydration and prolonged diarrhea. Young animals infected with the coronavirus are at risk of developing life-threatening complications. These complications include inflammation of the small intestine, which is called enteritis. The inflammation is severe and can be fatal.

Animals infected with coronavirus infection are lethargic and have poor appetite. Puppies with coronavirus refuse to play.

Coronavirus infection poses a serious danger to those animals that are initially weakened. At risk are, first of all, dogs from volunteer shelters. Shelter dogs suffering from coronavirus, even after undergoing treatment, continue to be carriers of the virus, and throughout their lives.

Coronavirus infection that affects dogs is transmitted to pigs and cats, but it is not dangerous for humans.

Forms of the course of coronavirus and its treatment

Coronavirus in dogs can occur in three forms: hyperacute (if other diseases are added to the coronavirus infection), acute and latent.

To detect coronavirus infection in a dog, an immunochromatographic analysis is performed. A popular method for detecting infection is serology, during which blood serum is checked for the presence of antibodies characteristic of this disease. In some cases, electron microscopy is used as a diagnostic method.

To treat coronavirus in dogs, antibiotics are prescribed, as well as drugs to strengthen the immune system, but there is no specific therapy to get rid of this virus yet. In the future, dogs are planned to be vaccinated, and a vaccine has already been developed that will help prevent the development of this disease.

Today, viral diseases are more and more trying to conquer the world. This applies to both human-borne and animal-borne viruses. As soon as virologists bring out a new pathogen and invent a vaccine against it, as soon as this strain begins to mutate and, thereby, form a new variety, which also needs to be studied and developed a new vaccine.

Coronavirus is a type of enteritis that is very common in dogs and other animals. This variety was first discovered in Germany in 1971. As for the dogs in which enteritis was found, they were guard shepherd dogs, which fell ill en masse within the same kennel.

The main forms of coronovirus infection are respiratory and intestinal. Over the past fifty years, many virologists have been trying to study these pathologies and the complications they can cause in more detail.

The incubation period for coronovirus infection is from one to three days. This infection is particularly intense, is considered super contagious and is quite simply transmitted from a sick dog to a healthy one. As for the main route of transmission of the infection, it is feces, which can contain pathological living cells for up to ten days. However, sometimes there are cases when, after a six-month period, the feces still contained active viral pathogens.

A healthy animal can very easily become infected by contact with those containing the pathogen. However, some household products that are slightly soiled with feces can also cause a dog to become infected.

Manifestations of coronovirus infection today are found in animals everywhere. The virus simply infects all breeds, regardless of whether it is a domestic dog or a wild one. Domestic breeds suffer from this disease regardless of their age, height and breed differences. As for people, they do not suffer from coronovirus and are not carriers of it.

The infection is quite actively undergoing the process of reproduction inside the cells of the mucous membranes of the small intestine. As for the complexity of the course of the disease, it is considered relatively mild, since it very often occurs with minimal manifestations, or is generally asymptomatic.

However, if the animal suffers from any chronic diseases, or the coronovirus infects the body along with other viral or bacterial infections, then the course of the disease can become very complicated. Complications can be very serious and carry some threat, both to the health and sometimes to the life of the animal. Therefore, it is also worth noting that when the animal's body was affected exclusively by a coronovirus infection, in the entire history of the existence of the pathology, only a few deaths were recorded, exclusively among.

The main symptoms of coronovirus enteritis

Symptoms of coronovirus infection may differ from each other in each case. This or that sign, mainly depends on the individual characteristics of the animal organism. Adults almost always tolerate it completely asymptomatically, which is the reason that the owners may simply not pay attention to any changes in the behavior and condition of their pet.

In some cases, coronovirus enteritis can manifest itself in a form that happens once, a maximum of two times. Also during the incubation period, in most cases, there is an indomitable or prolonged disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

During diarrhea, the dog's stool is very watery, yellow or greenish in color. In some cases, an atypical orange color may be noted. As for febrile manifestations, they are noted quite rarely, while anorexia is quite common and is a detrimental consequence of coronovirus infection in dogs.

Coronavirus in dogs symptoms and treatment are reduced to symptomatic elimination of the manifestations of explosive diarrhea and relief of gag reflexes.

If the coronavirus is a type of respiratory disease, then there may be some redness in the throat and adjacent mucous membranes. This is due to a reduced immune system, due to concomitant chronic diseases.

If puppies suffer from this enteritis, then diarrhea can drag on for a very long time. In this case, characteristic dehydration is observed, which can result in anorexia, requiring complex treatment.

In general, it is worth noting that puppies are more susceptible to infection with coronavirus and complications are more common in this age group than in adults. Some puppies that have a very weak immune system and don't get the right treatment in time can die from this disease.

Features of the treatment of coronovirus enteritis

Puppies are an age category that requires special attention due to the fact that, having become infected with a coronovirus, they become the most vulnerable. Most experienced veterinarians emphasize that such a seemingly harmless disease as coronavirus enteritis, which is not dangerous for adult dogs, can cause the death of a growing puppy. Here the bill goes for days, in just a couple of days the animal can die.

The treatment of coronavirus in dogs is practically not limited to any medical measures. Adult individuals, as a rule, are able to overcome an infectious disease themselves. However, in order not to worry and be sure that this is a coronavirus infection that does not require emergency measures, you should seek the advice of a highly qualified veterinarian. The doctor will conduct a survey of the owner of the animal, determine the most common manifestations of the disease, and also determine a further plan of treatment.

However, if the diagnosis is nevertheless confirmed, and the symptoms do not disappear over a certain period of time, it is worth thinking about the presence of concomitant diseases. For this, it is necessary to carefully examine the animal and prescribe adequate treatment for it.

If for some time there are signs of a secondary bacterial infection, then it is worth considering the advisability of taking antibacterial drugs.

Coronavirus is a disease that requires careful monitoring and timely treatment to exclude severe and prolonged dehydration of the animal's body.

Two varieties of the virus have been discovered that cause diseases characterized by unequal symptoms. These are RNA molecules surrounded by a protein capsule. The intestinal variety of the virus occurs inside the nursery and proceeds with signs of enteritis. The respiratory type is spread exclusively by aerosol and belongs to a group of pathogens called kennel cough.

About half of the adult dog population is believed to be carriers of the coronavirus. They look clinically healthy, and the disease occurs when the body is weakened by adverse environmental factors. The danger to life is not the coronavirus, but more formidable infections that a weakened immune system is not able to fight.

The virus is unstable in the external environment, defenseless against disinfectants, which excludes the occurrence of epizootics. The chance of infection of an animal living at home is small, but if the dog is taken from a shelter or a problematic kennel, then the appearance of symptoms of the disease cannot be ruled out.

Coronavirus enteritis

The most dangerous form of the disease. It is characterized by a short - 1-3 days - incubation period. For the next two weeks, the animal actively sheds the virus, infecting others. Recovered puppies can become carriers of contagion for life, remaining clinically healthy. In adolescents and adult dogs, the disease is mild and ends in recovery.

With puppies 1-2 months of age, everything is different. The main danger is the addition of concomitant microflora. A person is not infected and cannot become a carrier of the coronavirus.


The virus destroys the epithelial cells of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, intestines and endothelium of blood vessels. There is edema, hyperemia, digestive function is disturbed. Cells of the mucosa die, defects are formed, into which conditionally pathogenic microflora penetrates. If parvovirus joins the pathological process, the disease most often ends in the death of the puppy.

Forms of the disease

Coronavirus enteritis occurs in the following forms:

  1. Lightning fast.
  2. Acute.
  3. Hidden.


Clinical signs depend on the form of the disease. A hyperacute course occurs on the day of the onset of symptoms or the next day, indicates the accession of parvovirus or rotavirus, and is characterized by high mortality. It is characterized by the following features:

  • sudden watery diarrhea;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • hyperthermia, >41°.

An acute course is manifested by such symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • anorexia;
  • thirst;
  • dehydration;
  • diarrhea, feces fetid, greenish;
  • feces are initially mushy, then become watery.

The latent form proceeds with erased symptoms, characterized by weight loss, developmental delay, and occasional diarrhea.


A provisional diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical symptoms. Unlike parvovirus enteritis, blood does not appear in the feces immediately. Excrement is initially mushy, then acquires a watery consistency. Of the laboratory methods, ICA (immunochromatic analysis) is the most informative.

Treatment and possible complications

Specific treatment for coronavirus enteritis has not been developed. The therapeutic strategy is aimed at eliminating painful symptoms, primarily dehydration. Cerucal is administered to stop vomiting. Then subcutaneous injections of saline solutions with glucose are used for detoxification, as well as restoration of water and electrolyte balance.

Antimicrobial agents are prescribed if there are signs of accession of the second microflora. They use medicines that support cardiac activity, as well as restorative agents, vitamin preparations. To normalize digestion, sorbents, probiotics, prebiotics are used.

A recovered puppy may experience the following complications:

  • developmental delay;
  • lameness;
  • benign neoplasms in the mouth, which are removed promptly;
  • cardiac failure;
  • cholecystitis;
  • infertility in bitches with preserved estrus.

In most situations, the above symptoms resolve within 6 to 8 months, or they resolve on their own.

Respiratory form

It occurs predominantly in adolescents and the elderly. The symptoms are similar to the common cold. If possible, the sick are separated, provided with comfortable maintenance and full feeding. In most cases, drug treatment is not required. If a secondary infection joins, antibiotic therapy is practiced.


In addition to the organization of comfortable maintenance and proper feeding, vaccination is carried out. For immunization against coronavirus enteritis, the Vanguard Plus 5 L4 CV biological product has been used since six weeks, and Multican-4 since eight weeks. Vaccines do not provide 100% protection against this disease, but the disease is mild, responds well to treatment, and is not accompanied by complications. A reliable way to protect puppies from infection is considered to be vaccination of bitches before mating.

Most adult dogs are carriers of the coronavirus infection. It strikes weakened animals. Of particular danger is the intestinal form of 1-2-month-old puppies. Treatment consists in eliminating painful symptoms. Prevention consists in the organization of good nutrition, comfortable maintenance and vaccination.

Coronavirus enteritis(CCV) is a highly contagious bowel disease and is found in dogs all over the world. This virus is specific to dogs, both wild and domestic. Reproduction of coronavirus is limited to the small intestine and local lymph nodes.

Canine coronavirus infection is generally considered to be a relatively mild illness with sporadic symptoms. But if infection with coronavirus occurs simultaneously with parvovirus, or infections caused by other intestinal pathogens, the consequences can be much more serious, and death is not uncommon in puppies.

Symptoms and types

Symptoms of enteritis (CCV infection) may vary. In adult dogs, infection often occurs without any symptoms. Sometimes the only symptom may be vomiting, as well as explosive diarrhea (yellow-green or orange liquid) lasting several days. Fever is observed, as a rule, very rarely, while food refusal and depression are quite common. Sometimes an infected dog has mild respiratory problems.

Puppies can experience persistent diarrhea and dehydration and are most at risk of developing serious complications from this virus. Severe enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine) due to coronavirus in young puppies sometimes leads to death.

The most common source of CCV is contact with fecal particles from an infected dog. Viral particles can remain in the body and be excreted in the feces for up to six months. An increased susceptibility of a dog to enteritis (CCV infections) can be caused by excessive training intensity, crowded housing, unsanitary conditions.


Coronavirus infection usually shares some common symptoms with other bacterial, viral or protozoal infections, as well as general intoxication or food intolerance. Thus, a number of tests are often needed to determine the real cause of an infection.


Affected puppies need careful care. Even brief symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting can be fatal in a puppy with an underdeveloped immune system.

Most adult dogs will be able to recover from CCV infection on their own and without medication. In some cases, diarrhea can last up to 12 days, and soft stools can last for several weeks. If the infection causes inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis), respiratory problems, antibiotics will be needed. In the event of prolonged or severe diarrhea, the dog may require additional rehydration (intravenous infusion).

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