Unusual show for the event. interactive show. Find a chair, Japan

On the eve of each new year, the management of modern companies asks the question: what kind of corporate show to order to make it even more interesting than last year? In this regard, we bring to the attention of the audience the top 17 shows of the original genre, which are popular in our time.

1. Show of giant soap bubbles

In the modern version, you will see bubbles with smoke, square-shaped bubbles and even an aquarium with soap bubbles. And most importantly - each of the employees will be able to be under the soapy film of a giant transparent ball!

Everyone will like this format of the show, especially if the majority of the team is women. Presented by an experienced chef, a master class on preparing mouth-watering dishes will end with a tasting of them by all those present at the corporate party.

But the show of mixing exotic cocktails performed by dexterous bartenders will delight the male part of any company.

4. Interactive paper show

A driving and emotional spectacle in which all employees take part. Falling paper ribbons, scatterings of confetti everywhere, figures made of paper of the most bizarre shape - you have never seen this material in such quantity and from such an angle.

A multimedia musical show with fountains illuminated by colored beams is a truly enchanting performance, the beauty of which will not leave any of the guests indifferent.

6. Circus show with animals

Spectacular numbers with pigeons, trained monkeys or porcupines will decorate any corporate event. And the amazing tricks with the rooster as the main symbol of the upcoming 2017 will remain in the memory of everyone.

7. Parody show

Anyone who wants to hear congratulations from pop stars, politicians, hosts at a corporate party should invite one or more artists who brilliantly imitate the voices of famous people and the sounds made by animals. Rooster koo-ka-re-ku will be the final chord of the program.

During such an event, artists perform before the public, whose bodies are colorfully painted with bizarre patterns, drawings, and signs.

9. Show of magicians

Card tricks and manipulations with objects performed by a professional magician will surprise you and plunge you into the illusory world of magic.

Those who have been waiting for the onset of their "finest hour" for a long time - rejoice! Thanks to a karaoke show at a corporate party, both colleagues and bosses will learn about your singing talent.

An acrobatic duet or trio with performances filled with plasticity and grace will truly decorate your corporate party.

Modern Russian heroes will amaze everyone with their abilities to tie metal rods into a knot, inflate rubber heating pads to burst, tear thick reference books in half.

The artists, dressed in neon suits, moving to the groovy musical rhythms, will perfectly “warm up” the atmosphere before a corporate disco. The show takes place in complete darkness, due to which the speakers seem to be space aliens.

Fascinating music, a dark hall and the artist's hands creating light images on the screen. You can suggest any topic for playback, including those related to your company. As one of the characters in the dynamic picture, you can choose a symbolic rooster.

A beautiful dress, delicious treats, an incredible host - all this adds up to a mosaic of an enchanting celebration. But so that it does not lose its emotional intensity even for a second, this mosaic lacks one big detail. The one that will make every guest gasp, get a smartphone and film what is happening on video. And the bride and groom - to cry that the wedding is planned in life only once. In order for the wedding to be brought to the absolute ideal, you should definitely include a show program in it. Read, meet and choose: your perfect detail is definitely hidden in this article.

Ferjulyan show

Fire show

We were simple fireworkers, we performed in nightclubs on the Black Sea coast. In the regions, the fire show genre was new. But upon arrival in Moscow, we became one of many and far from the best. What to do? What to stand out? How to get through? All subsequent years we have been looking for and developing our competitive advantages. We upgraded the huge pyrotechnic department in our company and were the first in the event market to combine musical fireworks with fire show performances. Further more. Lighting devices, special effects, stage structures, scenery began to be added to street shows ... If we talk about the creative part, at first the work went on with one or two programs in the same costumes. But at one point, a cool creative team gathered, with which we began to make exclusive performances, stylized under the theme of a particular holiday. Today Ferjulyan Show is a completely independent company, we do not need intermediaries and third parties. On one day we can organize and hold up to 10 events at the same time!

In general, any where there is a wedding dinner. Imagine the intensity of the wedding day: an exciting meeting of the newlyweds, an emotional registration, chic scenery, a host who will make everyone laugh. But in the evening, the guests are already tired, and the holiday begins to “sag”. Everything was organized at the highest level, but the wedding lacks a beautiful, large-scale finale that will put a bold final touch and make everyone present forget about fatigue. A beautiful show program is a cool ending to an ideal wedding.

Did you have fails? Tell me.

Of course. And the more project you do, the more opportunities to mess up. And in recent years, all our shows are great works. Once they did a 10-minute fireworks display that went off in one second. It was fun.

When respectable men with flashing lights and guards began to rejoice and jump like schoolchildren.

What was the biggest event you've worked on this season?

One of the biggest projects this season was at Zhavoronki Event Hall. Once again, we decided to surpass our own bar and did something that we had never done before.
On the first day of July, the premiere of our new show “Smoke On The Water” took place with a live performance of a symphony orchestra!

The show with classic rock hits in symphonic arrangement lasted 18 minutes. Nearly 50 artists were involved, and a three-level stage was built especially for them. Musicians, dancers and dancers, fireworkers, rhythmic gymnasts, figure skaters, an aerialist - all together participated in this incredible spectacle. It was a completely new fusion of such different genres. And it was really hot! Now we dream of performing in this format with Leps or the Leningrad group.

Wedding agency . Ferjulyan Shaw is a team of professionals with an impeccable reputation, they really support every project and have an incredible capacity for work! The good news is that despite the huge number of projects, they maintain an excellent level of service quality and offer shows for almost any budget. What we especially like about this team is that they are happy to embark on any adventure, ready for non-standard solutions in order to reach a new level - the degree of their customer focus has never caused us any complaints. And finally, they are just wonderful guys, with whom it is very pleasant to communicate in any situation.

Evgeny Kaverzin

Magician, illusionist

How did you come to what you are doing now?

I was fond of tricks from early childhood, this is the merit of my father. He is still a joker, he often played pranks on my brother and me. The turning point in favor of a professional career happened unexpectedly, as they say, misfortune helped. I broke both arms! Simultaneously! While developing them, he achieved good dexterity in manipulating various small objects: cards, pens, coins. And he began to perform in the genre of prestige. This is one of the hardest genres in illusion!

What is your favorite part of a wedding?

I love the end of the wedding, it has a special magic. Everyone has already said kind words, danced from the heart. It's time for the newlyweds to respond. I have a very gentle and at the same time exciting trick in my repertoire: the levitation of the bride. To instrumental music, we pre-record a declaration of love from the bride to the groom. It's a surprise. And so I invite her to the stage. In a delicate white dress, she is beautiful. My assistants whirl in the dance, and we lift the bride into the air when she says that she is soaring with love. A complete blast! This is such an emotional moment that tears appear in the eyes of both the groom and the bride.

If a guest comes up to you and asks to surprise you, what will you do?

When someone asks me to surprise me backstage, I begin to tell that it is very difficult to show tricks, that each trick requires long and painstaking preparation ... And in the meantime, I discreetly remove the belt, tie or watch from the interlocutor (as it goes). And already saying goodbye, I say: “But so that you are not upset that I did not surprise you, I want to give you a memorable gift ...” And I hand over the person his own things. It's very funny! Once I handed back a watch with the engraving "FSB of the Russian Federation".

There was an incident at a corporate event, I still remember. When the item of the spectator disappeared from my hands, confetti rained down from my hands. A man from the audience jumped up to me, fell on his knees and began to be amazed to collect these shiny papers from the floor and eagerly examine them. He sincerely could not believe his eyes. Not the last person in the company, at that time still sober. This is how I turned the focus into a miracle.

Who would you like to work with as a duo?

There are many artists I would like to experiment with. I have a magic box with which I play with the appearance of people. This season it turned out very cool with Dmitry Nagiyev: I beat the transformation of the host of the anniversary evening into Dmitry. The effect of surprise worked for all 100. The audience was stunned. What if you are lucky to do something similar with Vladimir Vladimirovich, say, at the G7 summit?

How to become as cool a magician as you are?

You need to practice. I rehearse every day for about four hours. And there is one more secret of success ... But this is a secret.

Grandiose Holidays Studio, Samara. Evgeny Kaverzin is a very cool professional, we have known him for probably ten years. He is a person who is very serious about both the program and his appearance at events, who has everything thought out to the smallest detail, from the costume to the hair. Eugene is a professional with a capital letter, whose skill level is much higher than that of many in Russia. His most frequent program is interactive, when he invites guests to participate, interacts with them, because now people are not interested in just sitting and watching. And most importantly, Evgeny has so many numbers that even if one company invites him 3-4 times, he always brings new ones.

How did you come to what you are doing now?

We've been together for 11 years! We started in a very famous fire show. There we learned what is needed for a great show and what is not needed. The head of the team motivated us by the fact that soon we will be touring around the world. We never waited for this, left and created the Extravaganza show, where we were able to realize everything that we had lacked before.

What kind of wedding needs artists?

If this is not a chamber celebration for two, then for anyone! We have performed at chamber weddings with no more than 10 guests, and at magnificent celebrations with more than 100 invited guests.

We perform a lot in Arab countries, where the audience is more restrained in emotions. They like it, they watch, shoot on the phone, but they will not scream during the performance. At first we were very embarrassed, then we got used to it. The Indian audience is very responsive. But still, the Russian audience is the most emotional!

Do you have work injuries?

We professionally work with fire, at work we do not have industrial injuries. It may seem to the viewer that we are playing, but this is not a game, but a strict adherence to the rules. At the same time, the most offensive thing is when we burn ourselves on an iron or on a stove at home.

Are your own weddings just as colorful, with artists, or are they more homely, quieter celebrations?

In our team there is a married couple Sveta and Slava. They had an office romance-themed wedding because they met at work. The guys made a funny video based on the movie. Last year, our Maya had a wedding, and her feature was a surprise from the bride for the groom! We made a number from the highlights of all our programs. But the artists were not in costumes for performances, but in beautiful evening dresses. The bride's wedding dress shone! The surprise was a success, the groom was moved to tears!

Who or what inspires you?

We are inspired by the audience! There are millions of ways to implement show ideas. But the main thing for us is that it was beautiful. Very beautiful! So that the viewer says "Wow!"

, wedding planner. Now there are some good laser shows on the market, but I have worked with Extravaganza on several occasions. First of all, as an organizer, I really like their program. When we planned the wedding, I immediately knew who I could propose. In addition to the bright program, the participants of the show have very good and expensive costumes. With the team, you can always agree on timing: where to reduce, where to increase, where to pay more attention to the newlyweds. It is very comfortable with them.

Ilya Orekhov

beatbox show

How did you come to what you are doing now?

He received a classical education in the flute class, but to realize himself on stage, something unique was required.

I love stadium performances, this is a different reality, different sensations, an explosion from the outside and at the same time maximum concentration in oneself ... Space. Perhaps the largest "cosmos" happened at HIPHOPMAYDAY, Luzhniki. There were 120,000 spectators.

"Beatbox is not for a wedding." How do you respond to such objections?

Perhaps I agree. And perhaps I will offer my show to help prove otherwise.

The most unusual audience reaction to your performance?

It was about 5 years ago at a corporate party. The drunken guest threw forks, spoons, knives at the speakers all evening. I was no exception. It was impossible to expel him, since he was the general director. Very unusual.

Have you had any funny things? Tell me.

My favorite: the SKK stadium, tens of thousands of spectators. Captured by the performance, I step on the wire of my microphone. By inertia, he knocks out a piece of my tooth. Of course, no one noticed this, but it's not a curiosity.

Your future - how do you see it?

Let me quote Seneca: "Like a fable, so life is valued not for its length, but for its content."

Who inspires you?

The last 5 years are my children.

Wedding agency Royal Wedding, St. Petersburg. Ilya's program itself is non-standard and unusual. Most people expect to see an illusionist, fireworks or a fire show at the wedding, but when an artist of such an original, modern and trendy genre as beatbox performs, it always surprises and responds to guests and is remembered as something extraordinary. That is why we often recommend Ilya to our newlyweds. Plus, it has such an interactive feature as the creation of a wedding anthem, in which everyone can participate. It turns out such a mini-flashmob. Knowing the level of Ilya's work, the format and scale of the events at which he performs, we can say that he also has a certain image and status, which can also “bribe” the newlyweds when choosing one or another artist.

Stigma Show

Light and fire show

How did you come to what you are doing now?

Alexander Moon, founder of Stigma Show: 11 years ago I became interested in playing with fire. After 3 months of training, my friend offered to perform with her, and I was even paid well after. I think it was not me who chose the stage, but she chose me.

How do your new acquaintances react when they learn about your profession?

Admire, envy, order.

What kind of wedding needs artists?

For anyone, because a wedding is a celebration of life, and what is a celebration of life without a wow effect?

Who designs ideas, costumes, props for your shows?

Ideas are generated collectively, but our Masha sews, rivets and solders them. (Maria Moon, dancer and acrobat)

Have you had any fails in performances?

At the very beginning of our career, we performed on the embankment. As always, a strong wind was blowing. At the most inopportune moment, the wind lifted my long braid, and my fire props wound around it. I was completely unprepared for this turn of events. The groom was ready. He took off his jacket and heroically put out the fire right on me. It looked like a planned feat from the groom.

What was the biggest event you've ever worked on?

Wedding in India in the city of palaces Udaipur. We performed ten of us on stage with the artists of the Cirque du Soleil. We brought there 436 kilograms of our equipment from Russia.

What's the most unexpected audience reaction you've seen?

A cry from the audience "I want children from you."

Performances in Russia and abroad: is there a difference?

We have no boundaries for a long time. We live on the Earth. Therefore, for us there is no difference where to perform. We are well received everywhere.

Wedding agency Oros Wedding, St. Petersburg. Stigma Show is a one of a kind show. They are distinguished not only by their refined movements, but by the fact that this is a truly extraordinary spectacle, a real performance. For all numbers, participants change their images, there are several types of programs. There is a fire show: if the site conditions allow, you can make an enchanting end to the wedding celebration on this note and add fire. In addition, Alexander Moon is a very creative person in terms of his approach, and the team also has a laser show, which is a plus if fire is not allowed on the site for safety reasons. Not only newlyweds often choose it to end the day, but parents also order it as a surprise for them. Of course, a lot depends on the style of the wedding, and if it is not strict and pompous, but more modern, in a loft or in an open area, then such a performance looks very harmonious.

Ivan Usov

bartender show

How did you come to what you are doing now?

I got a job as a bartender. I really liked this job, I tried to learn everything as quickly as possible. But most of all I was fascinated by the art of juggling bar props. I trained a lot, performed at competitions, and later began to perform at banquets. So I could get my hands on it. But it was still far from a real show program, just juggling bottles with cocktails. Over time, I met good artists, received an education in my specialty and developed.

You should always try to be better than you were yesterday and than you are today. Then success comes by itself.

What kind of wedding needs artists?

An interactive show is a solution for those who have long been cramped within the usual entertainment genres. It can be an expressive dance synchronized with video projection and laser special effects, or the creation of complex animated scenes right in front of the audience... Or perhaps it will be a spectacular show program with many game moments in which the audience will be invited to take a direct part. In other words, an interactive show always gives room for experiments and installations that can surprise everyone!

We live in an era of synthesis of arts and high technologies. Ordering an interactive show for a holiday is an idea quite in the spirit of our crazy times! This section of the catalog contains interactive shows of different styles and trends. Some are characterized by reckless humor, others - deep conceptuality. You can always choose the option that suits your event and is able to interest your audience. Master class, performance, interactive digital art? Why not!

Interactive show for the event

Involving the audience is a sure way to keep guests from getting bored at the holiday and leave it full of new experiences. The variety of such entertainment is truly amazing.

Interactive at the holiday for any audience

For lovers of technology, you can invite real robots, which you can not only touch, look from the side, but also communicate, push buttons and generally feel for yourself that the future has already come. And for lovers of antiquities, even a dinosaur is in store.
Classical in this genre, of course, are the shows of illusionists. For several hundred years, magicians have been coming up with new tricks, taking the audience to the stage, but they still fail to understand how this or that trick is performed. "The world is full of mysteries! Mystic!" - they exclaim in surprise and then for a long time they try to give a logical explanation for what they saw at the fakir's performance.

Of course, the most grateful audience of such performances are the smallest. Interactive shows for children are ideal for matinees, birthdays and other children's events. The programs of some of the artists in our catalog are built in the format of fairy tales especially for children, so that it would be interesting for children to contact the actors.

Now it has become popular at events and interactive in the form of master classes. After all, an eternal student has been sitting inside everyone all his life, who is always happy to learn something new, try something interesting, for example, perform a series of chemical experiments or create a cosmetic product with his own hands as a gift. Learn more about the interactive programs of the artists presented in our catalog , you can by looking at their profile pages. The materials posted on them will help you get the right impression about the performing teams.

Your attention is presented to the section of the portal Artist.ru dedicated to information about the artists of the original genre in Moscow. Do you know what an original genre is? In general, this concept can mean almost anything. For example, an artist of the original genre may be engaged in throwing knives, or playing a burning guitar. Any talent that does not fall under the generally accepted definition and framework is an artist of the original genre. Yogis and ventriloquists, psychics and sword swallowers and many others can fall into this category of artists.

If you need artists of the original Moscow genre, then you have come to the right place. Add unusual and amazing numbers to the ongoing show program of your holiday!

Artists of the original genre

If you have even acted as an artist of the theater of the original genre, want to work and take part in festive events, show programs, register on the site Artist.ru, and your data will be available in the catalog in the "Artists of the original genre" section. Your potential employer will be able to easily contact you.

Maxim Korotkov, a partner of MAX \ MAX productions, spoke about modern trends in the global technical and show production of the editors of the site.

In recent years, the industry of technical and show production has been developing truly by leaps and bounds. No one can deny that today fantasy and technology are inextricably linked. Imagination gives impetus to the development of technology, and technology, in turn, provides the basis for new fantasies. And this is a process that cannot be stopped! What seemed impossible just a few years ago is being realized today. And what seemed unique yesterday is becoming a ubiquitous trend today and is used in every second event.

So without what, today it is already impossible to imagine a full-fledged show?


The free transformation of the stage space allows the directors of show programs to feel absolutely free in their fantasies. Modern theater and concert equipment has been powerfully modified in the direction of machinery and space transformation. Remember, until quite recently, everything that was installed or hung in the hall was bulky and functionally limited.

Today, the stage can suddenly change height, shape, area, or even begin to float in the air. This gives directors the ability to use dozens of instruments simultaneously in one show.

However, the complication of functionality and characteristics did not make the equipment logistics more complicated. On the contrary, structures have become lighter and more mobile, and installation takes less and less time. This allows artists not to limit themselves in the development of even those scenes with which they plan to go on a world tour. Today, moving gigantic sets like spaceships, dragons, and trains is the norm and an indicator of the high level of the show.

The most interesting examples of the use of modern technologies:

Take That Progress Tour: at the end of the concert, a huge twenty-meter metal man seems to come to life and rises to his feet in the center of the site.

Justin Timberlake The 20/20 Experience: the artist moves throughout the dance sector on a bridge floating in the air, which is disconnected from the main stage.

Sensation Wicked Wonderland: the dynamic wings of the stage are constantly changing their position in space.

Dynamic screens and variety of video surfaces

Not so long ago, the admiration of the viewer increased in direct proportion to the area of ​​the screen on the stage, today this is not enough. The task of any set designer is to completely immerse yourself in the concept, change the mood and constantly surprise the viewer.

Technologies allow video surfaces to move throughout the space of the stage and hall in different planes with the help of rotary and sliding mechanisms, as well as dynamic winches, connect into one plane and crumble into small parts. But do not forget that without good content, all this is meaningless.

Worth seeing examples:

London Olympic Games Opening Ceremony: LED elements were integrated next to each seating cluster in the spectator stands, which, on a general scale, made up a giant screen.

Beyonce Formation Tour: the central element and decoration of the stage was a giant rotating video cube.

Light fixtures of a new type

The evolution of lighting equipment also does not lag behind the constructive one. Once upon a time, the first sign of the development of the light industry was the Clay Paky Sharpy device, which gives narrow concentrated beams of light. Even then it became clear that classical light is not enough to create a full-fledged picture that can amaze the viewer. And now, one after another, hybrid devices are appearing, combining different technologies at the same time, for example, light and video.

The most notable instances:

Ayrton MagicPanel Twin: one side is a light fixture, the other side is an LED screen.

Robe Patt: large spotlight warm light. Previously, such a device was used only on TV and filming.

Barco Tube: compact tube suitable for both architectural and concert lighting, as well as for use as a video screen element.

Clay Packy Stormy: now the strobe can reproduce flashes of any color.

Show batten: architectural lighting device with wide functionality.


With the development of technology, the demands of customers are growing, and the word "exclusivity" has become the fundamental basis of all the wishes for the show. We often hear that we want something new and unusual. But we all know that the production of an individual solution is not a cheap pleasure. But there is a way out - this is "mixing".

The symbiosis of standard tools can give the very “exclusive”: water on the same stage with fire, integration of equipment into scenery, interaction of special effects with video content, a combination of different video surfaces, and more. The main thing is not to stop dreaming.

Unique materials in decor

The world is actively developing a whole industry of production of high-tech materials, which are designed to solve the most complex and incredible tasks. New items can have several, at first glance, incompatible properties at once: they can be both transparent and opaque at the same time. To be ultra-light and flexible, but at the same time continue to withstand the craziest loads. In one form or another, you will find these synthetic technologies in 80% of the top events on the planet, because they allow the director's team not to put themselves in the box of rental opportunities or well-known decisions. And the main secret is that they are available, including for events with by no means space budgets.

Pre-programming show

The key to the success of any project lies in its preparation. This also applies to the technical component of the show. Not so long ago, the possibility of advance preparation appeared on the Russian market, and we are glad that today software and specialists are able to offer high-quality services in this area. For example, by pre-programming the lights in the studio, you can save rehearsal time and get a more detailed show. And aligning the work of all equipment according to the timecode will allow the show to calmly “start with one button”.

If you haven't joined the army of do-it-yourselfers yet, just try taking your event design to a whole new level. As a result, the money spent will be more than compensated by the convenience of working on the site, minimizing errors and increasing the quality level of the show.

Wireless technologies

Battery-powered lighting devices, signal transmission, control of equipment and scenery via Wi Fi - all this is already real! After all, this not only eliminates kilometers of wires on the site, but also makes it possible to install equipment anywhere. Sometimes only this can save and develop an interesting project idea.

Direct interaction between artist and technique

Sometimes even a programmed show or a super professional control room is not able to feel the next movement of the artist at the right moment in order to react to it in time. Now the performer himself can control a part of the lighting equipment or simulate video content directly from the stage, giving commands online with his movements. Robots, drones and artificial intelligence are already performing on stage with the artist, sometimes replacing him at the right moments.

Replacing content with live streaming

An undeniable trend of recent years, which you can observe at all the latest sensational concerts, is virtuoso work with live broadcast. And it's not broadcasting a close-up of the artist to the side screens. This is a full-fledged use of the broadcast as the main video content. A variety of angles, instant color correction of the image, the overlay of graphics and special effects on video in real time. Such an approach, of course, requires full and thorough preparation, writing an accurate script and storyboard for every moment of the show. But it's worth it!


I am sure that each of the readers can give examples that he remembers.

The future has already arrived!

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that these and other trends in technical and show production will be discussed by the speakers of the ONstage forum, which will be held on September 15-16 as part of the Prolight + Sound NAMM exhibition.

The ONstage forum is the only forum of show industry professionals in Russia. This is a meeting place for technical directors, directors, decorators, representatives of the largest venues, as well as clients and heads of event agencies in order to establish a fruitful dialogue between industry representatives.

It is called "Future Emotions". It is dedicated to the near future of the industry, new technologies and techniques that are coming to the market and the unique emotions and impressions of the viewers.

An exclusive part of the program will be the first-ever dialogue between specialists and world-famous production companies, behind which the most sensational world events such as the Olympics, Muse. Drones World Tour, Beyoncé. Formation World Tour" and others.

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