When to take "cardiomagnyl" - in the morning or in the evening, instructions and reviews. How cardiomagnyl helps with hypertension Does cardiomagnyl cause bleeding

Cardiomagnyl, this is a non-narcotic non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug that is used for the prophylactic and treatment of various diseases of the vessels and heart.

It is believed that the regular use of small doses of this medicine reduces the risk of developing severe vascular and heart diseases by a quarter.

The drug can help those who have had a heart attack or stroke against the background of thrombosis, the drug is prescribed for thrombosis or atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck, lower extremities or heart. In addition, the drug is useful for diabetics, with a hereditary predisposition to heart disease. Factors to think about are high blood pressure, smoking, problems with body weight and cholesterol.

At what age should Cardiomagnyl be used prophylactically?

Men under forty and women under fifty should not rush to use this remedy, especially since prolonged use of Cardiomagnyl can lead to internal bleeding, with a low probability of heart attacks.

Composition and action

The main active ingredients of the drug are acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and magnesium hydroxide. There are also additional substances, such as cellulose, corn starch, magnesium stearate, propylene glycol, potato starch, talc.

Cadiomagnyl does not allow adhesion (aggregation) of platelets, reduces the production of thromboxane. The effect of aspirin on platelet adhesion can be carried out by several methods, and therefore the agent is often used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Additionally, aspirin relieves pain, inflammation and lowers body temperature. However, acetyl salicylic acid can have a very negative effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, and to prevent this from happening, the second ingredient of Cardiomagnyl is used - antacid magnesium hydroxide. Its influence is due to interaction with gastric juice and covering the stomach walls with a protective layer. Both components act simultaneously, without affecting the effectiveness of each.

Indications for use

The tool is prescribed for:

  • embolism,
  • thrombosis,
  • Migraine,
  • unstable angina,
  • Decreased blood supply to the brain
  • as well as to prevent the occurrence of blood clots after coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery.


The tool is not prescribed for:

  • Bronchial asthma caused by the use of NSAIDs or salicylates,
  • brain stroke,
  • Frequent bleeding of any origin,
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer,
  • treatment with methotrexate,
  • severe forms of renal failure,
  • during pregnancy and lactation,
  • and under the age of eighteen.

Perhaps this is due to the severe consequences that can occur due to an overdose of the drug, which is likely when using more than one hundred and fifty milligrams of aspirin per kilogram of body weight. You can determine this condition by buzzing in the ears, impaired hearing, consciousness, coordination, and vomiting. With a strong overdose, chills, rapid breathing appear, symptoms of cardiovascular insufficiency, hypoglycemia appear, and coma begins. In this case, you should urgently call an ambulance and, while waiting for the doctor, wash your stomach and use activated charcoal at the rate of one tablet for every ten kilograms of weight.

Side effects

Many side effects of the drug also do not contribute to the appointment of it for the treatment of children. Dosages here must be carefully selected with the participation of a doctor to reduce the negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects may include body rash, anaphylactic shock, laryngeal edema, vomiting, heartburn, epigastric pain, mucosal destruction, stomatitis, bleeding, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, stricture, bronchospasm, increased bleeding, eosinophilia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis , hypoprothrombinemia, impaired coordination, lethargy, tinnitus, migraines, sleep disturbances, cerebral hemorrhage.


When the human body fails, the fluidity and viscosity of the blood changes. Thick plasma can cause severe cardiovascular disease, so doctors recommend that people over 40 take blood-thinning drugs. The drug Cardiomagnyl - the benefits, the action and harm of which will be discussed below, is prescribed for use in various pathologies of the vessels or the heart and for their prevention. These pills can not be drunk uncontrollably or prescribed for yourself, as they have certain contraindications and side effects.

What is Cardiomagnyl

This is a non-narcotic analgesic combined drug that is used to prevent the development of acute heart failure and thrombosis in patients with risk factors. The anti-inflammatory properties of Cardiomagnyl are associated with the suppression of aggregation of platelet blood cells, that is, they prevent thrombosis. The drug has proven itself in cardiology practice, therefore it is necessary for many patients with cardiovascular pathologies.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in Denmark by the pharmaceutical company Nycomed. Cardiomagnyl is available in the form of ovals or hearts. Tablets are packaged in dark brown glass jars of 30 or 100 pieces. The main active ingredients of Cardiomagnyl are acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and magnesium hydroxide. Excipients: cellulose, starch, talc, propylene glycol, magnesium stearate. In oval one tablet contains 150 mg of a dose of acetylsalicylic acid and 30.39 mg of magnesium hydroxide. In the hearts, the dosage is 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and 15.2 mg of magnesium hydroxide.

The action of Cardiomagnyl

How useful Cardiomagnyl is clearly described in the instructions. The pharmacological action of the drug is to prevent the adhesion (aggregation) of platelets, which is caused by the production of thromboxane. Acetylsalicylic acid acts on this mechanism in several directions - it reduces body temperature, relieves pain, inflammation. Magnesium hydroxide helps prevent the destruction of the walls of the digestive tract by the aggressive effects of ASA. Interacting with hydrochloric acid and gastric juice, it covers the gastric mucosa with a protective film.

Indications for use

According to the effects of ASA and other components of Cardiomagnyl, the drug is prescribed not only for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drug is prescribed to prevent blood clots after coronary angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery. Main indications:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • chronic or acute ischemia;
  • embolism;
  • prevention of ischemic stroke;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • migraines of unknown origin.

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Cardiomagnyl benefits people who are at risk. These include:

  • family history of cardiovascular disease;
  • obesity;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension.

Application instruction of Cardiomagnyl

According to the annotation, the tablets should be swallowed without chewing, then washed down with water. With difficulties in swallowing, they can be crushed in any convenient way. When the drug will be taken - before or after eating, in the morning or in the evening, it does not matter, since this does not affect the absorption and benefits of the drug. If during the reception of the drug Cardiomagnyl undesirable consequences from the gastrointestinal tract appear, then it is better to use the drug after a meal.

For medicinal purposes

In the drug Cardiomagnyl - the benefits, effects and harms depend on the correct dosage. Patients with cardiovascular insufficiency are prescribed 1 tablet 1 time / day. The initial dose for chronic ischemia can be from 2 pieces / day. With myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, up to 6 tablets / day are prescribed, and therapy should be started immediately after an attack. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor in each individual case, so as not to harm the patient.

For prevention

How to take Cardiomagnyl for the prevention of stroke, heart attack and other pathologies, the doctor will tell you individually. According to the instructions for unstable angina, you need to drink 1 tablet of 0.75 mg 1 time / day. For the prevention of a heart attack, the same dose is prescribed. Therapeutic courses are long-term. Prevention of cerebral thrombosis also requires long-term use of Cardiomagnyl. To prevent re-clotting, use 2 tablets of 150 mg per day.

For blood thinning

Before prescribing Cardiomagnyl to thin the thick plasma, the doctor must refer the patient to a blood coagulation test. If there are poor results, the specialist will recommend taking the drug for 10 days at 75 mg, after which you need to go through the research procedure again. This technique will show how effective the drug is.

Duration of admission

The duration of therapy with Cardiomagnyl can last from several weeks to a lifetime. A medicine is prescribed taking into account contraindications and side effects, since taking the drug is prohibited under certain health conditions. Sometimes doctors recommend taking a break from treatment. Duration of reception is established only by the attending physician.

At what age can you take

The drug Cardiomagnyl - the benefits, the pharmacokinetics and harms of which are known to physicians, are not prescribed to men under 40 and women who are under 50. This is due to the fact that older patients are more at risk of cerebrovascular disease and the occurrence of heart pathologies. Younger people are less likely to have heart attacks, but there is a risk of internal bleeding with long-term use of Cardiomagnyl.

Compatibility with other drugs

Simultaneous use of Cardiomagnyl with thrombolytics, anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs worsens blood clotting, so their joint intake is a high risk of bleeding from the gastrointestinal or other locations. Long-term use of ASA for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes can provoke bronchospasm, so it is prescribed with caution to people with asthma or allergies. Drinking alcohol with Cardiomagnyl is dangerous because this combination is harmful to the state of the digestive system.

Side effects

In case of overdose or after use without a doctor's prescription, the drug may cause adverse reactions. The most dangerous condition is cerebral hemorrhage. Other side effects of Cardiomagnyl:

  • all trimesters of pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • ulcers or erosion of the stomach;
  • hemophilia;
  • bleeding and hemorrhage in history;
  • age up to 18 years.

Analogues of Cardiomagnyl

The drug is sold in any pharmacy in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If it was not possible to buy Cardiomagnyl at an affordable cost, then it is easy to order it in the online store. Buying through the network will be more cost-effective if you purchase several packages at once. If Cardiomagnyl, the benefits and harms of which have been described above, is not suitable for the patient for any reason, the cardiologist may prescribe similar drugs for treatment:

  • ThromboASS.
  • Magnecard.
  • Aspirin.
  • Panangin.


Due to the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, the use of Cardiomagnyl is in some cases vital. The drug helps the heart pump blood, it affects the viscosity index and prevents the formation of platelets.

Cardiomagnyl is indicated as primary prevention in cases of the presence of certain negative factors, which include obesity and diabetes, smoking and high blood pressure, as well as old age, etc. The drug is prescribed for angina pectoris, with resistive heart attacks and thromboembolic manifestations: in all cases in which vascular surgery was performed.

Release form

The industry produces the drug in the form of heart-shaped tablets, which indicate the purpose of the drug. They are placed in brown glass bottles of 30 or 100 pieces. The main substances of the drug are:

  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin);
  • magnesium hydroxide;
  • starch;
  • talc;
  • magnesium.

Pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetics

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), which is part of Cardiomagnyl, has various mechanisms to counteract platelet aggregation, including inhibition of the COX-1 enzyme. In addition, this substance is an anesthetic, relieving inflammation and antipyretic. Acid can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa; to level it, magnesium hydroxide is added to the composition of Cardiomagnyl.


The pharmacokinetics of the drug is completely safe for the human body.

Absorption and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract occurs very quickly and almost in full. T1 / 2 ASA is 15 minutes, as a result of hydrolysis, it turns into 100 percent bioavailable salicylic acid. The process occurs in the blood plasma, gastrointestinal tract and liver.

T1 / 2 salicylic acid with small doses of Cardiomagnyl is approximately 3 hours. If the enzyme systems are saturated, the value of the indicator increases significantly.

Instructions: how to take Cardiomagnyl

It is possible to prevent the recurrence of thrombi and CCC of various types by prescribing 150 mg daily at the initial treatment stage, after a while, reducing the dose to 75.

Appointment of Cardiomagnyl Forte with the optimal dosage

Cardiomagnyl Forte tablets are prescribed at a dosage of 1 tablet / day. those with IBS. This is the initial rate, which is subsequently reduced.

How to drink?

Medicine tablets should be taken with a glass of clean water or other liquid. They are usually swallowed whole, in some situations, crushed or divided in half before use. You can just chew.

Time of day to take Cardiomagnyl

In the manufacturer's instructions, you will not find the answer to the question: the medicine should be taken in the morning, in the evening or at night. The doctor should offer a variant of recommendations. Most often, the doctor's advice tends to the evening regimen of taking the medicine. Many factors indicate that an hour after the evening meal is the best time to use a blood thinner.

Duration of use

If the severity of cardiovascular disease is high, the use of the drug is prescribed for a permanent regimen. Termination can only be affected by the presence of certain contraindications. The patient and the doctor treating the patient should monitor the rate of blood pressure and hemocoagulation. Their values ​​in dynamics will help determine the duration of the medication.

Let's try to take a test and find out what condition your heart is in.

Did either of your parents have a heart attack before age 60?


Do you smoke and/or drink alcohol more than once a month?

Squat down for 60 seconds. Is your heart rate above 100 beats per minute?

Do you experience chest pain and/or shortness of breath during intense physical exertion or nervous stress?

Do you eat more than 4 times a week fatty pork, butter, sugary soda, sausages?

Your heart

you have a healthy heart

At this stage, your heart is healthy. But it is important to remember that it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and undergo regular examinations with your family doctor (at least 1 time per year). Learn about the tests and diagnostics you need to keep your heart healthy.

You are at risk of developing heart disease

Perhaps already now you have shortness of breath, palpitations, chronic fatigue and lethargy. This may be the first symptom of starting heart problems. Read about how to recognize the first symptoms and correctly diagnose the disease.

You don't have a healthy heart

Most likely, you already know that you have heart rhythm problems. Further, the situation will only get worse. You need to undergo a comprehensive examination and start treatment. You can see in detail about the dangers and consequences of different types of heart disease

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Dosing regimen

With various forms of coronary artery disease, doctors usually prescribe a daily dose of Cardiomagnyl at the start of 150 mg. If maintenance treatment is required, the dosage is halved. In acute myocardial infarction and with significant angina problems, the daily dosage can be tripled to 450 mg. Contacting a doctor and taking Cardiomagnyl should be carried out with the appearance of the first symptoms.

Contraindications for taking the drug

In some cases, a blood-thinning drug is contraindicated for use. This is observed when hemorrhage in the brain and other situations with prolonged blood loss, including those caused by a lack of vitamin K in the body, diseases of hemorrhagic diathesis and thrombocytopenia. It is undesirable to use Cardiomagnyl in patients with bronchial asthma. In the presence of an exacerbation of the erosive and ulcerative problem and the manifestation of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be excluded at least for a while.

The physician should not prescribe Cardiomagnyl if the patient has a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and in cases of pronounced CC<10 мл/мин kidney failure. Do not take the medicine at the same time as methotrexate. You also need to remember that Cardiomagnyl and alcohol are incompatible.

There are restrictions on admission for pregnant women, the use of this drug in the I and III trimesters should be excluded. During the period of feeding a child with milk, it is also undesirable for women to use Cardiomagnyl. Children and adolescents under 18 years of age this medicine should not be prescribed. The drug is contraindicated in anyone who has hypersensitivity to various components and acetylsalicylic acid.

There may be adverse effects in patients with allergies, gout, nasal polyposis, not only in the 1st and 3rd, but also in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In all cases, a doctor's consultation is required. In modern conditions, it can be obtained online.

What is the danger of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

If sacylates enter the body of a pregnant woman in the first trimester in significant doses, there is an increase in problems with the development of the fetus. If this happens in the third trimester, labor activity is inhibited. Before the set time, the arterial duct of the embryo closes, a dosage of more than 300 mg / day provokes bleeding. The phenomenon is observed in both mother and fetus. Especially dangerous are large doses of the drug, used close to childbirth. They can provoke intracranial hemorrhages.

Adverse reactions of the body

Adverse reactions in most cases are manifested in the form of allergies. Most often, patients complain of urticaria or Quincke's edema. In some cases, anaphylactic reactions are possible. Side effects that occur in the digestive system include:

Formation of blood clots in blood vessels

  • heartburn (more often than other manifestations);
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • pain with exacerbation of inflammation of the gastric mucosa and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increasing the activity of liver enzymes;
  • colitis and stomatitis;
  • strictures;
  • esophagitis, etc.

Sometimes the intestines are irritated, erosive disorders in the gastrointestinal tract are observed. In the respiratory system, spasmodic manifestations may occur in relation to the bronchi. In the hematopoietic system, failures in the form of increased bleeding are possible. This side effect is seen quite often. Anemia is less common. Even more rare side effects are:

  • manifestation of agranulocytosis;
  • bouts of neutropenia;
  • The patient has eosinophilia.

Through the reception of Cardiomagnyl, in adverse cases, a negative effect on the nervous system can be exerted, which can manifest itself in the form of headache, tinnitus, drowsiness and dizziness. The most unpleasant side effect should be considered intracerebral hemorrhage.

How does the drug interact with other drugs

Cardiomagnyl increases the healing potential of anticoagulants, methotrexate, drugs with hypoglycemic properties, acetazolamide, etc. At the same time, its use negatively affects the effectiveness of ACE inhibitors.

Absorption of Cardiomagnyl components is adversely affected by antacids and cholestyramine. It is not advisable to combine NSAIDs with Cardiomagnyl. Cardiomagnyl in combination with Probenecid is problematic, as there is a weakening of the therapeutic effect of both drugs.

There is also no magnesium hydroxide in Tromboass, the negative effects are minimized by the presence of a special intestinal-soluble protective shell in the drug. Tromboass and Fazostabil, according to doctors and patients, have fewer side effects.

Aspirin Cardio, manufactured by Bayer AG, unlike Cardiomagnyl, also has a shell that dissolves in the intestinal tract.

Special studies have helped to establish: Cardiomagnyl is more effective than all enteric analogues and affects the suppression of platelet aggregation.

How it is dispensed in a pharmacy, storage rules

The drug and analogues are dispensed by pharmacies without a prescription. It is important to control the expiration date. It is equal to three years. The purchased product must be stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees, avoiding direct sunlight on the bottle.

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Cardiomagnyl is a drug used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is advisable to use it for all patients at risk - diabetics, obese people and people with a genetic predisposition to heart pathologies.

The main pharmacological action is antiaggregatory. Belongs to the category of NSAIDs. Thanks to the use of Cardiomagnyl, the condition of the mucous membranes is stabilized, pain is reduced, and the risk of blood clots disappears. The positive effect is fixed for a long time, deterioration occurs much later - if new platelets appear in the plasma.

The composition includes the following components:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (the amount in the dosage form of the Cardiomagnyl tablet is 75 mg / piece). The main property is a decrease in the likelihood of blood clots, an anti-inflammatory effect is also achieved;
  • Magnesium hydroxide. Prevents irritation directed to the gastric mucosa.

Additional substances include starch (corn and potato), which multiply the action of the main components, magnesium stearate. These components are often included in the composition of medicines of this drug group.

The only form of release of the drug is tablets of 30 or 100 pieces in a dark glass jar.

Before using Cardiomagnyl for treatment or prevention, instructions for use, reviews should be carefully read - this is important for your well-being.

What helps Cardiomagnyl?

What do Cardiomagnyl tablets help with? Doctors prescribe Cardiomagnyl as a prophylaxis or therapy for the following diseases:

  • thrombosis and heart failure in acute form, if the treatment is carried out at the initial stages;
  • or vascular thrombosis (relapse prevention);
  • prevention of thromboembolism, if a surgical effect on the blood vessels was previously performed;
  • unstable angina.

An important role is played by the presence of risk factors in which the use of Cardiomagnyl is more justified. These include smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus, age over 65, hyperlipidemia.

Instructions for use Cardiomagnyl 75 \ 150 mg

Remember that it is advisable to take Cardiomagnyl under medical supervision. The dosage given below has average values ​​- they are often suitable for most patients, but for many an individual approach is important due to the special form of the disease.

Capsules are recommended to be swallowed completely, it is allowed to drink water, carefully grind or break in half beforehand. Cardiomagnyl tablets are often taken in the evening, before bedtime - doctors do not have special instructions on this matter, but most patients are prescribed just such a regimen.

For the prevention or treatment of thrombosis, heart failure (subject to the presence of the risk factors described above): 1 tablet / day.

The first day you should take Cardiomagnyl 150 - containing 150 mg of acetylsalicylic acid in 1 tablet, then the patient switches to 75 mg / day.

As a prevention of recurrence of myocardial infarction or vascular thrombosis, the doctor prescribes 1 tablet of Cardiomagnyl per day, the amount of acetylsalicylic acid varies from 75 to 150 mg / day.

If a surgical effect on the vessels was performed, the specialist prescribes 75-150 mg of Cardiomagnyl / day. The same dosage is acceptable for unstable.

The duration of therapy is negotiated on an individual basis, because each patient has his own immune system and resistance to diseases. This is especially true for older people with kidney or liver problems.

Cardiomagnyl - benefits and harms, contraindications

The main contraindications of Cardiomagnyl, in which the use of the drug is categorically not recommended, include:

  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • ulcerative lesions or bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe renal failure. Important! This point should be paid attention to the elderly;
  • pregnancy, especially the first and last trimesters;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • children's age (up to 18 years);
  • individual hypersensitivity to the main substances that make up the drug, the drug group and other NSAIDs.

And although the main data on the benefits and harms of Cardiomagnyl are described in the instructions for use, the drug should be used with caution in mild renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, gout, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies (in any form), in the second trimester of pregnancy .

Among the side effects in frequency, not the last place is occupied by allergic reactions with their typical manifestations in the form of, burning, itching, redness,. The state of anaphylactic shock is achieved in some cases (rarely).

Most of the harm from Cardiomagnyl is seen on the part of the digestive system, the gastrointestinal tract. One of the most common symptoms is heartburn, followed by nausea followed by vomiting, strong, intense and prolonged pain, resembling pain. Possible bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible bronchospasm. Anemia rarely develops, while increased bleeding occurs in many patients. From the side of the nervous system, experts noticed the following side effects:

  • severe dizziness;
  • noise, ringing in the ears, partial disorientation in space;
  • drowsiness;
  • headache.

The latter symptoms are also typical signs of an overdose. If its degree is severe, then fever, hypoglycemia, insufficiency of the respiratory organs, heart, and coma are additionally noted.

With a slight overdose, it is enough to wash the stomach, prescribe and drink activated charcoal in the required amount, visit a specialist for special therapy. In severe cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary for emergency treatment.

Special instructions, pregnancy and breastfeeding

The components of the drug, especially acetylsalicylic acid, can cause bleeding if surgery is planned (or has already happened). Therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis and exclude the use of these tablets.

For those who need a quick response, it is better to stop using Cardiomagnyl or reduce the dosage. The tool "slows down" perception, dissipates attention.

If you take acetylsalicylic acid at the same time as ethanol, there is a high probability of internal hemorrhages. This also applies to simultaneous use with thrombolytics, methotrexate, anticoagulants.

The use of Cardiomagnyl in the first trimester of pregnancy is fraught with the occurrence of fetal pathologies. In the second trimester, Cardiomagnyl is prescribed with caution - if the benefits of use greatly outweigh the harm. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the use of the drug is prohibited.

There are not enough data to assess the risk when prescribing Cardiomagnyl during breastfeeding, so it is recommended to stop using the drug during lactation.

Analogues Cardiomagnyl, list of drugs

Analogues of the drug include:

  1. Combi-Ask;
  2. Cormagnyl;
  3. Magnikor;
  4. Acecardil;
  5. Aspirin cardio (tablets).

The change of the original Cardiomagnyl to an analogue must be discussed with a specialist in advance in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Remember that a doctor's consultation is required, but if you are going to use an analogue of the already prescribed Cardiomagnyl - instructions for use, price and reviews of analogues do not apply and cannot be used as a guide for treatment.

Cardiomagnyl or Aspirin - which is better?

To understand, Cardiomagnyl or Aspirin - which is better, you need to learn about the main differences between these drugs. They will help you make the right choice.

Cardiomagnyl contains magnesium - this is one of the main substances. This provides an effect on the heart muscle. Aspirin is considered a "more traditional" means for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, a time-tested drug. Although, in simple terms, we can say that Cardiomagnyl also contains Aspirin, with additional additives.

From the point of view of doctors, Cardiomagnyl is preferable for daily use - it does not affect the mucous membrane so much, it has a less irritating effect. However, the financial side of the issue makes many patients think, because Aspirin is cheaper.

To choose the right drug, you need to accurately know the diagnosis. Treatment, like medication, will depend on the results of the examination.

Cardiomagnyl is a modern medicine used to prevent the recurrence of diseases associated with the formation of blood clots, myocardial infarction. It is used for the treatment of other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Before using the tablets, consult your doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

How long can you take the drug "Cardiomagnyl"? This question interests many people. Therefore, in this article we will give an exhaustive answer to it. You will also learn about the purpose for which this medication is prescribed by doctors, what features are inherent in it, and so on.

general information

Before answering the question of how long you can take Cardiomagnyl, it should be said that these are heart-shaped tablets, the main active ingredient of which is acetylsalicylic acid.

Today, this drug has received the widest popularity among people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, which often lead to heart attack and stroke. This tool is designed to thin the patient's blood and prevent platelets from sticking together.

Why is thick blood dangerous?

Most often, the question of how long you can take Cardiomagnyl is asked by people who have reached the age of 40. And this is no accident. Indeed, it is during this period that hormonal changes occur in the human body, and substances appear in the blood that contribute to acceleration. This process not only increases blood density, but also causes the formation of blood clots, which significantly increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

To thin the plasma, hypertensive patients and patients with atherosclerosis are often prescribed aspirin drugs. These include the drug "Cardiomagnyl". Patients who have had a stroke, this drug is prescribed to prevent the mentioned pathological phenomenon. However, only an experienced doctor can decide how long and how much to take Cardiomagnyl.

How is the treatment carried out?

How to take "Cardiomagnyl"? Is this drug necessary for people with a healthy cardiovascular system? Only an experienced doctor can answer all these questions.

Before prescribing this medication, the doctor must refer the patient to a blood test that reveals its coagulability. If the results turned out to be poor, then the specialist recommends taking aspirin preparations for 10 days, after which he advises to re-pass the study procedure.

This technique allows you to determine how well the medication works and thins the blood. Only after that "Cardiomagnyl" is prescribed by the course, of course, provided that the patient has no contraindications.

Use of a medicinal product

How long can you take Cardiomagnyl without a break? This question was asked by almost everyone who was prescribed this medicine. However, only a specialist can answer it.

According to most doctors, people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, this drug is prescribed for life. This requires constant and careful monitoring of blood clotting.

So why do many people wonder how long you can take Cardiomagnyl? Such curiosity is not due to excessive concern for one’s blood vessels and heart, but due to the fact that with prolonged use of drugs containing aspirin, severe gastric bleeding can open quite quickly, and a duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer can develop. That is why it is important not only to know how long you can take Cardiomagnyl, but also to follow all the doctor's recommendations, including the dosage of this remedy. As a rule, it is 75-150 mg once a day. In this case, heart-shaped tablets should be swallowed whole and washed down with plain water or milk. If desired, it can be broken in half, as well as pre-grind or chew.

Application time

When is the best time to take Cardiomagnyl? Given that the frequency of taking the drug in question is once a day, you can take it at any time. However, experts do not recommend doing this on an empty stomach. Therefore, an aspirin should be taken with breakfast, lunch, or dinner. However, the attached instructions say that the manufacturer of this drug does not have clear instructions about exactly what time to take Cardiomagnyl tablets. As for doctors, almost all of them argue that it is better to use such a medication in the evening hours, about an hour after dinner.

For better absorption of the drug, it is better to grind the tablets into powder before using it.

How long can I take Cardiomagnyl?

The duration of the use of the agent in question for preventive and therapeutic purposes depends on the severity and characteristics of the course of the disease.

Sometimes, according to strict indications, as well as taking into account prohibitions on use and subject to constant monitoring of hemocoagulation and blood pressure indicators, this drug can be prescribed for life.

It should also be noted that very often doctors advise their patients to take Cardiomagnyl tablets in courses. The medicine should be continuously drunk for 10 days, and then take a break for a similar amount of time.

Can pregnant women take Cardiomagnyl?

Sometimes the question of how long you can take a drug like Cardiomagnyl is asked by pregnant women. According to the instructions, during such a period, the use of this medication is undesirable, especially in the first two trimesters. If such a need is still there, the attending physician is obliged to evaluate the benefit-risk ratio and prescribe the medication in the minimum dose. By the way, in the third trimester of pregnancy, taking this drug is strictly prohibited.

Cases of overdose

It is imperative to follow the recommended dosages of Cardiomagnyl. This is due to the fact that the use of a large amount of the drug can pose a real threat to the health of the patient. For an adult, a dangerous dose is 150 mg / kg of the agent in question.

It cannot be said that a long course of treatment with high doses of the drug can cause chronic intoxication, which manifests itself in the following:

  • nausea;
  • tinnitus;
  • deafness;
  • vasodilation;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • sweating.

As for the symptoms of acute poisoning, they are expressed as follows:

  • hyperventilation of the lungs;
  • anxiety;
  • violation of acid-base balance.

It should also be noted that in severe poisoning, the patient may develop CNS depression syndrome, which will eventually lead to coma, cardiovascular collapse and respiratory arrest.

When observing all the described symptoms, gastric lavage is carried out and the balance of fluid and electrolytes is restored, as well as enterosorbents are prescribed and forced diuresis is resorted to.

Drug analogues

Now you know how long you can take Cardiomagnyl. If the purchase of such a medication is not available to you, then it can be replaced with analogues. These include drugs such as Trombass, Curantil (for pregnant women), Acecardol, Aspirin Cardio and others. It should be noted that before using all of these funds, it is also necessary to consult a specialist.

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