Cat's claws - the rules of care and prevention of possible problems. How to trim a cat's nails correctly? Do cats need to trim their nails?

You can find out that your domestic fluffy or not very pet claws have grown if she began to cling to interior items, leave puffs on upholstered furniture, wake you up at night by diligently scratching something in your bedroom, or simply leave scratches on your skin. Yard cats practically do not face such a problem, since they move a lot in space and grind their claws in natural conditions. What should domestic cats do? Is it possible to cut their claws and how to do it correctly? We have tried to give comprehensive answers to all these questions in this article.

Can you trim a cat's claws?. Trimming the nails of a domestic cat is a necessary procedure for maintaining the health and well-being of the animal. Here is a list of reasons why you should trim your nails.
  1. Long claws can cling to home furnishings and, when a cat tries to free itself, damage to tear or completely tear out the claw.
  2. Long sharp claws will quickly damage objects and furniture that your pet usually plays with, as well as become a serious weapon if the cat does not like other living creatures in your house for some reason.
  3. Claws are made of a special substance called keratin that grows continuously. It also consists of human nails, which we cut ourselves regularly.
  4. Be sure to trim the claws on the so-called profit (fifth) toes of the front paws. They do not wear out on their own in cats and can grow in a circle and cut into the paw pad, causing pain to the cat.
  5. Even if your cat is accustomed to a scratching post, then when she pulls her claws, they do not grind down, but, on the contrary, sharpen more.
  6. This is much more humane than an onychectomy, an operation to completely remove the cat's claws under anesthesia, which causes irreparable damage to the cat's health. Due to the nature of the operation, part of the phalanx is removed from each finger, which will reduce the area of ​​​​the animal’s support, force it to learn to walk again, increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, and can lead to the fact that the cat will feel defective and turn into shy, withdrawn and unreasonably aggressive animal.
Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the animal to cutting its claws from an early age. This is monitored by breeders and, when transferring their pet to you, they must give their recommendations on how to properly trim the cat's claws. If for some reason they didn't, or if you were so enamored with your purchase that you forgot these tips, don't despair. There is nothing complicated in this procedure.

How to trim your cat's nails.
You need to prepare a little for this procedure. You will need:

  • tweezers, or special nail cutters (trimmers);
  • cotton pads and tonic to remove dirt from the claws, if any;
  • something tasty to appease;
  • towel;
  • hemostatic agent.
Most cats and cats do not like the procedure of cutting their claws. Temperaments and characters are different in all and in accordance with them they will react to your manipulations. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this procedure together, so that one person fixes the tail in his lap, and the other works with tweezers. The most violent ones can be wrapped in a towel or a small blanket, leaving a pair of processed paws free.
Care must be taken to ensure that there is sufficient lighting that will allow you to clearly see where the pink pulp passes in the claw and not damage it during the cutting process.

The frequency of repetition of the following pruning is individual, but on average it is 3-4 weeks.
Be sure to praise your cat at the end of the whole action, that she was able to endure with honor an unpleasant procedure for herself.

Cats are predators. They have sharp teeth and no less dangerous claws. In the wild, without these tools, animals would not have survived. But at home, sharp claws are not needed. Long claws interfere with the pet, and he tends to make them shorter. Cats solve the problem in a simple way: they sharpen their claws on any suitable (according to cats) objects. Most often it turns out to be upholstered furniture.

If the owners do not want to regularly change damaged furniture, they will have to shorten their pet's claws. Today we will tell you how to cut the nails of a cat at home.

Do I need to trim my cat's nails?

Of course, the claws are very important for cats. Without them, they cannot climb a tree, protect themselves from other animals, and effectively run on a variety of surfaces. However, cats need claws of normal length. Too long claws become a hindrance. That is why wild cats sharpen them on trees.

What about pets? They don't even need claws. In an apartment or a private house, they do not need to climb trees. Claws interfere with walking on laminate, wooden planks, parquet or carpets.

It's no secret that a domestic cat's claws grow much faster than those of its wild relatives. So the pet will sharpen its claws constantly. There is no furniture here. There is only one way out of this situation - to trim the claws in time.

And here the question arises before the owners of the animal: how to cut the claws of a cat? The question is not idle, because most owners are afraid of harming their pet with their inept actions. In addition, there are always advisers who say that cats should not cut their claws. It is supposedly unhealthy. Let's look into this issue.

Pros and cons of nail clipping

Let's start with the arguments in benefit this procedure:

Now let's give the arguments opponents cat nail trims:

How often to cut

The frequency of this procedure is strictly individual. The owner of the animal must find out how quickly the cat's claws grow and draw up an individual schedule for the procedure. Some cats go through it no more than once a month, others have to go through a haircut 2, and sometimes 3 times a month.

If the cat lives not only at home, but also often walks on the street, then, most likely, he will have to cut his claws much less often. They will wear down naturally. But not so effective that you can completely abandon the haircut.

Preparation for the procedure

Before you start cutting, you need to know everything about building claws. This is the main condition for the successful completion of the procedure.

The claw has an external hard shell, under which the pulp is hidden. It contains blood vessels and nerve endings. The pulp occupies most of the claw. It cannot be damaged. The keratinized part is cut off. This is just a few millimeters at the very tip of the nail.

To avoid mistakes, you need previously examine the claws of the pet in the light. They are well translucent and thanks to this you can see the border of the pulp of the keratinized tissue. It is along this border that you need to trim the claws.

Naturally, before starting the procedure, you need to prepare suitable tools.

Tools for performing the procedure

No matter what anyone says, it’s definitely not worth using scissors and nippers from a women’s manicure set for this procedure. Of course, if the owner of the cat has done this a couple of hundred times, he will safely cut the claws of the pet with nail scissors, but beginners are better off not taking risks. Inexperienced owners are advised to use the following fixtures:

  • Special scissors called nail cutters. They are made of durable stainless steel and are specially designed for this purpose.
  • Guillotine trimmer. Beginners are better off using this device. It is very easy to use and completely safe for your pet.
  • Rigid nail file. You can use a regular nail file from a manicure set.

All tools must be disinfect. You don't need to boil. It is enough to treat the tools with alcohol.

It will also be useful to prepare cotton pads, hydrogen peroxide and an antiseptic - chlorhexidine. These items will come in handy if the owner touches the pulp.

The first step is to catch the kitten and take it tightly in your hands. It is advisable to involve an assistant in the procedure. Surely the kitten will be against it when the owner starts cutting his claws. The pet may start to break out. If you perform the procedure alone, then the hand may tremble. It's not far from injury. The assistant will hold the kitten by the hind legs, and the owner by the front.

After the kitten is fixed, you can begin to cut the claws. But previously you need to force the pet to release them. This is easy to do: you just need to press your finger on the pad. The kitten will immediately release its "weapon".

Shear should be at least 1 mm indented from the visible part of the pulp. If you try to cut along the very edge, then there are great chances to touch the blood vessels.

Should put a trimmer or nail cutter perpendicular nail comb, determine a safe distance from the pulp and cut off the sharp part. After trimming, you can start turning the claw. Use a file to smooth out the sharp edges of the cut.

Trimming your kitten's nails will be even easier if you follow these tips:


So that cutting nails at home does not cause problems desirable teach your pet to it from an early age. It is better to perform the procedure with the help of special tools, and not nail scissors. If the owner is unsure of his abilities, then it is better to seek help from a veterinarian. He will do everything right.

Proper care of a cat of any breed includes such a procedure as cutting nails. Due to long claws, the animal may experience discomfort, untimely or illiterate circumcision leads to wounds and other health problems. It is important for owners to know how to cut a cat's claws, what hygiene rules to follow, how to care for the tool.

Cat nail clipping can be done in a veterinary clinic. Specialists know how to perform the procedure correctly, they have the necessary tools in their arsenal. But you can also cut your nails at home, having previously received information about the requirements for such manipulation.

Claws are not just a part of the body for an animal, they are also an important tool for defense, for hunting.

They also help cats in moving through tall trees. A pet can not use his formidable weapon in the process of obtaining food or for protection.

But in animals that live in the house, the claws are not turned on their own..

They grow quickly, and if they are not trimmed in a timely manner, such unpleasant complications as inflammation around the claws can appear. It is difficult for the animal to walk, lameness appears.

When jumping, long claws are injured, broken, which causes severe pain. In addition, the cat scratches the furniture, creates a lot of problems with the furnishings of the house. It is the responsibility of the owner of a cat to monitor its health, perform traditional care procedures, and trim overgrown claws.

IMPORTANT! A small kitten can be easily frightened by careless handling, so for a haircut you need to choose a good moment when the baby is calm and feels great.

Inexperienced owners doubt whether it is possible for cats to cut regrown nails at home, whether this will cause severe pain. Not everyone even knows how many claws a pet has. There are four of them on the hind legs, but on the front there is one more, lateral. The difficulty arises in the fact that it is he who does not have the ability to grind off on his own and often his ingrowth occurs.

The need for a cat manicure

  • If the cat is given the opportunity to walk along the street, he himself will be able to sharpen his claws. He can also use a special scratching post, you just need to accustom it to the device. Rarely there are difficulties with manicure and those individuals who are always active, run a lot, play. They wash regrown nails on various hard surfaces. Representatives of some breeds, especially inactive ones, cannot cope with the care of their paws themselves.
  • It is necessary to trim the claws of cats even if small children live in the house. They can strongly hug the pet, pull it, in response, the animal will stretch out its paw with outstretched claws, injure the child.
  • Trimming of cat nails is performed before important competitions, when much attention is paid to the appearance and grooming of the contestant.

ATTENTION! It is necessary to trim the cat's overgrown claws before carrying out planned operations, for example, castration. The animal will not be able to scratch a fresh wound, causing inflammation, bleeding.

When to start trimming your nails

To accustom the animal to such procedures as cutting the claws, bathing, combing, cleaning the ears, should be from the first months.

In this case, manipulations quickly become a habit, the pet tolerates them more easily.

Kitten nails grow quickly and should be trimmed about once every two weeks..

Adult cats need the procedure on average once a month.

The rate of growth of nails in cats may depend on the breed, on the pigmentation of the keratinized parts of the paw. As breeders have noticed, dark nails grow more slowly, a cat with light claws will need a manicure more often.

Long-haired, fluffy cats may develop tangles between the pads., for which it is especially painful to cling to the claws. Manicure for such pets must be regular.

Cat nail clippers

Only at first glance, cutting the claws of a kitten or an adult seems to be a simple manipulation.

If you do not comply with hygiene requirements, do not know the structure of the cat's nail and the features of such a manicure, you can inflict injury on your pet with complications.

  • For the procedure, ordinary scissors are not used, need a special tool. The cat's nail is hard, durable, and should be patient for careful and painless trimming.
  • Among the tools that are recommended by veterinarians for feline manicure are − nail clipper, nail clipper, electric nail clipper, hard nail file. You can also purchase an emery bar for processing the edge of the nails. Such devices are sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  • What are the features of these products? Nail cutter-scissors is a safe tool, has a special locking system, thanks to which accidental cuts are excluded. Sometimes the nails of cats are so thick and strong that scissors or tongs cannot cope with them. In this case, it is used guillotine trimmer. The electric nail clipper is used by experienced craftsmen.
  • Trim the cat's claws only very sharp and serviceable tool.
  • For processing claws after the procedure hydrogen peroxide should be prepared(3%), cotton swabs.

Preparing to trim your cat's nails at home

To carry out the procedure without pain and injury to the animal, you need to pay attention to the structure of the claws and cats. The claw has a curved shape, and trimming is carried out only on this curved part.

You can not touch the area that has a light color, it feeds on blood vessels. If you injure such a place, it will hurt and bleed.

  • Both kittens and adult pets need to cut their nails. But only the part that has a curved shape and a dark color.
  • If the manipulation is performed correctly, the manicure will be painless and will not cause discomfort to the cat.
  • It is important that the pet gets used to regular procedures and develops a calm, neutral attitude towards them. When the cat is just lying next to or on his knees, you can pick up her paw, lightly pressing on the pads. Involuntarily, the pet will release its claws, the action will become familiar to him.
  • It is convenient to carry out the procedure together. One person will hold the animal on his lap, the second will trim the claws.
  • For manipulation, you should choose a well-lit corner of the apartment. Bright daylight is best.

IMPORTANT! Cats often react with irritation to trimming their nails, so you need to look for a moment when the animal is in a calm, good-natured disposition.

Rules for cat manicure

Before you cut your cat's overgrown nails at home, you need to carefully disinfect the scissors for cutting, other tools, wash your hands.

The pet should be well fixed, then press on the fingertips.

You can only trim the claw that is clearly visible from the pad.

Scissors are located at right angles to the claw, from top to bottom. Trimming is done clearly, in one confident movement.

ATTENTION! Do not touch the area with capillaries. If the pigmentation of the surface is in doubt, it is possible to capture an area only 1-2 mm from the edge.

The owner needs to behave calmly, and trim quickly, without tiring the manipulation of a sensitive pet.

Processing of claws after cutting is carried out with a special hard file. The surface should not have notches, irregularities, because in this case the animal will cling to its claws, experiencing discomfort.

If your cat has split nails, you should contact your veterinarian. Perhaps the trimming procedure is not performed correctly, or the animal lacks vitamins.

IMPORTANT! If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid injury, a cotton pad moistened with peroxide is applied to the injury site. In case of severe damage to the cat, you need to carry it to the veterinary clinic.

Difficulties during a manicure

Sometimes it is impossible to trim the nails of a domestic cat due to its strong resistance.

In this case, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian. No need to intimidate the animal, punish him for obstinacy.

Perhaps, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws, the pet experiences pain, and the specialist will quickly find the cause of the pain.

If the cat is just a little nervous during the haircut, the assistant can simply take it by the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crest, slightly lift it. In this position, the animal will behave calmer.

The procedure does not have to be completed in one go.. A calm cat can get nervous after a while, in which case his claws are cut in stages.

IMPORTANT! A domestic cat should always have a comfortable scratching post, this will help take care of his nails.

Useful video

We watch how they cut the claws of a restless cat

Many pet lovers ask how to cut a cat's nails, at what age can it be done and is the procedure safe. We will try to answer the most popular questions related to cat manicure.

Why do cats need to trim their nails?

One of the most important cat care routines is nail clipping. Why? After a haircut, cats scratch less, do not tear up furniture and clothes. In addition, animals cannot hurt themselves, which is also important, especially at a very early age. Therefore, it is very important to accustom your cat to such an unpleasant procedure.

At what age can nails be trimmed? You need to start from the early childhood of the pet. The sooner you train your kitten to groom, the better.

The owners are afraid to cut the kitten's claws, because he has such small paws. The owners have a well-founded fear of damaging something to their pet. But do not be afraid: if everything is done correctly and according to the instructions, then the baby will like the procedure.

Preparing for nail clipping

The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to cut the claws of a cat is unequivocal - yes. However, trimming a cat's nails at home is not an easy task. Today, veterinary clinics and pet salons offer their services to cut the claws of cats. However, not all owners are willing to pay money for this procedure. Moreover, you can do it yourself, having previously learned how to properly cut the claws.

The cat must be taught to put its limbs in order. To do this, you should perform simple exercises: stroke the cat's paws, lightly press on the pads so that plates appear. Such games are especially liked by kittens. At the same time, they teach kids to trust their owners and not be afraid if they touch their paws.

If your pet does not want to get used to hygiene procedures, resists and scratches, then you can simply swaddle him. In this case, of course, you will be able to cut off the regrown plates, but this process will not bring pleasure to anyone: neither you nor your “patient”.

It is best to start trimming the nails when the pet is calm and sleepy. It is especially worth paying attention to the time of the afternoon nap if you want to cut the kitten's nails.

It is also important to recall that if you are going to trim the nails of a kitten or an adult cat, then talk to the animal affectionately and quietly. If you do not scream, then the hygiene procedure will end faster.

What is required for a cat manicure?

To properly trim the nails, you must use a special device - a nail cutter. Manicure scissors and tweezers are not suitable for our needs. Only a special tool allows you to do the job smoothly and quickly.

There are two types of nail clippers: crescent and guillotine. The first are intended for those animals whose claws are particularly durable. If you need to trim a cat, then you should choose a guillotine trimmer.

When choosing a tool, preference should be given to a nail cutter made of stainless steel.

The handles of the device should have rubber pads - this will not allow your hand to slip.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the device with a disinfectant solution. In addition, it makes sense to prepare hydrogen peroxide in advance if an unforeseen situation arises during a haircut.

Cat nail clipping technology

Consider how to properly cut the claws of a cat. Take the paw of the animal, press on the pad and examine the plate that appears. You will see the regrown edge of the claw and the living pink tissue inside. It is there that the blood vessels are located, which we would not want to damage. Cut off the plate at a distance of 1-2 mm from the pink tissue. Do the same with the rest of the claws - cut off the regrown plates, trying not to damage the living tissue.

Remember: the plate is cut strictly transverse to growth. It is recommended to place the nail cutter from top to bottom, perpendicular to the surface of the claw, so that it does not delaminate in the future.

Owners often forget about the fifth claw in cats.

It also needs to be trimmed. If you do not cut it in time, then the plate digs into the skin of the pad, which causes pain to the animal.

Trimming a kitten's nails is easier than an adult cat's. In babies, the claw tissue is soft, so it is easy to cut it off.

If before cutting the claws the animal was excited or frightened by something, then it can twitch at the most inopportune moment. As a result, you can damage the pink fabric. Usually, the bleeding that starts stops quickly. Especially if you have prepared hydrogen peroxide in advance. However, this trouble can frighten the cat, which in the future can complicate the process of cutting.

To avoid trouble, write down tips on how to properly trim your cat's nails before you get down to business. If you work out a sequence of actions for yourself in advance, the procedure will go smoothly.

Many are interested in how often to cut a cat's claws. It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of the pet, its lifestyle and diet. One thing can be said - you need to trim your nails regularly.

As for the timing, they are very conditional. On average, it is believed that the optimal haircut period is once every 2 weeks. Whether it is possible to cut more often, see for yourself. Although, if you see that the pet's plates have already grown enough, trim them.

Deviations from the usual time of putting the paws in order may be associated with the upcoming participation in the exhibition or before mating.

Alternative declawing methods

If you are still afraid that you will not be able to carry out the procedure, even after advice on how to trim your pet's nails, then you should consider alternative options for dealing with scratchy paws. There are many ways to protect against cat claws today.

Part of the problem can be removed by a scratching post. In the wild, cats themselves somehow monitor their manicure, and domestic beauties will cope with this task.

If you are afraid of harming your pet with sharp objects, then you can use special devices. These are cat nail pads. Let's figure out what they are.

Linings are caps made of plastic, rubber or silicone. To prevent the nozzles from falling off, they are glued to the plates from the inside. And it would seem, why bother with a haircut when you can quickly and effectively solve the problem. But not everything is so simple.

Overlays deliver some inconvenience to the pet wearing them, although manufacturers deny this fact.

Do not forget that the claws allow pets to stay on slippery and dangerous surfaces, and nozzles deprive them of this opportunity. In addition, the animal cannot scratch normally and is unable to clean its ears and teeth. Nozzles are also dangerous because they can be swallowed. And the glue that holds the caps can cause allergies in the animal.

Nozzles are also harmful from a hygienic point of view. The pads of the paws of cats sweat, and the glands located between the fingers secrete fat. The secretions enter the cap, where they begin to rot, which leads to dermatitis and creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

The most radical method of dealing with scratched hands and damaged objects is the declawing of cats. The operation is called "onychectomy" or "soft foot". But not everyone decides on such a procedure. Moreover, this interference is not always justified. With the help of surgical intervention, the claws are removed along with the entire terminal phalanx of the fingers. We must immediately warn that veterinarians do not approve of such methods of dealing with scratches. According to experts, it is much easier for owners to learn how to put their pet's claws in order. In the end, doctors can also cut the claws of a cat, but it is not always possible to cure the complications that began after the “soft foot” operation.

Now you know how to cut a cat's claws, and whether or not to do this procedure is up to you.

Communication with a cat brings a lot of pleasant moments to the owner. But sometimes wayward domestic friends are able to show their sharp claws, and in the literal sense of the word, and even then a person will be unhappy. Not only do cats leave scratches on the owner's body and holes in clothes, they also strive to ruin furniture, wallpaper, and magazines. In addition, other animals living in the house can suffer from the claws of mustachioed pets: dogs, rodents, parrots. But it is possible to disarm a domestic scratch-scratch. To do this, you need to learn how to properly cut the cat's claws.

When do cats not need nail clipping?

Nail clipping is relevant for those pets who do not go out at all, or go out for a very short time. Street purrs are better in this sense: long claws grind down on tree bark, wooden fences. It is very dangerous to shortly cut the claws of a street cat, because for her it is a kind of protection against random enemies: strange dogs, unfriendly people, other cats. With the help of long sharp claws, the animal can not only hurt its opponent, but also save its own life by climbing a tree.

Nail clipping is also undesirable for very young pets under 4 weeks of age. The procedure should not be carried out often for older animals, whose motor activity is minimal due to age. In all other cases, the removal of part of the stratum corneum on the phalanges of cat fingers is considered safe.

At what age should a cat's nails be trimmed?

You can teach a baby kitten to a haircut after 1 month of life. Let's warn the question of the owners: "Is it possible to cut the claws of a cat at such a young age?". It is possible and necessary! After all, the sooner a pet learns to use a nail cutter or scissors, the faster and more painless the process of cutting in maturity will be. But it is necessary for the owner himself to unequivocally determine at what age a cat's claws can be removed by circumcision. And if the cat is too weak by 4 weeks of life, it is better to refuse the procedure for a while.

It makes no sense to carry out the procedure before 1 month. Firstly, the claws of newborn kittens are still too tender, unable to hurt either the mother cat or the person. Secondly, kittens younger than 1 month old are not yet so mobile and spend most of their time on a cozy bed, drinking mother's milk and dreaming. Thirdly, the baby can easily damage the blood vessels that are in the thickness of a small claw.

If for some reason an adult cat has appeared in the house, you can accustom it to a haircut. The truth with a mature individual will be a little more complicated (the cat can break out, hide, bite or scratch the owner).

How often should the procedure be performed?

A person can easily determine when to cut their own nails, but how often should a cat cut its nails? For pets sitting at home, the claws on the front paws are trimmed twice a month, on the hind legs - once a month. But claws grow in all animals at different rates, so it is advisable to determine the time of haircut after examining the cat's "manicure" and "pedicure". In addition, sometimes the haircut procedure may be required less than a few times a month, if, for example, the pet sometimes sharpens its claws on trees or a scratching post.

What to have ready before a haircut?

The main accessory for a cat manicure is a nail cutter. By the way, many owners prefer to cut the cat's claws at home with ordinary scissors, but it is still more convenient to use a nail cutter. This tool can be purchased online or at a pet supply retail store. The following types of tools are available for sale:

  • Nail clippers- look like ordinary "human" scissors, but their blades are not straight, but curved at the ends. It is required to insert a claw into a kind of hole, and then close the rings - the cat's nail will be removed without difficulty;
  • Guillotine nail cutters- a tool that works on the principle of an ominous mechanism for cutting off heads. The cat's claw is inserted into a special hole, and the blade, lowered with the help of the handles of the claw cutter, removes the regrown part of the claw;
  • Nail cutters- in appearance they represent the tool of the locksmith of the same name. The claw is inserted into the crevice between the cutting edges of the nail cutter, and the handles actuate the tool, causing the claw to bounce off the sharp blades;
  • Nail grinders- devices consisting of a handle and a rotating tip covered with emery. They operate on batteries. During the grinder, the claw is not cut off, but grinded. Typically, such a nail cutter is used in grooming salons, and mechanical tools are used for home trimming.

In addition to the nail cutter, the owner may need a regular nail file to make the edge of the trimmed claw smooth. Be sure to have clean cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide on hand (in case the vessel in the claw is damaged), as well as a small amount of alcohol (to disinfect the sharp part of the nail cutter). In addition, if you plan to trim the claws of an aggressive cat, you should keep a towel or diaper ready to fix the paws of a willful pet.

How to properly trim cats claws?

Before the “X” hour, it is advisable to take the cat in your arms, stroke it (including its paws), making sure that you are in a good mood. If there is no experience in cutting, you should carefully examine the cat's nail: it is unacceptable to cut off the red stripe-pulp with vessels and nerve endings, otherwise the animal will be hurt. But the bent transparent and light part of the claw will have to be removed. If the pet's claws are dark in color, you will have to act almost at random, because the pulp is practically invisible. It will take no more than 1.5-3 mm to cut (depending on the age of the cat). So, to trim your pet's claws as painlessly as possible, you need:
  1. Take care of the hygiene of hands and tools;
  2. Calm down, talk to the cat quietly and calmly;
  3. Put the purr on your hands, taking the tool (nail cutter) in your working hand;
  4. Grasp the cat's paw with your free hand, pressing on the fingertips so that the claws extend to their full length;
  5. Holding the nail cutter perpendicular to the nail, cut off its curved tip without affecting the vessels;
  6. If necessary, file the claw with a nail file;
  7. Trim the claws on all the fingers of the cat;
  8. If the pulp is injured, treat it with hydrogen peroxide;
  9. Praise a patient friend with a treat.

An alternative to home nail trimming

How to trim a cat's claws at home, we found out. But, unfortunately, not every owner can handle such an easy task if:
  • The cat does not allow a haircut;
  • The claws are black, therefore the pulp is not visible;
  • After the procedure, the pet cannot recover for a long time, experiencing stress.
What to do if the owner with a claw cutter in his hands has failed, and the clawed pet is hiding under the bed? In some cases, you can do without a haircut. Consider alternative methods of grinding and trimming claws to home manipulations:
  1. Using a claw point. Sometimes owners try to help homebody cats by purchasing a scratching post. But not all pets like to use it, preferring the owner's sofa as an object for sharpening. However, if you teach a cat to grind claws from an early age, then there should be no problems. The simplest scratching post can be purchased at a price of 300 rubles;
  2. Groomer visit. In some cases, it is easier to pay a professional than to persuade an obstinate pet to remove its claws with scissors or a nail cutter. In the capital's salons, they ask for a service from 300-500 rubles, in Russia prices are lower - from 150 rubles. The cost of trimming is doubled if the cat is acting hostile. By the way, if the owner orders a range of services (bathing, haircut, combing), then in some salons the nails can be trimmed for free;
  3. Purchase of anti-scratch caps. Those owners who doubt whether it is necessary to cut the cat's claws should think about special silicone nozzles. They are attached to the claw with glue (comes with anti-scratches) and last for at least a month. Such products are selected based on the dimensions of the pet: XS - for animals weighing less than 2.5 kg; S - for miniature individuals weighing up to 4 kg; M - for medium cats weighing up to 6 kg; L is for healthy cats like Maine Coons. The cost of packing anti-scratches (20 pieces plus a tube of glue) starts from 200 rubles. If the procedure for gluing the caps will be done by the groomer, you will need to pay another 500-800 rubles;
  4. Onychectomy. The worst decision is to deprive a cat of its claws. However, such operations are carried out in veterinary clinics. If the owner is still interested in the question of how much it costs to remove the cat's claws, then the amount can reach up to 5,000 rubles. But such a surgical intervention has a lot of disadvantages:
    • To remove the claw phalanx, anesthesia is administered (which is very unsafe for health);
    • At home, you will need to process the seams on the paws (you can easily bring an infection);
    • The cat will have to wear a special collar for a week (or more) so as not to damage the seams;
    • After the operation, the animal may have problems with coordination of movements;
    • An "unarmed" cat experiences severe stress: it becomes withdrawn, apathetic, sometimes aggressive;
    • Finally, it is simply inhumane, as if a person were to have the phalanges on all 20 fingers amputated at the same time.
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