A non-classical, but strong marriage: the compatibility of a Pisces man and a Capricorn woman. Horoscope Capricorn-Pisces - compatibility and harmony. What does the perfect couple look like: compatibility Capricorn and Pisces men

A man under the sign of Pisces and a woman of Capricorn have quite stable compatibility. The main thing is that they must make concessions and find mutual understanding. There are other points that this couple should know about before entering into a business or love relationship.

Compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope

Pisces often lack realism. A man of this zodiac sign can immerse himself in the inner world. Sometimes he shows naivety and gets confused in his feelings. The Capricorn woman has no such problems. It has many positive qualities: logic, practicality, thriftiness, perseverance, loyalty, diligence, reliability, calmness and patience.

Pisces men also have attractive character traits, including: softness, romance, sensuality, compliance, tenderness, loyalty and caring.

Partners complement each other well, despite opposite temperaments. Therefore, their compatibility in a love relationship is quite high. However, the Capricorn woman is not so easy to conquer. For starters, you should take care of her affairs and health. She will not tolerate lies and betrayal, flirting with others or making fun of her in front of friends. Such a girl is difficult to achieve, and falling out of love is even more difficult.

Overall Compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

This couple has good prospects for developing a strong relationship. Mutual love can awaken their best qualities in Capricorn and Pisces. Both are very caring, attentive and can count on a partner in any situation. People around envy lovers, and close people sincerely rejoice for them.

Both partners value constancy and are not going to exchange for easy intrigues. Therefore, often their connection leads to an official marriage. After marriage, the woman takes on the role of leader. Harmony in the house will depend on how wisely she behaves.

If a woman earns more than her husband, then the husband will take over the housework. If Capricorn notices a high potential in Pisces, then he will direct the man in the right direction and help him move up the career ladder.

Capricorn and Pisces are excellent parents, and a woman is usually more strict than a man. She will spend all her free time with the child.

Compatibility in love relationships: 5 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

Compatibility in bed for these signs can be both difficult and good. Problems usually arise due to different attitudes towards intimacy. Pisces dissolve in a partner, they want to exchange affection and tenderness in private. A man loves when a girl undresses him slowly and erotically. He strives to realize his dreams and fantasies, so such a guy is looking for an active and experienced woman.

The Capricorn girl is often reserved and shy to open up to her partner. She needs a lot of time to completely surrender to the guy. She won't rip a man's clothes off and never loses control.

If Capricorn can show his emotions, give up stereotypes, get rid of tightness, then the couple will experience true pleasure. The main thing is not to be rude towards a man. Perseverance and severity can push him away, because he is very vulnerable and touchy.

A girl should tell her partner about her desires and preferences. You need to be more careful to keep him satisfied.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5

friendship compatibility

If Capricorn and Pisces begin to communicate closely, this indicates mutual attraction, and not a friendship that has arisen. They will not have many common themes or hobbies, most often they look at each other as a potential partner. If both people are free, they will definitely start an affair.

If the girl is married and the guy is married, their partners need to be on their guard. Despite the fidelity of the signs, strong feelings can arise between them, with which they are unable to cope. Often this happens if they are not completely satisfied with the second half.

In rare cases, Capricorn and Pisces become real friends, at most, they will make good friends. Unforeseen circumstances and the peculiar character of a man can play a cruel joke with them. Pisces do not know how to keep secrets in friendship. Therefore, you should not tell the guy all the secrets.

Friendly compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Compatibility of signs in the business sphere can hardly be called successful. These people have a completely different approach to work. Capricorn strives for career growth and prosperity, responsibly treats any tasks. Pisces love stability and don't like rush or fuss. A man is often distracted and lazy.

These signs of the zodiac can be united by a common cause in business. They are suitable for such a field as jurisprudence. A man is not created for hard physical labor, he often lacks perseverance and ambition. Fine mental organization allows the watermark to achieve success in the field of psychology, sociology, philosophy.

It is better if a man obeys the boss Capricorn. She is a born leader who can achieve success in her work. However, the low working capacity of a man can be a reason for his dismissal.

If a woman is a subordinate, and a man is a boss, this is a bad combination. The business qualities of Capricorn will be wasted. The girl will work under the guidance of Pisces until she finds a more promising place. Thus, a man needs a guiding hand that will constantly inspire him.

Business compatibility: 3 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

For an ideal relationship, a woman lacks gentleness and sympathy. A man needs to stop living offended. There are other horoscope tips that will help improve relationships in a couple:

  • It is important for Pisces to be understood. A man wants to be listened to and supported.
  • In bed, you can not subjugate or suppress a partner, this will offend him.
  • A woman should be prepared for the fact that she will have to solve financial difficulties on her own.
  • If a quarrel occurs in a relationship, the partners will solve the problem on their own. However, in some cases, you need to turn to the help of relatives or psychologists.
  • The more often the husband will praise his wife and admire her, the more she will love him. If she feels desired, she will be able to have fun in bed with a partner.
  • You can surprise a man with gentle confessions and special words after intimacy.

Relationship Benefits

Partners perfectly complement each other, help and support in everything. This union has certain advantages:

  1. Capricorn will teach Pisces to look at things realistically and sensibly. A man will begin to be guided by logic and will cease to succumb to mood. He will become stronger and more persistent.
  2. With Pisces, a woman will learn softness, sensuality and indulgence. She will pay attention to emotions, begin to understand the actions of people.
  3. Their family life will be full of romance thanks to a partner.
  4. Both people are confident in each other and do not make scandals based on jealousy.

No one can destroy a strong union of signs. Partners will not listen to envious people, they trust their soul mate.

Relationship Disadvantages

Problems in relationships are associated with negative character traits of partners. In Capricorn, these are: conservatism, exactingness, coldness, stinginess and rigidity.

Pisces are characterized by the following qualities: indecision, vulnerability, resentment, self-deception, disorganization and uncertainty.

There will be no serious shortcomings in their relationship. Both do not want to leave if they fell deeply in love. They bond with each other spiritually and emotionally. Only sometimes in family life there are some problems:

  1. A woman is restrained in emotions and does not give in to feelings and moods. Pisces often go into the world of dreams and self-deception.
  2. In this pair, the woman will earn money. A man is often lazy and doubts his abilities.
  3. The strictness and rigidity of a girl can greatly injure a guy.
  4. A woman can get tired of reassuring her partner, supporting and pitying him. She will want to see a more confident and purposeful partner next to her.
  5. A man is easily influenced by others. If he develops bad habits, it will be quite difficult for him to get rid of them.

Pisces and Capricorn can be an ideal couple, despite their different temperaments. They are well suited to each other. Therefore, these people should try to build strong and lasting relationships.

These two signs are well combined and can form a fairly strong union. Capricorn is reliable and constant, while Pisces is romantic and, in spite of everything, quite defenseless. The only negative may be that both partners are characterized by a significant amount of pessimism, although it is in this union that they can feel quite confident. The Capricorn woman ensures the strength and reliability of the relationship, while the Pisces man directs them to the necessary goal. Sensitive Pisces enrich the union with emotions and nobility, Capricorn is the undisputed leader. And what is most interesting - Pisces do not even try to dispute this fact. Perhaps there are not so many illusions in this marriage, but the partners understand each other perfectly and conflicts between them are extremely rare. The union of a Capricorn woman and a Pisces man is suitable for absolutely any type of relationship, be it marriage, friendship, or just a working business relationship.

Marriage can really become a cozy safe haven for both partners, where they can concentrate their efforts to achieve some common goal. It is only important that Pisces does not make chaos in the house, which they are quite capable of. Although the Capricorn woman is distinguished by enviable patience, at one fine moment she may get bored with it. However, more often wise and full of mystery Pisces-men help Capricorns to comprehend various information and enrich them spiritually, clarifying many issues that they had not even guessed before.

Sexual Compatibility Capricorn Woman and Pisces Man

Capricorn and Pisces approach the issue of intimate relationships quite practically. At first, the Capricorn woman may be somewhat shy, but then she throws away the conventions and acts quite directly, especially if she sees the initiative from the Pisces man. It must be said that Pisces may prefer a more romantic approach to sexual relationships, but then they feel how warm and secure they become with this woman. As for romance and imagination, Pisces have more than enough of these qualities for two. But they know that they can completely trust this partner, without fear that they will be misunderstood.

Business Compatibility Capricorn Woman and Pisces Man

As already mentioned, these relationships are great for a business alliance. The performance of these two partners is extremely high, so Capricorn and Pisces can sometimes even arrange a kind of competition, which of them will have time to do more. Sometimes in jest. And sometimes seriously. It is only important that neither one nor the other overdo it and overstrain, because they have enough stubbornness. It is much better if the Partners learn how to properly distribute their forces and divide the work in such a way that everyone is responsible for that. What does he do best. Pisces is more suitable for the creative part, while Capricorn successfully performs even the most boring and routine part of the work. Commercial transactions that these two signs conclude are also usually successful.

What a Capricorn woman needs to know about a Pisces man

Despite all their passion for change, the Pisces man is in constant search of his roots. Although he himself may not even guess about it. And he can find such roots in union with you, Capricorn. Moreover, if you give him freedom, which is also extremely important for Pisces, he will not go far anywhere and will return to you at every opportunity. You can be calm - he will not cheat on you, Pisces in general most often turn out to be devoted husbands. It’s a completely different matter if you try to limit the male Pisces to strict limits - in this case they become extremely restless, start to get nervous and, at the first opportunity, will try to escape from the aquarium where you put them.

What Pisces men need to know about Capricorn women

Capricorn women are remarkably strong on their feet, whether they're brushing their teeth or climbing stairs. A woman born under this sign is reliable and able to provide you, Pisces-men, with that rear that you lack so much from time to time. But this also has its drawbacks. Capricorn woman does everything right, not wanting to deviate one iota from what is established by tradition, so you need to be prepared that the same will be demanded of you.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Pisces man: chances for the future

A good and reliable alliance, although some difficulties may arise between partners. So a Capricorn woman will strive all her life to take the position in life that befits her. Pisces men are usually extremely indifferent to this. And to put pressure on them in this regard is completely useless. But since Capricorns try their best to maintain relationships, and Pisces is not prone to sudden movements, this union has excellent and lasting chances.

Benefits of Capricorn

  • He can live anywhere.
  • Acquiring a sense of responsibility at a young age, he retains it for life.
  • He respects the system and order.
  • He seriously fulfills the duties of the breadwinner of the family.
  • He is an excellent organizer.
  • He knows his life goals and how to achieve them.
  • He is learning from history.
  • He does not need anyone but himself, but he can let others into his life.

How compatible is a Capricorn woman in a love relationship with other zodiac signs

Capricorn woman and Pisces man

love compatibility

It's done! An almost perfect match for a rather pessimistic and mysterious Pisces man has been found! Who is this victim? Capricorn woman! Their compatibility in love is high. Only such a calm and balanced woman will be able to endure all those intricacies of character that the stars awarded the “water” man. The astrological history of the Capricorn sign instilled in her a kind of "antidote" for depressive states - this is an external armor created on the basis of intelligence, high performance and inner "I".

Amazingly, the Pisces man, in the company of such a difficult sign as the Capricorn woman, gets rid of everything unnecessary and superfluous in behavior. has a positive effect on both. A marriage partner will always contribute to the creation of comfort, ennobling the common house, and his wife, the star Goat, will make all her colossal efforts to ensure that the house is warm and the family has its own traditions. Another important aspect of the compatibility of these signs in love is approximately the same worldview.

Unfortunately, it is not natural for these representatives of such elements as Earth and Water to see and feel what is given to the fiery or air Zodiacs. That is why a certain gloomy picture of the world lives in their souls. But together, such a couple is able to bring additional peace (Pisces) and soulfulness (Capricorn) into the life of their half. Such a union runs the risk of becoming the leader in terms of the duration of marriage, because Capricorns in combination with Pisces are practically invulnerable!

Sexual Compatibility

No wonder the image of Capricorn in astrology has a fish tail. Such a subtle hint of a strong and “sweet” woman about her predisposition to receiving and giving real sexual joy attracts dual Pisces from afar.

Well, yes, sometimes a couple will have a thought whether one of the partners is too immersed in meditation, and someone is caught in the net of physical pleasure and does not want to “connect” the mental component to the process. As a result of any grinding on that soil, the compatibility of the Capricorn woman and the Pisces man is still high, so they will “dive” into these pools for a long time!

At work and at home

Only the sphere of business relations can cloud the picture of the good compatibility of these people-allies a little. Pisces wants to create and invent, and Capricorns understand that in dry reporting, consisting of formulas and numbers, a clear and competent approach is needed.

It is more convenient for Pisces to wait for inspiration, although Capricorns are well aware that there is no time, you need to do it here and now, and your appetite will come, so to speak, while eating ... But if a man of the water element is interested in a speedy result, he will quickly be inspired by a woman of the earth element. So the compatibility of Capricorn and Pisces will manifest itself here too!

Man - Capricorn and woman - Pisces have high compatibility due to the combination of the elements of Earth and Water, under whose protection they are. Representatives of signs can go headlong into relationships with each other. This is the couple that looks like a knight and a princess to others. A refined feminine girl of the element of Water finds in her man all those character traits that she was looking for in an ideal life partner.

Capricorn is conquered by a romantic and positive girl. In a couple, a man shows miracles of empathy and tries with all his might to keep the inner world of the chosen one calm. The representatives of the signs can be noted a favorable prospect of relations. Capricorn and Pisces have the same values ​​and strive to create a strong family. However, such a couple cannot boast of the intensity of passions, since both are quite calm. At first, there may be difficulties in mutual understanding, but they will quickly fade into the background thanks to the diplomatic talent of Pisces. The rest of the relationship develops easily and safely.

Man - Capricorn paired with a woman - Pisces.

A distrustful, closed, skeptical guy - this is exactly what Capricorn appears to most of those around him. He scrupulously approaches to solving all problems and making decisions. A man is distinguished by good manners, a representative of the sign knows how to show himself in society and keep up the conversation. The representative of the sign does not show unnecessary emotions, as he considers them a weakness. Capricorn seems to be a real insensitive "cracker", to whom only his own career is important. The young man pays great attention to work, because without it he cannot imagine his life and does not see himself in the future. But inside he is very vulnerable. Capricorn is looking for a life partner who will understand his difficult nature. With a girl - Pisces, the guy is truly charged with optimism. His coldness and skepticism disappear somewhere in an instant. You can even say that Capricorn finally “exhaled” and relaxed in the company of his chosen one. Despite tact, the representative of the sign can easily injure with a word. With Pisces, he is extremely attentive so as not to disturb the peace of her inner world.

Woman - Pisces paired with a man - Capricorn.

The girl of the element of Water has a natural femininity and softness, it is not surprising that there is always a crowd of admirers around her. The patronage of the Moon gives the representative of the sign additional attractive energy for the opposite sex. With her light romantic character and openness to the world, she conquers those around her. Girl - Pisces is difficult to sit still. A boring consistent life is definitely not for her! Pisces often expresses itself in creativity and comes up with more and more new activities. Therefore, she tries to diversify her every day and fill it with interesting events.

A refined, vulnerable nature secretly dreams of meeting her prince, who would protect her. A sense of security is exactly what she is looking for in a man. Complete security is guaranteed to Pisces by relationships with a stable Capricorn. The girl will appreciate it. She knows that there is a serious, reliable young man nearby who can be relied upon. Pisces in life lacks just such a partner, because Capricorn is very impressed with her.

Man - Capricorn, woman - Pisces: compatibility in friendship.

Excellent companionship, since both have similar ideals and ideas about life. Pisces and Capricorn are interested in conversations on spiritual topics. From each other they feel support, care and respect. In this case, Capricorn helps Pisces in domestic and business matters. In gratitude for this, the man will receive emotional warmth, positive and complete comfort.

Both friends are important and need such companionship. If the representatives of the signs are not free, then their soul mates should be wary of such friends. It is highly likely that Capricorn and Pisces will cheat on their legal spouses. It is even possible that a couple of friends will leave their families because of new feelings (even Capricorn, which is considered one of the most faithful signs!). In the future, friendship ceases to be a strong love relationship.

Man - Capricorn, woman - Pisces: compatibility in love.

The stars promise a harmonious happy relationship to a pair of representatives of the signs. They are perfect for each other in nature. However, at first glance, Capricorn and Pisces are completely different. A man is a born leader with a strong-willed character, he never succumbs to life's difficulties. Girl - Pisces is sweet and pleasant in communication, but seems completely unadapted to the world. She has her head in the clouds, but she leads an active life. And then a courteous man appears in sight - Capricorn.

The girl is glad that she has found a person who takes care of her inner world and is ready to help her in overcoming life's difficulties. Pisces is exactly the lady who is able to “unload” the already tense Capricorn. With her, he feels renewed and really rests his soul. A man from his romantic companion learns to look at things easier, completely relaxes in her presence. However, sometimes a man can be frightened away by the excessive sentimentality of a lady of the heart. A girl can suddenly become silent and become addicted to addiction without wanting to. Her companion needs to carefully monitor her emotional state and protect her from excessive stress.

The couple's relationship is developing rapidly, but without undue emotion. Both Capricorn and Pisces are quite calm in society, they even behave somewhat “coolly”. In particular, because it is extremely difficult for a man to confess his feelings to someone, he considers this a sign of weakness. But after a while, he “opens up” to the chosen one, which indicates trust. However, being alone partners give each other all their love and tenderness.

The intimate sphere of the couple is unusual and bright. But in this case, the partners need to adapt to each other. As a rule, he is cold on the outside, but passion burns inside the young man. Capricorn is drawn to a weak and tender partner. The man is definitely the leader. Girl - Pisces takes this position and adapts to her companion. Thus, both are comfortable in each other's company. Intimacy brings pleasure to both Pisces and Capricorn.

Usually representatives of the signs quickly come to the idea of ​​​​marriage. Both Pisces and Capricorn create a family of mutual great love. For both, marriage is of great importance. Capricorn and Pisces see each other as ideal partners for a happy life together. And they are not wrong! Girl - Pisces adorns the life of a man, creates coziness in the house and provides psychological comfort to the spouse. Capricorn takes on the role of the head of the family, usually responsible for the financial side. This is the rare case when part-time spouses are also best friends.

They share their experiences with each other, and together they are never bored. In general, this is one of the exemplary examples of spouses. If children appear in a couple, then you can be sure that the little household will grow up in an atmosphere of love. Mom - Pisces will devote all her free time to them. Father - Capricorn will be moderately strict, but caring and attentive. Usually there are many children in such families.

The spouses maintain a sensitive reverent relationship, there are almost no disagreements between them. Difficulties can only appear if Capricorn hurts the feelings of his wife or Pisces allows himself a "small" lie, which will cause the husband's anger. But the conflict quickly exhausts itself. The couple can be happy for a long time. However, if one of them loses interest in the other, then most likely they will simply disperse peacefully (which happens extremely rarely, due to the mutual interest of partners).

Work Compatibility

Not the most successful alignment, but success in business is still possible. In this case, Capricorn should take the leadership position. He can “fit” Pisces to certain standards and competently organize the girl’s work. The man is pedantic in his work, but loyal to his subordinates. Pisces is a good performer, she feels responsible for her work and tries not to let anyone down, but at times she may well be in the clouds.

It is usually difficult for a romantic and dreamy lady to cope with affairs alone, and even more so to take patronage over someone. Capricorn has excellent business acumen and will do quite well on his own without the intervention of such a boss. He clearly defines the goal and does not calm down until he reaches it. If the representatives of the signs work together, as they are used to, then it is unlikely that something good will come of it.

What to expect from the union of a woman - Pisces and a man - Capricorn?

A favorable combination of signs, since the elements of Earth and Water are friendly. This is because Pisces is under the auspices of the Moon, and Capricorn is under the protection of Saturn (the female and male planets, respectively). A classic union in which a strong man and a fragile, vulnerable girl. This combination is quite successful in various areas of life. Pisces and Capricorn will easily become friends or lovers.

In both cases, the stars promise them a happy future. Capricorn and Pisces complement each other perfectly. A conservative and pragmatic man shows miracles of sensitivity and patience, and also develops spiritually along with a woman of the water element. For the girl - Pisces in this case, this union is literally a salvation from all the hardships of the world. A reliable partner will ensure safety for his companion, will become for her a truly “stone wall”. Partners in a new way begin to look at the world and are transformed before our eyes. Such changes bring Pisces and Capricorn only love and harmony. The union can last a lifetime, since the representatives of the signs are built solely on respect for each other and complete trust.

So, a pair of Capricorn and Pisces has excellent development prospects and high compatibility. As a rule, there are no special difficulties in building relationships. The couple is very reminiscent of a medieval knight and his lady of the heart. A strong-willed Capricorn is ready to protect his fragile chosen one and protect her from the attacks of the outside world. Pisces is ready to give her chosen one endless warmth and love. Man and woman have mutual attraction. Literally in the first meeting, they understand how much they need each other. Pisces and Capricorn have not only excellent relationships, but also strong families. Such a union can only be envied. A wife who looks after the household and a husband who manages the budget and brings money into the house. The completion of a successful marriage is the children whom both spouses adore.

These two signs are well combined and can form a fairly strong union. Capricorn is reliable and constant, while Pisces is romantic and, in spite of everything, quite defenseless. The only negative may be that both partners are characterized by a significant amount of pessimism, although it is in this union that they can feel quite confident. The Capricorn woman ensures the strength and reliability of the relationship, while the Pisces man directs them to the necessary goal. Sensitive Pisces enrich the union with emotions and nobility, Capricorn is the undisputed leader. And what is most interesting - Pisces do not even try to dispute this fact. Perhaps there are not so many illusions in this marriage, but the partners understand each other perfectly and conflicts between them are extremely rare. The union of a Capricorn woman and a Pisces man is suitable for absolutely any type of relationship, be it marriage, friendship, or just a working business relationship.

Marriage can really become a cozy safe haven for both partners, where they can concentrate their efforts to achieve some common goal. It is only important that Pisces does not make chaos in the house, which they are quite capable of. Although the Capricorn woman is distinguished by enviable patience, at one fine moment she may get bored with it. However, more often wise and full of mystery Pisces-men help Capricorns to comprehend various information and enrich them spiritually, clarifying many issues that they had not even guessed before.

A good and reliable alliance, although some difficulties may arise between partners. So a Capricorn woman will strive all her life to take the position in life that befits her. Pisces men are usually extremely indifferent to this. And to put pressure on them in this regard is completely useless. But since Capricorns try their best to maintain relationships, and Pisces is not prone to sudden movements, this union has excellent and lasting chances.

Pisces Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility

The Pisces man and Capricorn woman are a wonderful sexual couple, as far as marriage prospects are concerned, their family boat can be fragile due to the Pisces craving for change, diversity and various forms of arousal, not necessarily erotic. The silent owner, often showing her disapproval with an icy gaze, is unlikely to suit him. He has a hard time adjusting to her family cult and other restrictions-like traditions. He needs to “swim in big water”, without which he becomes terribly boring or depressed.

Pisces - inexplicably attractive to Capricorn. The result of their meeting is difficult to predict, but in any case, a woman should be on the alert, even a water man who is outwardly fascinated and in love with her can never be considered completely conquered. There is much in his nature that she categorically rejects, and it will not be easy to “re-educate” him. A love affair is not devoid of a strange mystical connotation that makes the programs of the subconscious very distinct. By attracting the man of this Sign, the Capricorn woman, by the external picture of relations, can judge what kind of partner she really wants and deserves. She may sincerely wonder why she was drawn into a relationship with a person who is so strikingly different from her in terms of internal organization, but it will be difficult to break even a relationship that does not satisfy her. This union can have a masochistic connotation, making the future together unclear, especially if the Capricorn woman and the Pisces man initially act as lovers, and nothing but pleasures of the lowest order connects them.

The physical closeness of this couple enriches the emotions and experiences of Capricorn. If she learns to trust her partner, she will feel a previously unknown renewal and a rare feeling of lightness of being. After all, a woman of the Earth Sign is characterized by a more mature, serious approach to life, it is difficult for her to be carefree ... With a Pisces man, she can plunge into the world of fantasies, relax and completely surrender to love, and also learn more relaxed, spontaneous and impulsive sex. Pisces will be a gentle lover, skillfully revealing her sexual potential.

For more serious relationships, compatibility is based on mutual respect and similar outlooks on life, on the ability to solve problems as they arise, while it is important not to accumulate an unnecessary burden of omissions: a long silence will turn even a minor problem into an intractable one. But thinking and feeling in the same way will not work, inconsistency between these partners occurs much more often than agreement. An absolute plus is that Pisces demonstrates a large share of tolerance and compassion, which the Capricorn woman lacks. Neptune awarded him this quality; a Neptunian can lead any conflicts to a positive ending. The only question is whether the stubborn earthly woman will change her point of view, or at least appreciate his reserve of softness and charm.

The planetary aspect of this pair's horoscope, Neptune-Saturn symbolizes rigor and order combined with the irrational. In the sphere of relationships, this connection is more favorable for couples in which the woman is a Water Sign and the man is an Earth Sign, but not vice versa. In this case, the role of the female irrational perception of the world belongs just to the man. Harmony arises only in couples where partners have such a disposition and mindset that encourage them to penetrate into the most inaccessible areas, and to subject details to insightful analysis. Male intuition will be supported by female logic. Therefore, it is obvious that the Pisces man and the Capricorn woman are the best couple to do business together, and in areas that require a more subtle strategic approach. Sometimes Saturn makes you think long and carefully, but rational thinking literally jams, as a result, Capricorn seems to be marking time in one place. The Pisces partner makes you move on and feel comfortable even in the toughest conditions.

Otherwise, this aspect is not always favorable. For a water man, prone to incorporeal dreams and fantasies, Saturnian is a deterrent, giving relationships not only an aura of stability, but also restrictions. She drives him into a certain framework, and he really should need a feeling of this very stability and constancy. And is he able to develop in himself a sense of duty that Capricorn so appreciates? .. In mental and energetic terms, she will pull the reins of power, dominate both in relationships and in the family. She is the backbone and backbone of this tandem. The Neptunian will envelop her in a dense cloud of spiritual comfort, but this may not be enough for her. Her partner must work enthusiastically for the good of the family and be able to fulfill the most responsible obligations (among Pisces men, this type is quite rare). If she is ready to take on the main burden of affairs, then such an alliance is quite viable, provided that the water spouse honors all the traditions and foundations that she creates.

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