Treatment of prostatitis with aspen bark. Aspen bark for prostate adenoma, medicinal properties, recipes

Over half of the male population of our country suffers. Many try to ignore this disease, which ultimately leads to disastrous results.

Everyone should know that there are many specified ailments. Among them is very popular and.

The common aspen has a special place in this respect. Everyone can learn about what can help with prostatitis, and how to use it correctly in this material.

Aspen is a powerful folk remedy that was known to our ancestors.

With the help of the gift of nature, medicines have long been made against such ailments as:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • imbalance of water-salt balance;
  • colitis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism, sciatica;
  • diabetes;
  • dyspepsia;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • malaria;
  • giardiasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • fever.

Drinks made using aspen buds serve as a natural immune stimulant. The use of aspen in the field of cosmetology and gynecology is widespread.

However, one of the main areas of application of aspen bark and kidneys is the fight against traditionally male "sores": and.

How is aspen useful for the prostate gland of men?

Ancestors noticed the effectiveness of aspen in diseases of the male reproductive system. Therefore, a peculiar system was invented centuries ago.

Currently, about 60-65% of the male population suffers from diseases associated with pathological processes in the prostate.

The insidiousness of prostatitis is that when the disease is allowed to take its course, it can develop into more terrible pathologies - up to education. That is why it is so necessary to conduct timely and high-quality therapy.

It should be noted that aspen-based medicines are by no means a full replacement for the therapeutic treatment prescribed.

However, the healing effect of aspen can make it faster and more effective, as well as strengthen the entire male body as a whole. Also, decoctions and other remedies of this type are one of the best remedies and.

Our ancestors also noticed that an aspen decoction, made according to a special recipe, is capable.

Many used such a natural medicine directly to improve blood circulation.

Main contraindications

And other male problems aspen is a truly universal method. One of its advantages is good tolerability and hypoallergenicity.

However, like everything in the world, aspen bark-based products have a range of contraindications, including:

  • chronic stomach colic;
  • pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic and intestinal obstruction.

How to cook aspen bark for prostatitis: traditional medicine recipes

Decoction of aspen bark

The presented tool is one of the easiest to prepare and use. D For a decoction, you will need clean water in the amount of half a liter and a tablespoon of chopped aspen bark.

Water must be poured into a small container and put on fire, then the main ingredient is added, and the liquid is brought to a boil.

When the first bubbles appear, the fire should be slightly reduced, but so that the boiling does not stop. In this mode, the bark should be brewed for exactly half an hour. Then the resulting drug is poured into a thermos and the lid is tightly screwed on.

The decoction should be left for at least three hours. During this time, he will reach the desired concentration. You need to take the resulting drink three times a day for half a glass. It is best to do this 20 minutes before a meal. The course of such treatment should last at least 2 weeks.

In some cases, it is permissible to add a teaspoon of galangal root during cooking. This will give additional medicinal properties.

Healing infusion

A teaspoon of aspen powder is poured with half a liter of boiling water, closed with a lid and infused for 2-3 hours. In this case, the container with the infusion must be carefully wrapped. Before drinking the medicine, you need to strain it through cheesecloth. You need to use one third of a glass before meals.

Alcohol tincture

Preparing the tool is quite easy.

All you need is aspen bark powder.

So, a tablespoon of powder is poured into 100 ml of vodka. Then it is hermetically sealed and placed in a dark, cool place.

The tincture will be ready in exactly 2 weeks, during which it must be shaken periodically. Before the first use of this remedy, it must be carefully filtered.

You need to drink aspen tincture 3 times a day for a teaspoon and strictly before meals.

Aspen enema for prostatitis

With aspen bark it also has a very powerful therapeutic effect and can help not only with prostatitis, but also with prostate adenoma.

A handful of crushed aspen bark is poured with a liter of boiling water and then boiled over high heat for 20 minutes.

Then the liquid is cooled and filtered through a cloth or 2 layers of gauze. Microclysters should be done no more than 2 times a week.

How to be treated correctly?

Decoctions, tinctures and infusion of aspen should be taken no later than 20 minutes before a meal. Otherwise, you can "earn" the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, diarrhea.

It is useful to alternate means based on aspen with infusion of birch buds. This will neutralize possible side effects, and will also have an additional antiseptic effect on the prostate.

Aspen enema should not be performed more than 2 times a week. It must be understood that along with feces, beneficial microflora is also washed out of the intestines.

Buy at a pharmacy or cook yourself? Rules and time for collecting raw materials

Common aspen is one of the traditional representatives of the forest flora of our country. Therefore, if desired, such raw materials can not only be purchased at a pharmacy, but also prepared independently.

Common aspen

For this, only an ecologically clean area is suitable: away from factories or a saturated traffic flow. The tree must be young and flexible. The thickness of the trunk is from 9 to 12 cm.

The bark can only be harvested in spring, when natural juice is actively running in the trunk. To do this, circular notches must be made around the trunk, which are then cut along. So you can easily remove the right amount of bark.

The resulting natural material must be laid out on a clean cloth to dry.

In this case, the storage location should be away from direct sunlight.

You need to store the bark in fabric bags or bags, otherwise the aspen will “suffocate”. Shelf life - no longer than 3 years.

The advantage of buying aspen powder from a pharmacy is convenience. In this case, the raw material is immediately ready for use. At the same time, this tool has a literally “penny” cost.

Aspen bark in prostate adenoma has been used since ancient times. Herbalists, healers used decoctions, lotions to relieve the inflammatory process. Today, these methods of traditional medicine are on a par with traditional forms of treatment in terms of effectiveness. They can be used in combination.

When making this diagnosis, it is necessary to use all kinds of means to get rid of the disease. Be sure to consult with your doctor regarding the appropriateness of alternative treatment.

Useful properties of aspen, components contained in its bark

Aspen is a large deciduous tree that grows in temperate climates. Aspen groves are common in Russia. Their distinctive feature is a single root system. The bark, roots, leaves and buds of this plant have long been used by herbalists to treat a variety of inflammatory processes.

Modern scientists have studied the composition of the tree bark and came to the conclusion that it contains many useful substances:

  • Salicin, which relieves swelling of tissues, inflammation, gives an analgesic effect;
  • Tannins that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and tissues;
  • Triterpenes with antiviral, immunomodulatory properties;
  • Flavonoids are substances that accelerate metabolic processes in the body, have a positive effect on all internal systems and functions.

Complex treatment of prostate adenoma with aspen bark has been used since time immemorial, when there was no such official diagnosis yet, and men already suffered from problems with the genitourinary system.

To understand how this traditional medicine affects the body, it is necessary to return to the definition of the disease, its symptoms and causes of development.

When is Aspen Bark Treatment Required?

Prostate adenoma or prostatitis is an insidious disease that affects more than half of men over 40 years old. Doctors around the world focus on the fact that the disease is constantly getting younger. Now young men aged 25-35 who are given this diagnosis are turning to urologists and andrologists. Reasons for the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland:

  • Inactive sedentary lifestyle;
  • Constant hypothermia;
  • Irregular or excessively active sex life;
  • Concomitant urological diseases.

Prostate adenoma can turn into a malignant neoplasm. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, it proceeds in the form of an inflammatory process. Symptoms at this time either do not appear at all, or are sluggish and do not cause much discomfort to the man. He may have some difficulty urinating in the morning, no feeling of relief after this process. Patients begin to sound the alarm when the disease affects erectile function. Violations of potency make men go to see a doctor.

All over the world, preventive examinations of male patients by urologists and surgeons for inflammation of the prostate gland are accepted. Such events are held every 6-12 months by palpation, transabdominal or. The transrectal ultrasound technique is the most effective. An ultrasonic sensor is inserted through the anus, on the screen you can see the prostate gland, surrounding tissues, and estimate the size of the organ.

If the disease is detected at an early stage of development, then getting rid of it will not be difficult. For these purposes, only folk methods can be used. Treatment with aspen bark of prostate adenoma gives a quick effect.

Features of the use of aspen bark

Aspen is associated with many legends and beliefs. According to legend, Judas committed suicide on it when he realized that he had betrayed Christ. You can kill vampires with an aspen stake, all fans of science fiction and mystics know about this. Ancient people believed in the great positive energy of the tree. Pagan idols were cut out of it, which were worshiped. Already in the era of Christianity, aspen was used to create Orthodox icons.

Modern doctors use only a scientific approach to determine the methods of treating the prostate gland, but decoctions and tinctures of aspen bark are still used in traditional medicine.

Salicin is the main component of this remedy. Back in the 19th century, it was isolated from willow bark, but then it was also found in aspen. This natural analogue of conventional aspirin has the beneficial properties of the drug, but lacks some of the side effects of the pharmaceutical agent.

Salicin has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is indicated in the complex therapy of prostate adenoma. Inflammation of the prostate gland is always accompanied by pain, and strong painkillers are often not taken. folk recipes complement drug therapy. The same component relieves inflammation, the disease does not develop into a tumor.

Knowing the medicinal properties of aspen bark for prostate adenoma, you can use this remedy for prophylactic purposes or when the first symptoms of the disease are detected, but you must first consult a doctor.

Do not self-medicate and rely only on traditional medicine. In this way, you can start the disease, transfer it to a sluggish stage. Any treatment should be prescribed by an experienced narrow specialist.

Recipes using aspen bark against prostate adenoma

Aspen with prostate adenoma is used as a concomitant method of treatment. You can buy aspen bark in a pharmacy or collect it yourself. It is important that the bark is young, so the optimal collection period is April-May. From the trunk of a young tree, the bark is cut off with a sharp knife. It is not necessary to completely expose the trunk, the plant will die from this.

Some prefer to collect thin young branches. They are suitable for making decoctions. If you make such blanks yourself, then find a place in the forest away from highways and industrial enterprises. Trees absorb harmful exhaust gases. There will be no benefit from such treatment.

At home, the bark should be thoroughly dried, then cut into small pieces and put in a dark glass container. It is stored for a long time in a well-ventilated darkened room where direct sunlight does not fall.

On the basis of aspen bark, an alcohol tincture or decoction is prepared. Preparing the tincture will not take a lot of effort. You need to take 100 g of dried bark, 200 ml of vodka, combine the components and leave them to infuse for two weeks. Take the tincture three times a day before meals, a teaspoon, mixing the composition with half a glass of clean water. The course of treatment is 3 months, then a break is made for a month, during which it is worth being examined by a doctor and assessing positive changes.

Alcohol tinctures are not suitable for everyone, so a decoction can be prepared on the basis of aspen bark. Young shoots of the tree are crushed and dried. For 50 g of finished dried material, half a liter of water is taken. You need to cook it over low heat until the volume of liquid is halved. Cool the composition, drink half a glass three times a day. You can add a little honey to the broth to improve the taste. Such a tool has almost no contraindications, it can be used at any age for.

Aspen bark extract - application features

In pharmacies, in addition to dried aspen bark, a ready-made extract based on these components is also offered. It can also be used with complex. It is used orally in accordance with the instructions or according to the individual recommendations of the doctor.

Despite the fact that aspen root extract is sold without a prescription, refers to dietary supplements, and not medicines, it is advisable to consult a urologist before using the drug.

Aspen bark extract is offered in liquid form, some manufacturers produce dietary supplements in the form of capsules. The schedule and regimen of administration depends on the concentration of active components in the composition.

Contraindications to the use of aspen bark in the treatment of prostatitis

Like any other medicines, aspen bark has some contraindications. Salicin, which is part of it, affects the density and viscosity of the blood. In case of clotting disorders, tincture or decoction of aspen bark cannot be used. Certain restrictions are imposed on patients with disorders of the digestive system. It is necessary to abandon such alternative methods of treatment during the period of exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers.

Individual intolerance is another absolute contraindication. In rare cases, severe skin rashes occur after using aspen bark. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to completely stop taking the tincture or decoction, inform your doctor about it.

Treatment effectiveness

The use of a decoction or tincture of aspen bark gives a good effect in the complex treatment of prostate adenoma. It is not recommended to self-prescribe medications and engage in self-diagnosis. Only a doctor can assess the real condition of the patient and give effective prescriptions.

The advantages of aspen bark are a natural composition, a minimum of adverse reactions and contraindications, the possibility of long-term use and use for prevention. Some restrictions are imposed on patients with diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. You can evaluate the effectiveness of using a decoction or tincture of aspen bark after 3-6 months of admission.

Aspen bark is one of the few natural remedies that can be beneficial for chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Regular intake of decoctions and tinctures on aspen bark in a fairly short time will help normalize the function of the prostate gland and suppress all negative symptoms.

Composition and useful properties

The benefits of aspen bark in the treatment of various diseases, including the urological tract, have long been known in folk medicine. Since ancient times, healers have been harvesting dried and crushed bark, so that later they can prepare a drug from it.

These recipes have survived to this day - aspen is so rich in useful and indispensable substances for the body that it is actively included in various medicinal collections or sold in its pure form. Among the most important elements, from the point of view of the treatment of male urological pathologies, the following should be highlighted:

  • Carbohydrates;
  • aromatic acids;
  • phenoglycosides;
  • Tannins;
  • higher fatty acids;
  • bitter glycosides.

Separately, one can note the buds and foliage of aspen, which are also often used in the preparation of pharmacological raw materials. They can detect aromatic acids, triglycerides, phenolcarboxylic acids, carotenoids, vitamin C, anthocyanins.

Such a wealth of elements provides a range of properties that make aspen bark relevant for the treatment of the prostate gland. So, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the diseased prostate, so it can be used in the fight against bacterial diseases of the gland.

Additionally, collections with aspen bark have choleretic, antitussive and anthelmintic properties. All this allows them to be included in the complex health therapy or prevention of possible diseases.

How to prepare raw materials

Experts recommend harvesting the bark of any trees at the beginning of the growing season, which is also true for aspen: as a rule, this is the time from mid-spring to its end. It is best to choose young trees from which the bark is easier to cut. The operation is performed like this:

  • With a sharp knife, a circular incision is made around the entire trunk;
  • 30 cm below, exactly the same incision is made;
  • Both incisions are connected by a vertical line from which you can begin to tear off the bark in a circle;
  • The operation is performed the required number of times.

In addition to trunks, thick aspen branches can also be used, which are usually cut down first for convenience. The bark should not be planed or scraped, as such handling will lead to the ingress of wood particles into the raw material.

After the layers have been cut, they need to be divided into small segments 4-5 cm long with scissors and dried - just in the shade or in an oven at a temperature of 50 degrees. Raw materials should be stored in a wooden basket or cardboard bags: with proper preparation, the shelf life can be up to three years.

Popular recipes for prostate adenoma

Treatment with aspen bark is not limited to chronic prostatitis or minor urinary disorders. Aspen bark also helps with prostate adenoma, suppressing inflammation in it and significantly reducing swelling. However, it is not enough to buy in a pharmacy or collect raw materials on your own - it still needs to be taken correctly, optimizing the therapy process and accelerating the approach of recovery.

The most effective recipes for folk remedies from aspen bark for prostate adenoma can be concluded in the following list:

  • One tablespoon of the bark is poured into 200 ml of water and boiled over low heat for about three minutes. After insisting for an hour and filtering, the drink is taken three times a day before meals, a quarter cup;
  • One tablespoon of raw materials is steamed with a glass of boiling water and kept for about an hour, letting it brew. Then the medicine is filtered and drunk as a tincture: a tablespoon before meals;
  • 100 grams of crushed bark and kidneys are poured into 0.7 liters of vodka (or a large amount, observing the proportion). For two months, the tincture is kept in a dark and cool place, and then filtered and drunk in a teaspoon three times a day. Can be diluted in water to soften the taste;
  • 10 gr. ash from burnt aspen bark is added to 50 gr. medical fat, mix thoroughly and use as an ointment for topical application;
  • One part of the dried bark should be mixed in a ratio of 1:5 with high-purity olive oil, then let it brew for 10 days in a cool place without sunlight and strain. The finished result can be used as an extract for application in the groin area;
  • 600 gr. aspen bark is mixed with two liters of clean water, then boiled for about two hours on low heat and insisted until cool. After straining, half a liter of vodka is poured into the container and divided into 20 conditional portions: it is necessary to take one serving per day for three weeks;
  • 150 gr. dried raw materials are steamed with a liter of water, insisted and filtered. After cooling the liquid to room temperature, it is once again filtered through gauze and collected in an enema, after which it is administered rectally. You need to repeat the procedure daily for a week.

Men who take aspen bark for prostate adenoma need to remember that in acute infectious processes this remedy will not be enough - qualified medical care is needed.

For mild or moderate current diseases of the prostate by the type of BPH, the minimum course of treatment should be 10-14 days. It can be repeated later, after a short pause. The medicine should be brewed and taken immediately, without storing it in the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise the medicinal properties of aspen will be neutralized.

Pharmacy Aspen Bark Extract

At any convenient moment, without bothering to independently procure raw materials and prepare homemade medicines, you can buy a ready-to-use drug in a pharmacy. Many pharmaceutical companies are engaged in the production of dietary supplements based on aspen bark extract, or offer customers pure dried raw materials that only need to be brewed before taking. Receiving an extract by chemical means allows you to significantly optimize the volume of the drug taken, reducing them to the size of small capsules that are easy and convenient to take at home or at work.

In such preparations, aspen bark is presented in the form of a concentrated aqueous extract, which was then granulated and supplemented with auxiliary components. Often, the manufacturer adds other extracts that are useful for prostate adenoma - for example, licorice, rose hips, chamomile, raspberries, golden volodushka, sage and others. The advantage of dietary supplements based on aspen bark can be considered the quality of the product, the prescribed dosage and the balance of all ingredients in the capsules.

As for conventional dried raw materials, they are sold in small loose bags with brief instructions for use attached. This option is convenient in that you can independently combine the bark with other dried plants, creating your own medicine. In addition, this form of release is notable for its low cost, which distinguishes it favorably from more expensive dietary supplements in the form of tablets, powders or capsules.

Duration of treatment

It is difficult to determine the duration of treatment with any natural remedies, including aspen bark, since each case is individual, and may be accompanied by certain factors complicating (or facilitating) the treatment.

Since naturopathy does not give instant results, one should not hope for a quick and effective suppression of an acute condition of the prostate gland.

Phytotherapy involves a slow and progressive improvement in health indicators. With a diagnosed prostate adenoma that proceeds without complications, the duration of treatment can be from 1 to 3 months - the simultaneous administration of more potent drugs, respectively, will shorten this period.


  • Hypersensitivity to aspen bark;
  • Tendency to frequent allergic reactions;
  • Conditions after intracavitary operations;
  • Heart attack or stroke six months or less before the start of therapy;
  • Acute peptic ulcer or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

With caution, decoctions and infusions on aspen should be used for moderate or severe dysfunctions of the kidneys and liver, disorders of the pancreas. The simultaneous use of other drugs aimed at combating prostate adenoma should be agreed with the attending physician.

Prostatitis is a rather dangerous pathology, it can occur suddenly against the background of complete well-being and lead to serious consequences for a man's health. There are frequent cases when inflammation of the prostate gland in an advanced stage became the cause of infertility in the stronger sex.

For the treatment of this pathology, various schemes of both drug influence and physiotherapy are used. Therapy using folk methods is also considered quite effective, it has hundreds of different recipes to get rid of prostatitis and prevent its occurrence in the future. An infusion of aspen bark is an effective remedy for inflammatory pathologies of the prostate gland.

How to collect

It is necessary to correctly apply aspen bark, starting with the procurement of raw materials. The time of collection is important, April is considered the most suitable month, because it was at this moment that the buds had not yet blossomed, the leaves had not begun to grow, and the sap had already begun to flow along the tree trunk.

Aspen bark is considered an effective medicine, which is not just an environmentally friendly product, but also an effective tool in the fight against prostate disease.

The first step is to make a circular cut around the branch or trunk with a sharp table or clerical knife. It is necessary to make such circular incisions every ten centimeters. The next step is to remove the bark itself, this is done by making vertical cuts four to six millimeters thick. If you follow these recommendations, you will not harm the tree and collect the bark with minimal effort, time and energy.

After collection, it is desirable to prepare raw materials for long-term storage. To do this, lay out the collected pieces of bark on dry parchment paper in a dark and well-ventilated place.

If you do not have a suitable area for this business, you can use a faster and easier way - spread the pieces of bark on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven at a temperature of about sixty degrees. After complete drying, the material can be stored for several years without loss of useful properties.

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If there is no ecologically clean area within reach, you can purchase ready-made preparations for the treatment of prostatitis in a pharmacy. Small bags for a modest price contain already dried and chopped aspen bark, which is enough to grind in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water.

Aspen bark for prostatitis

Aspen has long been known to folk medicine as an effective remedy for the treatment of prostatitis. A careful study of the composition of the bark of this tree by pharmacists made it possible to identify the reasons for this effect from treatment with decoctions from it. It contains a large number of substances that actively inhibit the inflammatory process, they are called flavonoids. The use of these components allows you to overcome not only the acute process, but also chronic sluggish inflammation of the prostate gland.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect from the treatment of prostatitis with aspen bark, it is important to properly prepare a decoction or tincture.

Below are the main medicinal properties that can cure prostatitis:

  • inhibition of the process of inflammation, the release of histamine and other neurotransmitters of mast cells;
  • anesthesia develops due to the action of resinous substances contained in aspen bark in high concentrations;
  • active stimulation of urine formation and its excretion.

Aspen for prostatitis has been used for more than one century

Possible applications

Even traditional medicine is developing and does not stand still. Today, prostatitis can be treated with aspen bark-based products in various ways.

The three most commonly used are:

  • preparation of a decoction;
  • tinctures;
  • extract.

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Recipes for tinctures from prostatitis


In order to prepare a decoction of aspen bark, it is enough to do a few simple manipulations. First of all, after harvesting the material, it must be dried well and dehydrated as much as possible.

Helps in the treatment of prostatitis in both acute and chronic forms

Dry shavings should be ground in a coffee grinder, in this way you can ensure the release of the greatest amount of useful substances. The proportion is as follows: one hundred grams of bark per liter of boiling water. After mixing the components, they need to be held for another fifteen minutes on low heat, then allowed to cool to room temperature.

After an hour and a half, the broth must be filtered through a sieve or several layers of gauze, then it must be taken one cup every day, about thirty minutes before meals. The duration of such treatment can be quite different, but the effect will be noticeable after a couple of days.


Preparation of tincture requires more time and patience. It is better to use it either with frequent acute prostatitis, or with a recurrent chronic process. To do this, you need about half a liter of ethyl alcohol, about two hundred grams of bark and a glass bowl.

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After pouring chopped wood with alcohol and thoroughly mixing the mixture in a glass jar, the future medicine should be infused for two to three weeks. After that, twenty drops of the tincture diluted in water should be taken three times a day, thirty minutes before meals. Therapy for chronic prostatitis lasts approximately three to four months.

There are many different recipes for making aspen bark.


Indications for the use of a decoction of aspen bark can be considered the presence of symptoms of prostatitis or cystitis. In men, the second disease is much less common than in women due to anatomical features. Therefore, for the representatives of the stronger sex, the indication is the presence of prostatitis.

The symptoms of this disease include such manifestations:

  • painful or uncomfortable sensations in the perineum;
  • sensation of a foreign body in this area;
  • obstruction of the outflow of urine;
  • frequent imperative urge to urinate, especially at night.

To diagnose acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and examination by a urological specialist. The doctor, based on the data of a physical examination, the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, can establish a diagnosis of prostatitis, which will be a signal for an immediate start of treatment.

Aspen bark from prostatitis perfectly helps to fight the disease and other problems with the prostate gland


Before starting treatment for any disease, you should consult a specialist for advice on the presence or absence of contraindications for the use of a particular method of therapy.

In the case of tincture or decoction of aspen bark, the technique cannot be used to determine the presence of such conditions:

Contraindications that are indicated when using the bark: diseases and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract

Application features

Treatment of prostatitis with a decoction of aspen bark requires compliance with some recommendations from specialists. The first and most important is the principle of "do no harm", the maximum dose of the decoction taken, prepared according to the above recipe, is no more than one or two cups throughout the day.

The daily dose should be divided into several doses. This will ensure long-term maintenance of the therapeutic concentration of the active substance in the patient's blood. The second feature is the constant monitoring of the situation by the attending physician. Only a specialist can correctly adjust the dose and frequency of taking even a folk remedy.

Proper adherence to the treatment regimen can ensure the restoration of the normal functioning of the prostate gland, and exceeding the recommended dose can, on the contrary, lead to the development of a more severe process.


Therapy of prostatitis with a decoction or tincture of aspen bark is a highly effective method. Good results from this method of treatment have been proven by numerous clinical studies of preparations prepared from this natural element, as well as years of use of this remedy in traditional medicine. It is very important to follow the recommendations regarding the harvesting of the bark, its preparation, duration of use and doses.

Miracle remedy

The aspen tree grows in almost every corner of the globe, so it survives in any climatic conditions. The tree has many medicinal properties. In the old days, it was believed that an aspen stake helps to destroy a sorcerer or witch. However, nature has many secrets, the aspen tree is an excellent medicinal plant used for treatment in folk medicine. For the preparation of medicinal preparations, buds, bark, foliage, twigs of this tree are used. Aspen bark for prostatitis is an effective remedy for men who suffer from this disease.

Inflammation of the prostate gland haunts the older male population and occurs both without symptoms and with symptoms. Young children are not immune from the disease. To this they are led not by the right lifestyle, hypothermia, frequent sex, mostly unprotected or its complete absence. Prostatitis also occurs due to hypothermia.

The use of aspen medicine prepared from the bark of a tree helps not only to carry out a more effective treatment, but also to relieve disturbing symptoms.

Useful properties of aspen

What is the use of this drug
  • The aspen bark contains many flavonoids, which actively fight the inflammatory processes of pathologies in the male gland.
  • The bark treats the prostate, both in acute and chronic types of development of the inflammatory process.
  • Aspen raw materials have an astringent property, which manifests itself in the elimination of pain.
  • The resinous substances contained in the aspen bark have a healing effect.
  • Aspen bark has a diuretic effect, which is good in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the prostate, to restore the outflow of urine with the exception of stagnation. In the bladder.

The medicinal properties of medicinal raw materials contribute to its use for the purpose of therapeutic therapy of the urinary system. For example, cystitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the prostate. In the treatment of pathology with an aspen remedy, the body will be provided with complex treatment, which speeds up the healing process.

How is aspen bark used for medicinal purposes

Aspen bark is used for prostatitis in one of the forms proposed by pharmacology:

  • Decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • Tincture.

The effectiveness of the therapeutic agent largely depends on the correct preparation of the therapeutic composition. If everything is done according to the recommended instructions, then all therapeutic components are preserved in full.

Aspen bark for prostatitis effective recipes:

cooking recipes
  • Preparation of a decoction: dry collection (100 g) is poured with 1000 ml of boiled water, simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour, aged for a couple of hours, filtered. Decoctions are applied three times a day 30 minutes before eating, at a dosage of 200 ml. The course of treatment lasts for 45 days. At the end of treatment therapy, men say goodbye to painful symptoms forever, the process of emptying the urea returns to normal. The prepared remedy helps well for preventive purposes. At the same time, the composition helps to strengthen the immune system, which reduces the risk of recurrence of the pathology. This is especially true for patients with chronic prostatitis.
  • Alcohol tincture. The medicinal composition is prepared as follows: A five-centimeter layer of bark is stuffed into a half-liter jar, then vodka is poured into the jar to the top. The composition is sent for 14 days in a dark room. Aspen bark tincture is also sold ready-made, it can be bought at any pharmacy.

Aspen bark tincture prostate treatment - applied three times a day, 20 drops, dissolved in 200 ml of water. The course of treatment is 1 month. After a ten-day break, treatment manipulations can be repeated. This therapy can be repeated no more than three times a year.

Additional ways to use oak bark

In folk medicine, there are some more methods of using aspen bark:

Grinding the bark for cooking
  • Aspen bark from prostatitis. Dry raw materials (3 tablespoons) are finely ground with a coffee grinder, 200 ml of boiled water is poured, and simmered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After the preparation time has elapsed, the mixture is infused for half an hour, after which the medicine is ready to be taken. At one time, 1/3 cup of the composition is used, the medicinal composition is taken three times a day. Douching can be carried out with this solution, which helps to eliminate swelling of the prostate and the inflammatory process. After the application of therapeutic douching, the outflow of secretory fluid improves, congestion is eliminated.
  • With prostatitis, aspen bark, prepared as follows, helps. Aspen bark is crushed into a powder mass, placed in a half-liter jar, poured with boiled water, the container is clogged, aged for 14 days in a dark room. Before starting the reception, the healing tincture is filtered, taken half a teaspoon before meals.
  • The crushed bark (100 g) is mixed with cinquefoil root (100 g), galangal (100 g), the mixture of medicinal components is mixed and poured with alcohol, infused for 21 days. The medicine is taken in 1 tsp. in three three-week courses. There is a ten-day break between courses. Scheme of treatment means: reception is carried out daily for 30 days. Then a ten-day break is made, another course is conducted throughout the month, again a ten-day break and the last third monthly course.

The recommended dosage depends on how the remedy is prepared. Aqueous solutions are applied 70 ml three times a day, the medicine prepared with alcohol is taken in drops (no more than 20 drops).

Any remedy prepared on the basis of aspen bark is taken before meals. In some cases, it is recommended chewing or sucking the bark (like caramel). This method of using aspen bark contributes to the rapid penetration of oils (essential) inside.

Before using the remedy in question, a consultation with a urologist is required. The specialist will conduct an examination, prescribe studies and, based on the results of the collected anamnesis, prescribe therapeutic therapy. A properly selected course of treatment will eliminate all possible consequences of complications. Therapeutic therapy should not be delayed, as this can lead to undesirable complications, one of which is the chronic form of prostatitis.

In a network of pharmacies, you can purchase a ready-made composition of a therapeutic agent. Aspen bark extract can be found in medicinal formulations presented in the sale of herbal complexes. Knowing when to collect raw materials for self-cooking, you can prepare the bark yourself.

In order for the treatment to give the expected result, complex therapeutic therapy is required. When all drugs are interconnected, then each remedy does its job, and in the complex the healing process is accelerated.

If the doctor has already written out a treatment regimen, and the patient wants to add the use of folk methods, then the introduction of folk remedies should be discussed with the urologist.

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