When can I give juice to a baby and which one is better to introduce into the first complementary foods. Apple juice for babies - when to give

Breast milk is the main food for a baby.

However, from the age of four months it is already possible to introduce complementary foods in the form of juices. At the same time, the mother can still breastfeed the baby on demand.

Parents should know how to give juice to the baby, following all the advice of specialists.

Each juice for babies is useful in its own way. For example, among fruit drinks, apple is distinguished. It is very well absorbed and digested by the body of the crumbs. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins C, A, and B, which are responsible for the work.

You need to be very careful with pomegranate and cherry juice, which has a fixing effect due to tannins in the composition.

Parents should know that juices from vegetables are useful for children of 4 months.

Beetroot juice is used as a laxative for babies. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, this drink contains a large amount of iron. It increases and has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. But perhaps the most favorite juice of babies is carrot. It is rich in vitamin A and helps the baby grow faster.

The main principles of introducing juice into the diet

Children's doctors believe that juice consumption should begin before 6 months. And best of all, if it is a four-month-old baby.

Moms should remember that there is no need to rush into the introduction of complementary foods if the baby suffers from allergies or has had any diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, giving juice to a baby at this age is not recommended if the baby has recently been vaccinated or doctors are just going to give it to him. But even if the crumbs do not have the above problems, before giving juice to a 4-month-old baby, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Also, some pediatricians are of the opinion that it is best not to start complementary foods at four months of age with sweet-tasting juices. It is best to use unsweetened vegetable juices for this purpose. In this case, the mother must first consult with the pediatrician, and then begin to introduce complementary foods.

Every mother who is just starting to introduce new foods into the diet of a four-month-old baby, including juices, should adhere to the following recommendations given by experts:

  1. In no case should new juices be included in the baby's menu in the heat. The fact is that at such a time fermentation processes can begin in the drink.
  2. The introduction of complementary foods in the form of juice should be forgotten if the baby was vaccinated in a medical institution or immediately after vaccination.
  3. Parents should know that a new product should appear in crumbs gradually. It is best to do this once a week. This rule must be observed because of the possible occurrence of allergic reactions in the child. Therefore, it will take time for the baby to get used to new products.

Doctors recommend parents to carry out complementary foods in the morning. In this case, you need to monitor the behavior of the child. If he has discomfort in the abdomen, as well as allergic reactions in the form of redness or a rash, then it is best to exclude this product from the child's diet for a while. Re-introduction of such complementary foods is possible, but only at an older age.

About complementary foods - more on the video:

During the feeding period, I want to give the child the opportunity to try not only new food, but also drink. Juice is the most common food. Let's try to answer the questions: when can you start giving juice, and what should it be like.

When can you start giving juice to a baby?

When asked when to start giving juice to a baby, there are a huge number of answers. Someone prefers to introduce juice from 5 weeks of age, and someone not earlier than a year. However, according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, juices can be included in the menu of babies from 5 months of age. The initial dosage of juices should not exceed 5 ml.

Let's look at what age you can give your child juices made from different fruits.

How many months can you give apple juice

The most common juice in infants is apple juice. For the first feeding, it is advisable to prepare apple juice at home. For this, green varieties of apples are best suited. Green apple is rich in vitamin C, iodine, iron. You can give your baby apple juice from the age of 4 months.

Before making homemade apple juice, make sure the products you choose are of good quality. Rinse fruits thoroughly and peel them. Next, cut the apple into small pieces and remove the core and seeds. Grate the cut pieces. Then wrap the resulting slurry in cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly.

Be sure to dilute the resulting juice with boiled water, since in its pure form it will greatly irritate the walls of the stomach and cause severe discomfort to the baby.

As for the question of whether raspberry juice is possible for babies, then all the doctors are in solidarity. It is better to exclude this type of juice until the child is one year old. This is due to the fact that raspberries are a strong allergen. Therefore, this juice is not desirable for early feeding.

When can you give your baby carrot juice?

Everyone knows that carrots contain a large amount of provitamin A - carotene. It is a “growth vitamin” and is very much appreciated by many mothers. Carrots make sweet, rich juices that kids love so much. In addition, carrot juice is very well absorbed by the crumbs. From how many months can you give carrot juice to children? The optimal age to include this juice in the child's menu is six months. You can cook it in 2 ways:

  1. Manual spin.
  2. With a juicer.

Many parents are interested in the question, how much carrot juice can be given to a child? Doctors advise to start drinking juice with a couple of teaspoons, gradually increasing and bringing its volume to 100 ml.

You should not give freshly squeezed juice to children, as it is very concentrated. In undiluted form, freshly squeezed juices will adversely affect the gastric mucosa. Which will cause discomfort in the baby's stomach.

Tomato juice for children

Tomato juice for children is introduced into the diet from 6 months. In its preparation, only high-quality raw materials are used. They begin to introduce the baby to this juice from 1 teaspoon per day, gradually bringing it up to 1 small glass every few days.

Raisin compote for babies

Raisin compote for babies is boiled from thoroughly washed dried fruits. Make sure that a film does not form during cooking. Sweetening compote is not worth it. It is worth introducing it into the diet from 5 months in a small amount.

Thus, we found out that from 4-5 months you can give juices to babies. Do not forget to carefully process the raw materials before making juices. If you prefer purchased juices, then before buying, carefully study the composition of the product and the age indicated on the package from which you can use the juice of your choice.

Every parent has heard about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices for children. It is believed that fresh cannot harm a child, since it is made by hand at home without the addition of flavorings and dyes. However, this is not quite true. In order for freshly squeezed juices to be useful for a child, you need to follow certain rules for their preparation and use.

Many parents believe that natural freshly squeezed juices are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for a growing child's body. However, doctors are still arguing about the real benefits of fresh juices for children.

Juice is not just a dessert or a drink to quench your thirst. Juice is a therapeutic and prophylactic drink. In folk medicine, freshly squeezed juices from cabbage, etc. are used as medicines for the treatment of skin, intestinal, and endocrine diseases.

Proven Facts About Freshly Made Fruit Juices:

  1. A glass of fresh juice contains a large amount of fruit acids. The higher the concentration of the drink, the more acids it contains. They provoke the appearance in a child, irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, increase peristalsis, and cause bloating.
  2. To prepare a glass of natural juice, half a kilogram of fruit is required. Although the skin, pits, and core will be discarded, most of the fructose in the fruit will remain. Drinking a glass of seemingly harmless juice, the child heavily loads the pancreas, the body may not be able to cope with so much sugar that enters the body. The younger the child and the sweeter the fruit, the greater the risk of acquiring impaired glucose tolerance at an early age.
  3. Drinking freshly squeezed juices in large quantities, the child endangers the delicate enamel of milk teeth. The destruction of enamel causes caries at an early age.
  4. Regular intake of fresh juice reduces appetite in children.
  5. In natural juices, all substances that can cause are preserved. Due to an increase in their concentration, pseudo-allergies often develop in children.
  6. Using freshly squeezed juices to quench your thirst increases the risk of overdosing on fruit sugars, pigments, and acids.

Benefits of freshly squeezed juice

In order for home-made fresh juice to be as useful as possible for a child, you need to follow the rules for preparation and use:

  • do not give fresh juice to children under one year old;
  • use for the preparation of juices fruits and vegetables growing in the place of residence of the child;
  • choose not very sweet varieties of fruits, do not add sugar to the drink;
  • before cooking, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water;
  • so that as many vitamins and as possible are preserved in the juice, fruits and vegetables are rubbed on a plastic grater along with the peel;
  • when mixing different juices, they adhere to the principle of "green with green", "yellow with yellow", "red with red";
  • mixed juices should not be given to children under 3 years of age;
  • no need to filter fresh juices, vitamins are stored longer in juices with pulp;
  • sweet fruit juices should be alternated with vegetable juices containing less sugar;
  • you can’t mix vegetable and fruit juices: different enzymes are needed for their digestion;
  • the child should drink natural juice within 15 minutes after preparation.

When exposed to light and oxygen oxidation, fresh juice quickly loses its beneficial properties. Half an hour after preparation, there will be no vitamins left in the drink, fermentation processes begin, the emergence of pathogenic bacteria, etc.

In order to fully benefit from the juice, you need to consider the following rules:

  • after teething, it is better for children to drink juice through a straw;
  • fresh is given to the child no earlier than an hour after eating;
  • the daily norm of freshly squeezed juice for a child under 3 years old is 30 ml, from 3 to 10 years old - 60 ml (at the same time it is divided into two doses).

Some nuances

Freshly squeezed juice should be consumed no earlier than one hour after eating and no later than 15 minutes after preparation.

Apple juice, even for an older child, can be given only in small quantities, since it contains a lot of fruit acids and can increase the acidity of gastric contents. A baked apple is much healthier for a child.

In order to assimilate the carotene contained in the fresh juice, you need to add a spoonful of cream to the drink or give it to the child along with a slice of bread and butter.

Summary for parents

Before offering freshly squeezed juices to children, especially if they have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or a tendency to allergies, you should definitely consult a doctor. For your child to get the most benefit from fruits and vegetables, they should be eaten whole, not juiced.

Everyone knows what to give juice to a child. But what kind of juice, how to give, from what age, in what quantity? Read the answers to all questions below.

How much juice can a child

Most mothers know that a child under 1 year old can take 60-100 ml of juice. And how much juice can a child older than a year. The more the better or not?

It turns out - no. Juices, especially freshly squeezed ones, increase the acidity of gastric juice, irritate the gastric mucosa, and if consumed excessively, can cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions in children.

Recommended daily intake of juices for children of different ages

Decided on the quantity.

At what age can you give different juices to a child?

We will not dwell on juices that children under 1 year old can, we have already considered them


Tomatoes in ready-made baby food appear from about 8-9 months as part of vegetable and meat-vegetable purees and soups to improve the taste of dishes. That is, they are there in minimal quantities and are subjected to thermal heat treatment.

There are no ready-made tomato juices for children under 1 year old and even up to 3 years old. For children over 3 years old, tomato juice is very useful.


  • It contains lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and prevents cancer. Lycopene is not destroyed by heating and boiling.
  • Tomato juice contains a lot of fiber, helps with constipation and to reduce excess body weight.


It is recommended to give tomato juice to children from 3 years old because it often causes allergies, irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and is consumed with salt. Tomato juice belongs to the group of foods high in histamine and can cause a pseudo-allergic reaction.

Children over 3 years old can use ready-made tomato juice of industrial production or home-made juice.

tomato juice recipe

Wash ripe tomatoes well, remove the stalks. Cut, pour a small amount of water, bring to a boil. Rub through a sieve so that the seeds and skin remain in the sieve. Add a teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of juice and bring it to a boil. Cool down. Juice is ready. You can drink it.

For long-term storage, hot juice is poured into pre-sterilized jars and covered with sterile lids and liter jars are sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes.

orange juice for a child

Orange juice is one of the most popular and easily obtained juices.


  • Orange juice - freshly squeezed, contains a large amount of vitamins C, folic acid, potassium.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Helps lower blood pressure.
  • Increases appetite, enhances the secretion of the stomach and pancreas, stimulates intestinal motility.


  • Has a high allergenicity.
  • Acidic, can irritate the delicate lining of the gastrointestinal tract in children and cause digestive upset.
  • Destroys tooth enamel.

Therefore, it is allowed for children after 1 year, and with a tendency to allergies from 3 years.

It is very easy for a child to get freshly squeezed orange juice - just squeeze the juice from an orange and strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth.

In the industrial production of juices, natural vitamins are partially destroyed, but juices are additionally enriched with them.

Pomegranate juice for a child

Many consider it the first remedy for anemia, and they try to start giving it to a child with anemia as early as possible. In fact, pomegranate, as well as other fruit juices, only promotes the absorption of iron from meat or liver by the body.

Pomegranate juice has a fixative effect, so it is not recommended for children prone to constipation.

It is also a highly allergenic product, therefore it is allowed for children over 1 year old. Read more about this juice.

Grape juice for a child


  • Sweet, kids love it.
  • It is easy to get at home with a juicer.
  • Grape juice contains a lot of sugars: glucose and fructose, this is the most high-calorie juice.
  • It easily and quickly satisfies hunger.
  • It contains many vitamins and microelements, improves liver function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and activates metabolism.


  • But it contains many simple sugars that cause putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, especially in babies whose diet is dominated by dairy food. Grape juice is not recommended to be combined with dairy products, even for adults. Simple sugars serve as a medium for the reproduction of harmful microflora in the intestines of a child.
  • They destroy tooth enamel.
  • Therefore, grape juice is recommended for children from 2 years of age.

Peach and apricot juice for a child

They do not happen without pulp, while their taste and nutritional properties are lost.


  • They contain beta-carotene (provitamin A) and a lot of potassium.
  • They contain a lot of delicate fiber, due to which they normalize intestinal motility.
  • They have a pleasant taste
  • Not very acidic, less than the previous juices irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.


Contains a lot of carotene (provitamin A) it is not recommended for daily use because of the possibility of carotene jaundice.

Pumpkin juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, due to this it has a calming effect on the child's nervous system. After heat treatment, the pumpkin is well absorbed, therefore it is allowed for children in the form of vegetable puree or ready-made juice 2-3 times a week from 6 months of age.

Ready-made pumpkin juices in their pure form are not produced due to the low moisture content in the pumpkin. There are mixed juices, such as apple-pumpkin or nectars, which contain pumpkin puree, water and sugar.

Raw homemade pumpkin juice can be used by children only after 1 year.


The main property of beet juice, which is used in children, is a laxative. It is preferable and safer to give the child boiled beets or beetroot decoction.

In baby food, beetroot juice is used as a "medicine" (as a laxative) for children suffering from constipation.

Ready-made juices from beets are not produced, and raw beet juice can be given to children of the first year of life very carefully from 9-10 months, starting with drops and bringing up to 2-5 teaspoons daily (until regular stools are achieved) children 1-3 years old can be given up to 50 ml raw beetroot juice. Children over 3 years old 70-80 ml. Beet juice for children is always half diluted with water and should always be given after meals.

Read more about beetroot and beetroot juice


Exotic, sour, low calorie & highly allergenic. Children under 3 years of age are not recommended. Therefore, pure pineapple juice for baby food does not exist. Pineapple juice is a part of multifruit juices for baby food recommended from 1 year old. Pineapple juices for children over 3 years old and adults are produced by many manufacturers.

Wild berry juice

Wild berries include blueberries, lingonberries, blackberries, chokeberries, strawberries.

Juice from wild berries differs in that it is very acidic and highly allergenic. Therefore, it is not recommended for children under 1 year old.

As for the vitamin composition, the natural vitamins of wild berries are found only in freshly squeezed juice, and in the restored, at best, there is only an artificially added mixture of vitamins.


Bananas have a very low water content, so there is no banana juice. There are only banana nectars containing banana puree, water and sugar or mixed juices, most often apple-banana. Banana juice (nectar) can be given to a child from the age of 6 months, after the baby has already tried and got used to apple juice.


Very sour, so there is no ready-made pure cherry juice, either mixed apple-cherry juice or cherry nectar. Allowed for children from 8-9 months.

I hope you successfully introduce juice into your child's diet. Stay healthy!

At what age can juice be given to a child?

Fruit and vegetable juices are a source of valuable nutrients - vitamins, minerals and polyphenols, which are essential for the proper development of the body. In addition, the plant fibers contained in them regulate intestinal motility and prevent constipation. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables boosts the immune system and improves the child's well-being. From how many months can a child be given juices and which ones should be given first? About this in the article.

What juices can be given to babies?

Fruits and vegetables, presented in the form of fruit juices and purees, are a rich source of nutrients as well as soluble dietary fiber, which improves the intestinal microflora. They regulate the digestive system, strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the metabolic processes in the child's body.

According to the rules of the diet for babies, fruits and vegetables, as well as juices from them, can be introduced into the child's diet from 5 months. The first such product that is given to a baby is an apple. It can be given as a puree or juice. Apple juice diluted 1 to 1 with water can be given to a baby from 4 months when he suffers from constipation. An apple is a non-allergenic fruit. It contains a large amount of water-soluble fibers, which have a beneficial effect on the state of the microflora of the children's intestines.

The following fruits that can be juiced for babies are:

  • red grapes;
  • apricots;
  • bananas;
  • raspberry;
  • blueberry;
  • pears;
  • peaches;
  • plums;
  • black, red and white currants;
  • Strawberry;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • swede;
  • orange, tangerine, grapefruit.

Grapes are high in flavonoids, which have various health benefits. They have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, fight free radicals that damage cells. Apricots, which are introduced into diet for 6 month old baby, are a rich source of beta-carotene, which gives the skin a healthy color and affects many vital processes in the body. Beta-carotene is also needed for proper bone development and immune system function.

Citrus juices (orange, grapefruit, tangerine) should be introduced at 10 months of age, as they are strong allergens. These are rich sources of vitamin C.

Among the vegetables, carrots are the very first to be introduced into the child's diet. Like an apple, it determines the health of the intestines, therefore it is recommended for both diarrhea and constipation. Like pumpkin (introduced from 5 months), it is a rich source of vitamin A and B vitamins. In addition, the vitamin C present in it facilitates the absorption of iron and strengthens the body's immunity.

How to make juice for babies?

Fruits and vegetables are foods that are recommended for daily consumption. However, the digestive system of infants is not yet as well developed, so it is necessary to introduce new foods into the child's diet gradually. It is better to start with the preparation of fruit and vegetable juices, as they can be easily diluted with boiled water.

When buying in a store or supermarket, choose those vegetables and fruits that are certified by the seal or marked "fully organic", as these products were grown without the use of artificial fertilizers and were not treated with chemical protective agents - pesticides. It is even better to take products from your own dacha or buy from familiar summer residents.

An excess amount of nitrates in a child's diet can lead to hypoxia of the cells of the nervous system, which, in turn, can cause brain disorders.

Before squeezing the juice, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed and scalded with hot water. After they are cleaned and rubbed, and then squeezed, or simply passed peeled through a juicer.

Do not forget about hygiene standards. All dishes and utensils used in cooking must first be washed and scalded with boiling water.

At the beginning, the juice should be administered in small amounts, starting with 2-3 teaspoons a day by gradually increasing the volume. The first time it can be given by diluting it in half with boiled water.

Fruits can be combined with vegetables. Good combinations that are suitable for the little ones:

  • apple, carrot;
  • apple, carrot, banana;
  • apple, pumpkin;
  • carrot, apricot, banana.

Recipes for making vegetable, fruit and berry juices


Making carrot juice for a child without a juicer:

  1. Thoroughly peel the carrots, rinse and scald with hot water.
  2. Grate blanched carrots on a fine grater.
  3. Fold the grated pulp into a sieve and, kneading, squeeze all the juice out of it.
  4. Dilute the juice in half with warm boiled water.

If the sieve has large holes and pieces of carrots pass through them along with the juice, put a sterile bandage folded several times on it.

By the same principle, you can prepare any other juice (from pumpkin, kohlrabi, turnip, etc.).


Preparation of fresh berry juice for the baby.

  1. Fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, blueberries), remove the stems and rinse in a sieve. Then soak in boiling water for a few minutes. Drain the water.
  2. Mash the berries with a fork into gruel, move to a sieve with a dense mesh and squeeze.

Berry juice is ready. It can be given in its pure form, or diluted with boiled water. You can enter into the diet no earlier than 6-7 months.


Wash and peel apples, scald with boiling water. Grate the prepared fruit on a fine grater. Put in a sieve and squeeze with a spoon. Can be mixed with carrot juice. Children are given such a drink from the 4-5th month of life.


It can cause allergies, so it is introduced into the diet no earlier than 10 months. Preparing it is very simple, but you need a sweetener, since in its pure form citrus fruits are very acidic for the baby.

Before peeling, scald the fruit with boiling water. Remove the skin, squeeze the juice from several slices and mix it in half with sweet boiled water. Give 1-2 teaspoons, then the volume can be increased.

Natural juices prepared at home do not contain preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives. Their only drawback is that they are not stored much, so you do not need to cook for future use. It is enough to make such a portion that the baby can drink during the day.

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