People's control of Roshchino. Noise Roschino. The problems of the village try to use destructive forces

After repair, the emergency hostel building became elite housing An initiative group from the village of Roschino turned to the editors of ChelyabinskSegodnya with a request to find out why the renovated hostel was sold to third parties. People who were registered in it and from whom money was repeatedly collected for reconstruction were left without housing, said Tatyana Degtyareva, chairman of the People's Control Committee of the Roshinsky settlement. The People's Control Committee appeared in Roshchino at the beginning of last month. According to its chairman Tatyana Degtyareva, the organization was created after the general meeting of the settlement expressed no confidence in the head of the settlement, S.G. Kudrina and the chairman of the council of deputies of the settlement Evstigneev. And almost immediately, the Committee received an appeal from the affected residents of Roshchin. In it, the residents of the South Urals said that in 2001 the hostel at Lenina, 19 was resettled because it was in disrepair. Some of the residents began to rent an apartment, the administration assigned some to temporary residence in a kindergarten, school, basement, or even in a wheelchair.

“We all stand in line for budget housing for 20-27 years. Some have already died (Vakhitova Raya died of cancer at the age of 48, she lived in the basement of house No. 17 on Lenin Street). This year the dormitory building is being completed: the 6th floor has been added, where there will be rooms supposedly for a dormitory, on the lower floors - apartments. Several times they took money from us for the reconstruction of the dormitory, but now we see that no one is going to move us back, since all the rebuilt residential premises are being actively sold. We are verbally promised that they will give apartments in new buildings. But we do not believe our administration and ask to help us move back in, as we all have a permanent registration in this hostel and we are tired of wandering in strange corners for years. Help us restore our violated right to housing,” the residents of Roshchino write in an appeal.

According to Tatyana Degtyareva, the People's Control Committee began looking for other residents registered in the ill-fated building. There are currently 33 such people, 7 of which are minors. The search continues.

In addition, according to the chairman of the committee, it was possible to find out that the land plot on which the hostel stands is owned by the Moscow Region " Sosnovsky municipal district"from 08/08/2012, but burdened with a lease for 3 years, from 07/12/2013 to 04/03/2016, in favor of Tekhekspluatatsiya LLC, co-founded by Mr. Azarkhin I.M., who is also a deputy of the meeting of deputies of Sosnovsky district. The ownership of this land plot is also encumbered with two shared construction agreements registered on July 31, 2014 in favor of Ms. E. V. Azarkhina.

And the apartments themselves in the renovated building are already actively being sold. An ad on one of the Internet sites indicated that the house was about to be handed over. For the smallest apartment, with an area of ​​​​34 square meters, they ask for 1 million 156 thousand. And on the fifth and sixth floors there are special apartments, which are interconnected by stairs and are two-level. They are sold for 3.5 million rubles.

As a result, soon new tenants will move into the house, who only after some time can find out that, for example, minors are registered in their apartment. And this already limits a number of actions with the acquired property.

Tatyana Degtyareva claims that the initiative group applied to all instances, but so far has only achieved the start of a prosecutor's check. To verify this information, the ChelyabinskSegodnya correspondent called Alexei Sevastyanov, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Chelyabinsk Region. The Ombudsman confirmed that he was familiar with this situation, but did not understand the whole point. “It was not the victims who applied, but their representatives. They don't want to give the names of the residents. We don't know who the victims are. We made a corresponding request to the Federal Migration Service, who is registered in this house, ”Alexey Sevastyanov commented on the situation.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region Dmitry Meshkov also noted that in this situation he is embarrassed by the fact that there are no lists of victims. “Alexey Sevastyanov called me, I brought in lawyers to assess the situation. But we have been shaking the initiative group for two weeks to provide documents, but they are not there. I can't form my own opinion about legal correctness. I know that an organized group is working there, the purpose of which is to remove the current head under the auspices of A Just Russia,” said Dmitry Meshkov.

Indeed, it may seem strange why, without having had time to formally meet, the committee began to sort out a case that could not be resolved for several years.

However, Tatyana Degtyareva claims that the organization is engaged not only in this case, but in many others, it’s just that they decided to draw the attention of the general public to this situation, because this is a case that “has become the most egregious in its cynicism.” In addition, according to the Chairman of the Committee, they have all the lists, they just do not want to give them to the representatives of the authorities yet: they are afraid that they will start persecuting the South Urals indicated there. The commissioner for human rights in the Chelyabinsk region also fell into distrust.

“All the people who contacted us have a registration in their passports, where the address of the hostel is, the children have information about registration, the last of such information is dated 2013. But we don't want to give those lists away to anyone just yet. The prosecutor's office is currently reviewing the case. We are waiting for its end and try not to disclose the lists of victims, because we are afraid that they will be put under pressure. I already know how to talk to them, but people are already tormented, why should they have unnecessary problems. Just in case, I have already warned everyone that if threats begin, so that they don’t go anywhere and don’t sign anything, ”said Tatyana Degtyareva.

The fact that so far none of the victims have been disturbed, the woman connects solely with the fact that "the lists have not yet surfaced." However, according to the chairman of the committee, they are ready to provide the lists to journalists so that the media representatives are convinced that everything is real.

We decided to look into each of these issues and clarify the situation - do such outrages really occur in Roshchino?

Bor is safe

Near Roshchino is Uzhevskiy Bor - a regional natural monument. When you look at pictures showing fallen trees, the question immediately arises - if we are talking about boron, then why are there birch trees in the photo? As it turned out, the boron itself is located at a distance of several hundred meters from the area where construction work is underway. And they're building water here.

“We have always had problems with water,” admits the head of the Roschino village Svetlana KUDRINA. - The existing water supply system was built in such a way that it does not have a loopback, therefore, interruptions in water supply were always felt in the end houses. We found an investor who allocated 7 million rubles, and then transfers the property to the municipality free of charge. For us, this is an invaluable gift, because it is extremely difficult to find such money in the local budget. In the winter, work began so that in the summer there would be no trace of the construction site, and the residents would receive uninterrupted water supply. We took into account all the nuances, made calculations, we have the necessary permits. We considered two options for laying a water supply system and chose the most profitable and economical one.”

However, some residents strongly opposed the project, pointing out the environmental component and shouting about the danger that threatens Uzhovsky Forest.

“These are several groups at once, which are called differently - “People's Control Group”, “Fighters against Nihilism,” the head continues the story. - People dissatisfied with everything and everything. Their approach is simple - the village is good, but everything good here arises on its own, the head has nothing to do with it, and if there are problems, then, of course, it's my fault! Those who criticize the current water pipeline project (both ordinary citizens and newly elected deputies who need to prove themselves) offer simply absurd options. They drove themselves into a corner, saying: "If we do not save the forest, we will resign!" Without realizing that boron has nothing to do with it at all, and we in the administration would not be able to change the boundaries of a natural monument, damage it - it’s just not our level of authority.”

It turns out that individuals decide their own selfish interests, while without a new water supply the village is doomed. According to Chairman of the Board of Deputies of Roschino Anatoly Evstigneev, it happened that people were without water for two or three days - this also affected the sewerage, so the emergency situation lasted for days.

New plumbing will solve all water problems. A photo Alexandra Firsova

But in order to look at the situation as objectively as possible, we turned to the main forest department of the Chelyabinsk region for comments. Does the project really threaten the Uzhevskiy Bor?

“If there is any clearing, then it does not affect the borders of the forest,” shows on the map Yury ZOLOTUKHIN, Head of the Shershnevsky Forestry. - Bor is federally owned, and the municipality cannot conduct any construction here. All work is going on in the area under their control - as you can see, it is far from the forest. This is the territory of the village. As for the boundaries of the forest, they have not changed since 1986.”

Housing problem

Another painful issue is the hostel. At one time it was built for the workers of the Sosnovskaya poultry farm. But by 2001, the building was in a deplorable state - it simply could not be launched during the heating season. 100 people were registered here. By that time, the poultry farm had handed over the hostel to the municipality.

“We reached out to an investor who was ready to invest in the reconstruction, but he set a condition: everyone should be discharged,” says Svetlana Kudrina. - We could not go for it, and the investor left. Luckily, we agreed with someone else. And the conditions are suitable - apartments from the 1st to the 4th floor after reconstruction go on sale, and the 5th-6th floors are being completed, and two-level communal apartments appear there, where registered people get rooms. There will be euro windows, stretch ceiling, laminate flooring, tiles in the kitchen, wooden stairs. In such conditions, people will live without paying a penny! But no, they demand to provide them with apartments instead of rooms.».

The tenacity of the tenants, who are registered only in the rooms, is difficult to understand. After all, before that they lived in an emergency house, from where only one garbage was taken out on ten Kamaz trucks.

“The sewerage there ran straight into the basement,” recalls Anatoly Evstigneev. - Settled at the time of the reconstruction of people in kindergartens, schools. The municipality took on such a headache! After all, he was the owner of the hostel. But in the end, there are only accusations against us - they write to the president, guard at the building, scare potential buyers - they say, everything is sold here, you will be deceived! Our truth-tellers talk about scams, but that's ridiculous considering we're being vetted by at least five different organizations.

After the reconstruction, the former hostel was transformed. A photo Alexandra Firsova

And what happened? As a result of various inspections, the commissioning of the house was postponed for a whole year.

Disputes around the boiler room

The communal problems of Roshchino are not limited to water supply and a hostel. The village still depends on a single boiler house, which belongs to the Management Company "Partner". Relations between tenants and the company have long been tense. Residents believe that, although money is regularly collected from them for the maintenance and repair of common property (the amount reaches 10 million rubles a year), in fact, no work is being done. In this case, the money does not go to the account of the “Partner”, but to another legal entity. As a result, a huge debt hung on the village and the region.

“It is already clear that this summer Roschino will be left without hot water,” the head of the village believes. - They openly tell us that it is simply unprofitable! It is not surprising that tenants no longer want to pay money to such a company. Especially after she turned people off from the heat from March 12 to 13 this year.”

But monopoly may soon come to an end. A large construction is now underway in the village - a new boiler house is also in the project. This is probably not to the liking of some individuals who have decided to fan the conflict on every occasion.. It is interesting that they use a variety of signs for this - including hiding behind the church. So, among the opposition was a certain charitable foundation of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

“I myself have been living here for the second year,” says a local Priest Alexander KVACH. - The place is good - a lot of visitors, young people. The village is developing and growing. The population is constantly increasing, and young people want to live here, next to their parents. It is clear that new houses are needed. So it's good that construction is underway. It is also gratifying that the residents support the idea of ​​building a temple. I was told that there is a person here who also collects money for the temple - he goes to enterprises and organizations. At first I was delighted - after all, help. I made inquiries and found out that this person represents the charitable foundation of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow. Great, of course, but then it turned out that the foundation had nothing to do with the Chelyabinsk diocese and could not act on its behalf - this was confirmed to me at the official level. Residents think they are helping the church, but they are not. I heard that the fund is somehow connected with politics, but we are out of politics! Let the fund operate, but you can’t hide behind the church! Unfortunately, now the village is split, and they are trying to drag us into this struggle. If some forces are only hiding behind charity, while they themselves are doing who knows what, then the relevant authorities should be interested in this. Not someone from the outside, but the people of Roshchin themselves need to sort out all the problems.”

And it is difficult to disagree with this conclusion of the priest.

"If you prefer outdoor recreation, leisurely walks along forest paths and fishing in the northern river - you need to go to Roshchino. Here you can take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the calm rhythm of life and comfortable living conditions ..." - this is how everyone was met entering the hall of the village school the words of the director. And plots changed on the screen - Lindulovskaya grove, a portrait of Edith Södergran, a summer health camp, a railway, a conveyor with a greenhouse salad, a volleyball court, children, lovers, a lake, a temple, the sky ...

The final frames were accompanied by the phrase that energetic, enterprising people live in the Roshchinsky settlement. What is behind these words? In the Roshchi urban settlement, the deputies and the executive authorities reported to the residents, providing information on what was done in 2013, touching on existing problems, and outlining plans for the future.

Head of the administration of the settlement Valery SAVINOV emphasized that one can confidently speak about the sustainable dynamics of the development of the Roshchinsky urban settlement. What is meant?
First of all, this is the main figure of the budget - the expenditure side; it is 106% completed. Moreover, the most expensive items were the housing sector (40.6 million), culture (29.1 million) and the national economy (26.8 million). Housing and communal funds were spent according to the degree of relevance. Heating mains (Roshchino, Tsvelodubovo, Pushnoye, Kannelyarvi, Pobeda), water supply (Roshchino, Tsvelodubovo), roofs were repaired (Roshchino). In Tsvelodubovo and Pushnoye, water towers were also repaired, in Roshchino a section of the sewer pipe was replaced, and in Pervomaisky-1, the pipe of the boiler house was replaced.

The main approach to the work of the deputy corps (head Nadezhda BELOUSKO) and the executive apparatus is expressed in one word: continuity. As before, the administration directed its efforts to the implementation of a number of municipal programs.
Here are some specific examples. The regional program "Housing for Youth" in 2013 included 12 families; three more young primary cells of society became participants in the federal program "Providing housing for young families"; 14 land plots were provided to large families, and another 50 are planned.
Governor of the Leningrad Region Alexander DROZDENKO declared 2014 the Year of Childhood and noted that the new priority of the regional authorities is children and everything connected with them. And the first thing that comes to mind is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it remains to rejoice at the upcoming "acquisitions" of the Roshchinsky urban settlement. They will appear in the coming years. This is a ski-roller stadium and a universal sports hall (including for weightlifters) in Roschino. By the way, recently in Tsvelodubovo the construction of a "multi-profile" stadium was completed, where a mini-football field, volleyball and basketball courts with artificial turf are located.
Sports are respected on the Roshchi land: the inhabitants of the settlement willingly ski, participate in volleyball and badminton battles. Boxers, football players, weightlifters and pupils of other sports sections defend the honor of the settlement in competitions of various levels and take pride of place on the podium. Enough to remember Ilya SHTOKALOVA, who became the bronze medalist at the World Universiade 2013 in rowing and canoeing.

Separate words deserve the efforts of the authorities aimed at supporting Roshchi's businessmen. Today, few people will remember that ore was once mined here for the Sestroretsk arms factory. And with the advent of the railway, the life of the Finnish village of Raivola (as the village of Roshchino used to be called) began to develop rapidly. At the beginning of the 20th century, this settlement was not only a popular holiday village, but also a center of entrepreneurship. There was a telephone and electric station, two sawmills, a peat, resin, soap, lemonade factories, a cardboard factory and kvass production.
And today the greenhouse complex "Northern Dream" is successfully operating in Roshchino, supplying 20,000 magnificent roses to the market every day, the plant-growing complex "Premium", providing us with salads and herbs, the oldest poultry farm in the Vyborg region "Udarnik". Construction companies, livestock farms, numerous representatives of the service and trade sectors, farmers - everything is no coincidence: the settlement has a good microclimate and a benevolent attitude of the authorities towards businessmen.

Among the priority problems that exist today in the settlement are the dilapidated state of the housing stock, the insufficient number of social facilities. The government recognizes that the housing and communal services sector is today a source of social tension. On the one hand, this is due to the high deterioration and low efficiency of both the housing stock and utility networks. On the other hand, untimely payments of the population for housing and communal services. As of January 1 of this year, the debts of residents since 2006 amount to almost 35 million rubles.
Cleaning of public places, park areas, coastal areas is under constant control. During the year, more than 1.3 million rubles were spent to eliminate unauthorized dumps with a total volume of more than 3,500 cubic meters. At the same time, there is no less waste.

Priority areas of work in the beginning of the year were chosen: ensuring the filling of the budget of the settlement, the integrated development of the territory, the construction of sports facilities, the repair of village roads, gasification, the construction of a kindergarten in the SHT area, participation in housing programs of the federal and regional levels.

- more than 20,500 people live in 12 settlements of the settlement; the administrative center - the village of Roshchino - the largest (14,000 inhabitants, the number of which steadily increases several times in summer);

The revenue part of the settlement's budget in 2013 amounted to more than 130 million rubles. (20 million more than a year ago), expenditure - 129 million;

The Roshchi Council of Deputies took second place in the competition among the urban settlements of the Leningrad Region based on the results of 2012 activities;

The settlement was awarded the second place in the region for creating conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Showdown in small Roshchino

Rural opposition MP brought under article not to be allowed to vote

The growing rumble of battles before the elections to the State Duma hides serious political passions on a regional and even village scale. In the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, a criminal case is being investigated against a deputy of the Roshinsky village council, Sergei Gerashchenko, elected from A Just Russia. He is accused of beating - under an article that was decriminalized less than a month ago. The people's choice himself calls this whole story a "set-up", the only purpose of which is not to let him in the election of the head of a rural settlement.

The case of the village deputy Gerashchenko will certainly remain in the political history of the Southern Urals. Firstly, because it was initiated just before the decriminalization of Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Beatings), and even in relation to some special subject. And secondly, the case may have far-reaching consequences, and political ones at that. However, the details that abound in this story are also noteworthy: what is the mere fact that the victim in the case of beatings is no less than the chairman of the council of deputies of the rural settlement.

Deputy Gerashchenko does not admit his guilt, he cites numerous proofs and assures that the whole intrigue with non-existent beatings was conceived and carried out solely with the aim of preventing him from going to the election of the head of the Roshchinsky settlement. Today it is actually the only one where the head is elected by direct universal secret ballot. In other places, in accordance with the next municipal reform of 2015, heads are appointed on a competitive basis.

“On May 5, 2016, we were going to a scheduled meeting of the council, we were supposed to hear a report from the head of the Roshinsky settlement, Svetlana Kudrina,” Sergey Gerashchenko tells how it was. - As usual, my fellow deputies and I came to our club (the administration and the council of deputies of Roschino share premises with the local House of Culture - ed.), went into the hall, waited for chairman Anatoly Evstigneev and head Kudrin. The report began. Suddenly, after 10-15 minutes, the police entered the hall. After the meeting, the elder, embarrassed, told me: “Sergey Dmitrievich, you received a statement that you beat a man.” I ask: "Who?" Answers: "Evstigneeva!" Me: "So here he is, alive and well!"

Chelyabinsk Regional Court returned for reconsideration the case on the abolition of the election of the head of the settlement

Sergei Gerashchenko assures that he had not even seen Yevstigneev that day before the meeting. Nevertheless, the next day, May 6, the speaker of the village council removed the beatings from the doctors. Evstigneev's statement from the police was soon transferred to the Sosnovsky Investigation Department of the ICR: the police do not have the right to deal with a special subject, even if only a village deputy. On May 24, Lyubov Telezhenko, deputy head of the Sosnovsky SB of the TFR, took an explanation from Gerashchenko. On June 10, a criminal case was initiated in the UK. As follows from the text of the resolution signed by the head of the regional investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Denis Chernyatiev, Gerashchenko “on the basis of personal hostile relations with A. I. Evstigneev, who was in the room, deliberately inflicted at least one blow with his hand on the head of Evstigneev in order to inflict physical pain on the latter.”

Neither the victim nor the witness of this incident, Svetlana Kudrina, answered the phone calls on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the site has at its disposal a protocol of a cross-examination of Evstigneev and Gerashchenko, where the testimony of the chairman is recorded.

Both insisted on their testimony: Anatoly Ivanovich, for example, told the investigator that he was in Kudrina's office when the deputy entered them. “Gerashchenko uttered phrases like “officer’s honor”, ​​“duel”, after which he struck me with an open left hand on my right cheek, while I was sitting on a chair at the table, and he was standing next to me. At that moment, Kudrina was in the office, she saw everything perfectly, ”the speaker of the village council said at the procedure.

“There was no blow, not even my visit to Kudrina's office,” the accused deputy retorts. - The investigator has the testimony of a girl who registered the deputies before the May 5 meeting. The registrar states that the suspect, having entered the House of Culture, turned not into the assembly hall to his colleagues, but into the office of the head. I later specifically checked, even filmed a video: from the place where the registration desk stands, it is generally impossible to see where the person went next! In the office of the head, by the way, there is a surveillance camera. But for some reason she did not work that evening. And, finally, this argument: if I had hit Yevstigneev, would he have been able to sit quietly for two hours at a meeting without showing any sign? There is a video recording of the meeting, it shows that everything is in order with the chairman!”

It is necessary to clarify: Anatoly Evstigneev, chairman of the Roshinsky village council, is an elderly man. Sergey Gerashchenko, even if he is over 50 years old, is a former master of sports in boxing, a heavyweight who does not forget about sports today. Gerashchenko's fellow party members joke sadly: if the deputy really hit the speaker, the chairman in the village council today, most likely, would already be a new one ...

There is a curious detail in the materials of the cross-questioning conducted in the Sosnovsky SB of the TFR: the opponents accuse each other of intending to "influence" the political opponent. Gerashchenko openly declares that he represents the opposition in the council of deputies and that Anatoly Yevstigneev has publicly promised more than once to "knock out one at a time" deputies who disagree with him. Yevstigneev, in turn, claims that it was Gerashchenko, an opposition deputy, who, having dissolved his hands, tried to influence him, the head of the representative body.

Indeed, there are enough contradictions in the Roshinsky village council. It's no joke: out of 11 deputies, only six, headed by Evstigneev, are United Russia members, and the remaining five are from A Just Russia. the site has already reported that just such a stubborn opposition of deputies did not allow in March 2016 to amend the charter of the settlement, replacing the direct election of the head with a competitive procedure for appointing the first person. The opposing sides were not shy about mutual accusations. Anatoly Evstigneev was reminded of the words he allegedly said that he “doesn’t care about the decision of the Constitutional Court” (at the end of 2015, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation allowed urban and rural settlements to independently establish the rules for the formation of their local self-government bodies). It was in March that Yevstigneev directly told the website correspondent that he was consulting with lawyers in order to find a way to deprive the opposition of mandates - for example, due to inaction or limited legal capacity.

Be that as it may, direct elections in Roshchino have been preserved for today. And Sergey Gerashchenko did not hide from Yevstigneev and Kudrina that he intended to participate in them: the deputy has been trying to break into local heads for 12 years and believes that he has a chance. In his opinion, Kudrina is unpopular in Roshchino, while he himself is not only a very famous person, but also with a spotless reputation. “It did not immediately dawn on me: the elections! After I was charged, the election commission refused to accept my documents for registration for the election of the head of the settlement. So these conspirators have achieved their goal! - Gerashchenko shared his thoughts.

Today, only three people are actually registered in the elections for the head of Roshchino: the current head of the village, Svetlana Kudrina, a deputy from the SR, Tatyana Degtyareva, and ... another Degtyareva, a 67-year-old pensioner from the Dolgoderevenskoye district center. In the local cell of A Just Russia they are sure that the last candidate was specially selected to mislead voters and take away votes from the opposition - the technology, in general, has long been known ...

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