When and how to use hexicon candles - instructions for the effective use of the product. Hexicon from thrush Hexicon candles how to administer correctly

Hexicon suppositories are used for the effective and rapid treatment of diseases of the urinary system, including those caused by sexually transmitted infections.

The drug belongs to a specialized medicinal group of antiseptics / disinfectants, released exclusively for external and local use, bactericidal properties allow you to quickly get a positive effect from use.

The drug is most active against gram-positive, but actively resists gram-negative bacteria, and is able to maintain the result.

Pharmacokinetics means

Candles consist of a substance of a white or light yellowish hue with a marble tint of the outer shell.

The composition of Hexicon candles includes only two active substances:

  • chlorhexidine bigluconate;
  • polyethylene oxide.

These substances generally have a quick antiseptic and antibacterial effect, acting gently but effectively.

In addition, due to the presence of chlorhexidine in the preparation, there is a direct effect on the simplest bacteria, which are the causative agents of sexual infections.

It is important to remember that polyethylene oxide and chlorhexidine practically do not work with acid-resistant forms of bacteria, spores of bacteria, fungi and viruses, so self-medication with this drug is not recommended.

The effectiveness of the remedy is best manifested in the initial stages of the disease. The drug is excreted naturally - 99% during bowel movements and 1% - with urine.

The mechanism of action of the drug

The medicine begins its work as soon as the number of lactobacilli decreases.

The tool quickly and effectively relieves swelling and any inflammatory reactions that occur in the body, which may be the result of the formation of mixed flora.

The drug does not have a pronounced antifungal effect, therefore, it cannot cause a violation of the microflora.

To get a quick effect, doctors advise using Hexicon in a complex way - with other drugs that specifically affect the fungus - these can be either tablets or pills.

Use candles, being careful - the introduction process should not be accompanied by sudden movements.

Indications for use

What helps the use of Hexicon suppositories:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia in various stages;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • syphilis in the initial stage;
  • gonorrhea;
  • , including those occurring with the release of pus and / or blood;
  • vaginitis;
  • gonococcal infection;

The tool is also used as a disinfectant before operations on the pelvic organs, before the birth process and abortions.

Contraindications for use

Candles can be used without fear. There were no pronounced prohibitions on the use, except for individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition.

In some cases, you will have to refuse to take it due to the presence of dermatitis.

It is best to consult with a specialist to identify possible allergic reactions, since a person does not always know about them.

With extreme caution, the remedy should be used if treatment is necessary in children under 15 years of age.

The use of suppositories for cystitis

Cystitis is an unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to a woman.

The use of Hexicon suppositories allows you to quickly get rid of not only the symptoms, but also cure the source of the problem.

The usual course of taking drugs involves the creation of a complex of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents, as well as drugs that help relieve pathogenic symptoms - a constant burning sensation.

They allow you to quickly get rid of the processes of pathological changes.

They allow you to locally act on existing infections, thereby relieving pronounced symptoms. To relieve pain symptoms, in turn, antispasmodics are used, which are part of the complex of drugs for cystitis.

In the event that the doctor has not prescribed another course of treatment, then suppositories should be used topically (if the form of the medicine is suppositories) and externally (if we are talking about a different form of the drug).

Available forms of release: suppositories, gel, solution for external use.

Dosages of the drug

The instructions for use indicate that Hexicon suppositories are used 1 piece twice a day with course treatment for a week.

Maximum - 10 days, if necessary, after consulting a doctor, the course can be increased to 18 days.

As a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, Hexicon vaginal suppositories can be used at the rate of 1 piece no later than 120 minutes after contact with a partner.

Briefly about the use of the solution

If a solution is used, then for the prevention of infections, the remedy must be taken no later than 2 hours after intercourse.

The composition should be applied topically - that is, in the urethra for men, no more than 3 ml, for women - in the vagina - 5-10 ml each.

The solution must be kept inside for the best effect for just a few minutes. It is not advisable to urinate after this for at least 60 minutes.

For treatment, the injection method is used.

It is produced twice a day for 2 ml, the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days, of course, as prescribed by the doctor (usually carried out every other day).

In dentistry, the solution is used for high-quality disinfection and rinsing - the main forms of the procedure are irrigation of the oral cavity and mucous membranes, as well as rinsing.

This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times in 24 hours for several minutes each - an average of 3 minutes.

Gel use

The gel form is used to treat diseases such as vulvitis, balanitis. Means applied topically.

The duration of treatment is from one week to 10 days, the reception is carried out 2 times a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening.

For the treatment of skin infections, the gel is applied in a very thin layer 2-3 times a day, the duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor.

How to apply the patch?

The patch is applied topically. It is required to remove the protective film and apply it to the damaged area of ​​the skin, then press its edges of the patch so as to fix the bandage.

It is important to remember that improper use will lead to a mild treatment result.

It is important to remember that the dosages and forms of the drug depend on the nature of the disease and the severity of its course. Only a specialist should determine the exact treatment regimen.

Overdose and additional instructions

Features of the application directly depend on the form of the drug.

So the solution requires special precautions - it should not be allowed to get into the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as open wounds.

It is contraindicated in people with head injuries (of any severity), diseases caused by damage to the spinal cord or ENT - a disease - damage to the eardrum.

The drug in all forms of release is not compatible with detergents, and the simultaneous use of products with iodine is also unacceptable.

For suppositories, gels and Hexicon solution, it is not recommended to use soap during the treatment process. Ethanol, in turn, enhances the effectiveness of the drug.

Side effects do not have pronounced or specific features. They may appear as follows:

  • allergic reactions of various types and strengths of manifestation;
  • severe itching;
  • for solution and gel additionally - dryness of the skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • characteristic coloration of tooth enamel;
  • deposition of tartar;
  • taste disorder;
  • solution can cause skin stickiness.

Hexicon suppositories are approved for use during pregnancy at any time and lactation, but for children, the use of the drug in any case should be agreed with a specialist.

Cases of drug overdose have not been identified. It is recommended to consult a specialist before using the product.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug is incompatible with drugs containing an anionic group, which include:

  • saponins;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose.

The presence of soap, even without aroma additives in the composition, can slow down or even stop the work of the chlorhexidine substance, therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to completely get rid of soap substances on the skin.

Special instructions also include the fact that the ingress of bleaching agents on fabrics treated with chlorhexidine preparations can cause brown spots.

The bactericidal effect of the drug is enhanced in case of an increase in body temperature.

Comprehensive opinion of patients

We will study the reviews of people who used Hexicon suppositories to treat diseases of the genitourinary system.

My experience of using it turned out to be negative at first - after using the candles, a terrible rash appeared on the skin of the hands and feet. She did not hesitate - she went to the doctor, he canceled the candles and prescribed a solution in a lower concentration - everything went away. The disease disappeared after 8 days. In general, I'm satisfied.

Alina, 32

The use of suppositories was caused by surgery. Doctors prescribed suppositories to prevent inflammation.

I took a week course, I was very pleased with the result. Of the minuses, I can note that the candles leaked a little when walking, which was not very pleasant, I was saved by gaskets.

Regina, 42

I do not advise you to use Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy, as they can cause bleeding and, as a result, complications, up to the need to lie down for preservation.

Be sure to consult your doctor, and at the first sign of discharge, refuse and ask for a replacement medication.

Rosana, 27

Hexicon suppositories were prescribed for prophylaxis after surgery. The result is excellent, but there is a nuance - the candles flow out, so you need to use gaskets and they also smell not very pleasant.

Karina, 25

I am a doctor by education, I can say about the drug that it is not indicated for everyone, since it can cause a burning sensation, if so, you should immediately stop using it, since there will be no result due to the characteristics of the body.

Valery Kirillovich, 48

Buying and storing medicine

The shelf life of the drug (candles) is 3 years.

In pharmacies, it is released completely freely, that is, without a doctor's prescription, so the patient will be able, after receiving a consultation, to purchase medicine and begin treatment.

In pharmacies, the price of Hexicon is from 50 rubles to 320 rubles - it depends on the number of candles in the package, you can also buy analogues that can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Amident;
  • Hibiscrab;
  • Tsiteal.

Hexicon is a gynecological vaginal suppository that every woman is familiar with. Probably, any representative has seen an advertisement for these candles, or maybe heard about them from her friend, or is herself an ardent fan of this product. Be that as it may, but Hexicon is very successfully popular. It is used both for the prevention and treatment of various diseases associated with the female genital organs.

These candles have shown themselves to be a safe remedy for the expectant mother and for her unborn baby. This is due to the fact that the remedy works locally, in the middle of the vagina, and is not absorbed into the blood, and therefore has no effect on the fetus.

An important factor is the correct use of vaginal suppositories, that is, you should always follow the instructions for any medication.

Briefly about the composition and appearance

Hexicon contains the active substance chlorhexidine bigluconate, an antiseptic that actively fights gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria and their protozoa. An excellent drug for protection against genital infections. Each candle contains 8 and 16 active ingredients. A photo was specially taken on the box, which indicates this quantity.

A distinctive feature of suppositories is that they have virtually no effect on the normal microflora of the vagina - lactobacilli. But, Hexicon does not apply to acid-resistant species of bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores. Also, if blood or pus is present in the discharge, suppositories do not have full effectiveness.

In appearance, they resemble a torpedo with a yellowish color, sometimes white. Photos of suppositories can be found on the Internet. Pack of 10 candles. Even at the points of sale you can find a package of Hexicon with 1 vaginal suppository. In addition, the box contains disposable polyethylene fingertips.

The instructions indicate that candles should be stored in an environment where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. And the shelf life is two years.

Indications for use and method of use

Hexicon is indicated for use in the following situations:

For the prevention of pathogens that are sexually transmitted. These include: syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis. For the prevention of infectious and inflammatory processes that may occur in gynecological and obstetric practice. Often, vaginal suppositories are prescribed before childbirth, abortion, before operations on the female organs. Sometimes they are used before the establishment of an intrauterine device, as well as after its removal. In addition, Hexicon can be prescribed before an intrauterine examination. Applied during the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis; various vaginitis. This includes the treatment of trichomonas, mixed and nonspecific vaginitis.

With the testimony, in general terms, figured out, now let's talk about the method of application. As the instructions say, the time to use vaginal suppositories is before bedtime. Of course, if they were discharged once a day.

When the doctor prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day for treatment, after application it is worth lying down in a state of calm for about half an hour. The distance between the use of the drug should be equal.

Candles Hexicon should be injected deep into the vagina. There, under the influence of heat, they spread and begin to act immediately on the focus of inflammation itself or on the focus of the problem.

The course of treatment is prescribed individually by the doctor, most often 7-10 days. For preventive purposes, the drug is administered within 2 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the description of the instructions, Hexicon can cause itching, redness, then a network, an allergic reaction to the use of the drug. Immediately after cancellation, all adverse reactions should completely disappear.

In addition, modern gynecologists and obstetricians have not noticed other negative consequences. And there were no cases of overdose either.

Basically, Hexicon suppositories are well tolerated by patients and with a positive result, as evidenced by the reviews of women who used suppositories.

One more point should be clarified: this drug is not used during menstruation.

Everything is very simple: menstruation is a process of rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, which is accompanied by bleeding. The use of hexicon suppositories during menstruation has absolutely no effect. Once in the vagina, suppositories melt and mix with menstruation (meaning blood). Together with menstrual flow, the drug itself comes out. Candles do not even have time to start working.

Before you start treatment with Hexicon, you should take into account the time of menstruation, otherwise the result will be zero.

If menstruation fell on a course of treatment with the drug, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps Hexicon will have to be canceled before the end of menstruation. After the course of treatment can be resumed. Your doctor will prescribe another remedy for the duration of your period. But everything is purely individual.

The relationship between thrush and Hexicon

Most often, you can hear feedback from girls that Hexicon helped them in the fight against thrush. On the Internet you can find a photo in which candles are advertised precisely as protection against thrush.

Thrush is a fungus of the genus Candida. The fungus is not an immediate health threat. Moreover, it lives in every human body.

But its growth leads to unpleasant consequences - this is thrush.

For thrush, a characteristic feature is:

itching, burning in the female genital area; cheesy vaginal discharge with a characteristic sour smell.

According to the instructions, the composition of Hexicon is such that it successfully copes with the pathogen, relieves swelling, inflammation and removes itching. But he should go in the complex treatment of thrush. For example, an antifungal drug may be an additional treatment for thrush.

According to women, candles from thrush helped many. But, however, as elsewhere, there are negative reviews.

To get rid of thrush as quickly as possible, it is better to take drugs prescribed by a doctor, and not to self-medicate.

The right remedy for cervical erosion

Erosion is a defect with a violation of the integrity of the integumentary tissue. In this case, it is an ulcer on the mucous membrane of the cervix. It cannot be detected on its own, although many women suffer from this disease.

A woman may not even feel any signs. He learns about the disease only from the doctor. How it looks in life, you can see in the photo.

The causes of erosion in a woman are quite diverse:

Infection with trochomoniasis, chlamydia, herpes simplex virus. Dysbacteriosis of the vagina. Erosion can also occur against the background of chemicals used, for example, a cleanser. Any injury that can develop into erosion, such as injury during violent sex. Other reasons.

For the treatment of cervical erosion at first, when the wound is still small, vaginal suppositories may be prescribed. Among them is Hexicon, which effectively fights the disease, which caused a lot of positive feedback.

Candles are inherently soft, so they will not further injure the shell. They act quickly and do not affect lactobacilli.

Hexicon's analogs

Analogues of Hexicon are those preparations that contain the same active substance - chlorhexidine bigluconate, or similar in principle of action.

It is worth noting that there are not so many drugs in the form of suppositories based on chlorhexidine.

There are analogues of Hexicon in the form of a solution.

What are the indications for the use of an analogue of Hexicon candles:

Need a cheaper product; Lack of the drug at points of sale; Allergic reactions to Hexicon.

The world knows many analogues of this tool. These may be cheaper drugs, although the quality is not inferior to the original.

Among the most famous, which have the same indications as Hexicon, are:

Depantol; Kathejel; Clioron.

Analogues that have the same indications, but they are released in a different form:

Hibiscrab; Chlorhexidine bigluconate; Plivasept.

There are similar drugs, but their active substance is somewhat different:

Betadine; Iodoxide; Eucolec.

Drugs have a similar principle of action:

Clotrimazole; Nystatin.

Their composition differs from Hexicon, but they are also antimycotic agents and have antiseptic properties.

In any case, it is always better to check with the doctor which analogues will be better, then the result will be positive.

This article should not be a call to action for you. All medications have official instructions that you should study before you start taking the remedy.

In addition, each patient has his own doctor who prescribes the treatment regimen and the duration of the course. All other sources are general information that is written for information.

Download Official instructions for use Hexicon (candles)

Women's sores are an unpleasant, nasty and rather unpredictable thing. It would be nice if everything was simple and clear! Yes, I did not follow the rules of hygiene, yes, passion hit my head and they forgot about the condom!

But nature sometimes presents such surprises that, as they say, "mom - do not cry." One treatment for thrush is worth something or gardnell with E. coli. It is only in the photo that they are small and fearless. They live with us for years and are conditionally pathogenic flora, symbionts. Violation of immunity - and, hello, we begin to be treated.

To solve gynecological problems, doctors often prescribe Hexicon candles.

Hexicon candles - instructions for use

What is the main active ingredient of this drug? Let's see what the instructions for use say.

The composition of the suppository is very simple - chlorhexidine in the amount of 0.016 mg. The remaining substances that make up the Hexicon candles play a supporting role.

Appearance - "Hexicon" candles are torpedo-shaped vaginal suppositories. The color, if you look at the description and photo of the drug, may vary from pale yellow to yellow, marble transitions are possible. This is not a contraindication to use.

Indications for use:

Prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and ureaplasmosis). Preventive measure for surgical interventions, childbirth, abortion, installation of intrauterine contraceptives. Assign in the treatment of exo-and endocervicitis, both acute and chronic. Vaginitis of various etiologies, treatment of thrush in combination with other means.

Candles "Geksikon" do not violate the microflora of the vagina, is not absorbed through the mucous membranes. Mothers of babies may not worry if the child inadvertently discovered and swallowed Hexicon candles. The positive quality of the drug is that it is also not absorbed in the stomach.

Vaginal suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina, melt and begin to have a therapeutic effect. The duration of the course is from 7 to 20 days, depending on the disease.

Instructions for use says that it is best to use vaginal suppositories at night. If the drug is used 2 times a day, after administration, lie down for an hour. The drug is safe for pregnant and lactating women. But it can be used only if there are indications for treatment.

Contraindications to the use of suppositories - allergic reactions to the main active ingredient or other components of the drug.

Candles from thrush Hexicon

The causative agent of thrush is a fungus of the genus Candida. He lives with us all conscious life, without showing itself. Localization is different - and the vagina, and intestines, and urinary tract. Many have seen the manifestations of candidiasis not only in the photo, but also in person. While immunity is in order, the causative agent of thrush does not manifest itself, but it is worth getting sick or being treated with antibiotics - and hello, dear women.

Candles "Hexicon" are prescribed in the treatment of thrush. But what does the instruction for the use of a medicinal product say? Are there indications for use?

Chlorhexidine, which is part of the drug, does not affect the vital activity of fungi!

Candles have an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect. These symptoms accompany the course of thrush. In addition, it is rare to find only fungi of the genus Candida in a smear. Usually the microflora is mixed, the level of leukocytes is increased.

Hexicon is an excellent disinfectant that is not absorbed into the blood and has an anti-inflammatory local effect.

Reviews about the use of the drug in the treatment of thrush vary. It helped someone, but there are also negative reviews. So you should not use Hexicon suppositories as monotherapy during the treatment of candidiasis. Only in combination with antifungal agents can all manifestations of thrush be cured!

Hexicon during menstruation

Can vaginal suppositories be used during menstruation? Experts do not recommend the use of vaginal remedies until menstrual bleeding has ended. The blood that is released during menstruation will quickly dissolve the candles and, accordingly, remove them from the body.

The effect of treatment will be insignificant and limited. Yes, and the instructions say - do not use during menstruation.

You should take into account the time of menstruation when using Hexicon. If possible, then you need to postpone the treatment for the period of menstruation and or interrupt it. After the end of menstruation, you need to re-conduct a full course of medical procedures.

Suppositories "Hexicon" and erosion

Erosions are ulcerative lesions of any mucous membrane - the stomach, intestines, vagina, cervix. Erosion manifestations are presented in the following photo. In gynecological practice, cervical erosion begins after suffering inflammatory processes, various hormonal disruptions.

A gynecologist should diagnose and prescribe treatment. First of all, you need to establish the cause of the erosion process. For this, the necessary tests are given, if necessary, colpicoscopy.

If the size of the erosion is small, then doctors may prescribe vaginal suppositories for treatment. If there are indications, including candles "Hexicon".

What is the advantage of such treatment?

Ease of use. Quick result - suppositories relieve inflammation on the mucous membrane. During treatment, there is no suppression of the natural flora of the vagina - lactobacilli. Additionally, the mucous membrane is not injured.

Chlorixidine - the main active ingredient - successfully copes with many pathogens. And very often by removing the cause of inflammation, you can achieve healing of erosion.

Hexicon candles reviews: during erosion they are few. Women respond negatively, note deterioration, death of microflora, increased dryness of the mucous membranes.

So at the first signs of a deterioration in the situation, treatment should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted.

Hexicon candles analogues

Medicines periodically like to go to re-registration, obtaining new licenses and permits, and other bureaucratic troubles.

What to do if the doctor prescribed Hexicon, but it is not available in pharmacies for the above reasons? Do not despair! The main thing is to know the analogues of your favorite drug.

You may not be a pharmacist, but in any pharmacy a specialist will be able to match an analogue with the same active ingredient.

So, analogues of "Hexicon":

Hibiscrab. Plivasept. Chlorhexedine biglucanate.

The active substance of all drugs is chlorhexidine and it will act the same way. So do not panic, and do not hesitate to check with your doctor or pharmacist if there is an analogue of the drug. If in doubt, ask your pharmacist for instructions on how to use the medicine.

In general, reviews of Hexicon candles are positive, but they should only be used as directed by the attending physician.

Hexicon has an anti-infective and bactericidal effect

Nowadays, gynecological diseases are a common problem in both young girls and older women.

Treatment of these diseases requires an integrated approach.

One of the effective methods is the use of vaginal suppositories.

Often, experts prescribe Hexicon suppositories.

They are used to treat infectious and inflammatory processes, as well as a prophylactic agent.

But in order to know when and how to use hexicon suppositories correctly, instructions for their use are an integral part of familiarizing yourself with the drug.

The spectrum of action of vaginal suppositories "Geksikon"

The active ingredient of the drug is chlorhexidine bigluconate. It has an antiseptic effect and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria.

At the same time, the medicinal substance absolutely does not destroy the vaginal microflora, does not penetrate through the mucous membranes into the blood. Candles affect the focus of infection.

Also, the medicine relieves the inflammatory process, reduces pain and swelling.

In addition, there are other advantages of the tool:

prevention of infectious diseases of the reproductive system possibility of use during breastfeeding and pregnancy first aid for infections of the genital tract ease of use providing local treatment of the disease (uniform distribution of the drug throughout the vagina) safety for the body fast action availability of analogues of these suppositories minimal risk of side effects no contraindications

The drug treats various types of colpitis and vaginitis (bacterial, mixed, trichomonas, chronic and nonspecific).

The use of hexicon suppositories after unprotected intercourse prevents the development of the following sexually transmitted diseases:

syphilis herpes (genital) gonorrhea uraeplasmosis vaginosis bacterial endocervicitis

The drug has a destructive effect on Trichomonas, spirochetes and chlamydia, thereby helping to avoid diseases that provoke these microorganisms.

Also, to prevent undesirable consequences, such as sexual infection and inflammatory processes, Hexicon candles are prescribed:

in the prenatal period before surgery during gynecological examinations during the establishment of the spiral before abortion

Hexicon suppositories have an antiseptic effect, due to which they are successfully used for the prevention and treatment of gynecological and venereal diseases.

Rules for the use of vaginal suppositories

Candles vaginal

There are no particular problems with how to use Hexicon candles correctly - the instructions for use are quite simple.

During treatment, suppositories must be carefully inserted into the vagina twice a day, one at a time. It is better to do this in the morning, after sleep, and at night.

The procedure should be carried out for about ten days.

Sometimes the course of treatment can last about twenty days.

For prophylactic purposes, in order to avoid genital infections, it is recommended to administer one suppository after an unprotected act.

It is advisable to use this method no later than 120 minutes later.

Since after applying the product there may be discharge (after all, the medicine melts under the influence of heat), a bandage tampon can be made.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on compliance with certain recommendations:

People with hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug should use suppositories with caution - allergic reactions are possible. Although it is allowed to use suppositories during menstruation, it is still better to carry out the procedure after the end of menstruation. It is necessary to exclude the use of means for intimate hygiene. It is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse. For the treatment of children, "Hexicon D" is used.

To enhance the therapeutic effect of suppositories, they should be used according to the instructions.

Treatment of thrush "Hexicon"

Treatment of thrush with hexicon

Many women who used these suppositories for candidiasis observed an excellent therapeutic effect.

However, the drug is not able to destroy the fungus that provokes thrush.

Why do experts prescribe hexicon candles?

The instruction for thrush determines that suppositories can be used for the disease only in the case of complex therapy.

First of all, antifungal agents are included in the treatment of candidiasis.

If the disease is of a fungal-bacterial origin, then suppositories help restore the balance of the vaginal microflora.

In addition, they reduce the inflammatory process, help to cope with discomfort (itching and burning) and eliminate swelling.

Treatment of thrush with hexicon suppositories can only be prescribed by a specialist after receiving the test results. Self-medication can aggravate the situation.

Hexicon suppositories are a modern and affordable way to prevent infectious diseases. The antiseptic effect of the drug in complex treatment helps to get rid of many diseases.

About the treatment of thrush in detail - on the video:

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Vaginal suppositories have been successfully used to treat various infections of the female genital organs. Hexicon suppositories have a convenient form for administration, they quickly eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the cause itself, which is why they are in high demand.

An antiseptic drug with a wide spectrum of effects, effectively helps against diseases of the urinary system, including sexually transmitted diseases.

Hexicon candles

The active substance in composition of Hexicon - chlorhexidine bigluconate, it quickly eliminates bacteria and protozoa that cause imbalance and the spread of genital infections.

This drug quickly eliminates viral infections that multiply in a putrefactive environment. He effectively destroys all pathogenic microorganisms which prevents the recurrence of the disease.

It is also used in the treatment of vaginal dysbacteriosis from taking antibiotics, quickly restores the microflora of the vagina. Doctors prescribe these suppositories when installing or removing an intrauterine device, this drug helps to avoid complications.

It is recommended to conduct a course before an abortion, with diathermocoagulation of the cervix. Candles Hexicon is prescribed for prophylaxis before some gynecological operations and intrauterine examinations. Specialists prescribe a drug to eliminate any infectious and inflammatory processes.

His often used to prevent various genital infections, with unplanned and unprotected sexual intercourse. The main condition: use the drug no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse, only in this case you can count on its efficiency, the use is quite single.

Otherwise, the infection spreads to the mucosa of the reproductive system and further therapy will be required.

Hexicon suppository is a disinfectant and antiseptic with bactericidal properties, which means that this drug helps quickly, relieving symptoms after the first application.

The gonococcus bacterium under a microscope is the causative agent of gonorrhea, which helps Hexicon suppositories.

This drug does not violate the natural healthy microflora of the vagina, its active components can only interact with an unfavorable environment, so it does not harm the body and is considered safe.

Candles Hexicon: indications for use

Hexicon candles - from whatappointed:

  • genital herpes;
  • ureaplasmosis,
  • chlamydia;
  • syphilis;
  • vaginitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • in the treatment of exo- and endocervicitis;
  • disinfection of purulent ulcers in the vagina;
  • gonorrhea;
  • urethritis in women;
  • trichomoniasis.

Hexicon candles: how to enter correctly

Each suppository is packed in an individual cell, it must be removed before use. Carefully tear along the line from the rest, then with pre-washed hands, holding on to the top of the package, pulling in opposite directions with a little effort to open the cell.

The candle itself has an elongated shape, with a pointed rounding on one side and a wider one on the other.

Manipulation for the introduction of the suppository should be carried out in the supine position on the bed. This position is the most comfortable, and it will also allow you to inject the drug as deeply as possible. And it is on this that the effectiveness of the treatment will depend, the medicine should penetrate as deeply as possible into the vagina and stay there longer.

The legs should be spread wider, the knees should be slightly bent, the abdominal muscles should be relaxed. Then place a candle on your index finger and hold it with your thumb with a slight (natural) slope to lead inside.

After the suppository is in the vagina, with the index finger as deep as possible (as far as the finger is enough) direct it deep into. Usually this procedure does not cause discomfort, it is performed quickly. Lie in this position for 1 minute.

Illustration: how to insert a candle correctly

Hexicon candles - what do they fall out from?

This is observed in women who have not inserted the suppository deep enough. She, when moving in a standing position, begins to slide down the vagina, and then, not having time to dissolve, goes out.

Such treatment becomes ineffective, it will not give the desired result and, at best, will simply dampen the symptoms. It is necessary to carry out the entire manipulation again with a new dose of the drug.

After the introduction and dissolution of the drug, within a few hours, its moderate release is observed, this is absolutely normal, because. the outflow of a small part is completely natural and a repeated procedure for the introduction of a new candle is not required. The correct dose of the drug with the correct administration is guaranteed.

Instructions for use. Hexicon

The composition of the suppositories includes the main substance, the concentration of which can be 8 or 16 ml and auxiliary, they help to create the desired consistency of the suppository and the proper shape, improve slip during administration. It has a torpedo shape, white color, with various light shades.

Produced in a cardboard box, where its contents are presented in the form of 2 plastic (white) plates, packed in an individual box of 10 pcs.

The kit includes rubber fingertips, their use allows you to maintain maximum hygiene. Depending on the price and distributor, the set may differ. All components are written on the packaging.

Store in a dark place at 23°C. Shelf life 2 years, do not use after expiration. Released from pharmacies freely.

A distinctive feature of this drug is that its treatment does not affect the natural libido, does not inhibit the normal functional activity of lactobacilli and does not allow the development of purulent microflora.

Hexicon candles - from whatprotects:

  • from genital infections, it is a prophylactic;
  • from the recurrence of infection;
  • from the growth of harmful bacteria;
  • from various complications after surgery or the installation of a contraceptive.

This drug is prescribed for use 2 times a day, one suppository, morning and evening, just before bedtime. It is recommended to wash before the procedure.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before using Hexacon

The duration of use varies depending on the disease, its form and individual characteristics. Usually takes up to 10 days, in rare cases, the application is extended up to 20 days.

Hexicon (candles) from which it is not effective

Despite the fact that this drug has a fairly wide range of effects, the drug is still not very active in an acidic environment. It is not used in the treatment of thrush, some other fungal infections, it does not completely eliminate their spores.

It is not recommended to start the course before menstruation, it is best to start immediately after it. If during the treatment began menstruation, then the course is interrupted and resumed only after the bleeding is completely over.

After treatment with Hexicon, in the presence of a uterine spiral, there may be abundant bleeding during menstruation. If the presence of blood flow is not associated with menstruation, then you should consult a doctor.

With some deviations in gynecology, the use of these suppositories can cause blood discharge, in some cases, women experienced a dull aching pain in the lower abdomen, which was a harbinger of the onset of non-regular blood discharge. This indicates the presence of cervical erosion, menstrual irregularities, or endometriosis, adenomyosis. Sometimes about precancerous disease.

Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy (in the early and late stages)

This drug is safe to use during pregnancy and does not harm the fetus or mother. Doctors prescribe the drug for treatment at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of the period, it is equally effective for sexually transmitted diseases.

Hexicon is absolutely safe during pregnancy

This is the only such medicine that can be used already in the first trimester, without fear. It is equally used also in the second and third trimester. The dosage and duration of use depends on the disease and the degree of its spread.

These suppositories are prescribed for breastfeeding, it has been proven that its components do not penetrate the digestive tract and do not affect the mother's digestion and the composition of milk at all.

Candles Hexicon after childbirth

It is used to normalize the natural microflora of the vagina, and also prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

After childbirth, many women have a significantly increased risk of infection and the occurrence of inflammatory processes; Hexicon suppositories are considered the best way to eliminate such problems.

Recovery after difficult childbirth is faster, many doctors prescribe this drug for postpartum cervical erosion, because. it remains highly active in a purulent and bloody environment, do not let pathogenic bacteria multiply. And also in the presence of internal seams of the perineum, to control the internal flora and its normalization.

Hexicon in the form of suppositories is often prescribed as a prophylactic before natural childbirth, especially when the mother is suspected of having any bacterial infection.

This measure will prevent complications. The course of treatment is up to 1.5 weeks.

Candles from thrush Hexicon

They are prescribed in combination with antifungal agents, only in cases where there are other concomitant diseases that require combination therapy.

On its own, the drug Hexicon is not highly effective and is not very active in an acidic environment. It disinfects, acting as an antiseptic, simultaneously restoring the microflora and removing the accompanying inflammation and swelling.

Candida bacteria under the microscope

The use of antimycotic drugs does not inhibit their action, but, on the contrary, increases the natural immunity of the vagina. Doctors recommend with thrush to limit the use of any dairy products, foods rich in carbohydrates. During treatment, it is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic beverages.

The course of treatment is up to 1.5 weeks, with 2 single use of Hexicon vaginal suppositories.

Candles Hexicon during menstruation

It is prescribed in extreme cases, it is believed that despite the activity of the drug in the blood environment, the concentration of the main substance in the body and the dose becomes minimal. This is due to its excretion with the menstrual flow. Doctors recommend postponing treatment until the end of the cycle.

Hexicon suppositories for cystitis

Vaginal suppositories are successfully used to eliminate cystitis in women of various etiologies., especially accompanied by various sexual infections.

The drug is active against both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms that can provoke the occurrence of cystitis.

Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the urinary tract directly from the vaginal mucosa and multiply under adverse conditions. Thus, bacterial cystitis appears in women.

It quickly recognizes and destroys the infection, both in the vagina and in the urethra. Increasing the body's resistance to foreign bacteria, relieves inflammation and swelling, thereby normalizing the natural outflow of urine.

It is also prescribed for pregnant women with cystitis, normalization of microflora and improvement of bladder emptying. Often, against the background of the action of hormones during the bearing of a child, there is an unpleasant painful sensation and pressure in the pelvic area, namely the bladder. This may be the first symptom of inflammatory processes, and many specialists prescribe Hexicon vaginal suppositories.

The course of treatment depends on the form of the disease, in the early stages it is enough to use a suppository 2 times for 7 days.

Hexicon candles: contraindications

The main contraindications are:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • persons prone to allergies (or treatment with Hexicon suppositories is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, on which the effectiveness depends);
  • individual intolerance to the active ingredient;
  • with serious diseases that can cause bleeding;
  • oncology;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Hexicon candles: side effects

The most common side effect is the appearance of dryness of the vaginal mucosa, which can later turn into irritation. There is itching, burning and redness in the area of ​​the labia. Sometimes with prolonged use, the patient is diagnosed with peeling of the skin, significant dryness of all mucous membranes in the body.

A rash appears on the surface of the skin, it is accompanied by itching, which, when scratched mechanically, can turn into dermatitis.

In some cases, allergic reactions were observed in the form of skin irritation from direct sunlight when using this drug, which disappeared immediately after stopping the course of treatment.

In some cases, inflammation of the gums, a violation of taste perception is possible.

Side effects are manifested individually, they depend on the characteristics of the body, are rare. Usually they occur when the dosage is not observed, the duration of treatment and when the active ingredient is intolerant. At the first symptoms, you should immediately stop treatment and contact a specialist.

Hexicon candles: price

The cost of the medicine varies depending on the pharmacies and the distributor and is about 285 rubles per drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Completely incompatible with detergents containing an anionic group, these are sodium and potassium salts, some fatty acids.

Do not use with any means containing iodine, it is necessary to completely abandon alcoholic beverages during use.

Hexicon candles: analogues

They are medicines with similar properties, they are made on the basis of chlorhexidine. There are few similar analogues, they differ in lower cost.


Here are the main analogues:

  1. Depantol (candles) - is one of the best analogues, close in composition to Hexicon. This drug is broad-spectrum, with antiseptic properties. In addition, it promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues (with cervical erosion) and effectively eliminates pathogenic pathogenic bacteria, both in the blood and in the purulent environment.
  2. Cathejel suppositories- an effective bactericidal agent, actively fights both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. It is prescribed as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplosmosis, trichomoniasis, etc.).
  3. Clioron- suppositories are used both for the treatment and for the prevention of various sexually transmitted and infectious-inflammatory diseases in gynecology. They have high efficiency, are an excellent antiseptic.

Summing up, we can say that Hexicon is almost universal, has few contraindications, and is very effective in terms of price and quality.

Be healthy!

Video clips about Hexicon candles. What helps, and how to take.

Video instruction about Hexicon suppositories, what helps, how to take during pregnancy:

Hexicon from thrush:

Hexicon suppository is an effective drug used in gynecology for the treatment of various diseases of an infectious and / or inflammatory nature. This drug is very easy to use, it is commercially available, and many women prescribe it themselves and even choose their own therapy regimen. It is absolutely impossible to do this - only a doctor, after establishing an accurate diagnosis, will be able to determine the appropriateness of using Hexicon (candles) and draw up a treatment regimen on an individual basis. The most striking example of making a mistake with the uncontrolled use of the drug in question is an attempt by women to cure with it (vaginal candidiasis) - this cannot be done, since the main active ingredient in Hexicon (candles) does not "work" against the causative agent of this disease.

The action of Hexicon (candles) on the body

The drug in question belongs to the category of antiseptics - there are two components in the candles - chlorhexidine bigluconate and polyethylene oxide. The first component plays the main role, thanks to which Hexicon candles perform therapeutic or prophylactic functions.

Geskikon suppositories - a drug that acts intravaginally locally, can have a detrimental effect on most gram-positive / gram-negative bacteria (for example, gardenella, and others). The drug in question is capable of actively destroying pathogens that cause development in humans, Hexicon suppositories are also effective in treatment.

Interesting fact: when the drug in question is introduced into the vagina, you can be sure that the lactobacilli in its microflora will not be destroyed, which means that their number will not need to be artificially (using various drugs) restored.

If a woman has purulent or bloody vaginal discharge, then this is not a reason to cancel the introduction of the Hexicon suppository - even in such an environment, chlorhexidine bigluconate (the main component in the composition) continues to “work”, although its effectiveness is slightly reduced.

When to use and when not to

The official instructions for the drug in question indicate that it can be used to prevent diseases of infectious etiology and treatment (inflammatory process in the vagina) of bacteriological etiology, vaginitis of various origins.

Emergency prevention

If there was an accidental sexual intercourse without a condom, there is no certainty in the "purity" of the partner, then you can use Hexicon (candles) to carry out emergency prevention of sexual infections. A woman will have to insert a candle into the vagina, which will help her protect herself from such unpleasant pathologies as gonorrhea, bacterial vaginitis.

Note:prophylaxis with Hexicon suppositories is an emergency, so it is important to inject the medicine into the vagina within the first two hours after unprotected / doubtful intercourse. After the specified time has passed, the drug in question will not have the proper effect - the causative agent of the disease will already penetrate the vaginal mucosa and it will not work to neutralize it with the Hexicon candle.

Therapeutic appointments

Hexicon suppositories often become the drug of choice for gynecologists and venereologists - they are prescribed for the treatment of various diseases, but as a rule, they are only one of the components of complex therapy. Only a gynecologist can assess the feasibility of using the drug in question, who can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the stage of the course of the disease and the existing complications.

Often, Hexicon suppositories are prescribed to women before the birth process (not in all cases) and artificial termination of pregnancy, examination of the uterine cavity, and installation of an intrauterine device. This is done to prevent the development of inflammatory and / or infectious complications after these procedures / manipulations / processes.

Contraindications and possible side effects

In general, the drug in question is well tolerated by patients. The only contraindication is intolerance or too pronounced sensitivity to the main component from the Hexicon candles. Such women may develop allergy symptoms in places where there was contact with the drug.

As for side effects, they are also rare, if they occur, they are expressed in dry skin, impaired taste perception, staining of tooth enamel. Some women complain that against the background of the use of Hexicon suppositories, their palms periodically sweat heavily - this lasts only 5 minutes, but it causes discomfort. Such a sharp increased sweating is also considered a side effect, but practically does not affect the general health of the patient.

Note:contraindications to the use of the drug in question are not the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the substances from the composition of Hexicon suppositories act only locally and cannot penetrate into the woman's bloodstream.

How to use Hexicon candles

If the doctor has prescribed the drug in question for the treatment of a sexual disease, then a suppository should be inserted into the vagina twice a day, and it should be located as deep as possible in it. This is usually done in the morning and evening, but keep in mind that in the morning it is better to lie down for an hour after the introduction of the candle - during this time the drug will have the proper effect, otherwise it will simply leak onto the gasket.

As a rule, the course of therapeutic use of the drug in question is 7-10 days, only in special cases the doctor can determine the course of therapy in 20 days. If the treatment with Hexicon suppositories did not end before the onset of menstruation, then even with bloody vaginal discharge, it is impossible to interrupt the course of therapy - and in this case, the active substance of the drug in question will “work” to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

If Hexicon suppositories are prescribed by a doctor as a prophylaxis of inflammatory or infectious processes after certain medical manipulations, then they are administered 1 suppository once a day and it is better to do this in the evening, before bedtime.

Features of the use of Hexicon candles

If a woman takes medications saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium carboxymethylcellulose, then you need to tell your doctor about this - Hexicon suppositories are not compatible with them.

It is not necessary to use soap or gels at the same time as inserting Hexicon suppositories into the vagina, and any detergents that involve inserting them into the vagina.

During a specific therapeutic / treatment course with the drug in question, it is advisable to exclude sexual intercourse until complete recovery.

Hexicon suppository is a unique drug in its own way, which is used both for treatment and for emergency / planned prophylaxis, but at the same time does not affect the composition of the vaginal microflora at all. Still, its independent use as a medicine should not be allowed - it is advisable to seek qualified medical help and get competent advice. As for the use of Hexicon suppositories as a prophylaxis (we are talking about the likelihood of contracting sexual infections during unprotected intercourse), it should be remembered that this measure is urgent and therefore can only be carried out occasionally.

It's mid-April, spring is in full swing - this is the best time for crazy love adventures and stormy romances. If you get carried away, it’s easy to lose your head, and you don’t want to think about the consequences in advance! Alas, not all novels last long, and men can leave behind not only pleasant memories, but also various unpleasant infections. It depends only on you whether you can not lose your own health this spring. What to do if passion is dizzy, but there is no condom at hand or your partner refuses to use it, referring to various reasons?

Protection that never fails

There is a time interval from the moment of infection with a sexually transmitted infection until the onset of the development of the disease. As a rule, this interval is approximately two hours. Therefore, Hexicon should be used to prevent sexual infections as early as possible, but no later than two hours after intercourse.

The danger of getting infected from your sexual partner in our time should not be taken lightly. Among all other infections, sexually transmitted infections are the most common, and the number of cases is growing from year to year. This is not strange: often people themselves may not be aware of their disease and “share” their disease with their sexual partners for years. According to statistics, the number of women suffering from sexually transmitted infections is greater than the number of infected men. A particularly high percentage of diseases in the age group of 20-29 years. If you want to protect yourself from such "surprises", then the ideal solution is a drug.

This drug can be attributed to the emergency prevention of sexual infections. It is applied after sexual contact. And even when sexual intimacy is already over, you can still protect yourself from unpleasant "surprises".

The use of just one candle minimizes the risk of infection with such "popular" infections as genital herpes, chlamydia, trichomaniosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and does not harm women's health. The main condition is the use of the drug no later than 2 hours after intimacy.

Hexicon is available in the form of vaginal suppositories - this is one of the simplest and most reliable "methods of delivery" of the medicinal substance directly to the site of possible infection for women.

If the infection caught you by surprise...

Unfortunately, spring is not only a time for love, but also a time of exacerbations of various diseases, including diseases of the “female” sphere. Now it is not at all difficult to “catch” some kind of infection, and not necessarily sexually transmitted.

It will come to your rescue in this case too. After all, it can be used not only as a means for the prevention of sexual infections, but also as a means for the treatment of common and known to many women of vaginal infections! Especially for this, there is a packaging of the Hexicon preparation, where the package contains ten vaginal suppositories at once. It is convenient to use the drug in such packaging when a whole course of treatment is ahead.

It is important that it preserves the normal microflora of the vagina - the drug does not violate the functional activity of beneficial lactobacilli.

In the treatment of vaginal infections, suppositories are much more convenient to use than vaginal tablets. Candles do not need to be soaked under running water, and due to their plastic base, they do not injure the mucous membrane at all. Smoothly spreading, suppositories evenly distribute the active substance along the walls of the vagina, which contributes to a quick recovery from diseases.

Indicated for the treatment of non-fungal infections. For treatment, you need to apply one candle twice a day. A full course can last from seven to ten days. But do not forget that if you need help, you should first contact your gynecologist - treatment can only be started after consulting a doctor!

It is recommended not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of exacerbations of vaginal infections. Previously, in such cases, douching was recommended. But, as practice has shown, douching is harmful to women's health. This procedure is fraught with many "pitfalls".

Frequent douching increases the risk of developing allergic reactions and irritates the tissues, washing away the natural lubricant. The main danger of douching is that they change the acidic environment of the vagina, and this inhibits the natural (beneficial) microflora. As a result, a woman develops a disease - bacterial vaginosis. The uncontrolled reproduction of harmful microorganisms in this disease contributes to the fact that the infection can go up the cervical canal into its cavity, fallopian tubes and ovaries. According to American scientists, douching triples the risk of infection and inflammation.

To replace douching in order to prevent exacerbations of vaginal infections, it is recommended to use a suppository at night. The candle acts on the principle of a therapeutic bath. When dissolved, it flows out, washing out pathological secretions, and the medicinal substance contributes to the normalization of the vaginal flora.

Simultaneously with the use of Hexicon suppositories for prevention and treatment, you should not use intimate hygiene products that contain soap. The same goes for vaginal showers. The fact is that soap inactivates the medicinal substance of Hexicon suppositories, and souls reduce the concentration of the drug in the vagina.

For women suffering from exacerbations of female infections less than 3 times a year, it is best to prevent diseases with Hexicon suppositories, 1 suppository at night for 5 days. The course should be started 5 days before the expected period. The course is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year (spring and autumn), when your own immunity is reduced.

Women who suffer from exacerbations of the disease more than 3 times a year are recommended to use the same scheme (1 suppository at night for 5 days, start the course 5 days before menstruation), but immediately before each menstruation.

Be that as it may, these "magic candles" will never be redundant either in your first aid kit or in your purse. After all, as you know, there is no such thing as too much protection!

Don't let sickness spoil your spring.
Your safety is in your hands!

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