What are the sensations after using the medicine of madder extract. Madder dyeing - medicinal properties and application. Useful properties of madder

Madder tinting resembles in external characteristics, as it has small flowers, thorns, dense elongated leaves, collected in a ring around the stem.

It grows in the Crimea, North Africa, Asia Minor, Azerbaijan, Dagestan; can grow up to two meters due to creeping stems.

This plant is a source of natural dye, which was used on a large scale in the textile industry until the end of the 19th century. However, today the medicinal properties of madder are more valued, which can come to the aid of a person with quite serious diseases. Madder dye - useful properties and contraindications of a perennial plant are described in this article.

Chemical composition

Madder dye will help get rid of many diseases

The benefits and harms of madder dye are determined by its composition. It is rich in a wide variety of substances that have a positive effect on the body, in particular, are useful for the kidneys, heart, blood vessels.
The plant contains the following components:

  • cardiac glycosides;
  • pectins;
  • sugar;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • vitamin C;
  • iridoids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • anthraquinones.

In addition, the plant contains minerals, in particular, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, boron. It is also a source of acids: malic, tartaric and citric. Among other things, the composition of vegetable raw materials contains carbohydrates, proteins, tannins and a natural dye.

plant benefits

To a greater extent, the root of madder dye has medicinal properties. There are many drugs based on this component. The root has a diuretic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic effect, promotes the excretion of bile and stones.
Therefore, madder dye has the following indications for use:

  • ascites;
  • diseases and pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • rickets;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • anemia;
  • gout;
  • diseases of the spleen;
  • tuberculosis, including intestinal;
  • dysentery;
  • sciatica.

In addition, the plant can be used externally. In this case, it is used for ulcers, skin cancer, rosacea, ringworm. It helps to lighten pigment spots. However, the most common area of ​​application of madder root is the treatment of urolithiasis, since due to the nephrolitic action, stones are effectively removed from the bladder and kidneys.

You will learn more about the benefits of the plant from the video:

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Harm and contraindications

Madder dye - grass, extract from it or another form of remedy - has a number of contraindications and consumption rates. In fact, this is a drug, so it is important to follow the instructions so as not to worsen the condition and not lead to side effects.
It is advisable to refrain from self-administration of a medicine containing this plant in the following cases:

  • with gastritis;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • with violations of the liver and kidneys, the presence of their pathologies;
  • with hypersensitivity.

In addition, pregnant women and nursing mothers take funds with caution. Be sure to consult with your doctor first. Also, according to the instructions for use, madder extract, drops, decoction, infusion based on it can be consumed only after a meal, more precisely, after 40 minutes, since the plant has an irritating effect.

The doctor must describe the treatment regimen, which must be adhered to. If it is neglected, the dosage is changed, then as a result, madder dye will cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions or exacerbation of inflammatory processes. During administration, an insignificant change in the color of urine is possible, however, treatment should be abandoned or the dosage should be reduced if an intense red-brown color appears.


Features of the use and contraindications of the herb madder dye depend largely on the choice of dosage form. In folk medicine, tinctures, decoctions, infusions, herbal teas are prepared from the plant. Pharmacies can offer madder extract in the form of tablets, drops, powder. Madder grass dye in all these variants will have different instructions for use. In addition, in medicine, not the leaves of the plant are more often used, but its root, which has a different application pattern from the greenery of the plant.

In folk medicine

How to take tablets, drops, which are based on madder dye extract, can be found in the instructions for the drug. 2-3 tablets are dissolved in 0.5 cups of water and taken three times a day. Drops are also dissolved in water, drunk twice a day. Usually the norm is 20 drops. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are prepared using the root and rhizome of the plant.

In folk medicine, galangal root is also widely used.

The following recipes are common:

  • Decoction. For preparation, the raw materials are ground to a powder state. It will take one and a half cups of boiling water and 1 tsp. received raw materials. The remedy is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered, drunk three times a day, half a glass of decoction is considered the norm, and the optimal time for taking is an interval 40 minutes after eating;
  • Infusion. First pour 1 tsp. raw materials in crushed form with cold water in a volume of 200 ml. The mixture is kept for 8 hours, filtered and poured again with 200 ml of boiling water. This drug is infused for 15 minutes, filtered and mixed with the previous infusion. You need to drink the mixture per day in two divided doses.

The use of a decoction is necessary to remove salts from the joints.
This is true for such diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout;
  • polyarthritis;
  • arthritis.

The infusion is used as an analgesic, necessary in the presence of gallstone disease. In addition, it is prescribed for cholecystitis.

In cosmetology

Thanks to its antiseptic, rejuvenating, cleansing and whitening properties, madder is used in cosmetology. It is an assistant in the process of getting rid of inflammation, acne, rashes, and contributes to the treatment of skin diseases. Plant-based products eliminate freckles and age spots. In addition, the root is able to rejuvenate the skin, give it elasticity, freshness and a healthy look.

There are ready-made creams, lotions, masks with the addition of this natural ingredient. However, you can also prepare useful care products on your own. To give the skin smoothness, silkiness, tenderness and elasticity, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of a decoction of madder dye. For cooking, you need to boil for 5 minutes in 2 liters of water 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs. The resulting liquid is added to the bath, in which you should spend about 15 minutes.
This product is also great for washing to care for the skin of the face. You can add a decoction, infusion or powder from the plant to a variety of masks. Pharmaceutical extract is also suitable.

Madder dye preparations are also used for hair care, you can add, for example, powder to shampoo, mask, rinse. To revitalize the hair, give it a natural shine and silkiness, rinsing it with a decoction or infusion of a medicinal plant after shampooing will help.

To give your hair a reddish tint, you can make a mask:


Madder dye is very useful in the fight against urolithiasis, it effectively removes stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, and eliminates pain. On its basis, pharmacies have drugs that help to cope with ailments. In addition, there is an extract of the plant, dry powder from the root and rhizome. The latter option is great for preparing infusions and decoctions that are used in traditional medicine, cosmetology, when skin and hair care is required.

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Medicinal herbs have been and remain one of the most affordable types of treatment for diseases. Since ancient times, people suffering from kidney diseases have resorted to folk methods and herbal treatment. One of the most famous plants that help solve kidney problems is madder. Today it is used as an additional therapy in complex treatment in the form of herbal preparations. And this is justified, because natural substances have a number of advantages compared to synthetic drugs. How madder dye helps with kidney stones, we will try to tell in our article.

Reasons for the formation of stones

Kidney stones can form under the influence of various factors. Experts conditionally divide these factors into two groups:

  • endogenous factors. When stones are formed due to the anatomical structure of organs, as well as with hereditary predisposition;
  • exogenous factors. Influence of drinking water quality or lack of fluid intake, poor-quality food, exposure to toxic substances, lifestyle, climatic living conditions.

Depending on where exactly the stones are located, the symptoms and treatment can vary significantly. In addition, the choice of treatment method is influenced by the size of the stones and their chemical composition. These indicators are directly dependent on nutrition and metabolism. There are solid formations ranging in size from several millimeters or more. There are cases when kidney stones reached a size of 10 cm.

grass properties

Madder tinting is a perennial shrub with a powerful main root that has thick branches. Roots are reddish-brown in color. The stems of the plant are thin, highly branched, climbing, rough, have thorns. The yellowish-green flowers are collected in inflorescences, the diameter of each flower is about 1.5 cm. The fruits are with a stone, up to 5 mm in size, black. The juice of the madder fruit permanently stains fabrics in dark red shades.

Regions of growth and cultivation: Caucasus, Crimean peninsula, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan. Under natural growing conditions, it is found in open spaces: meadows, forest edges, vineyards, abandoned gardens, pebbles, etc.

The coloring properties of this plant have long been used to dye wool and skin in shades of red. At the same time, the color fastness was not inferior to dyes created synthetically. Currently, madder dye is not used for dyeing fabrics and leather products, due to the development of the chemical industry. Now its medicinal properties are used in medicine.

Medicinal qualities of madder dye

For medicinal purposes, madder root is used. The action of the root of the plant is aimed at loosening and removing stones from the kidneys, which distinguishes this remedy from other herbal preparations. In addition, it has a diuretic, analgesic and antibacterial effect, the acidity of urine is significantly reduced, and blood pressure is normalized. Due to the set of these qualities of madder, stones from the kidneys are removed painlessly.

Madder root loosens stones, which consist of salts of uric, phosphoric acid, magnesium and calcium. This is facilitated by the presence of sugars, proteins, a number of organic acids, pectin, ascorbic acid and inorganic elements in the composition of the plant root. And in the aerial part of the plant, in particular in leaves and flowers, phenolcarboxylic acids, carbohydrates, rutin and other natural substances useful for the human body are contained.

Madder dye for kidney stones

When treated with madder, urine turns pink-red.

Based on the root, the following dosage forms of traditional medicine are made:

  • Powder;
  • dry extract;
  • Tablets;
  • As part of complex herbal preparations for the treatment of kidney diseases.

Alternative medicine uses the root to prepare:

  • Decoctions;
  • Nastoev;
  • tinctures;
  • Powders;
  • extracts.

Attention! When treated with madder, urine becomes pink-red. When staining urine in a brown color, you should immediately consult a doctor!

As a rule, the treatment does not cause side effects, but uncontrolled use is not recommended. It is also not recommended to take madder during pregnancy and lactation.

Features of the diet in the treatment of madder

Throughout the course of treatment with drugs based on madder dye, a special diet should be followed.

First of all, it is necessary to limit the use of products containing citric and oxalic acid. Sorrel, rhubarb, figs, purslane, barberry, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries contain these acids in excess. It is also necessary to exclude cocoa, chocolate, various sour sauces, marinades, spinach, citrus fruits from the diet.

Nutrition should be rich in vitamins of group B, group A. For example, pears, non-acidic apples, plums, watermelon, melon, beets, cucumbers, vegetable oil, boiled or steamed cereals and other foods.

Madder grass belongs to the madder family. This is a perennial plant with a strong root system, which is formed by a central rhizome and small, creeping roots.

The stem is erect, thin, has a rough surface, a tetrahedral surface. Plant height varies from 30 cm to one and a half meters.

Leaves dense structure, ovate-lanceolate. The width of the sheet plate is 3 cm, length - 8 cm.

The lower part of the plate is covered with bristles. On the stems, the leaves are collected in rings of 4-6 pieces. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, have a yellowish-green hue, located at the ends of the branches. The flowering period of madder begins in June and lasts until September. At the end of flowering, fruits ripen on the plant - black drupes.

Madder under natural conditions grows in the territory of Azerbaijan, Crimea, North Africa, Dagestan, Asia Minor. Prefers to grow in bright areas in woods, meadows and along hedgerows. In ancient times, madder was used by many peoples as a source of rich red dye. For quite a long time, scientists have bred new plant varieties to obtain a more resistant and bright paint.

To date, the industrial use of madder has somewhat lost its relevance. However, the medicinal properties of madder dye are widely known and in demand in folk and traditional medicine to this day.

Chemical composition

The rhizome of the plant contains:

  • acids (malic, tartaric, citric);
  • Sahara;
  • proteins;
  • vitamin C;
  • pectin substances;
  • anthraquinones.

The ground part of the madder is rich in:

  • carbohydrates;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • routine.

For therapeutic purposes, the underground part is used - the roots and rhizomes of madder.

The richest chemical composition of medicinal raw materials is preserved only under the condition of proper collection and preparation. The best period for harvesting roots is early spring or late autumn. The roots must be dug up, cleared of the ground and kept in the bright sun for some time.

Then the raw materials are laid out on fabrics and dried in a dark place with a good ventilation system. If a dryer is used to dry the rhizomes, the temperature regime is selected from +45 to +50 degrees. The shelf life of prepared raw materials is two years.

If you are collecting medicinal herbs yourself, there are some dangers you should be aware of. For example, horsetail is a poisonous plant and only one variety of it is good for health. , as well as composition and contraindications.

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Pharmacological properties

Due to its diuretic properties, madder is able to exert a bactericidal effect on the body, eliminating microbes belonging to the coccal group. At the same time, the tone is normalized and the peristalsis of the muscles of the renal pelvis and ureters is activated. This contributes to the removal of stones and sand.

Freshly picked madder dye with root

In addition, the plant has a destructive effect on stones, gradually loosening their structure. Experts note that madder dye acts most actively against stones formed by calcium and magnesium phosphate salts, that is, calcium phosphate (mixed group).

Treatment with madder helps eliminate pain, normalize the process of urination, and activate water-salt metabolism in the body. It should be noted that the medicinal plant helps to increase the acidity of the stomach.

A few hours after taking madder dye inside, the color of the urine becomes red. The change in the color of urine lasts throughout the day.


  1. in traditional medicine. Madder dye (root) is used as an effective antispasmodic and diuretic. The drug helps to soften the structure of stones with a high content of phosphates, as well as oxalates. In addition, the plant is prescribed to eliminate spasms when removing stones from the body.
  2. In folk medicine. The drug is used for similar purposes and for bruises and dislocations.

Traditional medicine prefers the use of madder in the form of tablets, drops and extract. In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions and ointments are prepared from madder.

Indications for appointment

Various dosage forms of madder dye are prescribed for:

  • kidney disease;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • diseases of the spleen;
  • rickets;
  • tuberculosis, including intestinal;
  • ascites;
  • dysentery;
  • gout;
  • anemia;
  • sciatica.
Madder dye can be administered externally for:
  • ulcers;
  • rosacea;
  • skin cancer;
  • dermatomycoses.

With the help of a medicinal plant lighten age spots.

Most often, madder is prescribed for urolithiasis, as it has a pronounced nephrolitic effect, due to which stones are removed from the kidneys and bladder.


Madder dye is a full-fledged drug, the careless use of which can provoke a deterioration in well-being. Medicinal preparations based on madder are contraindicated in:

  • severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys, with a violation of their activity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis.

Madder has an irritating effect, which is why preparations from the plant should be taken forty minutes after eating. It is important to strictly follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the specialist throughout the entire period of therapy.

Madder dye in the natural environment

With an independent change in the treatment regimen, the manifestation of side effects is possible:

  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  • allergic reactions.

A slight change in the color of urine is not a side effect, however, if the urine becomes brown-red, the dosage of the drug should be reduced or treatment should be stopped.

dissolving stones

The choice of dosage form of madder dye depends on the characteristics of the disease:

  • places of localization;
  • form and severity of leakage;
  • the desired result.
  1. Decoction. It is prescribed to remove salts from the joints of the extremities. For cooking, you will need one teaspoon of raw materials and one and a half cups of boiling water. Raw materials must be ground to a powder state, pour water and boil for ten minutes. Then the broth after complete cooling is filtered. You need to drink a medicinal drink in half a glass three times daily.
  2. Infusion. The infusion helps to eliminate the pain syndrome with stones in the gallbladder. To prepare the product, one teaspoon of raw materials is poured into a glass of water at room temperature, and aged for eight hours. Then the mixture must be filtered, pour the remaining raw materials with a glass of boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, the infusion must be filtered. The two received medicinal liquids are mixed and drunk during the day for two times.
  3. Tincture. The remedy is prescribed for urolithiasis, detected at the initial stage, as well as for inflammation of the kidneys and diseases of the joints. The drug is taken in a teaspoon forty minutes after a meal, while it is important to drink enough water throughout the day.
  4. Herbal tea. Madder dye is the main component of the medicinal collection, which helps to soften and remove stones of various localization. In addition to madder, the composition includes birch leaves, chamomile inflorescences. To prepare a drink, one collection bag is poured with a glass of hot water (but not boiling water) and infused for about five minutes. It is necessary to drink such a healing drink once daily, preferably in the evening, not earlier than an hour after eating. On average, the course of therapy lasts from three weeks to a month. It is desirable to carry out the course of treatment once a year.
  5. Extract of madder dye in tablets. The instruction is as follows: capsules are taken three times a day, two or three pieces. Before use, the tablets are dissolved in half a glass of water. It is advisable to drink a healing solution every day at the same time. The course of therapy is designed for three weeks or a month. Repeated treatment is possible in a month.
  6. Drops. Madder dye in drops is used to dissolve oxalates, eliminate swelling and stabilize the functioning of the kidneys. The drug is taken as follows: 20 drops should be dissolved in a small amount of water and drunk twice daily with meals. The course of therapy is one month.
  7. Powder. This form of madder dye effectively eliminates pain when a large stone leaves the body. It should be taken two to three times daily with boiled water.
  8. Cystenal. Medicinal product based on madder dye. This is a tincture, which, in addition to madder, includes essential oils, ethanol and magnesium salicylate. It is prescribed for urolithiasis, cystitis. The tincture is taken orally three to five drops three times a day. The drug must be dissolved in water or on a piece of sugar. Reception time - during meals. The course of therapy ranges from several weeks to a month.

A herbaceous perennial from the Rubiaceae family among the people has several names - marina, marzana, krapp (krap), petiolate or Georgian madder. Its Latin name (Rubia tinctorum) comes from the words rubber, which translates as "red", and tinctorus - "dye".

Madder root is considered a natural dye, which was used in the textile industry until the end of the 19th century. Today, this plant is valued for its medicinal properties. You will learn about the healing properties and contraindications of the red root from this material.

Outwardly, the plant resembles St. John's wort: small flowers, elongated dense leaves, curling into a ring around the stem, sharp small spikes. The stalk of madder is thin, covered with rough bark. In height, it can reach one and a half meters.

The leaves are wide and dense, covered with sharp bristles along the edge. Madder blooms with small greenish-yellow flowers that resemble St. John's wort inflorescences. A powerful root system consists of the main root and numerous thin roots covered with brown bark.


The grass madder is found in Georgia, in the mountains of the Crimea, in Asia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan. The plant takes root in the mountains, forests, meadows. Sometimes found in gardens. The genus madder has more than 55 species, but only two of them have medicinal properties: dyeing and Georgian.

Madder root

This herb was first used in the textile industry. Dyes from the madder root made it possible to dye various natural fabrics - silk, cotton, wool. Now the plant is used in folk and traditional medicine.

Traditional healers use this medicinal herb to prepare tinctures, decoctions and powders that alleviate the condition in many serious diseases. In traditional medicine, the complex drug Cystenal has become widespread. The composition of the drops includes: an extract from the rhizome of madder dye, magnesium salicylate, ethyl alcohol, eucalyptus, anise, fenicle essential oils, olive and castor oil.

This drug is prescribed for spasms and inflammation of the urinary canals, urolithiasis. Take Cystenal five drops half an hour before meals. After conducting the necessary examinations and consulting with a doctor, a specialist can increase the dosage or extend the course of treatment. Taking drops during meals reduces acidity. Treatment continues for a month.

Chemical composition

The rich chemical composition determines the medicinal properties of the roots of madder dye. They contain:

  • tartaric, citric, malic organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • vitamin C;
  • anthraquinones;
  • pectins;
  • sugar;
  • iridoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • essential oils containing phenols;
  • proteins;
  • tannins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • natural dye;
  • magnesium.

Medicinal properties

Madder herb has powerful nephrolitic properties. The substances contained in this plant act destructively on kidney stones and contribute to their excretion. Medicines made from the root of the plant relieve pain and spasms, normalize the water-salt balance, loosen phosphates and oxalates.

Traditional healers successfully cleanse the body of toxins and toxins with herbs. Getting into the stomach, madder preparations stimulate the production of gastric juice, have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase the excretion of bile, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

In addition, this medicinal plant cleanses the blood, improves immunity and promotes cell renewal. Coumarins, which are part of the herb, destroy malignant cells, preventing the appearance of neoplasms. The juice obtained from the madder root is effective for rickets and abdominal pain. Decoctions and tinctures of madder remove excess salt from the body, helping in the fight against osteochondrosis and joint diseases. When the root is supplemented with other ingredients, wounds and bruises can be cured, skin rashes can be cleansed.

Procurement of raw materials

This work can be done twice a year. The most suitable for this is early spring - from March to early April. You can use another option - to harvest healing raw materials from the beginning of August until the onset of the first cold weather.

The plant is dug out of the ground, the soil is shaken off the roots, the stems are cut and the roots are dried in the shade or in a special drying chamber at a temperature of +45 ° C. Raw materials retain their healing properties for two years.

Use of madder

The medicinal properties and contraindications of the red root largely depend on the chosen dosage form. It has already been said that traditional healers prepare decoctions, tinctures, herbal teas and infusions from madder. In pharmacies, they offer to buy an extract of madder dye, which can be in the form of drops, powder or tablets.

In different forms, madder grass has different application rules. More often in medicine, not the aerial part of the plant is used, but the root, the use of which differs from the greenery of the plant.

How to take drugs

Madder drops are used to remove calcium oxalates. They cause kidney stones. In accordance with the instructions, 20 drops of the drug are diluted in a glass of water. Take the remedy before meals twice a day for a month.

Tablets from the root of madder dye should be taken in 2-3 pieces, having previously dissolved them in a glass of warm water. Treatment lasts from 20 days to a month, depending on the doctor's recommendations.

Judging by the reviews of people, after treatment with madder dye, if a person neglected contraindications, his chronic diseases may worsen. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist and strictly follow the instructions for using the drugs.

Powder for kidney stones

Madder root in urolithiasis dissolves stones, promotes their painless removal, reduces the accumulation of harmful phosphates and salts in the ducts. To prepare the medicinal preparation, it is necessary to dilute 1 gram of plant root powder in 100 ml of water. The resulting remedy is taken three times a day before meals.

In the treatment of urolithiasis, a complete medical examination should be performed. Products that contain citric and oxalic acid are excluded from the patient's diet. Be sure to prescribe vitamin complexes.

Treatment of cystitis

Due to the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of madder root, the infusion is used for cystitis. To prepare it, the fresh root of a small plant is poured into a glass of cold purified water, then infused for eight hours. The infused composition is filtered, and the crushed root is poured again with 200 ml of boiling water. Strain the second part of the infusion after a quarter of an hour. Then mix both parts.

Divide the infusion into two servings and drink them throughout the day. This composition relieves inflammation, discomfort and pain.

Decoction for gout

How to brew the root of madder dye to remove salt deposits during padagra, normalize metabolism and improve the condition of the joints? It is necessary to pour one tablespoon of root powder with boiling water (300 ml), put the container on low heat. Bring the composition to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Cool at room temperature and strain the decoction.

Take 100 ml of decoction three times a day 40 minutes after eating. Already after 10 days of taking the drug, the patient feels a decrease in joint pain, an increase in motor activity.

Infusion for prostatitis

With the help of herbal collection, you can relieve inflammation in the prostate gland. It is necessary to prepare dry madder root, calendula flowers, wild rose, shepherd's purse, wintergreen and angelica in one spoon (tea). Pour boiling water (300 ml) over one tablespoon (tablespoon) of herbal collection and let it brew for two hours. Strain the resulting product and divide into three doses. Healing infusion is taken before meals for 10 weeks.

Use in cosmetology

Thanks to its rejuvenating, antiseptic, bleaching and cleansing properties, madder is used in cosmetology. It is a great helper in the fight against inflammation, rashes, acne and the treatment of skin diseases. With the help of madder-based products, age spots and freckles can be eliminated.

In addition, the root of the plant can give the skin freshness, rejuvenate it, give elasticity and a healthy look. Today you can buy ready-made creams, masks, lotions with the addition of this natural ingredient. If desired, you can also prepare your own skin care products.

To make the skin smooth, silky, tender and elastic, it is recommended to take a bath with a decoction of madder root. To prepare it, it is necessary to boil two tablespoons (tablespoons) of dry root in two liters of water for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is added to the bath. The procedure lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. The decoction can be used for washing, added to various masks. If desired, you can use a pharmacy extract.

Application in veterinary medicine

In our pets, diseases of the internal organs often cause metabolic disorders. Medicines containing madder root in their composition stop the development of pathologies of the urinary system. Our pets suffer from stones in the bladder and kidneys no less than people. Madder will help to remove them from the body.

Divide a madder-based drug tablet into four parts. Grind one quarter and dissolve in a spoon (table) of water. Draw the resulting product into a syringe without a needle. Give your pet the medicine twice a day before meals. With advanced disease, the dosage is increased. Your pet should be examined by a veterinarian before using this remedy.

Despite the fact that the madder root has a wide range of indications, contraindications to the use of preparations based on it are associated with the state of the patient's urinary and digestive systems. The use of such drugs is strictly prohibited when:

  • renal failure;
  • some kidney diseases;
  • acute gastritis.

With caution, madder preparations are taken by nursing mothers and pregnant women. In this case, a doctor's consultation is required!

Also, in accordance with the instructions, madder extract, drops based on it should be taken only after meals, since this plant has a rather strong irritating effect.

Before the start of treatment, the doctor, as a rule, describes the treatment regimen, determines the dosage and duration of treatment. If you neglect the recommendations of specialists, then madder can cause serious side effects in the form of exacerbation of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions.

While taking the drugs, a slight change in the color of urine is allowed, but if it acquires an intense red-brown color, treatment should be stopped immediately or the dosage should be reduced.

Madder dye: reviews of people after treatment

As a rule, patients positively evaluate the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system with madder. In most cases, drugs do not cause side effects, so doctors are increasingly prescribing madder dye to their patients. Madder-based preparations have proven themselves in the treatment of urolithiasis. For small stones in the kidneys or bladder, they are very effective.

A feature of this natural remedy is its ability to remove not only oxalates, but also urates - the most unpleasant salts that form stones, like corals or deer antlers. It is extremely difficult to dissolve them, but madder helps to do this without surgical intervention, when alternating with other herbs.

Many patients suffering from gout claim that a decoction of madder root has helped them alleviate the condition. As you know, it is impossible to completely cure this insidious disease, but madder decoction works wonders, it relieves swelling and inflammation, and eliminates severe pain. True, courses of treatment must be carried out several times a year.

The taste of decoctions, tinctures, infusions cannot be called pleasant. The brewed bright red composition is very bitter, but over time you can get used to it. It is important that madder really helps.

There was a period when this culture was used as a dye, forgetting about its beneficial properties.
However, they didn't share it. And the experience of ancient healers made modern medical professionals rethink the meaning of madder in the treatment of kidney and liver diseases, and scientists - to fully explore the plant. As a result, medicine has received a powerful natural remedy for the elimination of kidney and gallstones with proven effectiveness and a number of other positive properties.

Botanical characteristic

In Georgia, madder is still used as a natural dye for Easter eggs. Bundles of grass are sold everywhere, because in this area the plant is widespread.


Madder grows wild in the Mediterranean countries, in Asia Minor and Central Asia, in the eastern part of the European continent. Its thickets can be found in the following countries:

  • Turkey;
  • Libya;
  • Lebanon;
  • Georgia;
  • Iran and Iraq;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Ukraine.

Wild madder is found in the European part of Russia and in the Caucasus, since it was there that attempts were made to cultivate the plant for industrial purposes.

For good growth and development, madder needs warmth and moisture. Under dry climatic conditions, the plant weakens, rarely bears fruit. Light, fertile soil is best suited for cultivation, however, in the wild, the plant is not very selective - loam, solonetz, stony and sandy soils with sufficient moisture are suitable for the active vegetation of the plant.

Morphological features

It is a herbaceous perennial, containing dyes in rhizomes and fruits. Its dimensions range from 30 cm to 150 cm. The more favorable the climatic conditions, the stronger and larger the madder grows.

  • Roots. The long fleshy main root, located horizontally, has many rhizomes extending from it, as well as adventitious roots. Specific substances accumulate in the rhizomes of madder, adventitious roots serve to attract moisture. Inside the root is painted in beige-orange color. The bark is reddish brown.
  • stems. Madder is considered a climbing plant, as its thin and flexible stems cling to other grasses and shrubs with the help of thorns on the edges. Stems with four faces are divided into opposite branches.
  • Leaves . They form whorls, gathering in two, four or six pieces. Shape - lanceolate or elliptical. Maximum length - 10 cm, width - 3 cm. The structure of the sheet plate is rigid, the surface is shiny, the color is light green. The edges and veins on the underside have small spikes for traction with other plants.
  • flowers. They appear from June. Painted yellow-green, small, star-shaped corolla. They are located on the tops of stems or peduncles emerging from the axils of the leaves. Madder blooms until August.
  • Fruit. Ripen from August to September. Represented by juicy black drupes, inside of which there is one or two seeds. Madder fruit juice leaves hard-to-remove red stains on clothes.

Reproduction of the plant occurs both from the rhizome and with the help of seeds. For this reason, thickets form over time in the place of growth of one individual.

Procurement of raw materials

The raw materials are dried roots and rhizomes. They are harvested before the start of the growing season or after it ends. The best time is late autumn, when the aerial part of the plant withers completely. Harvest raw materials, given three rules.

  1. Collection. The roots of madder dye are dug up with a shovel, pulled out of the ground along with the aerial part, thoroughly shaken off, after which the grass is cut off.
  2. Training. It is often advised to dry unwashed roots, but in case of severe contamination, it is permissible to quickly rinse with a powerful pressure of cold water. The underground part of the plant is dried from excess moisture in the air, spoiled and damaged roots are selected.
  3. Drying. To dry the madder, you will need to spread the roots in a thin layer on a paper or fabric pallet, which is placed in a shaded place in the air. The accelerated drying happens in the dryer - at a temperature of 45-50ºС.

Store dried roots in linen bags for two years. A dark and well-ventilated room is suitable for storing medicinal raw materials. Madder requires moderate harvesting to preserve its natural sources. The collection of raw materials in one place is carried out every three years, leaving intact young plants, as well as parts of rhizomes in the ground.


The root contains substances of the anthraquinone series, the amount of which is 5-6% by weight of the raw material. It is because of the concentrated chemical composition that madder is considered a potent medicinal raw material, and its use requires the appointment and control of a doctor. Anthraquinone substances are represented by:

  • ruberitric acid;
  • purpurin;
  • haliosin;
  • purpuroxanthine;
  • ribiadin;
  • alizarin;
  • ibericin.

Substances from the anthraquinone group are able to react with salt deposits in the renal pelvis. At the same time, they loosen the structure and facilitate the removal of stones.

organic acids

The raw material of madder dye is also rich in the following acids.

  • Lemon. Stimulates appetite and digestive processes, improving metabolism. Promotes accelerated breakdown of fat-containing compounds and their efficient use as an energy source. Stimulates the protective reactions of the body, promotes the removal of toxins from the cells and the extracellular space of all tissues.
  • Apple. An activator of the body's consumption of energy extracted from fat reserves. Normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Eliminates constipation caused by a decrease in peristalsis of the intestinal muscles. It has the ability to stimulate blood formation.
  • Wine. It has antitoxic, anti-allergic properties. Stimulates the secretion of bile and urine. Normalizes the secretory function of the stomach, eliminating heartburn, a feeling of heaviness.

Other chemicals

Madder rhizomes contain substances from other biochemical groups.

  • triterpenoid compounds. They improve the state of the cardiovascular system: they reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen the vascular walls, normalize blood pressure, and optimize the functioning of the heart muscle. They have the power to activate the detoxification function of the liver, stimulate the adrenal glands, and prevent cancer.
  • Coumarins. Able to destroy atypical cells, prevent tumor metastasis. They also accelerate the process of blood clotting in case of damage, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.
  • Iridoids. Stimulate the immune system, accelerating the maturation of lymphocytes and phagocytes. Show antitumor activity. Relieve pain. Show choleretic and diuretic properties.
  • Flavonoids. Eliminate inflammation, stimulate the heart. Normalize the condition of the vascular walls and metabolism.
  • Tannins. They have enveloping, anti-inflammatory, adsorbing properties. They contribute to the elimination of inflammation in the intestines, accelerate the healing of ulcerative lesions, remove salts of heavy metals from the body.

Madder also contains minerals, ascorbic acid, sugary and protein substances. The rich chemical composition and the presence of biologically active compounds provide a complex and rapid effect of the plant on all systems of the human body.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of culture are based on its main pharmacological actions.

  • Diuretic. The plant is used as part of the complex therapy of urolithiasis, if the calculi found in the kidneys are of a phosphate or oxalate nature.
  • Antispasmodic. The active ingredients of madder help to reduce spasms of the urinary tract during the passage of stones through them, as well as with cystitis. The plant is also useful in acute prostatitis and urethritis.
  • Choleretic. The plant stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and bile, preventing the formation of flakes and gallstones.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Since ancient times, madder has been used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis of the bones and intestines. The use of madder dye is noted for gout, osteochondrosis, because the plant removes deposits from the joints.
  • Painkiller. It manifests itself due to the antispasmodic properties of madder dye.
  • Antibacterial. Extracts from the plant are especially active against bacteria of the coccal group, have an antifungal effect.
  • Antitumor. Madder is used for myomas, fibromyomas, ovarian tumors, malignant lesions of the intestine, as well as for pancreatic cancer.

In folk medicine, madder dye is introduced into herbal preparations for the treatment of constipation, inflammation of the spleen, and also to normalize the ovulatory-menstrual cycle. Bactericidal properties are appropriate for the treatment of skin inflammations, wounds.


The root is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • individual sensitivity to the plant.

With the internal use of the herbal remedy, it is possible to stain the patient's urine in a pinkish or reddish-brown color. In the latter case, adjust the dose of the herb or stop taking it.

Prescription drugs

At home, preparations are prepared from phyto-raw materials according to the following recipes.


Peculiarities. It is used for gout, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, to eliminate inflammation of the spleen. Also used for jaundice and ascites.

Preparation and application

  1. A teaspoon of powder from the roots is poured into 300 ml of boiling water.
  2. Put on a slow fire, boil for ten minutes.
  3. After heating, filter, leave to cool completely.
  4. Take half a glass three times a day, 40 minutes after eating.


Peculiarities. It is used to eliminate pain and spasms in gallstones.

Preparation and application

  1. One teaspoon of crushed root is poured into a glass of cold water.
  2. After eight hours of infusion, the mixture is filtered.
  3. Strained raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, after which they are filtered.
  4. The resulting infusions are mixed.
  5. Take a glass for two approaches throughout the day.


Peculiarities. In folk medicine, this tincture is used to treat stones in the ureters, amenorrhea, anemia, diseases of the spleen.

Preparation and application

  1. A tablespoon of powder from the roots is poured into 100 ml of pharmaceutical alcohol diluted twice.
  2. The remedy is insisted in a dark place for two weeks, after which it is filtered.
  3. Take ten drops three times a day for the treatment of diseases, and 20 drops for colic.

When treating with madder dye, the patient must provide himself with the correct drinking regimen. 1.5 liters of clean water per day is a mandatory minimum.

Ready medicines

In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made products from this plant.

herbal tea

Peculiarities. Sold packaged in filter bags. Contains birch leaves, as well as pharmacy chamomile. It is positioned as a general tonic, since it positively affects the state of the body's defenses, heart function, and also tones the entire excretory system.


  1. The package is filled with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse for five minutes, after which they are taken orally.
  3. Consume in the evening after meals, in courses of four weeks.


Peculiarities. Available in tablets and capsules for internal use. Drinks in monthly courses. Repetition is possible after a month break. The expediency of such treatment is determined by the doctor.


  1. Two or three tablets are dissolved in 150 ml of slightly warmed water.
  2. Take regularly three times a day, always at the same time.


Peculiarities. The drug contributes to the replacement of calcium in oxalate salts with magnesium. Such salts are easily soluble in water, and therefore are excreted from the kidneys without problems. However, madder drops are a drug from a Ukrainian pharmaceutical company and are not sold in Russia.


  1. The drug in the amount of 20 drops is dissolved in 150 ml of boiled water at room temperature.
  2. Take orally twice a day, simultaneously with meals.



  1. 1 g of powder from the roots is taken orally three times a day.
  2. Dry powder is put on the tongue, washed down with half a glass of water.


Peculiarities. It is used for the treatment of nephrolithiasis, as well as for the elimination of regular and acute renal colic.


  1. Standard reception: four drops of the drug are taken orally along with sugar.
  2. For colic: 20 drops of the drug once.
  3. For the prevention of colic: ten drops three times a day for the period prescribed by the doctor.

Non-medical applications

Madder tint is often prescribed by veterinarians for kidney stones or urinary problems in pets where stones block the ureters. The plant quickly loosens the deposits and removes them. The whole process is naturally anesthetized.

For the treatment of cats and dogs, veterinarians prescribe an extract of madder, sold in a pharmacy. The fourth part of the tablet is dissolved in 25 ml of water. The medicine is given to the pet at the rate of 1 ml of solution per 1 kg of weight.

Phyto raw materials are also used for cosmetic purposes.

  • For smooth skin. To care for the skin of the body, baths with madder are taken. Two tablespoons of crushed root pour 2 liters of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for five minutes. After complete cooling, the mixture is filtered and poured into a bath of water.
  • From acne. An ointment is prepared from madder. It is applied to problem areas of the skin twice a day. After 15 minutes, the residue is washed off with warm water. Madder root is ground into powder. Mix a tablespoon of powder with 20 g of petroleum jelly or baby cream.
  • For hair. The plant is used to give red shades to the red or chestnut color of the hair. A tablespoon of crushed madder roots is poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist ten minutes. Another hot infusion pour henna. Leave for a while to highlight natural pigments. The substance is applied to the hair for three hours, after which it is washed off with warm water without shampoo.

The therapeutic use of madder requires a mandatory consultation of a specialist and a hardware examination to assess the size of the stones. With complex therapy using madder dye, even large kidney stones are reduced in size and come out more easily.

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