Forest mint oregano, useful properties and contraindications. Cough mother. Origanum vulgaris for the elderly

Upright, branched tetrahedral stems covered with fine hairs. Leaves - finely serrated along the edge, petiolate, oblong-ovate, opposite. Oregano blooms from July to September with numerous small purple flowers collected in spikelets. The fruits ripen from August to October - brown, dry, smooth, rounded ovoid, consisting of 4 mm nuts.

The herb oregano, the use of which is widespread, is also called incense, motherboard or swan, since in folk medicine it was used to treat many gynecological diseases. In Russia, you can find 3 types of this herb, but the most valuable is oregano, which also grows in Central Asia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, the Caucasus, Siberia (Western and Central) in dry steppes, bushes, forest glades, meadows , slopes of ravines, forest edges, etc.

Procurement of raw materials

Medicinal raw materials are above-ground flowering leafy stems and flowers. Harvesting is made at the very beginning of flowering, cutting off about 20 cm long, along with inflorescences. After that, the raw materials are knitted into bundles and dried, hanging for this in a ventilated dark room. After drying, the leaves and flowers are separated from the stems by threshing or rubbing through a non-metallic coarse sieve. Raw materials can be stored for no longer than 3 years in hermetically sealed glass containers.

The smell of oregano is pleasant, the taste is tart, slightly astringent, bitter-spicy.

Chemical composition

The widespread use of the herb is due to its chemical composition, which contains tannins and dyes, a fairly large amount of essential oil, phenols, geranyl acetate, free alcohols, flavonoids and vitamin C in large quantities.

Oregano is also recognized by official medicine, it is included in the collection of herbs for bronchial asthma, gynecological, chest, hypertensive, sedative, cardiac collections, as well as in the collection for cleansing the body and for weight loss.

Oregano herb has a calming effect on the central nervous system, helps with disorders of the nervous system, insomnia (acting as a mild sleeping pill), neuroses, convulsions, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion or shocks, bad mood, and headaches. Also, official medicine uses decoctions and infusions for atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Oregano is also used to delay menstruation, to improve bile secretion and enhance the secretion of sweat and digestive glands, helps to contract smooth uterine muscles, acts as an excellent diuretic and regulates the menstrual cycle.

Oregano is also used as an analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Its infusions are useful in diseases of the respiratory organs (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, bronchiectasis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis), with poor digestion, especially in colitis or enterocolitis, which are accompanied by flatulence and constipation, as well as in the absence of appetite, secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, intestinal atony, biliary dyskinesia, spasms of the intestine or stomach, cholecystitis.

The oregano herb has also been used in the treatment of inflammation of the liver, it is used for painful menstruation, jaundice, increased sexual arousal, and also as an agent that enhances the secretion of sweat glands.

This medicinal plant has the ability to suppress the microbial flora in pulmonary tuberculosis, tonsillitis, rashes, and is also used for wound healing. In addition, decoctions of oregano are recommended for use in staphylococcal infections, especially in children.

Oregano is also used externally. For washing and compresses, it is used for headaches and skin rashes. With scrofula or rickets in children, they can be bathed in a decoction of oregano. Baths with the addition of decoction are also taken for various rashes. To stimulate hair growth or for headaches, they wash their hair with a decoction or infusion of oregano. Oregano preparations are effective for rinsing with inflammation of the oral cavity or pharynx, as well as compresses or lotions for eczema, itchy rashes, abscesses, boils, and for washing wounds.

And traditional medicine advises to rub the body with paralysis with oregano oil.

1. Infusion of oregano. Boiling water (200 g) pour 2 tables. spoons of raw materials, insist for a quarter of an hour and drink 100 g twice a day before meals. The same infusion is used for lotions, rinses and compresses. For baths, they take 10 liters of water and 10 tablespoons of raw materials.

2. A decoction of oregano. 200 g of hot water is poured with 2 teaspoons of herbs, covered with a lid, put to bask in a water bath. A quarter of an hour is heated, cooled and consumed in the same way as the infusion.

3. Infusion of oregano for the treatment of epilepsy: 10 g of herbs are taken for 300 g of boiling water, insisted and filtered. Take this infusion before meals, 100 g three times a day. Course - 3 years.

4. A mixture of a tablespoon of chamomile and oregano is poured into 200 g of boiling water, placed in a bowl and heated in a water bath for about 5 minutes, cooled, filtered and taken 100 g in the morning and evening.

5. Diaphoretic tea. Two tablespoons of a mixture of 1 part of the motherboard, two parts of dried raspberry berries, 2 parts of coltsfoot leaves pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink 100 g hot three times a day.

6. Breast tea. They take a tablespoon of a mixture of 2 parts of marshmallow root, 2 teaspoons of coltsfoot leaves and 1 teaspoon of oregano, pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink warm after eating 100 g each.

7. An anti-inflammatory collection is prepared for gargling the throat and mouth: two tables. spoons of a mixture of four parts of oregano, 6 parts of oak bark, 1 part of marshmallow root pour 400 g of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter. Use warm after meals for rinsing several times a day.

8. Tea: 2 teaspoons of herbs pour 200 g of boiling water, insist for 3 minutes and drink the entire portion with honey or sugar. This tea stimulates digestion. It is also recommended to drink it for women with early menopause or with constant and frequent hot flashes, severe bleeding, depressed mental state, and also to increase lactation in nursing mothers.


A contraindication to this herb is any period of pregnancy, because, causing uterine contractions, oregano serves to terminate pregnancy.

Hello, my dear friends - lovers of traditional medicine! Today, the subject of our conversation will be oregano - the healing properties and contraindications of which we will learn from this article.

The Latin name of the plant sounds like Origanum, but in Russia this herb with small pink flowers is affectionately called oregano for its pleasant, fragrant aroma. But in dried form, we know it precisely as oregano - an excellent seasoning for many meat dishes.

Oregano grows almost throughout the entire territory of our country, although North Africa and Asia are considered the birthplace of the herb. This is a perennial plant with a straight stem, which has a tetrahedral branched shape in the upper part and blooms in inflorescences of small pink-lilac flowers. Flowering time - July and August, until the first decade of September. It was then that the grass accumulates the maximum amount of useful essential oils, and therefore it is recommended to collect medicinal raw materials during this period.

Oregano grows in large numbers in meadows, forest edges and mountain slopes. Garden oregano looks great, planted in the flowerbeds of personal plots - its cheerful, colorful flowers will perfectly decorate any yard or greenhouse. And the presence of a persistent smell allows the plant to be used for the preparation of various incense, for example, for the manufacture of church incense. In ancient times, it was believed that the smell of oregano drives away evil spirits, so it was often used in various rituals from witchcraft and the evil eye.

You can see what this fragrant herb looks like in the photo.

Herb oregano medicinal properties and contraindications

Herb oregano has not only unsurpassed medicinal properties, but also some contraindications.

The main feature of the plant is the high content of essential oil in it - up to 1.5%.

Oregano oil is a very valuable product, which includes:

  • Phenols - up to 40%;
  • Organic compounds sesquiterpenoids - up to 12%;
  • Free alcohols - up to 15%.

If these chemical terms mean nothing to you, just believe me - oregano essential oil is very useful. It has been successfully used in the treatment of various skin diseases, it soothes inflamed joints and muscles, helps with toothaches, relieves spasms and has a strong antihistamine property.

In addition to these substances, the leaves of the plant contain ascorbic acid, flavonoids, tannins, fiber.

All these beneficial properties of oregano are used with great efficiency for the prevention and treatment of various painful conditions.

Medicines based on it help a person to quickly cope with such health problems:

  1. Infectious diseases - the plant works as a natural antibiotic and speeds up the healing process.
  2. Inflammation of the oral region (gingivitis, stomatitis) - in this case, the action of tannins and antibacterial substances contained in the leaves has a positive effect.
  3. Infusions and teas with oregano have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve tension and stress.
  4. The antihistamine characteristics of the herb make it safe to use for people prone to allergic reactions.
  5. Oregano has strong antimicrobial properties, thanks to which you can quickly cure eczema and other skin ailments.
  6. In diseases of the bronchi, decoctions from oregano are prescribed as an excellent expectorant that removes sputum.
  7. The plant has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, stops painful spasms and improves appetite.
  8. In some cases, oregano is used as a prophylactic to reduce the risk of developing oncology.
  9. Essential oil is indispensable for therapeutic massage. It quickly penetrates the skin, relaxes muscles and relieves cramps.

Fresh and dry oregano is brewed like tea or more concentrated infusions and decoctions are made. Alcohol tinctures are made from the flowers and leaves of the plant. Externally, weed is used in the form of lotions, ointments and soothing baths.

Contraindications to the use of oregano are:
  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • Severe form of hypertension;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Childhood.

Also, with caution, you need to use drugs based on oregano for people with diseased blood vessels, as well as for patients who suffer from renal or gastric colic.

Before engaging in herbal medicine, it is necessary to carefully study the herb oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications, so that unexpected side effects do not exceed the benefits expected from the procedure.

Since ancient times, oregano has been considered a “female” herb; it is not for nothing that one of its popular names sounds like “mother”. Most oregano recipes are used to treat gynecological ailments in women.

Let's take a closer look at what role oregano plays in gynecology and obstetrics, what are its medicinal properties and contraindications for women.

Infusions and teas from the motherboard are successfully used in the treatment of such female diseases:

  • Cervical erosion;
  • painful menstruation;
  • Failure of the hormonal cycle;
  • Unpleasant conditions during menopause - oregano reduces the duration and effect of the so-called "tides";
  • Postpartum uterine bleeding.

The main contraindication for the use of oregano is pregnancy at any time. Very important - even a single dose of a decoction or tincture from this plant can cause strong uterine contractions and provoke a miscarriage!

And there is also a belief that lotions with weed on the chest help a woman become the owner of beautiful and magnificent forms.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of oregano for men are based on its ability to calm the nervous system, relieve pain and help with muscle strain. This property of the plant is especially valuable for people involved in sports, as it helps to bring the body back to normal after hard training.

It is believed that the regular addition of oregano to food reduces cravings for alcohol.

However, there are also serious contraindications that can become an obstacle for men to use teas and decoctions from oregano:

  • Long and systematic use of the motherboard leads to a decrease in sexual desire and can bring a man to complete impotence;
  • It is not necessary to drink infusions with oregano for ulcers and patients who have been diagnosed with increased acidity of the stomach.

If a man has such problems, it is better to limit himself to the external use of lotions and compresses with oregano, abandoning other dosage forms.

Oregano medicinal properties and contraindications for children

Oregano medicinal properties and contraindications for children has a rather limited scope. The use of phyto-recipes in the treatment of babies should be very dosed, as it can cause not only a positive effect, but also unforeseen negative consequences.

In relation to oregano, this criterion should be even more stringent, since the plant is able to influence sexual development, slowing it down in boys, and vice versa in girls, artificially stimulating it. This property of the herb makes it impossible for children to use it. It is not necessary to give the child tea or an infusion of oregano, so as not to harm the fragile body.

Oregano - application:

And now let's find out what is the effect of drugs based on oregano with specific examples. I will tell you a few recipes where the use of oregano has shown quite effective results in various areas of our lives.

  • in gynecology

Women who suffer from an unsteady menstrual cycle can be advised the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of dried oregano leaves brew half a liter of boiling water and let it brew in a ceramic dish under the lid for about one hour. It is even better to prepare a drink in a thermos - at a constant high temperature, the beneficial properties of the plant will be revealed to the fullest. To normalize the hormonal background, it is enough to drink half a glass of infusion three times a day before meals.

  • during pregnancy

The use of oregano during pregnancy is contraindicated. The plant increases the tone of smooth muscles, which can lead to dangerous consequences. In order to avoid the risk of fetal loss, it is allowed to use the plant only in the lowest concentrations as part of general strengthening herbal preparations.

  • for colds and coughs

A warm decoction has proven to be excellent in the treatment of colds. It is especially effective to brew St. John's wort and oregano. Both of these medicinal plants have a powerful diaphoretic effect, which normalizes fever, and a large amount of vitamin C contained in their leaves helps the body cope with the disease faster.

Take oregano and St. John's wort in equal parts of 100 grams, pour one liter of hot water and boil in a water bath under a lid for about 10 minutes. Let it brew for a few hours. Strain and drink half a cup 3-4 times a day.

In order to make it easier to separate sputum, take a herbal collection consisting of oregano, mint, sage, pine buds and elecampane root. Brew with boiling water and take it inside several times a day until the condition is relieved.

It is very useful to do inhalations with oregano and eucalyptus oil - the antimicrobial effect of plants suppresses the inflammatory process, and the essential properties “soften” breathing.

  • for the nervous system

To soothe frayed nerves, stabilize nighttime sleep and relieve depressive states, an evening tea with oregano and valerian, sweetened with a spoonful of honey, is the best choice. You can simply add these herbs to the tea leaves (it is better to use green tea), or you can make an independent drink. Half a glass of dry leaves of the mother plant and rhizomes of valerian, pour a liter of boiling water and insist under the lid for a day. Strain and take before bed. If the taste turned out to be too saturated, dilute the broth a little with boiled water.

  • with dermatitis

For those who suffer from atopic dermatitis, taking an oregano bath can be a good way to relieve skin inflammation. It is quite simple to do this - put 100 grams of dry grass in a gauze bag and add it to a hot bath. So the plant will give up its beneficial properties, but will not get on your skin. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink infusions with oregano for at least 7-10 days.

  • for the digestive system

In case of bloating, inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, try to alleviate the condition with the following folk method: add 2 full tablespoons of dry grass to 200 ml of warm boiled water, insist in a water bath for 15 minutes, let it brew under the lid for 45 minutes, strain and drink two on an empty stomach half a glass once a day. Treatment to spend one week.

  • in cosmetology

The cosmetic properties of oregano allow any woman to improve her complexion, make her skin more elastic, and her hair soft, without resorting to expensive procedures and store-bought preparations. The mother perfectly cleans pores and accelerates cell regeneration, thereby literally restoring youth to our skin.

Decoctions and oil of the plant are used in the fight against such unpleasant phenomena as seborrhea and dandruff, and a mask with oregano has a positive effect on hair growth and improves their appearance. Do you want your skin to become firm and clean? Use this folk recipe: pour 5 tablespoons of grass with one liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for about 5 minutes, let it brew in a sealed container, filter, pour into ice molds and place in the freezer.

If in the morning, instead of traditional washing, you make it a habit to wipe your face with cold herbal cubes, the result will not be long in coming. The skin will acquire an even pink tint, fine wrinkles will disappear, and the face will simply “shine” with health and beauty.

To improve the condition of the hair, it can be recommended to rinse with a decoction of the plant - this will strengthen the hair follicles and give the hairstyle splendor and volume.

Oregano (oregano, mother) is a wonderful aromatic herb that has taken its rightful place both as an excellent seasoning for various dishes, and as a remedy for many ailments, and as a cosmetic product. The reviews of numerous fans of herbal medicine confirm that oregano - the healing properties and contraindications of which I revealed in my story, will come to your aid in a variety of situations.

Watch your health, friends! Treat folk recipes with respect, study the beneficial properties of plants, share useful information on social networks, and I will reveal to you the secrets of more than one amazing herb growing right under our feet. See you soon!

For most of us, the most famous use of oregano (Origanum vulgare, to be more precise) is to brew fragrant teas and prepare infusions or decoctions for colds. And only a few know other useful properties of oregano. Not everyone knows that this plant is a spicy spice called "oregano", or that oregano helps kill cancer cells. This material is about these and other useful properties of oregano.


You can understand how oregano is useful by getting acquainted with its chemical composition.
Useful elements are found in the ground part of the plant: leaves, flower buds, flowers, young shoots. Their content varies depending on the climatic conditions of growth. In a warm climate, for example, in Italy, America, Turkey, India, the Philippines, the content of some of them is more concentrated, therefore, such oregano has a more pronounced smell and a richer taste, it is often grown and harvested industrially. But the Russian oregano is not inferior to the "overseas" in its useful qualities.

The plant has a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which helps with colds, nervous disorders, strengthens the immune system and performs other functions useful for the body: in flowers - 166 mg%, in stems - 58 mg%, in leaves - most of all, 565 mg% .
Oregano contains 19% tannins, which have astringent properties useful in neutralizing microbes.
Vitamins, macronutrients (ash) and microelements (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, selenium and others) are also present in oregano and affect its beneficial properties.
The plant contains a wonderful essential oil, up to 1.2%, which is harvested for the needs of medicine, the perfumery, confectionery and alcoholic beverage industry, and beekeeping. It is almost colorless, bitter in taste, smells very pleasant. It contains a very valuable phenol thymol (from 44 to 50%).
The characteristic smell of oregano is given by carvacrol, famous for its bactericidal and antihistamine properties. Scientists also claim that carvacrol, contained in oregano, causes suicide of cancer cells, which allows it to be used as an anti-cancer agent.
Even the seeds of this plant contain useful phytoncides and fatty oil (about 28%).
The presence of sesquiterpenes and geranyl acetate determined the use of oregano in perfumery.
These and other useful substances are most contained in the plant during the flowering period in July-August. At this time, oregano is being prepared. The use of oregano is possible in a variety of areas.

The use of oregano in traditional medicine

The ancient Aesculapius - Hippocrates, Avicenna, Pliny, Aristotle, knew how useful oregano was and used it to relieve toothache and stomach pain, rheumatism, insomnia, to give strength to the body. It was also believed that the grass helps arrows to come out of the bodies of wounded animals. Nowadays, the use of oregano in medicine is also considered justified. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant in breast and diaphoretic preparations, and in carminative preparations for the treatment of flatulence. The use of oregano has been repeatedly tested and confirmed by practice in diseases of the stomach and intestines, inflammation, as well as in the treatment of certain liver diseases, jaundice, and insomnia. Oregano helps with atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, varicose veins, and even hoarseness. Some finished medicines contain oregano extract, for example, in the Urolesan preparation, and Indian doctors use oregano oil as a general tonic.

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The use of oregano in folk medicine

Folk healers use the beneficial properties of oregano in the treatment of alcoholism, skin itching, insect bites, rheumatism, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, colds, diseases of the stomach and intestines, to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. In addition, it has long been used to treat headaches and toothaches (oregano oil is placed in the hollow of a tooth), for burns, frostbite, convulsions, insomnia and nervous diseases, whooping cough and scrofula. Oregano helps young mothers very well to increase breast milk.
Oregano oil is used in aromatherapy for nervous diseases and for the treatment of respiratory organs. Phytoncides secreted by the plant ionize the air, improve its oxidation, thereby facilitating breathing and improving the emotional state of a person.
In addition to medicinal use, oregano is known to be used in the perfume industry, cooking and some other cases.

The use of oregano in cooking

Some recipes suggest using fresh oregano leaves as a salad ingredient. However, this herb is more used as a spice called oregano. It is included in various spicy additives for meat, fish and vegetable dishes, enriching their taste and aroma. According to scientists, oregano leaves, added when frying meat, reduce its carcinogenicity and kill E. coli, which may be present in meat.
In Greece, dry oregano herb (rigani) is used for almost any dish, sprinkled with it on any cold salads, portioned cheeses, any meat and fish dishes, added to a sauce of lemon juice and olive oil. This sauce can be eaten just like that, dipping bread into it, pouring it over fried fish, meat and boiled fish, served as a separate dish.
Without oregano, real Italian pizza is not possible. Many recipes for European sausages also involve the use of oregano.
In the Caucasus, in Russia and in Belarus, oregano is used for salting mushrooms and cucumbers, added to the filling for pies made from cottage cheese, meat, and eggs.
Everywhere in Russia, tea is made from oregano. Hot tea with oregano helps fight colds, and cold tea perfectly tones up. For preparation, ordinary tea is mixed with oregano and brewed in the traditional way. The amount of oregano is taken to taste.
In addition to teas with oregano, kvass and beer are prepared, where, in addition to taste, oregano plays the role of a preservative, extending the shelf life of the drink.

The use of oregano in perfumery

In perfumery, oregano is used due to its unique essential oil. They are flavored with soaps, colognes, lipsticks, toothpastes, gels.

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What else is useful oregano

Oregano is famous as a good honey plant. Oregano honey has the properties of the herb itself. And beekeepers coat beehives with oregano juice to repel ants and wax moths. Oregano successfully helps to fight with domestic moths. For this, clothes are sprinkled with grass, bunches of dry oregano are placed in wardrobes. In ancient times, dry oregano was set on fire and fumigated at home to drive away evil spirits. Hence another name for the plant - amulet. Until now, oregano is used to aromatize rooms. Sometimes oregano is grown as an ornamental plant.

  • This herb is not picky, growing in almost any soil, with the exception of clay. In some countries, such as the United States of America, France, this plant is bred and cultivated.

    It got its name because of the fragrant smell. It blooms with purple inflorescences in mid-summer. When the grass is harvested, the upper part is cut off, 20 centimeters from the bottom remains intact.

    This plant has a lot of names: forest mint, bee lover, amulet, dushmyanka. One of the most popular names is oregano, which everyone knows as a spice. She was nicknamed the mother because the herb cures female gynecological diseases.

    plant composition

    In the course of laboratory studies of oregano, the following substances were identified in its composition:

    • essential, fatty oils;
    • phytoncides, phenol;
    • thymol, carvacrol;
    • vitamin C;
    • tannins.

    Thanks to such a variety of healing substances, the herb is popular with traditional healers.

    Medicinal properties

    • oregano has antibacterial properties;
    • calms the nervous system;
    • has a choleretic, diuretic effect, removes inflammation;
    • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • relieves inflammation of the gums, relieves;
    • treats the stomach, liver, gallbladder, duodenum, eliminates spasms in the intestines;

    Like all medicinal herbs, during the flowering period. At this moment, all parts of the plant contain the maximum amount of useful substances, which contributes to the successful healing of many diseases.

    Depending on the geographical location, oregano blooms closer to mid-late summer. It is on these days that you need to start harvesting it. Cut the grass with a knife or scissors, at a height of 15–20 cm from the ground.

    Attention! Do not collect the plant near big cities, near roads, mineral fertilizer storages. The plant is able to accumulate harmful compounds, which will adversely affect the body.

    The harvested plant should not be wet, therefore it is best to harvest it closer to noon in sunny weather. It is necessary to transfer raw materials to the place of final drying in baskets or in fabric bags. Transportation in cellophane will cause the plant to rot.

    Dry raw materials in the shade or in the oven. You can determine the end of the drying process by breaking the stem: it will break with a slight crack. As soon as the plant dries, it is packed in paper bags, stored for no more than two years.

    The use of oregano for medicinal purposes

    The plant can be used to fight various diseases. On the basis of this medicinal raw material, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils and even kvass are made. These drugs are indispensable for both cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

    Treatment of colds

    To achieve a healing effect, you need to prepare an infusion:

    • Place 25 g of oregano in a glass, pour boiling water;
    • send to a water bath, keep there for 15 minutes;
    • let cool, strain, bring boiled water to the original volume.

    The tool is used for gargling. Before the procedure, it should be slightly warmed up.

    This recipe is great for treating a sore throat in children and adults.

    Useful advice! If mixed with milk, you get a wonderful remedy for restoring the voice.

    Treatment of the common cold and bronchitis

    In the fight against these diseases, decoctions of herbs are often used. But the effect can be enhanced, thereby accelerating recovery, if inhalations are added.

    First you need to prepare oil from oregano. For this you should:

    • buy a bottle of vegetable oil, olive oil is ideal;
    • pour the oil into a glass, which is placed in a water bath;
    • heat to a slightly hot state;
    • sprigs of oregano (you can use a fresh or dried plant) to collect in a bunch, lower into a glass of oil;
    • leave for several days in a dark place, then replace the plant mass.

    These steps must be performed several times. As a result, vegetable oil will be enriched with useful substances of oregano, acquire a unique aroma.

    For inhalation, it is enough to drop a few drops into a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam. In addition to inhalations, traditional healers recommend using rubs using the same oil.

    Attention! This method of treatment is contraindicated in people with high blood pressure and during pregnancy.

    Treatment of boils and skin diseases

    If you need to get rid of various skin diseases, then the use of complex treatment with oregano is most suitable. It is enough to prepare a decoction that can be used for therapeutic baths and ingestion:

    • 500 ml of water will need 100 g of oregano;
    • boil the product over low heat for no longer than 35 minutes;
    • cool, strain through cheesecloth, squeezing out the entire broth.

    For use in the form of lotions, it is enough to moisten a small piece of cotton and apply to problem areas. Wrap with cellophane on top and fix. If there is a desire to make a bath using a decoction of oregano, then the number of components must be doubled.

    Treatment of toothache

    Due to its calming effect, oregano is able to cope with painful sensations. With acute pain, when there is no time for preparation of complex recipes, it is enough just to chew and attach a fresh plant to the aching tooth. The best effect is given by oregano oil, which is applied to cotton wool, placed near the diseased tooth.

    With muscle soreness and hepatic colic

    A compress applied to the sore spot for several hours will help. To prepare it, you need to add a few drops of oregano oil to 500 ml of warm water.

    The use of oregano for women

    Due to the extensive complex of useful substances, oregano is indispensable in the treatment of women's diseases. It reduces pain during menstruation, painful hot flashes during menopause.

    When menstruation is delayed

    In this case, herbal treatment based on the following components is effective:

    • oregano and tansy - 40 g each;
    • wormwood - 20 g;
    • field horsetail - 60 g.

    Mix herbs, take 60 g of ready-made collection, pour boiling water in the amount of a liter, insist in a warm place for three hours. Drink 100 ml every day with an interval of 2 hours.

    For douching

    For some gynecological diseases, doctors recommend douching. For these purposes, a weak infusion of oregano is suitable. To prepare it, you need to insist on a water bath 500 ml of water with 5 g of oregano. The main condition is that the cooking time should not exceed 15 minutes, otherwise the beneficial substances will begin to break down, the product will be useless.

    Advice! The same infusion can be used for baths for chronic cystitis.

    To increase lactation

    For those women who do not have enough milk when feeding a newborn, it is recommended to drink oregano tea. It is simply added to the usual one and taken 2 glasses a day.

    Oregano in cosmetology.

    The stems, flowers and leaves of the grass are rubbed, honey and olive oil are added to this mixture. When it looks like sour cream in appearance, it is gently applied with a spatula to parts of the body for 15 minutes, after which it is removed with a swab. In addition to making the skin look tanned, this mask will help get rid of wrinkles.

    Kvass from oregano

    This drink has a slight healing effect, so it does not make sense to consider it as a means of combating diseases. However, it perfectly quenches thirst, enriches the body with vitamins, helps prevent many diseases. To prepare kvass, you can use the following recipe:

    • yeast - 35 g;
    • water - 10 l;
    • breadcrumbs - 1 kg;
    • infusion of oregano 250 ml;
    • wheat flour - 60 g;
    • sugar is added to taste.

    Boil water and pour over breadcrumbs. After infusion for 9 hours, the liquid must be filtered. Add a mixture of sugar, yeast, flour and a little water. Boiled water to bring the liquid to the initial volume.

    As soon as the fermentation process begins, pour in the infusion of oregano and keep the composition in a dark place for about 5 hours. Kvass is almost ready, it remains to pour it into a container of dark glass, stand for 13 hours on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.


    Like many medicinal herbs, oregano has contraindications, knowledge of which is mandatory. In addition to individual hypersensitivity, which can be detected after examination, oregano-based dosage forms should not be taken:

    • during pregnancy (increased uterine contraction can provoke a miscarriage);
    • with allergies (the plant is an allergen);
    • with increased acidity of the stomach;
    • with hypertension.

    Attention! Despite the usefulness, long-term dosage forms with oregano leads to the appearance of impotence in men.

    In fact, the value of this plant is very high, and the application is diverse. In addition to being used for medicinal purposes for many diseases, it is also added to food and drinks. Oregano helps to relax morally: inhaling the aroma of grass, a person relaxes, the nervous system calms down.

    Oregano is a fragrant herb that grows everywhere in our country: in glades, forest edges, hills, near trees and shrubs. In Europe and the USA, oregano is cultivated.
    In the people, this plant is called the mother, as it cures female diseases. Oregano has another name - oregano and is a spice known throughout the world. Oregano herb is unique because it grows well on any kind of soil and can cure almost any ailment.
    The healing properties of oregano have been known since time immemorial. This plant was revered by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians. They called oregano wild marjoram, which should drive away evil spirits and protect the house from uninvited guests.
    Oregano in Russia was called much simpler - a flea or bedbug. This plant was used to protect against harmful insects. Due to its unusual bright aroma, oregano, rich in essential oils, could scare away bedbugs, fleas, ants, and mice.

    Oregano grass is a beautiful perennial plant that blooms with purple-pink inflorescences and has tetrahedral stems that are painted red at the top. It exudes a marvelous aroma, thanks to which it got its name.

    The use of oregano

    Application in cooking

    1. Herb oregano has found its use in cooking in many countries of the world, especially the upper part of the stem of the plant, along with leaves and flowers. In dried and fresh form, this herb is added to food: in Belgium - in mushroom dishes, in France - in julienne, in Italy - in pizza.
    2. The plant has a delicate, spicy aroma and a burning bitter aftertaste.
    3. Oregano is part of the aromatic mixtures and seasonings used for the preparation of some meat products: sausages, pates, liver.
    4. Oregano is a seed that looks like little brown balls. Today, gourmets add oregano as a seasoning to almost all fried, stewed or baked meats, sauces and gravies.
    5. It is the motherboard that gives a piquant taste to dishes from vegetables and mushrooms.
    6. Oregano makes meat pies and cottage cheese fillings more flavorful.
    7. Oregano is quite often added to marinades and fillings.
    8. Oregano goes great with black pepper, rosemary, basil, marjoram and other spices.
    9. In Russia, the motherboard is widely used in the preparation of beer, kvass. It gives these drinks an incomparable smell.
    10. Dishes prepared with oregano are well preserved: they do not sour for a long time.

    Application in medicine

    • Oregano has strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties,
    • Calms the human nervous system
    • Stimulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • The mother is characterized by a powerful anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effect,
    • It has a pronounced diaphoretic and expectorant effect and is used for bronchitis and pneumonia,
    • Medicines containing oregano eliminate neurosis, psychosis, hysteria, epilepsy, insomnia,
    • The plant relieves pain and relieves spasms from the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines,
    • Cures diseases of the liver and gallbladder,
    • Reduces toothache and gum disease
    • Has antifungal activity
    • The use of oregano in medicine for the treatment of unpleasant skin diseases: eczema, boils, dermatitis,
    • The plant restores the structure of subcutaneous fat and reduces the appearance of cellulite,
    • Eliminates menopausal hot flashes and reduces menstrual pain,
    • Increases libido
    • Has an antihelminthic effect
    • Promotes good digestion and assimilation of food, reduces flatulence, nausea,
    • Normalizes blood pressure
    • Oregano contains essential oil, consisting of thymol, phenol and free alcohols,
    • Ascorbic acid and tannins were also found in the grass,
    • For patients with diabetes, it is recommended to use oregano as a seasoning when cooking meat and fish, and you can also add fresh leaves of grass to various dishes,
    • Oregano is very useful for people who have a hereditary predisposition to cancer. It contains a lot of selenium, which plays an important role in the fight against tumor diseases.

      Ordinary oregano tea can prevent cancer.

    Application in cosmetology

    • Oregano herb contains pigments that darken materials. This property of the plant is used in modern cosmetologists to create the effect of sunburn on human skin.
      To do this, carefully grind the freshly picked stems or leaves of the mother to the consistency of thick sour cream and add olive oil and honey there. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face with a special spatula, kept and washed with a swab dipped in alcohol.
    • Masks with oregano can give the skin a tanned look, reduce the severity of wrinkles and heal acne.
    • The motherboard is very popular in spas. Aroma candles with oregano help to quickly relax, relieve tension and soothe.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Oregano is used separately or as part of medicinal herbal teas.

    Infusions and decoctions

    • Externally, oregano infusion is used to prepare compresses and aromatic baths to treat skin rashes and headaches.
    • Broth gargle with sore throat, pharyngitis and laryngitis. The hoarseness of the voice disappears after using a decoction of the mother with milk, taken in equal proportions. An infusion of oregano with the addition of honey is also useful for these diseases - it can be used as a rinse, and also drunk during the day in small sips. For such a drink, it is best to use heather, sage, or acacia, since these varieties most effectively fight pathogens.
    • Washing your head with a decoction of oregano is an effective remedy for hair loss and baldness.
    • Two tablespoons of dry grass are placed in a thermos, poured with half a liter of boiling water and kept for forty minutes. This infusion of oregano is used in gynecology for douching with cervical erosion. It is also recommended to take one hundred milliliters orally before meals for women who restore their health after childbirth and for those who are trying to get rid of intrauterine bleeding. Oregano infusion stimulates lactation, which should be taken into account when compiling the diet of nursing young mothers.

      But, since this plant contains essential oils and is allergenic, the daily need for such an infusion should not exceed three hundred milliliters.

    Compresses, baths, lotions

    • For the treatment of boils, compresses from the decoction of the mother are used.
    • Oregano grass is chewed for stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal disease or applied to a diseased tooth.
    • Therapeutic baths from the motherboard help with neurodermatitis, eczema. On a bucket of water, you need to take fifty grams of oregano grass.
    • With a severe runny nose and headache, it is recommended to sniff a powder made from dry and frayed grass.
    • Oregano oil compresses are used for muscle pain and hepatic colic. To do this, add three drops of oil to half a liter of warm water, moisten multilayer gauze in this liquid, which is applied to the sore spot. Keep this compress for two hours.

    Massage, inhalation and other medical procedures

    • For the treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract, an external massage of the throat and chest with mother oil is used. To do this, five drops of mother oil are added to twenty grams of massage oil.
    • Oregano oil is also used as a rub to relieve pain in rheumatism.
    • Angina and other infectious diseases of the throat are treated with gargles of oregano decoction. To do this, you can use this tool: three drops of oil are added to a glass of warm water, mixed and gargled with a sore throat.
    • Additional methods of treating bronchitis and runny nose are inhalations with the mother. Fill the vessel with a liter of boiling water and add a few drops of oil to it, cover the head with a veil and inhale the vapors deeply for five minutes.
    • Stimulates lactation tea from oregano. To prepare it, a small amount of mother material is added to ordinary black or green tea, brewed and drunk.
    • Oregano herb is a prophylactic for colds. Mother oil is dripped into the aroma lamp and its aroma is enjoyed.
    • To combat insomnia, a small linen bag is stuffed with oregano, mint, pine needles and bay leaves and placed under the pillow.
    • Collection to restore normal intestinal motility based on oregano.
      For its preparation, three parts of goose cinquefoil, three parts of oregano, two parts of cumin, two parts of dandelion, one part of dill seeds, two parts of birch leaves, two parts of meadowsweet grass are taken. The required amount of the collection is poured with boiling water, insisted for two hours and taken before meals.


    Contraindications to the use of oregano are the following:

    1. allergy,
    2. peptic ulcer of the stomach, gastritis with high acidity,
    3. decreased heart activity
    4. decrease in potency in men.

    Oregano is contraindicated during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

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