Facial tick on the nose. Treatment of demodicosis on the face

It does not belong to the group of harmless phenomena and can be fraught with serious consequences. For example, in a neglected state, it contributes to the development of such a chronic disease as demodicosis.

Like any other pathological condition, demodex has several stages of development. Each of them has its own distinctive features, symptoms and method of treatment.

Stages of development of demodex:

Demodex in multiple magnification under a microscope

In most cases, a harmful mollusk affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids, chin and forehead. Scientists say that throughout life, every person was a carrier of a subcutaneous tick. But the development of the pathology itself does not occur in everyone.


The main reasons for the appearance of a tick on the face include:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • frequent visits to the sauna or bath;
  • living in adverse environmental conditions;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • coffee abuse;
  • non-compliance with the rules of facial skin care;
  • infection from a carrier of a chronic form of demodicosis.

What are the symptoms

Due to its microscopic size, it is not possible to notice and see the harmful mollusk. The development of a tick under the skin of the face can be indicated by other symptoms that allow you to determine the disease at an early stage.

The main symptoms include:

  1. Acne. It can have a different character, from solitary acne to purulent abscesses. The degree of spread of these rashes directly depends on the severity of the disease.
  2. Unhealthy skin shine. Demodex enhances the work of the sebaceous glands of the face, so the skin has a greasy sheen.
  3. Redness of the skin of the face. This symptom is due to the presence of an inflammatory process. If left untreated, red spots become uneven and bumpy.
  4. Nose enlargement. The deformation of the organ occurs because healthy tissue, due to the actions of the subcutaneous tick, turns into connective tissue.
  5. Itching. This phenomenon is explained by the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the waste products of harmful mollusks.

If you find the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Ignoring the appearance of these signs can lead to the development of a serious disease and a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin.

It should be remembered that the restoration and cleansing of the dermis of the face will take a long period of time and a lot of effort.

How to get rid of the problem (medication methods)

The method of getting rid of a subcutaneous tick on the face can only be prescribed by a doctor, prescribing medication and advising the use of various kinds of lotions, creams or ointments.

Therapy prescribed by a specialist may include the following:

How to treat a subcutaneous tick at home

Of course, such drugs are not serious medications and do not have side effects.

The following pharmaceutical products can contribute to the speedy disposal of a tick:

All of the above drugs are applied to damaged areas of the epidermis.

In order to increase the effect of the ointment or cream, it is recommended to wash your face with tar soap before the procedure.

How to cure an ailment with folk remedies

You can get rid of the disease with the help of traditional medicine. The essence of this method is the implementation of lotions made on the basis of decoctions of medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and astringent effects.

Folk remedies for subcutaneous ticks on the face can be prepared as follows:

  1. Wormwood in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup boiling water and leave for 5 hours.
  2. Juniper berries in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. add boiling water to a glass, you need to insist at least 6 hours.
  3. Elecampane root in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. add 1 cup boiling water and simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for 5 minutes. The broth should be insisted for 5 hours, and then filtered.

Preventive measures

In order to avoid this disease or prevent its reappearance, it is very important to follow preventive measures. Following the recommendations of specialists significantly reduces the likelihood of a subcutaneous tick on the face.

Preventive measures include:

  • balanced diet;
  • right way of life;
  • exclusion of close contact with infected persons;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • avoidance of low-quality cosmetics;
  • timely treatment of pathological conditions of internal organs;
  • prompt appeal to a dermatologist in case of any changes in the skin of the face;
  • the use of vitamins and minerals;
  • regular change of bed linen.

It is worth remembering that a subcutaneous tick can adversely affect not only the general state of health, but also significantly worsen the appearance of a person. The face, covered with rashes from demodex, looks very terrifying.

They are also called demodexes or glanders, they are one of the most dangerous varieties of parasites that can cause a lot of trouble to a person. They cause the development of demodicosis - a skin disease, which in some cases becomes chronic and worsens twice a year.

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Acne.
  3. Rosacea.
  4. Various specific eye lesions.

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that subcutaneous mites are present in virtually all people, their presence is not a pathological case. However, for various reasons, they can begin to multiply rapidly, which causes a number of problems, including the development of certain diseases.

Types of subcutaneous mites

In the human body, there are usually only two types of ticks that can be found in different areas of the body, depending on their characteristics:

Most often, signs of the presence of ticks of this type appear in older people, less often in adults and very rarely in children. This is due to the fact that at a young age, a person under the skin contains a small amount of fat.

  1. Itching and burning sensation, aggravation usually occurs at night.
  2. An increased number of acne, peeling of the skin, rashes of various types, purulent acne and ulcerative abscesses.
  3. The formation of bumpy growths, which are clearly felt when feeling the surface of the face.
  4. Change in skin color on the face, usually it acquires a grayish color, unusual for a healthy person.
  5. Shine of the skin, which actually never goes away and does not disappear even after thorough washing.
  6. Expansion of pores on the face.
  7. The presence of small white scales that collect near the roots of the hair or eyelashes.
  8. Hair becomes thinner and begins to actively fall out, eyelash loss is also possible.
  9. The presence of abundant discharge from the eyes, due to which the eyelashes stick together.
  10. Inflammatory processes associated with the eyes, their significant redness.
  11. One of the last symptoms that manifests itself in the advanced stages of the disease, if it is not treated in time, is a noticeable swelling of the nose, it increases significantly in size and has an ugly shape.

  1. The patient's appeal to a dermatologist due to the occurrence of any complaints associated with the possible activity of subcutaneous mites and the manifestation of the first symptoms.
  2. Taking scrapings of skin secretions from the facial area.
  3. Taking a plucked eyelash or hair from an eyebrow for verification.

Hair is usually examined under a microscope, scrapings are subjected to a simple analysis, so in most cases a preliminary diagnosis can be obtained directly in the dermatologist's office.


If subcutaneous mites are found or diseases caused by them occur, serious treatment is required. It is prescribed exclusively by a specialist, the course is usually long and lasts up to three months, any type of self-treatment is strictly prohibited. You should not delay seeking medical help, as the disease will only progress over time.

Regardless of the course that was prescribed by the specialist, the following will be contraindicated for the period of treatment:

  1. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or visits to solariums.
  2. Using alcohol-based lotions to cleanse the skin.
  3. The use of face masks and other cosmetic products that promote blood flow and increased blood circulation.
  4. Use of any kind of decorative cosmetics.
  5. Use of feather pillows.
  6. Visiting baths and solariums.
  7. Taking hot baths at home.

In addition, there are many folk remedies for the treatment of the disease. For the most part, they are based on the use of various homemade ointments, for example, from blackcurrant.

Undergoing treatment and taking pharmacological drugs can cause the following consequences, which should not be feared:

  1. Personal care products, cosmetics, or bedding if used by an infected person.
  2. Contact with the sebaceous glands or hair of an infected person.
  3. Use of non-sterile instruments in hairdressing or massage parlors.

Reasons for development


Since the removal of subcutaneous mites and the treatment of diseases caused by them is a rather complicated and lengthy process, it would be much more rational to take some preventive measures, which are as follows:

  1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, which also consists in the periodic use of antibacterial varieties of soap for hands and face.
  2. The use of exclusively personal towels, cosmetics, combs and other personal hygiene products.
  3. At least partially maintain proper nutrition by including healthy and vitamin-rich foods in your diet.
  4. Take precautions when in contact with infected people.

The cause of skin problems can be a microscopic subcutaneous mite Demodex or "acne iron", which causes a severe skin disease "demodectic mange".

There are two types of subcutaneous mites:

  • Demodex brevis. This form of mite is localized in the ducts of the sebaceous glands of the skin of the face and most often affects the nasolabial triangle, sometimes rashes appear on the forehead, cheeks and superciliary arches, on the external auditory canals, less often demodicosis appears on the skin of the body.
  • Demodex folliculorum- lives in the stomata of the follicles of the eyelashes and eyebrows, very rarely it can be found in the hair follicles on the head or on the chest.

The tick has an elongated body shape of a very small size (from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm). It can move along the skin surface at a speed of 8 to 16 mm per hour.

In just 15 days, an individual develops from an egg to a sexually mature tick: egg -> larva -> nymph -> imago (adult).

Mostly demodicosis affects patients with weakened immune systems, with metabolic disorders, the elderly. Demodicosis is observed in children suffering from chronic diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The nutrient medium for the tick is the secret of the sebaceous glands, so it happily lives and actively multiplies on oily skin with excessive secretion. A couple of its half-dead representatives can be found on the cleanest and healthiest skin, but in such conditions they have to survive rather, so there are no symptoms of the disease, not to mention its development.

The tick activates its activity in the dark, so people suffering from demodicosis often complain of itching and “goosebumps” on the skin in the evening or at night. Demodex waste products are strong allergens, they cause rashes and itching. In addition, it is believed that the tick is capable of:

  • reduce the viscosity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands by adding its lipase enzyme to it;
  • cause hypertrophy of the glands, causing the skin to become porous.

All this is necessary for the tick to facilitate nutrition and movement.

The tick is the cause of the development of blepharoconjunctivitis or demodectic blepharitis. The following symptoms are characteristic of these eye lesions:

  • swelling and itching;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • loss and sticking of eyelashes;
  • accumulation of scales at the roots of the eyelashes;
  • dryness and "sand" in the eyes;
  • eye discharge.

Symptoms of demodicosis of the skin of the face are elements of inflammation. Most often it is:

  • papules - small pink or red pimples, often not containing pus, and usually they are located on the skin asymmetrically (there are more rashes on one side of the face than on the other);
  • areas of peeling;
  • redness;
  • itching that gets worse in the evening or at night.

Many patients complain of skin itching that appears in the process of washing or applying cosmetics. However, itching may not be present at all.

Signs of demodicosis of the skin of the face are very similar to the symptoms of other skin lesions:

  • rosacea;
  • acne
  • perioral dermatitis and other diseases.

Therefore, before starting the treatment of demodicosis, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis so that therapeutic measures give the expected effect.

And one more important point. Demodicosis does not develop in a healthy body. In order for the disease to manifest itself, favorable soil is needed. The trigger can be:

  • Hormonal disbalance. Hormonal problems can affect the amount of sebum and its quality composition, thus creating a favorable environment for the tick. The microorganism feeds well, multiplies and multiplies, the immune system reacts to the active activity of the tick, and symptoms of demodicosis appear. Therefore, a man should seek advice from an endocrinologist, and a woman - from a gynecologist-endocrinologist.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. We are talking about DZHVP (biliary dyskinesia), gastritis, cholecystitis and gastroduodenitis in a chronic form, as well as peptic ulcer.
  • Pregnancy or recent childbirth. The reason for the development of the disease is a decrease in immunity + temporary hormonal imbalance.
  • Strong stress. As you know, against the background of serious emotional upheavals, failures occur in almost all body systems.

Girls deserve special attention - lovers of the daily use of “tonalka” and powder, a more “neglected case” foundation + a layer of compact powder, and even with oily or combination skin types. These are just ideal conditions for activating the vital activity of the tick. Even better, when all these layers are applied somewhere under the hot rays of the sun at some resort - a good life for pathogenic microflora, including the Demodex mite, is provided.

This also includes girls who do not disdain to use any kind of "girlfriend" cosmetics.


In order to confirm demodicosis of the skin of the face, it is necessary to conduct a microscopic examination of a skin scraping.

The result will be more reliable if the patient refuses to use any cosmetics (care and decorative) 2-3 days before the analysis.

There are several other ways to detect a tick on the face:

  • microscopic examination of the contents of the sebaceous glands;
  • skin biopsy followed by histological examination.

Diagnosis of demodicosis of the eyelids is based on the same microscopic examination, but now the material for it is a few eyelashes from each eye.


The main goal of therapy is the destruction of a pathogenic microorganism and the exclusion of favorable conditions for its vital activity. That is, you need to concentrate on eliminating the factors that provoke demodicosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as on the normalization of the hormonal background and the functions of the immune system.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive and include:

  1. outdoor therapy. For local treatment, agents with metronidazole, amitrazol, benzyl benzoate, ichthyol and other active ingredients selected by the attending physician are used. Usually treatment lasts from 4 to 6 weeks with possible interruptions. Self-cessation of the use of external agents is fraught with a relapse of the disease.
  2. Oral administration of medications. Here we are talking mainly about taking vitamins and antihistamines, in rare cases, metronidazole preparations may be prescribed.
  3. At the time of treatment, you need to abandon the use of cosmetics, follow a diet and prevent the disease, but we will talk about them a little lower.
  4. After the course of therapy for demodicosis is completed, you can proceed to cosmetic procedures that improve the condition of the skin. Usually, the therapeutic effect is fixed by fruit peeling, microdermabrasion, but it is recommended to start these procedures only one and a half to two months after the therapy - during this time the skin will finally come to its senses and recover. It is not bad to take a course of electrophoresis with various moisturizers.

The problem of demodicosis of the eyelids deserves special attention. Treatment of the disease should take place strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, since the drugs must be selected individually. Demalan, Demazol, as well as a gel based on pilocarpinoma, a substance that paralyzes the muscles of microorganisms, and other drugs are usually prescribed, at the discretion of the attending physician. If, against the background of the underlying disease, symptoms of a purulent lesion are detected, then antibacterial eye drops should be used. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, since most of the drugs used in the treatment of demodeokz are contraindicated for them. Seboregulating cosmetics are suitable here:

  • blefarogel 2;
  • demoten;
  • serums and gel masks;
  • drying lotions for topical application on rashes.

Do not use acid-containing drugs, as they can provoke the appearance of age spots, antibiotics are prohibited.

Read more about drugs for the treatment of demodicosis.


Let's start with the basics of hygiene - everyone should have their own: a clean towel, underwear and tools for applying cosmetics.

The important thing is diet. Proper nutrition is useful in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and without them. In the treatment of demodicosis and after therapy, you should deal with nutrition. The rules are simple:

  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • no - fast food, fatty, spicy and fried;
  • no - confectionery (sweet buns, butter cakes and other "butter-butter"), but dates, dried apricots, raisins and other "sweets" remain.

During the course of therapy for demodicosis, you will have to sacrifice a visit to the solarium and sauna.

Demodicosis is an unpleasant disease that is difficult to treat, but only at first glance. Any qualified dermatologist will prescribe a successful treatment strategy.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

Human skin is a great habitat for many bacteria. There are useful and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, the latter include the subcutaneous tick. Everyone has it in a small amount, maintains a normal pH of the skin, feeding on dead particles of the epidermis, sebum.


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Demodex mites can manifest their presence at any age, often adolescents who do not properly care for their skin suffer from this pathology, hormonal changes occur in their bodies. Pregnant women, some elderly patients are also susceptible to the appearance of the disease. It is forbidden to start treating rashes on the face and other parts of the body on your own. Only a specialist, after conducting a series of tests, is able to make the correct diagnosis, prescribe the necessary course of therapy.

Characteristic symptoms

  • at the beginning of the active life of the tick, you can notice a sharp increase in the production of sebum, enlargement of the pores. Then small pimples, sores, mild itching appear, which intensifies at night (the tick begins its active life, moving, causing discomfort);
  • the appearance of red spots on the skin of the face. Also, due to high humidity, an unpleasant sheen on the skin occurs. The epidermis becomes bumpy, which indicates the course of the pathological process;
  • the cheeks and nose suffer the most (it can even increase noticeably in size);
  • eyelashes also suffer due to mite activity: they become covered with scaly formations, then stick together, slowly fall out;
  • in especially advanced cases, patients complain of a feeling that something is crawling under the skin;
  • in the last stages of the development of demodicosis, there is a thickening of the skin, the formation of a purulent-bloody crust.

The sight is not pleasant, besides, you can become a threat to your family. Sharing towels and other household items will infect the rest of the family. The subcutaneous mite over time captures more and more new territories, affecting the scalp on the head, making it constantly oily. Over time, the hairs will begin to fall out, leading to an unsightly appearance.


In addition, doctors fully examine the patient, checking him for chronic ailments, hormonal disruptions, and other pathologies. It is not enough to simply identify the causative agent of the pathology, it is recommended to determine the root cause of the onset of the active life of the subcutaneous tick. Based on the results obtained, the dermatologist will make a diagnosis and select the appropriate course of therapy.

Important! Before taking the material, it is not recommended to use cosmetics, medicinal ointments, creams, tonics (this can "lubricate" the clinical picture).

Treatment Methods

The subcutaneous tick can be defeated with an integrated approach to treatment. First of all, they get rid of the root cause of the pathology, for example, they treat hormonal disorders, strengthen the immune system, fight stress and depression. Only then proceed to the elimination of external signs of pathology.

Medical therapy

Often, doctors suggest using ointments based on useful components that destroy ticks, help reduce sebum production, close pores, these are the means.

Effective drugs:

Why do spiders appear in the house and how to get rid of them? Read the answer page.

How to use the funds:

  • before applying the ointment, wash your face with tar soap, lightly blot with a clean towel (allocate a separate one for yourself, it is forbidden to use towels of other family members);
  • squeeze out the required amount of the drug, the doctor determines, apply to problem areas;
  • leave until completely absorbed, do not rinse.

Many doctors recommend the use of talkers, they are easy to buy at a pharmacy or make your own. For a homemade talker you will need: 100 ml of salicylic alcohol, four tablets of chloramphenicol, trichopolum. Grind the pills to a powder state, combine with alcohol, pour the product into a glass container. Use the mash as a tonic in the morning and evening. After treating the face, apply a nourishing cream, because the talker can greatly dry out the skin.

Treatment with diet and folk remedies

Give up the use of flour, sweet foods, salty, fried, fatty, spices, coffee. These products negatively affect the state of the whole organism, the skin, create favorable conditions for the reproduction of subcutaneous mites.

Lean on dairy products, cereals, lean meats, eat more vegetables, fruits. Refuse to drink alcohol, it prevents a speedy recovery.

Preventive measures

To prevent the development of the disease will help compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, avoiding stress. Treat colds, chronic pathologies in time, if there are hormonal failures, immediately take care of their elimination.

Attention! Only today!

The manifestation of subcutaneous mite activity on the face is not only a physiological problem. Many patients are more concerned about aesthetics. Indeed, at certain stages of the disease, a person’s face looks simply terrifying. Subcutaneous mite contributes to the development of demodex. As a rule, this disease manifests itself on the face, accompanied by the appearance of acne, redness, acne, abscesses. Cheeks, nose, lips - in these areas the disease manifests itself most often.

What is doemodex

By external signs, demodicosis is very similar to common acne. That is why it is impossible to independently identify the presence of this disease. Here you can not do without the help of specialists and laboratory research.

There are many reasons why the subcutaneous mite penetrates into the deeper layers, actively develops and causes inflammation. Doctors identify the most common causes of this disease:

Today, even experienced specialists cannot list all the causes of this disease. Precautions will allow you to protect yourself not only from demodicosis, but also from many other diseases transmitted by household means.

Specialists distinguish many different symptoms that can manifest themselves at certain stages of infection:

  • Hypermia, appearing on the edges of the eyelids;
  • Edema;
  • redness;
  • The appearance of peculiar scales on the face;
  • General fatigue of the body;
  • eye fatigue;
  • Clumped eyelashes;
  • Periodic appearance of barley on the eyes;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Acne;
  • Abundant loss of eyelashes;
  • Oily skin;
  • The appearance of bumps on the skin of the face;
  • A significant increase in the size of the nose;
  • Itching of the ears.

This disease develops in several stages. Each of them needs certain actions. For example, when the first sign of a disease is detected, it is possible to prevent the development of the disease on your own, using folk methods. The last stages of development are considered neglected, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the medical assistance of qualified specialists:

  1. prodromal period. This is the beginning of the disease. At this stage, the symptoms are not clear enough. In addition, they may not exist at all. That is why the first stage of the disease often goes unnoticed. However, you need to understand that if the disease was detected at the first stage, you will be able to prevent its further development without much effort, using only folk methods. Here, slight reddening may appear, which do not have clear boundaries.
  2. erythematous period. Red spots become clearer and more visible. Itchy pimples appear on the face. But in the second stage of the disease, it is still possible to successfully recover. The combination of folk methods and drug treatment will quickly achieve the desired results.
  3. Papulo-pustular stage. This is a more serious step. Here you can notice how the face is covered with nodules. Soon they become abscesses. These are serious enough consequences that should force a person to seek medical help. At this stage, self-treatment is strictly prohibited.
  4. hypertrophic stage. This is the final period of the development of the disease. Without proper treatment, growths in the form of large bumps appear on the face. Large abscesses also appear, thickening of the skin on the face is observed. The nose turns into a huge purple plum. Even with the most modern drug treatment, it will be quite difficult to cope with the advanced form of the disease. The patient should prepare for a long and expensive treatment. A whole medical complex is used here: medicines, procedures, diets.


A photo

How to treat a subcutaneous tick on the face

  1. Diet. When treating this disease, you should limit yourself to fatty, spicy and smoked foods. Also, the patient is contraindicated in products that contain a lot of sugar. Temporarily give up coffee, alcohol and various spices. Be sure to eat vegetables, cereals, bran, cottage cheese, kefir, milk.
  2. Medical treatment. It will be needed when the tick multiplies too quickly. Here, diet alone will not be enough. Today in the pharmacy you can buy special tablets and ointments. Doctors also prescribe cold treatment, ozone therapy, peeling and other cosmetic procedures designed to cleanse the skin of the face to patients.

(Video: “Demodicosis treatment. How to treat demodicosis on the face.”)

Ointments for subcutaneous ticks

Detection of demodicosis at the initial stage allows you to turn to folk methods:

  • grate laundry soap, dissolve it in water until a foamy mass is obtained. It is applied not only to red spots, but also to the entire face. Let this mask dry, after which it must be washed off. This procedure is recommended to be repeated several times. Instead of laundry soap, tar soap can also be used;
  • prepare a tincture of herbs that can relieve inflammation. Periodically wipe your face with this composition. To prepare the product, you can use calendula, sage, chamomile;
  • subcutaneous tick is afraid of an acidic environment. That is why the face in the summer can be wiped with cranberries and other sour berries. Also for these purposes, you can use kefir or sauerkraut juice;
  • use yellow clay to prepare the mask. Here it is recommended to use yellow clay, which is used in cosmetology. Add some water to it and mix thoroughly. You should get a homogeneous and fairly thick mass. It is enough to apply such a mask only on those areas of the skin where redness appears. The product is left overnight, washed off in the morning with warm water.

There are no special measures aimed at the prevention of demodicosis. However, there are simple recommendations, following which you will reduce the likelihood of manifestation of subcutaneous tick activity:

  • do not use cosmetics with hormonal supplements;
  • if some thing is infected with demodicosis, it is better to get rid of it;
  • in autumn and spring, take vitamins or drugs that support the immune system;
  • towels and bedding should be ironed regularly;
  • glasses, razors and other personal hygiene items must be kept clean at all times;
  • those with oily skin tend to develop this disease. Such people are recommended to wash with a special anti-demodectic soap;
  • periodically massage the skin of the face;
  • if the tick has shown its activity, it is better to use complex treatment. A positive result will be achieved if you simultaneously follow a diet, use ointments, medical and cosmetic treatment;
  • if demodicosis is found in someone in the family, it is better not to contact him face to face;
  • diet and a healthy lifestyle are the key to a long and happy life;
  • avoid constant overwork and stress;
  • give up frequent visits to saunas, solariums. Sunbathe less;
  • You don't have to sit in front of your computer all the time. Take frequent breaks for your eyes.

As a rule, exacerbations of this disease occur in spring and autumn. To be sure that the subcutaneous mite does not show its activity, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist during these periods. Also, carefully monitor the condition of your skin, the work of the endocrine and digestive systems.

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