On the coffee grounds at the bottom to the dragon. What else do you need to know when working with the image of a dragon? Interpretation of signs: celestial objects

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is popular, intriguing with signs of fate, fatal symbols at the bottom of the cup. This method of predicting fate was used hundreds of years ago, while the fortune teller uttered a secret conspiracy known only to initiates. Today, the principles of the process have remained unchanged.

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Conducting a ritual

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is easy to do on your own at home, if you have the necessary attributes:

  • white porcelain cup;
  • natural ground coffee;
  • Turk.

The key to correct divination is the observance of the ritual, which is performed as follows:

  1. In the Turk, hand-ground coffee beans are brewed and special magic phrases are pronounced. For brewing, you will need a mixture of grains of coarse and fine grinding in a ratio of 2: 1. A sediment from such a thicket is easier to decipher.
  2. Competently compose a question with a clear and most accurate formulation of what exactly is required to be learned from higher powers.
  3. After boiling the aromatic drink, pour it into a cup.
  4. You need to hold the porcelain container in your hands and mentally concentrate on inner experiences.
  5. They drink a warm and infused drink, while leaving a small amount of liquid at the bottom. Having made circular movements with the left hand three times in the air, the contents are overturned onto a clean saucer.
  6. Having counted up to 10 to oneself, the cup of coffee is removed and the mysterious ritual of divination is started according to the drawings on the saucer.

If during divination 4-5 images came out of the coffee grounds - the ritual was a success, 1-2 - it is worth repeating again.

Meaning of sizes, colors and arrangement of signs

The size of the pattern tells about the degree of influence of the predicted event on a person's life. Pictures on the bottom tell about past events, and drawings on the edge tell about the future. It should be borne in mind that if you saw a lot of dark spots at the bottom - the hardships of unresolved cases, and the predominance of light ones speaks of a carefree and happy existence. In addition, the smaller the distance between the signs and the center of the cup, the closer the moment of prediction fulfillment.

Symbol interpretation

You need to interpret images based on an understanding of the meanings, as well as relying on intuition and inner feelings.

On the video from the School of Life channel. ru you can see how you need to guess on the coffee grounds.

human figures

With this divination, human figures are often found that have a symbolic meaning:

  1. Damn - arguing with fate, a rash step.
  2. The devil with horns is a sign of temptation, addiction to the forbidden, treason, illness, troubles.
  3. Angel - recovery soon, happy news that will solve all problems.
  4. The figure with wings is an astral image, a person is under the protection of a strong guardian angel who protects him everywhere. At the right moment, questions will be resolved in the best possible way.
  5. Rybak - a relationship with a loved one will last for many years.

Body parts

It is not uncommon to see various body parts at the bottom of a coffee cup. There are images that are familiar to a person, as well as supplemented with other drawings.


In fortune-telling, it marks joys on the love front and a lot of attention from the opposite sex. It characterizes readiness for emotional experiences. In the near future, fate will bring with a person who will radically change his views and moral values.

In addition, the interpretation of the sign is as follows:

  • the image of a heart with an arrow in fortune-telling on coffee grounds means the infidelity of a partner, the termination of relationships, protracted quarrels in the family, the collapse of dreams and plans;
  • an inverted heart is a symbol of being in an illusory state, of knowing true love.


The eyes seen on the coffee grounds are a symbol of observation, research qualities. Care must be taken in accepting proposals from business partners.

Depending on which eyes you saw, the interpretation will be as follows:

  1. Sad with lowered corners - symbolize a state of depression, longing, loneliness. Bad news is expected. Lack of opportunity to demonstrate talents and talents.
  2. A triangle figure is seen near the eyes - no matter what, you will be lucky in the near future. Positive changes are not far off.
  3. Large, beautiful - a symbol of patronage and the correct distribution of energy.
  4. Bulging, rounded eyes - a suspicious and cowardly character, the hardships of married life, the likelihood of betrayal.
  5. Sly, narrow Asian eyes on the surface of coffee grounds - it is recommended to keep calm, conservatism, secrecy, and it is better to keep plans a secret.


It can be safely called a sign of stability:

  • in the center of the cup - a symbol of a strong financial position, a secure existence;
  • below - characterizes a reliable person who can be safely relied upon;
  • open - others with curiosity and bewilderment are watching the actions of your person;
  • the outlines of the face nearby are a sign that one of the most important meetings in life is approaching;
  • lips near the field - an adventure of a romantic nature, a likely happy marriage in the future.


Quite frequent drawings from coffee grounds are animals, which usually have a favorable meaning for a fortuneteller. But they can also warn about something or give a hint.

For example:

  • the giraffe informs the fortuneteller that one should not place great hopes on imminent changes in life;
  • the dinosaur says that the fortuneteller will assist in the education and spiritual development of another person;
  • the dog promises a person happiness, as well as success and friends who are ready to help at any moment;
  • caterpillar - a sign of a slow but sure way to achieve the goal.

Other decoding symbols are presented below.

The Dragon

This is a symbol that portends career growth and improved living standards. The appearance of a dragon in coffee divination must be compared with other images at the bottom of the cup in order to understand the exact interpretation.


The deer symbolizes:

  • frankness with others;
  • generosity;
  • openness;
  • wisdom.


Denotes secret enemies, as well as losses associated with close relatives.

Interpretation of images with a mouse:

  • an animal near the triangle - in the coming days there will be value;
  • near zero - you need to carefully monitor the jewelry, there is a high probability of losing them;
  • the mouse inside the contour of the face is a warning sign of scandals and squabbles;
  • the animal in the middle of the cup - unforeseen material difficulties.


It means little profit, little career success. In mythology, a cetacean creature was considered a conductor between worlds, therefore, in the process of divination, it also portends a road and a path.


The seen crocodile suggests that you need to be careful in professional matters, especially if the initials of a dubious person are seen near the image. If this symbol is at the top of the rim of the cup, you will have to make the wrong decision.


A common image on coffee grounds, its interpretation means:

  • position under control;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • help from a friend
  • travel and travel.

Trees and plants

The interpretation of the meanings of such drawings depends on the type and characteristics of the plant or tree itself. They need to be analyzed and compared with the information over their own lives.


The interpretation depends on which tree and in what form appeared in the coffee grounds:

  1. A tree with roots and leaves in the traditional sense means good health, prosperity, ascension. Characterizes a person who knows how to think creatively and achieve recognition in society.
  2. With lowered branches - portends impotence, migraines, weakness. There may be a delay in business.
  3. Without leaves, dried up - failures of relatives, illness, trouble.
  4. A broken trunk - deprivation, a broken symbol - disappointment, indicating the collapse of undertakings.
  5. Oak - a triumph, a speedy recovery, a surge of vitality.
  6. Spruce - a predisposition to longevity, a sign of experience gained over the years.
  7. Willow - a symbol of longing, tears, melancholic mood.
  8. Bush - bad luck in business, unexpected troubles, obstacles in the way.
  9. The forest is the wrong way of life.
  10. Only leaves - prosperity in business, support for outsiders, income.
  11. Walnut tree - the authority and respect of people.
  12. The apple tree is a fascinating life.

In a special way, a tree from coffee grounds is deciphered, depending on the localization:

  • the tree at the bottom of the cup will indicate resistance to difficulties and obstacles on the way to a successful goal;
  • the image of a tree on the wall - more attention should be paid to the family, its interests.

tree tree


In fortune-telling on coffee grounds, it has a twofold decoding:

  • windfall gains and windfall victories;
  • warns that everything has a price and for every act you have to pay in full.


A symbol of love interests, as well as family warmth and comfort. The value is enhanced if it is not alone, but in a bouquet.

The interpretation will be as follows:

  • at the top of the cup there are dark flowers - there will be a meeting with the future spouse soon;
  • in the center of the cup - the children will take care of the old age of the fortuneteller, ensure satiety and well-being;
  • below - you need to prepare for fun, most likely in nature;
  • flowers near the contour of the face - falling in love;
  • next to the animal - promises the birth of a child;
  • flowers not far from the road - unexpected guests who are in a hurry and will be on the doorstep any minute;
  • a rose is a symbol of the engagement of two people;
  • violet - a luxurious wedding;
  • chrysanthemum is a sign calling to keep faith in love, which will not visit soon.


Objects can often be found at the bottom of the cup along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always unambiguous.

For example, if a fortuneteller notices the figure of a teapot in a cup of coffee grounds, this is for the guests. The clock will be a signal that there is too little time left for the realization of desires. And the seen waterfall symbolizes the rapid course of events, in which the main thing is to have time to make the right decision.


The controversial figure made of coffee grounds symbolizes royal life, comparing wealth and power with the range of duties and restrictions at the same time:

  • at the bottom of the cup - a sign of readiness for responsibility for others;
  • the crown is seen in the center - a person is respected, sometimes they curry favor with him;
  • the outline of the image on the rim - symbolizes rewards in professional achievements, career growth, good luck in business.


The plane at the bottom of the cup characterizes a person who loves changes in life. If it is in the middle part - a relaxing journey. Above or on the edge - a sign of an upcoming business trip.


The mirror when divining on coffee grounds has more than one interpretation:

  1. In the center of the cup - you should be critical of yourself. Perhaps the causes of problems and the key to solving them lie within the person himself.
  2. In the left corner of the cup there is a sign warning that attention should be paid to the state of health.
  3. In the right - good news, marking a meeting with your soulmate.


Having dealt with the designations of the figures that are most often found, you can easily decipher their images.


Favorable picture. It portends a successful and comfortable life due to inheritance, enterprise. Warm love relationships, as well as the environment of famous and respected people.

How to learn to guess on coffee grounds, user Elena Ryazantseva will tell.


These signs have different interpretations:

  1. The wavy line is a symbol of a long, exciting journey.
  2. In the form of an arc or a curve - you need to beware of the ill-wisher among loved ones.
  3. A pair of short lines (1 cm) - inconstancy in desires and preferences. This is associated with frequent changes in the type of activity, the circle of acquaintances.
  4. Many curves are a sign that you need to beware of suspicious people who want evil.
  5. Several broken lines - serious financial difficulties, large-scale cash spending.
  6. Many straight, long - a symbol of good health and long life, short - characterizes frivolous connections.
  7. A separate line in the center of the cup - an exciting journey is expected soon.
  8. The intersection of a straight line with broken lines or curves is a sign of heartfelt experiences.
  9. A broken or zigzag line - adventurism, leading to accidents that are harmful to health.
  10. Straight long - monotony, lack of sharpness of sensations. In the future, a calm, measured life awaits.
  11. Straight short (1 cm) - changes with alternating ups and downs.
  12. Small dashes are a favorable pattern.

It must be remembered that the interpretation of lines depends on neighboring images.


Associated with a wedding ring, wedding and means:

  • in the center of the cup - life with a spouse will be easy, fun;
  • above - one of the close relatives will soon marry;
  • below - a decent dowry before the wedding is provided;
  • around the cloud - the problem of a loved one, the solution of which is in your hands;
  • two circles - a flash of feelings, love at first sight, marriage.


The right triangle is the sign of birth under a lucky star. If this is a broken figure - major troubles will be resolved in the coming days, in the future dangers and obstacles are not terrible. When you saw two touching triangles, it means that fate has prepared unexpected changes, a precarious situation.


The interpretation of the letters seen during divination on coffee grounds is as follows:

  • A - triumph and prosperity;
  • B - big plans for the future;
  • B - entertainment, celebration;
  • G - worries, anxieties, demotion;
  • D - a close friend will help in solving problems;
  • E - inner instinct will not let you down;
  • F - favorable news;
  • Z - sadness;
  • And - change is to be expected;
  • Y - beware of unpleasant situations;
  • K - troubles with a relative;
  • L - deceit and betrayal of a dear person;
  • M - carelessness in the future;
  • H - peace and harmony;
  • O - help a friend;
  • P - costs associated with loved ones;
  • P - success in financial matters;
  • C - news from the past;
  • T - if you look back, there will be no future;
  • U - happiness will find you;
  • F - love with a friend;
  • C - quick cash profit;
  • H - wait for help from a man;
  • Ш - dangers and unforeseen problems;
  • Щ - tolerance and endurance;
  • b - perseverance and purposefulness;
  • S - love and fortune are nearby.


These signs in this divination are interpreted in different ways:

  • 1 - fortune-telling will tell about happiness;
  • 2 - sudden difficulties, obstacles, difficulties;
  • 3 - luck in financial matters;
  • 4 - good luck in your endeavors;
  • 5 - foul language, gossip, squabbles;
  • 6 - prosperous family;
  • 7 - mutual understanding and consent;
  • 8 - strife and misunderstandings;
  • 9 - new connections;
  • 0 - recognition and implementation of the plan.

Photo gallery

Some more signs for divination on coffee grounds are shown in the photo.

People have always sought to look into the future, to see what lies ahead for them, to get answers to exciting questions. One of the most common ways to penetrate the secrets of the future has always been fortune telling on coffee grounds - you will learn the interpretation of the symbols that can be seen on the bottom and walls of the cup from this article.

Fortune telling by coffee grounds and interpretation of drawings: a bit of history

At the moment, fortune telling on coffee grounds is known all over the world. But where did it come from? Where was the connection between mysterious symbols and life events first noticed? It is difficult to give a definite answer to these questions. It is safe to say that fortune-telling originated where coffee grew.

The Italians defend their authorship most zealously in the discovery. Based on their written sources, divination was first described in the 18th century. However, reasonable doubts arise that fortune-telling is so “young”.
At the moment, it is reliably known that the Indians from Peru have long used coffee grounds for predictions. The same can be said about the court of the Turkish Sultan. They liked to entertain themselves with such experiments. From the moment coffee appeared in Russia, and this happened thanks to the efforts of Peter I, the Slavs were imbued with the opportunity to push the veil of the future.
Not everywhere and not always the ritual was accepted positively. So, for example, there was an opinion (which can often be heard even now) that mysterious symbols do not arise on their own, but with the help of the Devil himself. At the same time, the fortune tellers considered him to be henchmen and, at best, simply looked askance. However, the number of their visitors never dwindled. Still, the mystery is attractive. And the mystery associated with the threat beckons with a vengeance.

Divination procedure

Despite the ubiquity of divination, its basic principles remain unchanged everywhere. It is necessary to stock up on high-quality ground coffee, because it is very important to enjoy the drink, and not think about when this disgusting liquid will finally run out. You will also need a porcelain cup and saucer. It is best if they are white, without any drawings and inscriptions. Dishes with recesses, recesses, etc. are not suitable for the procedure either.

Coffee must be brewed in such a way that the grounds fall into the cup. Ideal recipe "Oriental". You can buy coffee of the finest grinding and brew it with boiling water immediately in a cup. However, this option will not allow you to feel the whole charm of the process, to feel contact with many people from various generations who performed the same actions.

While the coffee is brewing, there is time to focus on the questions you want answered. You can’t just look “what’s there”. It is necessary to mentally turn to higher forces that can satisfy your curiosity. It is important that nothing distracts you while doing this.
Pour the coffee into a cup and, when it has cooled a little, drink slowly, savoring every sip, continuing to concentrate on your questions. You should not drink all the liquid to the end, the sediment should float, so leave at least a tablespoon.
Now you need to take the cup with your left hand and make three vigorous circular movements in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the sediment does not splash, but at the same time it should reach almost to the brim.
Then abruptly turn the cup on the saucer. At the same time, one of its edges should touch the side, and the other should stand on a flat surface. As a result, the cup is tilted. Leave it in this position for a few seconds, and then pick it up and look inside.
Before you, one might say, is an open book of your future. It remains only to read it.

Cup geography

Of great importance is not only what you see in the cup, but also its location. Each zone is responsible for its own sphere and time.

So, closer to the edges of the cup are symbols that speak of the future. The bottom is the past. Accordingly, the lower the spots, the more ancient events they tell about.

The handle of the cup is the object of divination itself. That is, the closer the symbols are to it, the more relevant they are to your life. The farthest - what leaves you or becomes indifferent.

Symbol interpretation

In fortune-telling on coffee grounds, a number of symbols are used, the interpretation of the meanings of which is the main task of the fortuneteller.
To read the prediction, you need to consider several of them at once, usually five. They should be analyzed in combination, not separately. This requires skills and, according to fortune-tellers, a special gift. However, this does not stop you from trying to do everything yourself.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: the meaning of symbols

All symbols that appear on the walls of the cup usually have counterparts in real life. This is what divination on coffee grounds differs from most of its counterparts, which involve reading the future in indistinct images. Here it's the other way around. In the spots on the cup, it is necessary to consider just something ordinary, and already it will have its own hidden designation.


  • Squirrel - you need to learn how to prioritize for yourself. You seem to be jumping along the branches, then to one, then to another. As a result, you get nothing and slow down your progress.
  • Wolf - you have recently done something heroic, selfless or seriously ill.
  • Dove - denotes someone pure, immaculate.
  • Goose is a self-satisfied, self-confident person, accustomed to honors and emphasizing his importance, which in fact is not.
  • Dolphin - unexpected help that comes whenever it is needed; friend.
  • Dinosaur - you can help someone in their studies or self-development.
  • Dragon - you are guaranteed success in the enterprise you have begun.
  • An animal (not domestic) is a secret enemy.
  • Giraffe - when setting goals, you do not distinguish between reality and unrealizable, so you are marking time.
  • Snake - in your environment there is a hidden enemy, a slanderer; treason; successful enterprise.
  • Whale - receiving small incomes.
  • A horse is a quick personal happiness, good luck.
  • Cat - someone pretends to be your friend, but in fact spreads dirty gossip; devastation.
  • Crocodile - you should be more careful about your decisions, especially in business.
  • Rat - disappointment, betrayal of close friends.
  • Swan - a pleasant journey that you did not know about.
  • The fox is a deception, there is someone cunning, two-faced, a swindler nearby.
  • Horse - someone is in love, news from a lover or lover.
  • Frog - good news awaits you, luck will turn its face, happiness.
  • Bear - you are in danger, you can avoid it only if you do nothing for this.
  • Mouse - perhaps you should not associate with new business partners.
  • Monkey - you are surrounded by people pretending to be friends; fraud.
  • Deer - truthfulness, wisdom.
  • Peacock - increased attention to one's own appearance; propensity for self-love.
  • Rooster - family happiness.
  • Bird - good news; good business news.
  • Fish - reception, party. The number of fish is equal to the number of guests who came.
  • Fish - you are ripe in order to transfer knowledge to others.
  • Pig - your wish will surely come true. Some of the hidden ones.
  • Elephant - in a difficult situation, do not hesitate to ask for help from the closest people. Wealth. Strength. Power.
  • Dog - you are lucky, you have real friends who will always protect and support.
  • An owl is a harbinger of death, a serious illness.

Interpretation of symbols: body parts

  • Head - says that you think a lot and often about something. Indulge in memories. Digging in yourself.
  • The face is a very good defense; defender.
  • The leg is a symbol of the road, a new enterprise. If she is in shoes, everything will end perfectly, financial income is possible. If you are barefoot, it is better to refuse such a trip, it does not bode well.
  • Profile - mutual love awaits you.
  • Heart - can have several meanings depending on the appearance. Ideal heart, as in the picture, to talk about complete happiness in love. A crooked heart portends health problems. Depending on the location, they either already exist or are waiting in the future.
  • The heart at the bottom is an all-consuming passion that affects your life, although it has remained in the past.

Interpretation of signs: figures of people

  • The rider is the patronage of the powerful of this world.
  • The girl is love.
  • The woman is the best friend. If there is a flower nearby, then the girlfriend is dangerous. Holds a stick - seduction, a love spell for a man.
  • A man is a seduction, a seduction for a woman.
  • Man and woman - secret passions, betrayals.
  • The child is a symbol of procreation. Located at the bottom - means that a child from the past will soon return to your life again. Above - the appearance of the baby.

Symbol interpretation: natural objects

  • Mountain - your goal is already close. Don't be afraid to take on very high and covered peaks.
  • Tree - you are used to overcoming difficulties and are not afraid of obstacles. A great future awaits you. The main thing is not to stop and confidently move forward.
  • Rose - a wedding will take place soon in your life. Not necessarily yours - it is determined by the proximity to the handle of the cup.

Interpretation of signs: celestial objects

  • The star is a very good symbol. Regardless of the position means a happy outcome. Luck. Fulfillment of desires.
  • Moon - full says that you easily share your feelings and experiences with others.
  • Month - on the contrary, you keep all the feelings to yourself.

Interpretation of signs: biblical symbols

  • Angel - someone secretly wishes you harm, but there is also an unknown protector who will not allow anything bad to happen. Good news awaits you, which you really hoped for. Joy.
  • Cross - if it looks like the letter "x", then it means marriage.
  • A white cross with a black outline - family happiness.
  • The cross is black with a white outline - sadness, bad news.

Interpretation of symbols: signs

  • Zodiac signs - you will meet a person born under the sign you see.
  • Circle - a sign always speaks of change. It can be any area.
  • Symbol interpretation: jewelry
  • Rings - a closed ring portends a quick wedding. Broken - on the contrary, divorce, misunderstanding. Several rings - many marriages await you, according to the number of characters.
  • The crown is an inheritance.

Symbol interpretation: clothes

  • Dress - you urgently need to decide on life goals - luck favors.
  • Boot - you have to go a long way.

Interpretation: other symbols

  • Roads - an exciting journey is about to begin. Adventure and travel are waiting for you.
  • The boat is romantic.
  • Horns - you are in danger. There is a possibility that someone close will betray.

If you want to look into your future, fortune telling on coffee grounds will help you - the interpretation of symbols can be very difficult, so sometimes it's better to consult a specialist. If everything is done correctly, then the future will appear out of the fog.

Here are examples of how the symbols might look:

1. Bag 2. Ax 3. Point 4. Triangle 5. Teapot 6. Flag 7. Hill 8. Flower 9. Clock 10. Lines 11. Human figure 12. Suitcase 13. Jester 14. Turtle 15. Monster 16. Hat 17 Bee 18. Pentagon 19. Fork 20. Gun 21. Mermaid 22. Fish 23. Glass 24. Airplane 25. Candle 26. Pig 27. Net 28. Skeleton 29. Violin 30. Elephant 31. Dog 32. Owl 33. Monkey 34. Clouds 35 Fire 36 Necklace 37 Circumference 38 Peacock 39 Parquet 40 Palm 41 Fern 42 Parachute 43 Spider 44 Feather 45 Saw 46 Pistol 47 Letter 48 Fruit 49 Parrot 50 Reptile 51 Profile 52 Bird 53 Leaf 54 Boat 5 55 Shovel Frog 59 Mask 60 Lighthouse 61 Bear 62 Baby 63 Hammer 64 Bridge 65 Ring 66 Comet 67 Ship 68 Basket 69 Crown 70 Bowler Hat 71 Cat 72 Cross 73 Bed 74 Crocodile 75 Rabbit 76 Wing 77 Rat 78 Jug

The dragon symbol is very meaningful and can have different interpretations in different cultures. Consider what the appearance of this symbol in fortune-telling practices and dreams can mean.

What does it mean to see a dragon in a dream?

When working with the image of a dragon, it is always important to notice under what circumstances it arises - this will help you understand in which direction you should focus your efforts and be especially careful. In general, a dragon seen in a dream means the prospect of a collision with changes that are carried by some powerful force. If a dragon helps you or you fly on it, then a person with great life experience will appear in your life, and it is likely that he will help in solving social problems. If the dragon is hostile to you, it means that a serious opponent or competitor will appear in your life. If there are difficulties in your personal relationship, then seeing a dragon in a dream means that another person will interfere in your situation. This may be a relative or friend, but, depending on the interpretation of the events of your dream, the person will either act as a destroyer of relationships or help unite hearts. And the ability to fly in a dream on a dragon means a high probability that your ideas and plans are realized thanks to the support of an influential person - this will probably be your leader.

The image of a dragon in divination on coffee grounds

A dragon that appears during fortune-telling on coffee grounds means the successful completion of the process that has begun. However, if you received an adventurous or dubious offer, the dragon that appeared during fortune-telling on coffee grounds will advise you to refuse such an offer in order to maintain stability. For a single girl, this symbol means that there is an influential man in her workspace who has strong feelings towards her, it is possible that this is a leader. The dragon symbol for a woman in a stable relationship means the imminent appearance of an enemy or some other obstacle in her personal life, which can lead to a breakdown in relations. The appearance of a dragon in fortune-telling on coffee grounds must always be correlated with other symbols in order to find out the exact interpretation. After all, the dragon is global change, long-term processes, influential people who can act both as patrons of your destiny and in the form of serious obstacles and opponents. In some cases, the presence of accompanying symbols of a ring or a dove next to the dragon can mean pregnancy and the appearance of a child.

The meaning of the dragon figure in divination on wax

The figure of a dragon that appears during divination on wax means victory over circumstances. Seeing this figurine when starting a new business or developing a project, you can count on support and material assistance from an influential person. If you have debts or financial difficulties, then the dragon that appeared during divination on wax means legal punishment and significant losses. For lovers, the image of a dragon can act as a symbol of change and moving, but if there are negative symbols nearby, the appearance of a homeowner and an obstacle to marriage.

What else do you need to know when working with the image of a dragon?

It is important to note that the meaning of the dragon figure, like other symbols, cannot be interpreted separately from other signs during divination. Remember that the dragon always means global processes that will change your life for a long period. Fate can also send you signs: if at an important and crucial moment you see the dragon symbol on the logo, in the form of an image or a statuette, think about the ongoing processes. It is very important to realize your state at the moment when the dragon symbol comes to you. If something worries you or any doubts, fear and uncertainty arise, then you need to abandon your plan so as not to get into an unpleasant situation that will lead to losses. If you meet the dragon symbol in a positive mood, when you are developing an idea that inspires you, or in the process of negotiating with partners who inspire confidence and confidence in a stable future, it's time to be decisive and take a serious step while luck accompanies you. When an image of a dragon appears in a dream, during self-fortune telling on coffee grounds or wax, remember that this is a very significant symbol, and for the correct interpretation of the meaning that it carries, it would be better to consult an experienced expert in the field of esotericism.

Self fortune telling on coffee grounds is an old kind of divination, a fascinating truthful fortune telling that you can do yourself at home or turn to online fortune telling, ask a question and after a couple of minutes find out about upcoming events.

What does a dragon mean when divining on coffee grounds

Modern fortune-telling on coffee grounds and the interpretation of the emerging symbols are not much different from the old fortune-telling, during which a cup with coffee grounds was turned upside down, after which the patterns that appeared were interpreted. Here it is important to correctly interpret the sign of fate that appeared on the walls of the cup, and the materialization of the signs is carried out by the efforts of the questioner himself.

Free coffee divination - the meaning of the dragon sign

Various symbols can appear on the walls of the coffee cup, some of which have a rather menacing look, such as a dragon. But, you must understand that you are entering the world of magic, amazing esoteric spaces, where not everything is arranged the way it is in the real world.

In the world of magic, the dragon is not an evil and bloodthirsty creature, but a wise man who brings good news. Therefore, in fortune-telling on coffee grounds, the dragon acts as a positive figure and denotes the fulfillment of hopes, the fulfillment of desires, the successful completion of a business, or even the birth of a long-awaited baby.

The dragon symbol in divination on coffee grounds, in addition to those listed, has other meanings. Below is more about them.

Old fortune-telling on coffee grounds - interpretation of the dragon symbol

What does the appearance of the silhouette of a dragon on the walls of a cup promise during coffee divination:

  • Unforeseen circumstances that will cause a change in the way of thinking. This may be due to new acquaintances.
  • Anxiety, doubt. financial instability. If the dragon sign has opened for you, give up financial transactions that cause you distrust. So you save money, nerves, and, of course, time.
  • You are interested in some influential person. A quick, or love affair is possible, which will increase your prestige.
  • Implementation of the plan, successful completion of the project, a successful outcome in any situation. Fate will give you a chance to take risks and win. If you are guessing at the situation, know the sign the Dragon tells you that your work is great!
  • Jealousy, a serious quarrel that will end in separation from a loved one. If you are guessing for love, then the dragon symbol will not bring you anything good. Relationships are likely to be destroyed as a result of infidelity.
  • If you make free fortune-telling for a business, then the lurking dragon symbol is a warning. Intrigues, malicious intent of enemies and competitors. Be prudent and careful.
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